Message of Hope (2014) | Full Movie | Mickele Hogan | Sean Tivenan | Midi Miller

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you come on there don't give up you gotta at least touch Billy climb it do it slow [Music] tired [Music] there that's it makeup wonders are you serious yeah well I don't know either but mom says I should start worrying about that stuff she says I need to get pretty litter yeah your mom's pretty but you're only a kid and the best baseball player we got besides you of course yeah well besides me don't bring it too much I won't but you stick to baseball there now let's find the baseball scores okay I like that better anyway I think I smell dinner race you thanks mr. Bonelli Oh welcome Sarah so did you kids have fun at the playground lots of fun mrs. Herman early John just gave me I'm the best baseball player we got besides John of course so how's your mom and dad I haven't seen them around lately good you know now I'm just doing that beauty pageant thing for moms so that sounds dumb that's not right you still calling her that but ten years old now that was cute when you were two or three yeah well mom she's cute and snuggly like a teddy bear okay then so tell me more about that beauty pageant yes she's really excited about it mom said good-looking women they get babies like that stuff mm-hmm baseball's on that moon it is love okay okay eat your dinner first and then maybe you can go out [Music] unbelievable you gotta be kidding [Music] yeah James patricio no but my car just broke down Park Delaware yeah hey please quickly I got a meeting thank you you do that so change that's a change yeah okay like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] today's lesson is about the book of Acts so please open your Bibles to the book of Acts okay now to these stories about Peter and John after the appearance of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost on the way to the temple they encountered a man who could not walk yes well what happened to him I'm not sure but perhaps we'll find out in biblical times people who could not walk or had other handicaps we're considered to have some moral failures he was thought that they were being punished by God for either their sin so the sins of their parents but Jesus never believed that to return and he passed on this attitude to his disciples he also passed on God's power to heal so when the men was of the temple and he asked for Peter and John they're able to give him something much more precious than money they gave him the gift to walk again and I believe also the gift of love and hope Peter and John were able to do this through the gift of the Holy Spirit wow that's a miracle from the power of God that's right done from the power of God and Peter told the man I don't have money but I'll give you what I have that's much better than mine that's right Bridget does anyone here have a story about helping a person in need besides getting that person money yes sorry one day my mom took me to get pizza and she gave me $20 to buy the pita so when we got to the pizza place I went and I was waiting in mind okay so when I got to the front of the line the man behind me told the guy behind the counter that he'd pay for my pizza really yeah I told my mom and she said that he was an angel in disguise but dad said no he wasn't that's right sorry I believed that he was an angel - sometimes angels come to us in disguise perhaps dressed us poor this man was not poor but you never know angels of God can come to us at any time even in our dreams over your sleep okay now I have another game but it's more like an offer thank you you're welcome thank you Bridget's catch Hey okay now settle down and remember what I told you now you have money and you have the power to buy and do anything with it it's your choice you could buy anything and do anything you choose Mike go I'll probably get some video games buddy good a sweater John you go um baseball bat sorry go um baseball okay well we have a sweater - baseball bat some video game there seems to be a pattern right everyone wants something just for themselves that's fine that's - it yes I'm not picking on you I just happened to stop here you would harass Witter bunny right uh-huh do you see that man there that one yeah the one sitting on the curb yes he's homeless and I believe he's hungry looks like it do you still want that sweater yeah right because he gets cold and will ring to it right and a girl nice style mean out oh you don't do you see that man outside sitting on the curb yeah the same one as before yeah same one he's still hungry and he's still homeless are you sure you want that baseball bat yeah I'm gonna be a baseball player well if the kid wants to be a baseball player I think he does need a baseball bat right yeah sorry come with me [Music] do you see that man the one sitting on the curb same as before uh-huh now I imagine there's a big storm snowstorm and sitting next to him there is an elderly woman she has snow covering her face she could be your grandmother we don't know [Music] she's called an angry she's starting to fall her face first this could be it for her all of your kids are at home you're warmed you're eating in your laughing and they're out there cold and hungry do you stop when your baseball bats are no I changed my mind I want to go down there and give them my cooking lunch and then use the money that you gave us to get the niqab saying go to the hospital we get better that's exactly what I wanted to hear thank you Sarah go back to your seat one last thing Michael please read for me Matthew 25:40 the king will reply I tell you whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine you did it for me yes that's right we have an angel in this room we're do we have an angel in this room remember all of you remember whether rich or poor we all have choices in life so let's choose life how about cool not today boys yeah Chet okay now go six hundred fold oh you the big winner today why'd you come to cheer you up yeah 20 large got some good college money there yeah my boy Billy I don't know about that I already got two in Princeton two good points but my youngest Michael I don't know about him you don't like then now I gotta go these boys don't have their heads squarely they never will wish I had a boy just my girl Sara I won't accept anything less than perfection for my boys reminds me what true gym parking across the river those bums hang out I pay 80 large for car in the last three weeks I'm gonna take it out of that dealers hide okay you can get on with the story now okay John so anyway this bum comes up to me yes for cash got some nerve yeah you know what I did I just flicked my ash on and walked on by so it's a good many point now I just screw with John Sarah you two okay come on we're good we're okay mrs. Romano you need me hello mom we're good okay we'll be back in a little while which one of those stars you think is heaven how do you know heaven it's a star it must be why where else would it be I think heavens all around us I hope so what do you want to be you know let me go up baseball player what else is there I want to do something big something good baseball players do good what about love and marriage that stuff can wait after baseball and I retire maybe geez the only time you know you seem like your mom is all this adult talk okay I'll stop Sarah John come on in let's go wait remember a pastor answer yeah in class well I choose life I want us all to be together in heaven to see the people I love there where a bear will always be together [Music] rich it to the door [Music] Hey Wow doing these door guys count so girls are we ready for the prom have a few options who are you going with Bonnie maybe al no I'm still considering Joe that nerd from science class no the nerd from math class bitchin I can't go by saying Sarah who are you going with still no date no I'm not going oh we're all going so so are you we just have to find you a date so there's plenty of cute guys left yeah you're much too popular and too pretty to go that's about it oh yeah right what there's two weeks left and everyone's taken Wow mrs. M you look beautiful hey which one of you jerks are gonna take me to the prom no thanks I'd be like taking my sister we all have dates I mean we love you and all but you know like Billy said [Music] I love this girl get her a date girls be good hey why don't you other losers come hang out with us just talking from and girls stuff beside the game starting in ten minutes hey why don't we go see a movie just us girls lemon I'm just gonna go back inside are you sure yeah you too I found them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on I'm mom okay that's me it's always you I am your mom and I could tell with my little girls feeling blue what's going on um how come all the other kids have changed I mean like all of them is that what this is about no honey they haven't changed they're all still your friends just some of the girls have passed you you know like I tell you about that power over men wait dress your makeup style like me please we really got listen stop if that's all you're worried about don't I'll take care of you everything's gonna be okay mom am I pretty like you I mean how's it going there big test not tryna thanks dad well your best has Princeton has some pretty high standards I'm serious on you have to get a perfect score let's do down are you listening [Music] [Music] [Music] again mr. Henshaw it's okay for today thanks again Sarah I couldn't make it without you you're like an angel to me you're my message of hope thank you I'm going up to the shelter if you want to come along I could have a place to sleep there no thanks this is my home here I'm perfectly comfortable but one of these days are convincing see you later mr. Helme Sara I love you thank you see you soon [Music] Thank You jr. it's good to see you here so I'm glad I can help what is it I was wondering if you could do me a favor sure hello mr. McEwan sir right yes sir how can I help you it's pretty hard I mean to say thank you thank you pattern says it may help to speak with you some of the other guys say good things about you too well as you can see I'm not in good shape anymore I lost my job my wife all of my money in the market Ponzi schemes you know I understand I can't go on living like this anymore I guess I don't know who or where to turn to anymore I'm so sorry to bother you you've got better things to do no wait please sit down you came to pastor Han for a reason and she must have some really strong faith in me to ask me to help you she does well I can't stand in your shoes and I know that you've gone through some really tough times but there's always hope you know some of the other guys here they've gotten through some really difficult times but with a little faith I know you can get through it too it'll get better it always does sometimes god works in ways you can't see or understand I know you might feel cheated and did not expect life to turn out this way that's right Mike my wife she just left she couldn't go on living without the money we were used to do you have any children no no children well I think once you get back up on your feet you'll find a new job and a new girl matter of fact I know it think so no so just hang in there stay positive I've never been a man of much faith I guess now's a good time to start the best time no I can't take this that's not why I agreed to speak Lee no please take it I understand but if I can eat well then so should you that's very generous of you I'm greatly appreciated I think you just need a push in the right direction and things will turn out better than they were it'll be tough I'll try to be hopeful you've done enough Wow that's that's too much really I won't miss it you know I think if you just find a place to stay for a while you can start taking interviews I don't know how to thank you I'll pay you back once I get a job [Music] [Music] scary oh my gosh but I'd find you here guess what what I think I did something good today tell me about it well first I hope my dad doesn't kill me dad I gotta tell you something look at the last transaction of their what in the world were you thinking he's just trying to help hell he's a lousy bum ma J bar status honey what please explain this to me because I don't understand your you know you he's just gonna use the money for drugs and booze he's a bum he's homeless because he's a lousy stinking that well the truth mr. Rickey ran just had a bad break oh it's mr. McHugh ''tis since how long you been on formal terms with these bonds mr. McEwan has dignity too dad just like you dignity just like you what are you teaching her cuz that he is not just like me he has no dignity I support my family I support you why did you send me to Christian school if you're gonna treat people like that do you really need the money that badly yes I do because I worked my butt off for that money where's your compassion though what would have been better if I spent the money on clothes and makeup lousy mom dad you don't even know me you don't even know what I do dad you don't even talk to me [Music] [Music] hey did you guys see what Jenna was wearing today she did look like a little you know what she look pretty hot to me yeah you're a guy big shocker the tighter the better for you but I liked what Kim was wearing that was hot yeah and I liked the way she did her hair today - it's just really cute I agree got the game tomorrow right prom yet no well yeah speaking of the game has anybody seen Mike no I didn't see him today no come the gate was in class are you serious what I didn't do anything I was looking right at she's a bum that could have gotten a shirt my dude - call him that what Sarah we're just kidding sorry overreacting okay guys we have to have a big party to celebrate graduation this summer I'm not going if this trick is there okay okay sorry yeah good you owe me now yeah sure uh as I was saying before the kid nausea over there started in we need to have a big party we can out at my place and invite at the school there'll be plenty of those let's just have one for us before we head off to college hey Bonnie want to be my date nope okay I can't wait for college a lot of rich guys at Harvard just think marriage great house for kids on the boys will go to Harvard - of course of course they'll be presidents CEOs you know you're just gonna go to college to marry a rich guy and then you already have your kids lives planned out yeah well I want a career myself what I'm not just a pretty face you know might say oh we're gonna go to college for careers yeah sure well I'm looking forward to summer break first I'm going to spend it on the beach maybe flirt with a lifeguard yeah I have a lot of new outfits done Dale - who cares nobody's gonna be looking at you anyway anyway let's talk more about our graduation party party sounds good [Music] hey Vera everything okay sure what I know you uh I don't know it off I'm fine you sure the shelter no really I'm fine okay you know I may be worried about going on college you know Oh we'll still talk yeah I guess I'm just nervous go play your game [Music] games tomorrow so dad I should probably get going yeah see you later [Music] hey hey you ready to go shopping well shopping is fun for you not really for me really I'm not really seeing anything here that your dad's gonna like you know he likes the good stuff [Music] [Music] yesterday did you see that these two boys had it good for me I still got it but look what you're wearing there's a purpose behind all of this Sarah those two are losers right right okay so that gives me the power and with that power I have acceptance and greater opportunity greater opportunity for what for everything silly for you now it's boys mom I'm not interested in all that stuff I mean it could be great for you and all but can I just be me just not me I know why can't I just be myself because you'll never get anywhere in life like that Sarah never no man no power whatsoever Nick I'm saying if you want a man the right kind of man and you do look the part yeah let's uh let's get you to the mall and get you some clothes and some makeup and maybe do something with your hair mother come on it'll be fun no not this time okay are you sure I'm sure I'll see you later yeah maybe I'll bring you something [Music] mr. Henshaw [Music] well Mike what happened your arm oh it's nothing just forget it is that why you miss the game I gotta tell you something I'm actually not going to college what yeah it's my dad nothing's ever good enough I can't take it anymore sometimes I wish I was born into your family I hear you but what about your mom and dad you know my dad Chad I'm not doing too well my dad already disowned me [Music] hey there this No oh I do [Music] into a college party if you're gonna turn us there Oh [Music] you better go doctor says you're gonna be okay look I'm really glad that you are gonna be okay and that everything is okay but I am not understanding any of this Sarah you have to talk to me where's dad he's coming Hey mom I can see that okay I'll let you two alone maybe she'll talk to you you are her best friend I'll be back honey mom yeah honey can you come back get me Dad sure we'll be back soon mom's right your best friend Bear I just don't get that last act well what was that all about I'm glad you're doing ok hon you're gonna be out here pretty soon look I'm not your buddy anymore what it's no we're playing around I'm 18 in a woman now so so what does that mean you're gonna forget about all your friends just because you're 18 a silk old woman gonna act like a jerk and start playing bumper cars just because you're 18 and supposedly a woman what about the rest of us what about all your friends me like Billy body and Bridget what about us I can tell you one thing you're not gonna get rid of me that easy yes I'm 18 and a woman just feel old why why why when we were 10 we all looked alike and we're not 10 anymore we're going to college soon so so you either got it or you don't got it around here and you know pretty looks money [Music] we're all divided I I don't know what I got it's nobody needs me anymore I need you always I never one of those stupid things things for mom oh why can't anyone just love me for me I love you [Music] Sara John it's Mike he's gone [Music] well it's bigger difficult last few days for us all this is tragic it's tragic well my daughter too I don't know what's gotten into her I don't understand her sometimes especially lately I just I don't get it I just don't get it but this boy is dead there's a lot more going on here look at ourselves a little ourselves why because this is our fault all of it we corrupted two innocent kids one is dead one sorry you know ladies let's just let's just keep more focus okay what is going on here but why my daughter why Sarah I mean it's like something went off in her head the other night where any of the kids with her I agree with Carol sex some of this is definitely on us we sometimes push too hard really pan just I am raising Sarah how I know I am raising her to live right and without me she'd be lost are you kidding lost without you barb she's lost with you you're suffocating Sarah you came out of her bad baby now oh okay ladies ladies ladies ladies ladies okay let's calm down we need to have some comfort healing here we need to figure out what's going on and be there for kids can I say something my boy died for nothing he was pushed both emotionally and physically when we blame ourselves me and Bob I wasn't there to hear his cries for help he was a good kid an innocent victim of his own upbringing he couldn't possibly have lived up to pop standards please don't let this happen to Sara or anybody else I'm sorry Mandy I am NOT taking any blame for any of this I'm just not barb do really see or hear how you talk to that girl she really just wants to try and help people and you keep pushing her to be a beauty queen she doesn't want that that's true come on bar look at who you trust some of the time hmm Sarah sees that all the kids see that I seriously I can't believe what I'm hearing today at this table stop it far Sarah's a victim too all our kids are in one way or another let's change that today before it's too late again I don't appreciate that at all Mandy you know what maybe some of our kids are more victims than others are okay I'm sorry you're right you're right I'm sorry Mandy just just maybe right Mandy our girls too they have so much and we keep pushing for more are they really privileged or we just say something at this world that we live in do we have here all the wealth the beauty the stuff the decadence on this block alone we don't need all this so so so is that all you can say listen those of us who have we really really have and those who don't well we know who they always seem every single day we look the other way we ignore them those folks on the other side of town they don't have it does that make them any less of a person or any less important than we are I mean really I am so sick of this stinking money we all have too much it's some of us one even more and more for our kids all the stress all the pressure that this lifestyle is booting on them it's killing them we've already had two cries for help enough already but the way I dress the way I act it's it's all for a purpose the news we women need to get ahead in life and this is good I know this is what I was taught her you are ahead it's time to take a step back and walk with Sarah you see her with real love and compassion Karen's right this would be the time for helping and healing let's be sure love me man maybe you're right maybe you're alright but I'm really gonna have to do some soul-searching here well we've said Sarah to stay with James's sister in Connecticut for the summer and she has cousins there maybe the change of scenery will help her but while I'm here in the meantime I'll do some work I'll figure it out for myself you will bark [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes angels come to us in disguise I choose life I want to solve it be together in heaven to see the people I love them China I'm not doing too well don't worry bear we'll always be together Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh don't worry bear we'll always be together [Music] ages of God can come to us at any time even in our dreams however hey you've been you the whole time what's up schooling that hours ago yeah just just writing just thinking like yeah I can see it stuff all right let's go your brother [Music] [Music] [Music] did you see the new Women's Weekly right now go into the store and get it page 58 you see yes right now yeah I just read it amazing it seems like he's talking about Mike and Sarah doesn't it of course this guy Joe whatever did not write this sounds more like John Romanelli if you ask me okay me either in five hey John get out here what did I Oh read the article on page 58 meet us at my house yeah I wrote that thought so you can't fool me I know you all too well then who's that Joe something or other don't know all I know is I forgot it back in the library one day in May and well back the next day to get it it was gone you should sue him no no I'm actually glad it's out there but he stole your work who is this guy anyway you're more upset about this than I am but you should be upset too that piece could win you a Nobel Peace Prize or something why do you think it was published small off like I said I'm just glad it's out there but you're not getting credit for it I say we call the magazine and get in touch with this Joe you hearing is Joe Blanton that's it absolutely get to the bottom of this what inspires you anyway hi is this mr. Blanton I'm sorry mr. Joe Blanton Joe hello sir yeah I read your story in Women's Weekly the magazine now with all respect sir Bonnie no you come here I am that mad right now 15 Theodore way I did find your story in the library this is a great story you wrote I'm sorry to you all let me please explain I found your story in the library the title caught my eye and I felt compelled to read it you see a long time ago I had a daughter who died of a broken heart some say she committed suicide but I say no it was indeed a broken heart and it sounded much like your friend Michael I see you're all deeply affected my condolences we try not to talk about but my daughter her name was Tracy and she was just about as kind-hearted as anyone she fell in love once and her husband passed away from cancer they were only 22 at the time and my little girl she never recovered if only she had a message of hope someone to help her she would be right now about 50 I blame only myself for not helping her if only I had helped her and answered more calls until you see John I I read your story and I was deeply moved by it you see I'm an old man I've been poor and worthless since Tracy and my wife passed on I hit the bottle real hard you know I lost all hope I only wanted to do something good before I died something good for someone I wanted to spread a message of hope out into the world and somehow help others I'm sorry John I should have put your story away and waited for you to come back for it I think we're cool you did good it's out there that's what matters like you said if you could even provide some hope for even one person it's a good thing mr. blanton why don't you read it to us you really want me to yeah we all do message of hope by John Romanelli John would you do me the honors the world is full of magical things all working together for good sometimes people are hurting quietly suffer [Music] some voices are heard some are saved that others are ignored lose hope and wither away never really gone though they're still here somewhere out there my dear friend withered away his heart hurt and broke my best friend heart hurts to to hear her now one is saved one is lost for now is this a fair trade a life for a life is one sits in a mansion full and one sits in the street empty is this the same trade-off a life for a life if we listen closely we can hear them all all the voices crying for help surely we can't even let one get away could we I think it's time for us to band together for the good there's a message of hope out there she lives with us today and her voice shall be heard I [Music] love you friend and I miss you when we were ten we all looked alike no distinctions had no money and life was grand most of us are not 10 anymore we need each other now [Music] [Music] thanks for meeting with me pastor you got around know what they all went to the beach good you can have a nice try to talk I think I know what's troubling you sir you're afraid that all the girls your age are prettier than you and somehow the world revolves around that yeah kind of you know my mom and dad they just give it to me my mom thinks that I can't get anywhere in life unless boys throw themselves at me and then my dad doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself your mom is very kind-hearted she just had some crazy ideas about life after death but she loves you very much and she wants the best for you in her own in her own way yeah and your dad uh your dad can be pretty crass at times yeah but he wasn't always like that I do know that he grew up without money and money has hardened him he feels that if he has to work for his living everybody else should he's worked so hard for his keeps that he considers everyone else lazy does this make sense yeah kind of let me tear something outside Mike was passing was hard and all of us I know it was terrible look at me sir but here you are and I know you as well as anyone care I mean you're as kind-hearted as can be don't lose focus on that sir don't be afraid of going off into adulthood it's not that bad you'll find someone who loves you for who you are but in the meantime just keep doing what you're doing okay I will I'll tell you something else don't listen to the worldview of rich and poor it's not that accurate the ones who keep all the treasures for themselves on earth are the ones that are poor but the ones who perhaps don't have as much money but are rich in the eyes of God are the ones that are truly Richard Hart can I ask you something sure why did you become a pastor while you could say that how I wanted to be part of a message of hope don't worry about my cone mr. Henshaw they're safe and one day you'll see them and I'll remember what you did for them so what god okay I tell you one last piece of advice sometimes the poor give most to the poor [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a gas station I think we're gonna get some great feedback a little change smelter yeah there's a yes please all our friends are carrying him along yes our cars are parked there okay thank you [Music] I can't believe what happened that man today anywhere from John yet let's try to today absolutely answer what did the doctor say in the hospital he wasn't sure yet that's why John stay [Music] terrible thing to see nobody caring nobody helping nobody took the time reminds me of Michael yeah yeah no no not Mike stop saying that we all loved Mike we all did besides we cared today we helped not enough we didn't care all of us here that man is dead for no reason John why are you so mad at us men mad at myself being so self-centered for not not listening not Cameron but we did care today we showed love yeah absolutely God's compassion showed through it was just too late if we if we just John we just got there too late it was not our fault maybe we learned something today I mean we have all the stinking money just a small amount of it could have gotten him a place to stay maybe gets cleaned up it's a job yeah I gotta say my dad would help them well yeah but our dads are never out that way it doesn't matter they all know that what about the next guy the guy that's gonna take his place maybe there's somebody out there right now constantly hungry what about him it's okay what about Mike what about him in a way he just sat there and looked for help I know my whole focus in life has changed no more just finding a rich guy to marry and planning out my kids lives there are more important things to think about do you guys think Sarah knew that man today I mean think about how often she was at that shelter I mean she probably got pretty close to some of those guys and some of the homeless on the street well what are you saying maybe that's what got to Sarah mr. Henshaw mr. Henshaw directly passed away who is mr. Henshaw homeless guy he Sarah used to talk about him all the time I forgot about it just slipped my mind he died right before Sarah had the accident that must have been it he used to call her his message of hope after the accident she said nobody needed to right you know what it's not gonna happen again I mean guys we lost Mike and then we almost saw Sarah and now this I can't let it happen again that man who died mr. Henshaw no today or him mr. Henshaw either one do you think they were born poor their whole lives or was it just bad circumstances what's the difference well I can't see any of us being poor or homeless are we born into fortunate circumstances and they're doomed from the start are they victims of their parents victims of poverty or are we are all of us here victims of our parents none of us are victims rich or poor we all have choices yeah but Sarah had it right I mean there has got to be a way to help these people we all certainly have the means I don't think the means is through money though money itself never helped anyone I think the means is through love you remember pester and what you did to the least of my brothers you did for me Rowley John said we all have choices we choose life I think we can all agree that we've been through a lot together there and I definitely opened our eyes so I think that this choice should be for them Jared Mike [Music] hi-yah hello James nutricion oh hey it's good to see you James here instrumentals went almost married a paradox can I get you ladies some coffee [Music] so it's nice to finally meet you mr. Mercutio know your daughter Sara I was like an angel to our grandfather he talked about her all the time that's very kind of you to say may I ask why your grandfather was homeless you said he spoke to you all the time about Sara yes that's right well beg your pardon but if you were in touch with him why didn't he live with you it wasn't our doing we begged him to come home many times but he just wouldn't you see our grandfather was injured in Vietnam and when he came home it was hard for him to find a job and things were difficult with him and my grandmother where is your grandmother she passed away many years ago I'm sorry to hear that mm-hmm our grandfather was a good man he actually raised us by himself we were poor of it we got by and then we got older and left the house and Benny hit rock bottom after he lost the house after a failed job after a failed job and he didn't tell any of us where he was going he was too proud for anyone to see him that way we actually found him on the streets I guess he got so used to his the way of life that he grew accustomed to it and he said this was his home now I think he's happy now and a peace Jews I think Joseph would say that I saved his life she gave him hope for little Alfred I'm sorry for your loss I I wish I could have done something to help it's okay here's in a better place [Music] and it sounds like your grandfather was a terrific guy he deserved better [Music] oh no that's okay that's my suit they are I don't have sneakers you know okay you seen anybody yet yu Jiang [Music] don't be embarrassed they love you I love you and I've been thinking about you a lot it's the first that I've gotten to really talk to you since you've been home and I wanted to tell you that I thought an awful lot about you while you were going and I think I understand I did you well now I love you very much that's okay we can just go see a movie or something really just doing me yeah let's go tonight okay all right I'll go in then I've got movie times okay okay okay very good I stay out huh yeah hopefully if I have the pleasure to reacquaint myself I'm John nice to meet you Sarah those birds up there pretty perfect harmony beautiful beautiful I read your article what you think it's not really about me and Mike - of course [Music] I love you that goes double for me to bear you want to go throw a ball out race your first base like old times not this time spend time with you for [Music] do you really love me absolutely fair they've got all this life all the next to show it [Music] [Music] [Music] when the walls came down the sound was deafening as you looked around all the people walking behind what has happened here [Music] and the dust flew high as you crash down to your knee and you tow your clothes and cry screaming whoo my god what have Vardhan it's come down around the but I just held you from above [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Chima [Music] try I do you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 283,379
Rating: 4.7219696 out of 5
Keywords: bridgestone multimedia BMG, Movie, movies, EncourageTV, trailers, God, Jesus, christian, Mickele Hogan, Sean Tivenan, Midi Miller, Tom Paddy Lee, Message of Hope Full Movie, Message of Hope Movie
Id: a5JPq-Xd7U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 22sec (5662 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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