In His Steps (2013) | Full Movie | Laura Seabrook | Rebekah Cook | Ken Lawrence

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[Music] okay take one hey there everyone I we've had a great week of Rachel Winslow here with another song for you [Music] why do the things I've cloned you for years I used to satisfy why do the words all-too-familiar leave me today where is the soul behind all the answers where is the heart the beat's towards right where is the hope the faith and the love it's supposed to breathe over [Music] Oh no there are still open you I want to see that I still believe [Music] my words I say all the things a great you were just the same as they were yesterday I wanna see how do you I silenced the lies that destroy me that are ringing in my ears where can I hold so I wanna go and I'm choose battle [Music] where is the soul answers where is the heart it beats where is the hope the faith and the love is supposed to breathe over us know that I still hope in you I wanna see that I still believe it when all I've found gets turned around in the midst of my muddled mind with the word to say all the things I pray on just the same as they were yesterday I wanna know I wanna see but I still I still believe [Music] all right there you go I hope you liked it be sure to subscribe and share with your friends and I will talk to you next week all right god bless yes first week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can I help you could I speak to the pastor I'm the pastor what can I do for you my name is Jack Benny I just came into town I'm out of a job I was wondering if he could help me find some work I'm sorry I don't know of anything these are tough times well is there an employment office or anything around you could send me to I'm not looking for handouts I really want to work I'm sorry there's nothing around here well if you'll excuse me I'm very busy look I'm really sorry I wish there was something I could do to help you you can need some food we have a food bank it's not usually open today but I could get something for you like I said I'm not looking for any else I'll work for what I eat but thanks anyways Bester Maxwell Henry Maxwell I hope you get something real soon Jack thanks bastard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Clark let's see if we can get those shipped all right excuse me sir yes how did you get in here the front door what do you want but work if you got any buddy I'm running a skeleton crew as it is there's barely enough work to keep the guys I've got now there's got to be something didn't you hear me I've got nothing now get out of here look I just need money for food maybe I'm not giving anything to some drunk bum now get out of here before I call the cops look I'm not drunk and I'm not looking for any handouts I'll work for whatever you give me even if it's taking out the trash please give me a chance man door now what Virginia where are you off to I'm going to the church grandma I promised Danny I'd help her out with youth group tonight all right just don't be out too late all right see you later love you hey I need to borrow your car gee Ben I'm using it let me use it when you're done not into it about which is exactly [Music] hey Virginia you all right yeah I almost ran over a dye and you think I have driver shop [Music] right all right he is so messed up sometimes [Music] [Music] [Music] Rachel Rachel morning Jasper saw your video yesterday it was awesome oh thank you it's time to get started talk to you after church all right give me grace we grass [Music] [Applause] morning everyone my message this morning is on following Christ's example we read in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 21 for to this you were called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow in his steps those steps are obedience faith love and imitation and so if we were to be called followers of Christ we must follow his example and go with him all the way let's pray excuse me there's something I'd like to say please please hear me out I'm not drunk or crazy mmm or anything I just have some questions I lost everything about four months ago ever since then I've been wandering around looking for any kind of work I could find and all that time I never got a word of sympathy or kindness from anyone until I met pastor Maxwell a couple days ago he said he was sorry that he couldn't help me now I'm not trying to make anyone feel guilty but I've just been wondering what are you Christians mean when you say that you're following Jesus sing songs with words like I'll go with him with him all the way and you put Bible verses on your office walls do you even know what you're saying my daughter was a strong Christian girl came to church all the time but when she died all I got was a card from the church saying how sorry they were I was always told that helping people was what the church was there for but when I was at my lowest and really needed some kind of Hope to keep me going all I got was a car so I've been wondering what do you Christians mean when you're saying that you're following Jesus you say things like what would Jesus do and stuff but what does that mean is it just having food banks and wishing people like me well why don't Christians ever actually practice what they preach why don't you show Jesus love instead of just talking about it what would Jesus do I don't know but I don't think you do either [Applause] hey what's with her some homeless guy came into church and caused a scene I keep trying to tell Virginia that he was just there asking for money but she's being emotional about the whole thing see why I don't go to church I know right at first I thought it was a scare or something but when he said it he came asking for work I kicked him out threatened to call the cops Alex you didn't know it's not like him give everybody job I know but the things he said what would Jesus do I don't know and I don't think you do either [Music] we're in Rachel Winslow yes so do you think pastor Maxwell's plan for us this week do you think the mayor is gonna come and carry it across you know like the homeless guy last week you still think that we set that up you don't just do random skits like that all the time my old church Jasper hey did you hear anything about what happened to that guy oh I'm sure once they sobered him up he was fine I just hope they didn't give him any money grandma I keep telling you he wasn't asking for money Virginia he was just a drunk homeless man from the rectangle he probably didn't even know where he was when he passed out else is shaping up to be quite a mystery well I've gotta get on stage I came to church sure are you sure you want to do this Henry I'm sure I've got a try good luck good morning we're gonna do things a little differently this morning to have a seat everyone first I'm sure you're all interested in what happened to the man who spoke to us last week unfortunately he passed away Sunday afternoon the doctor said he had heart problems and tuberculosis on top of that so it was really a matter of time the [Music] things he said and the questions that he asked caused me to stop and take stock in my Christian walk I asked myself all week do I truly know what it means to call myself a follower of Jesus last week I preached on first Peter chapter 2 verse 21 Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow in his steps have I truly been following his example have I truly been following in his steps no don't do that because the answer is no no I haven't when that homeless wretched man Jack Manning came to the doors of this church the initial thought that I had was to get rid of him as soon as I could that is not what Jesus would have done and as I thought about First Church of Raymond I asked do we as a body know what it means to follow in the steps of Jesus to do as he would I'm sorry but I honestly don't know so let's find out I'm going to propose something radical here if you are truly interested in learning what it means to follow in the steps of Jesus I want you to join me in a pledge if you will a pledge to do nothing for an entire year without first asking yourself what would Jesus do when I'm finished talking I'm gonna go to the fellowship hall I ask all of you to pray and consider what I've proposed if you seriously want to join me in this pledge and come to the fellowship hall and you've made your decision and we'll talk about how we're going to go about this if you aren't interested you feel that you don't need to do this and you're dismissed this is the end of service today [Music] [Music] coming you [Music] Virginia said Tom Virginia Virginia you heard the pastor church is over [Music] something you come you almost didn't did it look like anymore we're coming Virginia I don't think so well let's go ahead and get started if if anyone comes we'll we'll fill them in I want to thank you for your courage I know I'm messing with the status quo here and since none of the elders are present I imagine I'm going to get an earful at the next board meeting I've got to be honest with you I really don't know what's gonna happen from here on out but I felt that this was something I needed to do whether anybody responded or not but the fact that you did tells me that I'm not the only one who has realized that we are missing out on so much in what we call Christianity today okay so we make this pledge to do what Jesus would in every situation no matter what but how are we supposed to know that Jesus didn't have to deal with the kind of things we do nowadays that's a good question and you're right we won't know what Jesus would do if we don't know who he is we get to know who he is by studying his word if we're going to grow in our understanding of true discipleship we've got to be rooted in his word this is our standard yeah but what have other people through Christians I mean what if they say that what we're doing is it actually what Jesus would do well it's like I said God's Word is our standard not what others say I think if we're truly doing what Jesus would do we shouldn't have any problems with other believers so how do you think grandma's gonna take pastor inning service early she's a more concerned about I just been taking me leaving service early probably get a lecture on proper Church behavior you get one see you later so do you have anything planned for this week no just work I've got an idea for new song I've been kicking around so let me know when it's done I want to be the first to hear it Jasper I'd be surprised if you're ever not the first or any of my songs see you later Rachel so is this some kind of a new Bible study class or something it's really a program and what are you doing this it's like pastor said I just I've always thought there must be more to be a Christian than just going to church on Sundays and being a good person I just want more [Music] [Music] [Music] definitely get me contract they want me to record CDs and go on to your [Music] [Applause] [Music] what would Jesus do [Music] [Music] Alex what are you doing up and awake so early I'm reading my Bible what since when since now it's because of that thing at church mm-hmm I hope this doesn't become a habit you know I can't get back to sleep once I'm up [Music] what about warning Clark here's this week's orders looks like we'll be able to bring you in from once great something wrong these rates don't they seem a little high to you which rates ours oh Emily charts awesome I know it's just I just don't feel right about charging this much I don't understand what's the problem close the door Clark I made a promise to ask myself what would Jesus do before making any decisions okay and looking at these orders I asked myself would Jesus knowingly charge more than a fair rate just to turn a profit okay well I don't think you would so I'm going to drop our rates to a more fair amount okay and that's it [Laughter] that's a good one you almost have to go on there for a second oh wait you are serious okay hold up I miss something what's going on here I told you I'm only going to do what Jesus would do even work even at work okay don't take this the wrong way but what would Jesus do seriously are you out of your mind what's going on here do you remember that homeless guy that came by here a couple weeks ago yeah you're crazy powers to be bankrupt in a month this might be harder than I thought do you find everything you're looking for today have now chance Bert hi hey looks like you have a lot on your mind yeah decide what you're gonna do yet you emails me about the offer you got remember right sorry no I don't know what I'm gonna do seems like a no-brainer to me leave this dump and go do what you love doing yeah I know it's just every time I start to tell them I accept the question comes up again I just don't feel right about it and I don't know why do you really think Jesus wouldn't make a career out of singing what about all those professional Christian singers do you think they're wrong to do what they're doing no I don't think there's anything wrong about it I just just not sure if it's what Jesus would do in my position well let's get back to work I'm calling when you get off it let me know what you decide sure see you Jasper [Music] Wow gotcha you'll never get away with this what are you hungry [Music] why don't try me on for size do it how about maybe you prefer to chew on that fist now hang on wonder he write this [Music] what am I supposed to do Rachel it's almost finished I can't just throw it all away I just have to happen now anything for you Rachel but but to start completely over Kanda just wait until I start the next one kind of a different way to start a new class don't you think Henry it's not a class Jean oh it better not be because you didn't clear it with the board first like you're supposed to I'd like to think I was following the Holy Spirit's leading oh really then try explaining that to Beatrice page oh she called you too she didn't call me I think she just wanted to be sure she knew who ought to be mad at mad what for well the way things are done here came up a lot the way things are done here is what caused the words of a homeless man to have more impact than 10 years of my preaching ever had look what are you talking about you're a good preacher what was the last time something I said caused anyone to get out of this building and actually do something the church is dying guys what attendance is up giving is at an all-time high and mean spiritually Dennis how many years have we been content to be cooped up in our safe whole church building we'll send our kids to Mexico for a sanctified vacation but what about right here what about the Jack Manning's who are swarming the rectangle every day all right Henry we get it you feel guilty for the homeless guy that's natural but you can't let that turn you into a loose cannon you want to try something new you run it past the board first you know that fine I'm sorry but let me ask you this though you're the elders why didn't any of you take the pledge [Music] hey sweetie hey hey how was your day alright finally had a client show around that's good were they interested in the place not really know what huh oh oh mom what's for dinner oh hi dad when she get home I've got to finish working on this listing Celia I don't have time to make anything right now sorry there's leftovers in the fridge that's alright I've asked encode Tori wants me to come over is that ok tonight but it's a school night we're gonna work on homework dad yeah and get on Facebook and talk about boys and text each other from across the room which all have to pay for by the way and stay up way too late no I'd prefer you stay home tonight what for how about we actually spend time together as a family for once why stir yeah because that's what Jesus would do right Alex I got an interesting call from Clark this afternoon he wanted to know if you'd been in some kind of accident to make you lose your mind if he really said that so you know what happened today yeah Alex I've never really cared about what goes on at your work as long as it pays the bills but if you're going to turn into some kind of fanatic and lose everything don't expect me to pick up the slack I haven't sold a house in months I can't believe you're actually taking this pastor's pledge thing seriously are you gonna start wearing one of those stupid bracelets room now no daddy would jesus send me to my room now was that really necessary Britney Alex do you really think this what would Jesus do thing is going to make a difference with her well you're not helping any Britney some support from my wife would be nice for once then I need to see some real changes I'm tired of us living in our own little worlds honestly at this point I don't care what it takes but if you're going to do this pledge thing then you need to do it right all the way or don't do it at all okay okay [Music] Hey [Music] sorry I yelled yeah me too [Music] look Celia I know you think this what would Jesus do thing is silly it does sound pretty corny I don't know maybe it was guilt that made me do it maybe it was because I always felt like I was missing out on something you know I've never been happy how we've grown apart and it's been my fault I want things to change I just need you and your mom to be patient with me while I figure this out deal do I get to go over to Tori's sure but only if you're home by 10:00 10:30 10:00 [Music] all right deal and I'll try not to tease you about it too much thanks [Music] I've looked into the company if you're fine I've been reading my Bible and praying like crazy for answers but I I've got nothing I just don't feel right about it for some reason but you need more than a feeling to make a decision yeah what do you think I should do Virginia I have no idea I can really figure out what I'm supposed to do well I suppose doing anything would be an improvement hey it's not my fault I'm a rich heiress with nothing to do that seriously how have you been doing with your promise well I haven't had any recording deals drop in my lap so work it there for me it's more than trying to figure out this is something to do it's like you said really I know you were just kidding but it's true it just stop feels so fake II know you're not talking about your being saved are you Virginia [Music] for as long as I can remember I've always gone to church it's just what we did I was baptized as a kid I really felt like I believed even after mom and dad died and Rhonda turned his back on God I still felt like I had faith you did I was saved that's it and then I was reading in my Bible this morning and I came across this show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works without works is dead I've read that so many times but this time when I read it I realized that I didn't have anything to show for my faith if I'm not really doing anything to serve God is my faith even real I guess I guess I've been wondering the same thing about myself maybe that's why I'm so unsure about the offer you know wouldn't be doing anything bad but what I'd really be doing something for the Lord and what would you doesn't serve him rather even calling ourselves Christians yeah whoa heavy alert how long have you been there long long enough to realize that you two are taking this what would Jesus do thing way too seriously you really need to lighten up lion that like you have hey you don't see me feeling guilty for not following all of the rules that is not what this is about and you know it it used to believe in this tube only I was old enough to quit faking it Virginia yeah don't say anything Jesus wouldn't need ya but I got better things to do anyway [Music] plus Yvonne's the same as always maybe he'll grow up someday yeah [Music] she wants me to pick up some stuff on my way home guess I should get going OOP run don't do that sorry I didn't think you jumped that much good bye Ron wait hang on Rachel I want to talk to you for a sec what I haven't seen you in a while well maybe you should come to church once in a while how have things been same as always how's your mom fine how's work fine how's your love life but I don't have a love life stop it sorry but that was classic but what do you mean no love life I thought you were seeing that one guy what's his name chase something Jasper chase yeah that's the one Virginia always talks about you two being together and I just kind of figured they're just friends so you're not seeing anyone that's what I said any prospects no no I can you let go I really need to get home well how about that I don't have any prospects either good now seriously let go here we are to unattach 20-somethings that have known each other ever since we were kids had crushes on each other way back when I never had a crush on you what about that time that we pretended to get married we were five years old maybe it was a sign okay are you hitting on me seriously run I was just reminding you of the days gone by you'd be creepy are you drunk or something creepy it's wrong Rachel I'm Hearn and I'm leaving wait Rachel please don't go let me go I'm sorry I was just kidding let go would Jesus have done that sorry Ron but you shouldn't have grabbed me like that you're right I'm sorry my bad okay well I'm leaving now Rachel wait I want to start seeing you more often what after what you just did not a chance Rachel what do you thought oh sorry no it just any longer to get away that I pass it's getting worried did you get the groceries my house board oh I forgot I'm sorry mom are you all right Rachel I'm fine Rachel I just don't know what to think anymore so much has happened you know I know this contract is gonna mean a lot of changes but it's for the best you know that no I don't what do you mean well ever since I got this email I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out if it's what Jesus would do oh right I just thought all this time you were worried about leaving me [Music] haven't thought that far ahead yet okay well that's good to know mom no don't see see this is what bugs me about this whole pledge thing you'll be driving yourself crazy over every little thing and missing what's really important in life I want you to take the offer Rachel cuz you are all I have left I don't want to be here alone while you're touring the world and slaving away day and night in the studio but I know this is what's best for you so I'm willing to let you go so you can do what you were meant to do honey you're so talented don't you think God brought this to you Rachel what is your problem mom my problem is that I want this - yeah I want to be famous I want people to tell me how talented I am did I know that's wrong I know I had to how I but it would be wasting it if I used it like this oh you have such influence I would be encouraging people to idolize me I've made up my mind I'm not gonna take the offer it's not what you this would do none of my case oh wait what will you do I don't know well it's nice to be together as a family for a change yeah Virginia what do I need to change to get Rachel to like me what well I had tried to ask Rachel out and it blew up in my face what do I need to do differently I didn't even know you liked Rachel well going back to church would be a start forget it never mind please God don't let me blow this oh hi dad you're still up so are you Emily huh yeah sorry school night remember well then better not keep me up much oh good night daddy nice try I thought we talked about this tsilya I know Tori and I were talking and lost track of time it won't happen again I know you do yep because from now on you're gonna stay home on school night what mouth off and I'll make it weekends too dad that's not fair staying out late and making yourself too tired to learn the next day is what's not fair sylia 10:45 is much too late to be staying out on a school night you need your sleep you're treating me like I'm telling and while you're whining I'd say it's deserved don't believe this what that I'm not a pushover because I'm taking my bait more seriously we never thought that I'm not stupid sylia yeah just a tyrant hey that's uncalled for get back here young lady sylia [Applause] so how am I supposed to keep my pledge when I don't even know what to do it just so happens I received a phone call this morning from a John Gray I put that it's calling all the churches in town looking for volunteers for a new soup kitchen he started in the rectangle the rectangle I can't go there have you seen what I drive there's no reason you'd have to go alone I can think of one or two other people who'd be happy to go with you thanks for coming with me this is way out of my comfort zone actually I'm a little nervous too never been to the rectangle before oh never been slumming first time well at least we're not going in unprotected how you doing back there sir Jasper ready to break a dragon's neck lady Rachel if I haven't already broken my legs why even bother putting a backseat in these things [Music] [Music] well I guess this is it grandma's going to kill me what'd she say when you told her where you were going hello hello you must be Virginia so glad you could make it and you brought friends great I'm John Rachel Jasper you have no idea how happy this makes me you can tell me all about yourselves as we get set up Jasper if you could set out the tables and chairs and if you ladies could come with me to the kitchen maybe you can help salvage the mess I've made I take it were the first volunteers to get here first and only I'm usually doing all of this by myself [Music] [Music] suppose a brother or sisters without clothes or daily food and one of you says to him go I wish you well stay warm and well-fed that does nothing about his physical needs what good is it I was just like these people you know wait you weren't I met a lot of Christian people who gave me spare change this cute gospel tracks but it wasn't until I found some that we're willing to actually give me what I needed to survive and get dirty doing it that I could actually take the gospel seriously you're afraid of them aren't you I don't know you know I like to think Virginia that these are the kind of people that Jesus would have spent time with maybe even eat with it Hey may I sit with you my name is Virginia what's yours Lorene Lorene that's a pretty name [Music] [Music] welcome home abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles that when they speak against you as evildoers they may by your good works which they observe glorify God in the day of visitation sylia sorry is it really that hard to listen for just 10 minutes maybe if it wasn't so boring well maybe you could read no thanks actually that's a good idea here we're on verse 15 no really that's okay you can do it here no here um well half a chapter isn't going to kill you I'll talk to her Thanks [Music] [Music] is this really worth the drama yes it's just so weird new things usually are well why does everything kind of go back to normal I think this is the new normal sweetie huh come on give it a chance it won't last it never does it certainly won't if we fight him all the way come on half a chapter won't kill you Petrus what can I do for you [Music] Virginia went to the rectangle last night did she good it's good that she could have had her car stolen or good that she could have been robbed or worse Beatrice did you listen to Virginia when she told you what she did or did you stop listening when you found out where she went no I sir I understand that you're concerned for Virginia's safety and there's nothing wrong with that but I believe Virginia is looking for something that's been missing from her life for a long time maybe you should try listening to her hear what she has to say and honestly I'm glad that someone in this church is finally willing to do something that doesn't involve this building I understand what you're trying to do Henry but just be careful I've been going to this church for a long time and I've seen a lot of pastors come and go over the years I don't see any need for changes around here and you should think long and hard before you try to make any still sitting around huh well while you have been doing nothing all day Virginia I've been working on improving myself observe [Music] I saw you last week I'll always be waiting for you I feel a little steady can I eat a bit actually stop right just stop please tell me you did not write that for Rachel maybe like I ate a bad nacho it's a work in progress now if you excuse me I've got some work to do hi Rachel I just wondered if you'd like to know hey Rachel would you like to go out no no not go out she'll think it's a date okay [Music] [Music] hey Jasper hey Rachel I was wondering if you'd like to look over my book have you finished it yep um sure I'd love to great I'll bring it tonight maybe when you're finished with it we could get together and you can tell me what you think that sounds great great I'll see you tonight okay bye bye yes if you don't mind me asking how did I end up on the streets yeah it's complicated I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude I just you're curious I know I just I don't want to talk about it I understand I'm sorry look it's a long story what is it I talked what is wrong please don't let him take me there you are everywhere for you you've been doing let me on the streets come on look I'm sorry about everything we'll get you cleaned up and we'll work this out I don't think she wants to go with you hey mind your own business aren't you Ron Paige's sister is there a problem here I'm just making my girlfriend of Mexico come on don't be like that look you're disturbing everybody's dinner maybe you should step outside that's what I'm trying to do what's going on hey this isn't any of your business I think it is now come on Lorene let's get you out of here that's enough don't touch me don't touch me absolutely not you can't bring someone like up here what was I supposed to do grandma let me take her you don't even know the situation Laurie told me on the way home it was an abusive relationship she ran away from him and had nowhere to go so she wanted homeless in the rectangle so now he knows you brought her here what if he comes for her you said he knows wrong Irene is pregnant grandma she's afraid that he'll make her abort the baby that's why she finally left him but does she have to stay here wouldn't it be better for her to go to some kind of shelter grandma you don't have to do this Virginia yes yes I do [Music] so uh what do you think well and that bad no it wasn't it was really well written it's just that what is it it's Ruslan is supposed to be me how I say write what you know are you sure this is what Jesus would write don't get me wrong it's really well written it's really good it's just the story seems a little no but Jesus would write so how are things between you and your mom just gone from angry to very disappointed in me thanks sorry say I blame her I pretty much took a sledgehammer to all their dreams for me just standing by your convictions there's nothing wrong with that wish I could get a publishing offer like that though I just want my music to be about God not me that's the answer I keep getting whenever I ask what Jesus would do with my gifts well don't give up you're doing the right thing your mom will come around soon enough Thanks Jesus says I know your works you are neither cold nor hot would that you were either cold or hot so because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my mouth Henry We Need to Talk sure we were just heading out to lunch you're welcome to come with us no I need to say this now you're getting out of hand what your sermons for the last several months have been way out of line you're making people feel uncomfortable good good do you know how many people have left the church already if you keep this up Jean do you know how many people have thanked me for the change in messages for every five people leaving we have one rethinking their life this isn't working Henry the church can't sustain this kind of drop in attendance you've seen the giving statements Mary and I have talked about that and I'm willing to take a pay cut a pay cut you're facing a cut in your job excuse me the elders have been approached by a very large group of people who quite frankly want you fired now if you don't go back to the way things were before this stupid pledge of yours we'll be putting it to a vote gee not talking to you anymore unless there's another board member present as a witness be sure to subscribe and share with your friends oh wow that was so good Pink's do you have any more videos oh good some nothing new though you're so talented you know you should really be a professional singer okay is that guy talking about you what okay thanks for cooking into pop talk where we talk to ladies of pop culture movies music and of course Kitty videos first up though you may remember me mentioning about Rachel Winslow who was recently given an operative sign with radical records well the latest on that story is she turned him down now that's weird right but not as weird as this apparently her reasons for not signing with them is that it's not something that Jesus would do well if you follow that logic then apparently Jesus wouldn't make music videos either the music channel has not been updated in almost three months just another example of how religion is killing the arts are people really saying that about me it's just one guy Rachel yeah but he had a hundred thousand views if that wasn't exactly helpful was it are you going to be okay I'm almost right instead of being a good influence now a hundred thousand people are mocking God because of me look at me it's not your fault there is Fault is it Hey who did you tell what who did you tell about me not taking the offer offer what offer what are you talking about Rachel's getting back at me for not going out with you what are you talking about Rachel he didn't do anything I didn't even tell him about it she doesn't know no how could he know anything and he's too busy wasting his life Hey I'm sorry that's where I left it yeah where's Loreen Paige Loreen Paige I think you have the wrong number dude no we're just sister take my girlfriend Matt where is she dude chill out look I need her back you you've got to help me man I'll give you anything dude you're more pathetic than I am [Music] all throughout scripture were commanded to go and do to minister to the lost to love one another and to give God the glory for all that we do whether it's in the darkest jungles of Africa or in the rectangle district right here in Raymond we as believers are called no we are commanded by God to go and share the love of Jesus so what did you think of the sermon this morning he definitely was passionate what would you say if I said it was making me consider looking into doing mission work where I don't know yet but a foreign country and we have to go to why wouldn't you school and friends in life we could do it over the summer it's not like we'd be moving there I don't know Alex this is pretty sudden well think about it I'll talk to the missions committee at church and see if they can refer me to anyone what if I don't want to be a missionary I'm still getting used to all this Bible reading and family devotions you're really starting to freak me out dad but I thought you loved no I don't like it it's let me joined a cult a cult sylia we're just finally doing what we say we believe make for yourself excuse me Celia do you know what it's like being the weird powers kid no one talks to me at school anymore unless you're making fun of me and my psycho dad I'm sick of it I want my life back I've been trying to make our lives better all you've done is made mine worse that's enough I'm your father and the head of this house now if I say we're gonna read our Bible and go to Pakistan then that's what we're gonna do you don't have to like it but you don't have a say in the matter I don't just don't I haven't heard any of you make a single good decision since you took that pledge grandma at least it'll all be over soon no what's that supposed to mean I finally convinced the board to fire Henry Maxwell grandma how could you the sooner things go back to the way they were the better off we'll all be you'll see oh so you want to go back to you a dead church full of people who couldn't care less about anyone not part of their club is that it uh you'd rather me just hang around the house all day doing nothing again instead of I don't know actually being a Christian and helping people you Lorene back out on the streets all alone trying to care for her baby kind of what's wrong with you what's wrong with me ever since you took that ridiculous pledge you've embarrassed me in public you've put yourself in danger and you've been acting like a fanatic this ends now Virginia you may I say something look I don't know all the ins and outs of this pledge you keep talking about all I know it was that Virginia has shown me more love and kindness than I've ever had in my whole life I know you're Christians and I know that's why you took me in and I could never thank you enough for everything that you've done mrs. page I know you don't want me here and I hate to see you in Virginia keep fighting because of me and I I think it would be better for everyone if if I did leave no no you're seeing right here with me to have your baby and we could chew on your feet you see what you're doing grandma if you're so keen on keeping her here maybe I should leave well don't be ridiculous Jean you can't do this well at least have the decency of letting me be there to defend myself when you having the meeting when's the meeting Jean gene you're supposed to be a Christian act like it just don't understand how could they so yeah please let me in I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry so it's over then [Music] look you all can keep going if you want but I'm done I can't do this anymore anyone who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God really you're throwing a Bible verse at me I know it's hard Alex but I can't give up well that's easy for you to say you only had some [ __ ] on the internet teased you my daughter told me she hated me you have no idea what that's like so don't even think for a second you have any right to lecture me hey back off oh shut up Jasper we all know you're only here because you have a crush on earth that's enough I don't know why this is happening to us why our friends and family have turned their back on us I've made the mistakes we've made and yes now we've all lost something very dear to us but what don't don't you dare say what would Jesus do but what did Jesus say in this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world [Music] that promise is all that's holding me together right now I don't know what God has planned for me but still I'm gonna do my best to do what Jesus would do no matter what well good for you look I'm not saying I'm not a Christian anymore but I've got to make things right with my family before I do anything else I [Music] probably won't be seeing you all for a while I'm sorry hey Rachel can I talk to you for a minute look what he said about it is it true well it's true that I what is it it's true that I what do you mean Ron are you sure if you look everywhere alright I'm on my way keep looking Laurie's God from thanks roll boyfriend took her to go look for come with you my car ok you call John Gray and let me know what's going on ok [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey so gee what happened to her baby I think they managed to save him they're gonna try to get him adopted so that's good have you talked to Virginia about it yet no you know I can't why not because it's my fault um Matt jumped me in the park I was scared made me tell whether in was you why didn't you say something I don't know I don't have your strength Rachel but something I've always loved about you what [Music] I love you Rachel I've loved you for a long time I know this may not be the best time no it's not Rachel I'm sorry I didn't want this please don't tell Virginia what I did [Music] Rachel please hi hey I told you you didn't have to come in until you were ready I need your device John oh sure first half I want to thank you you've helped me to see people as they are instead of what they look like and there's so much I want to do now to help others I'm glad John I need your advice as to have us I can do that I want it to be hard I wanted to cost me something you know the rectangle better than anyone so what can I do yikes there's so much to choose from [Music] what about for girls like Lorene and there's got to be other people like her right what can I do to help them a shelter somewhere safe for girls like Lorene to go to right in the rectangle but who would run it me you I can't sit back and watch anymore well do you have somewhere in mind John was telling me about this building that's for sale they used to be an abortion clinic nice and how much would this all cost a lot and you'd be spending all your time in the rectangle then pretty much hey Virginia is there anything I can do to help you want to help yeah I mean I was wrong before you know you're the real deal and I want in you know you're gonna bug me aren't you okay okay huh yep don't overdo it well I'm not gonna stay here by myself in an empty house I'll start looking for flights to visit my brother in the morning you could stay and help us grandma no I think this is best we'll talk about it later well you can help me in your mama mind no I think she understands now Henry I want you to know that this is nothing personal it's just what we've been asked to do wherever you go next know that we're praying for you is there anything you guys want to add I'm sorry Henry Aird I thought you had some good ideas just too bad it didn't work out yeah good luck wherever you go is there anything you want to say Henry first that I'm sorry that I lost my temper with you Jean I realized that not everyone's ready for these kind of changes and that's between you and the Lord all I know is I'm gonna keep doing my best to do what Jesus would do no matter what you everyone Rachael here sorry for being gone for so long it's been a very unbelievable year since I put it in my last video God's been showing me a lot and it's been pretty amazing watching him work but I'm sure they're here to song so here you go this is one I wrote when I made a decision that changed my life forever [Music] when you see your great the Capasso defense your Rembrandt do you ever sing the praises of our brush that's the master of the masterpiece or deserves the praise that the baby you agree or - so don't praise me if I do something wonderful don't praise me don't make a fuss get her glory with the master Leah's handler were stung don't praise me I am just the breath when you read the words of Shakespeare horrify the past it's the author of the classified depending cream northern words they choose don't praise me if I do something wrong the food don't race me don't even make a fly give glory to the master through his hands it was done don't praise easy to get sometimes the collections are mines real justice with Anna's hands used to carry hardest path [Music] something [Music] don't ingest hello hey I was wondering if we're stomper to me well I don't know you almost ruined a take on my new video I suppose I could forgive you yeah that's probably what Jesus would do yeah suppose it is can't see you at 6:00 all right bye you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 773,681
Rating: 4.7714438 out of 5
Keywords: God, christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, EncourageTV, Movie, trailers, Jesus, movies, Laura Seabrook, Rebekah Cook, Ken Lawrence, Zack Lawrence, In His Steps Full Movie, In His Steps Movie
Id: 4C6kmMpSCMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 50sec (5990 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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