Seventy Times Seven (2012) | Full Movie | Josiah David Warren | Tim McGrath | Erica Lloyd

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you [Music] [Music] [Applause] and aside these so much [Applause] hope it's almost like this [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hey Jacqueline so beautiful yeah when will you be back should be over by tomorrow afternoon hey don't forget about Friday Friday uh yeah my dad's birthday don't forget how much I love you I love you too okay all right hey Dad Oh looky there look who's on time so what's going on no just business as usual sorry for interrupting remember your meeting at 3:00 today okay you got it thanks Lena there you go thank you hmm I think she still likes you so the big wedding day is coming up huh let me know if you need help with anything okay probably just gonna keep it small and simple yeah unlike your brother's wedding so when you gonna show Jacqueline the new house I was thinking after the wedding make it a surprise hmm nice surprise now speaking of surprises I've been praying for grandchildren to come soon that's the only God stuck me dead yeah well your brother's been married five years and still no children sorry I'll take care of that that's my boy don't forget your dad's birthday on Friday why is everybody reminding me about his birthday 7:00 p.m. at baxford hotel okay you know you never change right that's probably a good thing I don't like changed too much just don't forget to buy your dad a present okay but why [Music] where's your wife she's gone it's Jacqueline are you okay I just had a dream okay Morgan draws closer as brothers amen let's go [Music] can't believe it only 50 looks so young [Music] he looks like young because of God I remember my mom died he had to pray so much try to give our of his loneliness but he's still waiting for one thing what's that capture grandchildren face serious I'm dead serious [Music] [Music] I haven't seen in a while hey yeah I've just been I've been busy she looks incredible who are you talking about oh nothing just been going over work in my head Oh how's that going good good it's been uh keeping me busy excellent I'm glad to hear that I haven't seen you in a while at the church yeah a lot of early mornings at work weekends you know it is well I know Matt really wants to meet with you I'd love to just spend some time with you sure [Music] what an amazing birthday party everybody I just want to thank God for all of you being here tonight I feel so blessed and really really loved thank you so much David get on over here and sing me a song son happy birthday again [Music] are you okay yeah just yeah hate to see you cry though when I'm happy I cry why are you so happy tonight cuz God gave me the best man in the whole world Hey so you ready to be part of the family can't believe it's only a week till the wedding that's crazy how madly in love you two are what are you talking about they're commenting on my wedding if you need any help I would love to help you please call me oh I love that necklace thank you David gave it to me for Christmas that's so sweet [Music] you're everything [Music] Peter asked Jesus if a brother sins against us how many times should we forgive him seven times but jesus said to him not just seven times but seventy times so let's open to Matthew 18 verses 21 and 22 a times 7 that's easy for lunch [Music] [Applause] [Music] didn't see you a church yeah why haven't I seen you dead lately just not into church lately is it Leslie - Leslie talking about Lester Jacqueline yeah what are you talking about I'm gonna marry lesson just like that had a no way well I figure everybody else is getting married why should not [Applause] [Music] okay yeah yeah I'm good how about you you happy oh yeah very happy well that's all the matters and isn't it you know the first time I saw David yeah I know that because that's when you out of love with me I didn't forget about you we're only friends huh sup with you man nothing I'm good you haven't been yourself lately hey I just got a headache it's nothing mind I'm just I'm all stressed it's cuz you think too much when you stop thinking that's when your mind on that piece come on man let's go yeah relax all right [Music] when Jesus said hate me this is my body jesus said this [Music] like a dream I'm so happy me too I love you I love you where do you want to go anywhere ABC [Music] show me the way until you are maybe we will never be Oh give me a sign love suffers long and is kind love does not envy web does not parade itself it is not puffed up love does not behave rudely does not seek itself it's not provoked he thinks no evil does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in truth bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things [Music] their wedding was so beautiful you think that was beautiful Jacqueline looked amazing I want a wedding like that I want I want I want what is wrong with you you're upset over nothing no just lately you've been so needy you're like I want this if I want this I want hey hey hey hey stop I'm sorry I'm sorry let's get married it's when they do want to marry me since first time I saw you [Music] right I love you too yes I'll marry you David this house is so wonderful I think it's too big for just the two of us it's not just for two I know what you're gonna say we're gonna have seven children yeah nine people will live in this house nine yes me you said thank you hey guys okay so uh you're gonna live here yeah do it over here yeah looks like we'll be your new neighbors yeah come on told me you guys what is your name oh I'm Peter and um my dog's name is Snoopy well I'm David and this is Jacqueline I think we're gonna be great friends thank you before we go inside we do pray that God will bless this house and you god I pray that you bless this asset fill it with happiness and fill it with seven children [Music] it's beautiful listen there's like one thing being from this house [Music] I'm sorry we just decided so hello well congratulations so how's your wife what Jacqueline finds out she's gonna be pretty excited I'm sure lately I've been craving are you pregnant [Music] miss Edison I love you so much just wait though I'm not sure may not be is it twit no I don't think oh just let me change okay love you so much [Music] well I've never seen David so happy before yeah he's finally on time for work well that's a big change these two look like they're up to something every two guys stopped married Congrats she's a great cook not really he's actually a better cook than I am we all know about Braden's cooking but she cooked her way into my heart hey guys um by next March I'm gonna be a dad above all else I want to thank God your grandchild finally I have been waiting five years it's only in God's time gin [Music] wish your mother could have been here for this yeah she always wanted to hold a grandchildren her arms you know it's one of my fattiest moments I enjoy it you know your mom and I bought some land but our first branch out he's gonna love it thanks dad oh what's that hey hey you need to come back leave me alone you know this is a very special day for my dad and my brother special day for him but for me what are you trying to say all your fault my fault your fault I'm still not pregnant come on come on don't touch me thank you so much for making me a daddy thank you for making me a mom so happy let's go celebrate are we going you'll see baby should be mine are you talking about okay Oh were you standing there no longer I just got home you just spying on me now hanging out in doorway say anything why would I be spying on you I think it's time that we made me my father you think you're just gonna tell me well I'm your husband I think it's that high right now right let me don't women property remember that whole thing David we're sleeping on the couch wake up hmm you know my dad doesn't like your move late come on relax we're not gonna be late I'm ready I just want to hold my wife are you always gonna let me like this forever and always even when I am 90 in my hairs way and I have no teeth then I'll change your diaper Jesus told a story about a man who had a hundred sheep he lost one so he left the 99 [Music] because everyone let's turn to Luke chapter 15 hey I want to go get the car okay okay all right hey who is that guy I've never seen him before oh that's Paul I met him three years ago he stole my car and my purse are you serious what is he doing here at church did he come to see you yes and he knows my dad he was in cement jail so you forgave him yeah why not [Music] I was thinking about Paul and you trying to steal your car first thank you forgave him many times actually when that happened who was really scared I just brushed my card in front of the supermarket when I was bounded you know Paul pulled a gun [Music] another party look it was a really quiet afternoon and it'll happen so fast I was scared I cried out to Jesus when I cried out [Music] that was beautiful you know I think we're having a girl good girl what are we gonna neighbor Allison did what if it's a boy David jr. like that what are you so happy about Jacqueline listening to baby I wasn't [Music] that was cheap well something wrong no man I'm just thinking still thinking these seven trees is involved the seven kids God's gonna give us so I'm just gonna stay home and have babies now go out anymore Shawn wes is 15 kids she still got everything done how about you have a baby you know maybe we can ask God [Music] hey happy birthday thank you about your pie oh my goodness Thanks earrings are they new they are Henry gave them to me last night for my birthday I can't look good husband I know I just wish we could have a baby you will someday been trying for five years God's timing is perfect [Music] hey what do you girls talking about nothing just Girl Talk talk about how beautiful her new earrings are they do look nice I need thank you [Music] it was a wonderful party you must be tired come on I'll help you clean up hey we can help too if you want oh no thanks though alright see you then good night hate my life what did you just say why is it her why not me again you really need to stop this you're the older brother we should be having the first grandchild hey honey it's okay it's all right is everything okay [Music] remember always listen to your mother and remember I love you after work can you pick up some more pickles from the store how about I pick up all the pickles actually that would be great [Music] today's our six-month anniversary who are you taking me how about anyway you want to go don't be late [Music] sorry it wears a jacket she's inside okay Snoopy really likes her yeah everyone likes it I like her because she's nice beautiful okay stay a little buddy well yeah we were just having a man-to-man talk what looks like I got some competition I think it's a little crush on you yeah [Applause] bolo hey grab for coffee oh I can't today I'm swamped at work meaning yeah maybe pretty much busy all day what time you gotta help probably like past 5:00 okay so I'll see you then okay hey des been waiting for you to sign those all day perfect okay when I get down with these go home hey Jenny think it's my fault that she's still not pregnant maybe go see a doctor and see what they have to say yeah we tried that the baby's coming someone got its timing yeah I know but I mean she's been getting really jealous lately ever since she found out that Jacqueline not pregnant oh hey that reminds me um Jenny said she was gonna stop by after work to see Jacqueline I thought I'd tell you that okay well I can work I'm probably gonna be really late at least a little bit do you think maybe she could stop by the store and get some pickles for her why not that would be really good could you call it yeah thanks [Music] okay so I'm gonna need the credit reports by five hey Dan I tried to call you earlier why not I feel really strange today when I went out no I had a lot of work to catch up on all right okay [Music] Jacqueline Jacqueline [Music] are you happy six months [Music] yeah [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] exactly [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good Oh Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll find it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] who would have thought this can happen she was everything have the police found anything yet still under investigation if they don't find anything I will and I will kill him I'll help you boys God's in charge only God can help us now David you know that we're with God with my wife was shot listen there's so many things this life will never understand okay but never reject God's love never doubt him he loves everybody believe God it's love David I know it's difficult for you to understand right now but someday you will understand I will never understand David Jesus please help him God [Music] be with him right now Jesus I need you please [Music] be with him right Jesus please help him God exactly if you died [Music] where a baby doesn't [Music] everything yourself [Music] with what a surprise nobody came in sir d huh so you guys found the killer yet we're doing the best that we can we just need your cooperation sir what do you want just a few questions saying I need to find the killer myself like we said before we're just trying to do our best your mr. Anderson do you think it's a good idea for you to have a gun in the house in your state of mind you're wasting your time here you should be out on the streets looking for the person who shot my wife mr. David Anderson you have to understand you are a suspect in the homicide of your wife understand that get out of my house get out of my house you know what why don't we just take it downtown and we'll talk about it Yeah right like you guys have a warrant for my arrest okay then why don't you just tell me where you were the night your wife was murdered he gets it wasting your time here you should really leave Stars we just need your full cooperation that's it that's it how do you ever help the body is someone that you love so dear and it that was my wife and baby you see yourself out so I've been praying for you a lot yeah prayer is not working come on you should come home with me and stay yeah I wanna stay here that long I feel like the killer could walk in at any moment David don't be so hard on yourself I should have come home earlier like she wanted me to you listen to me listen you are not to blame when I held her dead body in that moment my life is over all my faith was gone Hey don't ever give up faith ever I used to believe in God no so Jesus is our strength and hope you know that trust in him never stop trusting in him [Applause] what is this you're not thinking about doing something stupid are you thank you mama I'm not giving this to you thank you my god I need that you don't need that what do you want me to do huh trust in Jesus put eyes on Jesus aunt Minn son no what about Jacqueline what about my baby they're in heaven praying for you [Music] Jesus says revenge is mine I will repay almost 1221 don't forget that first do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good [Music] after the baby's born I'm gonna go - okay I'll go with you all about we take the baby with this has a great idea [Music] yeah yeah isn't it kind of late don't worry I'll speed don't speed it's okay oh can I touch hey stop that's not for you to touch with okay that's not for little kids it's not a toy okay it's not a toy the one you have it you ask too many questions my point work yeah they're crazy they think I killed my own wife I don't know but I'm gonna find whoever did this I'm gonna kill them insane how are you today hey um I have a friend here waiting for me okay uh he's been waiting for you for a while I didn't think you were coming I gotta find the murderer it's all I can think about sometimes I feel like he's right next to me and I can't touch him what makes you think that the killer's a guy [Music] every time I close my eyes I see Tecna where was Jenny that day everybody knows that Jamie was jealous of Jacqueline and Jenny was the last person the Jackman saw that day [Music] sandi big killer I know that she's your brother's wife but we have to look at the facts and everybody knows a jealous woman is capable of anything is everything all right it's what [Music] hey David what's going on where is he Jenny why are you looking for what's going on Henry don't try to hide it from me where is she whoa whoa what is wrong with you man well no attendees the only first potala jack playing that day right sis's I need to talk to her jack she's still not even over Jacqueline's death Oh David it's so good to see you how are you I'm fine I've been praying for you I still can't believe this happened yeah me neither Oh what do you mean I shouldn't come I gotta go hey son what's going on everything all right yeah everything's fine you want to talk or no [Music] how you doing hey where's your dog he's not feeling too good so he's inside I'm sorry it's fine I take it you've been busy we're trying to find the murderer aren't you who told you that I heard my parents talking really I want to help you I really missed you I want to help you find the killer [Music] who are you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] chilli [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon hello you where the speed limit on this roadway yeah okay it's 45 you're doing 62 then you see your driver's license registration proof of insurance why you look so nervous nothing Jay I need the registration proof of insurance get something else on your mind no sir driver's license valid yes sir sure about that sir okay stay in your car be with you in a moment okay sure you all right yeah Jenny Dave what's wrong with you huh how could you kill my wife uh-huh you are out of your mind move if you're gonna kill her you've got to kill me first huh tell me [Music] hello I found the real killer David what are you [Music] you need to turn around and face the door which hands behind your back and arrest for murder you have any weapons on you at the front door [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi yes I need to speak to an attorney immediately please on a more serious note Jenny Anderson 26 has been accused of a double murder of her sister-in-law Jacqueline Anderson 25 and her unborn baby Jacqueline was five months pregnant at the time of the murder if found guilty she could face up to two life sentences Jenny Anderson was arrested in Thailand I mean you just can't trust anybody anymore I don't believe it how do you not believe it there's like tons of evidence against her she was set up okay yeah I just say that she was set up again I'm leaving no no no no no come on I need you give me me me do you love me [Music] come on dad of all people you know she's innocent yeah I think so too no we need a different lawyer the one we have now I mean he's the best no dad there's just something about him I just doesn't seem right all right look I do have someone else we can try oh that would be great thanks dad that would be great just can't believe it which else woman could do anything hey you really believe all this you know Jenny didn't do it she's innocent we have proof well she was set up why don't you go and pray about it what happened to your fear of God man do you know what I want to believe that it wasn't Jenny but you know ever since she found out that Jacqueline was printing she was filled with jealousy you told me yourself you know what David you will regret this [Music] [Music] I just can't believe it was Jenny to think the killer was aren't us in our own family I'm so sorry [Music] come in here are these papers thank you David I need to tell you something I just need to let you know what's in my heart right now what is it I think you know what I'm gonna say just tell me Ginny did not kill your wife not Jenny than who I'm not sure but I know what Kachin seen do you know how bad I wish it wasn't Jenny look I've been praying and I just think that cranks don't come in here talking about prayer don't even mention prayer in my presence again just leave David you need to check your best friend morning sick too one down six can you bring Jacqueline back to me that's the miracle Elysee the [Music] look I know you don't want to hear this we believe Jenny's innocent right agree the real murderer is still left it just something fair Jenny needs a lot of Prayer David look at me the proof she's innocence - look we have an excellent attorney okay but above all else son I believe God's gonna turn this around for good you guys brought me in here for this really David I'll tell you Leia talk to me she thinks that Jenny's innocent too well that makes sense they were good friends my whole family thinks he's innocent what about all the evidence against oh yeah I guess you can't do that truth I heard that she posted bond she's out but not for long I can't believe that let's move yeah her trial be coming up soon unbelievable people think she's innocent it's ridiculous thank you being a good friend man come [Music] [Applause] hey you guys ready yeah Jesus made this competition glorify your name making sure Gideon army helped us to fight for your justice in Jesus name Amen amen well in Joshua 1:9 it says have I not commanded you to be of good measure this isn't a church hey what's wrong June it's constant Jesus talk around here I don't see any God do you used to go to church I remember no I went to church because Jacqueline asked me to go to church but I never believed in God [Music] [Music] no son I know what you're going through yeah you don't know one on I do don't forget I lost my wife to this really aren't and [Music] hey man hey you really gonna sell this house yeah I just gonna move back to the ranch I noticed these are growing up kind of quick seems like this yesterday - exactly she told me that you planted one for each of the seven kids you were gonna yeah it's kind of hurts to look at him now hey until I get to see you hey man so on what are you gonna teach me out you know play the guitar you're really serious about that aren't you yeah my dad got me one last Christmas okay but you come back now and I teach all right okay I gotta go unless he's having that morning sickness then you know what if what if I buy your house what about the house you're in now well Leslie saying that she wants a bigger house before the baby comes I can look after your trees for you hey what's your name um you know I I gotta go take my dog to go potty yeah funny kid [Music] hey since your friend left can you teach me how to play now doesn't that hurt yeah but you'll get used to it I miss her I saw her that afternoon you were at my house oh no when I got off the bus I saw her talking to some woman do you know who she was you know yeah she called her Jenny uh-huh do you know what they were doing well she had her car and then Jacqueline waved and said thanks for the pickles wait [Music] did you see anyone else come to my house when I left the house I saw men enter do you know who that was do you know their name your friend he was here not that long ago [Music] something wrong here play around that okay [Music] [Music] [Music] - my love Jacqueline Jacqueline you were my only love I'm so happy you were my life and everything my hope when I hold you I feel like everything belongs to me I was so happy and then one day David came into your life he stole my joy life everything from me last night [Music] lastly lastly honey Leslie are you okay let's see worry hon what are you doing Leslie Jenny she's innocent I'm so sorry do you like something I found the real killer Brera it's my best friend what did you say I can't force hello lastly are you doing what's going on I think like you killed Jacqueline kill your own baby I never wanted to fight you with you I'm sorry I only wanted one with Jax damn it that you Braden what are you doing here I came to talk to you you shouldn't be in here what the front door was open Jacqueline I want to tell you that I love you and I really miss you what Jacqueline I think we should get back together my friend crate in South Jack oh I don't think you still loves me are you crazy I know [Music] he passed her yeah I need to talk to you about David he needs prayer hey Dad [Music] I'm really worried about David that's just something not right ever since Jacqueline died yeah but I couldn't hear Deus and it was really staticky he said something about he might have found the real killer I don't know I couldn't understand what you're saying really so what happened to her was response instead she decided to don't be with that guy who pretends to be my best friend [Music] [Music] no you don't you're the devil we've been talking too much how could you be so heartless you've kill your own baby are you deaf heartless you know I don't even think it is my own baby I told you I only ever loved Jack my best friend [Music] [Music] coming okay if she was my woman and you took her from me go ahead kill me I want to go to heaven because Lisa and I'll be with her you will never see her you hear me she is in heaven you you were going to show I've already been to heaven every single time I was with her [Music] you were never my friend you're not gonna believe this Braden it was Braden he's the killer what yeah apparently before David met Jacqueline he was completely in love with her how can he kill someone he loves I have no idea but you know I need to call the cops stand up stand up let's go ahead and kill me seven times seven that's easy funny Bunch I forget you killed my wife and my baby yeah I still forgive you you're not a man wake up best night wake up Leslie Leslie wake up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you play that song for [Music] which one [Music] Bradon winders 27 has been charged with the murder of Jacqueline Anderson it has also been reported that he hired hitman Shawn gray in an attempt to kill David Anderson on the country road the day before his wedding love covers a multitude of sins [Music] I finally get what God said it's overcome evil with good when I forgave Braden funny headpiece [Music] I realized that when you died you never left and you're always with me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 587,500
Rating: 4.6917109 out of 5
Keywords: christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, trailers, movies, Jesus, God, EncourageTV, Movie, Josiah David Warren, Tim McGrath, Erica Lloyd, Sun Hui East, Seventy Times Seven Movie, Seventy Times Seven Full Movie, Seventy Times Seven, scripture, christian movie, christian film, Christian romance, Christianity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 40sec (5920 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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