In the Name of God (2013) | Full Movie | John Ratzenberger | Eric Roberts | Patrick Davis

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] good morning everyone I'd like to welcome you all here on this glorious day we've all come together one in all to give praise to our Lord Jesus amen before I get started with today's message I'd I'd like to tell you all a little story a few years ago I was traveling with a very close friend of mine a fellow pastor we were driving to a church conference and we'd been in the car for quite a few hours chatting about well this and that old times and in general passing the time was the road new telephone poles passed us by but then the topic changed I mean hate you can't have two pastors in a car for that length of time without the topic turning to our Lord conversation turned to a discussion of reverence specifically reverence of our Lord and reverence of His Holy Name and out of that struck his story my friend that pastor told me about a troubled young man the boy really 16 17 years old a boy that had been moved from foster home to foster home he didn't have a sense of place there were house different family different faces a boy who through circumstance had been left on his own all alone to fend for himself in this world he just needed a chance he really really just needed a fresh start there's a boy who merely needed someone to care these people they're part of my church I feel responsible for them as I do you I've read your file and I've spoken with you and all I really know for sure is now tough your life has been but that's not who you are son in here you will decide that so tell me what do you want out of life what do you mean what do you want out of life say whatever comes to mind okay money enough sorry I don't have to depend on anyone no I got you on that one me too but that's the easy one besides money you better speak up you ran out of options long ago listen son you see I got a whole group of these old prayer warrior ladies they're in the other room Nitin Charles well I'm thinking that they'd like nothing more than to be asked to come in here pray over a troubled young man you wouldn't it make their week maybe even their month okay I'd like to be accepted for me not the poor kid who doesn't have a home I'm tired of people feeling pity for me I got it I don't want to thank you for your honesty I mean I can't help you with either of those two areas other than to say that well blessed is the man who fears God who takes great delight in his commands that would be Psalm 112 I think I'd rather listen in the prayer shawl ladies you're taking them to the Lewises tonight yes later this afternoon they're a nice family son go easy on him okay oh I can't wait to meet them I'm sure they're just lovely thank you for coming if you'll excuse me I need to handle something I'm gonna talk to them right pastor I was just gonna grab them ladies thank you for coming Tom me no I just want to thank you both for taking this young man into your home it's truly God's work I was wondering if I might be able to speak to you in private in my office perhaps if you have a minute Horace Nate we're gonna speak with Reverend fields for a few minutes we'll be right back I'm coming too that's okay no I'm looking right here Oh Tom Whitney it was actually Nathan of course the meeting he it's about the foster job he's not a child he's a 17-year old Nate has some concerns with the placement yes we've spoken him about it it's not that we're ignoring his concerns it's just that we feel called to do this and that's right we have discussed this Nate shouldn't have brought you into it I'm bringing him into this because he brought this to you and surely we can all see this as some sort of attempt to replace Jack Nate show some respect what he was my brother that's enough the decisions been made he's coming that's final okay yes we pray on this read from Nate [Music] [Music] that's cute but not helpful hey we know that you're unhappy about this but it is happening and it won't be fair to him if we don't make him feel welcome look I'm sure he's gonna be feeling nervous and trying his hardest to fit in hey we love you and we love jack and nothing will ever change that okay now will you please make an effort and be nice thanks but yes can I help you no they live next door what's he done nothing ma'am he's just a foster placement with the losses is he part of a gang no man I left them and I'm hoping to hide out here so they don't find me he's got a good sense of humor we're sorry for the mistake ma'am that's a good way to start looking for a new home please try to make the most of this hey Reverend fields worked really hard to get you this placement they're good people so I hear you sure that's the right place this time hey hello miss Watson this must be Mason please come in this is a beautiful home oh we thank you cats it's a great neighborhood Nate they're here and then there's lots of kids your age and lots to do so do I really have to be here for this yes this is our son Nate hi Nate this is Mason and Mason this is Nate and mr. and mrs. Lewis nice to meet you Mason you too chief Mason it's mr. and mrs. Lewis dance what you said he really is trying hard to fit in here well of course I am been my dream to come live with your perfect little family I'm so sorry you know teenagers and it's a rough transition I can speak to him if you'd like would you use a club Nate this is great we just have to get to know each other a little bit [Music] [Music] come to see the newest attraction you're our first if they're all like you I can't see us getting any more it was closed we're not allowed to have our doors closed yeah well I'm older different rules jock was older too he followed the same rules who's Jack my brother this is this room where's he be sense keeping away from you he's in heaven now and we got along just fine you know I don't believe in heaven well where is he did you tell him dinner was ready I told him but his door is closed so who knows what he's doing in there Nate we have to let him fit in feel comfortable we have to earn his trust and respect like he has to for us Mayson dinnertime mason even if you're not hungry you got to let me know Mason open this door right now nice call with the door that's it I know you can hear me in there Mason why did you have this door locked he's gone what wait what are we gonna do I'm gonna go try to find him shouldn't we call pastor fields or Swanson no no let me let me try to find him first I don't want to make this into a bigger deal than it already is stay here in case he comes back or calls [Music] thanks for stopping back thank you leave your bag on the counter place what for store policy yeah well my policy is to keep it with me okay thanks for stopping by then you have no grounds to make me leave this bag this is discrimination I have teenagers coming in here and stealing me blind if you're not one of them congratulations but you still gotta leave the bag I thought Christians are supposed to be trusting in God I trust all others pay cash and leave their bags up here you've got to be kidding me I'm about to call the cops for what we're not following store rules fine [Music] [Music] don't you want to check my pockets what's this for school project what you want to tell me what to buy to do change my bag I got one [Music] evening what's uh what's going on the militant ager bus briefing from Earth in vandalize the store um what what did he look like average build maybe seventeen really dark hair dark backpack got close this kid looked like he was going nowhere real fast do you know something sir yeah he just got back I tried to talk to him but he went to his room I bet just go easy on him okay we knew this was gonna be challenging he vandalized the convenience store the police are there what hey what's going on where did you go what do you mean Mason we're not stupid okay okay I just needed some air I borrowed a bike and rode it around but no I brought it back you can't just leave especially through a window we want this to work we want you here but you have to do your part we're responsible for you hey no one's responsible for me but me sounds tough but that's not the case while you're in this house you'll respect us and the rules of this house know what you're kicking me out Ben there Mason can't you see that we're trying to help I mean we've welcomed you into our home we feel called to have you as part of this family a calling huh well then it has to be right the visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world that's from James God doesn't care neither do you you're doing this for you don't worry about it dad he doesn't believe in heaven get back here young man we still need to talk about that graffiti huh just give him that God it's Nate Jack's brother [Music] God why is it that good people like Jack get taken away and then the bad ones like Mason get to say anyway thank you God [Music] [Music] I tell you Agnes there's something horrible going on over at that home plumbing Swanson please come in he's up in here hello Mason we need to have a real talk about the vandalism done to the convenience store as an avenue last night do you know anything about that no that was uh I was here all night right it was mr. Lewis who called and reported you as matching the description of the suspect nice guess you got a new call the store owner has ID'd you from a photograph she's going to press charges your file is going to be reviewed and the judge will decide the next steps mr. Lewis thank you for all your help I'll just grab my bag I'll be ready in five Oh hold on stay right there don't have to go with her you're not out of here that easily mr. nothing has changed between us you're still part of this family we're gonna solve this together let me know when his court date is and we'll make sure he's there okay and it should be in about two weeks okay go ahead and finish your breakfast miss Watson I'll walk you up oh yeah and by the way your court-ordered route meetings start after school tonight we're all signed up [Music] that's funny Agnes I thought sure they'd be dragging that hoodlum off in handcuffs if this is gonna work at all we need to know where you're coming from for example someone who believes is gonna have an entirely different point of view from someone who does not believe you with me hello Lacey glad you could join us you were saying yeah I don't believe big surprise and you do yeah but not have some good guy in the sky like a puppet master looking for laughs what did you read that on some t-shirt you have a smart mouth looks like the new guy's got a little bit of an attitude relax relax relax we've all got problems with other people there's no one here to judge who's right and who's wrong we're just trying to figure out a better ways to deal with those problems trying to understand life a little better and hopefully as we go get over our prejudices Ruby thanks for joining I see you're familiar with the newest member of our group huh mm-hmm I know what you're trying to do my friend Steve told me you trying to cope with the loss of Jack by replacing him with Mason Steve the 14 year old on your baseball team yeah it sounds like Steve needs to stop watching daytime talk shows honey listen losing jack is just a part of this maybe we really think that we can help Mason that doesn't change how we feel about you you're our son hey what's going on hey we're just you know gonna dishes well is that the room hopefully Wallace can help I hope he doesn't rafidhi the church mate what look at his room he vandalized my store and I'm here because of her you're here because of you and your actions why are you here you're actually that's enough everybody please settle him down Ruby could you warned me I didn't know the court mandated he attend did the juvie court some little Mason for some therapy how did you get here your mom said you d sit down the new guy's got a mouth that needs closing not in my meeting he has zero respect for anything good luck blame your God hey that's it this ends here Mason Ruby you want to leave I will take it up with you afterwards and we'll make other arrangements I'm not leaving why should I leave is it worth all this debt [Music] just because something's difficult doesn't mean it isn't worth doing [Music] I miss him so all comments are directed only at me and only on the subject at hand okay okay let's talk about rules why do we have to keep everyone in line yeah to keep people from acting like fools well you're both right without some sort of rules that be total chaos couldn't play football couldn't play baseball without rules and we even hire people to enforce those rules like judges referees policemen and then they make up their own rules amazing do you know what set of basic rules many societies base their code of conduct on the prime directive no the Ten Commandments from the Bible we all know where the 10 commandments oh I hear right God's laws yes I said of biblical laws ruling the ethics and worship the Word of God Mason does one collective key to these laws or rules what would it be obedience that's part of it but it's more about why we should be obedient to these rules love pretty close lacy something like that it's respect respect for God respect for your parents respect for others and their property so that's why everything's so messed up some guy living in a cave looking after sheep 2,000 years ago is gonna dictate how we live today so Mason you don't feel the consideration for others is important why huh so we can honor parents for beetus son if someone has hurt you I am sorry that is not right but just because something seems outdated does not make it wrong well like we can't even say the word God come on little kids sing sticks and stones may break my bones but the creator of the universe can't handle his name being tossed around I told you mason once again it's about respect it's about reverence and who gets this respect you if I've earned it her if she's earned it the man in the moon if the man on the moon has earned it you think it should be you why not him because he doesn't deserve it and you do at least I'm not out vandalizing stuff you've never made a mistake okay guys that's enough as you've proven to each other tonight at respect for others is not always easy nor do we always deserve it but just think right here right now if we do respect each other how different this conversation might be it would probably be quieter good girl now what is expecting from you you got some guts you'd already made up your mind pretty girl nice clothes thought you might be in here to hand out cookies keep it up Maci next time we'll teach you about respect yeah something going on I gotta go see you next time you're bringing cookies making friends that's great but better steer clear of that one her daddy is oh man may I see you for a minute just go wait by the car in two minutes huh Tom it's great what you guys are trying to do but it's gonna be tough this kid has attitude oh just discovering that I'm not sure he's saying the group court-mandated it but the court-mandated a group it doesn't have to be this one and a ruby the convenience store owner is also in this group she comes by oh yeah a few years ago for assault she I did her time but she likes coming here and it's hard to ask her not to stay you know but not for Mason I'm Michonne newest best of the group and it's probably tough on him to uh see her here you know what I mean I'll have a talk with him thanks John yes I didn't say I was to start pupil he isn't watching the group tough the court put me there yes but he runs a group and if he asked the court to transfer you that old uh it'll probably happen typical why are you fighting everyone Whitney and I are trying to help and you're treating us like animals everyone this stuff for the reasons so you're okay with being transferred no I want to stay here really why like I said I want this stuff for the reason almost done dad just about I'm on the last day of this week's schedule good because I'm hungry how about pizza works for me loving father I need your help I don't know how I'm gonna pay all this I'm really struggling where's Mason I tried I don't push too hard he'll just do the opposite dad I've got it be sure yeah absolutely oh thank you so much honey I got a figure to run okay your breakfast is on the table you have ten minutes to eat and get ready I'm not gonna be late because of you come on let's go you made me breakfast dad we need to go dad where are you going let me go get nice dad commotion about oh well good morning let's go hey lace that was school fine I didn't sound so good just some of the kids are being mean Oh what are they doing Patty's ignoring me grace won't eat with me anymore did you do something no why would you ask that why is it always my fault sweetheart I'm just asking listen I don't know I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on you're right you don't know oh wait in the car [Applause] place you don't think that'd be hard your school no friend and you think mouthing off to your teachers makes it easier I give what I get they're your teachers show some respect now why should I you might get what you give go along with things make it a little easier on them they'll make it easier on you so be a phony no no just to show a little respect hey dude just be smart play the system schemers and phonies great little models [Music] there's in two hours guys stupid window go away I have a favor to ask okay fine what do you want let me paint your room you're joking right doesn't look like I'm joking okay don't expect me to return the favor though don't worry it's known for you this is about Jack [Music] okay go ahead if we've made a mistake I was never sure about it but we can't back out now you said you felt called right yeah felt it feel said the same thing well then we have to honor that it's just been so hard on me Arnold those two will ever get along you're really good at painting yeah foster families need a lot of manual labor what's that like living with different families oh so I'm good some bad I've had friends with great families but not you I didn't say that I'm just saying sometimes it's hard now you feel [Music] you know it's not easy on me was I because I had this new foster brother who's just messing up everything yeah sounds tough real jerk huh he is his moment you know no one's ever called me brother before hey Mason time for dinner just uh just put a plastic bag over it and I'll put him freezer it it'll fall after they're never looking Thanks [Music] you couldn't have just called her mrs. Tucker mom and dad are gonna freak first name is Ann yeah but she's a teacher teachers are called mr. and mrs. and mitts they only do that to keep us in our place yeah you're really bad names did you know that that's what first defines us people can use names to put you down or categorize you but teachers won't respect also make them earn it if you know this you know Lacey Fields the preacher's kid preachers good candies isn't that group with me yep that's the one but dad's the pastor of church so see you there oh she's pretty oh ha ha do you like her her she got put in that group for the label the Internet really ha got you I win that's not fair can I hope this is about Nate here are the issues the group leader doesn't want you there anymore the principal says you're out of chances there won't be anymore next step is suspension or expulsion and then there's the vandalism charges all of these in just three days well isn't there some sort of a grace period I mean I think that we're doing better now something's got to change that group is a mandatory thing if he doesn't attend it he gets sent to juvie and if he's not in school he gets sent to juvie and if those charges aren't mitigated in some way he goes to juvie anything to say Mason looks like I'm heading to juvie really that's what you want to do just just give up move on you tell me could you excuse us Nathan for a minute I need to speak to mr. mrs. Lewis alone [Music] I borrow something yeah sure what do you need a window I think it's best and safest for everyone if Mason's just handed over to juvenile detention he's been headed that way for a long time we've we've only had him a few days this isn't your problem the kid was messed up when he got here don't let it become more than you can handle just let us think about it there's another group session tonight maybe he should just go to that and we'll we'll see how it goes okay be around if anybody needs me [Music] [Music] where are your chaperones I'm gonna be sent to juvie unless you drop those charges you shouldn't be here we shouldn't be talking like this I don't deserve this Oh did somebody else paint blame god on my store you antagonize me I'm just trying to get by you know you're not the only one that has it rough I'm sorry about that but you have to take responsibility for your own actions I get it no one cares about anything but their own stuff not Christians not God hey show some respect if you're so worried about what he thinks want you helping me maybe I am by not letting you get away with this or maybe if you actually said you were sorry for what you did it would make a difference not likely Mason open up Mase come on We Need to Talk Mason leave him alone he was pretty mad that's why we need to talk dad mom he just needs a break honey he's not happy here you know we shouldn't force him to stay well if Jack was in trouble would you send him away this is different Nate if he sees him [Music] maybe we should just see what happens tonight I think you should go back to the group oh yeah I mean he is supposed to be there you know why should he have to leave just because of other people in the group you know why not them weren't so sure about it enough work I know but he's got a point yeah I suppose not Jack no but he is supposed to be part of this family this is something that we took on and I just I just feel like we need to see it through I love you I love you too well we should probably get dinner going yeah okay I'll go get it ready okay see if I can get him out of his room Mason hey come on open the door we need to talk about this it's amazing oh thanks open up we need to talk let me do it he needs to follow the rules of the house well maybe if we give him a little respect he would like he likes Mason not maze dad [Music] Oh Mason time for dinner [Music] thanks eh I'll wash my hands be right out [Music] they see swetha what are you doing just texting with Laurie my homeworks basically done I'm not worried about you I am worried about you you're not supposed to be texting twitting facing any of that stuff it's not like that okay so what are you talking about girl stuff friends school boys homework but that's exactly what got you into trouble the last time it wasn't my fault why can't you trust me there's trust and then there's being blind did you say anything about anyone else dad everyone does it would anyone be upset with what you've said this isn't fair they're saying all this stuff about me and I can't post bacc you should see what they're calling me listen if you just ignore it don't lose interest I'm not five years old I hate them and I hate that I not only went in trouble and I I hate that I have to go to that stupid group we can change groups that's not the point I shouldn't even be in a group look you just need to get through this okay you do your best and you learn everything you can from it I know that you're a good girl really and I know that you don't belong in the group place I love you I always will we're here to support you I'll back you to stay here but you have to try to what about what Swanson said she said we have to find a way to make it work let's find a way [Music] all the legal parking is on the east side the excuse me just a minute what are you doing drop him hey Soph he's his RuPt if he was told not to come no no it was suggested that he not coming there's a court order that says that he has to attend a group man we can always and this is there has to be a support group for people on the edge and doesn't being disruptive kind of come with the territory man okay I'm gonna have to call Swanson awkward your old man fight all your battles why don't you find out oh geez this guy listen stop or both you'll get kicked out nobody wants you here even she wants you gone hey leave me out of it but there won't be many here who vote to keep you around either you're probably not even in this group your mom just uses her an excuse to send you away well no he's talking about your mom leave my mom out of it Oh sore spot she have other grooves for you and other nights slow learners closed mouth breathers no time you learn some respect what's going on no no hey hey enough enough Mason hey bud I just want to say thanks what for for making an effort with Mason and for working hard to all of this and for painting the room healed too a lot actually has to be a good sign right lacy what happened well Dee was mouthing off to Mason oh come on he was asking for it let her speak what are you afraid of not you that's for sure hey hey guys knock it off hey Mason not another word you guys frightened of something dee dee keep it up smart now hey could you guys please sit down no all your groups like this he's got to go it's not working Oh hold on hold on it doesn't sound like it was his fault it doesn't really matter mr. Lewis you can make the decisions at home here mr. Wallace friends a group well what's he supposed to do we'll find him another group in another group or school or family the other side I'm not worth it I'm the easy targets we'll blame it on me why not unfortunately with the charges against you there's not much we can do come on hold on what if I drop the charges what what if I drop the charges it's not sure that I'm sorry for him but I don't think it's to his benefit I'm not feeling sorry for him I just want a solution that benefits everyone like he works for me after school and Saturdays free of charge for two months can she do this she can drop the charges sure and she can request restitution knowing the judge probably go for it keeps them out of the system and abides by the victims wishes what about the group you have to attend it or something like it it's been mandated medically he's done doing it here you saw went down not gonna happen if he's not doing the group I'm not either I'm not mandated to be here by any court me too you have to come here my dad once made a switch what about you if you're not willing to do this none of this matters fine fine isn't gonna cut it you have to listen to me do what I say and that goes in here too you need to listen to Wallace you still have my back I do part of that is pointing you in the right direction this is it come on he's not worth it he ain't gonna do it I'm sorry about my behavior Wallace I'd like to stay I'll do what she says okay Misha welcome to the group we'll try to make a fresh start of this huh hey yeah thanks for your help you really think this is gonna work it's all going to depend on him he has zero chances left and no other options and that Ruby lady sounds tough I wouldn't want her to be my boss no I wouldn't either all right let's get back to the commandments we're talking about how they all deal with respect right clearly we can see from tonight's altercations that when there's no respect there's no peace if you respect someone you don't steal from them you don't lie to them etc and if you respect God you don't worship another one you don't take his name in vain and you don't work on his day of rest Mason can you disagree your interpretations fine it's the idea that God demands respect from us what for just so can fuel high mighty sounds like he has an inferiority complex you're talking about the creator of the universe I suggest you show some respect but I guess you think otherwise career to the universe and yeah he's gonna worry what I think of them what I call him what if it were good for us a lot like vegetables exactly what if honoring God actually kept us safe and happy and living good lives Psalm 31 says how great is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you yep but you can't prove that I said what if it was well I still don't think it should be a commandment thou must worship me and only use my name for praise that's not someone I want to follow clearly but whether you follow him or not those rules are still the same and you know I worry about someone who can't even consider the idea that there might be someone or something that's actually more significant than he is you talk about an inferiority complex the opposite of that is a god complex someone who want to extend any common courtesy to anyone because he actually believes he's better than everyone else Wallace yes uh just a question about what you told us before mm-hmm did you say that we're not here to decide what who's right or wrong but understand life and our own prejudices yes yes you're right sorry you see being human is making mistakes when determines who we are it's how we handle those mistakes saying please thank you and I'm sorry all mean to you respect and you care about someone else rather than just thinking everyone else always used something because you're better than everyone else so Mason I'd like to apologize I'm sorry thanks for standing up for me in there not what you expected from the cookie server I see you at school a lot mind if I come over and talk sometime you're asking for permission to talk to me I'm not making many friends I might not be good for your rep I think my rep can take it hello Mason I see you've met my daughter hey mister I mean Reverend Reverend fields wow that is a change I guess this group's been good for someone it means he cares in there right Mason [Music] so the judge okayed Mason to work here yes and because you dropped the vandalism charge it won't go on his record that's good but believe me when I get through with him that juvie thing's gonna look pretty good I know that's true so when do I get my new little helper today judge ordered him to start today right after school hey how did it go with Lacey I saw you guys eating lunch together she's cool but kind of sad to think she won't tell me why she's in the group and no visits to the office no turns out please and thank you really are the magic words hey when you get home do you want to play video games I can't I gotta go that lady's sister we're after to walk you home hey how about you give me a chance to redeem myself this weekend from the beating you gave me last time bring it you're late it's for you're kidding it's Passport and you're late it's disrespectful I don't like a visit yeah me either let's show some respect for other people's time I'm sorry I'm late mrs. worthy it's miss and you can call me Ruby there's being respectful and honey's just making me feel Oh this entire building needs to be cleaned and repainted I'll buy myself anybody else help yeah you're feeding my wall [Music] [Music] this is my store and I wouldn't have worked as hard on it as you did just doing what she told me to he's a kid I'm impressed you want a bag of chips or a chocolate bar no this is good and so you say what somebody gives you something you say to them thank you that way you gave this to me what so I can hear you say thank you put me in my place sure I did nice things for people all the time so I can put them in their place that'll teach you it's Nate come in was it really that bad she's loving it treating me like this I was washing and scrubbing her store the whole time wow that's a lot of work yeah exhausted Jack used to love those days the days where he felt like you couldn't move at the end of them he said it made life seem full like he hadn't wasted any of it he sounds pretty cool yeah he was [Music] hey Mason didn't make it home today I told Nate to tell you yeah no he told me so it's it's good that you wanted to be here on time just uh to make sure your day didn't go too crazy you mean that I caused any trouble well that too I was obedient did what I was told it's all part of life buddy just wait - you're married well it's home mom you said that oh my head it'll make her happy make her feel like she's doing her job all right well good keep it up don't be too late remember you have a group meeting sigh - oh joy anyone here not broken one of the Ten Commandments see what I mean hmm anyone could set up a bunch of rules and in no time they'd be broken good point so why have them lies are there to protect us structure helps us feel secure it's like with a dog if you let it know you're the boss it knows what it can and cannot do yeah but that's a dog people want freedom and if you have to dictate that someone follow you what have you really gained probably resentment and anger and if you're just setting up rules so that people fail them what's the point just to make them feel bad and that they now owe you something how does it feel Mason to have Dee supporting you okay maybe a little suspicious but good like maybe Dee unless you're listening to you and respect your opinion hmm sure and in doing so they respect you think about it okay I guess let's all think about that think about all the people we fight with argue with do not listen to or God are we doing it for good reasons or pride are we putting our ego I wants our name ahead of everyone else and him is that what we're doing if you really if I was get it hey what are you doing it's late yeah I'm just trying to finish up you the gift grunt labor thanks working hard being precise and diligent you know God gives each of us a unique gift it would be a waste to lose that if you're gonna say thanks mean it yeah but what you're praising me for is easy hooray I can paint and clean not like this people can't do this like you do people would pay good money for work like this matter of fact I think I could get you some work really you mean I get paid it's grunt work well it's a good thing I'm gifted at that I could set up a meeting with some people that might be interested in your work and we can have it here at the store and show off your work Wow wait at home I mean yes please thank you now that sounded genuine [Music] and you borrow your window again what for I said I meet Lacey but you're not allowed out and you've been doing so well I'm not some puppy okay I'm not just doing well when I'm following orders might work for you but not for me okay fine I like it out here big and open no rules no judgments there's a small chapel in there that I like - its private and never use I like being alone sometimes - I guess when it feels like I can't trust anyone else you asked about the group I'm there because of bullying online mostly I wasn't the only one it's not like I thought it was being mean I was just commenting being funny then dishing it out better than anybody else could that's happened to me your kid with Helen whispering and making fun behind my back well who are you to judge everyone has bending over backwards to help you and you're treating them like dirt Lacey what are you doing out here I was worried about you and Mason son this is not good that was really stupid do you just not care I met a girl what's the big deal oh don't listen you know what the big deal is you were given special treatment and this is what you do you break rules you betray trust you dishonor people who are trying to help you they'll get over it now well what about Nate he's in trouble now too don't you ever think of anyone but yourself hey Nate I'm sorry man you don't deserve this was it worth it at least no she's mad and I'm in trouble I don't think I'll see her again oh sorry yeah it's your risk now are you sure you wanna vote for him yes we do yeah we'll do whatever it takes to keep him here okay anything goes wrong now and you're on the hook you call Oh looks like the authorities are back next door and I was just getting used to that boy okay so the next steps are up to you got it thank you one's ever stood up for me like this you're welcome hey don't forget you have that meeting come on I'll take you to the meeting with Wallace and Reverend fields biggest question is do you want to change groups are you sure because to stay means hard work from everybody in here especially you means you're gonna have to start thinking about other people son before yourself I'm sorry about last night how's Lacey don't you worry about her this is about you Mason this is your life do you have what it takes to get through all of this son I don't know your things finally seen me be going good and now now it seems even worse well that's why you have to make the best out of what you have and most importantly be thankful for it even for the people who are trying to keep you on the right track it isn't always all good that's just life now I have to go to the bathroom if that's allowed sure I need help and I've asked you for stuff before but but I think I need forgiveness more the little bit of respect and love I get I don't even deserve but you you deserve it all and I can't even respect your name I'm sorry I'm so sorry Heavenly Father Lord let me start by just honoring your name let me just start by respecting you I'm wanting to please you not because I have to but because you deserve it [Music] so how many chance to do it give the kid I have no idea I don't think it's our call between the foster office and the courts they've had enough where is he we got to leave and please help me to think of others like you Lord and not just myself I'm so sorry about last night I really am I'm fine you're sorry please leave I've been so worried about not letting people be above me and I fail to see what I'm doing others I had no right to judge okay I wouldn't be alone I was just outside thinking what a girl is by texting me doing running on a crummy piece of paper I'm guessing that's a pretty person or not trying to complain something really bad that can't be undone I've written notes like that too and I've really messed up when I felt really alone I never did anything with them but came close all my friends have turned on me like I'm some sort of loser you don't count for anything my dad he's great he just doesn't get it but I do and you you count for a whole lot I'm not going anywhere I used to be popular I can see it the pretty girls having perfect cookies dollar perfect friends perfect we're gonna mean down here with an outcast like me well you know something it's okay we got a friend in common Jesus I know I know it's a lot to take especially from someone like me right yeah I heard it all my life over and over but it never made sense until today until I realize how was treating him I [Music] knew God brought you here for a reason Bourbon fields I'm sorry I didn't come on it's okay I am sorry thank you sir really thank you [Music] Oh oh my goodness you're late Wallace asked me to get you two rubies come on we got to go put my neck out for you and now he's gone hang on a second Ruby Laci was in some trouble Mason helped her out he did a lot doesn't matter he's gone why is this so important to you I was I was gonna supply the paint and equipment upfront for the job I'm behind on bills and the bank's ready to foreclose you sure dad well you know we've got a lot of work that needs to be done at the church you did a great job I'll tell you what Ruby well by that day any equipment from you what do you say you still interested Mason yeah Thank You Reverend I mean if that's still okay with Ruby well I don't want to lose my best worker unless you're willing to come back of course Thank You Ruby what's going on Ruby called and said you didn't show up Tom it's okay mason has a good reason for not showing about he was helping my daughter Mason just got hired by my dad to paint the church and they're gonna buy all the supplies and paint right here at my place will he go Mason he did such a great job painting Ruby store it was really a no-brainer to bring him through and help us redo the church we're all very proud of you Mason Thanks yeah we really are you did such a great job I've only got one thing to say welcome to the family [Music] so you see all this young boy he needed was a chance a feeling that someone would stand by him no matter what he needed someone to teach him reverence exodus chapter 20 verse 7 thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain will not hold him guiltless passage is also one of the Ten Commandments as we know but it's interesting that it has that additional warning attached to the end of it the Lord will not hold him guiltless I don't know about you all but I sure do not want to be not found guilt las' what Judgment Day comes can I get an amen to that so as you see Mason learned this special commandment focuses on importance of showing respect this respect it's a high standard it demonstrates to us the way we should communicate with others in the way we should communicate with God to the Lord Himself remember that it is respect that is the foundation for every relationship it also depends on the way we express respect for him God Almighty in the presence of others let us pray dear Heavenly Father we come before you today praise and honor your holy name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,843,278
Rating: 4.8397222 out of 5
Keywords: christian, Jesus, trailers, God, movies, Movie, bridgestone multimedia BMG, John Ratzenberger, Eric Roberts, Patrick Davis, Kevan Otto, In the Name of God Full Movie, In the Name of God Movie
Id: WafgRWPOi38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 37sec (5137 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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