Elizabeth's Gift (2012) | Full Movie | Kari Hawker-Diaz | Paul D. Hunt | Savanna Kylie Lewis

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] what time for dinner probably after 8:00 have some leads I need a sifter for this arms-dealing case okay love you here she is daddy wants to talk to you I wanted to call you and thank you for this delicious lunch you gave me of course it was you're very creative you sure about that yep he said it was delicious look I said I'm sorry it doesn't matter I saw what you did you think one rose is gonna help it I just paid five bucks for that I don't care go buy 12 thank back in your seat [Music] you can't ever ever do that ever again look at me you could have been killed okay okay mommy you just have to be careful I will mommy it's fun to get that Sammy on this road this is for you sir I don't want any sat in it thank you young lady thank you very much you do what your mother told you thank you she's a miracle a true gift from God due to a prior accident I didn't think I was able to have children of my own but right before my husband Steve and I were about to adopt I got pregnant and this was our gift our angel all children are special but some have that extra special something that twinkle in their eyes that kind and gentle heart that reaches out and touches everyone around them that's her Elizabeth it's the small acts of kindness that we all seem to neglect not Elizabeth she was like that ever since the day she was born constantly on her own little mission from God I missed you how'd you do on your spelling test today I got 100 100 that's awesome mark please he'll mark is he new no mom I told you about mark before remember he said oh yeah mark he's the bully was he mean to you well I asked him if he wanted to play with us and he wasn't sad anymore he looks different when he smiles he said you have been plagued with anyone's and since daddy went away in a long time anyway our teachers they should look at the moon and see if the conditions are just right to see a moonbow that'd be so cool CeeLo yeah can I get man yes you're gonna cookie yeah okay just for you there are angels in the air there are angels everywhere they protect you they respect you if you keep the faith they will be at your grace they may even leave a trace you may see or it may be me look in the mirror you might even see her and remember there are angels in the air my favorite mine too pumpkin now it's time for [ __ ] can I spend my nights at Amy's mom said it's okay I don't see why not yes we're going to ride rides and make popcorn and Sam play yeah sounds fun just be careful though there's a lot of weirdos the hangout around I will daddy I'm sick strong yeah well I guess we don't have anything to worry about big muscles okay honey say your prayers and go to bed okay dear Heavenly Father thank you for my mommy and daddy they're the best mommy and daddy ever and please take care of them sometime do a little [Music] thanks you're welcome we love having her I'll pick her up tomorrow afternoon sounds good [Music] so anyone I can't believe the gay ball on the roller-coaster ride yeah [Music] it's never been harder [Music] the sound of [Applause] [Music] my heart the steam [Music] [Music] mr. and mrs. Prince I'm dr. Lewis I took care of Elizabeth when she came in when the paramedics arrived she had no pulse I understand that the employees as well as the paramedics did everything they could possibly do so it should you make sure she's okay she'll be okay there was nothing anyone could do she's been a healthy little girl she had an enlarged heart these things are very difficult to identify they often go untreated and undiagnosed until it's too late I am so very sorry I'm a police officer okay I need you [Music] it's hard to comprehend the death of a child maybe we won't know the answers as to why until our own passing but one thing is for certain Elizabeth Susannah Prince was one of God's very special Souls so on this sad day let us mourn but let us also celebrate the life of a miracle the life of a true gift from God [Music] I didn't he warned us could have helped her she's too sweet Oh spirit to be on this earth because she has more important things to do in heaven is that what you think that God wanted our daughter to die and don't know why I just have to believe that there's a reason where I can't move on [Music] Israa soon know excuse me left of that ringing [Music] honey Julie and I can help you pack up Elizabeth things I think it's time I can do that we can do it for you I'm not right just want to help and I appreciate it okay I'm I'm just not ready I need everything okay even when everything's packed up it will still be Elizabeth's room and when I'm ready Steve will help me maybe you need to do something to help you he'll know there's a lot of volunteer programs out there you're probably right I'll look into it okay we're always here for you sweetheart we love you so much one of the hardest pills to swallow is that life has to go on with or without you people are so kind and attentive at first but pretty soon they have to attend to their own lives it leaves you feeling very alone at times steve has thrown himself into his work I decided to take my sister's advice I've been volunteering at a local homeless shelter [Music] freedom now I'm good considering I'm in a war zone this guy here won't work over my cash oh what's his name I never mind wow you sure look great in your uniform you're sure a sight for these tired but nothing will happen to it okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] lady you got a problem no sorry just thought I said someone I knew well it's just us and if you don't mind good luck to me that's all my name's Laura I work here in the shelter are you guys hungry we're always [Music] how about some food and warm clothes what's the catch no catch just put in one closer [Music] and will that be real nicely game punking I've eaten in a couple days [Applause] you okay lady yeah yeah where's your name silly it's her real name punkin I'm now real name she don't talk much where's this warming you tegra follow me [Applause] oh hi I just wanted to say thanks for helping out with the girls oh that's what I'm here for I'll make sure they have a room for the night away from the others so that they'll be safe the Laura we got a call social services soon to protect my license I know but I was thinking we could hold out on that for a little bit until I find out why they're on the streets I think that till we had a bad experience in foster care alright I'll follow your lead on this one you're a godsend but keep me posted okay thanks something happened to me today and I know it may sound crazy but I don't even know if I believe it myself can you just tell me okay you know how I volunteer at the homeless shelter every Wednesday us and I pay that Frank guy to watch my car yes I know not the most beautiful but strange thing happened to me when I walked in those shelter doors I saw Elizabeth Steve what do you mean you saw Elizabeth and I mean I felt this warm breeze all around me and I I looked up and she was there what are you doing Laura you don't need to make up stories to make me feel better I'm telling you the truth why would I make up stories about seeing our daughter I followed her into the alley where I saw two homeless girls they looked like they hadn't eaten in a really long time well that's truly amazing I know and I could tell that Elizabeth wanted me to help them so I took him inside and I got him something to eat what's a little girl doing on the street anyways I don't know I asked Tilly and she just said she showed up on the streets one day you know what that little girl they call her pumpkin just like you scholar punkin huh [Music] what's wrong with you what's wrong with me I miss my little girl and here you are making up stories about seen Elizabeth spirit another little girls called pumpkin telling you the truth I saw our daughter today and I see her everywhere I go the backyard plane at the playground the grocery store her memories haunt me flora but it's not her okay so stop it she is dead our little girl is dead and the sooner you can accept that the sooner we can both move on [Music] only thing I see is a long road of grief ahead of me I don't want to hear any more stories about ghosts [Music] I'm sorry [Music] I'm too probably seeing something right wishful thinking [Music] there's no book on how to survive the death of a child war we're both doing the best we know how [Music] it was don't want to lose you [Music] they're screaming at us Rick hey Lara hey don't worry about your vehicle chief pinky's out there and he's watching it while we're eating ciao okay thanks um I brought two girls in here the other day named punkin and Tilly I can't seem to find him anywhere have you seen him well they didn't stay very long they were assigned a special ops mission they left the next day under the cover of darkness you okay I'm really worried about her she's starting to show signs battle fatigue she'll be fine she's just working through losing our kid [Music] [Music] oh oh wait mommy what's your hurry we're just talking to the girl get your hands off of me my husband is a cop I don't care about no five-o we're taking this little girl we'll be on our way you're not gonna touch her you're gonna leave these two alone well the cops put you down so fast your heads are gonna spend any of your pieces haha you know your face too you remember that hey let's bounce catch you on the rebound Thanks they wanted punkin [Music] [Applause] what are you two talking at a seafood come on don't see the girl but that's because somebody brought came out of nowhere her seeing her husband we bounced yeah we're really not trying to catch a no kidnapping charge boy little girl no deal you're paying full price to see him first cash packing some tea now yourself boys watch [Music] looks good honey what's wrong trust me you don't wanna know I said I'm sorry I know then tell me I saw Elizabeth again today I do this told you I'll shut up go ahead it's like she wants me to help say this on a bra I was the homeless shelter today and I look up and she's standing right there I tried to go over to her and she led me straight to pumpkin there were some gang members outside harassing her so I asked him to leave wait a minute what do you mean gang members like they look like real gang members one of them had a cross tattoo right here in his arm that's the gang we've been investigating they're getting weapons we have no idea where they're coming from look I told you I don't like you going down there can't you find something else to keep you busy I handled it okay wait don't you get it Elizabeth wants me to help punkin Laura I know you have a big heart but you have no idea what you're getting into here what a kid from the street can be like how emotionally damaged they are well why don't we take her to social services I can make sure she gets into a good home I don't think that's the right move she's just really scared all I know is that Elizabeth keeps appearing to me and leading me straight to pumpkin insite was 1963 I was this how are you hey mrs. Walker hey Danny peas a little cold tonight okay but I think have trench foot ah but I should be asking how are you I'm good why do you ask well I'm worried I think our parameter in Sector a might have a breach in it but more importantly I'm worried about you I think you're seeing people who aren't there yeah well so do you I'm supposed to cuz I'm crazy I can explain it's my daughter who's your spirit make sense I knew there had to be some sort of standard operational procedure yes so what did you just say watch my car Thanks hey hey what about us give me that soldier back at ease at ease attention soldiers you remember me don't you Oh Jane honey you hide you hide and don't come out to go what are you doing here I said never come to my house I used to know your mom hey lady mind your business the girl and I are having a conversation this girl is my [ __ ] she was on the streets she ain't no business of yours I helped here the shelter and I'm gonna help this little girl well then you've done your good deed I'll take it from here yeah I doesn't have like that let's go look lady I knew her mother I took real good care of both of them before she died I'm like a father to her right pumpkin looks like she doesn't want to get near you it's a bad part of town bad things happen to pretty ladies down here don't mind their own business good thing my husband's a cop and certain people leave me alone huh no you are Paco told me about you I told you by yourself leave now you heard the lady it's time for you to retreat I'll just talking to the girl that's all you better get out of here sorry I'm not real good at this and Punkins like has to be like that care about it well I care about you too how'd you end up in the streets knowing some bad stuff having me in foster care that's how I ain't going back how do you know punkin she showed up a few weeks ago and took a liking to me she doesn't say a word I don't know where she came from well you shouldn't be here on the streets you have other options other than foster care okay I'm gonna give you my husband's card his name Steve he knows this terrific place that can help you find a job and help you learn how to take care of yourself okay it's gonna pin a punch in I think I got an idea well thanks for sorry now you must be an angel yeah that's it you're my guardian angel everyone needs one right honey yeah you know this little cry-baby you are I'm Maura I work here at shelter my name is divine and I used to I didn't say nothing what can you help me she sees dead people people not even in the war you know like in that movie she told me so one night when we are on the frontlines patrolling Frank honey I love you but everyone on the street knows you're crazy [Music] Hey okay I have a huge favor to ask you okay what is it I would love if you could look into pumpkins background for me see maybe if she has any family or why she's on the streets I want to help her I need to help her please I'll see what I can do just be careful and don't get too attached to this girl okay we need to find some other things out about okay we can't save the world I'm not trying to save the world just one little girl so what else do you know about her um I was at the homeless shelter today and there was this slimeball guy that wouldn't leave her alone did he threaten you no no no relax I took care of it but I did find out her real name it's Mary Jane this homeless lady named Devine told me she's this character she pushes around a shopping cart okay I could work with that and I gave Tilly your card I told her that you'd help her get off the streets into the Haven absolutely and I'd be happy to what was that for that is for putting up with your emotional wife and her Good Samaritan projects I should do that more often yes you should this is Mac it's steve-o survivin how about you now okay unfortunately there's no shortage yeah you have a favor I need to ask shoot my wife Laura she just started volunteering downtown at the homeless shelter and she came across this little homeless girl well I'm really glad she found something to make her feel good that's important well apparently this girl showed up one day nobody seems to know where she came from I have a name and a picture that has she been in the system not sure I think her name is Mary Jane people on the street color pumpkin it's not much to go on but send me the pic and I'll run her against all my old runaway cases and great thanks Mac oh you won I'll be in touch [Music] [Music] [Applause] they can help you with that thank you just got off the phone with Mack over the missing children's department no idea how much that means to me don't get too excited just yet he's gonna do some digging see what he can find out okay so I have an idea okay I would love if we could start a foundation honoring Elizabeth you know help kids and teens get off the street you don't like it no no I love it I'm just I'm just glad that you're starting to think straight now I'm not talking about Elizabeth's ghost anymore what's that that's a rose petal I found it in my office soldiers you seem punkin until you're out not today I think they went on another special ops mission have you seen your daughter's ghost not today I believe you Laura they all think we're crazy we know better huh today's not your day no but I just felt like I needed to be here and I want to talk to you about a project I'm going sure what is it I'm going to start a foundation in Elizabeth's honor to help kids get off the streets what a great idea what can I do well you're already helping but I was thinking maybe we could get the foundation lined up with your shelter so they could get food and clothes or maybe anything you need Wow I don't know what to say Laura the shelter desperately needs donations to keep that door open and maybe we could have the fundraiser here that's okay absolutely thank you I'll get started right now no no thank you you're a very courageous woman and I'm sure that your daughter is up there somewhere right now with a great big smile on her face help so I gotta go Thanks I can't risk going to jail I've got to be here for my little girl fine fine give me my guns give me my guns and you're out you're out for good I promise stupid give me the money first [Music] I told you to leave her alone she's coming with me no I don't think so she's coming with me I've already found her a place we'll have her own room lots of toys so you get taking real good care of social services is on their way right now with a police escort look lady I'm getting sick and tired of seeing your face around here you're interfering with my business and what business would that be Laura their probable Social Services here yet oh yeah you're gonna get yourself hurt real bad one day lady for putting your nose in other people's business if it keeps children away from creeps like you I'll take that chance three boys watch her hair sir better leave sod or drop some napalm on you yeah well he said fish on Friday if you ever see that man every day you have to call the police he just tried to kidnap his little girl I'll keep a good eye out for him and I don't know where Tilly is but who you tell her that pumpkins with me and she's okay well I'll find her it'll make sure she has a safe place to sleep tonight she trusts me okay I want to take you to a park where there swings and we can play that okay [Music] thanks - are you okay is there anything I can do yeah okay thanks that woman she's an angel sent straight from General Patton himself god rest his soul absolutely is right we have a lot in common her and I besides being soldiers in the war oh so the people we see they're real to rest of you that are crazy I think you're right Frank [Music] [Music] punkin I want to talk to you about something important is that okay I had a little girl once her name is Elizabeth but she had something wrong with her heart and she died didn't you remind me so much of my little girl even though she's in heaven every time I met a shelter she takes me straight to you I've seen her with you I know you have she's a miniature she is an angel and she's your guardian angel because she takes me to you when you need help I would really like if you would come stay with me and my husband until we figure out what's best for you you all right with that been finding these around when I see her [Music] herim is so beautiful she would have loved to share it with you too Laura you didn't tell me we had company pumpkin this is my husband Steve Steve this is pumpkin is that Elizabeth's teddy bear is it will you be okay when I go talk to Steve for a minute [Music] what's your problem my problem is that little girl in Elizabeth's bedroom it's like you're trying to replace her that's ridiculous Steve I'm just trying to help well you should have talked to me first before bringing her here I couldn't wait any longer Elizabeth came to me with really sad eyes took me to pumpkin and I think creep was trying to take her still should've warned me if there wasn't any time what do you want me to do leave a little girl out on the streets she's just a child what if she runs away Laura no I don't care I don't care I had to try Elizabeth wants me to help her this a bit is gone Laura I knew you didn't believe me I believe that you think you see her yeah okay well pumpkin sees her too and she's always carrying that white rose the same one from the coffin Steve you know me way better than this that little girl is not sleeping in Elizabeth's bedroom thing that honestly makes you feel better [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Steve this is Mac hey Mac I found some information for you great let's hear girl this her name is Mary Jane Munroe she just found dead in her home two weeks ago over on Park Street great work Mac you got anything else yeah birth certificate there is no father listed I went ahead and did a family search and I found a grandmother who's living in Connecticut but she's 85 and living in a nursing home all right thanks Mac you know Steve yeah I know just a thought if I find any more information I'll be in touch hey hey okay yeah yeah I'm fun neck just cold did you find anything out well pumpkins given name is Mary Jane Munroe her mother was found dead two weeks ago it all makes sense I wonder why she's so traumatized you know she also has a grandmother with Alzheimer's who lives on a nursing home in Connecticut but there's no other living relatives so she's all alone yeah Steve I know what you're gonna say Laura do you want to adopt her honey it's the right thing to do you know [Music] I just need a little bit of time okay [Music] I need to go take care of something hey need to talk to you I don't know you what are you your divine who do you want my wife flora works in the shelter I'm looking for a girl on the street well why don't you say so I mean go over to 13th and State Street they got plenty there that's cute it's real cute her name is Tilly yeah I know the girl you're talking about I saw her in front of the shelter earlier how did you know Punkins name was Mary Jane was no mystery me and her mama were friends I'm the one who found her mama dead I looked for punkin but I couldn't find her tell us saw her the other day with Tilly I may need to bring you in for questioning so stick around well where am I gonna go there goes the trip to Jamaica got comic travel agent rearranged some flags Billy right yeah and you're a cop wouldn't want my name's Steve Weiss Laura [Music] she's good lady from that pumpkin she wants to help you out - there's a place she mentioned called The Haven it's a good place to get you off the street I'd like to take you there it's not foster care is it no it's not foster care it's room and board three meals a day he's always a catch catch Tilly but you will have to make an effort it's a great place or what it's doing wrong but you're gonna have to make a decision you need to go you can't stay here all right I'll go but if I don't like it I'm out of there fair enough okay get out of here go go [Music] well this is it yeah I don't I don't know I just I don't like these choices listen this is a great opportunity for you hey don't blow it off do they have good food yes they have good food so I've heard well thank you for helping me I think Laura she'll be by to visit ok just be strong you can do this and you have a support system in place now people who love and care about you thank you let's get you inside whoa hey I didn't think you were gonna make it good news ladies Tilly is off the streets and into the Haven how did you get her to go it wasn't me it's you she trusts and she wanted me to tell you how much she misses you so she's gonna be okay she's gonna be better than okay she's got a warm bed and plenty of food oh that's a Glock nine does I have 15 in the clip what how did you know that my mom showed me [ __ ] that's a good hiding around the house Glocks m16 ak-47 Thank You pumpkin do you think you can show me where your mom kept those guns I don't really want to go back there what if I went with you and protected you you sure it'll be fine I promise I won't let anyone hurt you okay then I think I can go all right let's go do some investigating right now grab your jacket okay be careful [Music] you come here with me when during the draw name in the code to get in okay let's go [Music] me on it okay stand up here I'll be right back stay here okay you're right [Music] [Music] [Music] mara Jane honey you hide you hide and don't come out go what are you doing here I said never come to my house don't play games with me sir where are they it's not how it works you give me the money and the guns will be delivered like all I've hired you to get those guns past customs for me don't piss me off sir you know what I get for me too dangerous I want out there ain't no out I can't risk going to jail I've got to be here for my little girl a little girl now your little girl's got nothing look fine fine give me my guns give me my guns and you're out you're out for good I promise not stupid Polly get me the money first I'm gonna tell you this one more time Sarah what give me my gun tell you this one more time you give me the money and the guns will be delivered and then I am out it's over end of story now get out No get up get up snare you ain't hurt that bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] removing day I know so sorry [Music] do you know who did this to that bad man he's trying to take me he's never gonna come near you again [Music] would you take a picture Pig it last longer you got nothing on me I don't even know why I'm here try arms dealing and murder I came as her that's Sara Monroe she was only 34 years old don't know her because I have an eyewitness that put you at the house the night of the murder yeah I got three alibis that say otherwise three alibis I haven't even given you a date yet you have two realities you know what I'm done answering your stupid questions I want to see my lawyer are we through for now pumpkin we wanted to talk to you about since okay what well we met with a lawyer today am I in trouble no you're not in trouble we wanted to talk to somebody about adopting you we want to be your parents you hear I got her for real for real it's like and we wanted to see if you want to keep your real name Mary Jane or get a completely new one can you name we were thinking safe Elizabeth because Elizabeth let ask you anything then faith Elizabeth Prince it is but I'm still gonna call you pumpkin sometimes some place we have a thing [Music] nice place whoa what's the big hurry I'll scream go right ahead I know who you are no nobody cares about you your little dirtbag with nowhere to go but right back to the streets where you belong now you're gonna help me find that little brat pumpkin I don't know where she is oh I think you do I saw that pig drop you off here the other night get out of here now Polly says who that would be me never show your face here ever again do you understand now get out of here okay he wanted to know where pundit was would you tell him nothing he's never gonna hurt you everything I promise how are you doing here anyway I'm doing real good um they treat me nice here and I'm learning to type on a computer I never knew learning can be so much fun one two years they're gonna help you get a GED and accounts or we'll find an apartment and a job whenever you ready thank you mister I'm so glad punkin has you for Mom and I'm very lucky to have her now we want you as part of our family we want to see you succeed I'll make you proud miss Lora make yourself proud first Tilly okay let's get inside where's the girl device [Music] no business talking to chili I didn't break any laws what do you want with pumpkin I don't know what you're talking about I'm warning you follow you stay away from my daughter right your daughter I'll remember to stay clear of her you can't hey I don't want you going out with punkin unless you're with me okay why I slept up mention she's our daughter probably no she's with us why haven't you arrested him the case isn't strong enough yet I just need some more time but until then we need to keep a close eye on punkin okay we'll be careful I'm gonna go check on her [Music] right Patti good night sweetheart [Music] what'd you find out Dopson went through word on the street she's gonna have a fundraiser at the shelter tomorrow night perfect spot taker lots of people very little security if any you know if they tied me to her mother's death they type into the guns could get her out without get caught I'm more professional I will have the money up front the other half on delivery won't you average is your problem done you you you what they're beautiful that's what thank you this is a present for you mom thank you I love it let me put it on beautiful now you can have both your girls close to you [Music] I've been finding a few of these around the house lately me too me three shall we ladies [Music] [Music] alright wait here I'm gonna go get this little girl and bring her out to you alright go to the spot we discussed someone will be there to pick her up I know dude I got it by all means do not stop for anything why would I stop for anybody would you buy that hat get the other half of our I'll get the money I'd like to personally thank each and every one of you for coming here tonight to help kick off the Elizabeth iceprince foundation this is a very worthwhile charity begun by a loving giving and honest woman Laura Prince and her courageous husband Steve every one of us would take one lost soul just one into our hearts we would live in a far safer world filled with many many beautiful people I began this shelter 20 years ago to provide as much help as I could for unfortunate children and teens and adults make no mistake money matters money is the difference between taking ten kids and a hundred off the street please give me a hundred like you asked Laura Princeton come up and say a few words [Applause] first of all I would like to thank every one of you for coming out tonight and helping us support our foundation this is a very very special evening for my husband at night [Music] when my daughter died I'm very you stay here take her sink in listen to her Thanks don't take your heads up the beat of my heart actually changed I knew I had to find something to keep myself busy as well as in her honor so I started volunteering here at the shelter and I came across a little homeless girl hey pumpkin she's actually here tonight she'll be right back she had to use a little girl's room every single time I saw punkin she reminded me of my Elizabeth I'm still in there I strongly believe that no child should ever have to live on the streets so my husband and I took pumpkin into our hearts and our home [Music] punkin has helped to fill all the emptiness [Music] so please donate generously [Music] okay notice about we talked about cover her up okay I'll meet you later [Music] last but definitely not least I want to say to my husband thank you for your incredible strength I would now like to introduce my good friend Frank we would like to read something that hero there was no hope from whence she came no calm no peace she had no name only sorrow and pain from guilt and range one White Rose brought depth and change the reason to give from one woman's heart gave a little girl a chance and a brand new start beautiful homeless child and one white rose brought one ray of light it's what Elizabeth chose but Elizabeth's gift is what shone through now a new path that nurtured and grew there was this gift from heaven above from tragic death came stability and love but it was Elizabeth's gift the gave new meaning to their life she saved a little girl and brought back a husband and a wife we love you Elizabeth seems to be the truant officer you know you went right through that stop sign back there I'm I'm sorry I'm really tired it's been a long day she looks a little tired herself she been playing with their friends all day I was just gonna go check on is there anything we can do here I'm very sorry how can you still in there Julie myself I know how it is do me a favor okay pay attention boy ever worn they think thank you absolutely thank you so much officer Julie wake up do what happens what do you mean I don't know did you say you're really it's Polly I know it hey listen I'm not [Music] seven Delta requests an APB on a nine-year-old girl Caucasian blond hair brown eyes approximately four foot four 270 pounds believed to be abducted in the mid bail area around 1930 hours 7 Delta a copy did you see know what happened [Music] [Music] who are you talking to fine I need your help with what I think Polly has her oh I don't want nothing to do with him I'll give myself cute I know you know something you knew her mother you said you were her friend - fine I already lost a daughter once I'm not gonna let that happen again please she was my friend then help me find Polly how show me where he lives where he hangs out I know come let's go sir sir questions sure thing officer what is your name my name is Gill Jensen and your business here part of the catering company been serving food cake during the speeches I haven't seen anything unusual anyone suspicious no sir just been doing my job at been out of the kitchen all night it's pity - and seemed like everything was going so well for lady well thank you for your cooperation here's my card give me a coffee remember well Thank You officer weekend together good night thought I told you never call me on this number where is she man this is taking too long look take a deep breath rook she'll be there in a minute just relax tell me to relax I'll relax when I see her where she at everything went off without a hitch you just make sure you have the other half of my money don't you ever call me on this number again [Music] where are you I'm not almost there I had a little finger it was a little snafu it's nothing snap-snap what do you mean you ran into a little snack it's nothing what do you mean a minute I'm not an idiot you're an idiot I'm a killing so what is this look I know you're involved you helped me find Punk in it I want to rest your forearms dealing okay this is where Polly hangs out I used to make deliveries behind the dumpster no one suspected a homeless lady pushing in a shopping cart to be delivering guns so Punkins mom would call and then Polly would come and he'd pick them up I'll see his car I don't think he's here where where else would he be I made deliveries to one other place where a warehouse on the west side show me [Applause] what took so long well she bet she's sleeping she'll be up in a minute I must a finished job finish the job we did our job disposals you're a part of it give me my money it's all there it better be get rid of her [Applause] he's here that is Clark 7 Delta requesting back-up kidnapping suspect is located at 1300 South 300 West you stay here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where is she [Music] [Music] [Music] does the air topper let it go put the gun down put it down put it down now now put the gun down all right slowly all right Stu murder put your hands up smart top you called for backup looks like I might need a hostage to get out of here huh funny thing about hostages you know you only need one turn around now okay sweetheart okay I said turn around police are coming you're gonna be fine all right turn around turn around underneath [Applause] take him out of here don't you [Music] [Music] do you know how much I love you [Music] [Music] no we should be thanking you Laura without you none of this happens but you know in spite of the scare we had a really big night there's over $100,000 in checks in that envelope your foundation is up and running [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you keep the faith those will be at your grace they may even leave a trace you may see or maybe me look in the mirror you might even see her think about them dream about them and remember they're angels in the air you know this was Elizabeth's favorite book what's mine too [Music] when tragedy strikes his faith that keeps us going our faith must remain strong for the dark days until we heal enough to actually see the light in death Elizabeth gave me the greatest gift of all a reason to live [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 3,631,685
Rating: 4.7914095 out of 5
Keywords: bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, faith, EncourageTV, trailers, Movie, homeless, Jesus, tragic, family, heart condition, God, miracles, movies, Kari Hawker-Diaz, Paul D. Hunt, Savanna Kylie Lewis, Rob Diamond, Elizabeth's Gift Full Movie, Elizabeth's Gift Movie
Id: 0iDyUvVQ-EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 45sec (5145 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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