Coming Home (2017) | Full Movie | Amy Comer | Keith Goff | Mimmye Goode | Kregg Janke

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[Music] this is the story of my father my dad would told me years later that sometimes it takes something bigger than our egos to get our attention we try so hard to run away from things that we forget who we are in the process well my dad remembered who he was that Christmas this is his story [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey John I wanted to let you know that I'm still praying for us things will get better with prayer I'm sure but I am proud of you I wish you didn't have to be gone so much I ended up staring at your side of the bed a lot since you got this job but you know where I put it right I always put it in your right pocket please just pray please remember who guides your hands I'm praying for that poor boy yeah they're ready for you miracle hands right that's why they ask for the best [Music] hello dr. Harper you asked us to inform you of any opening at the town square family clinic I was business that that the episode came today Tim yes you have to call me sir doctor that's for people who didn't know me in high school it's nice hearing your voice it's been a long time so this is the clinic on the square and the main street if you want the job you can have it even if it is a long time it sure would be nice to have you back buddy yeah I'll take a look at it sure oh great we just didn't know the person to be okay well vacation starts in a couple of hours so can I think about it over the holidays oh yeah before okay then I'll call you later Merry Christmas yeah happy holidays [Music] John it's your present man look dad passed away late last night we're getting everything ready for the visitation and I would love for you to be there mom needs us right now they just put our differences with man [Music] that's a good no matter how horrible that man was losing this makes me think a lot that man was your father I'm glad you're home finally though this job's take you more out of me and us then I thought it would can't save them all John I'm the best you're not God though but I am the best you put my name in at the clinic on the square less stress yeah I guess you pray about it I'll think about it family comes first remember that I thought if I stayed away and worked I wouldn't become like him but now you're never here it's hard to raise two kids by yourself and without the man that you love can we not talk about this right now sorry I understand about losing parents you know don't sorry just makes you think doesn't it I mean when I lost mine it shook my reality to the core and then with hopes parents same way I'm glad we could be there for her though me too you were there for me so I want to be there for you too I know I just have never been that person before and I needed to heaven dying he was such a horrible man I know he was horrible when you're a little but then he came to Christ he gave up the booze it was quite opposite from the man that you once knew please don't get all spiritual on me right now I'm sorry know why the job on the square and of all jobs it's always been home John the hours are great you'd have more time to spend with your family I know it's not as much money as you make now but if that's your only dilemma then I know about 99% of the world who would take that issue I just I don't know why you're always starting to keep up with the Joneses you know I think they actually live next door and I'm trying to keep up with us now it's never been about the job or the money I can't talk about all this right now look [Music] I please help John [Music] hello are you working at the head store right now yeah yeah what's going on let's start doing it's good I'll be paying you back soon yeah got a lot of bills we wanted right now stores in trouble already I didn't say that do you need more money to keep the float no I said I will be paying you back soon I'll believe it when I see it look do we really want to talk about that store right now why are you calling the John when's the funeral in the next day or so because of Christmas are you coming thinking about it I don't know if I can do the funeral I understand I really do see you then yeah see you then what is your deal Caleb he failed his last test again he's in home school dad homeschool think about that you're a smart kid what's going on she's messing with you I'm not failing I get all A's I put him on the fridge over there I told you I'd get him to notice Wow thanks for that I do notice you never come to any of my competitions me winning awards my recital my theater productions me going into high school nice try but you aren't in high school yet really mom he doesn't know that I'm in high school go easy on your dad today hope I need at more extra credit mom life is about getting ahead like dad all he says what's wrong with him she was work right dad yeah okay do what your mom says please just acting like you nothing ever seems to please you Wow I get the point already I work too much well too much your non-existent work is never done we're not taking your homework with you granny can you call your brothers and let them know we'll be there for Christmas please I'm not calling that money-grubber again you brought up the money that we loaned them but this time of year I'm gonna go pack the bags [Music] you couldn't even save him could you [Music] [Music] this is father Matt hey John come in okay I'm about to make my way up to the house right now how's mom as well as expected she did love him John we won't be there at the funeral I just can't do it but you want to talk about it you always took his side I never took anyone side John it's funny the church never did anything about him hitting us when we were younger now the church is hosting his funeral it's the only Church in town John plus we aren't the judge yeah yeah I gotta go [Music] what are you thinking why you're staring at me I was just thinking that this might be the last Christmas I'll have with you before college I'll be here next year hopefully you might have surgery scheduled next year that's what always happens look this is a great job I know you might not like your dad but at least you got to know your real father Hey I do love you I tried to do this for you all of you I know you do I I just need some time that's all well it's all that about I am totally lost on his fatherhood thing well you are out of practice I know I haven't been the best parent no I was talking about your packing job so yeah multitask man multitask hey I was having a father-daughter moment for once [Music] they open it'd be nice to live here again because I live right off the square over there and have lunch together like we did in high school in college sounds like the old days are you guys really talking about that job again yes we are I'm just saying it'd be nice to go back over to the silver caboose at noon and have lunch together wait you guys used to go over there every day to lunch mm-hmm that's a sweet yeah sweet [Music] [Music] hey Matt good to see you I don't go Matt Caleb with is that homework no need help when you able to I'll get the bags you guys can go on and see grandma okay [Music] good to see you too Josh it's really good to see you too man listen the friend over was rushed because of Christmas coming up it was just shameful and of been there I was late on purpose I couldn't deal with it that's understandable God has a way to something the hardest of hearts dad changed a great deal he prayed he went to Mass was like the old day remember him a little too preachy for me man think everyone's left I can't remember a silver father yeah well he had his share of demons Johnny we all do you know you want to go out to the garage while you're here and look at some other fella Christmas videos might remind you of the good in your father I'm a video out there titled if dad ever cared to watch and because I know he never did your father the one you refused to accept the good one surprised you I don't want to get into this with you or not after 10 years he wanted you to come home John these last three Christmases he wanted to show you how much he had changed he reached out to you and you refused to return his phone calls not even one John I don't want to fight either John but I will demand that you accept the fact that he changed and that he loved me truly loved me these past few years [Music] you'd be surprised at what your father did why did you come home John because you needed us I have wanted a relationship with my son for the past ten years why now because he's not here if you want to know the truth he is my father not being able to share that moment with him it's eating at me did you really hate your father that much John I just wanted a father who loved me and spent time with me without hitting me and how is running away from everyone and working yourself to death working out for your wife and children I can't do this right now sorry [Music] [Music] remember our first date [Music] is that about Stan you think we could do that again sometime like we used to yeah you heard that night when you took me to the gazebo we danced to imaginary music because you couldn't afford a CD player where's tell me hum then I remember how about going back sometime this week like your big music this time used to have a way of just making everything romantic [Music] let's remember the night when you proposed yeah I'm trying to force myself to be here there's a lot on me right now you know I'm getting a text from one of my partner's about a patient I work done can't let them handle it they could but could but you'd rather handle it yourself and talk to me right now my job demands perfection era this happens I have to be perfect I could have saved him I'm sorry too much too soon [Music] I know it's hard for you but I just want you to be here with me yeah [Music] [Music] st. Joseph pray over this house a lot usually the ones that need it especially today was this this is st. Joseph's prayer card patron saint her father would you think we have enough st. Joseph's statues around this house do you have something to give st. Joseph Joe I find it ironic that this man had this Saint all around this house it has a lot to do with retain it to his faith yeah okay do you really pray yeah I think about praying that's not the same thing I am praying about thinking about praying about things about that job sure you're near back don't worry about it you should see how me the prayer cos I [Music] not moving back here you haven't prayed about it I thought about it let me be again that's not the same thing again let me be I'm just saying you're not helping okay I'm letting it go [Music] Ajay's Sawa can't get here earlier there's a lot of deals we have to go through for Mom and the company John James let me show you guys in the house nice to see you again John come on kids so that's a good chunk we've never met him wow I really am your uncle that's what happens when you never come around [Music] James and Mary have taken over the family business down on the square since John senior was getting too sick to get out of the house it's been busy you could say that again why is that Wow James decided to pay down a huge debt to an investor and what I say to eating up all of our funds for running the store I mean the rent is up I don't know what we're gonna do oh god let's not talk about Christmas it's gonna be pretty tight this year because of us paying this money back but you know what it should work I thought the company was doing so great oh it is it is it's just a huge hit you know but we work hard we pray and it's gonna be fine yes it will well I'll definitely be praying for you guys and I'm sure everything will be fine you know John's home it's been really nice having him here sure it is go easy on him Mary I will don't worry about me have you been been good good and you okay so do you need another loan you seem to have a lot of bills I'm not made of money James here we go well you always talk about money no I don't you do I said I'll be paying you back John just not right at this second I believe it when I see it John I love you but you need to get off your high horse you're not perfect and you shouldn't expect everyone else to be as well you had a great opportunity to make a lot of money at that other job and I chose my family John and that's something you don't know anything about I don't want to talk about this you're the one that brought it on you're the one into his money and I would have taken the money John if I knew you were gonna hold it over my head I said it's coming just not today I will believe it when I see it [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry about John Mary he has no idea what to come into him it's a rough time for everyone yeah you're right here [Music] looks like John is leading with Matt to the square just like the old days yeah it looks like they're having some fun in between arguments it's a refiners fire up in here is it hot to you boy those kids can get at it like I've never seen but it's good to get stuff out in the open it's hard when a man you love doesn't seem to show the same love back mom that was uncalled for really nice outfit Gigi I know I make this look good it does seem like he works and cares more about work than me sometimes but I know that's not true you know how are you doing well he's here just a huge start but could definitely be under better circumstances sometimes it takes the worse things for God to get our attention [Music] it's just I pray so hard but but do you pray for your family we're Catholic women we pray all the time Plus have you seen our man we prayed both our husbands to heaven we prayed long and hard let us show you something yeah Jesse come on in the kitchen [Applause] [Music] what are you doing Caleb having issues ma'am having issues they won't let me bring my homework this is borderline child abuse you're not this is Christmas vacation if you ever wanted a plea you're you're out because you can't do something or be something maybe if you could be something or do something else would all be different doing something being something else you're speaking in code dude my dad's here I want to hang out with him but I never really have I tried to be the best at school because being the best at everything is all he really seems to care about our dad is always around I wouldn't get on to a dad you still around come on we're gonna go play outside want to come [Music] since when the dance starts selling Christian cowboy it's it's a cross on a boot job I would have cut it a whole outfit well it it started a little outfit his heel started going really let work get to him Joe having a drink I know I was there with you and dad always wanted me to take this place over I just let my anger get in the way no one's perfect I chose money I ran right into what I was trying to avoid it's all the stress this smells just like it did 10 years ago I think I might have become dad without knowing it we sometimes become the thing we try so hard to get away from sometimes we just need to give it to God and live our lives without fear well it's nice to see the place [Music] when my husband's health started to go down and walk down the street to the church so we made this area to pray for our family we pray every morning and every night for our family until he passed Jessica this culture of materialism that we live in puts a lot of loving parents in hard places where both of them have to work you can work to live or you can live to work you could get lost in what you do and think that's who you are but in the end the only thing you can take to heaven is your family that's why family is the only thing that matters period you can use this area to pray anytime you want or the church is just on the square a couple of blocks over really you don't mind pray away the one I was praying for after sitting in his chair all these years is dancing today sit my son down tell him what's on your heart he'll listen I don't know I mean it's hard to even get him to spend time with me much less to have an actual conversation well if you don't try now then win and if not you then who will get to your husband's heart I'll come around for you Here I am Lord spend days [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] learning a lot about myself this week well then I thought it would again what's on your mind why'd you call me in here away from everybody I've been wanting to talk to you for a while it's just since stuff I want to get off my chest okay I never really told you what it's like not having you home all the time and why I want I would like for you to take the job I don't think I really let you tell me what it's like being married I'm kind of scared scared I just want you to tell me how it is okay let's get it out there really let me have it before I change my mind okay even if it gets to be too much for you just let me know okay is there a safe word yeah you can stop me anytime since since you're never here I basically feel like I'm a single parent and it's like having a monster truck running through your head all the time I get migraines every week I do everything for our kids I take hope to theatre practice and I help Caleb but this homework and listen to them tell me all the time how much how much they want their dad to be a part of their life as a parent you give up so much for your kids you're a long time when you're not here all that falls on me [Music] it's hard being a good mom to two kids when I feel like for most of our marriage you haven't even been present and I just I feel like I have a one-sided marriage and parable Asian ship just so tired all the time I know you work so hard for this family Haven I appreciate everything you do but just I feel like I'm doing everything and I'm tired all the time and I feel like I'm just waiting for you to get home constantly the only thing getting me through right now is prayer it's not something it's not something I feel like I can talk to you about you even though because without you wanting to be follower just see without you wanting to even be a good dad or husband it scared and I get overwhelmed [Music] sorry that needs a lot I know [Music] are you okay I need a drink yeah Wow Wow it's too much I know this week's been hard for you it just all this brings our back so many memories it's about my parents I do know that you're amazing you gonna get that I probably should just go are you sure yeah I'm sure [Music] what did I say about homework no the house side the house is finally done well since the lights are ready to go because of the miracle hands of my sons it's time for the annual Christmas tree hunt if you can't work out of your head I think you should just stay here right over the contract to get everything done and just pray about all of this please are you sure you want me to stay but you distain clear your head praying until you have a direct answer from God not a decision from your own personal ones why because the way man might not lead to the way of God the way a man might lead to death that's one of the verses Uncle Matt was telling me why did he tell you that verse we were talking about you it's great to know okay I'll try as long as hope doesn't quote mad at me again talking behind my back I was quoting Uncle Matt quoting the Bible about you and then as long as hope stops quoting quotes from Matt quoting the Bible talking about her father okay [Music] just happened and see you're getting a kick out of this you're gonna miss out if you don't relax since you're going to stay here you can get the decorations out of the garage why not thanks I'll do it [Music] are you doing okay I just thought dad was going to do this with us he's trying I'll believe it when I see it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a kitchen where the family eats this is granny and Grandpa's area hi grandpa grandma always prays over here and my granddad always placed with my dad which is really cool this is a living room where the family gathers beer ball says this is the person who helped him get back to his faith st. Joseph's mostly because Uncle Matt was adopted and then because my dad adopted me grandpa really does respect my dad for that even though he never said it to him he said it to me oh you do the same thing John Deere run around with that camera it's hanging and everything like you I'm surprised that he is deal worse what are you talking about grandpa well it used to run around with a camera all the time but I was to take many times grandpa 2.0 everybody loved you Merry Christmas I love you oh you will understand you won't understand there's a dad I remember from way back when is this on yeah okay here's to a father that's always been there for me even when he's at work and you took me in and I thank you I just wish you were here you're a great dad and a good father I just wish we had more time [Music] I said you know those of your dad gave us yeah that's the other way just puts it in my pocket every day but you keep it around why would I keep something in my pocket for a man I despise every day of my life maybe because you don't dis pass him as much as you think you do and maybe because it stands for something more than a father's inability to be perfect I haven't been a master ever I can always take a fishing then stop going to Bass again thinking about going to church it's not the same thing and thinking about being a good person and fixing things it's not the same thing as actually knowing the actions you know [Music] all the trees who wants to get the tree for me I'll do it mama I heard that kind of respect from you a long time it was awesome Cana picked out the tree man although James made a deal they did I didn't talk about school and getting ahead in life I got to look out the tree she did good not sound too crazy on the way to get the tree yeah he was great uncle James is the best yes he is thanks John I'll take that should have been their plan dad did you get it done I think so what's going on with you what do you mean your smiley family's been through a lot Swink what's going on baby steps [Music] okay okay I'll believe it when I see it dad I deserve that well come bring in the tree you know anything about that there's too much talking and not enough tree getting now get [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how long has it been since you prayed really prayed [Music] you can't remember probably when I took this job it's just consuming you can't really enjoy the blades of grass and the fresh air and to stop get out of the car bend down and take a real close on demand say that to you said to father see that smile in ten years and I'm sorry for what not coming around well you and your father had some real go edits when you were here I shouldn't put you in the middle I did blame you for letting all that what happened I'm suffering and uh perfect by any means do you remember the parable about the workers in the field yeah it didn't matter how much a person worked they got the same pay at the end of the day exactly I'm pretty sure that worker wasn't whipping all the other workers though John you have got to let go of your anger for the sake of your own health for the sake of your family it's just me or am I the only one that is vanity I couldn't even have reconciliation to them can't even ask them that answer hello what your horse is so he asked for you to come home the last three Christmases and you refused I was busy he what did it answer your phone on purpose you knew he was sick he knew he was sick a knight in shining armor yourself so why would he say anything a selfish how a really well-connected doctor I could have helped him we could have helped him and he could still be here and you would be somewhere else working but you're here now asking questions why didn't he let me know he had a huge ego I agree was that he had to be hit with something bigger than his ego to see what really mattered in life a great doctor why didn't I see it coming [Music] I can spot so much and so many but not him why yo Johnny boy you are your father's son whether you like it or not [Music] do you know that he pray for something so heavy in his soul earth-shattering so brain moving that he would come home why would he pray for that I thought you didn't think you've been praying why would you ask for something like that he could have been saved that's where you are missing the whole point he was saved you didn't believe in spiritual healing only physically but you're here now you're sinking now he prayed that I would come home because he had died who in the right mind would pray for something like that no he prayed that God would saved his soul and his sons we don't know the ways of God John we aren't perfect we can't be perfect and know all things you aren't perfect now you can be angry at your father at me and at James and whoever you want you can think you're the only victim in the world but God knows better than you because same do i maybe so you're not the Great Physician it's time your ego meant something bigger than itself your family is falling apart you're leaving your wife behind it's time to step up son family is everything not your work it's called rolling up and owning up to your own actions [Music] hey dad could I talk to you [Music] take me up full of bait Caleb sure you don't have fun you would get the most expensive gift I get this Christmas you have fun I get your least favorite gift cool sounds good good you will be the decoration director with grainy you will also get the star to put on top of the tree that's a deal you do have a way with kids James thanks John yeah you okay let's just say something's happening you know this really isn't a good deal for Caleb I mean he wins he'll get a great deal from Santa a box of underwear and sobs I get that every single year it's your most expensive present are you even come help decorate what do you need grab some decorations if you know what those are hey go easy on your old man okay you're doing it to me now doing what your steering sorry [Music] what do you want I was wondering would you want to go out on a father-daughter date with me [Music] really you're too old for that type of thing no I would love to okay then sort of fountain it is [Music] what should I be doing I don't know you should go down there he's always busy I wouldn't really know how to when was the last time you talked like really I don't really remember we're going to go play now okay come on Kayla one sec [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is it on yes dear it's on hey hey Dad if you ever watch this I just want you to know that I love you and I wish you were here for Christmas wish you were here more even with everything that you've done I still love you and I still pray for you every night is it all yes dear it's on Josh sign I say it took an illness to watch this video I want you to know that I want your forgiveness there's a lot of damage and repairs but I won't be there to help you and I want you to help clean it up I messed up a lot of things I started freaking st. Joseph statues around the house to show that he was a great father where I could be a great man I want you to have the st. Joe's statue you didn't know my father so he was very abusive if you can believe that he worked it all the time I don't want to be like him I want to see my family mower I wish I could have I want you to realize you don't have to work all the time think about your family take them with you that's the only thing you can take your heaven learn to pray learn to love your wife loves you learn to love your family the tests can explain your pain but it doesn't have to control your future I put money we're gonna get around say hey why didn't you tell me about this he said it was a journey you were gonna have to take by yourself I didn't want to push you so sorry John I forgave you ten years ago I'm Your Mother [Music] [Music] so that's where you're going to work that's it Wow that's really close yeah you can walk over we could have lunch sometime I really like this town meet you really I thought you were trying to run away from this sometimes you run away from something so hard you turn into something that you didn't want to to begin with personal experience Hey lay off me for one night okay here we are oh thank you Jim Wow you're still running the store after all these years I'm not that old you jerk it's nice to see a young face in here every now and then we don't get them in here like we used to it's really cool in here like father like daughter yeah you're gonna get a blow always I'll try one - all right - root beer floats coming right up it really is great to see you John you too it's like time Stood Still in this town yeah Jan helped us with your adoption really oh she knew your mom really most of the town did she was a good woman that wreck set this place back a bit in a small town feels a loss like that more than a big town this should have done this a long time ago dad you can't live in the past the present will pass you by and if you're living in the future you'll never live in the present that's why the president is called a president it's a gift and because of that we can experience Jesus and His mercy father man Uncle Matt of course that's a really good one I think it's a good thought too yes it is I will open every door for you pull out every chair take every coat make eye contact give you my undivided attention from now on I should have done that the entire life with us but kind of lost myself along the way I think a man's ways might not be the way of God it can lead to death a man's ways just isn't God's Way is this a father Matt quota thon because I have a few - excuse me who are you again shouldn't you be working somewhere life gives you curveballs this was a big one you really aren't changing aren't you this is a nut losing your dad does something when you want his attention so much and never get it this week had my number for sure does work really get in the way of things okay if you let it didn't rabbika keeps getting deeper thanks for hanging out with me telling me how you feel of course retreat I bet I can video is that a challenge already halfway done oh please don't even started we'll see race is on okay [Music] [Music] dad can you tell me the story about my uncle's in grandpa told you this story way too many times impassive you want to hear it again huh why I just like it because it reminds me of how you adopted me okay where do I begin your grandpa used to be an amazing businessman but he was also a sidewalk counselor for the local cultural life group this close-knit town here this was before he became a junk yeah and and before he got mad at the church for not helping him with everything that went wrong am i telling the story are you I'm sorry proceed there was a lady that needed help and your grandfather helped her by adopting her son you and grandma named him Matt we call it man like the Apostle as a Catholic families are supposed to have natural family planning so if you have 12 kids you have 12 kids it's God's choice when you aren't able to have your own it's like you owe got something no like there's a debt well Matthew was a tax collector am I telling the story still sorry again why Matthew you know all this open I know but I like hearing you they felt like being owed got a debt so they gave it to God I came to Matthew because he wanted to show God they understood it was in his hands so James came and then you came then we came your grandma always said that when they found out they were pregnant with James there was this huge sound of thunder like God was blessing them with joy that's why I been engage on James and John when the Bible are known as the sons of thunder that's when I named me hope you are my hope baby girl we took you in you were our first and we didn't think we'd ever have a child you gave us hope in those years where we needed the most I love how you say that God doesn't say oops James and John were meant to be and so was I we're a family with God or the human race I don't think you can be a Christian without believing that Merry Christmas dad yes it is Merry Christmas I thought you said happy holidays not anymore kiddo not anymore man so my old battleship again [Music] do you have a second do you have any time yourself sure one minute I came in here to talk to you is it okay if I talk of course can you spend more time with me sure how will you with your job you'll never be home look if I quit working so much and spent time with you at night would you calm down you're a smart kid you can run circles around me you think so don't be too excited about being the best at everything okay just try to be the best you that you can be that's a deal [Music] can I ask you a question okay if I hugged you would you hug me back just a hug that's it I don't remember the last time we hugged yeah it's a good deal buddy John I really don't want to do this right now We Need to Talk long enough mr. Mary like you need to hear me out way of Talde and I told her she could talk to you okay but I really need to say some oh you've said enough for the last few years mystery because I am a good Catholic wife I know my place I know where I belong it's beside my man you know where you belong do you know where you belong John it's beside your wife with your family before work orthodontist before family with you Mary she's out of control I'm sorry we didn't have Christmas presents because we were paying back alone we told you the money was hell you kept hounding us even after we told you the money was coming I really need to want to make you unhappy now John well now it's your turn you want to know why bill collectors are hounding us why debt collectors call us every day know why your family's home is in jeopardy it's because he puts you first higher before the business of it that we always put family first I think can you do we were paying you back Jim yeah during Christmas we just had to wait for the last of the Christmas sales to go now you know quit lording it over our heads family comes first with us John and I know now it doesn't with you but it does with us but you have your money now we would rather close shop than to owe you one cent so there's your money even though you don't need it this Jew James I don't need it I needed that Mary hmm [Music] I've learned this week that I'm not forgiven where I've been forgiven so what where much is forgiven much is required give your kids a good Christmas and keep this place in good shape you would have made dad proud are you okay I've never been better look I know I need to ask you two for forgiveness and there's a lot of cleaning up to do can I be the brother I promised I would be you remember now I feel bad I needed that okay I really did but it just a little bit just a damn what are you doing in there no I was coming to talk to you [Music] [Music] I want to thank you for all you do for our family okay thanks and to apologize not being there for you and our children I had a choice I could simply choose between extra hours at work gonna be with you well I could take another job for more family time and not choose it [Music] I watched the Christmas tapes the one labeled if dad cares to watch this oops no yeah I had a tape title the same thing for my dad she recorded a message after the footage I shot he left a message for me just for me [Music] kinda crazy wine cavity to say the least [Music] I've been holding on to something that doesn't exist anymore [Music] I tried to stay away from the kids so I wouldn't be talking abou civ and in the obsessive staying away I became neglectful you were right but working Ti about the job in town I'm going to take the job really yeah is that what you want I want time I want my kids I want you know you've placed yourself in God for so many years praying for me to come home I guess I'm asking if I can come back to God where you've always been and ask for your hand one more time yeah quartz yeah I'm trying to give me a heart attack dr. Harper never are you dance with me tonight like we used to yeah yeah like we used to look better what do you mean I know what I'm missing now [Music] going on with me I would be the man that loves his wife the way she deserves [Music] [Music] this Christmas is special for my family a few days ago our earthly father went to be with the Lord for the first time in a long time my earthly father is dancing bearing this mass in person from above some of you knew him after he came back to God after he gave up drinking and also when he found love and forgiveness I know some of your families have come for the first time in a while to this parish to this can-do visual some of your families aren't able to make it tonight but family is what this night is all about Christmas is the time for hope hope came down as a child he was God and he was man he was alive and protected in the womb by his mother and father and when he was born people didn't want him to exist Jesus wasn't inconvenience to a very young girl and it took st. Joseph and Mary being strong in the great face of great mockery before they were married Mary said yes thought of others first and said yes to this weighted journey of being blessed mother of our Savior Christ mass the worship of Christ which means our living struggles can't really match up to what Jesus has conquered for all of us family issues should stand no chance to the love and grace and loving so much he has come down to give us hope hope that is how my father remembered who he was over the years I learned that my God can do all things all things can be made new lives can come together love can heal all paints through prayer only through prayer and for my family Christmas has always a time of faith hope and love no matter what god bless you and Merry Christmas [Music] like a bird on a tree [Music] I'm just sitting here I got sober could be sickening just like glad to see from up here the world seems small [Music] we can sit together it's so beautiful you and me we meant to be [Music] great outdoors [Music] [Music] he's in time to need to go take a step see the truth [Music] [Music] you [Music] meant to be you [Music] mentally [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 624,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God, trailers, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Movie, Jesus, christian, Amy Comer, Keith Goff, Mimmye Goode, Kregg Janke, W. Layne Mcdonald, Coming Home Movie, Coming Home Full Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: 4MqHzQYbMg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 30sec (5550 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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