It's A Life Worth Living (2020) | Full Movie | Daniel Jeffries | Angela Roberts Johnson

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] how about you start at the very beginning tell us about your early childhood my early childhood well my parents adopted me when i was a baby and about four years later they adopted my younger brother gabe and was he a welcome addition to the family or an intruder we got along great things were good up until about age nine what happened well my dad took a new job that kept him out of the house most of the time so i barely saw him and i started acting out the times that i did see him i tended to bring more anger out of him was he ever abusive towards you i wouldn't call it abusive it was a stressful time for him in our family but unfortunately any closeness that i had with my dad started to unravel at that time did your family have any improvements by the time you reached your teen years no things pretty much stayed the same but one thing that did change with me though is when i started hanging around when i was 14 i met this kid named dave and it wasn't long before him and i were real friends all right let's see what we got here oh no no no no no hey what's that a story i'm writing what are you writing a story for i saw a writing class that stinks man well you know it's not that bad i'm kind of enjoying writing it whatever man why is it there ever anything on oh here we go [Music] do you guys value the people in your life do you guys value your friends how about your parents and siblings do you guys value them how about the bully at your school how many of you value him or her nobody ever loves the bullies do they not something you typically think about right but you know what jesus loves them in fact jesus loved and approached the people who were looked down on the most in the society of his day the guy we're going to take a look at was despised like a bully who might shake down someone for the lunch money this guy would shake down people for extra money on top of what they owed in taxes his name was zacchaeus and we're gonna look at how jesus responded to this man turn with me to luke chapter 19. that was sunday school boys good fine what'd you learn john what was the lesson about it was uh he was talking about the short dude and i think his name was like zach zacchaeus yeah yeah i think that was it what'd you learn about zacchaeus i don't remember how many times do i need to tell you you need to pay attention in class pastor mark has brought this up several times you need to pay attention in class and stop distracting other kids how many times do we have to have this conversation [Music] then she came stomping down the stairs in a fury stumped her way into the living room and got right up into her dad's face why won't you let me go to the prom she exclaimed hello hey john you gotta come over man why what's going on my brother invited us to a party tonight uh i don't know i'm kind of in the middle of something you're not gonna want to miss this party man there's gonna be high school chicks there really yeah now come over all right i'm coming [Music] [Music] why don't you guys take a look around see if you know anybody come on let's go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey you guys want some of this um no thanks about you yeah no i'll try oh yeah dude puff it up bro it's good man come on try it man [Music] [Music] so jasmine are you okay what happened but please lock the door jasmine talk to me what happened i was raped what oh my god jasmine i am so sorry is there anything anything i can do [Music] could you stay here a while i really don't want to be alone right now come here [Music] so after that party what happened dave and i continued smoking weed and when we got bored with that we started trying other things that certainly didn't help things with my parents eventually it reached a tipping point i remember that day so clearly it was a few days before my 18th birthday they gave me an ultimatum and i wasn't having it so i moved out what did you do how did you get by i thought i had it all figured out i moved in with dave and his brother and sure things were fun for a while but then reality came we spent most of our money on drugs instead of on bills that needed to be paid in fact we even stole from neighbors a couple of times to come up with money ah what about your family during this time did they try to reach out to you try to help you yeah they tried i just didn't respond was there anything good that came out of that time yeah i met kayla then her and i got married in april of 2008. did things ever improve with your family a little bit as much as i would allow do we really need to go to my parents house today yes we made plans with them why did i do that can we just cancel with them look you've already bought a gift let's just go have dinner and then we can leave okay yeah okay hey i'm about to take the dog out all right so [Music] johnny ready to go [Music] god what are you doing the light was on in the garage ready to go hey guys glad you could make it hey dad hey kayla hi come on in hey guys hey gabe still haven't moved out of here yet not yet what are you like 24 23. what's the hold up man actually gabe's working on that right now oh yeah how are you doing that he's applying around to colleges what are you his spokesperson dad let a master for himself john kayla hey oh so good to see you happy mother's day mom oh thanks happy mother's day they're beautiful so how are you two doing uh we're all right yeah well come on in make yourselves at home dinner's almost ready john how's the job coming along it's a job nothing new to report caitlyn how about you how's the dentist office treating you my job's been great [Music] gotta go to the bathroom i'll be back so how was the drive over here kayla oh it was smooth that was until we had traffic i swear could it be just one time of the year where there's like no construction anywhere just one time that's all i ask you know and then you excuse me and maybe it's just me but it seems like every time i get to one of those construction zones it's right when that son flips the stop and then they make me sit there and wait like forever you what i mean yeah hey dad what's up everything okay what do you mean you're in there for quite a while think i was in there using drugs don't you i didn't say that did i didn't have to say it i could see it on your face why is it every time i come over here you got to do this to me man i'm just trying to look out for you oh yeah by accusing me by trying to run my life i am not trying to run like that yes really what is going on over here nothing we're leaving come on get your purse what come on please don't go i'm sorry mom [Music] why did you get into it with him again i'm sorry i didn't intend to start an argument with him we talked about this you forgot to meet him where he's at how do you do it how do you talk to him try to make him see that you love him you're right [Music] wow it's like clockwork you're always out of here right at three yep all right i'll see you tomorrow man see you tomorrow [Music] hey man hey we're staying at kitchen hey buddy how you doing hey dave got your stuff right here actually i'm gonna need 150 from you this time i always pay 120 grand what can i say the price has gone up you're gonna treat me like any of your other customers man come on my friends it's business john nothing personal it's 150. take it or leave it i can't believe i'm doing this you notice other dealers i can go to yeah but even at 150 bucks you're still getting a better deal for me so quit whining thanks friend anytime buddy [Music] um ah ah [Music] where did you learn your survival skills i picked it up along the way through life who taught you to hunt learned a little along the way i'm mainly though a scavenger people need people though that's how we're designed i mean based off of how someone was raised or how their parents parented them what you doing this look like i'm doing that novel again why didn't you even waste your time with that it's not a waste of time i'm making progress huh i wrote a page the other day oh what did you do you wrote a page john you've been messing with that thing for as long as i've known you you're never going to finish it just accept it you're not a writer honey what do you know kayla just because you have no ambitions doesn't mean you got to trample all over mine that is not true you know it is true and i know that you're still what a receptionist so you said you want to be a hygienist right yeah what's going on with that i'm still thinking about it okay but you're not doing i'm doing something here have you learned yes yes are you looking to do it get a book start reading start writing start pushing yourself you've done it for years nothing i'll listen to you run me into the ground you're supposed to be my muse you're supposed to be my muse but every time you come around i'm uninspired i should be here showing you my work but i'm putting it away it's just your fault [Music] so caleb what are you doing here what am i doing what are you doing in here what's up on your back it's just a soccer set i mean why are you hiding it behind your back no you scared me just see it's organizing my tools this early in the morning can i see what's inside the box why since when are you interested in tools i'm not i just want to see what's inside the box it's just a socket set kayla then you shouldn't have any trouble showing it to me why don't you just go back inside the house and leave me alone no not until you show me what's in that box [Music] i told you it's just a socket set i shouldn't have to show you what's in this bus let it go let it go what is that what do you think it is if i knew i wouldn't have asked you obviously some some kind of drug but kind answer me it's heroin it's heroin how long you been doing this a long time [Music] i can't believe you you kept this for me the entire time know you are kayla wait [Music] what are you doing what does it look like i'm leaving why we can work this out oh you think it's that simple on john you kept this for me for the entire time i've known you how can i trust anything you say anymore i'm going to my mother's house kayla how can i fix this don't go [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] now away it's gonna be all right jasmine how's it gonna be all right you're gonna go to that clinic and you're gonna take care of this do you really think i should i don't see that you have any other choice you're not ready to be a mother your mom's right you didn't ask for this and you shouldn't be burdened with it i don't know how would you support it it's your only good option so when your wife walked out how did you process that anger self-pity and honestly i didn't want to take any of the blame for it i made excuses for myself and i blamed everyone else including her but i couldn't deny that i wanted her back in my life is there any kind of a wake-up call for you no uh quite the contrary my friend i actually spiraled further out of control hi john this is rick calling again i'm wondering why you didn't show up for work today you need to call me back asap goodbye okay all right i'll take care but yeah i gotta go come in john close the door have a seat so where were you yesterday was uh at homesick why don't you give us a call uh i guess i fell asleep uh i lost track of time well you know that's no excuse john you know you've got to give us a call no matter what the reason don't let this happen again i won't all right you okay you don't look so good i'm fine i'm all right okay well then you can get back to work um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um leave me a message [Music] gonna kiss the place this weekend oh jon is everything all right uh just had a rough couple days that's all yeah i'm sorry to hear that man is there anything i can do to help or there's nothing you can do for me george you want to talk about it hello if you ever change your mind i'd love to talk to you i've been through some rough things myself including some bad habits i had to overcome maybe you could relate to my story in some way what kind of bad habits did you have name it man alcohol cocaine prescription drugs i was in really bad shape but the lord came and rescued me when i was at my lowest so what about you are you dealing with something like that i'm talking all right i respect that you decide you want to talk you know where to find me you john you love your wife all right hi john hi kayla what is it john i just want to talk so talk well how you doing how do you think i'm doing i found out a couple of days ago that my husband is a drug addict kayla what can i do to say that i'm sorry stop using drugs i will i promise you i believe that when i see it i don't trust you anymore john you've lied to me i know that i lied but i'm not lying now all of these years you you've lied to me i will quit yeah i heard all that before from my drunk dad well i'm not him i will quit can i come over there and talk to you in person no i don't want to see you right now when then you stop using drugs and then we'll talk i gotta go bye [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey dave i'm gonna need you to deliver some more to my house i don't know bring a watch all right see you soon john you in there john what's up man you want this stuff or not [Music] john are you here john come on john wake up man is jonah there i'm his mom he's alive but we need to leave the hospital right now okay ma'am you're welcome to ride along but we need to go now i'm gonna ride with them can you follow us yeah [Music] i called gabe and kayla and they're both on their way up here how is he he's stable he's lucky the paramedics got there when they did how soon can we see him so i'll come back i'll let you know thank you doctor thank you appreciate it like i said i'm glad he's fine and recovering i'm only saying you guys have to face facts here john's a screw-up and he's always going to be a scroll keep your voice down he's right here if he hears me john is not going to change the sooner you guys realize morning john morning how you feeling miserable how long should i be feeling so where's everyone else they're here what they don't want to come in and see me no they do and they're well what about kayla's is she here yeah she's here and what about you what about me you come here to lecture me no then why are you the only one in here dad what do you want do i begin i'm sorry john for what i'm sorry for being an absent father to you my dad when i was younger was always too busy for me i he was hardly around and i barely got to know him i promised myself when i had kids i wouldn't do that but i did and i have to own that i'm sorry so i'm asking can you forgive me for all the times that i've been a lousy father to you [Music] thank you i love you john i hope you know that i'll i'll send the others in [Music] love you i love you john see you later hey dave john how's it going fine what do you want come on man is that any way to talk to the friend who saved your life so is that why you calling well then because we never got to make our deal it's not gonna happen man it almost killed me well you're fine now aren't you what you think you're the only one who's ever overdosed happens all the time and people get right back on their feet the answer is no dave don't ever bring that stuff over here again you got it come on john ciao where you been the past couple of days long story george i better warn you rick is really mad at you don't look now but here he comes meet me in my office john you and i need to talk so what happened man what's it look like man you fired me nice knowing you george well hey it doesn't have to end like that get a hold of me sometime i don't know maybe hang out and get a burger or something yeah maybe so [Music] come on john i know you're in there come on open the door what do you want dave i'm just stopping by to see how you're doing come on let me in what's going on man you don't got time for me anymore all right get to the point dave well i thought you might like to see my uh new product i told you not to bring that stuff over here sure man but i know you better than that well you're just wasting your time anyway man i just got fired from my job so so you won't be able to make much money off of me that's okay because tonight it's on the house i thought you and i could do a line together for old time's sake man i'm telling you this stuff is the best high you'll ever have johnny i thought maybe you'd like to have this back i knew you'd come around [Music] [Music] i'm worthless god if you're really there show me [Music] [Music] hi john i hope you read this i slipped this into your lunch bag while you're meeting with rick my number is 248-555-0199 i would like to meet up sometime and tell you my story or if you just want to call and talk that's fine too your friend george [Music] hi george i'm hanging in here uh found the message that you left in my lunch bag [Music] [Music] let's do that so then i tell rick for all i know he's climbing i'm out everest right now so then he stares at me he doesn't even crack his smile then he turns around walks away all right enough about work so what uh made you decide to meet with me for lunch anyway john my life's a mess man you feel hopeless i don't know what to do about that i know that feeling i've been there what did you do well it took me a while to see it but eventually i realized i needed help i was getting nowhere on my own so how did you get help remember when i told you i was going through some rough things right can i tell you about it sure all right well i grew up with a abusive drug dealer for a father and even though we despised them my brother and i followed his example by using and dealing drugs eventually landed me in prison on a three-year sentence yeah i was miserable and believe me at that time i wanted nothing to do with god but that didn't stop god from reaching out to me you see there was a preacher there and he will come to the prison every week and share his testimony and whole bible studies he will tell us how god changed him and took him from being a thief to a preacher yeah i was too skeptical but i saw a joint piece in this guy that i couldn't ignore so a few years later i found myself a free man but i wasn't really free after being clean for a few weeks i went right back to using drugs i bounced from one job to another making enough to survive and supply my drug habit eventually i gotta get evicted from my apartment so i stumbled my way over to this christian run rehab clinic and while i was there this christian therapist befriended me he also told me how jesus changed him and you know what i started to believe him and i realized jesus could do the same for me he told me that i needed to make jesus the lord and savior of my life and so i did and it's true jesus has completely changed my life it didn't happen overnight but it happened i am now a different person today and what god told i made it through rehab and eventually stayed clean the lord can help you too john and he wants to but he isn't going to force his way into your life you have to let him in tell me more about this rehab place they have an awesome staff there that treats you with love and dignity and they recognize our great value to god and want to see lives change through him they'll be a huge help to you john think about it hello hey jasmine i have some bad news our car won't start please tell me you're joking no i'm not of all the days your car chooses today to break down i don't know what to tell you maybe you could reschedule no no i'm not rescheduling i want this done and over with i'll just catch the bus jasmine your mother and i really wanted to be there with you today i know we love you love you too excuse me are you my passing right here not at all dear how far along are you excuse me you're not showing very much but trust me i know when someone's pregnant i'm a little over four months i always wondered what it would be like to have a child so you get to find out what it's like in five months assuming this is your first child is this your first job you know i really don't want to talk about this okay i won't press you where are you headed does it matter you certainly don't have to tell me i'm just making conversation do you want to know why i don't have any children i was pregnant once i was about your age i decided i didn't want the baby so i went to the clinic and i had an abortion now i know god has forgiven me but i've never forgotten about it i wish i could take it back but i can't i hope you don't make that same mistake think about what i said before you go through with it so what was it about george that influenced you to go to rehab george didn't seem like a former addict to me you know he seemed so different from the former life that he described to me so i concluded that it must have been rehab that did that for him but he did credit jesus right right and i didn't believe him so here you are ready to enter this christian run rehab clinic what were your thoughts before you went in there i kept trying to psych myself up telling myself if george could do it i can do it all right gentlemen we have a copy of the schedule posted out here in the hallway breakfast is at seven followed by morning meds here's a list of classes as well as group and individual therapy sessions now if you need anything at all you come find me or one of the other techs we'll be glad to assist you all right see you around john it's good to meet you you too all right george you're a good man thank you ready for you brother wow this place brings back memories that's a good thing that's where everything turned around for me honestly george i'm having second thoughts about this whole rehab thing man you're gonna be fine john i felt the same way when i first came in here you have my number you can call me anytime believe me john i have your back and the people in here they're great they'll do whatever they can to help you come in good afternoon john come on in and have a seat so how are you feeling today how do you think i feel i understand if you're not in a good mood john there's nothing easy about detoxing from drugs but you're here that's what counts but i have to ask why did you decide to come here i don't see any other way to get my life back tell me about that what have you lost in your life uh well let's see my wife my job my health what haven't i lost i'm sorry to hear that john that's a lot to deal with now i want to ask you some things about your family if that's okay go ahead are you close with your parents or brother no how do you feel when you're around them i don't know i mean i'm not around them much but what i am i want the visit to end as quickly as possible i see and why is it you don't want to be around them been a long time but i guess it all started when i had a falling out with my parents as a teenager tell me about that i remember i felt like they wanted to control me especially my dad in what way did they control you i don't know stuff like making me go to church trying to keep me from my friends setting ridiculous curfews and they yelled at me all the time do you think their actions were motivated out of concern or did they just enjoy telling you what to do probably out of concern let's digress a little you were adopted right yes have you ever met your biological mother or father no have you wanted my birth mom yes but not my birth dad why not your birth dad because he raped my mom i'm sorry to hear that john i can tell that there's a sensitive subject for you we don't have to talk about that right now if you don't want to i never talked to anyone about that other than my parents well i'm here to help john if you want to talk about it i don't even know where to begin with that well how old were you when you found out about the assault i'll never forget that day it was right after my 15th birthday what were you feeling when you first found out about it ah confused angry up until that point i barely knew anything about my birth mom and nothing about my birth dad i used to wonder about him but after that i hated him i always used to ask myself why my birth mom gave me up but suddenly it all made sense to me it made me feel worthless like i was a big mistake you're not a mistake john and you're not your father you've been created in the image of god and he loves you and values you regardless of where you came from i really hope that you'll come to accept that [Music] yeah me too you okay john all right well i want to thank the three of you for coming in here to join john and have this talk as a family john i want to start by asking you to share your thoughts with your family about why you're here well um my life is a mess and um i needed to do something about that so i'm here and um i hope that you guys will support me of course we'll support you john and we're 100 behind you yeah i mean we're all here for you man now i want each of you to take turns expressing how you feel towards john and how you would like to see your relationship improve with him and as a family cave let's start with you well uh it's good you're getting help so how do i feel toward you i guess i feel uh distant that's all i can think of would you like to expound on that a little gabe why do you feel distant from john i used to look up to you when i was younger but then one day you up and left and it's like you wanted nothing else to do with me after that why man why did you disown us what did we do to drive you away or was it that you cared more about drugs than you cared about us what you're not going to answer me gabe well why isn't he answering me what did we do to drive you away you didn't do anything none of you did i just stopped caring about everything you stopped caring about everything including your family so where do we stand with you now john let's try to keep our tone i asked him a simple question i know you're angry but let's try to keep a civil tone you know what this whole thing is stupid i don't even know why i'm here gabe this isn't helping anything i'll go talk to him you know he's right about me what he said back at the hospital i'm a worthless screw-up no dad i am i don't even know why the two of you will stick around john we may not approve of everything you do but we love you and nothing's going to change that we'll never give up on you [Music] [Music] so come in john my friend ready grab some lunch yeah i'm ready hey you been reading the bible uh yeah well that's great what are you reading right now uh john chapter 10. i'm very familiar with that chapter you have any thoughts on it well verse 10 really stood out to me i've been sitting here thinking about it that's a great verse the thief come not but for to steal kill and to destroy i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly yeah what does jesus mean by more abundant life i believe he means that in him he wants us to live a thriving life one full of joy and purpose anybody breathing could live a life but in jesus that life could mean so much more take it from me john i live both [Music] and thank god i don't have to go back to where i was john can't you see it god has been reaching out to you left and right i mean look at your parents they loved you unconditionally and have stood by your side with everything they've been through with you that's because of god in their lives and look at george how god's been working through him to reach out to you these are not coincidences john what are you waiting for why why has god been trying to reach out to me i've done nothing good in my life he loves you john he always has and always will what do i do now let him in let jesus in as lord and savior [Music] okay adam we can see you and six months thanks have a good day you too i have a delivery for a kayla gessler that's me two sign here thank you have a great day you too so who are they from um there's not a name but it's a poem i don't deserve you kayla this is true but that doesn't stop me from loving you if you love the flowers there's more to bloom come out of the office i'm in the next room who's out there kayla [Music] [Music] hi kayla hey try me for dinner tonight i made reservations at your favorite restaurant you did huh why should i join you caleb i am so so sorry that i hurt you and if i could take it all back i would all i'm asking is for you to let me try and earn your trust back wow you seem different come to dinner with me and i'll tell you all about it [Music] okay i'll join you what time uh as soon as you're done here i'll be right here sitting right there not going anywhere okay oh by the way you look good john [Music] kayla look as beautiful as ever [Music] you cows [Music] hello read this please before you make your choice [Music] so [Music] or [Music] you're not ready to be a mother how would you support it it's your only good option free this please reach your choice think about what i said before you go through it bless you you know if you like we can help you to our center uh we have resources and counselors available don't hesitate to call us if there's anything we can do for you okay so what was it like to take your first steps as a new believer it felt great uh god was opening my eyes to all kinds of things that i hadn't seen it was tough in many ways i had hurt a lot of people especially my family and i had a lot of relationships to try to repair but my family could see that i was seriously trying to kick my addiction and my parents they demonstrated what unconditional love was like how about the rest of your family uh kayla and gabe were more of a challenge with gabe it took a long time before we could really open up to each other and how about kayla how did you patch things up with her she struggled with letting go of the past wounds that i caused her and my ongoing battle with drugs didn't help matters but god but god definitely helped me and she could see my growth with my walk with the lord i can joyfully report that kayla has now accepted christ and our relationship is healthier having him at the center amazing god certainly makes a better captain of our lives and relationships than we can speaking of which how did you eventually surrender your drug addiction to him i wish that rehab had cured me the first time but i ended up going back twice and every time i got out my good old friend dave was there to offer me freebies ah how did you eventually deal with dave well i needed help 24 7. so after i got out that third time i wasn't left alone and dave never found another opportunity to come around so here you are off of drugs growing in your relationship with the lord how did you eventually sense god's calling to write your book well i started writing just to put my thoughts down on paper and then after i prayed and reached out to god about it i felt like he wanted me to write my own story i had no idea what would come of it but i trusted his lead and i started writing so what's come of it i released it on the fourth year anniversary of my sobriety and god no doubt has opened up many doors because of that and invitations flowed to to speak to various groups about the book and about my life thank you for coming to hear me tonight and please know that i'm here for you guys if you want to talk or you need to pray just let me know thank you do any of you have any questions yes how long did it take before your cravings completely went away i don't have a clear-cut answer for that one truth is i can't let my guard down even till this day is it a struggle like it used to be no but i have to be careful not to place myself in any situations where i can find myself tempted yes hi john hey mom happy mother's day thank you happy mother's day thank you kayla they're beautiful thank you you're welcome oh that's the timer i have to go check on the chicken come on in make yourselves at home your dad and gabe are watching the baseball game in the family room i'm on it so is there anything i can help you with what's up guys hey john good to see you good to see you too old man hey bro what's up bro how you doing man good good so how'd your speaking engagement go with the kids i think it went good i got a lot of great questions afterwards and i trust that guy will touch their hearts with some of what i said i'm sure he will god does say his word will do what it set out to accomplish you planted that seed thanks guys yeah so who's winning tigers are up one nothing all right where you going going to visit dave today remember oh okay what i was just thinking why do you keep visiting that guy sounds like he doesn't want anything to do with you i know but i don't want to give up on them well you do what you need to do well i'll be back in a little while okay love you i love you [Music] bye hi dave john how you doing i'm still here so you find any activities to do why do you come here john well i told you i know what you told me why do you still consider me a friend let me tell you about this person that i'm he had a hard heart he didn't care about the people around him he didn't even care about himself but then there was someone that saw something of value in him and he reached out to him with unconditional love that person you know knows that he's valued he now knows that he's forgiven okay what does that mean who are you talking about me talking about me dave god reached out to me and he changed me and he changed my heart towards you so i guess the bottom line is whether what i'm saying to you makes sense or not i still want to be your friend i've been playing basketball what you asked me about activities i've been playing basketball great that's great man are you playing by yourself or uh playing with other guys i don't shoot hoops by myself like some loser no man i played two on two with a couple guys that's awesome man that's progress right it's all right [Music] you have an amazing story john but it's not over yet you had a very interesting evening recently care to give us some details absolutely i'll take one more question yes sir yeah uh do any of the proceeds of your book go to charity that's a great question thank you for asking that i donate to several charities including 10 of the profits to victorious living rehab center as i shared earlier that's where i eventually got clean and where i came to know the lord well folks we're going to have to wrap things up here i want to thank each and every one of you for allowing me to come and speak to you tonight be safe and god bless you [Music] [Music] ah [Music] lord help me [Music] leave hey alone let's walk away man no one has to get hurt here she reminds your business [Music] you're not a mistake john and you're not your father [Music] oh come on let's go get some treats come on and for other birds migrating south to stop and rest in safety one of the main migratory birds that horicon marsh is known for is the redhead duck through your mind is you ran to save that woman in distress and came face to face with her attacker honestly uh i didn't know what i was getting myself into i kept thinking and praying to god the whole time to help me then uh the attacker got violent with me so my mind just just went into survival mode and i did my best to defend her and myself at that point it was just by the grace of god that we made it well we're glad that you're both safe thank you robin [Music] i have one final question to ask you okay it's about your birth mother have you ever thought about tracking her down and meeting her i have i thought about it a lot growing up life issues and my bad choices distracted me but i haven't determined how or when i would actually do it do you have any leads on how to find her no not much i know very little about her if you don't mind me asking [Music] what would you say to her if you did find her i'd let her know that i'm grateful that she gave me life and i hope to get to know her i hope you get that opportunity john thanks thank you so much for joining us on foundations of the family thank you charles for having me john [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's just [Music] i once thought of life as having no meaning or purpose we live we die and nothing in between really matters [Music] but i now know that life is so much more than that yes life is a journey full of ups and downs [Music] joys heartaches [Music] struggles victories but in the midst of all that there is meaning and purpose and there's a god out there who wants us to know him and that purpose for which he created us he wants us to know how greatly valued we really are so much so that he sent his only son to die for us so considering our value to god [Music] i've come to this conclusion a life is worth giving birth to worth spending time with [Music] worth loving unconditionally worth taking a risk for life is worth living and i can now say by god's grace i'm living it well [Applause] jesus [Music] a friend i have called jesus whose love is strong and [Music] never true however tried no matter what i do against this [Music] to him [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] when life seems worse than [Music] i useless my grief to [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] she it's just like his grave [Music]
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 475,616
Rating: 4.7987661 out of 5
Keywords: Films, Movies, Entertainment, christian movies, christian films, faith based films, new religious movies, religious movies, Feature Films, Daniel Jeffries, Angela Roberts Johnson, Rich Swingle, Keith Perna, It's A Life Worth Living Movie, It's A Life Worth Living Full Movie, It's A Life Worth Living Feature Film, It's A Life Worth Living, family drama, christian drama, faith, path of discovery
Id: 02Yl-ABu16w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 30sec (6270 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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