A Man Called Jon (2015) | Full Movie | Christian Heep | Sharice Henry Chasi | Vernee Watson

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last bit of concrete and that man was watching he stood up to admire is working out of nowhere here comes this big dog and tracks up his brand-new poured sidewalk well you can tell he's upset he gets down there and he's mumbling something as he's smoothing out that sidewalk again and he says I better put a border around it so he goes to the garage to get some steaks and some twine to build a little fence around this sidewalk he comes back out there and lo and behold or more dog traps so he gets down there on his hands and knees again and he starts smoothing out the damage and he builds this little fence around his sidewalk well he's real happy so he grabs his trowel he goes stomping out there and gets on his hands and knees sloughs it all out throws a trowel down goes in the house and gets his gun he comes back out there and he takes a bead on that dog and shoots him dead [Music] mom's old [Music] he said well said that's in the abstract but I hate dogs in my concrete you know folks and you know I'm afraid we're a lot like this man was when it comes to the subject of our message today forgiveness oh we all love to talk and hear about forgiveness in the abstract but when it hits close to home we just don't like forgiveness in our concrete if you open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 6 verse 12 guys I'm sorry I didn't you have to admit hey did you see the trick knee hairs too tall [Music] you know it really doesn't look anything like me Picasso couldn't bein it a better portrait you know you really embarrass the kids this time are you embarrassed why John I can't believe you asked me that question of course I was embarrassed funny I don't know I just I can't help it I mean when I feel the spirit it just flows out of me you don't have to explain to me I'm stuck with you but just know that some of the church members are starting to make an issue of it I think I'm gonna color it and frame it oh yeah that's not gonna happen [Music] think I'm gonna practice yourself no I just want to shoot a few more it's me you're talking to not dad I just feel like if we win they'll stop making fun of them how's your head sorry well you're lucky your head is so hard you got someplace you want are you worried about the game tonight no just worried about the kiddos how so you think they understand that I'm not trying to embarrass them I think they do just go talk to Ella pancakes blueberry good always yeah what do I look like a short-order cook mr. Carson I know you're trippin no I was I was turning and when I did it my foot just thank you cities hey can we talk you too mad at me I know you're a little embarrassed yesterday a little tried ray Norman mega-colossal humongous enormous okay okay okay I get it I'm sorry for embarrassing in church yesterday how come you ask like that dad that's hard to put into words you know I just start thinking about the goodness of God and I just get so overjoyed it just bubbles up inside of me next thing I know yeah that's the word monkey I'll try really hard to keep it okay okay let's go inside mom's making pancakes sweet [Applause] with over 90% of the congregation signatures on the petition doesn't mean I have to like it what do they held it up about the petition what would you say brandy okay there's a petition going around to have John women in the church what I bet you knew it's been circulating for like two weeks now Sunday control no no way I knew people were starting to complain but I didn't know anything about a petition so how does John not understand that this is not lecture running around bremen town who's trying to have a little selfish did you sign a petition [Applause] alright alright good job guys look we got 10 seconds less than 10 seconds to win this thing alright you get a play John okay so once the ball is put in a play we're gonna run a picture gosh max I want you to pass the ball well Josh Wilson [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so we've done it for good this time right that's gonna do it guaranteed master there's a petition going around the church trying to get you kicked out yeah I know well I just wanted to let you know that my wife nor myself signed it we support you pastor thank you you have a good one yeah you too now look John should be here just any minute when he gets here let me do the talk John hey I've got just the place for this buddy look at that first place you know I believe that son of yours headlines for years to come thank you I think he's just pure shooters you were in college better listen can I talk to you guys for a few minutes sure have a seat what's on your mind we're gonna get right to the point I understand there's a petition going around to have me removed from the church is this true yes it's true John and do you also realize that all the five members of this church signed the petition John the folks around here just don't understand your method of celebrating I mean even your own family and with that being said I want you to know that I did not condone this petition once the bishop found out about it he thought it would be just if we got in front it your ongoing outburst issue doesn't represent the heart of this body Daniel is this how you feel of course it's hella silly Tom let that stop John you know my heart and you know this is not the way I feel but this is the feeling of the majority so you're putting me out of the church think they want you now john wayne could you guys give me a minute with John please place John I want you to know that I personally went to the bishop on your behalf to try to persuade him to assign you to your own church and he gets grief but this it should reassign the papers I promise I won't do it again alright I'll control it the son this is a good thing it's a promotion for you there's nothing I can say to change your mind I know if you give me which is one on the decisions final and besides the church they're expecting you this weekend believe me this is going to be a good thing for everyone son I'm here for you got my number if you need anything so it's fine gotcha Thanks standing here looking out the window keep my dream [Music] seen so many past failure [Music] so tell me what do it [Music] ah hi honey how was your day me my name is fine how was George oh it was great I'm sorry that bad for tripping you you should be you should be very very very sorry but you forgive me right yeah nice till now we're gonna tell the kids I just do it together okay we can do this we talk to you - for a moment don't we Frank just great I got this Megan okay [Music] really get wait like it he'd be like normal dad's that's not how God made him I don't want to move neither do i but we both love your father and we have to support him you could move to Canada not without me [Music] come here be alright we'll just like we always have I guess I need got it sister [Music] I love you [Music] I'm sorry what do you say we go get some dinner and we'll talk about it yeah great idea [Music] living rooms all boxed up you okay yeah I'm okay anyway thoughts I'm tired of moving we don't have a choice I know I don't know but it doesn't mean have to like okay I didn't like this right [Music] help me understand why do you have to celebrate like that put it into words but I promise this new church will never know shout and John exists [Music] promise [Music] [Music] we're gonna be fine no see [Music] [Music] entirely [Music] picking them up again I'm tired of dealing with the sickness need a help so I'm trading muni for vengeance so I can change with me [Music] speaking of the sea [Music] we are talking at the same time we can't understand each other yeah dr. Jones Thank You Deaconess Harris guys my vote is just to get him out before the bishop sent his former letter and we'll be stuck with this right I understand we don't have to respect my dad's wish to keep him as interim pastor now the bishop he'll make a decision in a minute Deaconess I promise you if there are another sermon on fornication I'm taking my family every week it's the same service to change your money I'm sorry baby ain't that much fornication in the world there's no god but we have lost 293 members and I vote we remove him and get another pastor I know you're upset but just give it a minute to the bishop cause I don't think you understand but we want him out before the bishop makes his decision that's right now can I help you um I'm not sure who I'm supposed to report to but I'm your new pastor she all right yeah she'll be fine um I'm Deaconess Robyn Harris that's Deacon God Bolton this is Deacon Jones that one right there who just passed out that's gonna be secretary Hill in black it's nice to meet you oh I'm John Terrell Carson's my wife Emily Joshua and Meegan it's nice to meet you too you have your paperwork well looks like your paperwork is all in order let me make a phone calls about your living arrangements okay all right well it looks like everything really is in order so uh let me take you to your new house all right I'll take a look at it okay great girdi this is Oh lovely yes you did oh goodness so what do we do now pastor Carson's this is your new home welcome thank you you welcome what you're welcome twice you're welcome three times what's all this this is your welcoming committee may I place their home yeah sure dear Heavenly Father we thank you for this opportunity for pastor Carson we ask that you place angels on all four corners of the home in Jesus name I pray amen [Applause] please go each other Jack I'll see you in the morning so I can introduce you to the staff at the church great all right there you guys welcome home [Music] I can't believe you won't stay in me pastor Carson don't get cute with me now how embarrassing is this a bishop gonna sit down a white pastor to take over a black church and all my life I've never heard of anything like it there must be some kind of mistake his paperwork is in order plus bishop and his family is going on a cruise for a couple of weeks I don't know what to tell you well doesn't even know how to preach to a black church oh no but I bet you don't have a lot of sermons on fornication come on I got this plant where you going where are you going I'll just play in oh come on I was just playing what are you going oh that's funny to you huh well I'm gonna get to the bottom of this you can trust and believe that then we'll see who gets the last laugh good morning yes it is this is a good morning is your family get settled in yes we did thank you so much for the help well no need for that so ready for the grand tour yes all right well this is your office nice they won't take that long the churches be but not there on Wednesday nights they have Bible studies that begin at 6 at about 7:30 they start the fire rehearsals and they also hold the business meetings first Sunday of the month here usually right after the church service is over so that's our 15 cent tour how you like our church it's quite has that family feel yeah that's a really nice way of putting it Pastor John John yeah I'm sorry so John what's the book on you book yeah what's his story I was born in Louisiana and then we moved here when those no no no no not your facebook profile no I mean what brought you our way I don't know if you believe it or not why don't you give it a try well I was transferred here because they I said I was I guess the best way to put it is they called me shout and John say what now wait wait wait when you say shouting what exactly do you mean by that they weren't a custom to my style of worship okay hello Shannon do you mean like yelling or shop no I I dance but you don't worry about that anymore well hello hello when you say you dance what exactly do you mean by dance praising God okay let me put it to you another way are you a Booker what a bucker [Music] well are you a slain in the spirit shatter I don't know I know you do the pastor shell right that's the running shout yeah they call it the track star I'm a runner too never knew it had a name yeah John I can't wait to hear your sermon on Sunday anyway I gotta get out of here but if you need anything just contact Helen or myself and we'll get with you get what do you need to you should be fine though okay hey you were welcome to go with me or you can stay and really check out this old place yeah I think I'll just hang all right well you have a great evening pastor oh I know John [Music] [Applause] hi I'm Camille what's your name Meegan Meegan nice to meet you so how do you like our country school it's very cool I don't think so hey we have math together right yes coach Allen mr. Allen seems uptight only for the first two weeks and it kind of mellows out good to know oh yeah that's my ride okay see you tomorrow okay Oh do you want to sell my table during lunch period tomorrow sure bye I so how was your first day it started out slow but it picked up at the end oh good did you make any friends they made one ha ha I made for Joshua oh sorry mom well I'm just glad you both had a great birthday Oh mom pastor Carson pastor Carson you okay I'm sorry I knew you I was getting ready to leave and I was wondering if you needed anything before I go oh wow six o'clock um you know what if you give me just a minute I'll pack up my stuff I'll walk out with it oh I see you old school you still write out your service yeah nice can't used to read anything off a tab well when you complete it I'll type it up for you what font do you like oh you know you don't have to type it up actually like reading the handwritten version oh you know over the past six months we've lost 293 members but your associate pastor sermons for the past six months have been on fornication really mmm-hmm I shouldn't help anything am i bringing you in here but it'll help shake things up around here I'm all for it you know this used to be a family church four hundred members on the roster now we down at 22 minutes Oh I'm hoping that I can help get us back to that family atmosphere I'm sure we'll lose a few more Sunday but maybe after they hear you preach they'll start coming back you think so no just making conversation honest and you know like to Gaza amen thank you um pastor Carson a John promise me one thing I'll try your first sermon will not be on fornication I can promise okay all right [Music] I thought I got rid of that picture no it's a reminder well you have seen that person the last time okay no it was really great of the church to help us get settled do you know if they unpacked every single boss should see how they organized the garage John why do you think they sent you to an african-american church it's pride just the only church with an opening [Music] I'm a trite literature Bishop I'm glad your mother isn't here to see how cold-blooded you've got no I'm glad she's not here to see how child isn't stubborn you've become don't look I'm not on board with this at all and I am going to do everything in my power in voted out of here uncle Gerald don't you go in there no okay maybe you're right maybe it is time for me and him to have a man-to-man talk wait hold on you have a minute I'd like to introduce you to my uncle and associate pastor Gerald Dickens pleasure to meet you be nice we have a little privacy Deaconess Robyn will be fine all right I'll be outside if you need me I would offer you a seat but I can see you have something you need to get off your chest now I don't like it one bit that the bishop has sent you here and I'm gonna start a petition to get you removed from this church what what's so funny I just had a deja vu moment where you won't think it's so funny when you're on the outside looking in I'm sorry you feel that way I don't understand why you would even want to preach in this church a bishop sent me here and I plan on doing my best to lead this congregation I was hoping you'd be on board but it's not I understand the bishop sent you here it's pretty upset yeah I can handle him don't I don't worry about his petition I'm the one who has final say on who represents this church thank you besides I think God sent you here for a reason thank you hey why don't you and your family come over for Sunday dinner to do that look it's something you need to get a little custom too when we invite you over for a meal chicken and lemon tea you accept it how can I refuse I accept okay so I'm gonna get out of here I need to go spend a little time with my Rugrats all right what are their names Oh my daughter is Camille and she's 13 and I have a son Marcus and he's 11 and my husband's name is Jerome sounds like a wonderful family it is [Music] Marcus in the bed you know he's big enough to get in the bed by herself mind don't you that's Bobby it was a great big we're actually a day ahead of schedule on the Moro project oh well then this is all I really like that huh so I gotta go with Junko today man yes we did do you know he had a petition sent out on John leticia yeah for what to get him out to church so what you gonna do I don't know well first thing I'm gonna do is get rid of that little silly petition Yeah right around all right first things first so anything I can help with I rather bend steel between my teeth get with them fee you win all right all right all right somewhere in there yes is that good mm-hmm all right now I'm Nick's dad what's all this we wanted to have a little talk with you we wanted to remind you that you promised to control your celebrations during service Jon this is a new church and we get a brand-new start and nobody here knows about shouting Jon I promise I will keep it together you're the best dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] yes yes yes yes hi this is the last place I thought you to be good you go to this church - yes my mother is Deaconess hairs that's cool so who are you here with my dad [Music] [Music] [Applause] I want to thank the Congregation for that wonderful musical number now as most of you know we have a new pastor Johnny Carson has been appointed by the bishop to be a new Shepherd so I want you to all rise and give a hearty welcome to you new pastor all right thank you all for that possible I haven't had a chance to meet everyone yet but I hope to do so before the for the day's end I'm excited to be here along with my wife Emily and our two children Joshua and Meegan no I can't find my sermon what if you don't find it I can feel it [ __ ] you I got a sermon ready ok ok you know we gotta stick together in this seems I have misplaced my sermon but associate pastor Dickens has agreed to fill in for me it is always good to be in the house of the Lord amen now I want you to turn your Bibles to Hebrews 13 chapter 6 and when you have it say Amen amen ready read marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge now a message today this fornication is a sin against the body and I promise you I won't hold you too long and those words cut like a sword I oh no pastor much better after that meal that's the reason I married that one how long have you guys been married mmm 1 or 12 years Wow amen I bought you in the mrs. 15 years now we met in college haven't looked back since that's alright that's alright alright I got some lemonade for you here you go John thank you baby right so good to see our children playing together I know I'm so glad our daughters are friends man so Emily you know my husband's a great artist right I am far from great I would love to see them I actually have a piece of artwork on my bedroom wall that is soon to be a classic all right well I'd love to see it no nothing just all right well if you want I can show you a few pieces because uh they want to talk privately oh yeah all right well let's go all right so it's right around here I got a little studio back there I saw my uncle put that sermon in his jacket John keep your head up I told you I got this right I know have you ever heard that uh saying this is when the grits hit the fan well exactly no just no they just hit it that sounds serious very Robin can I ask you a question sure it's the color of my skin the reason why your uncle doesn't like me man race don't have anything to do with John it's just that when my dad died my uncle had been trying to get that church ever since it's been over a year six weeks before my dad died he came to me and he said I'm putting you and the Deacon board over the church cuz he just knew my uncle was gonna ruin the legacy can I ask you a question sure how'd you learn how to shout like that where'd you get that well you've been shouting my bookie my father would take me to work with him sometimes and one day there was this pastor there who just got up and started preaching right there in the shop and before you knew it all the all the black guys who started dancing and and then something I don't want something just starts to build up inside of me in the next thing you know and I was just I was just dancing to I didn't know what I was doing but oh my father thought it was funny at the time but then one time we're at my home church and I felt the spirit and started the dance still remember the spanking I got from my mother that day so then after that I wasn't allowed to go with my dad anymore but whenever I could I would sneak away up to the shop and just listen to that pastor preach you know it's something we just make my feet in the hands move the Holy Ghost I was like it was just you know wasn't any judgment or nobody telling me it wasn't allowed it's just me and God it's all right yeah one more question mm-hmm how do we get the members to come back to the church that's simple yes go up to them and say hey I'm your new pastor simply simply his paintings are amazing maybe I gave her the one would be able to hummingbird oh I'm gonna put it in my kitchen all right well I will have it friend and personally deliver for you next week thank you well I think time to get going well I hope you get the paper okay great thank you well let senior dog yeah thank you know what yeah we'll be doing it again sometime come all right No stop you messed up my game stop [ __ ] your fate that fee little down boy now what I'm gonna have to say I am really glad that you didn't mess with your sister earlier when we had company says I was good kid I have ice cream what tonight yes no sir but you can't go to bacon I love you limit thing say your prayers okay hey Nick what is so bad have I told you how amazing you were no but please continue oh yeah I just think it's cool that you become friends with me yeah Meegan and I are gonna be best friends that's great baby that's really nice don't stay up late alright sweetheart you got school oh mama um can I go over to Megan's house tomorrow after school yeah but just make sure you ask her parents if that's okay all right okay all right okay Louie to [Music] you paw those improvements on my daughter for the last time I don't want him I can't believe you stole jon's sermon I didn't steal his sermon it was laying now fluo well if it was on the floor and you knew he was looking for waiting to give it to him UNK I'm not having this conversation oh no you're gonna have the conversation don't talk to me I mean it don't talk to me okay fine but um I see that little petition running around here or if I see anything else up your little sleeve I'm banning you from this church what do you mean I started this don't start with me I just did well what is with this man in this fascination with fornication no TV yeah yes I don't know I don't want to hear that Robyn you need to fix this oh no sis all right a young child runs into an office at the business of unusual a lovely child laughter her eyes and she goes straight to the large mahogany desk for everything is completely organized and then she just precedes to invest it all she's throwing pink slips and scattering bills canceling doctor's appointments tearing up tickets but once was ordered has now become disordered now this junk out teaches us that life doesn't always boil down to cause and effect her name is Bruno grace I think he's gonna be okay I'm gonna tell you something that some of you may think it's too good to be true our gospel our good news is a gospel of grace and this is what Paul teaches us so I want us to take an in-depth look at grace over the next five weeks [Music] [Music] I guess I don't have to ask how everything went today yeah yeah I'll need a shower for a month you know every home I went to thought as a Jehovah's Witness one lady even sprayed me with her water hose well hey I have Ellen young talk to everybody in will let them know you're coming great uh uh go out again first thing in the morning okay okay well I wanted to let you know that I had that serious conversation with my uncle how that girl oh my god planned I talked and he listened now that isn't making too happy not at all hey he got the message I mean your lips to God's ear hey man you're all right dig in as Harris you are to shangela yeah get out of here you ever go in all right I will let's have a seat over there and we'll wait for your father so you hungry too this place is so cute oh right no we just got yourselves great Oh Robin tell me that that you can tell he is the best I'm good with chicken salad let me do Jeeps hey so uh four chicken salads it is would you like to wash that down with ice cream four cooks okay no place shorter so how did it go today handing out the church pamphlets not too good what are you gonna do that I don't know can we help no I could use it though do you've any pamphlets with you in the car can you go get them will you go listen we have to help your father okay when he returns we're gonna hand out all those pamphlets inviting everyone to church on Sunday okay there we go here's some for you some for you let's just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah why are you throwing water on me are you doing the ice bucket challenge aren't you oh I'm just a new pastor I just want to invite you to church on Sunday then this isn't the ice bucket challenge no plus the challenge doesn't really work like that who told you to do this I'm so sorry I'm so sorry oh that man that man has lost his mind I promise you it lost his mind oh wow you're talking about moving what's going on look I I've never heard you talk like this before do you know my uncle then told them people in the community now throw some water on John hmm Tom bad is the ice bucket challenge you gotta admit that's funny very funny but it's serious babe all right he's backed me in the corner I'm gonna have to ban him this this is ugly no matter how you slice you gotta do ice bucket challenge I will look to you I will trust you oh my redeemer I will exchange for ways for your hand of quakes Oh Lord my redeemer [Music] nobody [Music] Oh my redeemer activity [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth alright that's a pretty grandiose statement oh the Lord goes on to explain and reinforce this more specifically in the opening chapter of John so if you open up your Bibles to John chapter one verses one two three read ready in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was with God from the beginning through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made hold it right there so the Word was with God and the Word was God so just so we don't get confused about who this word or he is referring to John actually goes on to talk about it in verse 14 read the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us we have seen his glory the glory of the one and only son who came from the father full of grace and truth so the word became flesh became human became Jesus now if we integrate what we just read in verse 14 with what we read in 1 through 3 it goes like this in the beginning was Jesus and Jesus was with God and Jesus was God Jesus was with God in the beginning through Jesus all things were made without Jesus nothing is made that has been made [Applause] so I think this Jesus guy is pretty important you see how many people came to service today it was amazing yeah I still nervous about my sermon I almost preached about fornication let me break that down you know what I think we have finally found the place where we fit I do too I mean I've never seen the kids so happy what are you doing here this late well well this is riven daniel stannum and he's uh well I'll just let him explain I'm looking for John Carson I understand he's at your church yeah well I'm afraid there's been a grave mistake see John John was sent to the wrong Church what what he said John was sent to the wrong Church I bet you had something to do with these no it's it's the truth you know he was actually supposed to be at another church on the other side of town now they called me last week looking for him and well I started looking around trying to find him luckily I got a call from Pastor Dickens here see I need to get this straightened out just as soon as we can cuz they're expecting John there next week let me go change my clothes and as it turns out you are at the wrong Church it's a truth John there was some kind of mix-up in the paperwork so you got to believe it the man is standing right here telling you no no I'm gonna talk to the bishop in the morning I can fix this besides it's late and we all need to get some rest we'll have clear heads in the morning let's just go [Music] please don't I don't want to move my liking here hunter do i what are you two doing up can you promise we would make this were Megan's Bobby you brilliant enough now want you two to march back to your rooms right now you know she's right please I need your support on this John we have supported you that's all we've been doing is supporting you for once why don't you think about our feelings what would you have me do stay at Robyn's Church I can't do that it's out of my hands please tell me you understand I guess so we're still a team right of course what time did he say he was going to be here he still has $10 I think that might be them oh good he's punctual this is exciting [Applause] well they see maker I mean that's good right hey let's give him a chance all right okay here we go again sorry we had a little trouble finding the church oh don't worry about now we're just so excited that you're here it's like TD jakes support or rod parsley has come to our church thank you well we're excited to be here soon have we met before no I don't think so you bear an uncanny resemblance to a a pastor we once knew anyhoo I'm Myrtle Thomas and this is our church secretary Franny Wilson and our associate pastor Michael Kelley I'm John Terrell Carson my wife Emily and Joshua we're so happy to have you guys here these ladies will get you squared away with your living arrangements father thank you hey guys if you'd like and I sure you run the sanctuary rather take care of the paperwork and we've got ice cream everyone sure [Applause] [Music] good evening level Johnson you requested to see me Keith oh I love sir hello doc oh I love this time of year birds singing flowers blooming and the weather's just perfect I didn't ask you over here for small jobs now had you and rahmat and the church getting long huh Oh mother you know she banned me from the church right from the cell excuse me by the way you've been acting she should have done that long time ago I have to sit here listen to this now I know you didn't just walk on while I'm still talking and you sit that till I finish now John you got to get over the fact that Rebecca cheated on you and left with the other counter that was old five years ago you got to pray it and that's God to remove that hatred from your heart we need a pastor Bogardus not one who preaches porn occation every other Sunday is that what everyone thinks of me I guess I have been a handful for the last couple of years a handful is putting it lightly you had me pour water on that man you know how embarrassing that one I was so sorry so how can I fix this if it can even be fixed oh yeah you can fix it first of all by going to God on bended knee and asking his forgiveness then you need to go to Robin and John and ask them to forgive you he's a good pastor then you need to go to every member of this church and ask them to come back to service and assure them that the Gerald Harris that we know and love is back in God's grace and will not I repeat will not preach on fornication anymore well thank you for your insight mother Johnson and the team hey what are you doing is it a crime for me visit my best friend you know do you want something to drink sure Oh my mom told me about your father getting another Church yes I hate it why I love your church well have you at least visited the new church and met the people yeah are they friendly I guess that's all that matters how about I go to church with you on Sunday you do that yeah you are my best friend right of course oh I thought you need some help packing boy do i hello what well I thought trays father was picking you up all right all right yes okay yeah I'll be over in a minute all right what's your son now I got to go and pick him up right now listen listen listen listen keep your elbows in your fist below your eyes what are you doing here Robin I know for the past couple of months I haven't been very much of a pastor without a long treating you like family so I wanted to come up here and apologize to you and to try to explain to you why I fought so hard to save that church thank you for it now when me and your father God rest his soul first built this church we were trying to build a place that God would be proud of a place that would be a haven of hope for the whole community oh you accomplished that but after daddy passed you just seemed to fight me every step of the way well I wasn't fighting you I told you to stop those sermons but you wouldn't change them you just simply ignore what was going on with the church just to put your own personal crusade against me I thought you were fighting me because you didn't want me to have the church and that's why you bought Johnny I didn't bring John in look you and dad built a legacy that is just withering away and dying I love you but you're driving the congregation away and a church without a body is an empty building yes I agree so how can we fix this what about the church no no us me in you Isis warm I won't go back you know the one who used to pull them nickels sometimes you leave those caramel squares I like so much on my desk yeah I can still do that wait by reinstate you do you promise to help me build this church up back to the vision that you and Daddy built over 40 years ago I promise when I wait now I think John would still helping diversify in the church yeah you're right but he probably hates me by now nah he uh nature Vanetta Helen huh she's mad at you you might want to sit far away from Papa well you know mother Jonathan's already ripped me a new one whoa she had a couple of those iced tea lectures about me oh she's a tough one mmm did he ever forgive me around you forgive me I already have no method oh yeah coffee would be nice yeah and I'll have some good morning we are excited to introduce our new Pastor John Carson so let us stand and welcome pastor Carson thank you all for that beautiful welcome I already feel at home you can be seated if you turn your Bibles to Romans 8 chapter chapter 8 verse 1 when you have it same in ready read sorry it's up there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus [Applause] so what time do the movers get here between 2:00 and 6:00 how y'all not I'm doing it you know I never thought I'd say this but I miss chou-heung yeah he didn't show up today [Music] no he didn't and you look so unhappy take some time to adjust right [Music] I'm gonna go check on the kid okay Hey gonna go shoot some hoops for the movies get here sure say well let me go talk to your sister first okay she wants to join us Hey so I was gonna ask how you're doing but can I ask you something sure do you like it at our new church why do you guys here so you're someone happy is that obvious huh yep look I know I'm always complaining about not wanting to move this time it's different I really really like it at Camille's Church we have an obligation to God that's exactly what I'm saying what are you you're not honoring God you're unhappy I have a mouths of babes does that mean we can stay look you've always told us the place you're supposed to fit you don't and the place you don't is where you do the most God uses unusual people and methods to deliver his messages including you shouting John well sir let's go up your mom pack hate you promise you'll think about it I love you I love you too Josh go faster faster Dickens I believe is here to see thank you hello Jenna I hope you'll forgive me for having all those meddlers for a while yes I forgive you what I stopped by for is we have bumped a banana pastor we have some more business this afternoon [Music] pastor Daniels has some good news for you good news yes sir we've convinced the bishop that you'd be more useful in robbing Church seriously you'll come back yes I think pastor Dickens was just another talk about that but what about my obligation to this church don't worry about that we found that that mark was the one that was behind the mix-up on your paperwork so he's gonna fill in for you until we find a suitable replacement the only thing is my uncle will be senior pastor and you'll be the associate pastor at least until he retires this is no joke I would love to come back whether its associate pastor or I sure that's great thank you welcome back hey let's go talk to Danny all right that's one whole thing I'm changing your seller over Wendy got slow radio announcer from your 24-hour I've got some music station have an IQ 7jh p.m. this is your home explosion both of the northern aster sponsored by Kennedy magazine mr. Tareq Johnson [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I know the [Music] in the moment [Music] doble shut it get the besties right up to the hills [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] never use babies in the baby [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 578,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, God, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, Jesus, EncourageTV, trailers, Christian Heep, Sharice Henry Chasi, Vernee Watson, Micheal D. Brown, M. Legend Brown, A Man Called Jon Full Movie, A Man Called Jon Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: opo4Im2jRAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 19sec (5359 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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