Baldur's Gate 3 The BEST Lockadin Build Guide! Become a DEATHKNIGHT | Baldur's Gate 3

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hello Maureen here in today's video I will be sharing my hexagon build in battle Escape 3 that utilizes the might of all that is evil to bring Justice to those in need or don't actually this character is a pretty solid Evil Boy but can also be played as a neutral character with some questionable taste anything else not in line and what better way to express this than to slap on heavy armor a big heavy weapon and leave some fools in two now the strengths of this build line its versatility and adaptability you will have access to a bunch of strong spells with good melee damage good range damage CC and on-demand healing when the need arises smart is going to be our primary source of damage with the option to use regular attacks when we don't want to waste our spell slots some of those namely their warlock ones are restored on a short rest which allows for some really good sustained damage between fights our Eldritch blast also allows for some devastating damage at range with the ability to push back foes negating the need for a ranged weapon and dexterity the biggest weakness of the spirit is its Mobility which needs to be offset with items with the introduction of this build out of the way let's have a look at the starting ability score as well as level progression as for the stat lineup we are going with a 10 10 16 8 14 and 16 lineup we don't want to dump our strength completely because our jump distance is going to be really small since we are also using heavy armor we need a little bit more care capacity dexterity is also something we don't want to dump completely this has to do with the initiative order and early armor because early on we are going to use medium armor instead of heavy armor Constitution 16 is for our health pool we're going to be in melee range quite a lot so having a high Constitution score is mandatory intelligence is something we can dump safely we don't actually need it for anything on this class wisdom is actually used for a bunch of saving throws so we don't want to dump that completely things like hold person for example are affected by this when it's targeting you and Charisma is our main casting modifier so we want that to be as high as possible 16 is actually pretty damn good because there is no charism modifier on our feet that we want at plus one so when we are going to level up we're going to take the ability score improvements every single level just to get the Charisma Squad to 20. that increase to plus 1 is going to be extremely good for this class you increase your hit chance you increase your damage you increase your LDC you increase your spell attack the C and you're going to increase your likelihood to convince someone to basically kill themselves like the toll Master there is a bunch of enemies you can Charisma kill just through dialogue options so this one is a perfect fit for a main character for skill proficiencies you get a bunch of stuff we are going with Will for the race because come on he's a warlock so that's the obvious choice if you however do not want to play will just a custom character a half orc or wood elf is also going to be really good a half link can also be very very good because of the re-roll at one so those are my recommendations if you want to play something else through it now for will I I recommend medicine because there is basically no one else in the party that's going to be proficient in that so having a higher medicine role is going to come in handy quite a lot animal handling same thing if you do not play a root or Ranger Survivor same thing to discover chests and then you have your other things like for example persuasion or intimidation for some reason we cannot change anything here so that's probably a bug otherwise I would recommend deception as for both we have actually multiple options we're going with a deep Paladin setup this means seven levels in Paladin we're going to reach the level 7 bony that the subclass that the oath is going to give us this means we need to think about what we pick here I personally prefer the Vengeance of because this one can be played as neutral or even lean into the evil part of things yes it's righteous so it's not entirely not evil section but you can do some questionable things with that devotion and ancient are mostly just good things so you don't really want to do evil stuff with them however if you want to play an off-breaker which is the preferred option for offensive play Styles because we're getting an hour of hatred that's going to buff your damage you want to pick either the oath of ancient or devotion because they're easier to break each oath has a set of rules if you break those rules you become an oath breaker now an oath breaker basically is a scuffed warlock but I personally couldn't bring myself to do that secondly avengeance Paladin now if you break an oath you can restore your oath for 1000 gold in your camp but if you do not do that and do not restore your oath you cannot respect that character so keep that in mind so for now I'm going with the oath of Vengeance this gives us at level 6 the possibility to use the hour of protection which I'll be talking about later but that's going to offset the saving throw penalty we are getting through other equipment choices both for vengeance or if you're going with the off-breaker go with any and break it off now since we are going with the oath of Vengeance you get inquisitos might bonus action on the channel both charge gives you additional Radiance damage that's based on your Keras modifier this means if we have 20 here we have plus 5 this means this one deals 5 additional radian damage that's quite a lot and I would highly advise you to just use this whenever you can now with level 2 we can go with the Paladin however the opportunity cost for getting that Smite and the additional spells is going to be extra attack is going to be delayed by two levels that's not something we want to do at level 2 we are going to change the class right here to the Warlock this will give us access to a cantrip edge blast as well as the second one friends now this one has a drawback but it's either backed and currently not working or it's so rare that it doesn't really apply friends gives you advantage on charismatics this one can be added to for example guidance roles you get from other characters like for example a caloric now the subclass we can go either with a great one or with a fiend I personally prefer the fiend because of the dark one's blessing gives you temporary hit points on a kill this one is quite substantial you basically always have this one up so dark one's blessing is much better in terms of sustain for the space we go with armor of agathis which gives you five temporary hit points which do not stack with this so temporary hit points are only one instance so it's either this one or the other one but still very good any enemy that's going to attack you is going to be dealt five chord damage if you upcast this one it increases to 10 15 and so on and so forth so a very very strong option the second spell is going to be either arms of Hadar or hex now personally I prefer instead of the House of hadah which gives you an AOE option early on it's going to be hex hex will increase the damage substantially especially early on now the next levels all go into warlock remember at this point our character is going to miss a lot except with the Eldritch blast so you're going to fire Eldritch plus all the time onto level 4 which will enable us to form a pact with our weapon which will then add the curse modifier to damage and to the hit rate before that average blast is your biggest friend so at the next level pick arms of Adar and for the Elbridge invocations we are going to pick agonizing blast which adds the Keras modifier to the average glass damage so we are basically arranged to ended character at this point and we pick repelling blast Devil's side is also a very good option diverside is a magical type of sight so you can look through those magical Clouds Of Darkness with your true dark vision you cannot the grace features do not allow that magical Darkness can only be seen from magical sight but for now repelling blast is going to be our best friend the four and a half meters you can use to push enemies from Cliffs to push enemies into the chasms and this will one shot them you will have a loose to loot so keep that in mind at level 4 which is our level 3 in warlock we will pick Misty step this will allow us to get mobility and we really need Mobility for The Pact pact of the blade packed of the blade will give us access to bind a packed weapon this means the weapon we have equipped every time we do a long rest we need to use this ability to bind the weapon to us and add the Charisma modifier to its attack Rule and to its damage otherwise you will not hit anything at level 4 we get access to another cantrip for this one we are going with blade 1 not played what gives us resistant bludgeoning damage piercing damage and slashing damage for two turns this one is quite nice so it's working for this turn and your next turn so you're not exactly wasting your action with this one quite nice to have and for the spares we have a ton of options I personally prefer Darkness because we can later on get dark vision so next level the magic we want so when we cast this one on characters on ranged characters in the back line we can still hit them with erud's blast or we can just jump into The Fray jump into the darkness and still hit them while they are blind and cannot hit us so a very strong spell and very good defensive option as for the feed go of the ability score Improvement in Charisma two points here to get the plus one to the modifier and for level 5 we get a class feature we now have something that you need to be aware of as you can see here the Deep Impact gives you an extra attack when you pick the blade packed now this extra attack is specified as an extra attack here it's the extra attack feature it's not something that should stack with Paladin extra attack you get the level 5 Paladin this means at level 10 you will have two attacks this will however 100 be fixed once devs decide to do this this one is not intended behavior and just debug 100 so I'm going to assume this character only has two attacks and is not going to get the extra third attack at level 10 but you actually do right now at least before we pick a spell let's go to Eldritch invocation Devil's side is the best option here 24 meters dark vision magical dark vision and we can now use specific spells that are going to boost on either Mobility or provide us with very strong options to cast something but I personally prefer hangout because it's a massive AOE it gives you SEC option a very strong CC option in the worst case you can Retreat into this and still hit enemies however remember you still take the damage of this one you are affected by this if you want to increase Mobility go with flight this one is especially good if you do not have and I repeat if you do not have any Mobility using items next we don't want to actually pick warlock 6 because there are much better options now with the Paladin the Paladin now gets access to smites and you are going to Rejoice because you're going to hit for much much more damage for the fighting style we actually have multiple options if you decide to go with a shield in one-hander you can go with the dueling option so there is a ton of weapons that are possibly very good with this one or you can go with the fans to increase your ammo class if you choose that way this one is preferable if you use a two-hander as for the Spells you get searing smart for final match Thunder Smite of Thunder damage worth of smite 4 psychic damage and frightened frighten is a really nice as you see then you have Shield of Fate which will give you additional two Armor class this one can be cast as a bonus action so if you need that additional Armor class you're going to be really glad you have this pen protected from Good and Evil will give you a ton of benefits versus aberrations celestials Elementals fave fiends and Undead you can be Charmed frightened possessed by them and they have disadvantage on hits versus you so that's a very good option but it's selfish and then you have command SSC option you can tell ranged enemies to come to you which is really nice because this class is lacking a bit of mobility and you can just tell them to drop their weapon and so on and so forth so a very versatile spell that's very nice to have at the next level you can prepare Divine favor which gives you additional radiant damage on attacks but their class itself gets a few boony first one is abjure enemy this one can be used to frighten enemies so a nice CC and though of anonymity now you can use your both charge to get advantage on attack Rose versus a specific enemy it's nice versus bosses but we later on get the risky ring which we actually get around this level so we don't really need this specific span we also get Bane and Hunter's Mark both of which are nice but Hunters Mark is a concentration spell and remember we also have hacks so yeah you don't really want to cast this one same with pain both are concentration spares at level 4 with this Paladin we get another ability Improvement which we will put into charisma so we now have 20 charisma at level 5 we get access to the extra attack feature which Stacks currently with the Warlock packed extra attack so we now have three attacks but if this one is ever fixed we get only two because it's either this one or the Warlock one we still want Paladin now because of the space slots we want to pick branding smart because it will prevent enemies from turning invisible this one is really nice later on we can pick up eight because this one is not a concentration spare can be cast for five additional hit points that's not temporary hit point so it's stacking with temperature hit points and we can actually pick protection from Poison because this one is nice to have versus Poison remember our specials are basically mostly reserved for smites at level 6 we get Aura of protection now hour of protection will give you and your allies nearby a saving for a boost based on your Keras modifier and at level 7 with the Paladin so level 12 with the class we get Relentless Avenger so after performing an opportunity attack we get a movement speed buff we also get an addition space slot so after you get your hour of protection you need to use it one time the saving throws plus four because we have a Keras modifier of just four currently and only level seven with this one to Showcase level seven but if you boost your character modifier to plus five you get a plus 5 to all saving throws all your allies are affected by this if they are close enough so the radius is actually quite small next one I want to show you the gear now I'm currently in act 3 and there are some items that are a little bit better but this one will make the build flow really nice so that's what I'm currently showing you first up we are going with the dark fire short bone this bone gives us fire resistance and code resistance and the haste spell as a free action basically it doesn't consume our space slots we can use it just zone so that's already really nice you can find the short bow at the moment in act 2. for our weapon we are using a charge bound Warhammer plus one D6 lightning damage plus two two attacks and plus due to damage if we are using this one as a packed weapon it's a really strong weapon and pairs nicely with Will so those are the weapons you can however also use this one as a one-handed weapon with a shield which it loses you about to damage so it's not that impactful at all for this one you can use for example a Sentinel Shield giving you a plus free to initiative roles and advantage of perception checks since we only have 10 dexterity don't pay attention to this deadline up really remember the stat lineup I showed you at the beginning of the video not this one will offset this Mali so we basically have 16 dexterity but I prefer the two-handed look risky ring gives us advantage on this class it's really hard to get consistent advantage on specifically a paladin on the Warlock so having Advantage all the time is really really good and notice something this one gives us disadvantage on saving throws however since we're going with the protection Aura with the Paladin level 6 so the oath of Vengeance we're getting our kerosene modifier on all our saving throws meaning strength dexterity constitutional intelligent wisdom and Charisma this offset the Mali of this ring for the second ring we are going to the killer sweetheart now killer sweetheart will give us a guaranteed crit on our next attack roll after killing a creature however we can determine when that crit happens because we get a reaction that doesn't consume the reaction afterwards so we can kill a rat then go to the boss of the specific dungeon and then one shot the enemy because we can just chain our smides with this one it doesn't consume the reaction so we can crit so we can guarantee a crit on a Target and we still can use our device might on Critical Strike now if you want a reference for where to find those items make sure to check out the video down below it's 25 items that are easy to miss up until the end of Act 2 so all of those items are showcased there next we're going with evasive shoes we can however also use the disintegrating night Walkers giving us a misty Step cast for free and we get nice bony because we cannot be in wept and Tangled and snared or slip on Grease or eyes however if you're using those boots on something else we can use the evasive shoes granting us a ammo class bonus of Plus one which is substantial we can combine this one with the cloak of protection to get another plus one and plus one to saving throw switch offsets the effect of risky ring even more now when we combine this one with a shield we can get to 23 24 with the plus 3 Shield we can find in the video link down below and we can boost this one even further with other effects for the gloves we are currently using the held us gloss to improve our strength saving throws even more because we need to our strength is only at level 10 and we have disadvantage here and we get a plus 1d4 fire damage with our weapon now there's a possibly better alternative to this one since we are using 10x13 and 14 and like I said don't pay attention to this stat lineup the beginning of the video showcases you the perfect stat line up we can use gloves of dexterity to buff out dexterity to 18. this gives us a plus 4 to dexterity saving rules and the plus one to attack however it's less damage overall now our amulet when we are using the disintegrating night Walkers we don't actually need this amulet because this amulet is giving us a free Misty step it can be found in the Define temple in a gilded chest so in the goblin Camp the fire temple in act 1. now if we are using the disintegrating nightwalkers we can exchange this amulet for the surgeon's subjugation amulet once per long rest we can use this effect on a Critical Strike to paralyze the target for two turns and paralyze guarantees critical strikes so we can chain critical strikes afterwards it's a very strong combo I have not made it work at least not now because there's so many non-humanoid enemies in the game that I have found this amulet kind of super so I'm using this setup because it's just easier to use gives me more value at least in every single fight and the next combo is going to be really nice so we have Adamantite splint armor here that gives us a reeling effect on attackers when they hit you with a melee attack now reeling debuffs their Attack rules we also get less damage taking cannot take critical strikes but the drilling effect procs DDM of Arcane Synergy we inflict a condition doesn't whatever it's positive on us doesn't matter if it's negative on enemies doesn't matter if that enemy is attacking us and then inflected by that condition this means when an enemy attacks us they get there Wheeling condition and we get the Arcane Synergy buff now Arcane Synergy increases our weapon attack damage by our spellcasting modifier meaning we get a plus 5 from our Charisma now we can use haste on us like so and we get Arcane Synergy to spouse our damage from plus 7 to plus 12. we now have six attacks with insane damage and we can use a bonus action to also practice one from inquisition's might when we short rest like so and then buff ourselves with Inquisition smart which is not a concentration spell we get the plus 5 and plus five from the helmet and we still have our haste this means we can haste then inquisitions might and then go to town this build has insane burst damage anyway this time's up to build guide so if you like this one please leave a like leave a comment if you have any questions or remarks and make sure to subscribe if you haven't already you can also join the channel membership or leave a donation if you have this per coin so see you next time and bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 101,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate build, baldurs gate warlock build, baldurs gate best warlock build, baldurs gate paladin build, baldurs gate best paladin build, baldurs gate lockadin build, baldurs gate best lockadin build, baldurs gate 3 warlock multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 paladin multiclass build, bg3 warlock, bg3 warlock build, bg3 best warlock build, bg3 paladin, bg3 paladin build, bg3 best paladin build, bg3 lockadin, bg3 lockadin build
Id: oV1ruhFkvLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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