Special Ops Sniper Rates 11 More Sniper Scenes In Movies And TV | How Real Is It? | Insider

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I've debated doing this when I was pinned down by a sniper in Afghanistan taking my helmet off if that's your last resort and all you're trying to do is locate a sniper's position but there's no way that enemy sniper would have hit that though my name is Nicholas Irving I'm a former US Army Ranger Special Operations Sniper I'm also known as the reaper for my 33 confirmed kills in Afghanistan today I'm back again to look at some more sniper scenes from TV in film and judge how real they are I may have a shot absolutely not she's offhand like there's no support it's all musling it in to uh make that shot and that gun oh well yeah that's no the Olympic Arms k23b is what it is that weapon is like literally accurate for you know up to like 50 m that distance looks like it's about at most a couple of hundred yards put it back in the case and go back and get a different one it's not clean repeat I do not have a clean shot yeah I don't think she had a clean shot at all in the military a clean shot would be um you're not going to wound or injure or kill something you don't intend to if her Target is one of those two men that bullet you know it's a 5.56 it's going to zip right through the bad guy and potentially wound or kill the guy she's trying to to help out or save I say take the shot but can't take the bloody shot if I was forced to take the shot I'll pull the trigger but I'm not going to guarantee you anything luckily the train does kind of like come towards her as opposed to moving left or right that takes out so much more of the mathematics behind making a shot when it's moving closer or away from you it's all about just aiming above the target are a little bit below the target as opposed to you know aiming in front of it and having that individual essentially run into the bullet I would rate it a one like it's just not happening at all that little good tactical deep breath pause you know before the shot was really good to be more precise you essentially have to be calm and one of the easiest ways to calm your body down or right before shot is to just take deep breaths and get the blood circulating I would have got more Square behind the the rifle as opposed to like having my legs off to the side like that maybe got down like in a squatting stance or on my knees and kind of put my weight behind the gun that way when recoils it's kind of more of a straight back motion and not this motion he's going to pretty much get that just because his body alignment and the way he's holding the rifle there you go yeah I think it was smart for him to let the vehicle get closer to him everybody thinks being a sniper we want the longest furthest shots but ideally you want the closer ones just because it makes your job that much easier and it you know it's almost like 100% guarantee you're going to hit but with that if I'm protecting someone and I shoot the vehicle within you know a few yards from him the guy is still going to get hit by the moving vehicle I don't like that the car just did a triple axle like 20 ft from the guy like that's not how that works at all the only moving vehicles that I've shot I was a machine gunner and I've never once made a car flip over normally they just crash into a wall or crash into another parked car just roll off the side of the road into the desert I'd give it a six the the only thing that's pulling me back are giving it a less lesser number is because of the sniper waiting for the car to get [Music] closer I mean as far as being a highly accurate sniper rifle concealed as a flute I don't think so there's a lot of big things on on a sniper rifle that makes it accurate but the barrel is like really important and most barrels on sniper rifles are fluted and floated there's like no interference between the barrel and the stock of the gun as to not like interfere with the harmonics when it goes off that flute looks like one continuously long long object it probably is accurate maybe at the distances that he's shooting at but I also don't know what caliber he's shooting but it's Tom Cruz so it's probably really [Music] accurate I'd give the female sniper the best position whatever she's in that little room or the designs on the walls I think that really gives her an advantage it almost as like shooting out of a loophole it's like a tactic snipers used overseas where you punch a small hole through a wall or something and a sniper would back away from the wall and shoot through that hole to hit an object outside the guy with the shades on he's not really in a concealable concealed position but I guess he's using his attire to make him least Stand Out worst position I'd have to say Tom [Music] Cruz any sniper rifle can be suppressed even up to like 50 caliber uh sniper rifles you're still going to hear like a noise it sounds like a a clap a loud clap or if you took a ruler and and smacked it on a desk unless you use like subsonic rounds which he may be using in this instance where I could see nobody else really hear anything shooting lights are actually extremely hard to do like that was one of our things overseas sometimes when an assault team is going up on a building they want the light shot out for them to make it dark and that's it's actually pretty tough cuz it blurs out everything and it's hard to find exactly I guess where the middle is at I'll give it a five those shots are are you know possible but I don't think that this scenario setup is that realistic I grew up watching this movie it's like one of the reasons why I wanted to become a sniper every sniper you have your rifle and you have your ghilly suit what it essentially does is break up the outline of the human body and mimics or makes you appear to be brush or foilage but it's not just the ghillie suit that's What Makes You camouflage what you're going to really want to do is put a bunch of natural vegetation into the ghilly suit so you look more like the natural surrounding as opposed to just the this big pile of of ghillies suit on the legs you have the Spotter and you have the sniper the spotter is the one who's not pulling the trigger and he's holding up a or using a spotting scope um through his it look like a red dot camera thing or something like that that's just not what it looks like either you're going to have a reticle that mimics are as similar to what the snipers using these Mill dots or uh radiant lines that are going to you know give you your distance and be able to track with a bullet impacts he's moving 650 range me being a sniper it it's like 80 to 90% of your job is is observation it's actually really rare that a sniper does get a chance to pull the trigger most of our stuff is just relaying information watching stuff taking pictures and telling the commanders what's going on on the ground so you can be out there for as long as the job needs I think everything he did there was just fine looks like he's using like an M24 sniper rifle could be or something similar to that a variant but um like they're good out to like 800 M and 650 yards like that's not that's far but it's not that far for like a sniper and a body shot which is what I normally aim for was perfect like that's all you're going to go for at that distance my only issue would probably have something soft underneath his uh his rifle maybe put down a pack or his backpack or something you know to to rest it on that helps with the harmonics and having the rifle bounce and get all the way from you I give it a seven I was going to give it an eight but a seven because the sniper scope and the reticles and all that stuff just didn't make any sense to stay still when you're pinned down by a sniper it's like almost a death wish it's just a matter of time before he's going to figure something out to make those bullets impact running zigzag patterns getting out as fast as you can is probably your best bet to prevent an enemy coming in to do what just happened here sneak up behind you in Sniper school they teach you no more than like two shot two or three shots your sniper hide is burnt um you would want to move ideally to a new location once you have a good sniper hide set up the odds of you like getting out after that second shot third shot it's it's it's slim but there are countermeasures to deter people from entering that sniper hide like for us we might put up a claymore or some booby traps or something like that behind us and even a guy with the machine gun is usually watching our back that actually wasn't too bad and it's at night time with no night vision so I'll give him that we hit targets at nighttime um but the distances are extremely close we had a a sniper scope that was mounted with a PVS 14 I believe uh which is a night vision attachment that goes on the front of your scope both Bol guns bolt rifles they Jam all the time especially in like Dusty conditions that bolt gun when you pull it back it's exposed to the elements and it's such a slower process as opposed to like a semi-automatic where the bolt is coming back extremely fast so it's more prone to collect dust and things of that nature that would cause it to to jam up man this is getting tough I don't know I'd give it a six because realistically shooting at night time like that I can see you missing that much I've debated doing this when I was pinned down by a sniper in Afghanistan taking my helmet off if that's your last resort and all you're trying to do is locate a sniper's position I would have probably stuck my helmet up like on a the tip of my gun and dangled it up as opposed to like throw it I might need that for later but there's no way that enemy sniper would have hit that though like back in World War II snipers used to use the trees to hide in and shoot from and there really is no benefit to hiding in a tree once they find you out all they have to do is you know Center all their guns onto that tree and chop it down hiding underneath the tree are like in the the hole of the tree where some of them get you know hollowed out I could see that um but I'm scared of bugs so that's not for me as far as taking the shot when he took it nine times out of 10 if a sniper is being sent out it's to OverWatch his guys and make sure nothing happens to them but if we're already engaged in targets and we're already being shot at then anything that's moving on that opposite end that is a threat or has a weapon is going to get shot so yeah he had every right to to pop a few rounds off at this guy I would have too I'd give it a nine just because I've been in like a situation where I baited taking my helmet off and using it as a decoy I so I was an onset uh Tech advisor on this film and also played the dead guy that he got the radio from should have won an award for it best dead guy ever but that sand was real um we were really like in the desert and it was brutal it's extremely hard to aim through we call it a brown out where it's just like a a semi little I guess dust storm that rolls to you can't see anything so he's definitely definitely not going to be able to make a shot especially at the distances that he's going for with that much dust blowing around of scaring uh his vision give me back right um I'm not going to say it's impossible to to take out an enemy sniper who's hiding among stuff like that the hardest thing the good sniper is going to have to do is locate them from what I remember I recall it being over a th MERS away which is extremely extremely far to be conducting a counter sniper operation the sound of the rifle that John Cena is firing in the movie is not how it sounds in real life like this sounds like a semi-auto a atic rifle with like a suppressor on it or something like that in real life that gun is just a big thunderous boom a big bang the way he was shooting in the movie it's kind of like like it's a semi-automatic as opposed to him cranking the bolt back every time and the sound is off please tell me you got yeah he was dead from the get-go like shooting in an open area um and a sniper has eyes on you it's there's really nothing you can can do about it unless you are going to get up and just take a chance and run for it crawling away slowly wouldn't work he's just going to watch you crawl and decide when to shoot anyway so it's it's a lose lose this scene here I don't think I worked that day so no I only have so much control but this scene I would rate like a oh my I'm doing this to myself I'm going to give it a five I don't know if I be comfortable with taking that shot through the the windshield portion of a helicopter bullets act funny when they hit objects and the first object that bullet is going to hit is that glass and because it's curved it's going to deflect the bullet up or down left or right there's really no you know determining Factor on as to where that bullet's going to land at so one shot one kill for that helicopter scene not so much from underneath the car that's actually a good thing to do I've shot from underneath various vehicles and structures and stuff like that especially like in an urban environment you're going to encounter so much debris and Rubble on the battlefield or where you're fighting from so you have to make do with what you have the only issue was like her hand placement on the rifle like she already has the bipods I don't see a need to have her hand underneath it supporting it as well just extra weight dangling for no reason I would have probably had my uh support hand closer or holding the buttstock into my shoulder pocket as opposed to that during sniper school we were always told to call in an air strike when up against another sniper CU it's really tough to uh you know take out or fight against I believe she's shooting like a 762 caliber round which is well within the the capabilities of taking out a Target at that distance the odds of it being dead on at whatever range he was would have meant that she would have had to know that distance ahead of time and kind of uh dial in her scope for that instead she just stuck it on there and pulled the trigger on the head it's not really like that but other than that she I think she did pretty good given the circumstances I would have probably done the same thing but I'd give it an eight she looked really calm behind it and some of the best snipers I know are female yeah so this movie is based off of an actual sniper uh Miss pavlenko she was credited with over 309 kills and as far as putting that bullet through the tank like that I don't know I've only aimed at a tank one time and it was by accident and I was quickly reminded don't do that again when they point at the big cannon my way she went into her bubble Carlos Hathcock uh Marine Corp sniper called it getting into his bubble that's what she's doing when all these mortar shells and and explosions are going off around her it's getting into that bubble being able to shut that outside world off of the chaos and calming down and ignoring everything to to pull off a shot I can relate to that 110% no so bullets don't travel in a straight line like that they travel at an arc even at 100 yards so to win that battle you have to aim higher causing the bullet to go up and a hit its apex point and fall back down all snipers are just like really good NFL quarterbacks he's throwing it up and they're falling into the Target and bullets work the same exact way because it was based on a true story I'll give it a nine not a 10 just because the bullet trajectory females women make the best snipers out there no sh abandoned selective targeting all Targets are now free the distances he's shooting from like that's very plausible here it looks like he's maybe at most 150 100 yards away like less than that cuz he's shooting down so less than 50 yards possibly the scope is not bad either I'm used to like m dot Scopes and Horus reticles and they look like busy Christmas trees some you like without the lights on inside of sniper Scopes it was a very simple reticle shooting in a crowded environment is extremely tough during the international sniper competition that I attended that was one of the challenges was to shoot moving targets among a crowd it's extremely hard to do but our distances were way further than what he appears to be shooting by like a lot at the angles he was you know he was given and the distances it's not that complicated just worrying about where the bullet's going to hit after you hit your target would be like my only concern because they're in so close proximity to each other has a possibility of getting hit too I would give it a solid eight uh it's highly realistic the Scopes are always messed up I don't I don't understand why they just don't put a real scope reticle in there so this is a actual spotting scope similar to what the individual the the snipers using in the movie and he's using it pretty correctly like he's using it for Target detection to identify where a threat may be he noticed a little bullet on the ledge of that window and then you know finding things that were out of place that didn't make sense and eventually finding where the sniper was to something you see rare in movies the actual use of Target detection and how important it is for a sniper to find the smallest details and things that are out of place to find out you know find who they're looking for what you want to do is be pushed back away from the hole and not put the barrel protruding outside of the hole gives your position away and alleviates that that whole purpose of why you made that hole in the first place I'll give it a seven I love the use of Target detection but he messed up putting putting the barrel through the whole my favorite sniper scene of all time would have to be from the movie Lone Survivor they had their sniper rifle and they were engaging Targets in the woods and that was like the most realistic wor scene I have ever seen in my life thanks for watching and if you like this video be sure to aim at one of the videos above and maybe give it a shot or two
Channel: Insider
Views: 1,425,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insider, How Real Is It, Sniper, War, Military, Army, Movies, Better Call Saul, Skyfall, James Bond, The Last of Us, Hacksaw Ridge, Mission: Impossible, TV, Special Ops
Id: jlx548y1NDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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