Baldur's Gate 3: Oathbreaker Paladin Build YOU NEED

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so I guess it's like coolest build you can see only YouTube I'm taking you oh cool I think it's like most beautiful interactions again so we can pick up all breaker and we can troll him and we can pick up him very cool stuff just as nice and now we got four zombies hail and mesh's Adventures it's me the spot King welcome to the world of baldos Gate 3 and today I present you my new build to always break your Paladin so first of all we need to choose our race and just for role playing purposes I will pick draw but Joe got additional nice features weapon training just in case you will need proficiency with Rapier showsworth or hand crossbow but spoilers you won't need it as old breaker Paladin with my build and Superior dark vision so you can see in the dark up to 24 meters and this will come in handy like Faye ancestry you will have advantage on saving trolls against being Charmed and Magic can't put you into sleep but if you need like a perfect race to meet Max your old baker Paladin and go for half orc just for Relentless endurance and Savage attacks but today we're playing this dude so sub race doesn't matter I pick close sworn troll picking class Paladin of course and we pick in cell plus a subclass of all of devotion actually any holes will work you can pick whatever else you like and how to be a hose breaker I will explain just in a minute but what does it mean when you're picking your Paladin you just pick your holes and you ALS dictate what you need to do so basically if you pick an also devotion you need to protect weak and pursue the greater goods and when you don't do it you're basically becoming House break so for background We Begin Soldier to have nice intimidation checks mostly and Athletics checks is very nice too for Ability distribution we are making this like all in strategy so zero into dexterity zero intelligence zero wisdom I have to go in all in into strange Constitution and coverisma we are making plus two into strange and plus one into Charisma our skill professions doesn't measure and just like that our Palestine is ready to go into the battle so for those of you who already watched my guides I basically making this spoiler free guides so my main idea is to just show you the level 12 character in this tutorial area where you're just practicing and doing other stuff but to become old breaker I actually need to go and start the game so if you're interested only in level up and building up your oldest breaker then I will leave time code and this time code will lead to the segment of the video when we already be become hose breaker but don't worry there won't be any significant spoilers so you can kinda feel safe to just watch right now so first of all we need to complete this tutorial and after you finish your tutorial you start your adventure in baldos gear 3. and eventually you will find and eventually you will find this location Emerald growth so in Emerald growth it's like big we wish you need to go straight forward then on the first turn you want to turn left go down down the road continue right where the road going ends and you will come across this door this wooden door Chevy door so you need to enter into this Shady door and you will find here a little Goblin in the cage so that's where you can break your holes really easily and fast and we can start dialogue as Paladin so we kinda making our own judgment and then we step between crossbow and the Goblin and then we use it our intimidation and we get advantage in this checks not Advantage but nice but efficiency so let's roll and we answer my reasons on my own then we speak with a goblin nobody sent us and we will try to get Goblin out of the cage so while tiflings went out we closed in our Chevy door and just using our maze on this Iron Gate and do it a lot of times finally you will break it and now main part you need to unequip your maze so you won't have it or even go into Spellbook into common and Dojo non-little attacks so uses non-lethal attacks and try to attack this Goblin so you will start to gain your old breaking stuff this is Goblin is your brand actually and you kind of betraying your friend so you can attack her a lot of times and every time you will gain your house breaker minus 20. so Goblin will try to escape guards will hunt them down and we need to go to where we started and at the enter of this Village we got this treasure and we can just go and Destroy his like ways for example so when the lighting is not good stuff we can offer him some gold if you have some gold but most of his time he don't accept our gold so while this will add to your old break in progress you can enter into fight with this traitor and basically use the strategy he got very low movement speed so you just shove him every round and run away so he come to you with Dash and he will just attack him this way you will enter this fight without even killing him and sometimes it depends maybe you already will break your holes maybe not so one more place where you can break your holes is actually when you go outside of this Village from Emerald Grove and go to the left and just maybe you will find this place this could be familiar to you maybe not but most of the time you will find this place anyway because it's more stuff than just some tiflings but we are most interested in the siblings so if we using this oath of devotion we just can go and try to sneak up upon the siblings make sure to use bless or inclusive or not class just before you do it and just use Divine Smite from your sneaky attack so that's main idea just need to sneak up and kill them or you can go interact with them and then kill them and that was enough for me to break my holes there's a lot of ways to do it but I found this most fast and easy way to do and finally when the awakens is really bad bad things yellow face is these cutscene old breaker will come and greet you so now all you need to do is to just press on a long rest and you will see this house breaker in your Camp so you will talk with him and you either can pay him 2 000 gold and you'll still be able to play as your normal pose but you hear for osbreaker guide so yeah we're talking with him and saying that yeah we want to become house breaker so I'm ready I want to become old breaker just like that we becoming this interesting secret Paladin subclass and so we are now almost breaker level 3 basically you still will get a odd in spells that you can give but you will get different actions so most of polishing actions normal policy actions will be like turn Undead and basically you'll fight with Undead with old breaker you'll find the real fight with Undead not versus Undead so that's kinda funny and cool stuff and first abilities to build here is spiteful suffering it will inflict 24 damage to the Target on each turn for three turns so basically it's it's 3d4 damage and your attack rolls and every other player at the cross will gain advantage against this target very nice very strong oath charge but actual fun starts when you level up a little bit more so so first of all let's level up a little bit more level 3 Paladin and right now we will get additional actions you will gain control Undead and this will allow you to control Undead that you will face on your adventure and Dreadful aspect and you will be able to frighten nearby enemies but this uses Channel olds charges and you don't have a lot of them but they charge on short rest so make sure to use them smartly additionally this hose will give you nice spells for example hellish rebuke it's always prepare spell this one is a reaction spell and if someone attacks you you just react with blaming finger and inflict wounds very strong necrotic damage spell so let's see this level 3 Paladin in action foreign book as our reaction to adjust him with our reaction next up we can basically start with our Channel OS charges we don't see any Undead and we don't need to frighten any enemy so when we be it's nice idea to start with spiteful suffering changes to hit is not too much but still if it's hit very strong spell sadly it's not doesn't hit so we can use Shield of phase as normal Ballin spell don't kiss our AC to 18 with just basic armor and again we can use this hellish debug on every attack on us you can basically use your Maze of course because you don't have a lot of spell slots and don't forget while you have Paladin you still a paladin so you have this Divine smart which doing from 6 to 27 Divine damage so you can basically go and use this as your main attack and just like that deal with your enemies but main fun begins when we level up a little bit more so let me finish our build so level 4 off breaker right now we're picking ability Improvement and we improving our Strange and Constitution we get additional prepared spell but again what we need from spells and when we play in this Paladin basically we need to Shield the face and bless and we pick one of this so your eyes are concentration on Shield of phase to increase our armored class by two or you could stitching on blast to give us bonus dies to other crawls and semi trolls next up cure wounds if you need some extra healing and that's basically it you can pick heroism if you see some enemies that can frighten you but basically you don't need any spells so you can pick whatever you like just for now and to continue leveling up to level 5 of course on level 5 as draw we will get spelled darkness which you can cast but it's not most important spell for Paladin especially for house breaker but again here I don't need a lot of spells so you can pick whatever you like you can have branding Smite to fight versus invisible opponents or you can have a magic weapon for plus one to attack and damage Heroes it function almost same as blessed but bless is better for articles and this is better for like stable plus 1 damage and now we're going to level 6. that's where things started to change a little bit still we don't care about spells this is like best lineup we can have we don't need to change anything but right now we're gaining hour of protection and if it's work correctly it should give you Charisma bonus two semi-throws of your pool party and this works on your parties that you will try to make when you're going into Fields where some onsets going on so next up we're a level 7 still nothing new but we get our action our of hate so you and any nearby Finns and Undead gain additional 3 to damage dealt with melee weapons hour disappears if you fall unconscious so that's where your house breaker starting to actually roll and play and how to play him just in a minute let me finish our build so level 8 Paladin or a tower you can pick your feet and it's depending on what you want in your final build you can pick your ability Improvement and have a lot more strange to have more damage or you can pick War Caster I recommend to pick in the world Caster right now on level 8 to make concentration on spells easier so let's go our level 9 and on level 9 you get a lot of spells from Level 3 and we definitely can use them so what spells we need Elemental weapon and that's nice choice it's it's a weapon that have plus one to other cross and additional 1d4 damage of our choice so we got Elemental damage and that's very nice concentration spell that's why we want to work faster on level 8. another good consultation spells that you will have is Crusaders mantle it will give weapon attacks of nearby allies one to four radiant damage for 10 turns and what does it mean it will give additional damage to all your allies not only your party but even your Undead allies so it's nice spell too if you want to try it Warden of Vitality is nice so spell if you want to be like supportive Paladin for your party but you can pick it just in case of emergency so it must apply you want to use it and 345 is nice spell so you don't need this revive spells revive Scrolls sorry and you can just use your spell and let's go to our level 10 of course and on level 10 we get additional action hour of course and we and our allies can't be frightened and it's permanent and it disappears if we following so again our build is ready we don't need any additional spells right now we can go straight to level 11 and we get improved Divine Smite So Divine Smite became stronger and we're going to level 12 of course for level 12 we gain you additional fit and as I told you you can have ability Improvement and plus 2 into strange that's kind of most stable way to build your own Breakers so let me show you how you can use this hose breaker in a game so first of all as always breaker you get access to this animate dead spell and that's level 3 spell so you can can to go and animate for example zombie or skeleton zombie specializes in many combat skeleton in range combat so just guys who just Fallen to us becoming the zombies and she already got one friend next up you need to decide on what you want to concentrate so you want to concentrate you can to concentrate on Elemental weapon whatever choice you like I like chunder so let's just concentrate on this weapon for our level 3 spell slot and you need to pick one of the three auras so order of protection gives protection with saving shows it's not very good stuff and as I told you it's plus three so it's coming from Charisma so it's working correctly but very nice over of hate so you just use it and just look so the skeleton sadly won't be affected by our hate because we need the zombie to have this available so let's animate zombie from this dude and now we have our zombie and we just use Aura of hate so all our nearby allies affected by the overall hit and it's permanent the zombie doing plus three bludgeoning damage and while we're still concentrating on our our Elemental weapon Chandler let's go and find some fight the best year all you need to do and just go and attack with your army of zombies just like that zombies is really nice and strong guys too a spalding you can use your normal attack or you can use your basic smart Divine smart doing just great amounts of damage because we have elemental weapon we have Aura of hate so this might can do from 14 to 45 damage and even more because it's not calculating our our Aura of hate so let's just do level one smart and as you can see we just inflicted crazy amounts of damage but coolest part now we got our next zombie so let's go bro that's how you play you'll find one fight and go to the next one right just instantly with your army of zombies sadly our newborn zombies really die pretty fast but still we can use this zombie to attack our enemies and basically how this works you just kill your Target and then any Target that got heated by zombie if this target will die eventually will become newborn zombie and that's our main idea of this build to get this Army of zombies and skeletons with us keep concentration on our magic weapon and just enjoy this awesome damage from Office breaker Paladin we just need to take one hit with a zombie and finish this due to South Paladin so we have now our newborn zombie and our Paladin got additional attacks don't forget so we can use our divine Smite on just another Target and destroy him with our zombie another Target just like that and with our newborn zombie we can't control him he's doing whatever he wants newborn zombies loses Health every round so make sure to keep them alive but that's like main Loop and main idea on how you actually play this Paladin so when you're high level this spiteful suffering is more likely to hit your enemies and just like that we already got our zombie party to three members so they will go and take advantage on their hits when they hitting this dude because we just put this dude on the spiteful suffering so he'd taken nicotine necrotic damage we don't even need to do anything because our band of zombies will finish him just as nice and now we got four zombies but two of them is newborn zombies and they will die eventually so I guess it's like coolest build as it you can see only YouTube it's also break your policy and I hope you enjoyed this video watch other cool videos on bottles Gate 3 on the screen right now and make sure to check be in comment because there's more cool builds
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 190,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p-rjCPKgIhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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