God Consciousness part 3: Increasing Your Consciousness of God | Chad Gonzales

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[Music] hey you have your bibles i want you to turn over to john chapter 10 and verse 38 we've been doing a series talking about being god conscious and the fact that the the reality of the relationship and fellowship with god that we can have is so great so much greater than what we have realized and you know we made this statement last week many of us have heard this over the years that you know we're encouraging people and talking to people about christianity we've heard this statement christianity is not about rules and religion it's about a relationship we've heard that before and it's true but we've sold ourselves short on what that relationship actually is because most of us we've allowed our relationship with god to simply be going to church you know reading our bible memorizing some scriptures something like that but last week we spent some time looking at the life of jesus and the relationship that he had with the father always remember never forget that jesus is the standard for what's available for you and i on this earth because he did life even though he was god he laid aside everything that gave him an advantage of life and he did life as a man a man anointed by god god doesn't need to be anointed but a man does and jesus was anointed by god and and so jesus said the works that i do you will do those also so we see what's possible for a man or a woman filled and united with god but we also see what's possible in a relationship and a fellowship with god and you see that jesus through faith he was hearing from god he was seeing from god we see statements that jesus makes like this i only do what i see the father do right he said i only say what i hear the father say he said the father in john chapter 5 verse 20 21 he said the father is going to show me even greater things than these that you've seen just so you can marvel and go wow so that tells me that jesus was spending some time with the father and yet he wasn't just spending eight hours praying in tongues and trying to watch his thoughts he obviously was getting to the point where he was hearing some things and he was seeing some things and that shouldn't be any any reason for somebody to get freaked out and thinking he was seeing stuff obviously he was but we but we pointed this out that that jesus he's a spirit being you and i we are spirit beings jesus said that god he is a spirit right john chapter four god is a spirit well you and i are a spirit if he's our father we're made in his image and likeness and so in reality it should be more natural and more normal for you and i to experience him as a spirit than to experience things out here in this natural world it should be more normal for me to hear from god because he's a spirit i'm a spirit than for me to hear a dog bark because a dog barking is something natural but i'm spiritual i'm a spirit being and so these are the realities that we're kind of talking about and for some people it may seem a little out there may seem a little far-fetched it may seem a little sci-fi but if you're like me i mean there's something on the inside that tells you there's got to be more than this life as a christian than what i've been experiencing up to this point there's got to be more there's got to be more to being a christian than just going to church and trying to trying to live a good life there's got to be more than that but friends i'm telling you on the inside there's a burning that takes place on the inside to really that hungers i want to know him more there's got to be more there's got to be more let me let me uh before we read john 10 let me read this to you so there's a guy named john g lake if you don't know about him i'd highly encourage you to check him out he was a minister as a missionary in south africa in the late 1800s early 1900s and just tremendous tremendous man but this is this is a book of of most of his sermons and uh but there's one sermon that he's got and there's just a paragraph i want to read to you i just just goes really good with the things that we're talking about he said this he said consequently god's purpose the purpose of real religion is to create in the nature of man a consciousness of god and the church that will succeed in creating the highest test degree of consciousness of god in the soul of men it will live the longest in the world the only mode of possibility of perpetuating a church in the world forever is to bring into the souls of the people and this is the phrase the full measure of the consciousness of god that jesus christ enjoys for people to come into the full measure of the consciousness of god that jesus christ enjoys this is what we're talking to you about and the fact that that you and i we can experience not only the fellowship that jesus enjoyed when he walked on the earth but then let's take it up a notch we can experience the fellowship that jesus christ enjoys with the father right now now i mean that is a mind-blowing statement but if jesus as jesus is so am i right first john 4 17 as he is so are we in this world as jesus is there so am i right now in spirit well that means i can have the same fellowship with the father that jesus has regardless of location you might need to chew on that one for a while all right so let's look at john chapter 10 verse 38. today i want to spend some time talking about developing a consciousness of god or increasing a consciousness of god and so we'll see how many we get through but i've got i've got like six keys six principles six things that we can do to develop and increase our consciousness of god john chapter 10 and verse 38 jesus makes this statement he said if i do though you do not believe me i want you to believe the works that you would know and believe notice this phrase underline this in your bible highlight it start he said that you would believe that the father is in me and i am in him you'll find that with jesus there was very much a consciousness of god and there was very much a consciousness of god the father in me what it comes down to is this is that jesus was very god-inside-minded and the reason this is important is because for most christians it's like god's like a million miles away and in reality the reason that so many think like this it becomes it really comes down to the preachers because how many times have you been in a meeting or a service and and the preacher gets up and and they begin to pray and asking god to show up holy ghost come down and and have your way show up we're hoping god shows up in this place well but when you're god inside minded we're not praying for god to show up because we know when we walk in the door god showed up how could god show up if he's living on the inside of me when i show up god shows up see it's not real hard to find god when you can't get away from him jesus said the works the miracles they prove that the father is in me that the father got in me and i am in him you see it john chapter 10 verse 38 uh look at john chapter 14. we'll look at a couple of these i just want you to see jesus's mindset here because so many times we think the reason jesus did what he did and the relationship he had with the father is just because he was jesus no is because jesus had a mindset and a consciousness of god with him god for him and god in him and once you begin to to develop this god-inside-mindedness it would it will it will so so take your consciousness of god to such a higher degree when you know that everywhere that i go he's with me it's not that god's a million miles away and somewhere in some planet now there's space no he's here everywhere i go he's here everywhere that i go he's here and this was the mindset of jesus john chapter 14 verse 11 jesus said this he said believe me that i am in the father and the father's where the father is in me this is jesus's mindset this is his thoughts this is his perspective this is the way he's seeing life this is the way he's doing life that not only am i in the father but the father he is in me he said or else believe me for the sake of the works himself and actually if you go up to verse 10 he said do you not believe that i am in the father and the father and me the words that i speak to you i do not speak on my own authority but notice this phrase but the father who dwells where the father who dwells in me is the one who's doing the works so this is why you know when it comes to the area of healing you should never be ashamed you should never be embarrassed and you should never question the ability of god and the anointing on your life to be able to lay hands on somebody and to impart the anointing of god and so many times we we kind of back off of that because we think well i ain't ready well you ain't ever going to be ready because you're not the healer i mean in and of ourselves i mean you know we couldn't heal you know a headache of a flea but the father on the inside of me even jesus made this comment jesus said it's not me doing the word it's the father that's on the inside of me that's making the miracles happen even jesus acknowledged that reality it's the father on the inside of me father on the inside of me he said believe me that the father is on the inside of me and i am in him and if you go down to verse 19 he said a little while longer and the world will see me no more but you will see me talking about the day of salvation because i live you will live also on that day that you will know that i am in my father notice i am in my father and you were in me and now what i am in you this was the purpose of salvation was this was the great reality this was the purpose of jesus ultimately coming not so he could get you to heaven thank god for heaven and we will go there whenever you take your last breath but that wasn't the sole reason the primary reason jesus came the primary reason jesus came was to get the father on the inside of you and you on the inside of him he was trying to get us back to that position so we could have the very same fellowship with god that adam had before he fell jesus said on the day of salvation you'll know that i am in my father you are in me and i am in you he who has my commandments and keeps them it's he who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father i will love him and i will manifest i will reveal myself to him i've been hanging on to that scripture for quite a while it's something i've been just kind of chewing on and meditating on because this is the words of jesus and this is a promise that jesus made to us that starting on the day of salvation because of our union in him and the father and the father in us and jesus in us he said because of that because of that union because of your love for me and my love for you i will manifest i will reveal myself to you just that right there that all started churning on the inside oh i want some of that i want jesus to begin to manifest himself to me i want to start having some encounters with god i mean have you ever thought about a relationship i think we might have mentioned this last week but think about your relationships with with your friends or a relationship with your spouse or your best friend or your parent i mean how great is that relationship if you're not having encounters with them it's one thing to have a you know have a relationship through texts you know or through handwritten notes or something it's totally different when i'm encountering you i'm experiencing you i can sit down and have lunch with you i can sit down we can have a conversation it begins to take things to a whole other level and that's really what this what this this relationship with god is really really all about not just going through life and believing that there is a god knowing through experience there is a god my father and he's living on the inside of me so one of the greatest ways that you can develop or increase your consciousness of god is to become god inside minded you see this with jesus that this was his this is what he was thinking about you can see it again over in john chapter 17 when he's praying in the garden of gethsemane here i'll give you this one real quick too john chapter 17 and uh in verse 20 he said i do not pray for these alone but also for those who will believe in me through their word that they would be one as you father in me and again notice the phrase and i am in you that they would be one where that there would be one in us that the world would believe that you sent me and the glory you gave me i've given them that they would be just that they would be one just as we are one again notice verse 23 that i would be where in them and you in me that means the father the son the holy ghost and and you you should never go through life and have a self-esteem problem and this is the reason you should never go through life and be dealing with stress be dealing with anxiety be dealing with fear i mean how can we truly be afraid of anything in life when you know and i mean you really know not just by facts but by reality that the father's in the only inside of you jesus the holy ghost the trinity endeavoring to to live through you that's why jesus made the comment he told the disciples he said you will all leave me but i still won't be alone he said because the father has never left me the father will still be with me jesus was very very conscious and aware of the father with him and the father on the inside of him and you see the apostle paul still endeavoring to get this truth across to the christians uh if you look in the book of corinthians the letter of corinthians and there's several times three times he tells them but just for sake of time we'll look at one of them second corinthians chapter 6. ii corinthians chapter 6 and verse 16 paul's talking to the corinthian church these are these are saved people spirit-filled god-loving miracle-working gifts of the spirit operating people and yet paul looks at them and tells them he says for you are the temple of the living god as god has said i will dwell where i will dwell in them and i will walk among them i will be their god and they will be my people and first corinthians chapter 3 he reminds him he says do you not realize don't you know that you are the temple of god that god by the holy spirit is living on the inside of you don't you know he's talking to save people spirit-filled people he said don't you know god's living on the inside of you many of us we need to do that when we wake up in the morning we look in the mirror say don't you know god's on the inside of this body it'll put a little pep in your step god's living on the inside of you that's one thing that john john g lake one statement that he he said he'd make all the time he'd stand there in the mirror when he got dressed in the morning before he was about to go and you look in that mirror and he said inside this body of clothes is where god dwells in this man this is a man in whom god dwells that was a reality for him constantly thinking about that so we need to become god inside minded right god's living where he's living on the inside of me so just by doing that becoming god inside minded that should help me and will help me in my walk my daily walk and developing and increasing that consciousness of god with me that everywhere that i go he's there no matter what situation i'm in he's there and he's not just here somewhere over there he's here with me right he's here with me he's here with me so another thing we can do another step another key a second thing and this isn't so much a fun one for a lot of us but the second one is this we need to obey immediately in other words when god begins to lead you to do something you need to do it now when we start talking about obedience a lot of christians automatically we start thinking about you know uh not cussing not drinking not smoking not sleeping around we start thinking about all those things but let's just be honest here okay that's baby christian stuff at some point uh as we grow and me we mature we start getting away from the sins of commission you know doing the bad stuff and we start progressing getting to the part where we're working on the sins of omission in other words god told me to do something and i didn't do it in other words i i'm progressing and going past just the do's and the don'ts and i'm getting to the to the point in my life where god's speaking to me and he's endeavoring to lead me and i'm going no come on we've all been there how many times have you been in a situation where god's leading you to give to somebody either pay for their meal the restaurant or pay for something at the grocery store or you know you hear about a need with one of your friends or one of those relatives you just can't stand but it's just got that prompting on the inside i need to do that for them and you're feeling that tug and that pull to give to them or maybe it's god's wanting you to sow some money into a certain ministry or a certain church and you're feeling that tug and you're like no i ain't doing that i need that money more than they do well that sins of omission i'm not doing what he's leading me to do and anytime i begin to do that what i'm doing is i'm elevating the voice of my flesh my body and and and reducing the voice of god in my life and the moment i began to reduce the voice of god in my life i'm also at the very same time reducing my consciousness of him because i'm increasing my consciousness of my body i'm increasing my consciousness of this natural world i'm increasing my consciousness of me and anytime i begin to increase my consciousness of me then i'm putting myself in a greater position to be my own god and i don't know about you i ain't so stupid to think that i could do a better better job of doing god than god can and and if we're talking about that none of us would would agree that we could do a better job than god but when god's leading me to give to someone remember he's not only trying to use me as a channel to get something to somebody else he's also trying to get something to he's also trying to get something to me and let's just be honest i mean i would let me put it to you like this you will be judged more harshly on the sins of omission than you will be on the sins of commission let me put it to you like this now i'm not saying to go around and just be cussing okay but i would rather be failing in the area of of some cuss words flying out of my mouth then fell in the area of god speaking to me and i know it and i hear him and i say no right because think about it i mean if some cuss words fly out of my mouth i mean yeah i shouldn't have a potty mouth and i'm not i'm not saying go do that i'm not diminishing that but i'm saying like yeah i mean it's important on the things that i'm saying but if i'm if i'm literally hearing from the creator of the universe and he's wanting to he's wanting me to be a co-laborer together with him i'm hearing from him and i say no [Music] that that's mature christian stuff but so many times when we talk about sin we're thinking about you know smoking and doping and sleeping around and cussing and this and that man that that's baby stuff and at some point we get past that and we start growing and maturing to the point where we're hearing from him and we're being led by him because see this stuff over here this little baby christian stuff i mean it's affecting me to a degree you know but but see this stuff over here where god's leading me and he's directing me and i'm saying no these things are affecting the plan of god in this earth these things are affecting the future of someone else that he's endeavoring trying endeavor for me to be a blessing to and it's affecting god's plan for me because he's trying to bring increase into my life even when it comes down to you know holding grudges i mean and the eyes of god sin is sin but the consequences of some of these things are far greater me holding a grudge against someone is going to get me in a whole lot worse shape than a four-letter word coming out of my mouth again not saying going around have a potty mouth but what i'm what i'm trying to do is show you that hey this is a way that i can increase my consciousness and my awareness of god in my life that when he's telling me you need to forgive somebody i need to do that i need to do that right now it doesn't matter what they've done to me how how badly they hurt me i need to forgive i need i need to do like elsa and i need to let it go i tell you that the level of forgiveness has increased in our life when lacey put on that wig in that dress let it go let it go i'm hearing this song all the time like shut it up set it up but it's always a reminder anytime the devil brings up this thing of what somebody did i gotta let that go i gotta let that go but when god's put when he's tugging on your heart you need to forgive that person and i say no you don't realize what they did well what i'm doing again i'm elevating the voice of my of my flesh and and i'm reducing the voice of god in my life you know or if he's telling me and this is a hard one for me i don't really like this when he's telling telling you hey you know what you need to go and apologize uh i don't know if anybody like that especially when i do that to my to my wife when i have to admit you were right and i was wrong oh that's a tough one don't act like all these righteous people you don't have a problem with it man i'm telling you right i have a problem with it i don't like admitting that i was wrong especially to her because she'll just rub it in my face but i've had to do that sometimes and i've had to do it for other people and go and say hey you know what i'm sorry i'm wrong but see when i obey that you know what that's doing that that's not only it's not only it's not only working in the plan of god for their life it's working the plan i got from my life but when i do that i'm automatically now increasing the voice of god in my life i may have done something wrong but when i'm hearing from him and i'm obeying him i'm elevating him in my life i'm increasing his his the awareness of god my consciousness of god in my life but when i disobey that his voice is going down and the voice of my flesh is going up and the louder the voice of my flesh is the harder it is going to be for me to hear from god even while god's living and dwelling and abiding on the inside of me and see that's the tragedy of this folks is that as a christian no matter if you've been saved one day or 50 years god's living on the inside of you he he said right here that he's dwelling he's trying to and endeavoring to walk among us and walk through us and live through us and the tragedy of it is that he lives on the inside of us and he's trying to lead us and trying to guide us and try to lead us into prosperity lead us into health lead us into a stress-free you know full of joy full of peace life and yet if we're constantly elevating the voice of my flesh and when i hear from god i'm saying nope nope nope nope nope eventually i'm gonna get to the point where i'm so hard-hearted even though he's he's right here i'm not going to hear he'll still be speaking but i'm not hearing why because the voice of my flesh has gotten so loud i'm not hearing from god and i'm not conscious of him see when it comes to the area of sin if we could just get to this point increase our awareness and consciousness of god you won't be doing anything wrong you won't be doing anything that will hinder your relationship and your fellowship with god i mean let's just get real blunt i don't know of anybody that was having having an affair that was thinking about god when it was going on i don't know i don't know of any man and woman you know in the room and right and right before they go god we just want to welcome you into this place just bless this time of fellowship i don't know any time that's going on because if that would happen you know what that does when i acknowledge him that increases my consciousness of him and the more conscious i am of him now i'm getting to the point of i don't want to disappoint him and see that's where where the growth comes is it's not so much about i'm trying not to do wrong i'm trying not to descend it's to the point what of i don't want to do something that's going to disappoint him you know that's one thing i love about is jake in here it's one thing i love about jake you know jake's 12 years old and he's been this way since he's been a little bit a little baby i think the last time i spanked him he was like four but he's very very sensitive and you know for him all it takes is a look all it takes is just the thought for him that he he disappointed you and in that i mean it just it just tears him up to think that he actually disappointed you and so i've got to be real careful and i don't do i'm working on it but i've got to be real careful with my expressions and my my eye looks you know and my tone of voice but because he's always just been real sensitive like that and yet it's always been inspiring to me that i need to be that same way with god i need to be so sensitive to the fact that i don't want to disappoint him i'm at the stage in my life you know that all that that baby stuff those things aren't an issue now it's an issue of when i hear him i need to make sure and i obey that i need to make sure and obey that whether it's giving whether it's forgiving somebody whether it's going and doing something for someone you know whether it's going and starting this business or starting this ministry or going to to this city or going to this country i need to just do that why because i am not my own anymore when i said jesus be the lord and the savior of my life many of us are we want the savior but many of us don't want the lordship in other words you tell me what to do and i'm going to do it i'm your servant i'm your slave i'm here at your command but as we're doing that we're we're raising our consciousness and our awareness of god let me put it to you like this if you can't obey when he's telling you to give when he's telling you to forgive if you can't obey in those little things you're going to have a hard time hearing from him in the big things of life and unfortunately those are the only times that we go to god is when we need a miracle and and now we're having a fast and pray for 21 days just to try to maybe get a thought of a word from god but if we would just remain sensitive and every time he's leading me to do something no matter how small it is i'm acknowledging him in the small things that way when it gets to the big things in life i'm hearing from him i'm seeing from him i don't have a hard time hearing from him when things crazy in my life because i've constantly been walking with him and talking with him and the small things in life i mean i mean even when it comes down to giving i mean if he's leading you to give you know ten dollars to somebody and you say no well you're gonna have a harder time when it comes to telling you to give a hundred dollars to somebody you know i mean if if i can't even if i can't even give 10 which which i see here i don't have to depend on a spoken word i got it right here if i can't even tithe then i'ma have a hard time when he's telling me to give some large amount but that's where we've got to progress we've got to progress past just the things that i see here but also get to the point where when i'm hearing the spoken word of god i'm obeying that too i'm obeying that too all right so we don't want to get you too excited on being obedient let me give you uh one more thing and then we'll pick up next week on the others this third thing here i want you to look at john chapter 17. go back to when jesus in the garden of gethsemane john 7 17 and verse 16. this is one of my favorite phrases there and in this prayer when he was praying to god verse 16 he said they are not of the world just as i am now of the world and then notice this phrase underline this he said sanctify them by your truth for your word it is truth this word sanctify uh it's a it's a common word in the area of religion and church sanctify sanctification it literally just means to set yourself apart means to separate and this is what notice what jesus said he said father he said don't pray that you would take them out of the world he said keep them from the evil one and he said they're not of this world just as i am not of this world sanctify or separate them from the world by your truth for your word is truth and this this word truth in in the greek it literally means reality so he said they are not of this world just as i am now this world and so while they're in this world help help to separate them sanctify or separate them by your reality by your reality so a third way that we can develop or increase our consciousness and our awareness of god is by sanctifying ourselves separating ourselves now those of you that are here and most of you watching the line and we've got a pretty good grasp around here that when i get saved i become the righteousness of god in christ my position with the father it cannot change it will not change because it's not based on me it's based on what jesus did but my separateness in the world can always increase now years ago back in the back in the early 1900s there were some groups of people that grabbed a hold of this sanctification thing but they started focusing on outward attire and outward life and know how long my hair is and whether i have makeup on and you know making sure that the sleeve of my shirt goes to my wrist because you know god forbid i show an elbow somebody might get turned on you know [Laughter] make sure we don't show any angles because whoo those ankles man when i see those ankles i mean that was the focus of people was this outward thing and so that was the way that i showed myself as being separate from the world you know and you know you could take something that's very familiar a lot of people like the amish i mean god bless the amish but i mean they think being separate from the world is not having electricity not using the things of the world but guys we gotta we gotta take this thing up to the level of jesus here and that separating yourself from the world isn't based on your dress you know it's not based on your dress it's not based on your your attire and you know what you have in your house and this and that it's matters of the heart and jesus said separate them by your truth or by your realities for your word it is reality you've got to understand and this is where it sounds a little sci-fi i don't mean to get weird on you but you've got to understand there's the realities of this world and then there's the realities of where we're from jesus said they are you and i are not of this world just as i am now of this world jesus you can say it like this jesus said just as i am from heaven they are from heaven this was a truth that run runs throughout the new testament and it says over in hebrews that the people under the old covenant they understood that they were aliens in this world they were pilgrims they were sojourners that were here temporarily you know there was a great song back in the early 80s remember the one of the first christian rock bands called petra remember petra that was the very first concert i ever went to as a kid i remember petra concert man i was so excited port author civic center i remember we walked in there it was so loud my mom went got earplugs and stuck them in my ears because i was standing right in front of the speaker i've always been that one i wanted the bass just i wanted to i wanted my heart to move every single time you know the um but petra but they had this great great song it's called uh not of this world really really great song and talking about that we're strangers we're aliens in this world and this is what jesus was talking about they are not of this world in the very same way i am not of this world but he says you can separate yourself from this world by living according to the realities of god realities of god and so when i acknowledge the realities of god in contrast to the realities of this world then that again begins to increase my awareness and my consciousness of him so so one way that we could just make this real practical was kind of what we were joking about in the very beginning about the sniffles and the coughs and the sneezes you know so the reality in this world right now is disease virus this and that and again we're not denying that that isn't a reality in this world i mean there's people all over the world that's gotten you know coveted we're not denying that not making fun of it not making light of it unfortunately some people have died of it you know but isn't it interesting that when when people like you and i we start making these statements about well i don't need to be scared of that or jesus is my healer i mean we just make a simple comment like that and christians will look at you like you're nuts and they'll make fun of you they'll criticize you right why because that's a foreign concept in this world but in the world of heaven in the in the world from which we're from it's a far greater reality that's supposed to supersede the reality here you could basically you could basically state it like this that you and i are to be living by an alternate reality anybody ever seen the movie matrix the very first matrix i love it very first matrix because he's sitting there looking at calories he said you can take the red pill or you can take the blue pill and he said basically you choose you know how far you're going to go you take this pill then you'll continue living the way that you are but you take this pill and you'll begin to live according to an alternate reality even though you're living in this reality there's something else that's superseding what i'm seeing and hearing and feeling and tasting and touching so going back to the whole giving thing i mean we know according to scripture it's all throughout scripture that when i give yes i'm giving out of honor to god in thanksgiving but i'm also giving based on a promise and that god said that when i give i will also receive that's the reality of heaven of sowing and reaping but the reality in the world is that when i sow i say bye because that's that's the last time i'm seeing that the reality of the world is if i need money well i've got to beg for it i've got to steal for it i've got to borrow for it i've got to win it but the reality of god that supersedes the reality of poverty and lack in this world is that the more generous i am the more i'm going to increase and so anytime i'm acknowledging those realities of god what am i also doing i'm increasing my consciousness and my awareness of god why because i'm separating myself from the world's systems i'm separating myself from the world systems and the world's realities and again not being stupid not denying the things that are going on in this world and not denying you know an economic depression or recession and not denying you know sickness and disease but what i'm doing is acknowledging even though i'm here i'm acknowledging where i'm from and the realities of that world of which i am in jesus makes this statement in john 3 13. it's one of my favorite scriptures because it's one of these statements that jesus makes that when you tell people when you show it to people it makes their brain go tilt because our our little peanut knuckle brain has a hard time wrapping ourselves around what jesus is saying but john chapter 3 in verse 13 jesus said no one has ascended to the father but he who descended from the father he said no one has gone to heaven but he has come down from heaven and jesus said and i am in heaven it's a powerful statement he's talking to nicodemus in the middle of night he said i came from heaven i'm going back to heaven but heaven's where i'm at right now wait a minute jesus you must have been you must have been hanging out with some of that pot because uh you're on this earth and i'm looking at you but jesus said even though i'm here i'm living from somewhere else he said i may be here but i'm living from heaven maybe here but i'm living from heaven maybe here but i'm living from heaven well we need ruling to stop right there live from here live from heaven even though i'm here so the first thing we can do is we need to be god inside minded always acknowledging that god is on the inside of me you could say it like this that what you acknowledge is what you're going to be conscious of be a good way just to kind of summarize this what you acknowledge is what you're conscious of what you acknowledge is what you were aware of and the more i acknowledge god on the inside of me the more conscious i am god on the inside of me and the more conscious i am of god with me so i need to be god inside minded number number two when i hear from god i need to obey no matter what it's going to cost me whether it's going to cost me my pride what it's going to cost me and it can't cost you any money because when you're given you're getting back but whatever you think it's going to cost you we got to let that thing die and i'm going to obey and i'm going to obey immediately i'm not going to wait i'm not going to do this delayed obedience thing i'm going to obey right now why because i just heard from god my life is not my own he's depending on me for his will to get accomplished in this earth and so i need to obey and every time i obey i acknowledge i'm hearing from him and when i obey i acknowledge that his voice is greater in my life than my flesh i acknowledge that his voice in my life is greater than the voice of the experts in this world and the third thing i need to do is i separate myself or i sanctify myself from the realities of this world by living according to the realities of god again by doing that i'm acknowledging that god's word rules and reigns as first and supreme in my life and as i'm acknowledging his written word i'm acknowledging his spoken word and as i'm acknowledging his spoken word i'm acknowledging him i'm acknowledging him with me i'm acknowledging him with me and that allows me to live in a place of reverence for him reverence for him which allows me to live in a place above sin and being dead to sin because the more aware i am of him the less i really care about all this other junk praise god so we've got we've got a couple more we'll spend some time on next week but i want you to spend some time on these things and uh i want to encourage you out of those those three you know if you'll just focus on the god inside me thing those other two things will automatically begin to really happen because the more you're thinking about him the more you're aware of him i just want to do what he wants to do because i want to please him and the obedience thing starts to become pretty easy too praise god so look let's do this let's take a minute or two here and just like we did last week let's acknowledge him okay we don't need any music you don't need anything because this is real life right here this is what you would do if you were at home or you know if you're out in the backyard or you're taking your you know your 15 minute break at work or something like that just take a minute and we're going to acknowledge him right just lift up your hands close your eyes quiet in your mind just for a moment father we just thank you we acknowledge you we thank you that you are here with me that you live on the inside of me you've never left me you've never forsaken me you are always with me that you dwell in me you live in me you walk in and you minister through me you give through me you heal through me you live through me you breathe through me your will is accomplished through me on this earth that we're co-laborers together with you i thank you that you're here that you've never left me that you're always with me that your voice is greater and louder to me than any other voice in this world holy spirit give me wisdom and revelation open my eyes and help me to see and understand the realities of god so i can live according to those things and elevate that in my life father i thank you that you are god you are my father and i am your temple and everywhere that i go you are everywhere that i am you are everywhere that i go you're right there when i walk into the room everything changes because you showed up in me that wherever i'm at the atmosphere changes because of you on the inside of me that your presence on the inside of me flows on the outside of me and affects all those that i come in contact with affects my job affects my workplace affects the supermarket the aisles that i walk down that your presence it flows out of me and flows down those aisles that you fill up my car when i get into my car that my days or days of peace and my days are days of joy because you're with me you're always with me you're always on the inside of me you can never leave me nor forsake me because you live on the inside of me and i thank you for that father i thank you that you were always with me praise you father praise you mighty jesus thank you for union with you holy spirit that you are my teacher you are my revealer of truth you're always leading me you're always guiding me i thank you that i know your voice that you're always speaking i know your voice i know the voice i know even the slightest whisper i thank you that i know you that i thank you that i experience you that i have encounters with you jesus thank you for revealing and manifesting yourself to me thank you for all those times that you've endeavored to lead me and guide me even though i may not have listened even though i may not have obeyed i thank you right now for those times of you trying to encourage me and trying to show me and trying to lead me holy spirit help me to become more sensitive to your leading your guidance help me to become more sensitive to your voice even though there may be many voices in this world holy spirit help me to get to the point where the voices in this world become whispers and the voice of god becomes a shout because i've elevated you in my life i've elevated your leading and your guidance and your direction i've elevated your voice in my life and that you are the voice that i listen to you are the voice that i follow it's only you that i will follow as a sheep knows the voice of a shepherd i know the voice of my father and i thank you for loving me so much loving me and wanting to have such great fellowship with me father i ask you to forgive me right now those times that i have not acknowledged you and i put you off to the side the father i turn everything over to you right now i recommit my life to you right now i recommit everything to you right now i commit to you my money i commit to you my humility and pride i commit to you everything that you've called me to do i commit to you the plan of god for my life that i will not try to make it happen on my own i will not try to to do the things that i desire to do but i will do what you've called me to do and i will do what you are leading me to do because i know you are depending on me to do what you need to have done on this earth and i will not be a hindrance to the plan of god on this planet i will not be a hindrance to the plan of god in other people's life i will not be a hindrance in the plan of god for my life father help me to increase my consciousness and awareness of you that i'd be more aware of you than my very best friend that will be more aware of you than the spouse that i have that lives in my home i'd be more aware of you than the clothes that are on my back you'll be more real to me than anything i can see or hear in this world thank you that you are god but i thank you you are my father and i thank you that you loved me enough to move and live on the inside of me thank you jesus thank you for your for your plan thank you for your sacrifice thank you for the blood that was spilt and shed so i could be holy and i could be righteous that i could be a vessel of god praise you jesus hallowed be your name father we just glorify you right now praise you mighty jesus holy spirit help me just to praise god far greater than what i could do out of my natural mind just help me to praise him right now called rodriguez father we praise you father we praise you we acknowledge you we acknowledge you in our life we acknowledge you in this place they thank you that you inhabit the praises of your people and you inhabit this body and you inhabit this building that we have given to you and dedicated to you as a place of worship as a place of revelation as a place of healing and miracles as a place of restoration father we thank you that you inhabit this place because you inhabit this people we thank you for your manifest presence not only on the inside of us but your presence right here that we can feel and we can sense encounters encounters with you as you inhabit this place thank you holy father thank you mighty father that you are here thank you mighty father that you are here thank you mighty father that you are here and because you are here father i thank you that you're flowing and working in people's bodies right now that any signs of sickness any signs of cold sore throats and colds and flus and sinuses any arthritis that's flowing and been working in joints that those things are being broken up right now being dissolved right now and there's peace and wholeness and fluidity flowing in joints right now in the mighty name of jesus and ankles and knees and wrists and shoulders and elbows the very life of god flowing right now father i thank you any of those that came in maybe with a headache or dealing with what sinuses at those canals and passages that the life of god's flowing in there right now and freeing all of that up diminishing the effects of what was going on in this world but the reality of god the reality of heaven begins to supersede the realities of this world right now and these people's bodies that no sickness and no disease can dwell in the very same place of which god dwells we declare it to be so right now that our bodies we declare them to be holy just as our spirits have been made holy we declare our bodies to be righteous and be made right just as the blood of jesus made our spirit right that the righteousness of god flows out of my spirit and flows into my body right now writing the wrongs that are in my body writing the wrongs that have tried to come into my body from this world that the realities of this world that they bow down to the realities of god and that the realities of god become the reality of my world the realities of god become the reality in my body and that depression that's tried to come upon the people of god it has to go and it goes right now and the joy of the lord flows out of my spirit like a river of living water and flows into my body and the endorphins that flow in my body those just begin to increase because of the joy and the peace of god that all of a sudden where there was a frown and all of a sudden where there was a down and out now there is a joy and there is a laughter and there is a happiness that supersedes and comes from the joy of the lord and a smile comes upon our face and there is a joy that flows out of our heart and begins to flow out of our mouth and where there was an oh me now it's a ha ha ha ha ha hallelujah hallelujah where the situation in reality this world was depressing me and getting me down because i'm becoming more aware of god on the inside of me and god for me and god with me now i'm not getting down because of the situation i'm getting up because of where i'm at right now and my perspective begins to change because i'm not seeing it from the perspective of the world i'm seeing it from the perspective of the throne of god looking down and looking upon the things of this earth and seeing what seemed to be so big it's now seeming to be so small because of the great big god living on the inside of me the great big god that's speaking through my mouth the great big god that's laying hands and ministering through these hands the great big god that's walking on the inside of me and walking through me and ministering through me and preaching through me and prophesying through me for my life some of you right now you need to prophesy over your life you need to prophesy healing and health in your body you need to prophesy prosperity in your finances you need to prophesy a change in your life a change in your marriage a change in your home a change in your relationships you need to declare those things that be not as though they are and speak that out of your mouth and expect those things that begin to happen and expect those things to change stop sitting around and waiting on god to do something when he gave you his word he gave you his faith he gave you a mouth but you've got to be the one to open your mouth and declare the goodness and the greatness and the works of the mighty god out of your mouth and declare it and put it into this world for it to begin to happen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you that you're with us whoa we thank you that you're with us whoo we thank you that you're with us why would i be afraid why would i be fearful why do i be stressed out if god be for me who or what can be against me if god's on the inside of me what sickness and disease can come against me what man can come against me and harm me if god be in me and god be for me and god be with me the realities of god on the inside of me has to be greater than the realities of this world on the outside i am a spirit i have a soul and i live in this body and all this body does is give me access and function in this world but i have to remember who i am and what i am and it's far greater than what i live in and that who i am as a spirit that is god who is the father of spirits who dwells in the fullness of who i am i'm wall to wall top to bottom all the way around holy ghost praise you jesus hallelujah father we acknowledge you right now any adverse dire circumstances we may be facing we acknowledge you right now and we cast our cares over on you for you care for us we humble ourselves in this situation and we give these things over to you we thank you that you are our provider you are our provider of finances that you are the one who meets our needs we thank you that you are our heather you are the one that heals our bodies we thank you that you are the restorer that restores those relationships and restores those failed opportunities and failed experiences that you restore these things in our life those times that we miss it father we give that to you and we just ask you by your grace and your mercy that you turn those things around in our life we acknowledge you father we acknowledge you your greatness your bigness your awesomeness and our life hallelujah praise you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father hallelujah praise you jesus you
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 2,541
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Gonzales, healing, miracles, faith and healing, the healing academy, faith healer, cures for cancer, blind eyes, deaf ears, covid 19, god and the Bible, inspirational YouTube, inspirational sermons, tv preacher, Steven furtick, bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, smith wigglesworth, John lake, healing revival, awakening
Id: 6BUFfytpJII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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