Dealing With Demonic Forces | Chad Gonzales

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so if you have your bible won't you grab that turn over to matthew chapter 10. i want to look at some commands that jesus gave in his day to his followers his disciples matthew chapter 10 and verse 1. matthew chapter 10 verse 1 this one jesus he has called the 12 disciples he's picked them and pointed them and in verse one it says when he called his twelve disciples to them to him he gave them power over what over unclean spirits to do what to cast them out and to do what and they heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease isn't that interesting that that you you very much see these two issues uh kind of like partners kind of like friends where you see one many times in scripture you see the other now i'm not saying that every single sickness and every single disease is is caused by somebody being possessed or oppressed by the devil they've got a devil in them that's why they're sick that is not the case i've seen many many times where you know when when you're when you're dealing in the area of healing sometimes it's an issue where they need healing and then sometimes it's an issue it's not so much a healing issue it's a demonic issue now i'm going to make sure i'm not going to get off in that ditch that was going on back in the 90s but friends i'm telling you i've been seeing this more and more over the last few years there's some people in here that went with us down to cusco cusco peru two years ago i guess and there was a man down there and one we did some healing service and there was a man there that was mute and he had not spoken in over three years um during the time that he'd been the church the pastors had never heard him speak and he was he was like early 30s nobody in there that had ever heard him talk and i remember you know i walked down there and we had been ministering to different people and i put my hands on him and like i just knew it wasn't that an angel showed up or a light showing up from heaven or i saw a little demon or anything i just knew on the inside of word of knowledge i knew that this was demonic and and i've usually been pretty careful when i've picked up on something like that i don't just yell out you've got a demon because what it does it freaks people out and you know i mean who wants to be told you got a demon it kind of makes people look at you afterwards like what were you doing a little sketchy but i didn't say but i but i i knew that on the inside i was so thankful we got this on on video uh one of the girls that was there with us she was a student raymond namia and she actually got this on her phone we've got the video but i mean we we didn't get all crazy with this stuff and i didn't tell him to start you know trying to gag and throw that thing up i mean we just laid the hands on him and we told that thing to go and this guy hadn't spoken in three years and the doctors didn't know why couldn't find anything wrong it was demonic it was demonic we we took authority over that that demonic presence that was there cast that thing out and you know that man began to speak for the first time in three years it's so cool because on the video the guy begins to talk and you can hear the pastor go wow because the pastor's standing right beside mia you can hear it on the video the pastor goes wow i haven't heard him speak before it was demonic but it's interesting to me that as you begin to look at this when jesus talks about casting out devils when he's given authority over over demonic activity he'll also tell him and i give you authority over all sickness and all disease why because ultimately if you get down to the very base very root level of it if there's sickness and disease anything type of thing going on in somebody's body i mean it may not have been caused by a devil but at the very root of all of it it all comes back down to the devil it all comes back down at a very foundational level of satan and sin and the curse on this world but jesus tells the 12 disciples get this he brings them together and these are going to be his representatives on the earth these are going to be the core the founding members of the the church of jesus christ and isn't it interesting that he doesn't start talking to them about their tv ministry about their book ministry about how to get large crowds he doesn't have a church growth conference or anything like that he doesn't start talking to them about you know all their different outreach activities and everything he said i'm giving you power and authority to cast out devils and heal the sick go he didn't send them to bible school i had nothing wrong with going to bible school i mean hey gold man i thought i knew some things when i went and found out i was stupid and i learned some things and got some good training and stuff but i mean their bible school was being around jesus but when jesus had done this he calls the 12 together they hadn't been around him a long all they're doing is seeing some of the things that he's done and then after a short amount of time he says all right what i have i'm given to you now go out there and you do the very same thing and yet all these wild concocted crazy ideas that people have come up as far as dealing with the devil and this and that jesus didn't do any of that he said i'm giving you authority over what the devil's walking in now go i remember i remember we were at college station we had just moved there we hadn't been there long meet me and ladies i went my second time in college station first time i was there at texas a m second time i went to go start a church i remember i was talking this guy he was a particular of a particular spirit-filled denomination and we were talking about some of this stuff and he goes yeah he said i was with this guy we used to go cast devils out of people all the time and he said man we'd wrestle with him i said what he said we'd wrestle him he said man i mean you'd have to have your stamina you'd have to rest all day because you had to be ready for a fight and i mean i i wasn't i went as smart as i am now and i'm not that smart i was i was still pretty ignorant then that was i was i was 20 28 28 years old he said yeah we have to wrestle him down i said man what are you talking about and he he was he was in his uh late 50s so i'm trying to be respectful my elders and stuff and uh but he goes yeah we'd wrestle i said what are you talking about he said well if we found out there was somebody you know he said we do these crusades and stuff he said if we found out there was somebody that that was filled with a devil that was possessed by a devil we had this back room that we'd take him into and he said we'd fight we'd cast that devil out and we'd fight with that devil and fight with that devil he said man we'd be exhausted we'd have to tag out and get somebody else in there he said we might be in there for hours and and my my little peanut brain just keeps going back to scripture i'm thinking i don't see jesus going back to a padded room to deal with the devil it says that jesus he would cast that devil out with a word i didn't know that you had to go to mma fighting and training school so you could get rid of a devil wwf you know some of y'all don't know who that is that's sad hulk man hulk hogan y'all didn't watch hulk hogan junkyard dog back in the day iron sheik andre the giant oh y'all missed out all right so we're still in verse one okay when he calls 12 disciples to him he gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease notice verse 7 he said as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand and notice what jesus says he said i want you to go i want you to heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out demons free that you have received freely give that was jesus's commission to the 12 to go out and preach the gospel and notice in preaching the gospel he said heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers cast out devils okay then if you go to luke chapter 10 luke chapter 10 you can see where jesus the ministry has gotten bigger and so now he's called 70 more disciples to come along and join the jesus christ of evangelistic group you know here he's called 70 more and he tells the 70 basically the same thing he told the 12 i give you authority to go heal the sick cast out devils this and that and so they go out and then in verse 17 if you look at verse 17 it says the seventy returned and they came to jesus they returned with joy and said lord even the demons are subject to us in your name they were astonished they said in your name that we use even the demons are subject to us and remember friends these guys they were not saved they were not in the position that you and i are in right now they were not saved they were not filled with the holy spirit they did not know the word like you and i know they did not know the promises of god like you and i know they were not redeemed by the blood of the lamb they were not seated at the right hand of god god was not their father so to speak they were not a child of god they were a servant of god i mean all these wonderful benefits that you and i have of salvation they did not have and yet they said because we're using your name and operating in your authority that you've given us the demons of hell are subject to us in your name and then he says this jesus says i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven so you know if you go back and read your bible and we know that satan before say he was called satan he was lucifer and he was the god of this world and he was running things and then the bible says that that he became filled with pride and he wanted to kick god off his throne and he told he said he said i'm going to ascend into the heavens and i'm going to make god's throne my throne and he led a rebellion and lucifer and a third of the angels they were cast out of heaven kicked out and jesus was there at the time and he said i saw satan fall like lightning just kicked out kicked out of heaven and he said behold i give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you that'd be something good for the church today to begin to meditate on with all this garbage going around this earth nothing shall by any means hurt you because i've given you authority over all the power of the enemy some churches that might get you kicked out talking like that today oh we need we need to respect this and respect that jesus said i gave you authority over all the power of the enemy nothing shall by any means hurt you well you know but the cdc says this and the government says it yeah but jesus said i gave you authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you it's about time we we christians start actually believing what jesus said i've gotten so fed up because all i've heard for like five months is what would paul do what would paul do what would paul do yeah let's go back to the 90s what would jesus do wwjd all i've heard is wwpd well let me tell you what paul would did what paul said we should do i haven't heard anybody talking much about what jesus would do and what jesus said it's amazing to me how all of a sudden over the last four or five months the voice of jesus became silent and all of a sudden the voice of paul became elevated you know why well no no i can't tell you what give me give me so i've already lost friends everybody wants to talk about paul do we need to honor this and respect this and love people and this and that but jesus said see we wonder why the church is not experiencing the supernatural like because we don't believe anything jesus said we want to talk about it we'll preach it when it comes time to backing it up and having to put my life on the line and depend on it and i ain't doing that i'd rather i'd rather find it find a way to find an excuse that i can just hide behind something because i really don't believe what i say but jesus said and again he's talking to unsaved folk he said i give you authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing but shall by any means hurt you he said but even with that don't rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you he said but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven and if you look at mark chapter 16 this is what we know as the great commission so we see jesus speak to the 12 he gives the 12 a command the commission and then the ministry gets bigger and he calls the 70 and he gives them a command and a commission and then jesus is about to ascend to heaven he's already died on the cross arisen from the dead and he's there with over 500 people and he makes this command and this is what we know as the great commission he said go into all the world verse 15 go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and he who believes and is baptized will be saved and he who does not believe will be condemned i don't know of one denomination one one christian group who does not believe in verse 15. go into all the world and preach the gospel everybody wants to talk about it the guy on their bulletins painted on their church walls and going to all the world what's your mission statement we're going to go in all the world and preach the gospel but for some reason people want to leave off the latter part but i don't see anywhere where jesus said stop what i'm about to say only applies to you guys right here for the next hundred years and then after that it doesn't apply to anybody else jesus does not stop he does not pause he continues to speak and he said and these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will do what very first thing he said in my name they will they will cast out demons they will cast very first thing he said in my name they'll cast out devils why because jesus understood at this point yes the enemy had already been defeated jesus had already stripped satan of the keys of death hell in the grave but he also understood that the devil he does not give up he's a persistent little cuss and he knew there'd be a whole lot of people today that call themselves christian yet so dumb and ignorant don't know who they are what they have the authority that they possess and yet they're going to heaven but satan's tramping all over them because they don't know and so jesus understood there was still going to have to be some people this new breed of being that's coming up today people like you and i and others who who are beginning to understand our authority in christ and our union with him and what we've been called to do and understanding that jesus is the standard for which i have not only been called to live but which i can live and not just that i love people the way that jesus did but i manifest the power of god in the exact same way that jesus did understanding these things because there's going to be some people who are going to need to be delivered whether it be of demonic stuff whether it be of sickness disease whether it be of lust whether it be a depression there's going to be garbage all in this world people are going to need to be set free from and there's going to have to be some people that are there to deliver them but you can't deliver somebody from something if number one you don't know who you are you don't know what you have and you don't know that you can do it but if you're more scared of the devil if you're more aware of the devil and everything he can do to you and less aware of what you have on the inside of you you're going to get your butt beat every single time you have to know who you are you have to know what you possess and you have to know what you've been called to do and i don't know your specific calling and the plan of god for your life specifically but every single one of us in a very general sense have been called to represent him with power we've all been called to preach the gospel the specific thing is is in what manner how and where but we've all been called to preach the gospel we've all been called to reconcile people bring people unto god and many times in bringing people under god it means you've got to get them set free first there might need to be some things you need to deal with physically some things spiritually you might need to get some stuff off of them i'm not saying that to be weird or anything like that i mean i think you know i ain't weird i try to be as very very normal and you know i don't get the shakes and the spits and slobbers a lot i try to get just that cool and normal but friends i'm telling you you never know what you're going to encounter never know what you're going to encounter i'll tell you this one story so i was with this when i was in college i was going to lamar university in beaumont and i was in my senior year and i went with the the baptist student union there at lamar and then i mean uh battle student unit college station had some friends there and they were going on a mission trip down to uh mexico i believe that the name of the the city was a acuna it's a little border town and they were going there for a week and i was i was 20 years old i'd grown up in church didn't really pay attention i just went to play the drums that's the only reason i went to church that's the only thing that kept me in church was playing the drums i just went to play the drums and then i didn't pay attention to anything else but i went on this mission trip down there and it was a really cool experience we're down there but i'll never forget the guy who who was over uh th this this this mission house that was down there and he would lead these these teams and go throughout different parts of mexico along the border and so i remember our group there was about 30 of us that were that were going and we were going to this particular church this night and uh this church in mexico and so we're walking in and i guess i guess the guy who ran the mission house figured out that i was i was spirit filled filled with the holy ghost tongue talker you know kind of believed in some of this stuff didn't have really much of an understanding but you know i believed in it and lived the little bit that i understood but somehow he figured this out because he came up to me again i'm 20 years old okay he comes up to me and there's about 30 of it there's there's guys and girls in this group that's going all americans he comes up to me he said hey um there's this guy in there that that's severely demon-possessed he said i want you to sit beside him then what i do is that what you said by him and i said i said why me he said because i know i know you're filled with the holy ghost and this guy you know he's in his late late 60s been doing this a long time he said i know you feel the holy ghost he said i want you to sit by him he's all right and i said i said which one is he he said you'll know and so so we walk in there and i found it really really quick i sat beside i walk in and this dude i mean you talk about just stay he he sat right there in his seat he just stared me down and i sat down beside him and the whole time he looked at me like this i mean just glaring at me now i didn't know what to do i i i mean i got i got a little scared this dude's i mean something was wrong with this dude but i didn't know how to handle a situation or anything i was just proud of myself for just just sticking with it not running out but sat right there i don't nothing really happened with him afterwards they said they've been dealing with this guy a long time i wish i could go back and be who i am now knowing what i have now i didn't know those things back then but i remember i mean he told me he's that dude's demon possessed i want you to sit beside him i remember thinking i was a little freaked out but see we shouldn't be freaked out by that see see now i hear that and i there's this weird part of me i get really excited just like lacey she was on any of y'all know who what tick tock is see i'm starting to get out of my league i'm not i'm not on tick tock anymore i just found out what tick tock was a few weeks ago malaysia and jake they're always on tick tock and lacey she she showed me we were sitting in bed we were watching the movie and she was scrolling through some stuff and she she looked at me and she said hey look at this guy right here and this guy that had a um his his left side of his body normal normal length of arm normal length of the hand but the right side his right leg and his right arm were half the size they were supposed to be and we didn't know who this guy was lacie just happened to come across it and she looked at it she goes oh you need to message him and tell him you can grow his leg out this is lacy but i'm sitting there looking at it and there's a part of me that went oh that's big then there's this other part of me he goes oh yeah see when you begin to start understanding some of these things and i know many of you do we begin to start understanding who we are and what we have and so you start to see some stuff that's of the devil and instead of running from that in terror now you're like david who runs to the giant who do you think you are to defy the church of the living god who do you think you are you see most of the church today would run from these things but there's there's a new breed rising up and that new breed of people which i will say we are part of and others that believe these things it's not a special group it's people who actually believe the bible i mean actually believe it believe what jesus said and are willing to risk everything to show and prove that it's true there's a part of me i see these things and man i get excited i get excited and you talk like that and people look at you and say you arrogant conceited thing who do you think you are oh those aren't worldly people those are spirit-filled you know jesus singing jesus loving people who do you think you are to say you ain't gonna get sick who do you think you are to say when flu season comes around you ain't getting the flu well obviously i'm not like you who does you might as well get ready people are going to think you're weird you pull up in this parking lot a lot of people in town think you're weird already so you might as well just live with it all right let's keep reading so the great commission what we know is the great commission he said these signs will follow those who believe in my name they'll cast out demons they'll speak with new tongues those take up serpents and if they drink anything deadly by no means hurt them they'll lay hands on the sick and they will recover again isn't that interesting two of the things he says in there they'll do what they'll cast out demons and they'll lay hands on the sick and they'll recover real quick we got to get through this let's go back to luke chapter 10 real quick look at luke chapter 10 and verse 18. we just read this but i want to point out a few things to you luke chapter 10 and verse 18 jesus said i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven behold i give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you now jesus is very intentional on the words that he uses notice he says serpents and scorpions i mean really all he's doing is he's talking about satan it's not it's not a it's not a coincidence that we see satan posing as a serpent in the garden of eden do you think about a serpent think about a snake they're very sly they're very cunning i mean they can camouflage themselves they'll hide and they're very very very very very very patient and they know they know to strike at the exact time in the exact moment i mean they'll be patient until you get in the right spot i mean you see some of these snakes you watch some of these videos and some of these snakes i mean the little mouse a little rat i mean it could be crawling all over it and the mouse doesn't even realize and that snake would just sit there and just wait and wait wait wait wait i mean satan isn't stupid i mean he's done some stupid stuff but he ain't stupid because he knows what works and he keeps using it over and over and over again and even though god tells us what he does and how he works people just christians just totally disregarded and getting snared and trapped by him all the time but jesus said behold i give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you the new king james version says uh trample i like that king james version says tread give you authority to tread or authority to trample on the enemy that word tread or word trample it literally means this in the greek it means to advance by putting your foot upon to advance by footing your putting your foot upon friends satan is out to kill steal and destroy he does not want you to fulfill the plan of god for your life and that means in order for you to take some steps forward and fulfill what god has called you to do there's going to be several times that where your foot goes it's going to have to go on his head because there's going to be things he's going to be bringing your way to try to stop you to try to hinder you to harass you and you can't call out to god and say god do something about the devil jesus do something about the devil god never tells us for us to call out to him to do something about the devil he tells you and i we are to do something about the devil in our life and jesus said i'm giving you authority you tread you trample you put your foot on his head so you can advance and if you don't learn your authority there's some situations you're not going to advance in and it ain't going to be god's fault and in some sense it ain't even the devil's fault it's your fault for not putting your foot on his head and moving forward he said i give you authority to step on his head and move forward and that word over here he said over all the power of the enemy that word over it's the greek word epi which means a position of absolute superiority he said i give you authority to step on his head in advance giving you authority over all the power of the enemy i'm putting you in a position of supreme authority so you can put your foot on his head and move forward see notice jesus isn't denying that there isn't a devil out here and he's not denying that satan isn't going to bring some attacks against you and that's where we've we've kind of sold people short and given some some false information when it comes to christianity because so many times we talk about christianity and following jesus and it's just going to be walking like on a better better clouds and roses and there's never going to be any problems and and whoo it's just going to be a great grand life but i don't know about you but i know me when i made the decision when i really sold myself out to jesus all of a sudden like oh hell broke loose and it was almost like after jesus life got worse every time i mean every time every time especially with lacy and i every time we've stepped up to do something we know it was in our heart i mean it was like every devil that was within you know 25 50 miles came around just to harass and stop and there's so many people that have not fulfilled what god called them to do have not grown in in their christian spiritual walk because they got a revelation of something they went to step out on it and as soon as they stepped out on it there's the devil and all his demons to try to stop you and harass you and hinder you and instead of you putting your foot on his head so you can advance you turn around and say i can't take this anymore god do something and god will tell you what you need to do is you lift up your foot and you put it on his head but you cannot put your foot on his head to advance if you're turning around retreating you're not supposed to retreat he's the one who's supposed to retreat the bible says if you will resist the devil he will flee he will flee god didn't say call god to do something about the devil and he flee he said you resist him that word resist it is not a defensive term it is an offensive term in other words you go on the offensive and you do something about it you put your foot on his head why because he's under your feet you don't believe me look at ephesians chapter 1 verse 19. we'll finish up here here in ephesians ephesians chapter 1 verse 19. this is paul's prayer to the church he prayed this for the church daily this is something we pray for you daily pray this over myself and my family you need to be praying for this this over yourself and your family 15-21 but in 19 paul said and i pray that you would know was exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he worked in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his own right hand the heavenly places notice this far above far above all principality and power might dominion what is that those are the different rankings and levels of of satan and his demonic little posse you read it over there in ephesians chapter six when we we looked at it for several weeks in the first part of the summer principality power might dominion wicked things and and in these places he said far above all principality and power and might dominion every name that's named not only in this world but also that which is to come notice verse 22 and he put what things all things under his feet and gave him to be head jesus gave jesus to be head over all things to the church notice this which is his body we are the body of jesus christ and the bible says that god put all things under jesus feet he put every principality power might dominion every rank every level of demon of hell he put them all under the feet of jesus christ and then the bible says that he he raised you up and you can read it in chapter two he raised you up and made you to sit down at the very right hand of god in jesus christ himself so that everything that's under jesus's feet it is under your feet too and so if satan is coming out from under your feet that's your fault when he rares his ugly little head to test you and try you and tempt you and see if you really know who you are if he's hanging out there that's your fault you need to turn around and you put your foot back on his head say know your roll fool get back under my feet where you belong that's where god put you that's where jesus puts you and that's where i'm gonna keep you see god put him there but if he don't stay there that's your fault he'll stay there that's your fault now yeah he's going to weasel his little head out he's going to try you he's going to tempt you he's going to do some things to see if you'll take it see if see if you'll take the trap see if he can pull you out and deceive you and this and that but it's your responsibility to do something about him why god has given you every advantage in life look at chapter 2 verse 4 it says god who's rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses come on before the very foundation of the world before you could even show up to mess it up in the eyes of god he saved you he filled you he redeemed you he raised you up and seated you at his own right hand in the eyes of god this was done before you could even get here and jack it up so it doesn't matter what you've done today what you've done yesterday hey does not change who you are and where you're positioned so you may have been screwing things around for a couple weeks couple months couple of years but you know what you're still seated at the god's right hand and you still got a foot and the devil may have been running rampant all through your life for quite a long time but you know what you still got a foot you still got a choice and whenever you choose to you can put your foot down on his head and stop him from harassing you and doing everything that he's been doing see notice jesus said i saw satan fall like lightning god cast him out and jesus said but behold i give you authority i give you a position of supreme authority supreme power over the one who was cast out in other words god he cast satan out and then he raised you up see at salvation the roles were reversed before satan was your master and you were his slave but now in christ i'm satan's master and he is my slave and what crazy world does the slave tell the master what to do and what crazy world does a slave run things and the master run scared of the slave friends all throughout history not just in america i mean everywhere every country from almost the beginning of time there's been slavery and any time there was a uprising of the slaves you really don't see the masters running away it's oh my god what are we going to do what am i going to do you know what they do they'd kill them they torture them they'd hang them they'd shoot them they cut their heads off they do all kinds of gross horrible things but you know what they wouldn't allow an uprising but the sad thing is the church has allowed it for generation after generation after generation because we've been so ignorant and just watched satan run ramping all over the place and say oh my god what are we going to do we better fast and pray no you need to get your foot put it on his head i don't understand why all these things are happening because you lifted your foot get your foot and put it back down you are seated here satan is way down here many of us think we we we serve a little god and we're against the big devil but friends i'm telling you when we get to heaven there's going to be a lot of us that's going to laugh for a moment because we're going to see satan for who he really is and then we're going to cry we're going to cry because we allow that little little runt of a thing to run us rampant run all through our lives cause us do all kind of crazy things to be filled with worry and fear and stress over all the things that he would do and we're going to recognize him for who he really is but friend you don't have to wait till you die and go to heaven to start doing that you can do that right now you don't need 50 scriptures 20 scriptures friend you got one right here where jesus said i give you authority over all the power of the enemy so you can tram trap trap trample all over him i'll leave you with this it's time for some tramping to go on in the church and i ain't talking about the old guy the bad kind somebody needs to start doing some tramping i ain't talking about on the street corner you start tramping on the devil's head once again i had a friend who actually did this he got he got a he got a magic marker wrote on the bottom of his shoe wrote devil he said i do that as a reminder every time i go to put my shoe on i see it right there devil under my feet there was an old song we used to sing he's under my feet he's under my feet under my feet he's under my feet satan is under my feet but then they said i went to the enemy's camp and i took back when he stole from me but see we missed it on that part because we forgot jesus already went to the enemy's camp and he already took back what was stolen from me so we need to change the words jesus went to the enemy's camp and he took back what he stole from me he's under my feet all right praise the lord hey say this with me say father i thank you for giving me authority over all the power of the enemy and that nothing shall by any means hurt me from this day forward i'm going to do some tramping trap put my feet all over the devil's head and i'm going to advance every day i'm going to advance and i'm going to fulfill what you've called me to do i will fulfill it to fruition i will fulfill it to the full i will leave nothing undone nothing unchecked and i will not allow satan and all of his cohorts to stop me and hinder me and harass me and keep me from fulfilling what you've called me to do i declare today that i will fulfill it i will fulfill it and i will move forward and do all you've called me to do hallelujah praise you jesus hallelujah come on lift your hands and let's just thank jesus for getting the victory for us come on you're not trying to get the victory we're always moving from a place of victory we're always praying from a place of victory we minister from a place of victory we face life's obstacles from a place of victory come on the bible says that he has already made us more than a conqueror in this life that he always leads us in triumph in christ satan he's under our feet we're seated at the right hand of god in heavenly places filled to the full and overflowing with the holy ghost given the word of god hallelujah it's like a two-edged sword hallelujah praise you jesus thank you for what you've done for us thank you for all that you're doing for us thank you for all that you're endeavoring to do through us and we yield ourselves to you we submit ourselves to your spirit and we will do all that you tell us to do we will see like you see we will hear what you hear we will say what you say and we will get results just like you so that reverence and respect for the things of god and the church of jesus christ comes back once again from the world no they may not believe it they may not agree with it but they will revere and respect the almighty power of god in these very last days just like what was seen in the days of moses and the israelites where there was a fear throughout the land yes they were willing to fight them yes they wanted to kill them but there was still a fear there was a reverential fear of the people of god and that reverential fear is coming back once again on the world as this new breed of christian begins to rise up and take their place and take their stand and put their foot back on the head and neck of the devil once again and manifest the almighty power of god and the glory of god be seen from their mouth and through their hands declaring once again the kingdom of heaven is here now experience it and let it be demonstrated and manifested right here once again before your very eyes hallelujah praise you jesus hallelujah praise you jesus friends if there's anybody here this morning you've never received the baptism of the holy spirit hey this would be the time to do it right now those of you that are watching online you're watching this by video you've never received the baptism of the holy spirit friend i'm telling you jesus said you need to receive this so you have power so you can be a witness unto me and i'm not denying that satan doesn't have some power he's got some power it's very very evident i was thinking about this just a few weeks ago you see the tornadoes and the hurricanes and the natural disasters that are caused by satan himself and we sit there and we go oh and ah we wonder at the power and magnificence of these things and yet you need to remember that the power that satan operates in is far below the power that is inherent on the inside of the spirit of every single born-again believer the power that satan operates in in this world is far below the power that's on the inside of the believer the power that raised up jesus from the dead and god did not only give you that power that earth shattering dead raising power he gave you the authority to use it he gave you the authority to release it and what satan operates in is very minuscule to what you have resident on the inside of you and one of the ways that we become more aware of that and we access that and we walk in that it's through the baptism of the holy spirit people want to make faunus praying in tongues speaking in tongues that's fine they can do that all their own because i'm going to continue to do it and keep growing and getting more results and more results and more results till people begin to look at people like you and me and go is that jesus or what he said don or is that jesus is that richer is that jesus that john or is that jesus is that lazy or is that jesus i can't tell you need to receive the baptism of the holy ghost there's nothing weird there's nothing sketchy i'm talking about it's power from on high and the same way that you receive salvation is the very same that way that you receive the baptism of the holy spirit you could have someone lay hands on you you could receive it right there all on your own so i'm going to do two things number one if you want us to lay hands on you come up here we'll do it if you just want to stay right where you're at that's fine those of you that are watching online obviously you can't be here but we're going to pray you can be sitting on your couch you can be in the bathroom in your car it doesn't really matter so we're going to pray for those that are watching and those hitting seats if you want to come up here we'll lay hands on you on you and we'll guarantee you'll get it we won't push you down i won't spit on you or anything like that say this with me and say father i've received jesus as my lord and savior but i see in scripture that there's more jesus said receive the baptism of the holy spirit it was a command not a suggestion and i want everything that jesus died for me to have and i want it right now and i re right now i ask you to fill me with the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues i receive the infilling of him right now in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah so right now wherever you're at you just need to open your mouth and yield your tongue the holy ghost is not going to make you say anything but he will give you the words you don't have to understand it because you won't but you just need to begin to open your mouth and you begin to talk and you begin to pray it may sound something like this [Music] and see you can cut it on you can cut it off whenever you want to and there's nothing weird about it i didn't start praying and start shaking all over the place cool that i can do it while i walk and i i got a little got a little walk corner people say why is it so important because jesus needs a church in this last day that's filled with his power and willing to walk in it talk about it and manifest it this is why these things are so important i'm tired of a weak church a spineless church i'm fed up with it we should be fed up with it because it doesn't look like jesus people praying for revival yet hiding in their houses get filled with the holy ghost yeah you understand i received the baptism of the holy spirit 20 years ago yeah but the bible says in ephesians be being filled over and over and over and over and over again be being filled you ought to be spending time every single day praying in tongues praying in the spirit it doesn't have to be making a commotion in front of people my god you can go into walmart with your full body suit on now and nobody even know anyway they can't even understand you nobody can understand you in the mat so go around you can pray in tongues and not even worry about it hallelujah well we kept you along and we planned on praise the lord well say it with me the lord is good and as mercies endure forever the lord man he's good and his mercies endure forever the lord oh how good he is to me how good he is to me hallelujah the lord he is good the lord come on friends he's going to be showing off his goodness in your life this year man 2020 may have sucked the first half but the second half god is going to show himself out he is going to show himself up he is going to manifest his goodness for those of us who will take it and accept it receive it and walk in it the goodness of god and the land of the living come on david said i've not yet seen the righteous forsaken and pagan bread no not believers aren't beggars believers are manifesters believers are demonstrators hallelujah it's time to demonstrate the kingdom of heaven hallelujah praise the lord
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 1,642
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Gonzales, healing, miracles, faith and healing, the healing academy, faith healer, cures for cancer, blind eyes, deaf ears, covid 19, god and the Bible, inspirational YouTube, inspirational sermons, Steven furtick, bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, smith wigglesworth, John lake, healing revival, awakening, demons, dealing with demonic forces, demon possession, satan, satanic control, last days, how to deal with the devil, deliverance
Id: 31UT9sxzCsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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