Maintaining Your Awareness of God's Presence

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[Music] you know the more that we have pushed in the area of healing over the years we've seen we've seen wonderful results and and so because of those results that we've been getting you know with those results it kind of opens some doors and causes people to kind of check out and see what's going on and so as a result of that we get lots of emails and letters and and phone calls people asking us to pray for him asking us to send a material on healing asking us for help and it's not only coming from just your your average you know day-to-day Christian I mean it's coming from pastors and and full-time ministers and stuff because the thing is is that we all know at least you know people in this church and people kind of run in our circles we understand that healing is a part of what Jesus provided for us through salvation we know what we know it's a part of hours just like prosperity is a part of what Jesus provided so that we didn't have to be poor and broke he also provided the fact that and the reality is that we don't have to be sick and diseased either and so but the problem that happens is when you understand something is supposed to be yours and then you're doing all the stuff you're supposed to be doing you're not getting the results then that causes frustration and it causes people to be asking questions and and so usually the the question one of the the common questions I get is you know I believe this I believe what the word says I know healing is mine I know that Jesus provided it but just seems like I'm having a hard time you know risk either receiving or our things aren't showing up and usually the common I'm not saying every time but usually the common denominator in that is that something big has happened in their life what we would think are referred to as big with a doctor would think it's big and almost sudden now we decide to get we need to get serious about this healing thing and so I've been finding over the last this last year too my focus has been on this whole word abide you know a B IDE abide you know Jesus said in John 15 abide in me my words abide in you I've been this last year and it's really just been been a focus of mine really pushing this fellowship piece and regards to our fellowship with God you know God didn't save you so that you could go through life and never hear from him never see from him I'll never have any experiences with him that was not the way that it was supposed to be it wasn't the fact that he provided a way for you to have a relationship and then you never have a relationship can you can you imagine getting married to somebody and then you never see them you never hear from them again that's not a relationship is it I mean you it may be binding by law but there's no fellowship there what's the same thing for a lot of us as Christians is that you know we have downplayed salvation so badly and it doesn't matter what denomination what circles you come from we've downplayed salvation so much so that basically salvation has turned into a thing where you know we say this little prayer we get saved you know we received Jesus our Savior and then we just go through life and and God is still seeming like he's a million miles away you know and he's he's not real to us and we basically turned in salvation to a thing I say a little prayer you know I start going to a church and then you know one day in the sweet by and by you know we get to experience some life well that wasn't the way it was designed to be at all and actually we find out that Jesus he was a standard for you and I thank you he was a standard for you and I asked of what was available to us as a man or a woman United with God we've been saying that for a while and we'll keep saying it because we need to get a hold of that that Jesus was a standard Jesus came and he did a life as a man United with God to show you and I what was actually possible well what could actually be done on this earth and he also showed us the type of fellowship that was available with the father the type of fellowship that was available with the father and so if you would turn over I told you to turn to Romans while we start over here turn to Romans chapter 8 and always tell people and I tell myself this to you is that you know if I don't want to see what's available I'm just gonna go back and look at Jesus because everything that Jesus did on on this earth he did it as a man he did it with a mind like you and I haven't renew his mind renew his thoughts you know Luke chapter two it says that the child Jesus he grew not only in stature but he also grew in wisdom you know so we point this out that you know if he was doing life as God he wouldn't have had to grow in wisdom because God is wisdom God knows everything but Jesus he laid aside everything that gave him an advantage in life he find that in Philippians chapter two himself everything that gave you an advantage in life he laid that aside so he could do life like you and I so you could do life like you and I and so it shows us what's available even in John chapter five Jesus makes this statement he says the father will show me even greater things than these just so you can marvel so it shows us that Jesus while on this earth he didn't know everything and he's walking life out just like you and I and so in John chapter eight verse 29 I want you to see the statement that Jesus made he said as the verse 20 he says the father taught me I speak these things verse 29 he said he who sent me is where where's yet he said he who sent me and who's he referring to the father he said the father who sent me and where did Jesus come from heaven he said the father who sent me is also what with me and so let's connect some of these little dots and for some of you this is just normal stuff you've been around here long enough we've talked about enough for some of you this may be brand-new and that's okay just grab ahold of it now think about it John chapter 3 verse 3 jesus said if you want to experience the kingdom of God if you experience and see the kingdom of heaven you must be born what again and yet you you find that the literal Greek and if you have a good little Study Bible and actually put it in there for you what Jesus literally said he actually said was you must be born from above and so when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior you become a brand new creature in Christ Jesus you get born again these are synonymous terms you born-again or you could say I got born from heaven and so Jesus he's giving us an example here he says the father sent me John 17 he said I send you says the father sent me I sent you and so here in John chapter 8 he said and he who sent me is also with me and so if God sent Jesus and then he was still with Jesus then when God sent you he's still he's still with you right come on guys we know these scriptures 1st Corinthians and 2nd Corinthians Paul makes a statement three times he said don't you know don't you realize that you are the temple of God you're the temple of the Holy Spirit you could say you're the house of God see this building is not the house of God it's just sheetrock and steel and studs and leeks just just materials you know this is not the house of God this is the house of God you know you ought to pat yourself right now and say this is the house of God God live if you've received Jesus as your Savior you've been born again this is the house of God this is the house of God you know actually you know in some ways we when we say we're going to church I mean we understand we're saying we're going you know to service and this and that but actually we are the church we are the body of Christ right so so Paul three times he said don't you know don't you realize you're the temple of God God lives on the inside of you and she just says this he said as the father sent me he is also he's also with me he says he's also with me and notice this he says and the father he has not what he has not left me alone and and he told her sloppily say you're gonna leave me you're all gonna run like a bunch of scaredy cats you're gonna leave me but you know what I'm not alone because the father's still with me it's interesting if you read through the book of John Jesus like he does not stop talking about the fact that God is with him God is with him the father is with me the font John chapter 14 if you turned over there John fourteen ten and eleven Jesus makes this statement in verse 10 he said do you not believe that I am in the father and the father's in me he's talking about his union with the father of course this is the same union that you and I have right and he talks about that in John 17 I know I thought a lot of scriptures up for you but John 17 verses 19 through 21 around there he Jesus prayer he said father I pray that they would be one with me and you just as I am one with you and you were one with me that was Jesus's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the wonderful thing is that Jesus prayers came true and so the crowning achievement of salvation the crowning achievement of Jesus was uniting God and man back together once again and so that's what happens when we receive Jesus as our Savior we don't just get the Willy Wonka ticket to heaven God actually comes to reside on the inside of us and so you can make the very same statement just like Jesus that God sent me and he's also with me he's also with me now this is a fact you've accepted Jesus this is a fact this is a reality now even though it's a fact it may not be a reality to your mind if you're not keeping your mind on it you realize that you know something could be yours but if you aren't aware of it you can't use it right you know you could have a car sitting out in this parking lot right now but if you don't know where your keys are at you're gonna be sitting for a long time unless somebody's nice and I just want to break the windows down and Hotwire the thing I mean like if you don't if you don't know what your stuff is that if you're not aware of it you can't use it and so it's the same thing with this is that God is living on the inside of us just like Jesus and yet if you're not aware of him or you could say if you're not maintaining that awareness of him you're not gonna be able to access the wonderful wonderful benefits of that and it's interesting to meet Jesus he's always talking about the father being with him and the father being on the inside of him he goes on to say the words I speak to you and John 10 I do not speak on my own but it's the father who dwells where it's the father who dwells in me now guys you know we don't have time this morning but if you just went through John just just read just to read and look at how many times Jesus refers to this if this was important to Jesus it better be important to you and I if Jesus is always talking about that the father is with me he's never left me alone he's with me wherever I go he's only inside of me if Jesus was talking about it you and I need to be talking about it and Jesus wasn't talking about just from a teaching standpoint because you know what did Jesus say he said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak so you could say it like this whatever you're thinking about the most that's what's gonna be coming out of your mouth if you're a car guy you talk about cars all the time why because I guarantee you're spending time looking at cars thinking about cars on the internet looking at cars you got magazines about cars you know and Lacey she's an animal lady and so she's always talking about animals why cuz she's thinking to my end I was looking at an animal she don't Craigslist looking for free animals on facebook bartering for animals I mean this girl's got an anointing on her she traded a pig and got a horse that don't balance out but somehow she got a horse for a pig but she's always thinking about animals so she's always talking about animals you know talk to a business guy they're always thinking about business looking at business look at different ideas I mean you can find out what people put their mind on simply by what they talk about all the time well Jesus he's talking about the father with him the father on the inside of it the father has never left me alone everywhere that I go the father's with me this was important to Jesus and what you find is that Jesus he's keeping his his awareness on the father and if you if you never forget the fact that Jesus is doing life like you and I and he's got this body like you and I and he's got this this mind that he's having to deal with like you and I well everything in this world is telling him you're not the Son of God you're not the righteousness of God you're not of heaven you everything is telling him you are not and union with the father in the very same way that everything is on you you ain't saying you're not good enough God isn't with you you didn't do this right you didn't do enough of that you're not going to heaven I mean the devil comes with you all these thoughts and all these things in this natural world trying to tell you who you aren't and what's not possible why because it's just natural round that's trying to bring these limitations on you right so so if Jesus is maintaining as awareness of the fact that God is with him you and I need to be maintaining our awareness too and you could say well okay but what in the world does this have to do with healing it has everything to do with it has everything to do with it and the reason is this if you look over at Romans Romans chapter 8 and look at verse 2 Romans chapter 8 and verse 2 it says for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus it's made me free from the law of sin and death so he said the law of the spirit of life or we could just condense it make it short say the law of life it's made me free and if you go down to verse 5 he says he said for those who live according to the things of the flesh now check it out what he said they said there what they set what on the things the flesh they sent their minor you could say they set their thoughts on the things of the flesh he said but those who live according to the spirit they set their minds on according to the things of the spirit now what did he tell you set you free he says the law the spirit of life you say the law of life you say the law of the Spirit this the things that happened in the spirit realm is what set you free and so accordingly he said you need to put your mind on those things and as a result of you putting your mind on those things then you will get to experience those things you'll live those things you'll see those things manifest in your life and notice in here there's nothing about you having to work for any of it you see what happens that many times we understand these things or honors but we're not putting the time in as far as the fellowship Pete we're not putting the time and as far as watching what we're thinking we're not putting the time in as far as keeping our mind on the things of the Spirit we're not putting the time in on maintaining our awareness of the fact that God is with me and that God is on the inside of me and so what happens is is that if I haven't been maintaining that awareness then very very quickly I start to go back now how many of you grew up in church and then how many of you grew up in church all right and then how many of you heard about backsliding oh he's a backslider I don't remember how many times I went to church on Sunday odd backslidden and I got received again I mean y'all got saved multiple times it's like though all those pies you ate on Thanksgiving just over and over and over and over and over again always filling out that that rededication card cuz you know I messed up you know I had that bad thought I did this I did that back sit and I grew I grew up in a particular denomination where every service it didn't matter what kind of service was it could have been a service on marriage everybody's still gonna be down at the altar and everybody's gonna be crying and bawling their eyes out and the pastor come up to you and say what are you praying about and you say I don't know just bawling you know because I'm just a sinner and stank rank you know it didn't matter what it was we're all gonna be down there everybody's gonna be crying everybody's gonna be repenting because they're buying it back soon but guys you realize that that backsliding really isn't about the sin it's not really about the sin at all backsliding is really about your awareness or lack of awareness of God with you because the more aware you are of God the further ahead you're gonna start to go and yet the less aware you are of God all of a sudden you start going backwards and now the less aware I am of God being with me the more real the things of the world become the more strong are the stronger the things of this world begin to to get on me why because God isn't as real to me right now and you realize that can happen within a couple of minutes it doesn't take 10 15 30 minutes it doesn't take a couple of days I mean I'm talking about five minutes that's how you could come to church and we could worship so so wonderfully like we did did this morning and then all that could take us after that wonderful time of worship and you go to shake somebody's hand during that greet meet time and you go shake their hand and they turn around don't look at you now all of a sudden you're offended and then all of a sudden it seems like God's a million miles away huh I mean it just takes a moment all of a sudden that's why I you know people are shouting the victory at church and man we're gonna take the land and and then on Monday morning you know I mean it seems like where's God you know all of a sudden life hits you Sun in the afternoon and where I was a couple of hours I was all excited and shouting the victory and now I'm wondering how we're gonna get out of this mess you know why it's because of our awareness of God slowly begins to fade away and so that means that you and I we do have a responsibility of maintaining not only our thoughts maintaining our awareness of him and I'm not saying this thing of yeah I believe God I know God is real no no I'm talking about this thing I know him I sense him with me now see that right there is a foreign concept to a lot of Christians you mean you you could you could sense God with yeah oh yeah and you get to that point and it make you do some crazy stuff I know a lot of these healing services we do in other churches and conferences and stuff I mean there's there's things I say and I do in the moment that outside of outside of that moment I there's there's a part of me it catches me and I wouldn't know world are you doing it are you gonna get yourself in trouble somebody's gonna get mad at you what were you thinking when you did that but but the thing is you get so aware of God it's like nothing else matters I remember sitting in in class with Kenneth Hagin many of us that were in that circle and ministry finally refer to him as brother Hagin but I remember sitting in class with him I don't remember him making this statement you know he was he was 86 years old and I remember him making this statement he said he's a guy's he said God is more real to me right now at this stage in my life God's more real to me than my wife that sleeps in bed next to me I remember sitting there you know I was 26 years old I remember sitting there and thinking I want that type of relationship of God I don't know about you but I mean meet me sitting there and hearing that statement that stirred me on the inside because I began to realize man there's a whole lot more of this Christianity than what I realized it wasn't this thing of trying to live right and do right and follow all the rules and and do all the do's and don't do all the don'ts you know it was about this fellowship of God I mean isn't that what it was in the very beginning with Adam and Eve don't you see it you read it there that God you know you could raided man and and and woman to be like him so he could have fellowship with him and it says he'd be down there walking in the cool of the day and when asked he's down there he calls out and Adam and Eve they hear him they recognize when he's there they talked to him that was God's original plan for man that was his intention for you and I and we know that Adam sold out and messed things up but thank God Jesus the second Adam the last Adam he came and he fixed it and restored everything back to the way that God intended for you and I so we can have that same fellowship with him and so jesus is our example and yet this is why it's telling us what you put your mind on that's what you'll experience well if you want to experience God then you need to put your mind on God and just this may sound a little little strange coming for a little young little preacher man but forget all the do's and the don'ts right now just focus on God we get so caught up in trying to follow all the rules and do all the rights and not do all the wrong we forget about the one we're supposed to be hanging out with anyway see in many places Christianity is just it's just turned into another religion it's just turning into walls and and traditions and rules it's why nobody wants to go to church anymore some people get fed up with Christianity just just a bunch of rules as much no it's about you getting to hang out with God you getting to hear from him you getting to see from him like you go on through life and not only knowing that he's here but I mean you you sensing his presence wherever you go and you can have as much of him as you want it's never about God withholding oh no no he gave everything when he poured up a Holy Ghost they poured out the Holy Spirit he gave he made everything of him available to you and that's why he said come boldly into the throne of grace he gave you the key Jesus open up the door he said come in whenever you want hang out he said you set your mind on the things of the flesh you live according flesh then what's the result of that verse 6 he tells he said to be currently minded or to be fleshy minded to be constantly aware of just all the things of this world he said what's the result there but he said for those who live according to the spirit those that are spiritually minded the result is what it's life and what peace and this word life here it's that same word life we've talked about a lot it's that Greek word Zoe which means the life that God has and the life that God is it's the same word life that Jesus said in John 10:10 he said I came that you would have life and you would have it more abundantly and so when you get born again when you get saved you receive of the life of God but you can experience it an abundance in a greater and greater way and how much of that abundance that you experience is totally up to you well how do you experience it more and more well it's about what you put your mind on and become aware of it so the more aware you are of him the more you get to experience him the more you get to experience him he said to be spiritually minded is life and peace and what's peace it means nothing missing nothing broken see this isn't about you working to try to get healed it's not about you working to get peace it's not about you working to get delivered all it is is about you becoming aware of him putting your focus on him guys this is nothing new but this has been kind of hooked onto the rug because those of us in these faith circles we've gotten real work oriented and we forgot about a lot of that just the simplicity of this and that even Jesus said in Matthew 6 verse 33 he said if you'll just seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness you'll put that first make that your focus all these two other things will be added all the other things will be taken care of and so if you the point I'm getting to is that if you are dealing with sickness in your body if you're a Christian now if you're not saying it's a different story and there's a different way to handle it but but if you are saved you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior now the life of God resides on the inside of your spirit right now and for the life of God's on the inside of you his healing powers on the inside of you if you're born again that means God is with you does it not and if God is with you do you think that he moved on the inside of you and didn't bring his stuff it amazes me how dumb we get as Christians that we walk in the door of the church to get all spiritually take our brains out and we leave it outside the door and we want to say oh I believe God's on the inside of me but that healing stuff oh I don't know that that's for me wait a minute you can't separate the power of God from the source of the power if God's on the inside of you his power is on the inside of you his healing is on the inside of you his life is on the inside everything he is somehow some way he got it on the inside of you and that's why Paul continued says don't you know don't you realize God's on the inside of you God's on the inside it's why Jesus is always talking about the father's on the inside of me he's with me wherever he you may leave me but I'm never alone cuz the father has never left me he's never forsaken me and Jesus used the father as and that's why he said you may not see me when I go but you know what I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you that's why he said why should you be afraid I'm with you so you may not see him you can still sense him you can be aware of him come on guys you know these senses that we have you know you got your five senses you can see you can hear you can smell Ain taste and you can touch well you got these physical senses but you know everything and the physical realm was modeled after the spiritual realm and so even in the spiritual realm that you still got some senses you know that if you ever read your Bible you know when Jesus is talking about Lazarus and the rich man remember that story Jesus all my bladders from the rich man they both died and it's interesting that the rich man Jesus our Jesus points out he said that that the rich man was talking to Abraham and he saw Lazarus afar off not only did he see him but says he could feel the heat and all I could have feel the heat he said he was bigger than he said please just put put a dab of water on my tongue I'm so thirsty like if you just read your Bible you find out some of these wonderful things that there you have spiritual sentences - you have spiritual eyes and spiritual eaters there's a spiritual sense where you can feel and sense them and be aware guys I'm telling you I'm not saying this just to be religious I'm telling you from experience not only from the Bible but I'm telling you from expense I mean you could be so aware of him that you totally forget everything else around you there's been times I've been spending time in prayer I mean you just get to the point where you kind of forget you're here there's been times when we've had some services we've had any while there's some reasons but there's been times we've had some services you just kind of get in the spirit John makes a statement he said one day I was in the spirits you see that phrase many times in the spirit caught up in the spirit many times that that you get in that place and it's just like you you are not aware of people you're not aware of this body you are not aware of this realm like you literally get into a place where it's just like it's just you and God and people can call me nuts they can call me weird and don't say it from an arrogant standpoint but I just flip it around and say well how are your results are you satisfied with the results that you're getting with God are you getting your prayers answered are you seeing miracles well if not bite it push it take a step back examine some things maybe I'm missing it like you ought to get dissatisfied with your Christian life you can't tell me I don't care who you are you can't tell me that you're satisfied with where you are spiritually and satisfying your walk with God that you don't want anymore because every single one of us whether you're saved or not we are we are all spirit beings and because you are a spirit being there's a longing for the things of the Spirit there's a longing for the supernatural I don't care who you are because of your makeup because you're a spirit being with a soul and you live in a body because you're a spirit being there's a longing for the things of the Spirit there's a longing for those things and the wonderful thing is that Jesus provided the way he gave you the access you could experience God she could experience him and see the thing is that the more you talk about him the more you put your mind on it the more you do we begin to experience him you just begin to experience this piece and you begin to experience his life and in the area of healing I'm telling it's what Jesus said if you abide in me and I abide in you look just so you can see look over at John chapter 15 real quick won't finish up here Matthew Mark Luke John John chapter 15 John chapter 15 and verse 4 he said abide in me and I in you the word abide means to simply dwell means means to move into a place and stay there and don't leave stay there and don't leave how many of you ever heard this statement that people won't get so heavenly minded that they're no earthly good you ever heard that statement usually when people making that statement they're talking about people that are acting weird I don't know about you I grew up in what we referred to as like a charismatic spirit-filled Church churches and and we're our group I mean there were some weird stuff going on I would think that some of those people they're just weirdly minded and now they're no earthly good like I don't want to be anything like that and yet that's what put me on the in this mission in life is that I don't want to be the type of person that that experiences God and experiences the supernatural and walks in this thing and yet still normal like people actually want to be around you they don't weren't always scared you know type of type of deal that's why we teach it the way that we do or training people the way that we do because God intended for the supernatural to be manifest and experience and yet people didn't run away from you scared because you never see people running away from Jesus scared they actually ran toward him they wanted to find out they wanted to see some stuff Jesus wasn't weird and so it shows me that you can be supernatural you can experience the maracas and yet you can still be normal it's true whether you agree with or not you can be normal and have some wonderful experiences he said abiding me dwelt let me stay there I and you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the fine neither can you in other words Jesus is telling us you're not gonna get the results that you want to see if you're not abiding in me or you could say you're not gonna get the results that you want to see unless you're not staying aware of me why because it's your in your awareness of him the reality of the fact that he's and you and you are in him you're in Union together because he's the vine everything that's flowing in him is now flowing in you because you got connected it's as you become aware of those things that's when the life of God begins to flow out of your spirit and flow in your body and affect the Cure affect the healing effect a miracle and calls the things that you so need and so desire and know that they're yours and it calls those things to come into come into being come to pass and you don't even have to work for it see Jesus didn't move on the inside of the you so you could work for what he paid for and so this whole backsliding thing it you know it back something it's not about sin it's about your awareness of him and yet it's your lack of awareness him that'll eventually lead to the sin you see what the devil has done is he's gotten you to focus on the thing that's not really that important I'm not saying that sits in is you know you just go do it or you won't know what I'm saying is if you take care of this part then you don't have to worry about that part if you take care of the awareness piece you'll never have to worry about sin if you'll just stay aware of him you'll never have to worry about doing the wrong thing if you'll stay aware of him you'll never have to worry about making the wrong decision you'll stay aware of him you'll never have to worry about sickness and disease another day in your life - just stay aware of him you say well how do I stay aware of him well number one read your Bible and yet don't read your Bible just just to get information read it for revelation read it from the standpoint I'm expecting to hear from God how many times you've been reading your Bible and as you as you're reading something it's like something kind of sticks out to you oh I don't know how to explain it's just all of a sudden like this phrase just kind of sticks that to you something on the inside oh stop right there well what is it that's the Holy Spirit saying stop I want to show you something I want to teach you something that's you hearing from God and I'm telling if you'll just if you'll recognize that respond to that and you'll always be looking for those things it you'll begin to creating an awareness of God in your life and then not only that if you'll just go through your day and and purposely set aside you know 10 seconds 15 seconds whenever it whatever you can think about it just stop now I'm not saying you do it in mid conversation with your boss or a co-worker or employee or something you know but you know when you're going off to get you a drink of water out of the water fountain or when you're going to the bathroom or when you're going out to your car to get something just stop stop just close your eyes and you don't have to close your eyes but I like to do it just block everything out just take a moment say father I thank you that you're with me you never left me you never forsaken me I give you my thoughts and affections right now just close your eyes and and just a mat use your imagination your god-given imagination and just see um just for a few seconds and then go on go do your stuff and then next time you're thinking about it just stop when you get a moment to stop say father I thank you that you're with me never left me you never forsaken me put my thoughts on you right now if you just do that and do it I'm not saying you make it a work I'm saying you do that with the intent to create awareness of him if you'll do that then what you'll find is when when the when something bad comes up in your life you won't find yourself behind the eight-ball you understand what I'm saying because what we do a lot of times is we put up with the cold we put up with the snotty-nosed weight we put up with an itch we put up with this we put up with that because in my our minds they're not big deals they're just little things but what happens is is that if we go through life and we're not maintaining our awareness of him we're not maintaining our wareness of a life of God the healing power on the inside of us then we come into a situation where you know the doctor the doctor says oh you've got cancer or you've got heart disease or you need a transplant you've got these issues now and all of a sudden our mind is screaming and now we're getting on Facebook and and we're trying to get you know a prayer chain going you know because I need lots of lots of people praying and bombard the gates of heaven you know and we started getting in this mode and doing all this stuff and the reason we do that is because for many of us this thing of being aware of God being with me it has been so far away but for most of us that were really honest with ourselves for the average Christian the only time they really think about God is if they go to church and that's in our DNA that's usually once or twice a month now and yet we wonder why we're not seeing the things that we know we should see it's not based on your church-going or your attendance or anything like that it simply comes down to maintaining your awareness of God keeping a flow of your awareness so you could say keeping a flow of miracles going keep miracles going in the little things so that way when the big stuff comes up you're not trying to work real hard to get back where you should have been the whole time it's if we know this is the same thing same thing is working out and eating right you know if you exercise daily and you watch what you eat daily then you know if you put on it later on if you put on a couple pounds no big deal I mean your metabolism is pretty hot and get that done but if you know if you're not eating right and you're not exercising right and a couple of years go by and all of a sudden know now you put on a lot of weight and the doctor says you got diabetes and you've got this and you got fat now all of a sudden you've got a you got a reach back way back there and you're gonna have to work hard and you're behind the eight ball and you're gonna work work work work work work they get yourself to the point that you could have been way back if you just maintain things it's the same thing when it comes to our awareness of God it's so simple we miss it it's so simple this is all you gotta do you don't experience him be aware of him be aware be very very aware so do this with me and we've got a baby dedication we're gonna do this when they say it say this say father I thank you that you are with me that you have never left me you've never forsaken me you were one with me and I am one with you and I put my thoughts and my affections on you right now that you are more real to me and the person sitting next to me you are more real to me than the chair I'm sitting in you're more real to me than the clothes that are on my back guys think about it your spirit being God is a spirit the father of spirits he should be more real to you than natural things [Music] notice it should be I didn't say say is because that's dependent on you and I it's always fluctuating but God should be more to real to you than this natural chair that you're sitting on why because very innately yours your spirits and he's of spirits so you should be more aware of spiritual things than you are of natural things right that's the fact now the reality is you and I we've got to make sure if that happens and I can't do that for you your friend can't do that for your mama daddy your spouse can't do that for you you've got to do that for yourself you've got to get hungry enough they say you know what I want to experience more of God in my life and I'm telling you if you will pursue him and that what the Bible says over there and Jenny said if you'll draw near unto God what don't draw near unto you you won't experience more of God make that step it has nothing to do with your works has nothing to do with you which you did yesterday or what you didn't do this morning it has everything to do with what Jesus already provided and God being on the inside of you and God saying man I'm knocking on the door if you'll just open up let me if we can sit down we can dine together we can hang out together see that passes over to revelations that's not to the sinner that's to the Christian and that's Jesus saying I'm begging you please can we hang out please can we talk please can we fellowship with each other please let me teach you some things please be aware of me so that I can manifest myself through you to your world it's a wonderful life we get to live so if you need healing in your body this morning I want you to do this it there's anybody here this more you need healing in your body you got stuff going on once you raise your head that I want to you got several head look at all these hands look at all these hands and so so those of you that raise hands those of you that saw hands raised I want you to go and sit next to somebody I want you to put your hand on their shoulder [Music] don't be touching inappropriate just just put hailer shoulder back in her head or something like that I don't want us just to take a second I don't wants to become aware of the life of God that's on the inside of us you know what you have you can release if you raise your hand and you're in need of healing realize that the life of God the same power that raised up Jesus the same power that flowed out of Jesus and healed every single person we read about that same powers on the inside of your spirit right now that's not pastor Chad's words that's Paul's words he said I pray that you would understand that the same power that raised up Jesus is on the inside of you right now that was Paul's prayer of revelation of an awareness of what's on the inside of you and if you were someone who you just put your hand on that person you're sitting next to that person you need to be aware of what's on the inside of YouTube and we're gonna release our faith and by releasing our faith we release the life and the power that's on the inside of us insight into that person and if you're the person in need of healing by faith we release that power and that life that's on the inside of our spirit into our body so say this with me the life of God it's on the inside of me not because of anything I've done but simply because of my union with the father Jesus is the vine and I am the branch and whatever is flowing through Jesus it's flowing through me right now and every sickness and every disease it shall be demolished right now for the life of God is going to it and affecting every cell affecting every tissue and driving that out for God is life and he is right and the Bible says that the darkness cannot overcome it the darkness cannot conquer it and that life of God the light of God shining on the inside of me it's shining on the inside of me and God's living on the inside of me and he's working in me and causing a miracle to take place right now that his life is being made manifest right now life and peace and my body simply because of my union with the father hallelujah now let's lift up our hands let's just begin to rejoice and praise God and thank God for his life and his healing power thank God for his peace that resides on the inside of us thank God for his life that's flowing in our body right now flowing in every cell flowing every fiber of our being flowing through every pore in our skin every muscle every bone every tissue every ligament flowing in our body I've got the life of God in me I'm full of his spirit and his ability I've got the life of God in me no more sickness and no more disease no cancer it all has to flee in our bowels at the name of Jesus Christ the name which is above all names and it's all below my feet anyway because I've been raised up with Christ and seen it at his own right hand and all that that's below Jesus's feet because of my union with him it's all underneath my feet too and as Jesus is right now so am I in this world right now free full of life free of sickness free of disease free of cancer we curse that cancer from the roots right now and the mighty name of Jesus you foul spirit you come out and we release you right now [Music] we release you right now we release you right now we release you right now that's for you man we release you right now we release you right now we release you right now hallelujah hallelujah praise You Jesus ha-la-lu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise You Jesus praise You Jesus praise You Jesus father we thank you for your life flowing in here Satan we command you to take your hands off right now in the name of Jesus we declare from this point you will live a long life until you are satisfied and you make the decision but in the meantime we release you right now in the name of Jesus you foul spirit we command you to go right now for pressing cancer has to go now in Jesus name from the roots in Jesus name in Jesus name and we command strength to begin to flow into these muscles and flow into this body and where there was weakness there's now strength the Bible says let the weak say I am strong let the weak say I am strong let the weak say I am strong let the weak say I am strong why cuz jesus said you will have what you say let the weak say I am strong let the weak say I am strong I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I'm strong I'm strong I'm whole I'm free I'm free I'm free I'm free I'm free hallelujah hallelujah I'm free we released the life of God the anointing into this body right now in Jesus body day hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how that what's been going on with you yeah but there's something been going on with you yeah what's what's going on [Music] so that would mean that you shouldn't be able to stand up and bend down like that it shouldn't mean that way but it doesn't first John 4:17 says Jesus is so am I in this world and in Ephesians chapter 5 it says you know we read that scripture we always hear it in marriage ceremonies bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh the Paul actually says but I'm actually talking about you and Jesus he's talking about our oneness with the Christ and so the way he is and all reality that's the way you are and because the life of God on the inside of you right now that's what's going on in your knee right now so I dare you to check it because you'll see that there's a difference well don't show everybody now I've had a torn ACL before so I know what you can and what you can't do so so sure about what what you haven't been able to do now let me ask you a question how hard did you have to work for that to happen right here you didn't do squat why because it's about God being big on the inside of me but becoming all of a sudden becoming aware of him [Music] not becoming aware of him not becoming aware of him wear of him about becoming aware of him you can let go of all the junk of the past just simply put your focus on him everything in the past is done a new creation in Christ old things have passed away even the junk yesterday that's under the blood it's gone cannot hinder you anymore you are the righteousness of God you are worthy and you are more than good enough because of your union with him as you put your focus on him you'll begin to experience greater things than those that happen just right there in your knee anything is going on with your back - why [Music] or what would they been do can you make it there's anything that makes it hurt oh I'd be shocked if it hurts again holiday praise the look well if their hands let's just praise Jesus hallelujah praise this mighty name Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus hi Louie hi little photo shoot praise Jesus praise You Jesus you know there was it was about a year ago I was I was spending some time praying and I heard these words on the inside of me and so I wrote down I've never forgotten it and I'm endeavoring to live by it every day the Lord told me this he said he said the sign of your decline is the lack of awareness of me he said the sign of your decline is your lack of awareness of me and it literally is that as that the less aware you are of him that's the more you begin to decline and you begin to go backwards and the things of God it's not because you did something bad or you did something wrong no those things happened because of this decline this lack of awareness of him but I'm telling you if you will make it your goal now to do all the rights and wrongs and just throw a side on the road you'll just make it your goal to know God and that what Paul said in Philippians chapter 3 he said I want to know him and the power is resurrection notice it was knowing him that came first then the stuff and see a lot of us that know healing is ours and though he should be headed we're trying to go after the healing but we forgot about the source of the heat that we forgot about the healer if you'll just focus on the healer everything that he is will begin to manifest in your life stop trying to get stuff Jesus already provided for you just focus on him make him your source seek first fellowship him focus on him become aware of him and you'll experience heaven in your body you'll experience heaven on this earth and I'm telling you you'll become the type of Christian that the person at your work and your neighbor on your street let's say I want the God that you have it won't be this thing of I want to go to your church no it'll be I want what you've got I want what would I see the change of the happening hey yeah I know you're the Christian and you may go to such-and-such church but you're a lot different than other people because I see that when things come against you it doesn't affect you you may experience things but you don't get down you don't get depressed you always got a smile on your face like smiling Jean yeah it seems like you always get your prayers answered come on you should get fed up what's going through life and not getting your prayers answered and then making some stupid spiritual excuses as to why it didn't happen and it never involves you [Music] if you'll just become aware of it that's what Jesus says I'm fighting me me abide in you and results will begins to happen
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 4,289
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: chad gonzales, awaken church, maintaining your awareness of God's presence, hearing from God, walking with God
Id: 9VzOWKMRtmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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