It's Not That Big Of A Deal!!! | Chad Gonzales

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welcome to healing talks it's chad gonzalez hey i just want to let you know first of all uh we had a tremendous tremendous weekend down in beaumont texas we did three services saturday night sunday morning and sunday night and we saw a lot of miracles take place we had one girl this is probably the sweetest and we got video of this it was a young girl she was seven years old and the service had been going kind of late and we were trying to get to everyone and i made mention hey if there's people you can't come back tomorrow you know raise your hand we'll get back there and minister to you so there were some people in the back we went back there and were praying with them and then this one little girl she raised her hand she's seven years old and i asked her what was wrong she said she had fallen and she had hurt her leg and her hip and so i just very gently just laid my hands on her shoulder and said a little something about the life of god i don't know exactly what but i asked her afterwards i said so what do you think happened and she said well jesus healed me and i said well let's run around a little bit so i had to run a small little lap in the back of the auditorium and uh and then i grabbed her hand and we took off running around the front portion and i looked down i saw a big smile on her face and we got to the front and i said what's what's going on and she's big smile and she said it doesn't hurt anymore it doesn't hurt anymore and so i had her tell everybody what had happened and but i didn't know the extent of it until afterwards her mom was stating that it was just a great miracle in her life because she had fallen i think about a week prior to that maybe three or four days prior to that and they had heard a pop in her hip and she hadn't been able to to run and play outside she hadn't been able to really get around much and just a wonderful miracle took place in a seven-year-old so that was wonderful we also had a woman she was sitting on the front uh on the left side and she had a curved spine and her mother and her grandmother was sitting on either side of her and before we did anything i had the mom and the grandma checked of course they said that they already knew that it was her the mom showed me where it was curved in her back and so i don't think that i laid hands on her actually because i was really pushing in that particular service i was really pushing as far as people to become aware of who was on the inside of them and what they had available to them and so i don't think i laid hands on her but uh but it was maybe i don't know ten minutes five or ten minutes went by i was ministering to some other people and i came back and i asked and said hey what's going on with your back and the mother started feeling and she said oh my goodness she set her back straight and so that was really cool and we had some ears that were healed and some joints and all kind of wonderful stuff it was just really really fun so i enjoy that type of stuff but just to let you know what was going on this weekend and then we are going to be in bogota colombia uh next weekend for uh some miracle services so thank you all that were praying for us uh this past weekend and hey we caught we saw a few of you actually there we had people come from california and florida and several from louisiana and ohio come down to beaumont texas for the meetings so those of you you know who you are thanks for coming it's so good to see you and meet some new faces uh too so hey let us know where you're watching from so so good to see all the different states and different countries that are represented and uh who we have here we've got quite a few people on facebook and youtube joining in juan sarah christine judy stacy hempfield some of my good friends up there chris bartel melinda thank you guys for joining in bob bob was there and beaumont drove all the way from florida to be with us i've got christine in canada and uh gerardo and mexico judy and missouri chris and kim from oregon awesome glad to have you guys hey i wanted to let you know about something that we just got in uh we're putting it into our uh our online store this is my little buddy here and it's a little lion it's got a little hooded shirt we weren't gonna get one just had the t-shirt but my son jake he said it'd be cooler if he had the one with the hoodie so it's got a little hoodie but you know usually when we go and do these meetings and stuff at our book table we just have books and never really anything for the kids and so we've got something for the kids but also uh these are great uh instead of you know using what we call prayer claws you know we lay hands on and we impart the anointing to you can also use these cute little stuffed animals and these are great not only for kids and teenagers but adults like them too and so we'll have these available we just got them in actually uh today and so they should be up and available on the website uh here in the next few days but i think they're like uh like eight bucks or something like that but six inches tall cute little lion and on the front of the t-shirt a little hoodie it says jesus heals and uh so we're excited to get these in and i've got a couple around here in my office and stuff too so anyway uh hey let's get into tonight i want to touch on some things that we touched on sunday night we were doing more of a training uh with a group down there but there was just this piece that kept coming up uh and the prior services and we spent a little time on it sunday night and as i was driving i didn't fly a drove so i had a almost an eight hour drive to kind of think about some things and i was just beginning to think about this more and more and begins to see how big of a deal this is how great of an importance it has in our faith life and in the in the area of healing and then not just in the area of healing i mean it could be in the area of finances it could be in our relationships those type of things and it comes comes down to this this is what i want to talk about is how big of a deal are we making these particular situations and what it comes down to is you know if you look at the way the world looks at things the world has situations circumstances storms in this world kind of at a category different categories of severity and so if we talk about sickness and disease you know this to be very true that we look at you know a cold as being very very small but we look at cancer as being very very very big and the reason we know that to be true is and this is just kind of real and raw and not to necessarily step on anybody's toes or or to make anybody feel condemned but we have to talk about these things if we're going to start seeing better results we know this to be true we look at you know a cold is small and a cancer is being really really big why do we look at one is small and one is really really big because we know the power of god is the same and the same power that heals a cold is the same power that heals a headache it's the same power that heals cancer it's the same power that heals covet you know it's the same power but we see them on on different levels and the reason we see them on different levels especially when we talk about cancer is because people will say well the reason cancer is a big deal because it can kill you well but if we take a step back from that in all reality any sickness or disease could eventually kill you you know a cold could turn into you know a flu or pneumonia how many people do you know that's died of pneumonia i know quite a few people has died of pneumonia i know quite a few elderly people you know over the years that have died of pneumonia any sickness or disease could develop into other things and it could kill you too but the the question is this why do we look at some things as big and something as small i mean even right now i mean people aren't really wanting to talk about it but there's people that are dying from medications they die from certain vaccinations certain prescriptions some of these medications that people take they can have some adverse reactions and people can die from them i know of people that have died from those things so i mean you could die from anything but we make cancer to be such a big deal and the problem is is that what is a big deal for the world shouldn't be a big deal for the church and i'm talking about just from the standpoint of our perception we shouldn't be seeing things in the very same way that the world is saying things and we have to remember that you know we're born of heaven we're sent from heaven sent into this world jesus said this in john 17 he said as you have sent me into this world i am sending them into this world well to go into a place means you have to be outside of it you know if you were to walk into a room that means you were in another room right well for you to be be sent into the world that means you had to come from somewhere else and i joke around a lot and say you know when people ask me if i believe in aliens i say yes because i am one and it's funny but yet it's also true we actually are jesus also said in john 17 he said they are not of this world just as i am not of this world and then he went on to say that as you sent me father into this world i'm sending them into this world so that means that you and i as christians as born again children of god united with christ we should see things in the world from a different perspective as the people of the world so we shouldn't be viewing things in the very same way that the world sees things and if we just get very real and raw about it you and i as as those united with christ born from heaven sent from heaven into this world we shouldn't be seeing one disease greater than another disease we we shouldn't be seeing one physical issue greater than another physical issue and you could even bring it into the financial area you shouldn't be seeing believing god for a hundred dollars is any different as believing god for a thousand dollars because it's still the same god it's still the same power it's still the same grace still the same favor it's just money right and when it comes to sickness and disease it's just disease right it's just disease but we look at them as being big and as being small and the reason that we do that is because we we look at the severity of what something can do now if you are a sinner if you're someone who is outside of god outside of christ then yeah you probably would be looking at things as being more severe but the reason the world looks at things as more severe is because they look at it as these are things that i can fix and these are things that i can't so when it comes to a cold or comes to a headache or something like that the world doesn't think it is very severe because you know i can just go pop a tylenol or get an advil or aspirin or whatever i can take one of those and that's going to help take care of it well when it comes to cancer or you know say covet or some other thing that's going on and and there's there's really no answer for some of these maybe chronic illnesses or something like that people look at it as very severe because there really isn't much of an answer and so because there isn't much of an answer people get afraid they get anxious why because they're relying on self it all comes down to what can i do about this situation and we're viewing it from a very cursed standpoint because that's the way the world views it from this cursed world but you and i aren't of this cursed world we're born of heaven and so we should be seeing things differently and this is the reason that paul tells us in romans chapter 12 and verse 2 he says do not be conformed to this world right he says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind actually i want to pull this up in the uh i want to read this to you in the message translation it's really really good let me find this romans 12. this one he says here this is the message is really really good he said don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking instead fix your attention on god for you'll be changed from the inside out readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to it and like the culture all around you that's always dragging you down to its level of immaturity god brings the best out of you and develops well-formed maturity in you i like that he said don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking if you're going to go just off of that there's a whole lot of us that aren't even thinking about what's going on we've just become so well adjusted to our culture and yet when we become born again when we become in christed we become brand new born of heaven sent from heaven and yet because we've grown up in the culture of the world and become adjusted to the culture of the world we have to start renewing our mind and changing the way that we think and so that's why paul says don't be conformed to this world but be transformed or you could say be conformed to the world that you're from how by changing the way that you think changing the way that you see change your perspective and then notice the last phrase it's so vitally important he said change your perspective change the way that you think so that you can prove the will of god see we know what the will of god is the will of god is heaven on earth the way it is in heaven that's what god wants in your life on this earth but just because it's god's will it doesn't mean it's automatically going to happen paul's letting you know unless you change the way that you think you're not going to see the will of god proved out in your life that's kind of a bold thing kind of a harsh thing but it's real it's the real deal it's the reason we make things to be a big deal when it's really not to god because we we have fit in and we've adjusted to the culture and the perspective and the focus of the world is making things small and making certain diseases and certain sicknesses and situations as a big deal but the reason again it's a big deal to the world is because they don't have an answer for it but we as christians we always have an answer for it because the answer is jesus he's always the way he is the way he's always the way he's always the answer to experiencing heaven in that situation but if we want to do that we got to think differently we have to see differently we have to see according to the perspective of heaven because we shouldn't be seeing things the way that the world sees them we've talked about this before that you know we can be saved in our spirit but if we have cursed thinking in other words we're seeing according to the world according to their cursed ways we can be saved in our spirit but if we have cursed thinking then we are going to have cursed results even though we've been redeemed from the curse of the law it's kind of a sad statement but it's still a true statement it's sad because so many of us have been walking in and experiencing the results of the world even though we've been saved from the effects of it but again it comes down to this if i don't change the way that i think if i don't start seeing things properly seeing things according to the the ideals and the perspective of heaven then i'm still gonna have the same type of results i'm gonna be looking at things as big and looking at things small even though i've been redeemed from all of those things in the eyes of god it's all small and the eyes of god because of what jesus did it's already whipped remember what jesus said he said in this world you're going to face some troubles but take courage be happy put a smile on your face because i've already conquered all of it so even from that perspective if we know that jesus already conquered it why would i make a big deal out of a certain situation why would i make a big deal out of one doctor's report and then make not make a big deal out of another report well again when it comes to cancer people would say well the reason it's a big deal is because you could die from it well this is going to sound really uh got a warped but it's not it's truth but what's the worst that could happen i mean honestly what's the worst that you could happen well you could die okay is death really that big of a deal and i know some of some of us are our brains are turning a little bit and like well yeah it's a big deal but no not really it's really not that big of a deal but the reason we make it a big deal is that well i don't want to die yeah but the reason we make it a big deal is because being with christ going to heaven those things aren't really that real to us and so that's why we make a big deal about death we make a big deal about it and because we make a big deal about it then when it comes to cancer when it comes to some of these chronic illnesses or things that there aren't really answers for then we freak out about it and we get in fear about it and then we start trying to operate from a place of faith because i don't want to die well please understand what i'm saying i'm not saying that cancer you know the third it's not serious and there aren't you know implications there and i mean i know people have gone through stuff i've seen the struggles i've seen just the horrible horrible junk that cancer does to the body and how it's ripped apart families and things of that nature i mean i've got a lot of compassion for people who have gone through that i've seen it i've been with people through that so i'm not making light of that but what i'm trying to do is is to get us to to all take a step back and then really begin to to look through the eyes of god concerning the situation instead of looking through the eyes of the sinner who's without god in all reality according to heaven cancer is not a big deal covid is not a big deal but you have to understand that the bigger of a deal you make it then from your perspective the greater faith you're going to need and the greater faith that you're going to need and the bigger of a situation it's going to seem to you then the the than the greater of a crowd that you're going to feel like you need to pray and i bring this up a lot but i mean we need to think about this when's the last time that you saw we're not going to talk about ourselves but you saw someone get on facebook and ask people to start praying for your friend or or praying for a loved one because they have a cold when's the last time we had a prayer chain for a cult or had a prayer chain for a headache or had a prayer chain for you know a skin rash or a snotty nose but when's the last time you saw a prayer chain uh getting all the people we can possibly get together to pray and bombard the gates of heaven for cancer well why do we do that i mean yeah obviously we care we're not diminishing that but in reality why do we do that it's because number one we think it's a big deal according to the world it is it's a big deal we think it's a big deal and number two it's so big of a deal to us we think we've got to get a whole bunch of people to pray to try to convince god to do something well why do we not think we need a whole bunch of people to convince god to heal someone of a cold same god same power because we see it as very small we see it as insignificant and yet you have to understand that your response to a situation it's going to reveal your perspective think about that that's a powerful statement write that down your response to it can i write that down too when we get done but your response to a situation it truly does reveal your perspective on the situation your perspective is going to reveal uh i mean your response is going to reveal your perspective on that situation and so the greater situation is going to seem to you the greater faith that you're going to think that it needs and the more people people start getting around we don't see people do prayer change and trying to bar the gates of heaven interceding and doing all these things for the little things and yet sickness is sickness sin is sin sickness is sickness storm's a storm it's all the same and we have to see it as the same and and i i bring this up a lot because it's a great example but you know when you understand that you know sin and sickness have the same weight in the world and because of the curse well we we never do prayer change we never start calling everybody and say hey i need you to pray that god would forgive me right and then of course we brought up we don't pray won't start calling people and tell people to pray because i've got a headache or i've got a cold or something like that but when it comes to something that's serious in the world then we do that and so there's a problem in the church when we respond to world problems in the very same way that the world does because we're responding like people who do not have god we're responding like people who are far outside of god we're responding like people who are not united with christ we're respond this is this is pretty rough but we're responding like people who are actually united with the devil because if if you're not saved that's who you're united too and we're responding like that we don't want to respond like that why because we don't want those type of results we don't want those type of results now look i want to before we go i want to look at jesus and i didn't mean to spend this much time talking about cancer and death but we need to talk about it you know i brought it up i think it was sunday morning and you know coming up i believe it's october but coming up it's cancer awareness month and you know people wear ribbons and they do all these things you know when talking about cancer and talking about cancer and talking about cancer and the effects of cancer and this person died of cancer and that person died of cancer and you know what that does i get it people talking about you know their loved ones that they've lost and this and that but what that does is it does create a greater awareness of cancer but it's not from necessarily a positive standpoint now people of the world are doing it i get it from a good heart and raising money and this and that but from the general standpoint where the devil stands it creates a greater awareness because it creates a greater fear of cancer and the bigness of cancer in this world because cancer is a big deal and it kills lots of people and unfortunately it has but at some point in this thing called life you and i the church the body of christ we have to grab a hold of who we are where we're from who's on the inside of us and respond like jesus you know remember back in the was that back in the 90s you know people had the little before we had these rubber bands people had those other bracelets and stuff and it said wwjd what would jesus do what would jesus do and and so many times we talked about it and respond to like you know responding to people and if they hurt us or forgiving them or this and that but how would jesus respond to the storms of life how did jesus respond to cancer how did jesus respond to what the world considered serious situations how did jesus respond to death well one that comes to mind is that of jairus and his daughter remember mark chapter 5 when jairus comes to jesus and is begging jesus to come to his house because his daughter's sick and at the point of death and so jesus says he'll come and notice jesus's response tells him i mean it's a pretty serious situation according to the world but we don't see jesus turn around and run and say oh we've got to hurry up we've got to get there before she dies jesus doesn't go oh my goodness that's so serious you know sorry everybody we got to get out of here we got to get there now we don't see that so much so do we not see that that when the woman with the issue of blood comes up and interrupts it jesus doesn't turn around and say hey everybody leave me alone this is a serious situation this is a big deal we've got to get there and handle it no the woman touches it jesus feels power come out instead of just continue to walk he stops turns around begins to talk to her ministers to her a little bit and by that point a servant of gyrus comes up and says i'm so sorry but don't bother him anymore your daughters died and we don't see jesus again respond like the world would respond and unfortunately respond the way the vast majority of the church would respond in panic and in fear and that's why for so many of us when it comes to the big situations our faith doesn't work because we're responding from a standpoint of fear instead of responding from a standpoint of victory see when we're truly in faith we're going to be at peace about the situation and there's still going to be joy there you know the bible tells us it says may the god of hope fill you with all peace and joy in believing fill you with all peace and joy in believing so if we're truly in faith about the situation we're going to be in peace about it and you know how we respond to little situations we have peace about it and we and we tell people oh don't worry about it's not that big of a deal right well but that should be our response even to the big things in life oh don't worry about it it's not that big of a deal it's not that big of a deal and that's the way that we see jesus respond to this situation again not taking away from from the hurt or or the pain of someone who suffered and someone who's died or or you know lost a child or experienced things like that but we're talking about from this standpoint because we want to be able to help people and it's high time we start getting results exactly like jesus but we're not going to get results exactly like jesus if we don't start seeing like him and responding in the very same way but we're not going to respond properly if we're not seeing things properly so jesus hears this news that the daughter has died and he turns around and looks at jairus he says do not be afraid only believe don't be afraid we're not going to operate out of fear we're not going to respond from fear and then we don't see jesus take off running do we no they just continue on their journey and when they get there what does jesus do we do not see jesus come up to the house with all the people and tell them hey we've got to start praying we need a miracle we don't see jesus do that at all actually he kicked everybody out so i've actually i've never heard anybody talk about this before this thought just came to me but this is a pretty good example because we don't see jesus gather a bunch of people together to pray for god to do something regarding this this this death here do we and even if it needed a whole bunch of people we don't see jesus gather a bunch of people actually kicks everybody out and then he just takes him peter john james and the parents and that's it and they walk in there but even jesus doesn't tell them to pray he doesn't tell them to do anything why because jesus knew he was the answer and yet it's always so vitally important to remember jesus is doing this as a man he's doing this with a brain like you a soul like you a body like you he's doing this like us and he did not respond the way that we respond so many times and i'm including myself in there because been there done that and seeing things as big and it's one of the things i'm working on in my mind renewing my mind to not see things that are big in this world to see them all very very small because if they're big too many times our response is different we think we're going to need greater faith greater power greater anointing but jesus's response to this situation was no different you'll see no different here in this situation of death than it was with someone who was blind or someone who is deaf or someone who is a leper jesus goes in there in command of the situation and he goes in there and he doesn't say some long prayer he doesn't say that we need to fast and pray for 21 days to get a result he doesn't even say we need a miracle he just goes in there because he is a miracle waiting to happen and he commands the girl to rise up and she does so i'm not saying that we've all arrived there all of us including myself we have a ton of work to do when it comes to renewing our mind and changing the way that we think and change in the way that we see so that we respond properly we don't want to be responding in fear because too many people are calling it faith and making faith confessions and and quoting the right scriptures but they're doing it from a standpoint of fear and in all reality you know if you're somebody and you've got a a serious condition according to the doctors and they said we can't help you and you're going to die something like that well you know in all reality this may sound a little strange that we'll finish up here but in all reality i shouldn't i shouldn't be trying to get healed just so that i don't die in all reality i should want to be healed not because i'm afraid to die i should want to be healed because i still have work to do and there's still people depending on me but ultimately i've got work to do i've got things that i need to do for god i've got things i've got to do in this kingdom and until i get those things accomplished i'm not going anywhere until i get those things accomplished so that's the reason i'm going to going to stand against whatever is coming against me that's the reason i'm not going to make it that big of a deal because it's not that big of a deal we've made safe we've made satan to be a big deal it's like we serve you know a little god and we're fighting against a big devil but we have to remember that jesus took the keys of death hell in the grave right and he conquered satan and he took him on a victory parade he stripped them of all of his power and authority over us he has nothing on us so why are we making him out to be a big deal and if satan isn't a big deal and we've already been set free from him that means we've already been set free from everything else that comes from him satan comes they kill steal and destroy so anything that comes to kill steal and destroy we've already been set free from it we've already been declared victorious over it it's not that big of a deal i know it sounds strange we've got to start thinking like that it's not that big of a deal cancer is not that big of a deal cova 19 20 whatever 21 it's not that big of a deal now the media may make it a big deal friends i'm telling you from the perspective of heaven and everybody there it's not that big of a deal the fear of something will kill you quicker than the actual disease that's just that's just my perspective on it the fear is what opens up the door to kill people so stop making a big deal out of everything stop being afraid and so anxious and worried about everything let's be people of faith let's be people of peace let's be people of joy and let's see things the way that jesus sees them so we can set people free and we can manifest jesus to our world praise god well hey i trust that helped you that got me a little stirred up i'm gonna go back and take some notes there's a couple of things that i said i'm gonna go back and write down uh and look at a few things but hey make sure and share this with your friends hey chris i agree share this with your friends and uh if you haven't let us know where you're watching we always enjoy seeing all the different countries and everyone that's represented all of you that are watching facebook youtube thank you very much and we'll talk to you next tuesday night 7 p.m central right here on facebook and youtube love you guys remembering christ we always win we'll talk to you next time you
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 802
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Gonzales, healing, miracles, faith and healing, the healing academy, faith healer, cures for cancer, blind eyes, deaf ears, covid 19, god and the Bible, inspirational YouTube, inspirational sermons, tv preacher, Steven furtick, bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, smith wigglesworth, John lake, healing revival, awakening
Id: CpxdNAjZnzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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