Praying To Hear pt 1| Chad Gonzales

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[Music] how many of you know this that that for a lot of christians and you can be honest even amongst yourselves that for most people prayer is kind of a boring thing seems boring on the surface anyway and for a lot of people we look at prayer as something in which i'm going and i'm doing all the talking and i'm kind of just throwing on my junk on god or i'm giving him my wish list and once i get done and i cry a few tears then i walk away and that was prayer and so for a lot of people it just kind of seems boring it kind of seems a little monotonous kind of waste of time i mean i really don't get it anyway or maybe people think prayer is that thing that i do you know right before i i eat my food you know father bless this mess or something like that you know i say some little prayers before i go to bed and i get that i mean it's the way things have been kind of pushed and taught and and you got a lot of just religious tradition in there and stuff like that but i want to help you see see the subject of prayer from a totally different perspective and not only have you see it from a different perspective but also to bring some adventure into your life i have found and i think you would agree that throughout scripture there's two areas that it doesn't matter who you are where you're from how much money you have or don't have what the color of your skin is and and what zip code you're from doesn't matter who you are where you're at there's two areas that every single one of us can not only be a contributor but we can also be a world changer and affect people's lives and destinies and it's in the area of our giving and it's in the area of our praying now i i think we we have a decent understanding of in the area of giving because we know that we have kind of a small mindset but even those that support you know overseas missions or something like that or maybe we're giving here locally to some different charities we know that our giving our money can help people can help clothe people feed people do do things like that and even as far as church we know that you know our finances you know they help you know pay the utility bill and help do things and we we actually give 10 of what comes in here we send that back out we tie to the church and going into missions and stuff so we got a decent understanding that when we give we can affect people's lives but when it comes to prayer we've got it just kind of jacked up but in reality you can change people's lives you can change cities you can change nations you can change the world through your praying and so if you've got a boring life we can change that real quick and put some adventure and some fun in your life through prayer and i know that seems almost kind of like an oxymoron but i mean like if you don't know what that means just look it up it'd be your word for 2021 but we can put some adventure in your life and you can have some fun with this and you can actually be a part of the ministry and change people's lives and actually affect nations and the world from right where you're at and you don't even have to hop on a jet and put on a mask and take a vaccine to get there and do it you can actually do it right there from your house or your backyard or even in the bathroom you know doesn't matter what the smell is around you you can still change things through prayer i'm trying to be funny to help you out but so turn over to john chapter 14 and we're going to look at some things jesus said here and i promise we're going to take you a different direction help help most of you see some things differently in the area of prayer john chapter 14 verse 12 one of my favorite scriptures this is something that has just really been a a basis for my life over the years and become a real focus but john chapter 14 verse 12 jesus said most assuredly i say to you whoever believes in me the works that i do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because i go to my father and so if you just study it out it doesn't take much but you find out very quickly the works that jesus is talking about he's not just talking about doing good deeds for people you know there's evil people out there that do good deeds for a tax write-off you don't have to be godly defeat to feed the hungry and you know and house the homeless and do good things for people you don't have to be godly to do that you don't have to be supernatural to do that there's people that do that you know for publicity people do that for tax write-offs and we should be doing those things but when jesus is talking about the works he's referring to the miracles he's talking about the supernatural things that he did you know when john's disciples came to him later and said are you really the christ jesus did not respond and say go back and tell john all the all the people that i fed go back and tell john about all the people we gave close to jesus was not trying to start a social social welfare welfare you know social organization he said go back and tell john that the blind see the deaf hear the dead have been raised he said go tell them those things for they prove that god sent me so jesus said whoever believes in me will do the very same works that i do in even greater works because i'm going to the father well what was the purpose and the result of jesus going to the father that the holy spirit the same spirit that was on christ in christ would come to reside on the inside of you and we know in second corinthians 5 17 that you and i would become a brand new creation in christ old things passed away all things become new that we would become one with the father that the very same life and nature in him flowing in him would now begin to flow in us so that was the purpose and the byproduct of jesus going going to the father but then it puts us in a position for verse 13 and 14 to begin to happen verse 13 and 14 jesus i mean verse 12 is an already astounding statement that i could actually do what jesus did but then look at verse 13 to 14 because it gets even crazier verse 13 he says and whatever you ask in my name i will do it that the father would be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name i will do it jesus not only says this crazy statement once he repeats it again for the dumb people for the hard of hearing people he says it twice if if he said it the first time he said i don't know about that jesus said it again he says it twice he said if you ask anything in my name i will do it now it gets even crazier because this word ask in the greek it literally can be translated as the word demand so jesus literally said if you demand anything in my name i will do it now this almost kind of seems number one like a blank check right i mean anything you ask i'll do it and then when we really understand the literal translation of it says anything you demand in my name i will do it well first of all we're not demanding that jesus do anything but when you begin to understand that you and i are representatives of him or you could say ambassador sent ones of him then when we're demanding things in the name of jesus we're demanding things in the name of jesus here and jesus said i'll back it up and do it in other words you could say i'm demanding the devil to stand down or i'm demanding this sickness and disease to stand down or this lack or this oppression or this demon these demonic attacks you know this unrighteousness is unless ungodliness in this area or this corruption and this government i'm commanding those things to stand down jesus said whatever you demand in my name i'll back it up i'll do it i'll do it and so many of us that have grown up in church been around church we're very familiar with the phrase in the name of jesus right when it comes to declaring some things those of you that's kind of grown up in this understanding some things about our dominion and our authority many of us are very quick when a situation arises that we blurt out in the name of jesus i command you to stop or you know for if we're for laying hands on somebody that's got some sickness in the name of jesus i command that disease to go right the name of jesus i command this to stop you know if you're if your husband just won't shut up in the name of jesus i command you i wouldn't suggest doing that but we tried those things but but those of us that's kind of grown up around this and got a pretty good understanding of our authority in christ we're very familiar with that and we're very quick to do that because we've got a decent understanding of our authority and what jesus said for those of you that don't have a clue what i'm talking about if you go through we find out that jesus had authority and then he gave this authority to us we find it in the great commission jesus said all authority all power authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto me and then he looked to the to the disciples to the church at the time and he said now go jesus was giving the authority that he had just been given he was giving it to the church to go and act on his behalf and represent them you see it when jesus uh sent out the 12 disciples and when he sent out the 70 disciples over there in john 9 and 10 he said i give you power and authority to heal the sick cast out devils he told it to the 12 and they went out got results and he told it to the 70 and they went out and got results came back told everything that happened with them and using his authority we see it with uh peter and john there over in acts when they came up to the lame man that was at the gate and he said silver and gold i don't have on me right now but there's something that i do have and he said the name of jesus rised up in a wall they were acting in his behalf and so if you read john chapter 14 verse 13 and 14 in the amplified translation it actually brings that out and it reads like this did i write it down i thought i wrote it down i know i wrote it down i don't see the page number anyway it says i'll read it like this because i remember it says whatever you ask in my name as my representatives that i will do so so we've got to take a step back and understand yes this is a blank check but this isn't necessarily me just doing whatever i want now we we know god has no problem with us having stuff and believing for things finances material things house vehicle clothes whatever you know these are necessities these are things that we need and then sometimes there's some things that you don't need you just want now i'm not big in shoes but you know i know some of you ladies and especially my wife loves her shoes and loves her purses and some of these things i see how tall they are these shoes i don't see how that can be comfortable and how it could be a want and how the bottom being pink makes it worth a thousand dollars huh see some of the women said oh yeah and some of the guys said what's that about [Laughter] pink bottom two thousand dollars because it's pink i got i got i got some paint i can paint the bottom of the pink in it [Laughter] but god don't have any problem with these things as long as these things don't have us but the problem is is that most of our praying most of our declaring most of our confessing is usually things from our heart and not his notice jesus said seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you so jesus didn't have a problem with the stuff he was just saying keep god first and god will get you all the stuff as a byproduct you just keep your focus focused right but most of our praying is mostly that it's going to god and telling him what we want but when you begin to understand what jesus was talking about here you'll find that prayer isn't isn't so much us going to god and finding it or telling him what we want prayer is going to god and finding out what he wants so keep reading on here john chapter 14 if you if you go to the end of the chapter go to john 15 and look at verse 7 jesus is going to make a statement here same conversation same group of people here in john chapter chapter 13 14 15 and 16 this is jesus and the disciples in the upper room they're having the you know going to have the last supper here this is taking place right here this is his last conversation with them before he goes to the garden of gethsemane and turns himself over and john chapter 15 same conversation verse 7 he says if you abide in me and my words abide in you what's that phrase you will ask what you desire sounds very similar what he just said right in john chapter 14 same conversation he said if you abide in me on my words abide in you you will ask what you desire and it will be done for you now isn't that interesting he said the same thing he said ask what you desire and it will be done for you but now he has a little piece in there he said if my if my words abide in you you abide in me that puts us in the position to be able to act on his behalf and be his representative he said if you abide in me and my words abide in you you'll ask whatever you desire and it will be done for you in other words when we start to learn to abide in him and he becomes our focus and our awareness then his desires become our desires and as his desires become our desires we declare those things that happen in the name of jesus and it happens for me and as a result of it happening for me it happens for him see this this is a truth and a reality most christians don't get and and and just saying this it gets people riled up i don't understand why but you've got to understand god is the one who gave man dominion on this earth and so yes god is sovereign but if god could just do whatever he wanted why are we still here if god could do whatever he wanted then everybody would be saved right now and we're out of here but that has not happened because god gave man a will and he also gave man his dominion he gave it to adam in the garden when adam sinned satan got it people don't like that but i'm telling you friends god is not in control in this earth oh that's blasphemy no jesus said it jesus called satan the god of this world but the church is here to push back darkness the church is here with his authority jesus authority in jesus dominion and so in order for god to get things to happen and accomplish on the earth it's going to come through you and me as his representatives it's amazing to me that it doesn't matter what denomination we have no problem talking about how we are ambassadors for christ and i went to a particular denomination grew up uh going there and went to youth group and this and that and we always talk about being an ambassador for christ but don't you dare think you could after talking in the act or the state of god don't think you could talk on god's behalf but we're ambassadors for christ what in the world do you think an ambassador is yeah dummy an ambassador speaks on behalf of the one who sent them it's amazing how smart we are in school and dumb we are in church we understand that ambassadors in our governmental system they're over in different countries to act and speak on behalf of the sent the one who sent them the very same thing here we are to speak and act on behalf of the one who sent us and jesus gave himself as our example over in john chapter 17 when he's praying to the father in the garden he said father as you sent me i send them and so you've got to understand that if we're going to do the works of jesus we have to think like he thought we have to see like he saw and we've got to do it the way he did it and so i want to help you understand some of these things this morning that our prayer time yes we can pray and we can declare some things on our behalf and through situations that arise that the devil's trying to push in our life we can take authority over that but there's more to prayer than just just using dominion over some things in your life keeping sickness away keeping disease away keeping poverty away there's more to it than that it's more there's more to prayer than us going to god and telling him what we want in reality what jesus is talking about is that as a representative of god on the earth as an ambassador it's not so much me going and telling him what i want it's going to him to find out what he wants so i can in turn declare it out of my mouth by faith and give god something to do so you see it there in 14 you see it here in 15. so i want you to see some of the words and actions of jesus just to back some of this up because i know just those statements can make people go maybe he was smoking something this morning i don't know but i want you to see this here so look at john chapter 12 jesus understood that he was a sent one it's amazing to me throughout the book of john just in the book of john over 41 times jesus refers to being sent by god from heaven and if we never forget the fact that jesus was doing life as a man on this earth yes he was god but philippians 2 says that he laid aside everything that gave him an advantage in life he laid aside those things of deity so to speak and he humbled himself and he came and did life as a man acts 10 38 says how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth not of heaven of nazareth who went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil so jesus was doing life not as god even though he was god he was doing life as a man anointed by god god doesn't need to be anointed but a man does and in luke chapter 2 it says that the child jesus grew not only in stature but also in wisdom god doesn't grow in wisdom he is wisdom but a man does and so if you can look at jesus and see what jesus did as a man that he is the prime example and the standard for what is available for you and i in this life as a man or woman filled with god filled with his very life and nature and it also shows us what's available in a fellowship with god so john carl's getting it john chapman john chapter uh john chapter 12 and verse john chapter 12 verse 49 look at what jesus says here he said for i have not spoken on my own authority see jesus isn't doing life on his own he's not just doing whatever he wants because he's jesus jesus put limits on himself by god he said i have not spoken on my own authority but the father who sent me he gave me a command what i should say and what i should speak he said i'm not doing this on my own authority i'm coming in the authority of the father well you and i when we're standing instead we're not coming on our own authority we're coming on the authority of jesus christ see you got to understand that when i'm declaring in the name of jesus i'm not just flippantly throwing out some religious spiritual sounding phrase what i'm doing is declaring i'm standing here on the behalf of the christ and when i whenever i speak here that is the rule of law now but so many times we just throw we throw it out so flippantly and it really doesn't mean anything and that's why for many of us it doesn't produce anything everything that we're doing it's got to be from the standpoint of faith and yet it's not going to be from the standpoint of faith if it's not stemming from a standpoint of fellowship and awareness of god jesus said i didn't come to my own authority but the father who sent me what the command that he gave me that is what i speak and i know that his commandment is everlasting life verse 50 therefore whatever i speak notices just as the father told me that is what i say just as the father told me that is what i say look at john chapter 8 and verse 26 john 8 26 jesus says this he says i have many things to say and to judge concerning you but he who sent me is true and underlined this phrase he said i speak to the world those things which i did what i heard from him and remember jesus is doing this just like you he's doing this as a man he's doing this exactly like you he's got a brain like you a body like you but he's doing this like you and remember in john 17 he said as the father sent me i send i'm sending you so right here we see jesus as the example showing us how to do this he said i say what i hear from him he says that in verse 26 and he continues on verse 28 he said when you lift up the son of man you will know that i am he and then i do nothing of myself see all those people that say well the reason jesus did it because he is jesus and they hadn't read the bible because jesus said i do nothing in and of myself is the father on the inside of me who does the work it's the father who's doing it the father's doing it and right here he said i do nothing of myself but as my father taught me i speak these things so i love this because it shows you right here even jesus didn't know it all why because he's doing life like he's doing life as a man he didn't know everything he was progressing in his revelation and understanding of things he said as the father teaches me then i speak these things and he said in verse 29 he said and he who sent me is with me the father has never left me alone for i always do those things that pleases him jesus understood he was a representative of the father from heaven jesus understood that what i'm doing here i'm acting on him on his behalf in his stead and when i declare things when i speak things it's not just something that i came up with i'm saying what i heard the father tell me to say and so for many of us when it comes to our praying our praying again is not so much me always going to him to tell him what i want is to go to him and find out what he wants and many times before our declaring we need to go and do some praying or you can say it like this before my time of declaring i need to have some time of hearing because there's many times we're going and declaring some things and it's probably sometimes not the right thing to declare because you may not have all the information that you need this is this is an area that i'm really been working on this last year i've really been uh pushing in this area because and i won't get into this we'll save it for later but how many times those of us that have somewhat of an understanding of our dominion how many times have we taken dominion over something said in the name of jesus i command whatever and nothing seemed to happen we've all been there even jesus was yes he was you ever read about the madman of gedera jesus went to cast the devil out to the name or he didn't say the name of me but you know he said come out of him then come out in the greek it says jesus continue to say come out of him you unclean spirit come out of him you continued and nothing happened well then jesus hears from the holy ghost and and the holy spirit tells him ask his name so jesus asked the name that's the only time you ever see that in the scripture of course you know people have turned that into a doctrine now find out the name of the devil that's in them well jesus only did it one time and every people made a ministry out of it called it deliverance and we got all these rules we got to find out the name and find out what it looks like and what it likes to eat and all this kind of stuff but all the other times it says jesus cast them out with a word but in this particular situation jesus exerts his dominion and it doesn't work there was something there that jesus didn't know initially he needed to find out there's another instance with a blind man he laid hands on a blind man one time and didn't get the result that he knew he should have and so he did something else and got a result there's there's lots of examples in this about this throughout the scripture when it didn't work the first time of using your dominion well why because there's something obviously that we needed to know but we got to hear it from him that i'm going off information that i see here and pick up with my senses but not all the time is what i get with my physical senses going to be enough and so i've got to be in the place where i can hear from him and see from him and that all initially started with becoming a brand new creature in christ jesus salvation put me in the position but just because i'm in the position doesn't mean that i'm in the fellowship so to speak of hearing like i need to see jesus did the work to put me in the position now i've got to do the work to be able to hear and it's not to say it's a work but i mean we've got to renew our mind to the fact that hearing from god is normal not this thing that we've grown up in church that that hearing from god is hard and it's only for the super spiritual people isn't it interesting in john chapter 14 19-21 jesus said on the day of salvation on that day you will know that i am in the father and i am in you and you or me and i'll manifest myself to you on the day of salvation so jesus actually expected on the day you received jesus i mean really receive jesus as your lord and savior you begin to have experiences with god not once you've gone to church and you've served in church and you've gotten to you know be safe for 50 or 60 years jesus said on day one those of you that are adults i mean some of you might be being outdone by the kids i know kids personally know kids that have had some experiences with god that far out shine adults that have been going to church for 50 and 60 years and not something that their parents coerced them into but just because of childlike faith and they haven't been in church long enough to be indoctrinated to the point that hearing from god is hard and i've got to be super spiritual to be able to have experiences with god and be used by god we've had kids in here lay hands on adults and those adults get healed and i'm not talking about a bellyache i'm talking about legit external stuff happen but it all comes down to renewing our mind and for me if you just start looking at jesus and see what jesus did as a man and what's possible as a man or a woman filled with god all of a sudden it begins to open up some very very large possibilities as to what you and i can do and then it goes from from making being a christian to just this boring thing of i go to church and read my bible every once in a while to to the point where i can actually be used by god to impact my world to actually make a difference i don't know of too many people that want to go through life and and don't want to at least make some type of difference and that's kind of where i'm at i want to make it i want to make an impact i want to be lasting when i leave here i don't want it to be you know a day of all where we just missed him and and you better cry i'm telling you you better cry but but i want it to be not only a year after that or a decade i mean i want to be hundreds of years that what i did changed things eternally not just changed lives for a day but changed things that turned to the point where it inspired people to go further than i did in the things of god that's what i want for my child that's what i want for the people i want to inspire people to go further and so that's why i'm pushing to go further i refuse to be like people who have grown up in church and been in church and learned things and had an encounter with god and so this is my doctrine and i'm not moving from it you know that's how denominations die if you go back and look through church history every single major denomination that's come out it all came out and started because of a good true righteous revelation of god then those people thought well i've got it this is all that there is and they camp right there and they begin to die and then after after 20 or 30 years then there's a group of young people that start to rise up and they're they're thinking there's got to be more to christianity than this and so they get hungry and they start pursuing the things of god and all of a sudden they get a new revelation they see something else that's different there not taking away from what was before but something added to and they run with that and a new group a new era a new move a new wave happens and then that same group who made fun of the first group who got stale and dead then all of a sudden they get still and dead because they think this is it the great lester sumrall made this statement he said the vast majority of christians never progressed past their first revelation of god and i've seen that to be true just in my young little 44 years but i refuse to be that person you know if the angels the bible tells the if the angels fly around the throat of god constantly seeing something new every time around i think us and our amazing little peanut brains on this earth if we aren't seeing something new if we aren't seeing something greater every once in a while something's wrong but this is where people get stale and they just begin to die you know if there isn't movement in something it just begins to die but it's interesting to me that jesus would make statements like the father is going to show me even greater things than these the father's teaching me things he showed me things if jesus was that way it gives us just a slight insight as to why he had fun in life i mean it's kind of it's kind of hard to have a boring life when you and you're seeing miracles all the time but but but don't be like the majority of christians who say oh that was just jesus well for you that was just jesus you ain't experiencing nothing jack but when you begin to realize that that through salvation i became one with him one spirit with the lord first corinthians chapter six first john 4 17 as he is so am i in this world when you begin to see yourself as him as his representative on this earth then now all of a sudden i'm in a position to do what he did and get results just like him and have a fellowship with the father and hear from him and see from him just like jesus did jesus understood he was a sent one to act on behalf of god well jesus turned around and did the very same thing for you and i and he sent us in john chapter 3 when he was talking to nicodemus he said in order to experience and see the kingdom of god you first must be born from above jesus said that well when you and i receive jesus as our lord and savior we don't just get a new title we literally get born again you may have the same body and it may be ugly or sexy to you whatever you think of yourself and you see in the mirror but the man on the inside is brand new and made in the very image and likeness of god to do what jesus showed us could be done on the earth jesus says this over and over and over and over and over again what he speaks to me i say john chapter 8 and if you look at verse 38 and this is one i i don't i rarely hear people even want to touch for fear of getting thrown out of church but he says in verse 38 i speak what i have seen with my father now just think about it because in your brain it makes you want to kind of go tilt we're okay with saying i heard some things but salsa sauce something's wrong with you you're a crazy fanatical all right god can show you some things too he said i speak what i hear and i do what i have seen so before we start doing some declaring we need to do some hearing we need to find out what it is that he wants me to say now i understand there's going to be some situations in life i mean it's kind of a life or death thing and you don't have time just to go and spend some time with god of course that's why we should be spending regular time in prayer and just maintaining our awareness of him so that when we do get in these life or death situations i don't really need to fast and pray 21 days to get a word that i can hear from him just like that just like jesus did we'll look at it probably next week just like jesus did in these situations where he he used his dominion something didn't happen but he didn't have to go off into the wilderness and pray for a week to find out he was so in tune with god and so aware of god that it didn't work and immediately he knew what he was supposed to do and we need to be in that situation but many of us aren't and that's okay we're all progressing and we're all working and growing in these things and so if it's not a life or death situation but it's something that needs to change you don't need to start going around and spitting out in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i would highly encourage take a step back go back and do some hearing and you're praying do some hearing i know that sounds kind of kind of opposing but in your praying do some hearing see real prayer isn't just you talking real prayer is you talking and you hearing listening getting some things how many of you that are in a relationship and you do all the talking and the person doesn't respond to you that's not much of a relationship but that's what we've attributed to god and people that have that same type of life oh i just love god i just had this wonderful time in prayer really what god say well he didn't say anything i was just telling him some stuff well that's great you're telling him some stuff but that's not a real relationship okay well but you know i wasn't talking about hearing from god you know hearing from god i mean god doesn't really speak yeah he does jesus said he does and jesus said you can you can hear the problem is we've got to get past this thing that hearing from god is hard hearing from god is not normal you have to understand that hearing from a god is actually more normal than hearing a dog bark what are you talking about because you are a spirit you are not a physical body this is your home this is your house this is the tent in which you live in this body gives you access in this physical world but you are a spirit being and god is the father of spirits and so if god is a spirit and you are a spirit that must mean it's more natural and normal for you to hear from god a spirit because you are a spirit than to hear physical things the reason the physical things are normal for us because that's the way we've been raised and that's the way we've been taught and we've learned how to live in this sensory world but when you begin to understand i am not a body i am my spirit and so spiritual things should be more natural and normal to me than physical things i know that sounds crazy and i know that sounds like somebody went and accessed one of the many cbd shops or something around here but friends you got to look at jesus as the standard yes jesus is the son of god he he is he's the second person of the trinity but he also came down as a human being to live as a human so he could show us what was possible there's a reason the bible says that the man christ jesus sits at the right hand of god friends friends there's a man sitting on the throne there's a man sitting on the throne there's god and there's a man seated at his right hand and that man's name is jesus christ and he's seated and that position so that you and i through him can operate and move and maneuver on this earth and get the will of god done on this earth why would god pray father you will be done on this earth as it is in heaven if god could just do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted jesus is telling us hey you can do what you can ask for demand for whatever it is that your heart desires but it's really going to culminate down to you being in this position of being one with me and hearing my words that i'm getting from the father and you going out and you demanding and declaring those things and when you declare my words out of your mouth by faith i will make sure that it happens yes and then what happens is you begin to work with god and and you'll get your focus off of you and all of a sudden you'll find god using you to pray for other people and i'm just going to warn you right now it may be maybe people mix your skin crawl it might be your former president it might be your new president well by nate my president well if he's the president of the united states whether you like him or not whether you agree with him or not if he's in that position the bible says you pray for him and all those people that hate trump i don't care if you hate him or not you should have been praying for him because if you weren't praying for him and you're spouting and spewing hate then you're wrong and the same goes for all those christians that were praying for trump you better be doing it for with the same tenacity and veracity for biden doesn't matter that he's democrat republican it's the position not the person you don't have to like the person to respect the position and pray for the position should have been the same people that got all excited about praying for trump should have been doing it for obama i don't care if you don't like his policies or not it's not about the person it's about the position you honor the position and you pray for the position you pray for your government you'll find god leading you to pray for people you'll find god starting to lead you to pray for cities and pray for regions pray for states pray for countries you'll find god putting it on you to start praying for some people that maybe they're not seeing a breakthrough in their life and they're crying out god i don't know what to do and he'll put you in a position as an intercessor to step on their behalf and step on over and begin to pray things and declare things that god's given you for them so they can get the breakthrough that they need and they don't know how to get it friends i'm telling you you talk about taking your your your christian lifestyle and your life to a whole other level where being a christian for you is not trying to make it to church every once in a while or i guess in the year of 2020 2021 make sure i'm on the couch at 10 a.m or making a church in person every once in a while or trying to read my chapter every once in a while those things are good and we should be doing those things but friends jesus is wanting us to act in his behalf he's wanting us to declare some things he's wanting us to speak some things but it's going to come from speaking and declaring things from heaven but that isn't going to happen until you start to understand that god's with you and it goes back to what we spent all of december talking about being god conscious you'll find jesus constantly saying over and over and over and over and over again the father who sent me he is he's with me he has never left me alone isn't that astounding that the father the creator of the universe he would save you he would send you but then he wouldn't send you alone he's going to go with you he sends you he goes with you why is he with you so he can speak to you you can speak on his behalf and then he can act immediately through you it's astounding the way that this works but that's how much god loves you and thinking about this is how much god trusts you with his will and his plan that he has put the the the end result the fruit of it on you and so if your life is boring that's your fault if you don't have anything to do i can tell you something to do and if you haven't done it in a while yeah it may seem like work if you haven't spent time praying in the spirit of a while i'm telling you right now get about five minutes and you're gonna be looking at the clock and thinking it was two hours been there done that many times but i'm telling you if you will start to work on some things and crucify your flesh tell your flesh shut up i'm going to pray for 10 minutes i'm going to do it right now i don't care everything i got to take 10 minutes and you start working on some things renewing your mind putting your flesh down i'm telling you you're still going further in some things not just in the natural you'll start going further in some things in the spiritual side and i'm telling you you'll you'll put yourself in a position where you can start having some wonderful experiences encounters with god and i'm not talking about being weird friends i'm not talking about being weird but what i'm talking about is looking at jesus and what you see with jesus say i can have that i can have that and i will have that and so that's where i'm at in my position my place i don't have it all together i'm not saying that my doctrine is all perfect but what i can tell you is i can look back to where i was last year yeah i keep i keep journals all throughout the year of notes and things i'm seeing and things i'm hearing in prayer and stuff like that and i can i always enjoy kind of looking and seeing where i've progressed i was looking at one of them from from back in 2014-15 and i was reading through some of it i was like you didn't know that what a dummy you were just now figuring that out but i'm telling you just some of the things that we're talking about right now i mean i'm kind of saving not going into some things just don't want to throw too much on you but there's some things right now we're kind of hinging on that i've just really been kind of i mean kind of new but really grabbing hold of just just this last year or two because i'm pushing in this area and there's some things i know in order for me to get where i know i need to get there's some areas in this realm of prayer i need i need to get past and progress in so anyway oh sorry i didn't mean to keep you that long this morning praise the lord well look we don't like to do uh go without doing this if you've never made jesus the lord and savior your life if you're not in that position where you can begin to speak on act and act on his behalf we don't want you to leave this place without doing that i want you to start your year off right starting start off the best way if you've never made jesus the lord and save your life whether you're in person or watching a lime i just want you to pray this with me you ready i just want you to pray this with me say god i come to you right now and i realize i'm in need of a savior your word says if i would believe in my heart and confess with my mouth jesus as the lord and savior in my life that i would be saved and so i believe in my heart and confess with my mouth jesus as the lord and savior in my life father i thank you for saving me making me brand new and i thank you for making you very real to me that i know your voice i know you're leading i know your guidance and i will walk with you and talk with you and have experiences with you all the rest of my life in jesus name amen so if you're here this morning you prayed that for the very first time we've got some things we want to give to you if you're watching online uh write us in the chat email us or something we've got some things that will melt you send to you we want you to go past what is called normal christian [Music] life you
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 2,927
Rating: 4.8279572 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Gonzales, healing, miracles, faith and healing, the healing academy, faith healer, cures for cancer, blind eyes, deaf ears, covid 19, god and the Bible, inspirational YouTube, inspirational sermons, tv preacher, Steven furtick, bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, smith wigglesworth, John lake, healing revival, awakening
Id: _IbK7TWocXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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