How To Receive Anything From God part 2 | Chad Gonzales

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I want you to say this with me say this is my Bible this is the Word of God this is God speaking to me within this word there's life it's live into my body health to my flesh strength to my bones and wisdom to my mind within the Word of God contains every answer to every problem that I'll face in this life and when I hear the word when I read the word when I speak the word I'm built up I'm edified I'm charged up I'm strengthened I'm lifted up when I come to church I come expecting to hear the word of God and to experience the presence of God I declare today I will not leave here the same but I will leave here changed in Jesus name so Genesis chapter 1 what's taking place creation and so I want you to notice in Genesis chapter 1 all throughout this chapter we see that there's basically six days that God is creating and I want you to notice on what day if you remember if you've read it what day did God create man y'all haven't read your Bible a long time Eddie what day did God create me it wasn't on day one was it on day one God he said let there be light so there was light and then on the second day what did he create okay so on day 1 he said let there be light and then on there he created the sky you could say the atmosphere and then he divided the waters and the land right and then he created a trees and the sea creatures and the Anam are the the birds birds in the air and then after that he created what he created animals and then he created man so the answer to that question was on the sixth day God created man right now notice God didn't create man on the first day or the second day when there water there and there was no land because if God would have got it messed up God would have put man on day two and we would have been treading water and it would have been treading water you know for four three four or five days he'd have been out there in the water you know God created the land first and then you know he created trees and and herb bearing fruits and seeds and so you could say that God he created land he divided the land from the water and then he created food and once God did all these things that mankind was going to need that Adam and Eve would need to be able to survive and be taken care of then he created man so he could put it like this everything that man would need God created that first and then he put man there it wasn't like God put man there and then Adams going can't breathe and guys like oh yeah oxygen we got to make oxygen let's man this make some oxygen so Adam could breathe and then heaven but oh god I'm hungry oh yeah darn it I forgot they need food let's get them some food so let's create some you know some trees and some bushes with some raspberries and some bananas and stuff like that let's get some food out there and then you know Adams treading water and he goes I don't know how to swim and God goes oh yeah I forgot the land we were gonna put that first and then we were gonna put man there again he doesn't know how to swim he doesn't have inner tube or anything like that God is not an idiot like we think that he is it's interesting to me that in Genesis and I love Genesis and usually many times when we're teaching we always go back to Genesis chapters 1 2 & 3 because and Genesis you find it during creation you find God's intent his original intent for mankind you see God's purpose for man you see God's plan for man you see God's heart for man and everything that he did God provided everything before man would need it he kind of seen where we're going here the provision for every need was actually already there before there was a need this was God's plan from and that man would never have to be the provider for himself God was the provider Adam didn't have to go oh god hey you forgot this I need this and it wasn't like Oh God said oh uh oh Jesus we messed up we got to do this Adam just informed us we missed out on something God had everything planned everything set up everything that man would need God provided it before he made man so when he created man he said everything that you can see here for food all all the trees all the plants it's all food it's all taken care of it's already provided for you but how many you know what happened when the circuit showed up and he got to talking and it says that she saw that this one tree that God said don't touch she saw that it was good for food and then she turned around and said hey baby won't you take some of this and Adam ate some of it and what happened they both died spiritually and I want you to see something that God says in Genesis chapter 3 about the results of their decision in Jesus chapter 3 and verse 17 so before remember that everything has already been provided but in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 17 says God said to Adam because you heeded the voice of your wife and you've eaten from the tree of which I commanded you saying you shall not eat of it he said cursed is the ground for your sake and notice this phrase he said in toil you shall eat of it and toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life verse 19 he said in the sweat of your face you shall eat of this bread until you turn to the ground for out of the you were taken for dust you are and to dust you shall return so notice that before sin entered the provision was all there and they weren't having to work to try to get themselves provided for it but when sin showed up things got jacked up things got messed up when sin showed up all of a sudden toil and stress and anxiety and work shows up notice that before showed up there was no sweat there was no working to provide for myself there was no working to try to provide to try to figure out how I'm gonna feed myself how I'm gonna clothed myself how I'm gonna do all these things provide for my family that wasn't an issue before sin showed up but when sin showed up since showed up because Adam said well I've got to be my provider but remember God had already provided everything right right yeah God had already provided everything that man would ever need that's why you know it doesn't really matter what Congress says or what little teenager they pull off a European country and all of a sudden as a global you know expert or something like that none of these things make God aware of a problem that he didn't already know so that means that no matter how many times you know scientist or CNN or Fox or anybody comes up and says that you know we're running out of oxygen or running out of water or we're running out of food it's a lie God had already provided everything that not only Adam and Eve indeed he provided everything that would ever be needed for this entire planet for its entire existence we are never gonna run out of water we're never gonna run out of food we're never gonna run out of oxygen it doesn't matter how stupid man is and whatever we do as far as our climate there's not going to be a hole that's gonna open up and we're all gonna burn God and all that he's got enough of that stuff in the atmosphere that he created to make sure and take care of us and provide for us and protect us so you have to understand that there's no need that arises that's gonna take God by surprise I mean it's not like Congress meets one day and they they figure out that you know meeting with scientists that there's a problem and there's a need and and then all of a sudden golf goes oh I didn't know about that Jesus let's come up with a solution let's provide some God's already provided everything he's already provided everything but what happened was man screwed up Adams screwed up but then we know that God had a plan and his name was Jesus and Jesus came to restore us back to God's original plan or you could say restores back to the way things were for Adam and Eve before they said so if you look at Ephesians chapter one I want you to see something Ephesians chapter one in verse three and i'ma read this to you out of the New Living Translation these is one verse three this has been a good scripture for me over the years and you know I've talked about just the way that I grew up and especially regards the finances and stuff just grew up with a poverty mindset and thinking man I wish I had like a rich uncle rich grandpa rich you know fourth cousin like nobody and my family had any money so I could I couldn't wish that way but I remember when I was in my early 20s and I came across this scripture and it's sort of kind of opening my eyes to some things and this is one thing that we've really talked about with Jake a lot Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 3 it says blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ this is the New King James says he's blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ the new living says all praise to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ he's blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places or in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ so in other words he says that in Christ when we got in Christ it right you know 2nd Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ I don't know why I always step to the left but I always do if any man be in Christ he becomes a brand new creation so when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you got in Christ you became a brand new creation or you could say God made you to be now like he intended for man to be then okay and so because of this position of your Union and your identification with Christ there's many many wonderful wonderful things that take place for you outside of just getting to go to heaven and if he says 1 verse 3 is one of these wonderful wonderful promises and realities for he says we have been blessed so that's what past tense right there's not future tense it's not when we all get to heaven no this is when we all got in Christ this is what was given to you and provided for he said we have been blessed with every spiritual everything that's available in heaven he said it's been given to you in Christ and yet how many Christians today are saying God bless me one day I'm gonna do a series on dumb prayers it'll be a good one dumb prayers how many people are saying God bless me God bless me God bless me oh I just watched just pray that you would reach out and just touch me just bless me and yet he said that when you got in Christ he blessed you with everything heaven has to offer and yet many of us in our prayers it's like you know what that ain't enough because everything heaven has offer ain't enough for me God I need you to bless me but see if we're always praying from the standpoint of God I need you to do something versus praying for the standpoint of God I know you already did it let me say that again if we're always praying from the standpoint of God I need you to do something verses coming from the standpoint of I already know God did it that eliminates one big step because if we're over here where a majority of Christians are we're waiting on God to do something because you know God he's gonna do a new thing I haven't seen anything in here yet how many times you heard God's doing a new thing God's still trying to get us to do the same things he told us in here we haven't even got there yet you know people talking about over in john 14 jesus said whoever believes in me will do the same works and even greater works not it everybody talks about the greater works i'm still waiting to see the church do a couple of the works oh we're gonna do greater things won't you just do one thing that he did right Oh God's gonna do a new thing let's just get let's just be an agreement with the things he's already done but actually remember what it said in Genesis chapter chapter 1 when on day 7 it says that when God finished creating he did what he wrote God ain't created another cow he hasn't created another tree another clot like he put everything that was needed here isn't it interesting over in Matthew chapter 6 Jesus says your Father in Heaven your heavenly Father he knows what you have need of do you ever read that before Jesus said you're not gonna surprise God everything that you have a need of he already knows there's never been one time that you went to God said God I need this and he goes on didn't know that I'm glad you brought that to my attention I'll get it Gabriel on it right now we've got to come up with it with an idea to fix that there's never been one time that you've gone to God and told him about something he didn't already know and yeah if you look at that and see I'm already laying the groundwork for this series called dumb prayers it'd be it won't be a best-selling book but you know it'd be some good stuff but how many times do we go to God tell me about all these things that we need and not one time I see respondents now I didn't know that I didn't know that let's get on that no you're never gonna surprise him because he already knows Jesus said it himself he said your heavenly Father knows everything that you need and so if you're coming from a live situation from a standpoint that not only does God already know it so I'm not gonna surprise him with my need and I begin to understand that God has already provided for it that eliminates all all this junk that that many of us are doing of working and pleading and trying to figure out how to get God to do something for me and that's why many of us get caught up in these in these steps in these keys and and these one two threes of trying to figure out how to twist God's arm and try to get God to do something for me because I've got this problem but I want you to do rows here and verse 3 it says he blessed us with every spiritual blessing he gave us everything heaven had to offer right and how many of you understand that everything that's physical actually came from spiritual it came from that realm and so so many of us were trying to get to Apple and we forget that God gave us the tree and look at verse 4 it says and he chose us in him in Christ he chose us in him before the foundation of the world so even before God even created anything he already had us on his mind I'm telling you if God has a fireplace mantel on the throne he has got a big 8 by 10 picture of me sitting on it he's got one of you - I mean when he was creating he was creating with you on his mind guys think about that it's a marvelous marvelous thought that the creator of the you know universe your father before he said light be before he created one tree he had you on his mind while he was creating everything see while he was creating he was thinking about man this is a good thought I've never thought about this before off to make sure and and go back and put this in my notes think about this those of you that are parents or those of you that are about to be parents you know when you find out that you're expecting a child isn't it interesting that you begin going to the stores and you begin looking in the books in the Mac is well we probably don't look in the books and magazines anymore but looking online and look yeah Pinterest and you start saving all these things and Pinterest all these things that you're gonna do for the nursery and all these things that you're gonna buy it you start looking at the college's already when they're still in diapers and stuff like that you're doing all these things even before they show up you're doing all these things with them on your mind you're picking off a car seat and you're picking out the colors you're doing all these things with that child in your mind and they haven't even shown up yet that's really good yeah that's a good one thing that's the hole that goes that's a good one right there you do physically we do all these things for that child before they even showed up because they are on our mind while we're picking and choosing things out well God did that on a massive massive scale when he was creating the world when he was creating the universe he had you on his mind when he was putting the trees and I mean how is there some of you I mean you got like a favorite flower or you know a favorite and I'm oh you know Laci got her faith there ain't no such thing as a favorite and most all animals every time she comes up to me and tells me this one animal means the world to him like you a liar if it's got four legs a tail they all mean the world to you oh I just gotta have this one it means so much to me it that means nothing to me because I hear it all the time every animal you know they could be a possum you know foaming at the mouth and walking around on one leg oh I gotta have it I got it but I mean there's certain things it like in nature I mean just for me it just oh like I love those things and I know God knew I was gonna like those things and there's things that they that you see out there in creation God knew you I mean he created the stuff for you just on a very very basic very very natural natural level God had you on his mind when he was created he had you he had chosen you before the foundation before one word in this creation so don't think that you're gonna surprise God at anytime with a need don't think it one time you're gonna surprise God with any need that comes up God already knew the need who is going to come up God already knew the problem that was gonna arise and the wonderful wonderful thing is that should give you some peace and comfort is that not only did God know the need would arise he already gave the provision before the need would ever show up oh that's good whether you like it or not he said he chose us in him before the foundation of the world we would be holy and without blame before him recipe predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ verse six he said he made us accepted in the beloved I love Ephesians good it's all past tense it's all these wonderful things I mean that's what fusions is basically all about it's all these things that God did for you in Christ it's not all these things that he's telling you that you need to go out and do and you need to try to figure out he's trying to let you know who you are and what all has already been provided so that will stop going from begging mode and get over here into receiving mode because most Christians are in Begg mode begging and pleading God please do this God please do that I mean just if remember our story that we looked at for like three weeks in a row remember the father who came to Jesus he had the son that was having the seizures and he was demon-possessed he looked at Jesus as that Jesus if you can have compassion do anything you can do anything do something for us and Jesus flips it around he refuses to take all the responsibility on this he looks at the Father he says no if you can believe all things are possible Jesus like no no no yeah he putting this all on Me brother no no no no he said if you can believe all things are possible so if you can believe all things are possible and so in the book of a thesis it's wonderful you see all these in Christ God did this in Christ God gave you this and that's why you get down to Paul's prayer in verse 6 verse 15 through 21 and he says this in verse 16 he says I do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory that he would do what he would give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation the knowledge of him and this was his prayer that the eyes of your understanding would be in all heightened he says I want you to know some things I want you to see some things that you would know number one what's the hope of his calling see God has a glorious plan for your life a wonderful wonderful plan for your life and he never did give you a plan without giving you the provision to fulfill it God's never been that way you'll never find where he sent someone out to go do something and never gave them the provision to be able to do that we even understand that that would be unjust in a very physical natural way you know I mean if I told Jake to go outside and cut the grass but it didn't give him a mower I got to give him the tools I got to give him the equipment you know our government doesn't send our military overseas to go defend a country or something without giving them the equipment and be very unjust to send them over into another country and then our military had to go ask that country that they were going to defend for the tools and equipment to be able to do it and yet that's where most Christians are today is that we're here and we don't think our God is big enough so we're going to man we're going to government's we're going to our world to get what we what we should have got from God to fulfill what God has called us to do and that's why you know I I joke about it but I'm being serious it just drives me bonkers to see these churches sitting on the street corner begging for money from the people we're actually supposed to be out there being a blessing to my god isn't big enough to for allow me to help you so I'm asking you for your money so I can be a blessing to you in other words it's like I don't have any money to give to you can I borrow ten dollars I get that ten dollars say I just want to be a blessing to you god bless you here he's ten dollars anyways a little bit of peace of mind so he said that with the hope of his calling he said and what's the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints I mean it gets better and better and better so not only do you find out that everything heaven has to offer it's already been given to me it's already been provided for me to me but then he says man you got an inheritance see this is where you don't need a rich rich uncle or rich mama Richard grandma or listener you got an inheritance God's inheritance he said the riches of the glory of his inheritance it's in the Saints and was exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead seated him at honors his own right hand the heavy places he says I want you to know the plan God has for you he said I want you to know about this inheritance that God has in you and he said I want you to know about this power that's on the inside of you the very same power that raised up Jesus from the dead and yet how many churches how many Christians are singing more love more power more of you my life like God I need more power I need you to pour out your power and God said you dum-dum I already did see there's so many things were praying for God to do and God already did and that while we're praying for God to do God's already done it he can't do it anymore because he already did it and so we're sitting there say God do it and we're wasting our time and what we're saying God do it God do it God do it nothing's happening then you get to the point where you think well God must not want to do it so he must not want me to have it so I guess I'll just leave it alone and yet the entire time we're saying God do it God do it God do it God do it God already did it and because he got he already did it and I don't realize it I'm not ever going to get what God already did but it sounds real spiritual when you know I start getting kind of sweaty I start to glisten and I'm sure I'm just I'm just bawling my eyes that I'm crying God if there's a God God do it I mean just I know you can pass it and your mercy and you're so good God just do it I can't make myself cry just don't get too emotional it might help me in my marriage if I get a little bit more emotion I just can't get emotion like that I guess I'm just too hard I don't know lacy says it but people do they go through all this stuff God do it God I need you to do this I need you to do that and it's like but God rested we forget that part he rested God rested remember sin produced toil sin produced sweat but in Christ when you got in Christ it when you became righteous when you got the same righteousness that Jesus has all of a sudden God's endeavor was to move you out of toil and sweat and labor and move you back into a position of rest Hebrews chapter 4 says that there is a rest for the people of God he said you need to labor to enter into that rest it says the rest is all right here let's just look at it we won't spend a lot of time here I want to implant on touching this today was gonna spend some whole Sunday on it but just today just kind of a laying a foundation here the Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 1 says therefore since I promised remains of entering his rest let us fear unless any of you would seem to come short of it for indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as of them but the word that they heard they did it did not profit them because it wasn't mixed with faith and those who heard it for we who have what believed do enter into that rest as God said I swore my wrath they will not enter my rest although the works were finished from when from the foundation of the world verse 10 verse 9 it says there there remains therefore arrests for the people of God for he who has entered his rest as himself also cease from his works as God did from his this is where people get all caught up about the whole Sabbath you know Sabbath that day of rest you know that seventh day I mean number one you realize Sabbath isn't on Sunday it's actually you know sundown on Friday - you know Saturday in the Friday night kind of Saturday that's actually Sabbath and so then you got to hold your nomination that got formed based on that one belief you know that we got to have church on Saturday but do you realize that that for those that are in Christ that Sabbath is even about a day Sabbath is about a life see many people today because they don't understand they're so focused on it's it's this day that I'm supposed to read is this day we're supposed to worship God it's this no no Jesus is the Sabbath Jesus even said to the Pharisees who were so caught up on all the little interest intricacies of stuff he said man wasn't made for the Sabbath Sabbath was made for the man and once you begin to understand some things it's not that I'm supposed to just rest one day I'm supposed to be at rest every day all day every day of my life because God made me his plan was that I would be in him and in union with him and leaning on him and that everything that already been provided and yet most Christians the majority Christians don't realize God already provided everything and so that's why we're over here and say God I need you to do it I need you to do it I need let me tell you about this problem I'm not sure if you're smart enough to know about it but I got to tell you about this problem it just happened I need you to do something about it and I don't understand you know there's a timeline and involved in this thing like I have talked to him about time and things didn't seem to happen fast enough but you have to understand God really doesn't have a problem you know with the story about the Israelites which is a real story Israelites I mean they're they got the water in front of them in the Red Sea and they got mountains on the side and Pharaohs horses are breathing down their back and it's like God if there is were was a time you could deliver say it might be right now you know and I've seen it in my own life I mean sometimes it doesn't happen till just the last minute but I found out God's never late he's never just on time actually he's already there before you get there he's always before time but our perspective is so warped on things that that one we think we got to form god of the need and two we think God hasn't already done something for the knee but if we would just stick with Scripture because we've gotten so far away from it and we don't understand our union with him and everything that's been provided in him I mean if you don't get anything else except for verse 3 in Ephesians 1:3 he blessed us with everything every spiritual blessing everything that heaven has available and the reason is because God doesn't want you to toil and labor to provide for yourself now does that mean that we don't go to work no we go to work but it's because that in a financial sense work isn't supposed to be our provision in other words we shouldn't be trusting in our jobs to take care of us and for and for many people they should have found that that revelation out this last two months because what if your job is taken away from you well for many people if my jobs taken away from me then my provision is taken away from me but take away a job ten jobs you cannot take away provision for a person in Christ because the job is not the provision God is my provision and if God could send a man to a Brook and send Birds the feeding and get water and this and that he can get a bird to bring you some food he can get somebody to stop by your house and give you some food give you some money he can give you an idea he can show you a business that needs to be created that it has not been created so you can provide money not only for yourself but you for your community God knows but if our eyes are so narrowly focused on the things that we don't realize have happened for us in Christ because how does all spiritual blessings in heavenly places become available to you in him if you're outside of him if you're not saved then you're basically in a bad bad spot but the problem is most Christians are in that bad bad spot because they don't realize what happened when they got in hell so you got to understand that number one you're not going to surprise God with any of your needs number two when it comes to receiving anything from God what you also got to understand God provided everything already let me put it to you like this it's a whole lot easier to receive or really feel like this it's all I or easier to release what God has put in you than to try to obtain what you don't have let me say it another way it's a lot easier to release what you do have then try to obtain what you don't have that's probably the best way the easiest way to say it's all a lot easier to receive of what you already have than to try to obtain what you don't have most people are trying to obtain what they don't have in the spiritual realm and not realizing that what God has given them gives them access to everything that's here let me read this to you here I'm gonna read this out of the message translation this is really really good most of you have heard the scripture in Matthew chapter 16 when she talks about the keys of the kingdom he said whatever you bind on earth bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth anybody ever heard that so Matthew chapter 16 Matthew 16 and verse 18 this is what most people are familiar with right here Jesus said I'll build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it I'll give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven or whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven notice he did not say the reverse of that that whatever will be bound in heaven will be bound on earth and whatever will be loosed in heaven will be loosed on earth in other words jesus said whatever goes on here whatever decisions may whatever declaration is made here then that's the final decision they're not the decision that's made there becomes the decision that becomes here in other words you can say like this Jesus did not put all the responsibility for what happens here on God let me read this out of the message translation this is make this and make it real simple for you says this is the rock on which I will put together my church a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of Hell will be able to keep it out and that's not all and this is so good he said you will have complete now notice he's saying you will okay and I want you to read this in the light of what we read in Ephesians chapter 1 verse three he said you will have complete and free access to God's kingdom keys to open any and every door no more barriers between heaven and earth or earth in heaven a yes on earth is a yes in heaven and a no own earth is a no in heaven I mean that's good may read that to you again cuz it's just good this is if you want look it up this is the message translation he said you will have complete and free access to God's kingdom keys to open any and every door no more barriers between heaven and earth and earth and heaven yes it's given on earth as a yes in heaven and a no given on earth is a no in heaven in other words all the responsibility has been placed here to receive and what's been provided there so this is not an issue of me trying to get God to give something it comes down to an issue of me receiving what's already been provided so see you got to understand that because people would go on the other side of the ditch with this and say well that means I don't need to do anything I just need to sit here and it's all gonna happen no because you do understand that you know even though God for it provided all of the trees and all the vegetation for fruit and vegetables and stuff for Adam and Eve I mean Adam still had to go and pick the banana off and peel the banana and stick it in his mouth now a lot of people today would say that's too much work you know when they were going to work I think they some people says too much work but but Adam did have to go and you know he had to go receive of what had already been provided it wasn't an issue of Adam said god I'm hungry we need some food no God said it's all here you just need to go get it so Adam still had to go it wasn't a thing of you know God would just walk by them and all of a sudden you know all the potassium and minerals and vitamins everything just flowed out of God and flowed into Adam and just he got he wasn't hungry anymore everything was provided from heaven on the earth and so Adam had to go get it well then he lost it but then Jesus restored us back to this position where that everything all of heaven you see what Jesus said here he said this is going to happen and then Paul says in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 this is what has happened you'll find that many times many of the instructions that Jesus is given the disciples is about what's going to happen coming up very very soon and then what's wonderful is that in ephesians and colossians and romans and those letters that Paul wrote to the church you find out what Jesus already did and what you have in him so again number one how to receive anything from God you got to establish the fact that number one you're not gonna surprise God with any of your needs and number two you have to understand that God has already provided everything you would need so when it comes to and we'll spend some time on each one but just to give you a general synopsis when it comes to finances okay I can sit in here and I can beg and plead God to give me money but you know what the money is it coming from heaven you're not gonna see money floating down out of the sky because you know if you're not in the right country you could be in you know India and u.s. dollars start coming out and you gotta have something I think it's rupees or rubles or something I don't know not money coming out of the sky what you see is there some laws that God has has placed or spiritual laws just like natural laws and you and I need to cooperate with them we need to cooperate with them and it's amazing to me and we've talked about this before that when it comes to natural laws we don't get stupid we just work them but when it comes to spiritual things we come up with all these reasons and ideas why it doesn't work have you ever thought about the fact that you know gravity I mean gravity is a law is it not which means it doesn't matter where you are who you are no matter your skin color race no matter how much money is in the bank if you work it it'll work even if you don't like it you don't agree with it you know it's still gonna happen you know I can get my fault which I'm not gonna do it by getting my phone I can drop it and because I let go of it gravity's gonna it's not that when I let go God goes okay let's listen force gravity now and he does it every time if you ever thought about planes went when a jet takes off and all of a sudden God he says okay there's a jet let's enforce you know the law of thrust and he does it every single time or if a plane crashed it's not like God decided well let's take out gravity right now let's give a little bit extra gravity now and the plane no these are laws that that people we are working in this world and you have to understand their spiritual laws that take place and we spend a little time on it the last few weeks but the way that you access and enforce these laws that you have to understand it's all by faith the Bible says it's by faith that we inherit or we receive of the promises of God so from a financial standpoint you understand there are some laws and if you just read your Bible it's all there there's some there's some of laws there that wouldn't you sow you will reap I mean read 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 in chapter 9 he talks all about it that from a financial standpoint he said when you sow financially you will reap financially and yet you know when we give right what we talked about this at our giving our primary motivation and our purpose of giving is not to get our purpose of giving us out of love right but we also give with a promise that well that that promise is that when I so I will reap that's the promise there's some financial laws that we work with and as far as finances well there's some laws that begin to work you know when it comes to our health and stuff like that I mean you know you can't just go eat Dunkin Donuts and McDonald's every day and then expect just to be healthy I believe in divine health I'll take two Big Macs and make it a you know super double fry and a extra-large you know shake and I'm gonna do that every day and but somebody says why are you doing that because I believe God's a good God he's faithful to his word and Jesus died for all my sins and sicknesses and I can just eat whatever I want no there are some things you got to do I mean you got to use your noggin you can't you can't be a dummy but you have to understand even from a financial standpoint I mean from a health standpoint it does me no good to say God heal me I know that Kroger's cost agreeing with people but you know how's your results working god help me God heal me God help me it's the same thing as God do it God do it God do it in God's eye rested you see when you begin to understand that the same alive the same power that raised Jesus from the dead that Paul's praying God open their eyes so they wouldn't be ignorant anymore and I'm sorry if the word ignorant offends you we're ignorant just means you don't know so that would be so easily you know offended ignorant there's nothing wrong you know it's a good word ignorant I kind of like the word ignorant versus just saying you don't know I know it doesn't sound as nice but you know so pulse I don't want you to be ignorant I want you to know I want you to understand what's in you because of your position in Christ and so in regards to heating you said that same power that raised up Jesus from the dead God open their eyes so they'd see it's in them and yet so many people saying God heal me and God's saying that power of heaven it's in you yet the Christians are going God heal me and God's saying it's in you and people thank God heal me and get me and so the whole time people are saying God heal me got him he got him and God do it God do it God do it and yeah it's already there but I don't even realize and I can't even see it because I don't think God has already provided for the need and I gotta make sure God understands the need and I got to make sure that he understands the necessity of the need and I gotta make sure he understands the importance of it because you know the doctors are saying all I got three months and God I don't know if you know what that ain't long I need you to do something you don't think God already knew from the foundation of the world some things that were going to come your way and as a good good good father he wasn't gonna already provide what you needed to overcome these situations are you kidding me that's not a good father you're never gonna surprise God and God go oh it doesn't matter what situation is if its financial or relational or you know physical all these things even when it comes to wisdom and stuff like that I mean do you realize if you don't have the answer to a problem he gave you the Holy Spirit whom jesus said he's the revealer of all truth and he will teach you all things if you don't know what steps and decisions to make in life it's nothing because this is our prayer we don't know what to do God show me God show me I don't know what to do I need you to do something here but it's the same thing God gave you the Holy Spirit he gave you the revealed truth he gave you the guide in life to help you and guide you and all your affairs and yet we're waiting on God to send me somebody and he already did we're waiting on God to give us the power but he already did you know people come up to churches and we start praying and worshiping we're waiting for God to show up but he already did and why people waiting for God to show up and he's already there and they don't realize it then they miss out on what God's wanting to do while he was there and then while they wait for praying for God to show up then they start praying God go with me this is one of those dumb prayers God go with me but wait you don't understand he's on the inside of you so how can he not go with you if he's in you and so the whole time you're waiting for God to go with you you're missing out in the fact that what he's wanting to do that he's already in you see we're missing out on all these things because we're waiting on God to do when he actually already did and so if we're just settled that piece right there that I'd already provided it so now I just need to figure out how to receive what's already available man that takes away all of the sweat and takes away all of the toil takes away all of the work remember sin provided the toil righteousness provides rest you see I can rest when I know it's already been provided there was there was a song that was real popular back in the back in the 90s I believe I think maybe it was like Vicky yogi or something like that no not don't worry be happy that would be a good song but it was when something said you've already provided he's already provided everything you need he's already provided like a really really good song and it's such a wonderful wonderful truth and we would get on he's already provided he's already provided everything you need he's already provided every promise if it promise that that he has made if you'll just reach out and receive it and say it's mine I have it now it was a good song Keith Moore came out about that to just reach out and receive it and say it's mine it's mine I have it now it's mine I have it now so Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 says what we've been blessed or you could say we've been given already everything heaven ever chat and Jake version everything heaven has offers already mine in Christ you need that you need to get all of that just that one either everything heaven has to offer it's mine in Christ everything heaven has to offer it's mine in Christ everything heaven has to offer it's mine in Christ and Jesus tells us the over there in Matthew he said what you've been given access you've been given keys access to the kingdom of God you mean to tell me that the things in the kingdom of God isn't enough carry the things in the kingdom of this world guys it's a done deal we just need to grab a hold of it amen so the next couple weeks will get a little bit more specific and we'll go over some things but I just want you to get this very basic very elementary truth in this right here God's already provided it you're not going to surprise him with any of your needs you don't have to beg or plead for him to do anything because it's already been done now we just need to figure out how to receive it and so we'll talk about the actual receiving part the next couple weeks so say this with me close your eyes lift your hands just praise Him thank can't say father I think you you are a good God you are a good father and then you have provided for me from before the foundation of the world that when you were creating you had me on me or mine you had my needs on your mind you had my provision on your mind and it is not your will for me tutorial for me to stress for me to sweat to provide for myself you are my provider you are my provision you are my healer you are my protection you are my sustenance and everything that I need you have already provided in Christ and because I'm in Christ I already have access to everything that I need and everything I will ever need and I just ask you right now for wisdom and revelation and open my eyes on how to receive everything that Jesus already provided for me through his redemption in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah now let's just lift our hands and let's just thank him for being good for being faithful for being our protector our healer our sustenance some of you right now you need to meditate on the fact that the life of God is on the inside of you his healing powers on the inside of you his wisdom to make the right decisions at the right time is on the inside of you and you just need to draw those things out jesus said the kingdom of God is not only near you he said it is in you it is in you it is in you it is in you it is in you it is in you so you need to look to the inside where God dwells on the inside of you and begin to draw out of those wells that living water to flow into every situation in every circumstance of your life Jesus looked at the woman at Samaria at that well he said if you only knew the gift of God who stood before you you would ask for that living water that will never run dry that will never run dry that will never run dry that will never run dry and you and I are in a position where we can draw from those deep deep wells and pull off that water pull off that life pull off that sustenance pull off that wisdom pull off that healing pull off that provision pull out everything you need that's why Paul said he said you need to work out your salvation see there's things on the inside of you because of your position in Christ you need to work it out you need to release what's on the inside of you and release it on the outside of you God did not say you need to beg him and plead for him and try to twist his arm to get him to do something for you and give something to you he said you need to realize what's been placed on the inside of you and once you understand what you have now you're in a position to release what you have to go to the problem that you have so you don't have a problem anymore now you've got provision for the problem hallelujah praise the Lord praise You Jesus praise You Jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise You Jesus praise You Jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise You Father praise You Father you are a good god and Your mercies endure forever come on say it with me the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever the Lord he's good to me and His mercies endure toward me forever and ever and ever hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 656
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: PQ2hp2bHDbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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