Healing Talks with Chad Gonzales: Increasing the flow of healing

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[Music] jesus said you know in john 14 12 he whoever believes in me will do the very same works and even greater works because i'm going to the father well as we've pointed out you can't do the works of jesus and get the very same results without having the very same equipment we have the same equipment but we need to progress and grow in our knowledge and our awareness our understanding of that equipment how to use that but at the very core of it all we have what we need but we need to grow in it and we need to progress in it and so you know we saw where jesus said in john chapter 5 and verse 21 he said the father will show me even greater things than these just so you can marvel so we see with that statement with jesus and i'm so appreciative and thankful that the holy spirit gave us that peace because it shows us that even jesus even though he was a son of god he's operating living as the son of man doing life as a man but even jesus knew there was more he knew there was more and we see in his life him progressing and growing in the things of god and we see things increasing in his life and so if that's possible for him it's possible for us to and so i want to give you seven steps or seven keys to increasing the healing flow in our lives now i'm not saying that these are these seven things you have to do but i'm saying for me from my experience in my life and what i see in scripture these are seven things that we can do to help increase the flow of healing the life of god the anointing in our life to increase to take that to another level to take that to another degree in our life so that the world can see jesus the way that god intended for him to be seen you ready let me give you seven steps uh seven keys number one is this we need to spend time in the word now this should go without saying but we need to spend time in the word and the reason is is that when it comes down to it we don't have an equipment problem we have an awareness problem we're not aware of what we have and who we are it's it's an awareness problem or you could say it like this that every issue is in reality a revelation issue it's an area that we need more revelation in well how are you going to get more revelation well it's going to take place by spending time in the word and not just reading your bible to read but read to hear to hear the voice behind the word the author of the word you know in reality that you know our bible that we have right here this is my one of my bibles and you can tell it's pretty worn i've had it for a long time but you know reality it's just paper and and ink but we know that that it was the life of god the spirit of god who spoke these words for us and you know but in reality the word of god was intended to lead us into a fellowship with god this is not the the end-all is just my bible no i i can read the word of god but you know the word of god was intended to lead me into a fellowship in relationship with the word of god and so when i read the word when i read the bible i should be reading to hear to be taught and so when i read my bible before i start you know i ask the holy spirit give me wisdom give me revelation show me teach me things i've never seen never heard before and when i go to read i've always got a pen with me i've got my notepad i've got my journal and i expect to hear i expect to see things i haven't seen before i expect to learn i expect to grow if you're going to increase the flow of healing in your life you have to spend time in the word spend time being taught spend time hearing you know in joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 god gives joshua some instructions here you know joshua is in a very serious situation moses has just died and joshua is now in the leadership in charge of leading millions of people here and in joshua chapter 1 verse 80 says this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate meditate on it day and night that you would know to do according to all that's written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success see god told joshua your success your results is dependent on you spending time in this word because you spending time in the word this is how you will come to know what to do this is how you'll come to know how to act how to respond you know this is where you're going to get revelation you know we see over there in romans it says that faith comes by hearing the word of god hearing and hearing the word of god well how do we grow in our faith we're going to grow by hearing the word of god seeing the word of god in action and the holy spirit teaching us and revealing things to us through the word so step number one is you need to spend time in the word remember we don't have equipment problems we have awareness problems and how do we become aware of who we are and what we have is going to come through spending time and the word and hearing from the author of the word step number two is we need to spend time praying in the spirit we need to spend time praying in the spirit you know in first corinthians chapter 14 first corinthians chapter 14 and verse 2. paul says this he says for he who speaks in a tongue he does not speak to men but to god for no one understands him however in the spirit he speaks out mysteries uh i like the the the amplified bible it tells us that when we begin to pray in the spirit we speak out mysteries we speak out the divine secret the hidden things of god this is where you begin to get some understanding and insight into some areas that are going on you know when when you're ministering to people sometimes it comes just as easy as laying hands on them and we see a result but there's other times where you'll find that that people are having a hard time making that connection you know remember we talked about god he's always there and he's always endeavoring to work but he's going to work through us and you and i we are the mediators so to speak of connecting people to god we're like jumper cables for a car you know where one end is hooked to a battery and one hand is hooked to you know a live battery one that's hooked to a dead battery we're those connectors and connecting god and connecting to that person and there's gonna be many times that that you'll be in a situation in which we've laid hands on them we've declared and we didn't actually get the result we thought we should have it's not because god's holding out but it's because there's a connection issue and i found that so many times by spending time praying in the spirit it's how we uh figure out so to speak what that problem is what that connection issue is with that person there's two stories i want to tell you uh in light of this and help explain this a little bit i remember several years ago it was easter sunday it was our church in texas and we were we started our easter sunday service it's during praise and worship and my wife lexi she comes up and she stops the service and she said there's a man here that had broken his back him and his wife had come into the church and they came specifically to get healed he had been hearing about many of the miracles that were taking place and lacy she was walking through the foyer of the church and and saw them when they came in they began to talk and they told laci about their story and why they were there so lacey brought them in she walked right up to the platform she stopped praising worship and she said this is what's going on and she said pastor chad's going to come down and minister to him well i didn't know anything about the the gentleman didn't know anything about his story i had heard it for the first time uh as lacey was telling him and so i walked walked down to the to the main floor and um and so he had he had broken his back he was a roofer and he had fallen through the roof of a house and broken his back five years prior to that he had many surgeries doctors had been unable to fix it and so as a result he had a hard time walking um he had a hard time sitting down or standing up it would take people to help him sit down and get back out of the chair as a result of not being able to be very mobile and move around he had gained an extreme amount of weight he was unable to work he was in a bad bad situation and so i did what i would normally do and i laid my hands on his back we we put the life of god in there and just expected you know something to change and so i took my hands off of him and i said well bend over and check it out and so he bent over and as he bent over tears start coming out of his eyes and it wasn't tears of joy it was tears of pain and i knew that what we did didn't work and uh and so i some of the ushers came up and we helped the man sit down in the chair i didn't know what else to do at that point this was years ago still still trying to figure some of these things out and and so i just told everybody i said let's just lift our hands and let's just spend some time praying in the spirit so as we're praying you know i'm just being honest with you as we're praying under my breath i said god i don't know what to do i need you to help me get out of this situation i don't know what else to do and i'm just you know just being honest with you i was being honest with him i don't know what to do but we're praying and and within a few moments uh just this song came to mind it's this song called how he loves us and our band was still on the stage and so i turned to them i said hey let's sing that song about uh how he loves us how he loves us and so we began to sing this song and while we're singing the song i had my my left hand on the man's shoulder and we're singing the song and all of a sudden i got a word of knowledge about this man and his family and his upbringing and and i stopped and looked at him and i said were you ever abused as a child by your parents this man you know in his late 40s he just begins to cry and he said yes and and i said and because you were abused as a child by your parents you you've taken that same view and put that on god and you don't think that you're good enough to be healed do you and he said no well friends that was the problem that was the reason there was no connection taking place and so i took a few moments and i began to talk to him about the love of god how much god loved him everything that jesus had done for him and just began to encourage him in that area and so i still had my hand on his shoulder and so i turned to the band i said let's sing that again and i told the man i said now we're going to sing that song and as you sing that song i want you to sing it with this perspective in mind that god truly does love you and it's his desire for you to be whole and he said okay so i have my hand he's sitting in a chair i'm standing up i have my hand on his shoulder and so we have our hands raised and we're just singing and worshiping and and singing this song and a few minutes into singing this song all of a sudden i feel my hand start moving up and i open my eyes and it's this man it took three men to help him sit down in a chair okay this man stands up all all by himself bends over touches his toes lifts up his hands he's completely whole completely whole and i didn't pray for him that time what happened well one there was a connection issue there was a problem there he wasn't he wasn't connecting with the life of god and so i had a responsibility to figure out what that was and so i began to to pray in tongues pray in the spirit right here verse two pray out the deep things the mysteries the secret things of god and i had to figure out what that connection issue was and it was because he didn't think he was good enough he didn't think he was worthy enough you know faith works by love so many times we think it's about you know our our love walk toward other people but it's more so about our understanding of the love of god for us and that was his issue he wasn't releasing his faith because he didn't think that god really loved him enough so you need to spend time praying in the spirit because praying in the spirit will help you pray out those deep things those secret hidden things of god also you know in verse um right here and verse 13 it says therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he would interpret you know there's areas in our lives and when we're dealing and ministering to people we're not going to have the answer here but what we can do is we know god has the answer and we can begin to pray in the spirit and pray out these things these hidden things and then the holy spirit can give us the interpretation of those things that we're praying we can pray out the answer for the problem you know another instance and this just happened just a few weeks ago there was a gentleman in our church that was dealing with with some physical issues and some mental problems and so we had him come early before church and there's a group of our leaders we get together to pray and so we we met with him to pray and and so i'd already kind of talked to him i told him everything that i knew i could tell him and we weren't seeing too many results and and so i just put my hands on the back of his shoulders i was sitting behind him and we just began to pray and we've been praying and praying in the spirit for a little while and then all of a sudden the only way i know how to describe it is like i had a like a mini vision just and i had my eyes closed and and just in a flash i saw like this demonic figure walk into this room and walk up to this man and get these metal clamps and clamp them around his head and then turn around and walk off well immediately i knew that this was a demonic issue i mean i'd been kind of thinking it was it was along those lines but when i saw that i knew and so we took authority over that demonic force that had been harassing him and hindering him and working against him we took authority over that in the name of jesus and then after that i talked to him a little bit about that and you know what i mean he had been facing attacks and facing problems for months and for the next couple weeks after that he was experiencing freedom you know it was a demonic thing that was causing this issue there and it had to be dealt with but i wouldn't have known that if i wouldn't have been spending time praying in the spirit praying in other tongues and so this is a way that god can reveal things to you so that you can you can figure out whatever that that problem is that's hindering but it's also a way that you can get revelation you know if if you're not understanding something in the area of healing or any other area you know the holy spirit will help you pray those things out i've done that many times in different areas but this is where i've got so much revelation concerning healing too just praying in the spirit and praying in tongues about it asking the holy spirit to give me revelation in this area and praying these things out so step number one you need to spend time in the word step number two spend time praying in the spirit number three you need to spend time fasting you know people have different ways and different ideas about doing this you know brother hagin used to say it like this he said you do better living a fasted lifestyle versus taking it a day or two or you know or even three you know just fasting and not eating anything and i endeavor to do that of living a fasted lifestyle in which i just don't go eat everything that i want eat everything all the time and just just fill my face with food and trying to maintain uh control over my body but i still do take times where you know i'll take a day you know or sometimes if if i'm getting ready to go into a meeting we're going to do a conference a healing conference i'll take a day or two and sometimes i've done three days before that conference and i'll fast and i won't eat just drink water or juice something like that and you have to understand that you know fasting it doesn't change god and fasting isn't going to get you anything so to speak but fasting it changes you it puts you in a position where you as your spirit being you the real you you're showing your body who's in control and i don't know how else to explain it but there's been so many times where i've seen that you know after spending uh you know extended time as in fasting it's almost like your spiritual senses are just very keen that you you're more aware you're more in tune [Music] with the with spiritual things and it's because you've been you've been shutting your body down you've been telling your body uh no and your body isn't getting so much say in what's going on in your life it's amazing how much of a voice that our body actually has i mean you know we've all been there have you been in situations where you know you hadn't eaten in a while and and you got really hungry and and you go up to the refrigerator and you open up that door and all of a sudden the food starts to speak to you so eat me eat me eat me you know and you start seeing all these things and all you're doing is thinking about food i'm telling you i mean that voice of hunger it's a big voice it's a powerful voice and it's just about your body being in control but we want to be spirit dominated we want to be controlled by our spirit not by our body and so fasting is is one of these very powerful yet simple ways that we can put our body down and we can be spirit led spirit controlled spirit dominated and not body dominated or you could say that the voice of our spirit becomes louder than the voice of our body so i would highly encourage you to do that uh you know i i endeavor to do that about once you know take one day once or twice a week uh but if i'm doing uh healing meetings and conferences regularly you know i'll take a day or two before those and do that just just to increase my my sensitivity not not to get anything or try to convince god to give me something or do anything like that but simply just to increase my spiritual sensitivity because i know i'm going to be in situations where i need to be able to hear you know jesus made this statement he said i only do the things i i see my father do and i only say the things i hear my father say that right there was a major key into jesus getting marvelous marvelous results in the area of healing he was only doing what he saw the father do and and see or saying what he heard the father say and so you're going to be in situations you need to be able to hear and one of the great ways that you can increase your sensitivity in your hearing is by praying in the spirit and by fasting spending time putting your body down and making the voice of your spirit much louder a fourth step that you can do and increasing the healing flow is to meditate on the life of god in you you know that's been a major topic of what we've talked about over the last few days but it's so vitally important it's important to me and the more that i've studied this the more that i've walked this out i've seen that this subject of the life of god it is so key it's so crucial to understanding what we possess what we have that we can be a releaser of and we can give away but you need to spend time meditating on what's on the inside of you you know we talked about this in the last session of walking in divine health that this is what i've done in the past this is what i do still is that if sickness or disease is trying to attack me there's pains aches headaches that try to come i immediately go and start spending time meditating on the life of god i spend time meditating on those scriptures that we went through uh you know genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 god put the life his life into adam into man's body john chapter 1 and verse 4 in him was life and that life was the light of men john chapter 5 verse 21 and 26 where jesus said as the father raises the dead and gives life to those so i give life to those raise the dead and i give life to those whom i will in verse 26 he said for as the father has life in himself so the son has life in himself john chapter 10 and verse 10 jesus said i have come that you may have life and you would have life more abundantly uh we see over in first corinthians i'm sorry second corinthians chapter uh four seven through eleven that we have this treasure on the inside of us that this life of jesus be made manifest in our flesh manifest in our body and then over there in first corinthians chapter 15 where we see that you know jesus he is a life-giving spirit and and as he is the heavenly man so are we that are heavenly that we're made in his image and likeness and we are to be giving life be life-giving spirits i spend many time meditating on those things that jesus is the vine and i am the branch of what's flowing through him it's flowing through me that he is the fullness of the godhead bodily colossians chapter 2 verse 9 and 10 and i am complete in him first john 4 17 as he is so am i in this world and then almost that whole chapter there in romans chapter 6 where we saw and spent time talking about how we're dead to sickness and dead to disease dead to sin because of our union with christ i spend time thinking about those things and meditating on those things and the reason is is that what your mind is on that's what's going to be that's what's going to be real to you and whatever is real to you then that's what you're going to put your faith on that's what you're going to experience uh so you need to spend time meditating on the life of god in you and you need to get to the point where your awareness of the life of god in you is greater than sickness and greater than disease and so just like you know if you're standing in front of someone and you're to minister to someone or you're going to go minister to someone you need to spend time thinking on that chewing on that spend time meditating on the life of god in you and know that what's on the inside of you is greater than what's on the outside here uh a fifth step is you need to maintain your awareness of him in you and with you uh i've been doing this for a couple of years now um that i try to remind myself well really just when i think about it throughout the day i'll stop i'll take just a few moments i say father thank you that you're with me you've never left me you've never forsaken me you're always with me just something simple like that and i don't do it in front of people you know i may just stop kind of turn to the side close my eyes and just say that so just for a moment i'm endeavoring to keep putting my attention on him because what your attention is on again that's what's going to be real to you that's what you're going to be aware of it kind of comes down to you know smith wigglesworth he made this statement someone asked him one day he said how long do you pray and smith wigglesworth said he said i never pray more than ten minutes but i never go more than 10 minutes without praying he said i never pray longer than 10 minutes but i never go more than 10 minutes without praying in other words he was always constantly throughout the day spending time praying in the spirit maintaining his awareness of god with him and that's what we have to do we have to constantly be doing that because if you don't you'll be in a situation where um it's kind of like you know if you lift weights if you work out if you were to go and you lift weights every day or every other day you won't notice any soreness and it's not that big of a deal to go work out but if you go weeks at a time or months at a time you're not going to be able to do what you usually did it's going to take you some time to build back up and you'll notice after that first day or two you're actually pretty sore and it's because you haven't done that in a while i found this that when it comes to our fellowship with god now our relationship with god our position with him of righteousness that doesn't change but our fellowship with god is it's very fluid it can be going forward or it can be going backward it's constantly changing and it has to do not with him but it has to do with us and our awareness of him it's just like you know you could go to church and you spend an hour two hours worshiping him and and hearing the word spending time in the word and you're very aware of him and yet 10 15 30 minutes goes by and and maybe you're at home at the at the store restaurant and you're not as aware of him as what you were 30 minutes ago it's because your mind was on him and if you want to increase uh the the flow of healing in your life we're gonna have to maintain that awareness of him because you never know when you're going to walk into a situation you'll be presented with a situation in which you need to minister to someone and so in that sense we need to always be ready we need to always be ready and one of those ways that you can be ready is maintaining your awareness of him so just taking taking a few moments throughout your day when you think about it when you have a lunch break you know from at work or you're getting a small break or you know you're at the store you're by yourself or you're in your car just take a few moments and remind yourself father i thank you that you're with me you're always with me you've never left me you've never forsaken me you are big you live big on the inside of me just take a few moments to remind yourself and it will do wonders of constantly just putting your mind on him so that when you're in a situation and you need to manifest him you don't have to question and wonder is he here no you already know he's here he's here with me and he's living big in me uh this next one is this number six you need to progress in your thinking you need to progress in your thinking we saw this with jesus that he was always growing he was always endeavoring to grow we saw how he progressed in his thinking in regards to death i mean he got to the point he just dominated it you also see if you study it out he progressed in the area of of his domination of water you know the first miracle with water was he changed water to wine the second miracle was he calmed the water the third miracle he did with water was he walked on it he got to the point he completely dominated that area in his life and we are going to have to do that as well we're going to have to work to make the big things that are big in this world and make them small in our life you know there was a time not too long ago where you know dealing with blind eyes or deaf ears or something like that that was a big deal to me it was big in my mind and i had to work on making that smaller and so i've gotten a lot better done a lot better over the years and making those things small but there's other areas in my life that still seem big and i'm having to work on those in my mind and we need to progress in our thinking and so this is where romans chapter 8 and verse 2 comes into play he said don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can prove was a good acceptable and perfect will of god and so through this you see it's our responsibility to prove the will of god to manifest the will of god on this earth and yet we also see that there's different levels there good acceptable perfect will of god and it's all dependent on what we do as far as our mind our thinking our perspective you know a great example of this is when i was at rhema i was going to rhema here in the u.s and my second year in school i was playing basketball and i tore my acl in my right knee and i had a lot of things going on in my life at that time a lot of financial pressures other pressures in my life and so you know just being honest and transparent i wasn't at the point of believing god for to for my knee to be completely healed without having surgery anything now i'm in bible school you know we're teaching faith faith and healing and i had a couple of students i was a student and i had a couple of students say well why don't you just believe god to heal your knee well i was just being honest with myself i wasn't there but where my faith was at was believing god for a quick and speedy recovery for my knee now was that the perfect will of god no the perfect will of god was for me to be completely whole right there for that for that that uh ligament to be made whole again so i could walk right that was the perfect will of god that was what god wanted for me but i wasn't there my mind wasn't there because of all the distractions and things that were going on in my life at that time i just wasn't there and so i had to realize where i was at and i put my faith on that and you know what that's what i got and i remember after the surgery i had three months of physical therapy and when i first met with the physical therapist he told me it was going to be nine months of therapy nine to 12 months of therapy to get myself back where i needed to be but remember i was believing for a quick recovery and at the end of three months he told me i didn't need to come back he said i have he said i've been doing this for a long time i've never seen someone progress so quickly after an acl surgery well i didn't tell him but that's within me i knew that's what i was believing for and that's what i got and that's what i'd renewed i'd renew my mind that's where i was at at that place but that wasn't the perfect will of god but that's where i was at but that's where i have to continue in that place i needed to continue progressing and pushing in my thinking of of of making that big thing seem small for me lastly and this is very simple and this may seem a little comical to you but you need to do this you need to get to the point where you see healing as normal and the way you do that is i use my imagination i believe that god gave us our imagination for a purpose and that's to help us see uh into the realm of the spirit i truly do and i use my imagination and i see just healing being normal i see miracles being i see myself doing miracles i see myself laying hands on the sick and then being healed i use my imagination and i see myself you know laying hands on people in a wheelchair and them getting up seeing blind people healed deaf people healed when i go to do a healing conference or seminar i will spend time that day before leading up to those those sessions in that conference i'll spend time just using my imagination going back and rehearsing past victories seeing those things that have happened but also just in my imagination seeing myself ministering to other people and seeing myself get results why i'm progressing in my thinking i'm pushing forward i'm working to help myself see from the perspective of jesus christ himself see with jesus's eyes see from the perspective of heaven let me give you this one scripture i will leave you with this colossians chapter 3 verse 1 he said if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above or christ is sitting at the right hand of god set your mind on things above not on things of the earth for you died and your life is hidden with christ in god one translation says to see you need to see things from jesus's perspective and that's one way i believe we can use our imagination and we can see things the way that they need to be and that's one way you can help change your thinking change your perspective
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 8,470
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Id: 25qKglYXJN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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