Christ In You | Chad Gonzales

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and this healing academy again it's about training people uh not just to walk in divine health for themselves but to take healing and the miraculous and the supernatural to their world so it's happening in the supermarket in the grocery store and so that we get to the point that we would be just as confident offering healing that we would salvation it's a part of the great commission we've gotten really confident in one area but you know the other area is a sign to show that what we're preaching is true so anyway grab your bibles and let's start over in john chapter 14 and we'll just see where we go from here john chapter 14. jesus is speaking here talking to the disciples and i'm reading on the new king james version here john chapter 14 we're going to read just a little bit verse 6 you all know this most of you know this says jesus i am the way i'm the truth i'm the life no one comes to the father except through me he says if you had known me you would have known my father also and from now on you know him and you have seen him jesus said if you've seen me you've seen who you've seen the father philip said lord show us the father and it is sufficient for us verse 9 jesus said have i been with you so long and yet you have not known me philip notice this phrase he says he who has seen me has seen the father so how do you say show us the father now let's just stop there i want to remind you of something and i think this is always important to remember if you don't know it know it that jesus when he was on this earth what he was doing he was doing it as a man acts 10 38 says how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth with the holy ghost and power went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil for god was with him i like the fact that it points out his humanity yes jesus was god we're not denying that but philippians chapter 2 tells us that jesus laid aside everything that gave him an advantage in life he humbled himself and he came and did life as a man god doesn't need to be anointed a man does luke chapter 2 tells us that it says the child jesus he not only grew in stature physical but he also grew in wisdom god doesn't grow in wisdom he is wisdom but jesus was growing in wisdom you know over in john chapter 5 verse 20 jesus makes this statement he said the father is going to show me even greater things than these just so you'll marvel just so you'll go wow so you may as well get ready to be wowed this morning but the point of this is that jesus didn't know everything jesus was growing in revelation and understanding he said the father is going to show me some things that i haven't seen before i haven't done before so i can turn around and do it so you would go wow jesus was doing this just like you and i he was doing this just like you and i and so it's very important that when we're reading after jesus and this is where i believe we started seeing tremendous results because i started identifying with him i know that may sound a little foreign may sound a little blasphemous but it's okay we're going to get there but notice what jesus said he's saying this just like you and i he said if you saw me you saw him if you've been around me experienced me you've experienced him so jesus and you'll find this is a theme with jesus just over and over and over and he said so how do you say show us the father verse 10 he said notice this do you not believe that i am in the father do not believe i'm the father and what and the father is in me he's talking about union here he's talking about union he said i am in him and he is in me the union is so perfect and so complete if you've seen me you've seen him and jesus is saying this as a man filled with god united with god anointed by god and jesus had the audacity and the boldness and yet the understanding of who he was to say if you've seen me you've seen god and jesus is saying this as a what as a man as a man do you not believe i'm in the father and father me the words that i speak to you i do not speak on my own authority but the father who dwells where in me he's doing the what he's doing the works so right here i mean this this blows holes in people's theology this is some sacred cows getting shot over here gone because people say well the reason jesus was able to do all he did because you know he was jesus no not jesus didn't say that jesus said the reason i'm able to do what i do is because of the father on the inside of me he's the one doing the works it's the father on the inside of me the father on the inside of me the father on the inside of me the father on the inside of me he said the father is in me and i got in him if you've seen me you've seen him if you encountered me you encountered him if you experienced me you just experienced him why because our union is so perfect and so complete there's nothing missing and nothing broken there it's the father in me and we don't have time if you go back in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 it says that god formed the body of adam and he breathed the breath of life into adam and you know most rabbis when they read this they will tell you this is their belief in this in the hebrew it says this is the way they read it that when god formed the body of adam put the life of god into adam that the angels that were around there when adam became alive the angels that were around they looked and they couldn't tell which one was god and which one was adam that's the way the jewish rabbis teach this they couldn't tell which the angels that are watching this could not tell which one was god and which one was adam as soon as that body was formed and god put his life on the inside of that body couldn't tell which was which was which well i have a problem with that based on what jesus is saying here and then if you get tired of jesus talking about it get ready because he keeps going on and on and on he said verse 11 believe me that i am in the father and the father is in me he said believe me that i'm in the father and the father is in me he said and if you don't at least believe me for the sake of the works themselves in other words because of this this absolute complete union with the father jesus said there's going to be some work some miracles some supernatural things that are going to flow out of this union that will prove my position with the father in other words you could say it like this that that through this union that jesus had with the father that's where the miracles flowed we're leading up to something so some of the smart people are going to get it notice what jesus said over and over and over and over i mean this is in john 13 14 15 16 he's with the disciples now he's with us 12 they're in that they're in that room there they're about to have supper and then jesus is going to go and go the garden and go to the cross these are his last moments with the disciples and i want you to notice what he is hammering and hammering and hammering and hammering with them union with the father union with the father union with the father i'm in him and he is in me and there's miracles that proceed from that position jesus wasn't talking about how special he was how anointed he was he's putting the emphasis on who's on the inside of him he said if you don't believe what i'm saying believe it for the works themselves most assuredly verse 12 i say to you whoever believe now look notice the transition whoever believes in me will do the very same works that i do in even greater works because i'm going to the father what was the result of jesus going to the father salvation and salvation was going to produce what god coming to live on the inside of me and live on the inside of you and jesus just said it's the father on the inside of me that does the works and yet he said those who believe in me because i'm going to provide salvation they're going to do the very same works as me but even greater works even greater works and there's another side piece of that we won't talk about but he said even greater works because i'm going to the father with the result of jesus going to the father was so that the father could get in you notice jesus isn't talking about how great of a preacher is the tens of thousands of people following him you know if he had books of faith all the books he had written and the tv shows he was on and all the book deals he wasn't talking about it he's talking about who's on the inside of him the father the father the father on the inside of me i'm one with him he's one with me if you don't believe what i'm saying believe the works that are happening because the father on the inside of me that's doing the works through me the father the father on the inside of me and he said this isn't just reserved for me because there's coming a day that the father that's on the inside of me he's going to be on the inside of you and the very works that i'm doing you're going to get to do it too [Applause] and then he goes on here i love love love this if you go on down to verse 19 i want you to check this out this is so good actually look at verse 18. i'm sorry 17. he said the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him or knows him you know him he's been dwelling with you but get ready guys he's about to get in you he's about to get in you and he said verse 19 a little while longer the world will see me no more but love this i love this he said you're still going to see me he said you'll see me because i live you're about to start living too and in verse 20 he said get it get this this is where you and me get included and this is where you start running out of that grave he said this let me get back there my face flip john chapter 14 verse 20 he said on that day the day of salvation look he said you're going to know that i am in the father you are in me and i am in you [Music] this was the crowning achievement of jesus's life and ministry he came to unite man and god together once again thank god for heaven thank god we get to go to heaven one day that sweet sweet day the sweet bye and bye but you know what for too long we've made the emphasis of christianity about getting to heaven and yet for too long we've been going through hell on earth thank god that there's a destination of heaven that we can go to there's a heaven to gain and there is a hell to shun but jesus did not come to change your destination he came to change your position come on we were far from god but because of righteousness because of salvation because of redemption we became very near to god so near we became one with him [Music] this is what jesus i mean over and over and over and over and over with the disciples his last moments time with them these are the guys that are to continue the ministry of jesus and notice what he is hammering union union union union who's in me is going to be in you you're going to do the very same works not because you're special but because of who gets on the inside of you he said on that day of salvation i mean the day the very moment that you say jesus be the lord and savior of my life i mean there is an instant miracle that happens on the inside of you you become a brand new creature in christ all things passed away all things become new why because the god of the universe just moved on the inside of your body moved on the inside of you moved on the inside so many times we're waiting on a move of god but you know what you just need to move because when you move god moves that's why some of you in here right now you might just want to move [Applause] there's somebody in here you've had a shoulder injury if you'll just lift that thing up you weren't able to lift it above your head if you lift it up right now you'll notice you're instantly healed who is that come on you couldn't you couldn't do this who is that who is that you right there what just happened what happened could you do that yeah praise god hallelujah was it somebody else somebody else had a shoulder deal yes sir we're going to get you a little therapy this morning praise the lord but friend get ready you don't need anybody lay hands on you i'm telling you you're about to get smack dab with some stuff right now come on look jesus didn't stop talking about this he didn't stop talking about this he said that day of salvation you're going to know i am in the father you and me and i am in you verse 21 notice this he said and whoever loves me will be loved by my father underline high like this post note it he said i will love them and he said i will manifest myself to them when on the day of salvation that means you can begin to have encounters with jesus right then this is not talking about the person that's been saved for 50 years and went to bible school and got a thd an mdiv and all this type of stuff he said the day of salvation you can be seven years old and receive jesus right now and have an encounter with god let me tell you this story so last week we were in georgia and there was a i didn't i did not know this this young woman was in there she was she was about 19 20 years old the only thing i noticed about her was her purple hair you know god loves purple hair but i walked by and i was just being kind of funny i said oh i like your hair i wish i could do purple hair and i didn't but i didn't know what was going on with her well this deaf lady gets healed in the service okay we didn't lay hands on or didn't pray for it was a smaller church and this deaf lady gets healed her left ear she couldn't hear well this young girl was sitting just a few seats away from her she saw we didn't lay hands on or didn't pray for or anything like that so at the end of the service her and her mom comes up and the mom says this she says she said hey would you talk to my daughter i said about what and she said well i'll let my daughter tell you the short version is that the daughter she'd been involved in witchcraft she was she was she was dealing with she had a girlfriend and dealing with craft and all these type of things but you could tell god was all over this girl like you could see it i said well what's going on she said well i'm just trying to figure things out and i said what do you think about the service and she said well i saw that deaf lady get healed i saw that deaf lady get healed and she said that was pretty radical and i said yeah it was you notice i didn't pray for her i didn't lay hands on she said yeah that's what that really got me that was pretty radical and uh i said well what'd you think about that and she said well that was that was really cool and i said what's going on with you where are you at with jesus she said well i'm just trying to find out you know which religion will work for me and i said well darling you just saw which one works and i didn't know i didn't know what she was dealing with witchcraft and stuff and just you know the holy ghost is awesome i mean word of knowledge just came up and i say you know what you can do this devil worship you can play with crystals you can do all this stuff it's never going to fill the void that's on the inside of you right now when i said that her mom's her mom's eyes went and she looked at her friends she goes how do you know that i didn't know i wasn't trying to get a word from the lord just conversation just come up very naturally just being supernatural you know and so so i told the girl i said look you're in a unique situation right now because most people don't get to see the word of god become alive right in front of their eyes so when you walk out of these doors you can't walk out saying i don't believe in jesus you got to walk out saying i deny jesus i said you're in a pickle here you gotta you're in a bad spot i said so why don't you just go ahead and receive him because you know he's real well a little earlier in the series i had told about when i was 20 years old and it's kind of a long story when i was 20 years old i've been running from god i grew up in a really solid good church but i never saw god move i never saw miracles i'm sure there was things that happened but i just didn't see anything and it put me in a place i just ran from god i was questioning if god was even real and it took some time but i got dragged to church by the worship leader of this one church and there was this this great uh revival meetings going on anyway i had this encounter with god i found out god was real nobody touched me here i'll tell you the short version so i'm sitting in the back i'm 20 years old just turned 22 two days into being 20. i'm sitting in the back row of the church i'm mad don't want to be there and the evangelist that was there he's finishing up he said look if anyone here if you need a touch from god you need healing you need somebody to lay hands on it i want you to come up here i i remember sitting back there arrogant stupid 20. and i said god if you're real i want to see what you've got so i got real bold i got on my chair and i walked up there 20 years old and stupid but i but but i was looking i was searching i was hungry and i grew up in a very good church but i was hungry i'd never seen anything i never i heard god was good i heard he was you know he was he want us to be rich and prosper but i mean we were living in a mobile home barely had you know money for bread and water i mean like we were poor i never saw anybody get healed some question is this even real and i walked it to the front and there's a couple people in line and so i'm just sitting here and i'm watching and the ministry goes down laying hands on people and he got to the lady next to me when he put his hands on the lady next to me and i'm watching he put his hands on the lady's head when he did that it was like electricity hit the top of my head it went through my body and i'm telling you i was not a runner i was not a shouter i was not a jumper i ran all around that room and then i just fell out under the power of god when i got up i knew god is real and it just so touched me you know and that was a thing that just radically changed my life because i started thinking about it i was a good little church boy we were in church sunday morning sunday night wednesday night my dad was on the board of the church i was a drummer in the church i mean i didn't do anything bad but i began to think if i'm in church three or four times a week and i'm wondering if god's real what does that say for the eastern christmas guy you know and so i mean it just it just it set my life ablaze and set me on the course that i'm on now people need encounters with god not just the world the church in this day needs an encounter with god and so i told that story and so this girl involved in witchcraft and she's got a girlfriend and all this type of stuff and i said you're in a pickle honey like you got to make a choice and so i said let's pray and so grabbed her hand let her let her in salvation she receives jesus and then she stopped me and she goes oh man this is still touching me she said you know when you made that comment about your question if god was real i said yeah she said i want that too she said she said i want that too i didn't know if it was possible i just said all right i mean i didn't say this out loud i said all right so i grabbed her hand i didn't know what to expect i grabbed her hand i mean he just touched me so much i grabbed her hand i said god what you gave me i asked you to give to her right now that she would she would know that you're real god's my this wasn't a church-going girl all of a sudden her arms began to shake her legs began to shake and i just let go and she looked at me and she goes whoa and at the end of the service we got a video testimony of this and and she she sat there and she said this her mom asked her what were you feeling she said mom it was like my bones were about to shake off but i'm telling you that's the god that we serve it's not about your doctrine being perfect whether you did this he wants hungry people he's never denied hungry people come on friends look at moses moses was somebody as a hunt he was a sinner nobody in the old testament was saved he was a sinner he was a former murderer but in exodus chapter 33 moses said i'm going to get this tent i'm going to put it outside of the camp and this is where i'm going to meet with god and i don't see where god told him you could do this and this was possible but the bible says that god came down and began to speak to moses face to face as a man speaks to his own friend and then moses in this conversation later on he said god i know you know my name but that's not good enough i want to know you if that was available for a former murderer and a sinner someone that was not the righteousness of god in christ not not somebody that was filled with the holy ghost redeemed by the blood of the lamb what is available for the child of god that's united with the father and the father one with him come on this is what jesus was talking about he said on that day of salvation you'll know experientially not just intellectually experientially you'll know that i'm in the father and i am in you and you are in me and i'll manifest myself to you and it wasn't just a one-time experience you can have an encounter with god anytime that you want why because what jesus was coming to do was coming to get god on the inside of you so he talks about this in john chapter 14 and then look at john chapter 17 jesus is in the garden of gethsemane and he's praying to the father he's praying to the father and look at what he says here verse 20 he says i do not pray for these alone but also for all of those who will believe in me through their word he says i'm not praying for just the 11 guys that are here now or the 12 guys that are here i guess judas is still there 12 guys that are there now he's i'm also praying for all of those who will believe in me through this word that's going to be priests so let's make things real real and practical here how many people have received jesus as your lord and savior raise your hand so get ready he was praying for you right here now how many of you realize when jesus prayed jesus got answers jesus always got his prayers answered and this is what jesus prayed think about this he's about to go to the cross but this is what he's praying he's got you on his mind and this is jesus prayer he says father i pray that they would all be one just as you father are in me and i am in you i pray that they would be one in us this was jesus prayer in going to the cross father i pray that just as you and i are one that they would be one with us and then notice the next phrase he says so that the world would know that you sent me my god think about it how is it possible that the world would look at a christian and know that god sent jesus because the reality of this gospel message is so almost unbelievable it's because this union that was going to happen was to be to be so perfect and so complete that when the sinner saw the child of god they wouldn't know if that was a child of god or if it was the father just as jesus was able to say if you've seen me you've seen the father we should be in a position we can say if you've seen me you've seen the christ he said so that they would know the world would know that you sent me into this world in other words that we wouldn't be so great a christian just in our verbage but we would also be so great a christian in our results because see we we've watered this thing down to just being good and being a good person and just walking in love and being giving and doing nice things for people and that's great you know but you know what a lot of sinners do that for tax write-offs i mean thank god for you know loving people and giving people food and clothing them we should be doing those things but you know what you don't need god to do that that's right but if you want miracles you better have him so notice just like in john 14 when jesus talking to the disciples look at what jesus is talking about and this is important because you know this to be true what people talk about a lot they've been thinking about it even more remember jesus said out of abundance of your heart your mouth speaks if jesus is talking about this a lot that means he's been meditating and chewing and thinking on this a whole lot more and notice this continues to repeat it's a pattern he keeps talking about it you would think that jesus would have come up with another message but he's stuck on this and then verse 22 he says and the glory that you gave me i have given it unto them that they would be one just as we are one friend you cannot be united with god without having the same stuff notice he said what you gave me i gave it to them so we could be one i gave it to them so we could be one i gave it to them so we could be one and then in verse 23 he says i in them and you and me that they would be made what notice this word what is it that they would be made perfect nothing missing nothing broken absolutely complete because of this wonderful divine union with christ and with the father that you wouldn't be missing out on anything he said that they would be made perfect in one and here it is again that the world would know that you sent me friends i'm telling you right now this is what this last great move of god's going to be all about this last great awakening it's not going to be about this person here it's going to be about all these christians all out there that look like jesus smell like jesus walk like jesus talk like jesus getting results like jesus that there would be one just as i am one and i'm giving them what you gave me so the world would know that you sent me for far too long we have looked too far below doubt on ourselves we've looked down on ourselves why because we've been looking at this right here to define who we are we've been looking in that mirror made a glass to tell us who we are what you need to start doing is looking at jesus jesus tells you who you are and people say oh that's arrogant that's probably no it's humility to look at jesus and say that's me jesus was the prototype everything god wanted in you he put into christ why because when you got into christ and christ got into you everything that was flowing through the vine would now begin to flow through the branch it would begin to flow through the branch it began to flow through the branch and then let me give you two more scriptures here colossians chapter 2 so this is jesus praying here you know jesus gets his prayers answered and i want you to see here in colossians some things paul's talking about here colossians colossians chapter one and we'll look at the one in chapter two colossians chapter 1 verse 27 paul said this to them god willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is what christ in you the hope and the expectation of the glory of god why could i expect the glory of god because the glory jesus had he put on the inside of me what's the gospel message and it's it's very basic simple what is it christ in you this almost too good to be true news that christ the one that we saw do all the miracles and do all the signs and wonders come to live on the inside of you he said this is the mystery of the gospel it's christ in you this is what it's all about and we've gotten so far away from that because we've become so focused on me and my works and my confession and my this and my that and trying to turn the right knob and push the right button and pull the right lever and in reality it's not about me it's about who's on the inside of me jesus said in john 15 he said i in the vine you are the branches he said if you abide in me and i abide in you that's where fruit gets produced the fruit is not going to be produced when you're on over here on your own and you're trying to work the system you can call it faith you can clothe it in faith you can call it whatever you want but if you're working it ain't gonna work a lot of people are working for faith incorporated not getting a paycheck i've been working and working working and ain't getting nothing but that's where there's a lot of frustration with a lot of people i'm doing everything i'm supposed to do you know i serve i give i i tithe i can i'm confess i got my 10 sheets of confessions and i read my chapters i do all these things and i can't get it to work yeah that's your answer that's your answer it's not about you yes there's thing these are wonderful faith principles and spiritual principles we should be doing we should be going to church we should be serving we should be giving we should be doing all these things but we're not doing those things to try to get what jesus already got me and this is what it just boils down christ knew and then notice what paul says just one chapter over colossians chapter 2 verse 6. he notices he says as you have received christ as you have received him now what walk in him walk in him as you have received him now walk in him walk in him now paul said this over in acts he said it's in him that we do what we live and we move and we have our being first corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 it says we are one spirit with the lord paul said as you've received christ now walk in him and then in verse 9 and 10 i mean it's so powerful verse 9 he says that christ he is the fullness of the godhead bodily if he stopped right there period that's it we would say oh praise jesus magnify his name look how great and awesome that he is the fullness the father the son and the holy ghost and one body he said the fullness of the godhead body but then paul went on and he included you and i in verse 10. and he said and you jesus is the fullness of the godhead body and you are complete in him that means the father the son the holy ghost and you wrapped up into one body [Applause] come on now that means everywhere that i go me and the trinity we're going together [Applause] me and the trinity we're going together and everything that's flowing in him it's flowing on the inside of me right now too [Applause] and this is where we've gotten off because we think we've got to get to this this man we got to get to this woman let me clue you how many of you ever heard about the story with of the woman who had the issue of blood okay great faith principles in that story wonderful faith principles in that but let me clue you in on something okay think about this woman it says that she was she was confessing and declaring if i could just touch the hem of his garment like i just touched the hem of his garment i know i'll be healed and she goes and she presses through the crowd she's sweating and she's doing all these things she could have been killed for what she was doing stone because she was unclean and she presses through the crowd and she goes up and she grabs a hold of jesus's garment and that power flows out of him and flows into her and immediately she knew she was healed and jesus felt it go out of him right we know that story but let me tell you something that is that is a wonderful story of how the sinner gets healed got to get to jesus because he's a source he's a supply i got to get to him but friend let me tell you something when you got saved you're no longer the woman with the issue of blood i'm not trying to get to jesus to get the power to flow out of him and flowing to me when i got saved the healer came to live on the inside of me he came to live on the inside of me the anointed one and that anointing is on the inside of me i'm not trying to get to jesus that way i don't have to worry about jesus passing me by no he got on the inside of me the christ got on the inside of me his healing power got on the inside of me that means everywhere that i go i am a walking miracle waiting to happen that means i've got on the inside of me the contents already the medicine of heaven so i can experience divine health and divine life everywhere that i go and all that i do every single day of my life i'm not trying to get to a certain manner a certain woman now look thank god because of his mercy there's many ways to receive healing and one of those ways is to get to somebody that knows what they have and knows who they are and they can release it into your body we can we can do it through prayer cloths you know putting the anointing in that cloth it can be done by speaking the word all these wonderful ways but friends what are you going to do if you're over in africa and you're preaching for jesus and you can't find anybody that knows anything about anything and you need a miracle in your body it's just you the lions and god you got to know you got somebody and something already on the inside of you i'm not trying to touch him he got on the inside of me his life's flowing through my veins throwing flowing through every tissue flowing through every ligament and bone and organ in my body right now and if you receive jesus as your lord and savior that very same life and anointing is on the inside of your spirit right now and it's ready to break loose into your body it's trying to break loose in your body right now right now right now right now right now christ in you christ in you the hope and expectation of the glory of god on the inside of you right now come on read not just mending organs replacing organs ears that we're hearing causing those ears to hear right now and you don't even have to come up with the right confession to make it happen you just know he's on the inside of you and he's wanting just to explode into your body explode into your body come on let me break it down for you you don't need bible for this this is just common sense none of us have a real issue with going and laying hands on somebody else and expecting the power the anointing to go into them out of us now hey knuckle nut if it's there for you to give to somebody else why is it not there for you for you duh like come on we're okay with that oh let me pray for you let me pray for you let me lay hands on you why because something's going to come out of me into you but all of a sudden when it comes to me now i got to get to somebody else because what was on the inside of me it won't work for me it'll work for somebody else come on now come on if god moved on the inside of you and this is this is where common sense just just it got me in trouble if god moved on the inside of me are you kidding me he left his healing power in heaven how can because we all know it doesn't matter what denomination you are what religious circle you are we pretty much all believe as a christian that i am the temple of god that the spirit of god dwells on the inside of me all right if god by the holy ghost is living on the inside of me and the holy spirit is the giver of the gifts i mean i'm not chasing after one apple i got the whole tree he's the giver of the gifts it's the same spirit that raised up jesus from the dead so we know the power is there with him are you telling me that he left his power there and moved on the inside of me you cannot separate god in his power you can't separate god in his power so even if you don't believe all this other stuff but you believe that you are the temple of the holy ghost and the holy ghost lives on the inside of you if he's there the power's got to be there too come on ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 says that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places where in christ when god moved on the inside of you i mean he brought the whole you all it was b b b b back it up baby dump it in them unload them come on when jesus saved you he didn't save you just a little bit he didn't do these things a little god is a lavish excessive giver he's a boat sinking 12 basket left over giving god jesus didn't come just to help you a little bit god didn't come and move on the inside of you a little bit you are wall to wall top to bottom all the way around divine god [Music] let me get we're we'll spend some time on this tonight but i just want to i want to tell you this this just came up this just blessed my socks off a while back when i saw this you know in genesis chapter 1 very first thing that happens god said let life be light be light was released light but that wasn't when the sun was created right that didn't happen until later on god released himself into the universe now think about this think about this we know this that the universe is continually expanding it's expanding at the speed of light the universe in its magnificence is in its expansiveness it cannot contain the light and life of god it cannot contain the substance of god i mean the universe is big as it is it's trying it's trying but but it can't stop it why john chapter 1 verse 4 says in him was life and that life was the light of men and you see it over in second corinthians chapter four what we begin to find out is that the universe in its greatness and its expansiveness it cannot contain god cannot contain god but god designed you so perfectly and so completely to be like him that you could contain him to his fullness the universe and the heavens cannot contain god but you as a spirit being can whoa everything that created the planets and the stars the galaxies that life that flowed into the universe it's on the inside of you right now if it could create all those things why couldn't it knock out a tumor create a new eye create a new ear create a new lung why could it not it's on the inside of you right now it's on the inside of you right now it's on the inside of you right now it's on the inside of you right now come on what the doctors cannot help the power of god on the inside of you can fix it can replace it can renew right now whoa on the inside of your spirit right now that's why you got to understand i'm a spirit being i'm not this body some of you may wake up in the morning go to the bathroom and look in that mirror and go i'm sexy that ain't you how are you if you want to understand who you are you need to look at jesus christ that's who you are and everything that he has you have first john 4 17 says as jesus is present tense as he is present tense so are you and i in this world in this world friend the only thing different between you and jesus right now he has his heavenly body you got your mortal body that's it that's it you can look at this and say well i sure don't look like jesus no this is not you this is why people are frustrated and struggling because we keep looking at this to tell me whether i'm healed or not or whether i've got the power and this is why we cry out for more of this and more of that more of this and more of that but the early church didn't do that they actually believed that salvation and the baptism of the holy ghost was enough and yet us faith-filled people we're praying for god to give us more power more of this more of that make me clean do this do that we don't even believe what we preach but notice as paul knows paul's prayer for the church he said i pray for you daily that god will open up your eyes give you wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened that you would know notice he didn't pray that god would give you something. paul's prayer was for revelation that you would know what you have and what was it he was praying that you would know that you have that you know the plan of god for your life you know the inheritance god has in the saints and you would know the exceeding greatness of his power that raised up jesus christ from the dead that it's not only for you but it's in you that was paul's prayer he didn't pray god give him that power he said paul father help them to understand that that power's on the inside of them right now that's on the inside of you right now some of you might need to move you might want to check some things right now some of you that had some ankle and knee issues you might want to start bending and shaking and running and do those things you couldn't do because i'm telling you you can do them right now [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on the presence of god not just in the building the presence of god on the inside of you [Applause] hallelujah come on who's somebody who had some knee issues let's prove some things who's got some knee issues what was wrong with your knee what's going on huh both did you did you get an accident or something injured huh they've been hurting they hurt right now what could what can you not do with them because they hurt just standing too long or sitting or walk walking too long does it depend on how long you walk or anything like that can you run or can you bend they hurt since you've been talking it's gotten better gotten better i'll tell you what what kill oh man we're gonna walk up these steps three times and watch what happens on the third time all right that's one all right we're gonna do two and look in him we live and him we move in him and then we have our being come on we're bone of his bow and we're flashing his flesh [Applause] wow hallelujah hallelujah yes yes yes whoa whoa now lay your hands on her knees hallelujah [Applause] oh now all these people with knees me me me me me me all right so you lay your hands on her knees what just got on the inside of you now now you let it go and go in there hallelujah in the name of jesus hallelujah let's go check those knees out come on come on what could you not do run dance do the electric slide something do the whole 80s kangaroo dance in church holy ghost then [Applause] hallelujah how's your knees feeling huh you get a little yellow huh pain was in it hallelujah hallelujah what was going on your knees all right let's lay hands let's lay hands on her hallelujah in the name of jesus christ we release your life into these knees we thank you that's going down right now hallelujah praise you jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus name all right let's go check it out hallelujah hey who's somebody that you've had some hearing issues who's had some hearing issues you ma'am right there thank you lord hallelujah walk around yes you man you raise your hand first you win the lotto what's going on your ears yeah so go ahead and cover up your right ear and check it out right now you hear that could you hear that before not as loud not as loud don't look don't cheat you hear that are you lying in church you hear that because you couldn't hear that before let's check out your other year because your left ear is working we got to get the right side we don't want to be unaligned you notice the difference there the right one was worse than the left you lied twice in church praise the lord well you've got some ears healed praise the lord no hey look where was the prayer where was the anointed spitting the jesus prayer where was it see look guys this is why you can go into the supermarket and you don't have to get the holy ghost shakes to get something to happen god doesn't need all your theater i'm not saying it can't happen but too many times we try to put on something to try to make it happen if you're trying to put on something to make it happen that means you don't know what you've got hallelujah who's somebody else that had some ear problems all right healed lady that lied twice in church come lay hands on her come on this is about the believer right here [Laughter] glory the name of jesus we thank you for life flowing through those ears right now in jesus name all right check them out well you can't check it out with both ears plugged up check it out okay i'll see if it works ringing in my ears all the time yeah so i'm healed no more ringing is that a positive confession or is that the truth it's the truth so you'll hear me ringing right now no praise the lord all right praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah yes something going on your ears too who who else has let me ask you this who some people you came in here this morning you came in with some pain aches problems this and that and you already noticed there's some changes taking place in your body what was going on with you your hip yep where come up here where everybody can see come on you guys show your face all right you'll tell everybody actually everybody knows you've seen me well i don't know well already this week i've had huge strides uh from prayers of the saints but this morning i've been able to walk everywhere [Applause] and y'all saw me hobbling around here y'all saw me not come staying for the service because i would be in so much agony after playing i would have to leave for weeks wednesday night i was able to sit through the whole service she went a little longer and i started to hurt but i was like no and then you've seen me walk out crying uh having to have people help me get out because of the pain and uh so i've got it all today where's god hallelujah praise the lord who's somebody else who else hallelujah what's going on you who else raise your hand you're seeing changes things happen yes sir when i came in this morning my i had a headache and my left ear was hurting and at 12 noon exactly 12 noon when you held your ears it went away praise god yes hallelujah who else who else has had something happen you've seen something happen who else if you raise your hand come on up here we want to get testimonies why because these testimonies inspire other people well if you raise your hand come on up here we want to get some testimonies who else i saw lots of hands go up come on sir hi how are you good thank you yourself i'm doing well this morning hey look look at all the people show your pretty face tell them what happened uh yes and you was asking about the shoulder thing magic yeah that people jig yeah okay i don't have a socket in the shoulder okay okay and when you're saying raise your arm this i i can do it up to this high now before i couldn't do it but this low but now i can get it up to this high you don't have a socket in there i don't have a socket in there i've had 19 surgeries since 2005 and uh i don't have it they they suck it they couldn't put it back in because the bones are too tender to hold it so you know i could not raise it this high and so hallelujah well let's just let's lay hands on this father we just thank you right now for your life hallelujah we declare a socket being built right now a socket being built right now that same power that flowed in jesus is flowing out of my spirit flowing out of her spirit flowing out of their spirits by our words jesus said our my his words were spirit and they were life thank you for life flowing into this shoulder recreating everything hallelujah and the miracle that's already working then they will be complete it will be finished hallelujah praise you jesus praise you jesus the fire of god the lightnings of god forming and creating in there right now hallelujah hallelujah i would i would dare say that by this afternoon you're going to see even more and more increased motion hallelujah yeah i think i will yeah yeah yeah well i'm just i'm telling you you will yeah yeah okay that's great i'm telling you thank you i bet you a hundred dollars but i don't have a yummy who else yes sir i fell in the cement the other day and my arm was still swelling a bit this morning right under here it's much it's it's good now and it seems like there's some something big inside of me it's kind of a roar you feel like you're going to take off yeah you might pull that shirt back and find an s and blazing on your just anybody that's good yes he is he's good he's big on the inside of you amen bless you sir who else yes sir when i come in i couldn't breathe couldn't breathe right now i'm doing fine i had medical auction thing so yeah i have tanks on you know several people want to call an ambulance for me i'm fine no oxygen on it all right i'm breathing hallelujah well faith without work is dead so let me start running go for it [Laughter] [Applause] glory [Applause] hallelujah just breathe in the life of god [Music] anybody else have some lung issues going on yes ma'am come up here come on anybody else have some lung issues going on yes sir yes baby i'll come up here tell everybody what's happening for you oh okay so for years my left foot has been really tight swollen and i couldn't move it so now i can move it more it's going to work praise the lord foot loose foot loose put it on your shoulder yes ma'am what what's going on we were both in the hospital with coveted and i'm almost totally healed yeah my wife's almost totally here we want to go all the way [Applause] all right well remember what we were talking about we made that statement hey not just things being renewed being remade right organs we said organs not being just renewed remade hallelujah praise the lord father we just thank you for your life flowing into these lungs and remaking what was damaged it'll be whole and it'll be complete right now in jesus name jesus name let's go ahead and take a deep breath just ah hallelujah hallelujah thank you for the life of god your anointing flowing into these lungs remaking replenishing what was stolen what was broken what may have died thank you for your life the bible says that the light always overcomes the darkness in the name of jesus christ flowing on the inside of them with abundance hallelujah hallelujah just hallelujah in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah in jesus name jesus name i feel that you feel that it doesn't hurt anymore it doesn't hurt anymore it's what he said doesn't hurt anymore hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah how you feel feel good you're not out of breath praise the lord you know there we did this uh it was two years ago we had like this worship night anybody know who todd delaney is okay so we had this worship night with ty delaney and he was finishing up and i had this word of knowledge about someone's ears and i couldn't get away from it and so i was closing the night out and so i said this all of a sudden miracles start breaking out well there was this little boy i just thought about with the lungs there's this little boy he was 10 years old had asthma really bad and his mama i laid hands on him and of course he's 10 years old he doesn't know the churchy thing to say and do you know i laid hands on him and he goes oh oh something a heat's going into my lungs and then all of a sudden he goes i can breathe i can breathe i can breathe and his mom sent me an email about two weeks later she said chad he's been on medication every day since he was a little little bitty boy he hadn't been on any medication in two weeks [Applause] hallelujah you got something going on yeah i had um i don't know lung cancer okay um i had surgery to get some fluid out on my left side and it's been really tight ever since just it's just it's been hard to breathe but it's just felt a little bit more opened up today i feel like your breathing is better right now yeah it's just that tightness is sort of lifting a little bit it's like they're a little bit but but it's where things with what doctor said right now as far as the cancer where is that at well they've only seen it in the fluid in my lung that they took out and um i'm just on this medication that i just have to take forever but it's got a lot of side effects and so i don't really want to take it forever but you know what the great thing is this life of god that we're kind of mentioning we're going to talk a lot about tonight no side effects no side effects there's no commercial that airs talking about the life of god for 10 seconds and then the last 45 how to make you blind impotent deaf kill you stroke paralyzed here come here lay hands over hallelujah father we just thank you for your life flowing into these lungs right now i feel that in my hands removing every ounce of cancer i mean there's just a heat flowing out of my hand right now removing every ounce of cancer opening this up right now or breathing even more hallelujah praise be unto god in jesus name we thank you that's done in jesus name just take a deep breath just oh it's really it's a lot better i mean it's just it's it's nothing you can see i can only feel it but it's amazing [Applause] hallelujah yes ma'am they diagnosed me with plein air fibrosis and they said i have 50 function and rheumatoid arthritis okay where's the lung lady where's brenda the healer lay your hands on her on her chest there what went into you and what was already on the inside of you too let's put it in here [Applause] hallelujah you're anointed [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] lord hallelujah raise your jesus brenda we're under working power man hallelujah let's let god work on her yes ma'am what's going on well i was uh diagnosed with cancer before and they said i had some notes in my lungs they don't look they're cancerous or not but they are growing some okay all right here you go hallelujah the name of jesus we just released the very life of god into this body we curse every ounce of cancer we thank you that light always overcomes darkness every ounce of unrighteousness being removed out of this body ha [Music] jesus jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus jesus praise you jesus hallelujah praise you jesus yes sir what's going on [Music] let's tell that's a good testimony here come here hey buddy i'm up here where mom you come too so you can tell do you want to tell what happened you want to tell mom you want mom to tell okay yo mom to tell her mom tell tell what was going on what happened so he's been having a pink eye with discharge for the past like over a week now he would wake up with really red eyes and last night i noticed this eye started getting smaller and a little bit swollen so i thought i'd take him to the doctor's office but you know we started talking about and i said timmy tomorrow we're going to get here now your eyes are going to be normal again and while we were praising i checked and he said what did you do i blinked three times it blinked three times you fell your eyes what happened to your eye they were normal again so you blink three times eyes normal again awesome praise the lord you go that way hallelujah praise the lord ma'am this lady right here has got some issues basically been told she's curable okay liver failure yeah it backs fluid into my right lung i was in the hospital for five days so you just need an extreme makeover exactly extreme makeover edition my husband's with me he's in kidney failure all right where's where's hubby yet over there all right grab my hand praise you jesus we just thank you for your life flowing out of me that dead raising power on the inside i mean look you don't have to work for it you don't have to work for it you don't try to pray in tongues for it just chill jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus jesus filling up that entire body you will live and you will not die you will fulfill the plan of god for your life with long life you will be satisfied the devil will not take you out early he will not take you out with a sickness he will not take you out with a disease you have the choice over your life and we make a choice right now you will live and you will not die what the doctor said was impossible jesus said it's doable [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise you jesus praise you jesus praise the lord hallelujah well it's 12 30. one more we're just getting started yes sir i've had surgery this has surgery i've not been able to release okay yeah and my feet my legs okay i'm just constantly in pain my hands are biting me okay praise you jesus hallelujah in the name of jesus you foul spirit that's causing this right now we release you of your assignment we thank you for the life of god flooding this body right now flooding this body right now jesus name jesus name jesus name jesus name you might want to stomp around a little bit right there what's happening i see it on your face that's the holy ghost you're about to turn into the little engine that could a renewing of life in this body a renewing of life a quickening a quickening a quickening in this body this is husband what do you think about all this sir i think it's amazing yeah i thought you might say it's strange i don't know hallelujah praise the lord it was your liver kidneys kidneys kidneys hallelujah in the name of jesus father we thank you for new kidneys we thank you for creative miracles taking place right now not just fixing them replacing them brand new brand new not because of anything he's done everything he will do but because simply what jesus already did and who he is on the inside of you and we just act as the connector these are jumper cables connected to the throne of god and the other flowing into this battery that needs some life hallelujah jesus name we thank you for that right there in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah thank you praise the lord yes sir beginning all feel like you can't breathe you ready to breathe brenda [Laughter] [Music] now you saw what she did that last person you might want to hold on i don't know that's what he said come on in the name of jesus christ [Laughter] we thank you for your life flowing in these lungs we're doing this right now in jesus name removing all that junk all that gunk complete and total healing not even having to wait till he gets out the door right now on that day jesus said i'll reveal myself i'll manifest myself we thank you for an encounter with god right now in these longs jesus go and take a deep breath just when's the last time you did that i'm holding you up so brendan didn't knock you out takes two ushers with brenda's around so we're not working for anything as you have received christ now breathe in him [Music] praise you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what's going on she's born blind and she also has other parts of her brain it's underdeveloped so she has all kinds of weapon delay and her perturbation and smaller so she used to take five medications what happened amen hallelujah hallelujah all right but i want the healings to be full yeah amen hey let me tell you something something's happening in your body you ain't gonna interrupt the holy ghost it's fine so you run dance shout do push-ups do sit-ups hang from the ceiling whatever you feel like you need to do you ain't gonna interrupt anything have fun hallelujah praise you jesus hallelujah oh praise eugene now let me tell you something here do you notice how everybody got real quiet also everybody starts getting real serious you know why we get serious because in our mind this is big come on this is a teaching point come on look listen listen right here listen listen listen when it comes to somebody has a shoulder problem or lungs or this and that nobody gets serious and starts praying in tongues we're shouting praising god but when something comes up that our mind is big all of a sudden we think we got to get more spiritual so this is where we got to work on things and i'm working on it too there's things in my mind that are big i don't tell you what they are because i gotta act like i know what i'm doing i really don't but but i'm working on things in my mind because the bigger they are in my mind the more faith i feel like it's going to take and then i put myself in a position we got it we need more power we need more this more than and then we start getting away from this thing of who's on the inside of me who's on the inside of me so we've got to be in the process of renewing our mind we shouldn't see things big like the sinner does what's big to the center should be very very small to the believer so it takes us humbling ourselves and realizing doing doing some analysis and realizing where we're at what are the things that are big to me that's when i need to start renewing my mind i don't want to be conformed to the world's way of thinking they're cursed thinking no i need to renew my mind and think according to the realities of heaven and see it small just like god does small just like god does i'll never forget i was over in virginia we were doing the service miracles happening all over the place this one guy raises his hand and when i walked up to the guy all of a sudden it got quiet and everybody starts praying in tongues i was like oh this must be one everybody knows about and it's a big deal hey you know what i did i intentionally walked away and i told a joke just to get everybody to laugh and we got some other people healed everybody's running in debts and shouting and then i snuck over to the guy that was a big deal and we got some things happening he had a growth on his neck that he had cancer it dissolved right there so we ain't teaching on this but look let's stop the stop making big things big and start acting different just because it seems big because whether whether it's a finger that barely moves or it's a blind eye is still the same god it's still the same power [Applause] and you you praying in tongues really really really fast is it going to help produce the miracle now i'm not saying this isn't a big deal it is but it shouldn't change the way we we act and respond
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 7,294
Rating: 4.8672199 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Gonzales, healing, miracles, faith and healing, the healing academy, faith healer, cures for cancer, blind eyes, deaf ears, covid 19, god and the Bible, inspirational YouTube, inspirational sermons, tv preacher, Steven furtick, bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, smith wigglesworth, John lake, healing revival, awakening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 0sec (4740 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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