You're A Beast | 20/20 PERFECT VISION | Pastor Keion Henderson

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right and behold the four winds of the heaven not heavens singular heaven strove upon the great sea and four great beasts came up from the sea diverse one from another the first was like a lion and had eagle's wings I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it and behold another beast a second like to a bear and it raised up itself on one side and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it and they said thus unto it arise devour much flesh verse six after this I beheld and lo another like a leopard which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl and the Beast had also four heads and Dominion was given to it after this I saw in the night vision and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly and it had great iron teeth it devoured and break into pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all of the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns I considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn before whom there was three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in the horns were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouth speaking great things I'm gonna stop right there cuz some y'all scared I like what Bible is this Daniel is having a dream or several dreams and he has four visions and every one of those visions were about some sort of beasts that had anthropomorphic application that is he gave human qualities to seemingly in animate objects and he says I saw a lion it had wings I saw a bear to have ribs y'all hungry I saw a leopard to have four heads and four wings and I saw something else it had iron teeth and I can't even explain it God told me to tell you something and don't you ever forget it in fact help your neighbor say neighbor God told me to tell you you're a beast that's what I want to talk about if you believe it just high-five your neighbor on your way down say I'm a beast [Music] I feel glory in this room the Book of Daniel is demarcated and deciphered into two categories the first part of Daniel is what theologians call the narrative of Daniel the second part of Daniel is what is called the prophecy of Daniel 12 chapters split right down the middle six chapters given to narrative six chapters given to prophecy this is important and I need your attention because those are not the only differentiators within the book itself yes the first half is narrative narrative is that of a circumstance or an event that is expressed prophecy is there by a foretelling of something that's inspired by the divination or the Spirit of God so when you hear one talking about prophecy it is not one resting on their abilities to fortune tale it is a downloaded vision given directly from the Holy Ghost that is now regurgitated by someone who has been called to the office in other words everybody who can give you a foretelling it's not a prophet you understand that in the book of Acts there was a lady who was a fortune teller who was giving prophecy at the same time that Paul and Silas was trying to spread the gospel and her line of people who wanted to hear what she had to say was longer and Paul and Silas represented the Lord and no one would listen to them because people are in the last days will have itching ears they will want to hear anybody who tells them that everything is going to be okay and that everything is gonna be alright and if you tell them that you have to struggle and that you have to strain and that you have to cry and that you have to push they often don't want to hear that but let me tell you something prosperity is always found in pain that before an economy explodes it has to implode that before you go up you have to first start down the Book of Daniel is amazing because it is split into two parts first part narrative second part prophecy but here is what's more important the first part of Daniel from chapter 2 verse 4 all the way until our current text is written in a language called Aramaic that if you go back and trace the original language of Scripture it is written in Aramaic Greek and Hebrew and the first six chapters of Daniel is written in a language called Aramaic you understand that that language is also in the New Testament because the Bible says that when Jesus was crucified they wrote he said he is the king of the Jews on the cross in both Greek Hebrew and Aramaic so that everybody in every language would understand the embarrassment they were trying to place upon him the Bible says that the first part of Daniel was written in Aramaic but by the time you get to chapter 7 it switches from Aramaic to Hebrew now that's amazing because the first six chapters which is narrative it is written in Aramaic and now the next six chapters which is prophecy is written in Hebrew and you must understand how important this is because now you have to look at Daniels life his first six chapters were him was him interpreting the dreams of other people the first six chapters he was telling Nebuchadnezzar what his dream and in the first first chapter verse one he's telling Belshazzar what his vision is so in the beginning of his life narrative he is telling other people what their visions means and now God has grown him up and matured him he's gone from narrative to prophecy and now he has no longer interpreting dreams he's having dreams and let me tell you something this is important because some of y'all are in transition and you're getting ready to go from an employee to a business owner you're getting ready to go from the back of the line to the front of the line you're getting ready to go from broke to rich come on talk to me you're getting ready to go from depressed to encouraged you're getting ready to go from the bottom to the top and you're gonna have to follow Daniels protocol Daniel goes from narrative to prophecy changes from Aramaic to Hebrew because when you're switching seasons in your life so does your language have to change the problem with most people is you are in your Hebrew season use using Aramaic and you're in your Aramaic season trying to learn Hebrew but you got to use the language of the season touching a person you got to use the language of the season and where you are going right now I can't I don't know how and I won't it's not a part of the vocabulary where you are going you have to speak those things that are not as though they work slap three people say change the language and sometimes in order to change your language you have to change who you talk to because you often regurgitate the language of those you conversate with and I don't know who I'm talking to today but this is a language change moment in your life because you're getting ready to go from narrative to prophecy you're getting ready to go from I don't know how to nothing I do fail you're getting ready to go from I don't know how I'm gonna make it to God has already worked it out while I'm trying to figure it out I need 50 people to understand that you're going ready to change seasons give somebody high five or so you in a ship you're in the transition this is the moment where you develop this is the moment where your conversation has to change and guess what that means that even though you're going through something negative you got to speak positive that means even though you're confused you got to speak clarity even though you don't understand you got to act like you already know slap three people to say fake it until you make it in fact I prophesy right now broke people getting ready to say I'm rich come on I mean you got a change on language III won't sick people to say I'm healed you don't need a doctor's report or cat scan on x-ray to prove to you that God is able to do it just because you said it is going to happen somebody say I've got a change in my language I want to change my lesson I am the head enough to tell I am above and not beneath I am the lender and after I'm not depressed I'm just not stupid I'm not angry everybody's trying to tell you this your anger you're not angry you just won't you won't you want to hold people accountable it's time right now that you change your language and stop letting your situation change your language you are moving from narrative to prophecy you're getting ready to move from helping people to accomplish that vision so people coming to help you accomplish yours somebody shout there's a shift how many of you all have been helping people all of your life you've been writing checks helping people pay their rent you've been babysitting for five dollars every six hours talk to me you've been doing all this stuff and whenever you need somebody everybody broke in busy i prophesy all the broken busy people leaving your life right now I ask God to send you people with money and time help me Holy Ghost somebody who will come and confiscate your vision from you and help you accomplish it and give it back to you in better shape than it was when you release it somebody shout I'm in transition God send me help see me encouragement send me somebody who doesn't win unless we went together [Applause] okay so I'm telling you one of the things that's proof positive that you are in the transition is that your language is starting to change and you don't even know why you saying the stuff you're saying like when you look back at how you used to respond and how what they doing right now you know any how many y'all know you change cuz you like I know five years ago I would have smacked a taste out of your whole mouth oh god I would have I'm telling you right now but because I am changing anybody know you in a transition do me a favor tell your neighbor you better be glad I'm in transition because I normally take stuff out on people I don't know because of people I can't get to anybody in transition and when you're in transition your language has to change you got to go from negative to positive you got to go from hopeless to hopeful you got to go from I'm about to to he who has began you got to go from fear to no weapon slap your name some change in my language and when you don't know what to say can I give you one good word that works every time hallelujah I promise you it'll work the Bible says that you put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness so I just came to prophesied about 500 y'all if you don't know what to say just gonna shout hallelujah hallelujah anyhow bills do hallelujah anyhow hello AT&T how to Lou you hello Verizon hallelujah I dare you the next time a bill collector car you say hallelujah they're gonna know what to say cuz they don't understand the language of the Spirit but watch God work it out when you change your language [Applause] halleluyah credit card behind hallelujah student loans do are we - we're gonna have a praise party y'all go ahead going in shouting - those student loans disappear make your student loan okay y'all hallelujah somebody in this house now y'all know I'm illiterate now don't try to make me preach everybody in transition how let your boy [Applause] Daniel is in transition and so are you you don't even like the people you used to like when they call you Tom bout let's go out you're like I'm sleepy you ain't sleepy you just don't want to go be part of their dumb who am I talking to that's in transitions come on come on you got you got friends now when they call you black you-you-you used to call them and tell them about what you're going through but now you have learned that whenever you called them to tell then what God has done for you they kind of switch it to what God has done for them so they'll so you like you know what I ain't gonna call them cuz they ain't gonna do number make it about themselves so you start encouraging yourself in the Lord who is in transition slap your name on I'm in transition you've been sitting next to me at church all this time I know I've been quiet all year but I might run around this place right now cuz I'm in transition when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me my soul shouts out anybody in the transient you're even worship the same you used to clap now you cry you used to cry now you're shouting you used to clap but you'll mess around and around because when you're in transition so is your worship all the people in transition holla [Applause] Daniel is in transition and I know it because the scripture says specifically in verse number one in the year the first year of Belshazzar who is currently the king and now Daniel is having a dream in the first year that first year traces it because Belshazzar was murdered in 538 BC he reigned for four years which means that his reign was over in 542 BC which is the year that Daniel turned 80 so Daniel has his first dream on the king god gives him his first revelation with an AARP card for all of you young people who want to give up on life because you don't get your vision at 30 and 40 sometimes God awaits and it ain't because the dream ain't ready is because you ain't ready for the dream God said his dream is so big I can't give it to a 30 year old you're gonna have to be mature and seasoned because I'm not given a crock-pot blessing to a microwave mentality oh you gotta holla at me I got attitude and I'm gonna keep one because young people don't know nothing about microwaves if it ain't done in 30 minutes or thirty seconds you don't want to even want your turkeys done in 30 minutes that's why you're deep frying but when we grew up stuff had to start on Thursday to be done by Sunday and the house smelled like food and you couldn't eat nothing you had a turkey in the oven behalf of McDonald's to hold you over why because good stuff got a simmer and it take time and I came to tell you the reason why I was taking guys so long because you ain't a happy meal you are feast snap somebody say god is putting something in me and you ain't gonna get me quick you can't date me for three months and get my number you got to take me to Bali for we can take marna because I'm worth something [Applause] somebody shot I'm a beast I'm a beast and I'm broke I'm a beast and I'm lonely I'm a beast and I'm confused why because he put it inside of me it's never too late to start I speak against this mindset that makes you think you're too old to do it you're too old to do nothing whatever you decide that's what it starts I don't give you 40 I don't give you 50 I'll give you 60 I don't care if you 70 I'll give you 80 start something 80 he spent the first 80 years of his life helping people and you know sometimes when you help people a long time and your turn doesn't come you get discouraged and you don't even help nobody and then you quit but see here's the problem Luke 16 and 12 says how can you have your own if you're not faithful over somebody else's so what God does listen to me focus he tests you with another man's before he gives you your own and the problem with most people is the reason why your destiny comes never comes to you is because your destiny has never seen you serve anybody now I'm about to get an attitude right up in here because my problem with the church and my problem with our generation as y'all want to go from the back of the line to the front of the line without serving anybody without listen you want to be pastors but you ain't never had a pastor you want to be a prophet but you don't ever pray you want to lead everything but before you get over something you got a first look at what you under and I come right now speaking that divine authority comes back into the church and people just stop attending church and actually get a pastor I know you ain't gonna say man but say action this is not a social club well you come in here me say something and figure out what you gonna listen to that word has he hidden in my mouth and the prophesy over your life is in my tongue and if you're ever gonna get what God has for you you gotta have a spiritual authority [Applause] stop listening to these people on the internet making you think you y'all pastor you are not your own pastor you need a leader in fact you'll never be a leader if you are not first a follower if you are not faithful over another man's vineyard stop asking God for grapes the reason why most people are never good leaders it's because they've never followed anybody so they don't know what good leadership looks like you don't learn leadership from leadership you learn leadership from fellowship [Music] hard to be a good parent when you don't respect your own [Music] [Applause] and I don't care how grown you get you should never disrespect your parents holla at your boy see some of y'all looking at me I'm grown I don't care how grown you get you shouldn't be cussing in front of your mama there's some language you ought to leave outside of the house and when you get around your mama you change the language and when you get back in the car go back to doing whatever you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm grown you still the same age bracket and distance from the day you was born I don't care how old you got it ain't like she stopped Authority and this generation has a problem with authority and people don't have to be older than you to have charge over you I don't follow nobody younger than me well how you gonna follow Jesus in his day he was God at 33 they were 150 years old you got to be able to follow the person who's anointed not aged [Applause] [Music] David was younger than all the people he was leading age don't make you smart it just make you old old fools used to be young fools everybody shout Authority you have to follow Authority it is the essential component to transition you have to have authority and spiritual authority at that you don't just go to church you have a pastor so that that pastor can have a vision for your specific life and even though I cannot give it to you all individually I promise you with this one sermon that I am preaching right now God has conformed these words to fit the canal of your ear you are hearing exactly what you need to hear and the person next to you ain't even got what you getting right now how many of you know you struggled Authority sometimes come on any time somebody tell you something your blood start boiling listen to me you have to be found faithful before you're found fruitful what have you served when you didn't feel like it I'm not talking about when you was in love I'm not talking about when when when you were excited I'm talking about when you didn't want to follow and you submit it to Authority anyway submission hasn't even occurred until quittin has arrived this is what's wrong with America students don't listen to teachers Authority come on talk to me somebody the community doesn't listen to the police authority that everybody has decided that they are in control of their moment in time and you don't understand that there is divine divinity and following authority we have Sunday School teachers that could whip us oh y'all don't know nothin about that or the Sunday School teacher could whoop you with a rat to comb and then tell your momma that they whipped you and your mom said okay when I get home you and I got another meeting cuz you don't go around see my momma rule was wherever you show out that's where you get wore out so you knew parents Johnny when we get home you're gonna get I don't know if I was gonna make it home I was in the car praying Lord don't let this woman remember what I did she didn't already promised me a whoopin when we got home I go home and try to go to bed and act like I was asleep so she will forget and Momma almost forgotten since she said oh yeah I got a beatin in me and all of a sudden the covers come back in the middle of the night and you ain't been whooped until you been woke up by one [Applause] [Music] today's shower don't come back I have called on Jesus and rebuked my mother and it didn't work she overpowered it she overcame by the blood of the Lamb in her own personal testimony such names it's not too late to start dreaming it's nighttime because the Bible says he has a night vision and it is not only nighttime chronologically it is nighttime economically because the Persians have come and taken over the empires and Nebuchadnezzar has defeated the Jews and now that they are working as slaves it is nighttime in the physical and it is nighttime in the spiritual because they are not serving the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Nebuchadnezzar has built a golden image in chapter 3 and it's try to make everybody bow down to it these guys are not Christians they are making sure that they are worshiping their gods that's what got down you're thrown into the fire I mean the Hebrew boy is thrown into the fire and then you enter the lion's den and let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen and you don't ever forget this as long as you shall live do not allow the time the darkness or whatever's going on in your life to cause you to turn off your vision because Daniel is in the darkest season of his life and he is still dreaming and I prophesy don't know who this is for but God says I know it's dark in your life because you sleep well with no lights you miss what I just said you've had too many options and too many lights and too many people who would bail you out you had too many people who would help you if you would struggle your mama will give you a loan if you ever struggle your daddy will give you along so what I did is I bankrupt everybody around you of all money and emotions turned out all the lights so that she would trust in me and I am here to tell you that no matter what how when and where you are you've got to still maintain your vision no matter your sight in the most painful moments you got to have a vision how many y'all broke let's start dreaming then that's the only way you're not listen the Bible says he gives you the ideas to create wealth if you don't dream broke you'll never be rich you have to drink you got to stop seeing what you see and you got to start seeing what you want to see and you got to make sure that no matter what the circumstance is no matter how dark it is no matter what time of day it is no matter what season of life it is you got a dream I've said this to you before but some of you haven't heard it before right is now a dream is they thought asking for permission to live a dream is a thought asking for permission to live that is to say that whenever you think about something long enough it turns into a dream and the dream is plant same please let me live please let me come to fruition please let me help you become what God has called you to become a dream as a thought asking for permission to live and God would never give you thoughts that he could not accomplish so how many be able to seen yourself walking in like a huge house and you ever seen yourself driving in crazy cars and in private jets and and and you see if y'all don't see yourself that well I do so it's okay and I'm so tired of the airport I don't know what to do they take their time I want to I want to go straight to where I want to go I mean have you ever could you imagine the first person who thought you know what I'm going to do I'm gonna create a company and I'm gonna make other people use their cars and pay me now let me tell you also 15 years ago you wouldn't get people you knew arrived now you got complete strangers picking up complete strangers all around the world who would have thought I know who thought it the people who invented uber who would have thought that you would trust somebody post mates to bring the food to I think people spit on food when you ain't looking at it I'm not gonna let nobody that I don't know go pick up my food and bring it to me who would have thought it the people who invent it so it don't ever make sense until you see it right now there's another app called Toro how many of y'all ever seen that one now that's that one's off the hook it's uber on steroids Toro means you actually take the vehicle to the person you don't know give them the key and walk away and said I'll see you when you come back I know I'm gonna let it sink in somebody gets on the app and says I want to use your car for the next three days we're gonna meet up X Y Z you meet them there you give them your keys you go home or catch or uber and they drive off in your Benz Netflix if blockbuster had a vision because Netflix offer blockbuster the technology but blockbuster thought y'all was gonna keep picking up them VHS and they said no we're sticking with our original plan Netflix said ok stick with the cassette we're going to go digital and now everybody in here don't have a Netflix you just use your uncle's password and yo name but five Netflix accounts in the world everybody just use everybody pass well I ain't getting one I'll use my sisters I ain't getting one and giving nobody $9.99 a month for nothing I'm like Keanu what's your password it is again y'all all right number two after you develop God told me to tell you you're getting ready to rule every dimension I saw a beast and it was a lion but I want to tell y'all follow me because I was just in the Lions Den in Daniel chapter 6 now I have a vision of a lion in Daniel chapter 7 and let me tell you something I'm trying to show you how to have a vision because most people would have had a lion den experience in Chapter 6 and your vision would have been what you saw that's not a vision that's a nightmare what I did is I took the vision and I added wings to it I added wings to it and and I put two things together because the lion rules the ground and ego rules the air so what I did is I brought something together that rules every dimension God told me to tell you you are a beast wherever you go you're gonna rule good God Almighty tough I don't care if you go to a fast food restaurant God has you working at McDonald's cuz you're going to own the franchise in the next 10 years slap five people and say you're going to rule every dimension all right now I know you're disobedient cuz you cannot slap five hands sit in your seat I said slap five people and give them a high five or tell them you're gonna rule every dimension you're gonna rule the money dimension you're gonna rule the mind dimension you're gonna rule the banking dimension you're gonna rule the investment dimension you're gonna rule the health dimension why because everywhere you go and everywhere your feet shall tread God's gonna give it to you I need five hundred people to understand that you will never be in second place in any place in your life and God has created you as a beast and a ruler somebody shout I'm a beast take your last experience and put wings on it take your last expect Daniel was in the lion's den left for dead but he put wings on it put wings on that negative experience [Applause] don't put no dove wings on it and don't put no raven wings on it don't put no chicken wings on it don't put no ostrich ring somebody put eagle when they show mount up with wings the reason why you're tired is because you have other kinds of wings and every bird that has wings has to flap them to stay up but an eagle soars God says I'm getting ready to take you higher and you're gonna have less effort I don't know who that's for it's not gonna take you as much effort in the next season of your life as it has taken you in the previous season of your life slap your neighbors say you sitting next to an eagle you sit next to ego and pardon me because I don't have conversations with chickens if I'm talking to you it's because I think you are an eagle - what a fellow eagle give another eagle a high feather and tell them less fly [Music] somebody shut up a beast but it's a millionaire oh I know a few of them I can see them right now it is some over there somebody I need all the millionaires on this side to holla at me [Applause] you got alright calm down people of God [Music] because I have something to tell you before you move too fast he did have the lion and the lion did have wings but here is the caveat the Bible says that he clipped the wings because I don't want you to be tempted to think you can fly on your own so I'm going to give you Isaac and then I'm gonna take Isaac okay now then the Bible says that he lifts him up and stands him on his feet like a man and gives him a man's heart the problem with most beasts is you have teeth but no heart you got fight but no heart you got plans and intuition and no heart and if you're going to survive in this next season you got to develop one of these you got to develop I am seeing so many Maine Christians and all of my life I haven't seen so many nasty angry people and all of my life can we get somebody in here who develops the right kind of heart the Bible says that David was a man after God's own heart and to suggest that David was a man after God's own heart is an allegory of the fact that he has a carbon copy of God's heart is a misnomer and a misapplication of Scripture it doesn't mean that David and God had the same heart it means that David was after God's heart it means he pursue God's heart it means that he tried to be like God even though he knew he couldn't if you're gonna do it try to at least be nice just try just try if anybody ought to treat the girl at the restaurant right it ought to be the church [Applause] what we talk to people in they kind of way street a minute kind of where time up on their head and not the tail but you ain't got no heart which means you got a head missing lifeless tell you you got a hey you ain't got to be perfect but don't be nasty I like nice people just what's what's wrong with being respectful what's wrong with saying yes ma'am no ma'am yes sir no sir excuse me perhaps people just do all kind of stuff to you and then when you look for an excuse me they look like you looking for something that you shouldn't be looking for I just got a heart don't make me just just just whisper to you neighbor just just be nice see saw lost his kingdom because he didn't had a right heart I I think that everybody deserves to be who they want to be with one exception you got to have a good heart I I think that at the bare minimum you should be good inside is that too much to ask like and I'm gonna say because we all gonna fail at that I'm not I'm not looking for perfection I'm looking for a tilt like just be good I don't know what else to say I know it's not deeper I know it is not it's not conducive to multi syllabic expressions I understand but just just be good just be good when people wave at your way back keep it walking Church I didn't come here for nobody I didn't come here to speak I came to get a word and I'm going home that's just nasty I don't like stem chess peoples cuz your nose had a year so I comes in here and gets a would just speak somebody say hi and quit acting like y'all see people at the grocery store you see us you'll be seeing us on the highway we just wave and you run in front of us somebody say I'm in development somebody say I rule in every dimension number three this is gonna be uncomfortable decelerate see all my seasoned Saints will tell you the problem with young go get it ambitious people is you never know that advancement is gained in deceleration see arrow doesn't go forward until it's pulled back you gotta learn to slow down before you kill yourself trying to speed up and let me tell you arriving at destiny late is better than the destruction ahead of time do me a favor look at your neighbor eyeball to eyeball and tell them slow down pump your brakes cuz this is wisdom this you won't find that this is the most popular part of sermon I'm giving you straight-up wisdom I didn't learn this until recently speed is costly and you don't know that speed is costly until that which you had is behind you you have to learn to slow down I am ambitious I'm a beast no I'm serious I can stay up three days straight if I got to to get it done I know my mama be like when are you going to go to bed she'll say it to me and I have to be reminded that sleep is required because when I'm after something I'm gonna give it everything I got and if I don't get it it ain't gonna be because I didn't try and of the beast recognized beasts I can't stand lazy people lazy people give me knee pain I cannot be around people who won't get up and do something you ain't got to be rich but get your narrow tail up and do something do something and that's one of the problems because women are looking for mates there's so many lazy men [Applause] menu ain't gotta be number one at nothing but do you best let me tell you something ain't nothing sexier to a woman than a man that try to do something try to do something open the business and fail she'll rub your bow ahead until you start again try something try something and women don't know about it want to see you with them sponge rollers in your head at three o'clock in the afternoon still we're SpongeBob SquarePants but Chalmers at five in the afternoon get your butt up and do something cook a corn on the cob wiper counter down sweep a float do something [Applause] [Music] we don't need a gourmet breakfast we take a toaster strudel due south bad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Pulido don't look at me like that so what I'm saying is [Applause] oh the bear the bear so the bear is slowly but it's powerful and what did Cindy daughter what did he have in this mouth remember three ribs not prime rib this is this is not yeah baby back ribs this is not your grandmother's ribs really it is because the Persian King has infiltrated the Israelites and now that the Persian Kingdom is in place the ribs are actually allegories that give attention to the fact that Bill Shay's are nebuchadnezzar and the other kings had built a provinces in the israelite camps and now they have built watch this they have built strongholds in every direction the ribs represent direction and the three directions that they had built was north west and south north west south humble katie Sugarland such no name say my church a beast i decree that everybody in this house is about to rule in every direction if you start your business on the north side it's going down if you start your business on the south side it's going down if you start your business downtown is going down slap five people to say you obese whoever your foot shall tread god's gonna give it to you whatever you initiate god is going to perform it in your life i need every beast in this house to open up your mouth and begin the shout and tell your neighbor that shout is my roar because it means that i'm a beast and i'm getting ready to take a line [Music] [Applause] y'all got time for me to finish cuz I'm like three minutes over time if you got time I need all the bees telling me I got time I got another vision this time I saw a leopard he had four heads and four wings for four God didn't Adam have dominion over a river that split into four hey del P Sean Gahan and the river Euphrates didn't you split one head into four before and did you not give us north-south east-west did you not give us summer winter spring and fall did you not give us the four corners of the mercy-seat because I am going to rule in every direction you keep trying to figure out where should I go can I tell you where everywhere you should I go to this side of town yeah should I go to that side of town absolutely should I go wherever you go [Music] so go to rule you know why cuz you are beasts but watch God take some from the bear to the leopard because the bear is deceleration but the leopard is not strong the leopard is fast so God says I had to teach you walking before I released you to running I had to pull you back before I pulled you forward I had to put the name and the quality in before I sent the name out I had to make sure that you were mature enough to handle what I was getting ready to give to you so I wasn't slowing you down because I was against you I was slowing you down because I knew a season the speed was coming and I had to let you know that if you can trust me in the pace you can trust me in the promotion if you'll trust me because the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and then gotta put a win behind you and all of a sudden you'll go from walking and running and I need every person in here who believes that God is about to switch seasons in your life you're gonna go from walking to running slap somebody to say I'm getting ready to speed up right now I'm getting ready to speed up because anything that speeds up is about to take off I've been on the ground long enough I am getting ready to go to another level I need everybody to shout out my beast listen to me vision doesn't come to people who only have one speed you got to know when to hold him and when to fold them you got to know when to speed up and when you got to know when to speak and when to vision doesn't come to people who only know how to do it one way and when you only know how to do it one way Moses you won't see the vision you won't see the promised land because you were not ambidextrous enough to switch your anatomy and your approach you got to speak and strike you got a watch fight and pray some of all y'all know I do is fight but you got to get some prayer in that fight even if you praying for the one you fightin just one more I saw a lion it had wings I saw a bear with ribs that set up on his side I then saw a leopard with four heads and four wings but then I saw another beast this one had iron teeth this one crushed everything gets stepped on now I know what this is I know what that is this is a little scary but I do get the picture I know it's a leopard not sure why it's got so many heads but I can identify it but this short armed thing with ten horns I can't identify this one pastor Warner some say it's a dragon but if it is where are the wings can't bid is it a t-rex II type of thingy majiggy thing oh I get it Daniel what you're trying to tell me is even when I cannot identify it I still got a dream are you telling me without instructions I still have to dream you telling me that when I don't even understand what I'm going through I got to still have a vision I'm talking to somebody because most of us are only comfortable when we know what it is but what do you do when you don't know do you trust God when you don't know what it is will you pray when you don't know what it is will you still give when you don't know what it is I need everybody in here that'll get on your feet and begin to give God glory and say god I'll trust you even when I don't know what it is you're not doing I need you to find somebody just look at me I'll trust them even when I can't trace them look at the neighbor who looks like they got some Holy Ghost enema tell a neighbor over the next 30 seconds I'm gonna praise God in your confusion until you work it out come on tell your neighbor shout neighbor even though you don't understand now it's about to clear it up for you give your neighbor a high five and shout the neighbor God told me to tell you that over this next season everything that's confusing is about to start working in your life I'm gonna help you are [Music] can you shout to a vision that you don't understand can you understand [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what I almost let go I almost gave up [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you are beasts [Applause] yes you are if you were not you would not have made it this far I promise you your journey was not easy and nobody could have walked the miles you walked but you if you were not strong enough the devil would have had his way but you know why you alive in 2019 and about to make it to 2020 cuz you my friend are a beast [Music] [Applause] that's what he told me to tell you [Applause] [Music] that's what he told me to tip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so straight [Music] this this moment doesn't define you it's like God is building you for what he has established for you it takes wings and it takes [Music] strength and power and diversity and Dominion is in order to fit in your destiny you're not going to be able to be monolithic you have to diversify yourself what do I mean so you're gonna have to have visions in pain and in confusion and you can't give up on your dream because you ran out of money and you you just gotta press toward the mark I have failed at more things than I've ever succeeded it you know sometimes you can win once it makes you look like you know what you're doing it you you could win once [Music] if I took a picture of all the shots I missed it would be discouraging sometimes when you make them when it counts and you make sure that this is right see God can guard this [Music] if you just purified this how to do the rest don't have two sets of trust for God that you trust him when everything is well and you don't want to need you you have to trust them at all times are are not at all I'm not at all he is and now I know what it means when the scripture says he will give you a peace that surpasses I have learned that God cannot teach you who he is until he arranges the circumstances that are there which you will listen and hear [Music] [Music] you are wonderfully made being charisma brother be encouraged my sister because God is able to do just what he said he would be and he will fulfill every promise that he's ever made you man don't you give up on God because he will not give up on you somebody shout easy just what [Music] [Music] come on just grab your neighbors head with me [Music] no no we just want to say thank you for the work that was given here on today God we pray Lord that you allow us to be here as we traveled like it was traveling Greece but I was going find all things well and let this work the god of the sea that was going to spring for the harvest was for the weak Mikado and we say thank you Lord that you look at us as beasts so God allowed one this word the spring out of us spread across our families careers our households and we just want to say [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 25,111
Rating: 4.875895 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, Pastor Keion Henderson, You're A Beast, you are a beast motivation, you are a beast sermon, 20/20 PERFECT VISION, mindblowing sermon, incredible sermon, latest sermons of light house, lighthouse church of houston, lighthouse church live stream, church, lighthouse church worship, lighthouse church of humble, lighthouse, lighthouse worship, lighthouse christmas, lighthouse sermon, jesus, churches near me, faith, god, bishop, worship, latest sermons
Id: JGppO-rUlTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 45sec (4125 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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