Pursuing the Plan | 20/20 Perfect Vision | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] Jesus let your glory fill this place where your spirit is there is Liberty we pray God then you would blot out our transgressions and that you would present us faultless before the only wise God our Father now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling we present our worship to you our sacrifice of worship our sacrifice of praise and God speak to our hearts today and we might hear you clearly in Jesus name we pray if you love the Lord come on a shout in this place today I said if you love the Lord if you love the Lord if if you do it [Music] all right let's go to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 I'm going to read verse 1 I think I stopped at 3 this morning so we're starting a series on vision I'll show of hands how many of you all have a vision that has not yet come to pass okay and how many of you are frustrated that it hasn't okay my goal by the end of this year is to give you everything necessary to unearth that treasure that's inside of you normally I'll preach this series for about four weeks God told me to take this one to the end of the year every Sunday and every Tuesday this year I'm gonna be trying to figure out a way to help you to get lenses on your vision so you can see it too just to drive you until either you get tired of me or get tired of filled-in have you ever had a mentor see one of the things about having a mentor is it sometimes you're afraid to call them because you don't want to tell them you haven't done the work I want to intimidate you in the next two months so much that you refuse to come in front of God embarrassed with unfinished work by the time I finish with you if you're if you're if you're ready for it everything that God has placed in your soul you will at least have a direction on how you're gonna arrive and if that if this series ain't for you then you'll probably need to take the rest of the year off and just come back to church in January but everybody who's serious about eradicating the habitual stories of failure that you have told yourself and I can Knox and it will never happen for me if you can believe it you can achieve it and in the next two months I want every person who knows you to look at you and say something's changed I can sense something happening in your life and I want you to get to the place and this is the greatest place in life when something is about to happen and you feel it that is where the sweet spot is you know people are always telling you God told me to tell you everything is gonna be all right but you all feel it I want you to be able to get to the place in your life where you look in the mirror say it's about to happen I can feel it I can feel it I can feel it I can feel it and that kind of confidence will get you to a place where you will not be afraid so this is what we're going to do this is what we're gonna do for the next couple of months go to Acts chapter 20 verse number one the Bible says after the disturbance had ended Paul sent for his disciples and after encouraging them and saying farewell he left to go to Macedonia after he had gone through those regions and spoken many words of encouragement to the believers there he came to Greece look at how many times the word encouragement shows up because most of you all are not dealing with the financial deficit you're dealing with an encouragement deficit you're depressed and you're discouraged and if you look at your life you have nothing to be discouraged or distressed about but you know why is because you compare your life to someone else and when you compare what you have to somebody else as you get discouraged because you say I don't have what they have but let me tell you they don't have what you do you know the things that you look over as common somebody would have you ever seen this movie called five feet it's about the these two people who have this lung disease they can't get within six feet of each other and they're they they have this lung disease and it's because their their bodies create this extraordinary amount of mucus and and it's killing them literally it's killing them and and and one of the ladies was telling the other young guy he had he had the disease she had a disease it's two different strands of bacteria but the fact that she was breathing she looks at him and says do you not understand that you should be grateful because we were breathing borrowed air it shook me how many people are not grateful because you think you deserve air how many people are not grateful because you think you deserve a roof over your head go downtown and go better Astro stadium and see if you deserve one you have to learn to be grateful for what you have and the moment you are grateful for what you have you'll learn to enjoy what you have instead of looking over what you have wishing for what you want next you're so busy asking God for a new card that you're not grateful for the one that got you here today [Applause] [Music] you're so busy asking God for your new house that you won't even thank him for the one you're in I want you to take your mind this month all of that doesn't matter I'm getting ready to show you how to achieve a plan that will give you anything you want but it won't help if you don't change the way you see life and the way you see tragedy and perspective today I want to talk on this subject no matter what you do for the next eight weeks I want you to pursue your plan that's what I want you to do I want you to run after give three people to high-five before you sit down and say pursue your plan pursue your plan you may be seated in the presence of the Lord pursue your plan pursue your plan if you got a plan ha let me I want at least know I'm talking to the right people all right if you if you on my left when you got a plan holla if you are what's this call left center if your left center you have a plan holler at me [Applause] right center [Applause] if you're on the writer you got a plan let me hit [Applause] okay because I was getting ready to preach over here cuz just y'all did so good i'ma get you out of first two minutes good morning lighthouse how are you [Applause] y'all gonna add it to really have not fought you a stream you get yourself together any time about and I can he see people always making excuses they went last where you went first you could have screamed so loud see this is what people do now if I ask you to do it you would outdo them see that's the problem you competing against them you compete you need to compete against you you should've yelled as loud as you could have the first time you see it's like if I tell you I say everybody lift your hands and then I say alright live from a little higher why didn't you do that the first time you should have just lifted them as high as you could the first time we always leave a little bit because we ain't sure well I want you to pursue this plan I I think I think that we are blessed people in here that we could change the world problem is is that discouragement has gotten you to a place where it's difficult to achieve because you end up focusing on discouragement rather than your plan like who who could focus on the plan when your child is sick like who could focus on the plan when you don't even know if you're gonna have a job when you get to work tomorrow some of you all don't even like where you work like so you already like Lord I gotta go down tomorrow and you hate every day okay and you you wanna you want to move on but see you have a job you have a job and everybody needs one but what's your plan to get off of that job because if your plan is just to go to work every day what you're doing is you're making your boss's dreams come true what's what's your plan that's what I want to talk about now this is not I don't know if our ever tuned up on who are we gonna shout over the next two weeks or two months I don't know if that's possible maybe you know the Holy Spirit will come in and there'll be a shift and we'll go that way I really want to lecture you until you get so tired of underachieving that you get frustrated I want to push your buttons I want to be like your parent for the next couple of months I want you to can't stand me and love me at the same time you know when somebody tell you somethin bout yourself you blue you get on my nerve but you right I want to kind of be right in the middle of that let me be your life coach for the next couple months and see can we not find ourselves in the middle of Destin because let me tell you something once you get into destiny you will not allow anything to make you go back nothing it's like staying in a nice hotel when you stay in a nice hotel and then somebody said we can stay at the Holiday Inn or no we can't no we can't you you'll get a custom I want you to get accustomed to living a different way now how many of you have ever flown from Houston to California that's a long flight in it how many of you have ever flown from California to Houston have you ever noticed it was shorter did you know why there was something called the Gulf Stream and the way the Gulf Stream works in America is it goes from west to east which is why when you fly from Houston to California it'll take about three and a half hours I flew back the other week from California I landed in two hours and 45 minutes it's the same amount of miles from Houston to California this week as it was last month it's the same distance from here to there every day of the week but do you know why it took me longer to get there and shorter to come back because going you're going against the wind and so there is something called drag and it doesn't matter how good the aerodynamics are drag sets in and it makes it difficult to get there because watch this the wind is in resistance to your arrival you ever notice why the devil never fights you when you're returning to a place you shouldn't return to the wind carries you to return but fights you at destination I just said enough all of my visionaries raised here because I'm only appreciative is the devil gives you no resistance when you're returning he only gives you resistance when you're pressing toward the mark for the prize of the upward call all of your resistance comes when you decide I am going to start my own business your resistance comes when you say you know what I'm gonna get this dream out of me come hell or high water I'm gonna get that rental property I'm gonna get that house I'm gonna get whatever it is you're going after I'm going to open up the salon I'm gonna open up the nail but I'm gonna go back to school I'm gonna fill out the application to get the loan you know have you all of those hiccups I'm gonna buy my own house I'm not gonna rent anymore I'm gonna I'm gonna put every time you're trying to get to destiny there's always friction there's always a problem there's always an issue and that issue is designed to make you stay on the other side when Jesus got ready to go heal the man who had 6,000 demons with him the Bible says that the wind was contrary why because the devil wanted Jesus to stay on this side because if he knew that if he got to the other side he was gonna make change and every time you get ready to make change here comes a wind who am I talking to in here how many of you feel right now in your life that the wind of resistance is just blowing at you and you are using everything you have just to take the next step to put your foot in front of the other one and here comes the wind keep that right there now let's go to the text and I'll show you why the devil sends a wind when you're close to a win he always sends a wind when you're close to a win the Bible says that after the uproar had ceased verse number one after the disturbance what's the disturbance well let you whenever you read a scripture where you don't understand what's going on in the first verse you have to go back and find out what was there so after the uproar you got a go before after to find out what's after you go back to chapter 19 and you discover that Paul has had the audacity to stand in front of the Jews and tell them that God told him that he now had the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands and that Paul says God told me to tell to you that because he had died on the cross and got up out of the grave listen to me focus there is no more Jew nor Gentile there is no more slave or freedom there is no more black or white no more rich or poor no more this or that no more circumcised or uncircumcised no more up or down no more in or out no in crowd no out crowd he says God has now decided that we're all a part of the plan that we're all a part of this this diaspora we are all a part of the journey and the people who had a foothold on religion did not want to let the new people in and let me tell you something there are some strongholds according to Deuteronomy chapter number 7 before the Israelites moved in to Canaan the Bible said that there were seven nations that were already there they wanted to prevent them from getting in and you've got to understand that you're getting ready to be new money you getting ready to be new management you're getting ready to be new leaders and there was an old guard that is not keen on letting new people in this message is for young people I know that they tell you not to be disrespectful and I am not telling you to be disrespectful but you're gonna have to kick some doors down because there are some people in Canaan right now they don't want you to come there's some people in Canaan right now that they want to hold on to the job and kill it and in order to not let you let it live there are some people right now there's a manager that you have right now they should have been retired years ago but they're not going to give it to a young person so what you got to be is doubly qualified you got to encourage yourself you got to be strong you got to be prayerful you got to be fervent and you got to make sure that you stop waiting on doors to open it you got to kick them down I need every millennial in this place to hear your pastor right now because God is not calling you to be next he is calling you to be now and I don't want you around here talking about I'm young and I got time now is the time that they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth and this is your time I need parents telling your children this is your time don't wait until I retire to take care of me start taking care of me now I need somebody in here to understand that this is not about sooner or later I'm dying by now it's your time [Applause] Walter young people that so y'all gonna have to learn encourage yourself cuz you get depressed about anything y'all I was talking about the baby boomers but let me tell you they were a whole lot tougher than you a baby boomer can have 12 kids no job and still make y'all don't wanna holla at me a baby boomer woman she can have 12 kids no job no husband no money still put food in the refrigerator if y'all don't make $100,000 a year you want to commit suicide you can learn something from these women y'all got one child talking about you depressed they had ten and let the prayer warriors y'all wanna holla at me you got one baby time and I can't take it Jesus you got to learn to encourage yourself you got to learn better speak to yourself you got to be able to understand that you have a plan and he who began a good work in you will establish it you can't quit because you don't have the money you can't quit because nobody understands your plan yet too many of you all need consensus to be consistent I came to preach I told I'm gonna get on your nerves but you better you better learn today touch the names are you gonna learn today you need consists you need too much consensus to be consistent if everybody ain't telling you good job if everybody ain't telling you I see it baby God don't do it then all of a sudden you get depressed you need to say you know what you don't see anyone meant for you to see you don't understand it you'll understand it better back back when I achieve it then you'll understand it do I have anybody in here I need every person who's sitting next to somebody who ain't said nothing yet just give him high fives say encourage yourself be blessed be blessed I'm not sitting here with you and be Ashley all day long I'm getting ready to go after everything that God has to me I'm getting ready to pursue my plan and I prophesied that by the time December gets here you'll know what God has told you you'll understand where you're going and you'll have it I prophesied by December you will understand what I'm talking about all day long I just want you to shout pursue the plan say it again pursue the plan now he's going to a place called Greece Greece by definition means unstable stop thinking that God's proof is stability he left Ephesus which means permission goes to Greece which means unstable so sometimes you have to leave where you are permitted to go where it's unstable and the problem with most of us is the only place we can stay long is where we're welcome God got you on that job to learn but all you do is complain about what they don't do right and how your viewers in charge you would change the company and they don't do things the way it ought to be done it's out of order if you stay there long enough you could change the order oh I'm appreciative day I'm appreciative if you ain't the boss in six months then you want to leave time out God don't want me to be here and and because you don't get it right away but sometimes God leaves you in instability he leaves you in rocky places he leaves you in the valley of dry bones he leaves you in the pit he leaves you in the fiery furnace and sometimes it is in that instability that God gives directions [Applause] you don't learn what to do with money until you ain't got nothing huh you don't learn who's your friend or not until you in a position where they have to be freely in an unfriendly circumstance you don't find out who's loyal until you present an opportunity for disloyalty it is the instability that proves God's stability you don't know how strong something is until you test it that's how you found out how strong it is and and when it doesn't break under the pressure then you know how strong it is is your plan strong enough for you to pursue it discouraged is your vision worth you achieving it just because you'll Phyllis her can you raise your daughter and go to school at the same time because everything you say you can't do somebody's done all the single ladies in here or even the merry ladies any woman in here what you can tell your neighbor baby I have to do it all I have to go back and get a degree while raising a child while trying to be a wife while trying to be a cook while trying to be a maid I need somebody to holla at me fellas is it not true sometimes you got to work hard and still try to figure out how to make it happen not feel appreciated and still show up to work overworked and underpaid but you still got to show cuz it's a plan and you got to do it unstable with tears in your eyes stop waiting until you feel good to do something I'm just I'm just getting over it no get over it and get in it at the same time you got to pursue the plan all of these excuses I'm not taking them in 2020 okay this is this is this daddy talking right now for them said daddy said ain't no excuses now if you can't go to your room if something if you need to but but ain't gonna be no excuses you better figure it out you know what I say it you better figure it out and God is giving you too many pieces for you not to know you better figure it out you better figure it out you ain't got forever you better figure it out your kids are looking at you you're teaching them that it's okay not to pursue your vision because you're getting older because you don't have the money god never asks you how much you had he said that I would do it according to my riches in glory he never actually I don't have enough money to start a business can I tell you something money is the third thing you need to figure out about business it's not even important it's so much money in the word you don't even have to worry about it it'll find you if you find your vision so I want you to understand that the wind is gonna be against you when you're headed toward a wind and you got to understand everybody say this Greece is unstable when I say Greece is unstable what I'm telling you pursuing your plan will not be smooth you're gonna go through all kind of stuff in this next season of your life and if you think that you get to sit down and come back when you recuperate somebody gonna be tan achieved your dream while you were resting do you know how many young guns are out here right now 20 22 years old are you looking for an opportunity do you know how many people are moving to Houston and building stuff in your neighborhood where your grandmama grew up they got gas stations and corner stores and you looking at the store taking this raggedy but when they leave that raggedy snow they go to a mansion cuz they know not to make it look good so you don't rob it they making millions on streets that we grew up on taking houses that our families pay for bound them for three or four thousand because two sisters can get together and agree on paying the taxes imma listen I didn't come to play with y'all today y'all arguing over Mama's stuff y'all need to get that stuff together and flip it and make some money for generational wealth instead of trying to argue over who got the most who was Grandmama's favorite I deserve more because I was there for you hurry when you wouldn't even in town y'all need to come together so these kids can have a legacy and you got to pursue your plan are y'all with me so far Christ left heaven to come to a rugged cross so that'll let us know he was comfortable in a seat he left for wood he was comfortable and he had a crown of glory night come for a crown of thorns because sometimes pursuing the plan means leaving your comfort for splinters leaving your little happy life for tears on purpose stepping out on faith and leaving a job after 15 years and starting a company with no experience and if you had done right with your paycheck over the last 15 years you wouldn't be that broke when you stepped out if you'll just save 10% for every check they gave you you'd have been able to step out there and listen everybody tell me I'm stepping out on faith you don't have to step out on faith well you got to save us account you can step out on the bank account are y'all listening is this too much alright alright if this ain't for you let me give you a benediction right now father unto them it's too much for him you can go home now but this is for people who like I wanna I want to change my world I want to change my world I'm gonna pursue the plan now get this after the uproar put verse 1 up for me guys after the uproar is hit this is so interesting after the uproar was ceased Paul called him to them his disciples and embraced them now in the King James Version of the Bible you can look at after the disturbance had ended Paul sent four disciples and after encouraging them look at how disturbance and encouragement is in the same sentence because when you're pursuing your plan you're going to have antagonism and affection they're going to be good days and they're gonna be bad days you're gonna smile sometime are you going to cry sometime it's just like when Jesus came and decided to save the world the Bible says that on Palm Sunday they said Hosanna and then the next Sunday they said crucify him and if you never see Jesus saying thank you for saying Hosanna and you never see him cursing them for saying crucify him he just pursued the plan and didn't speak to any crowd because he understands that if you're going to pursue your plan you have to have antagonism and affection and you have to be able to sustain yourself no matter what goes on you got to walk down the middle of that road and understand sometimes they'll pat you on your back and sometimes they'll stab you in the back and you got to still go forward I put a post online the other day to post back-to-back I post a baby because she went trick-or-treating so she went trick-or-treating my momma used to let us go trick-or-treating we don't celebrate Halloween we just like free candy you know me it ain't about Halloween Allah and some people so say they wait every Halloween it's not a Christian celebrate Halloween but the word Halloween actually comes from the word Hallows Eve and hallow it means holy which is why the Bible says hallow would be that name so I could show you a trajectory that actually shows you that Halloween started in Christianity but I ain't got time to talk to nobody who don't want to believe and the reason why they're ghosts and goblins because they talked about the souls of man getting up out of the ground it was not about evil demonic Souls Oh so hostess picture the baby going trick-or-treating and people would start coming on my page talking about Christianity has fallen apart and I said well I am a powerful man there I didn't talk up a whole religion by sending my baby to get some candy next post Ricky does a video of me preaching in Chicago and then somebody says under there one of God's generals building the kingdom one poster part over here I was tearing the whole religion down over here I'm building the whole religion up antagonism and affection you cannot be discouraged by the antagonism and you cannot be intoxicated by the encouragement when you understand that you have to pursue your plan you have to take your mind off of comments and focus on the destination most of you are always sidetracked by what somebody said while you're pursuing your plan and now you got to turn around and get them straight because in your mind victory is getting everybody to understand you and here's what Jesus said he was uncomfortable with trying to make everybody understand not everybody who says Lord Lord will be entering into the kingdom I'm okay if some of y'all don't understand me this is what he said he says I'm okay because I came to seek and save that which is lost and you're gonna have to confess with your mouth that I'm Lord I can't make you safe I'm going to give you opportunity to be safe because I came to pursue a plan and I came to seek and save that which is lost but that which is lost has to also seek me so are you going to seek your plan are you just gonna wait on there to work itself out are you just gonna keep on saying God gonna make away somehow he did he made away in you and now you got to go and make away and you got to pray and you got to get up and you got a fast and you got to make something happen and you got to learn and you got to read books and you got to go to symposiums and you got to listen to podcast you can't just come to church and hope that destiny just hits you in the head because you came here you got to go do the work and work the one work the works of the one that sent you while it is day because the night is coming am i talking to anybody in here there is no such thing as being successfully lazy you gonna have to work you're gonna have to work that means when your alarm goes off at 6:00 you can't get up at 6:40 - I can't understand 609 some of y'all got alarm at 6:00 you don't get up to 7 that's just too much oversleep you did not mean to wake up when you wake up at a whole nother hour you might as well set up for 7:00 and just been late on purpose you've got to pursue your plan I was preaching in a place the other day and these people wanted to hear me preach and they drove like seven hours to hear me preach and they got a flat tire on the way to church but they wanted to hear me preach so then they want to go rent a car and when it got to the rental car place they couldn't rent the car because you have to be twenty-five to rent it so these are young people do you know what they did they went to a u-haul place and rented a u-haul truck and drove the u-haul truck all the way to church and I actually owe some people I said why did you do that I said what did you do that what what is he they said we've never been in Houston but you changed our life you changed our life and this was the closest you had ever been to us and so we were willing to do whatever we had to do and they rented a u-haul truck I said how much was the u-haul truck they said 463 dollars I said so it was 500 they say yes because of their faith I gave them 5,000 and then paid for their engine to be fixed in their car you don't know how much God will give you if you'll pursue your plan some of y'all got too much swag to drive a u-haul but I'm here to tell you that sometimes it'll take a u-haul to get you there you wanna ride sexy you wanna ride you you wanna ride in style but you will arrive and when you get there God will have already worked it out I don't know who I'm talking to but I dare you to encourage three people and say whatever it takes whatever it takes and when you do whatever it takes God will give you somebody who has what you had what you need the easy thing would have been is to just give them what they spend on the u-haul the 463 dollars I wasn't trying to be even I was trying to get blessed [Applause] so I gave them the money for the u-haul Plus enough to get the car fixed and then we raised an offering in the church and everybody came up ain't no telling how much they left with all because they were not too embarrassed to show up in a new home now what would you have said we're just ain't meant to be you're going get it a tow and going back home cuz if God wanted me to get that he would have kept my tire for you know sometimes you got to show up in the you home sometimes you got to start the business not knowing what you're doing sometimes you just got to get up in the morning with no energy and do it anyway I'm telling you something every every if you're working in purpose you're gonna get up sleepy but you got to do it anyway there is something about working your plan when you don't have energy that gives you energy can I can I say this cuz we I got a attitude today so can I say this do you know why you don't have any energy why you always tired cuz you ain't doing nothing you're not tired because you've worked it hard you talk as you ain't doing that it's like going to the gym and being tired on the treadmill after a half a mile you know why you get tired up to happen because you don't run miles see most people think that they get tired because they don't have energy no you're tired because you haven't done anything to build stamina and you think if you keep sleeping ten hours a day one day you're gonna get up and not be sleepy you're gonna be sleepy every day because you're getting too much rest that's why your back hurt cuz you lay down too much no that's a proven fact when you lay down too long you have lower back right you tell me oh I'm getting no no you just rest it your back is rested it's very rested I'm telling I'm not trying to shop I'm trying to I want you to feel like you are in an arena and somebody's talking to you crazy Paul was on his way to destiny and you can't read this in the text cuz it's not there you have to cross-reference it in second Corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 the Bible says that s he's on his way to Macedonia the Bible says that God stops him halfway in the place called Cho ass which means Trojan hearse horse which means hard work because the plan is hard work and he stops and he says you know what God provided for me an open door and he was on his way somewhere else and God provided him an open door so does that mean that sometimes where you want to go and work God wants you to go are in two different directions and does that mean that sometimes you miss God's door trying to get a window of opportunity God stopped him halfway and said I know that you have plans of going there but for this moment I need you to stop here listen and I'm not getting ready to explain to you why because this is the first thing we do to God when he changes our plan God tell me why God since I don't owe you no explanation stop Moses Abraham Abraham get your only son Isaac and go to a place called there anybody ever seen their Texas there Tennessee their Mississippi where is their God says when you start walking wherever you end up I'll make it there [Applause] God says this is not about destination this is just about faith if you start moving I will change the geographical location of destiny just because you started to move lord help me in this church today if this is going to be a series for you just raise your hands you gotta get up and pick the direction and even if this the wrong direction got to open the door some way halfway through and he walks through this door but watch this he gets there but it's like most of us he thinks that it's God because he says oh yeah yep yeah I'll go to choice because that's what my homeboy Titus live and so I'll go see Titus while I'm there and then when he gets there Titus ain't there so he gets there and now the sudden he goes from thinking his God to thinking it's not God why because whenever God makes a decision that doesn't go with our imagination we think it's not him so he gets there there's no Titus so he said this ain't God this ain't God so now he's getting ready to leave and he got an attitude and just before he got an attitude and I'm talking to somebody just before he got an attitude somebody came from where he was going and told him don't show up because they plotting to kill you there he was so intent on getting there on time he was so intent on having a baby by a certain age he was so intent on making sure that he was married about certain times so intent on making sure that he was a minute you know we got these time slots that we got to keep he was so intent on getting there on time God creates the door that delays him for a few months that few months give somebody enough time to say the Jews are plotting to kill you if you arrive God says I want to know I want to know will you allow me to delay you so you can live as you don't understand what life has planned for you if you arrive too soon his ways are not his thoughts are not you want to be there by January 1 God says I'll get you there by February 5th it's better to arrive in my time than in yours you don't understand what the enemy has planned for you over there so God says I'm gonna delay you so you can live as opposed to allowing you to get there on time and so he prevents him from getting there and while he gets that news the Bible says he turns around and he goes back to where he came from and God is giving you time to turn around you've been discouraged God says I need you to turn out of there you're suffering from a discouragement complex you always need somebody to pump your problem you for you to feel good about yourself if ain't nobody encouraging you you get depressed if ain't nobody liking your picture then you get depressed if you don't get a certain amount of likes and you don't have to admit this I know you've looked at it I got 35 likes yesterday I only got 22 today nobody loved me no mo who will be honest and admit that you use social media as a way to stay positive about yourself you post stuff just so people will like it I see people do it all the time they song this is this picture that was on Instagram yesterday was a carton of milk and you know the lit handle the handle they took a picture through the carton of milk in the sky and tried to make it look like they was on the airplane can y'all imagine you think about you know the look the lit handle so they they they position the camera properly so it went through the sky and it looked like the only private plane and all it was in a house outside would have got in the milk thirsty for likes thirsty for attention intoxicated by the affection but get mad at the antagonism so here we are not pursuing our plan because we want to we want to push the false reality if you ain't got the money right now just just go ahead on in a minute I don't have it but I'm pursuing the plan sometimes you just gotta admit I don't have a plan I'm just waiting on God to give me one sometimes you got to say I don't know what I'm doing next and so and here's my advice to you anybody who asks you a question if you don't know what to do don't do nothing if you don't know what to do don't do nothing don't make a move if you don't know what to do do nothing you got to understand they're pursuing the plan this is the season to do it and we're talking about perfecting our vision and making sure that you can see what God has for you and you got to pursue that plan no matter what and Paul did it discouraged he did it in the wind he did it with a disappointment he did it with the door that he did an unplanned stop sometimes got to put unplanned stops right in the middle of your destiny and then what do you do what do you do you pursue the plan because the plan is unstable number two the plan has a storm because the Bible says that the wind was blowing now if you go back and read it it says it took them five days to get there go to Acts chapter 16 he took the same journey and he got there in two days how do you explain a man making the same journey and it took him five days one time and two days the next time same amount of miles same amount of distance you know I back to the introduction of the wind when he was selling across the seed the first time the wind was at his back but when he went back the wind was in his face and it took him three days longer because now he is going to spread the gospel the first time he left he was leaving the devil didn't have a problem when he went back to tell the Romans that Jesus was the Christ now he has resistance and the resister reason why you got resistance is because the devil knows if you come back this time you're gonna change stuff the devil knows that if you get out of this depression you're gonna be a weapon of mass destruction the devil knows that if you get out of this debt you will never be in debt again the devil knows if you drink of this water you will never thirst again the devil knows that if you ever find out who you really are you're not just gonna change your life you're gonna change your children's life you're gonna change your sister's life you're gonna change your brother's life so he's giving you all the the resistance that he can because he knows that if you show up this time you gonna change something but I need somebody here to give your neighbor high five and say push through that wind push through that wind push through that resistance I don't care how tough it is I don't care how much drag it is I don't care how much tears you have in your eyes I don't care how much pain you have in your heart you got to pursue the plan and they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they will mount up with wings like eagles I'm talking to everybody in here today that will help your neighbor not to give up touch them and say don't you give up don't you give up pursue the plan fight the good fight of faith keep on the breastplate of righteousness make sure you keep on the shoes of the gospel make sure that you pursue your plan I don't care how strong that win is Paul didn't say the wind carry me toward the mark you said I press change you won't got to carry you to everything what do you do when you just got it that you got to pray even just to take the next step the cross that Jesus carried up god-awful was 300 pounds so he's carrying a 300 pound cross and bleeding at the same time he's got a crown of thorns on his head he hasn't had anything to eat a drink and he's climbing uphill God if you loved him why didn't you let him walk downhill because it ain't supposed to be easy if Calvary was downhill everybody could have been the Messiah but only somebody who knew their purpose would climb and bleed and carry at the same time see most of us are like our children we can't stand the sight of our own blood these kids a day when they bleed they go tomorrow I'm believing how many kids today when they believe they lose they mind when we blare we was like tastes like steel come on now mama give you a paper towel you get a water hose and you going back out there these kids today when they bleed they just pass out we used to show our scars over look scraped my knee up yesterday doc that's the third one this week she is not a bleed y'all bring my oh come here baby you get a q-tip of you let them kids bleed you can't stand the sight of your own tears can't stand the sight of your own pain and so you run from it Paul says there was a thorn in my flesh put there oh god I wish I could preach this longer put there what you feel God put it there I'm about to change your mind you listen to me stop blaming the devil fall in your pain sometimes you need to say it was good then I was afflicted I learned stuff an affliction that I didn't learn an affliction I said I wasn't gonna do that [Applause] somebody say lead and bleed at the same time you gotta press through tears blinded you gotta keep walking by faith and not by sight I will trust in the Lord and the old songs I will trust him until I die not until I get tired not until I get discouraged not until I can't I get angry not until I don't until I die I will trump I will lead on this everlasting are what I'm trying to tell you nobody told you the road was going to be easy but God did not bring you this far to lead you got a pursuit a plan that was given to me a thorn in my flesh a messenger of Satan let's not be exalted above measure God told me to tell you you were so arrogant he gave you a thorn to keep you down the thorn was to release air out of your puffiness because you thought you were doing this you thought this was your degree you thought this was because you passed the Yama tree you thought this is because you were better than everybody else because you went to calculus but don't mess around and let my algebra out do your calculus because I got favored I'm talking to somebody here with a GED I'm telling you right now God is gonna do more to you than somebody from Harvard God is gonna do more from somebody from HCC that went to Yale does you pursue the plague you got to go after it that's all i'ma talk about all month long you got to go after it we got to go after and guess what Paul got that I saw that door was like I'm gonna go through it and he got there and found the bad news and he turned around and went back it took him longer than it did the last time because the plan is hard work and the plan has a storm and let me tell you something if your life is predictable it is because your life is not powerful if you know where your next pain is coming from if you know where your next trouble is coming from if you know what your next season is going to look like is because your life is not powerful when your life is powerful the devil will throw every curveball he can find it's your life when your life is powerful you will have enemies and snares coming up out of the grass when your life is powerful but I came to tell you that there is no power greater than the power of our God that's why Paul said in Romans chapter 8 what shall we say to these things that of God before us who can stand against us do you understand that you are so powerful that your entire corporation can stand up against you and you will still win who am I talking to every person in your office there works on your floor every one of them that can tell you every person in your classroom that doesn't like you every person at your school that looks at you like you're less stand God told me to tell you in spite of all of that if you pursue your plan they will have to rise up and call you blessing because the race doesn't come to the Swift nor the strong it comes to the one that pursues the plan tap three people say don't give up don't you give up don't you give up come to Bible class hungry on Tuesday because see hunger is a wind oh y'all missing what I'm saying I'm not being funny do you know how many winds W IND that the devil throws at you to keep you from getting to the place hunger a headache traffic all of those are winds all of those are winds and you wondering why you're not getting ewi ends because you keep subjecting yourself to the wi ND because all of us who come on tuesday are hungry all of us who come on tuesday are tired all of us who come on tuesday have children but see tuesday is different than sunday when you attack your week what a Sunday and the Tuesday you can do what people who only use Sunday's can't do Sunday is like deserts Tuesday is like a meal we get to break it down that's why you see some people in here today wondering why they haven't broke down under the pressure cuz we got more than worship we got a word and the word shall be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path snap somebody say I got the word that's why I don't quit I got to worry it ain't that I'm not depressed it ain't that I don't have problems but I began to speak to myself and say I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread I was young and now I'm old I wish I had somebody when I was a child I thought like a child understood as a child I spake as a child but when I became mature got the word I became a man and put away [Applause] somebody say pursue the plan in the wind [Music] and when you go against the wind it'll make you pay for it it'll make your hair go all over the place of them just shovel your clothes but who cares how you show up as long as you show up Oh God I just came to tell somebody then gonna be pretty but you're gonna get there you gonna look like you've been through hell and high water but you're gonna get there you're gonna get there with tears but you're gonna get there you're gonna get there with a broken heart but you're gonna get there you're gonna get there with a confused mind but you're gonna get there you're gonna get there being misunderstood but you're gonna get there and when you get there Joe told me to tell you you shall come forth like pure gold if there's anybody in this place who came to tell the devil I'm still gonna arrive I dare you let the devil know he got a boss and begin to shout in this place today and shout I'm still gonna get there and it's gonna take you longer this time then it took you last time but if you don't quit when you arrived everybody will understand why you look strange that's why sometimes you have to pursue destiny no matter what anybody says sometimes you got to look crazy and you'll get there anyway that's what you look like when you want something some of y'all so comfortable and so cute that you want to stay in position but I came to tell every soldier it's time to man up and get to your destiny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the sewers look different than spectators and I just found out that's what's wrong with the church we never seen anybody to go after nothing and so everybody else in the normal but when somebody decides to go after it [Applause] [Applause] pursuing the plan sometimes I mean you got to fight the wind the lumber with the issue of blood have to get past security oh shut up she has to press through security and say I gotta get to her and I got to touch the hem of His garment because there's something about that man right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] problem is you ain't never seen nobody press so you only feel comfortable about people who give the same level of energy you got so you're comfortable but when you see somebody it's a game recognize game I know what that feels like I got to do it every day I get it I understand that you have to understand it to stand [Applause] build up see Ayakashi [Applause] this year [Applause] you get a glass [Music] I'll show you what it takes to get [Music] that's what you got to do in the sphere [Applause] he specialist look whatever they do to me they gonna have to do so I gotta get to that man [Music] right next to I know where Hogan looks like that's why I started off talking to young people because there's something in this generation that wasn't in the previous [Applause] and your worship don't look like they worship and if this church is ever gonna reach this generation everything can be a hair sometimes it's gotta be a trap [Laughter] [Music] just three people say the churches change and the churches change that the churches change is changing it such as changing that social saved in the churches change sometimes you worship the tattoos on your neck because the church has changed the church has changed the church is changing the church has changed in the church's change [Music] somebody needs to be praying right now God is doing what they mamas couldn't do God is doing what their fathers couldn't do God is doing like a game can do God as a watchmaker God is watching that is one guy nor the prawn would would just we just we just scare everything everything that don't look like us everyday don't look like what we planned God is doing a new thing [Applause] [Music] yes I guess I guess I guess I feel you and I understand they keep on talking about why you don't come to church because you don't let you fit in you if you want to stand on the altar and worship the way you want to worship everybody got to look at you funny because you ain't just I think you don't get that faster than people who've been here for years [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell you something I want you to hear me son I want you to hear me well ain't nobody here but four five six us if this is what God is gonna let me do I'm gonna do it longer than I thought let me tell you what I've been doing for the last 25 years I'm tired but if this is where he has me I think I can run over [Laughter] pursue your claim I don't care if nobody understands [Music] every day you wake up be a man [Music] [Music] how old are you how old are you 18 19 20 20 20 to 21 every man in here there's 22 and below come to this altar right now every young man in here 22 envelope covered assault [Music] well [Music] yeah this is their brother Keith yes hope I'm not missing anybody Brandon come here Liefeld come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where's uh okay he all right doesn't go yeah you figure it out okay now listen brothers listen to me listen to me listen to me so reason why had you come because I have been you I mean you I I know exactly what you feel and you have been written off [Music] they've given up on your you they they're building jail cells for you now I want you to know put this on whatever internet they want to and you black so you got issues I went I saw a movie called Harriet the other day and those same stars on those backs on yours because whipped men raised with me who raised whipped men who produce whipped boys and now I'm the reason why you're so angry is because you determined that ain't nobody going with you [Music] so it doesn't matter if it's a police officer stopping you for a routine stop you end up losing your life because you won't be quiet and then you come to church and you can't find what you fit so then you just stay away this is probably the first time some of y'all try to use [Music] I kind of figure if y'all if y'all figure this thing out in the next couple of years I think I think God is smiled because I think in my heart that there's enough at this altar to change the generation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very rarely if ever have you seen a gathering out to the Lord and now some of these mothers get to see maybe that's hope for their daughters some of your parents are back there weeping because since you've been in the world they've been praying for you to get you coming to the altar on your own [Applause] I uh I know what this pain looks like then y'all got plans I need you to pursue I've been preaching since I was 14 years old 14 I'm not saying you need to know what you're gonna do that earlier but I've been doing this since 14 years old and I'm going to succeed because most men focus on 10,000 things over lifetime success is focusing on one thing 2008 find the one thing that you feel passionate about it I want you to spend the next 10,000 days working on it every day I promise you this listen to me I promise you if you spend 10,000 hours I'm not saying days fees but 10,000 hours if you spend 10,000 hours on the thing that God put in your heart you will be an expert at the end of that 10,000 now however long that takes you is up to you because you can do it one hour a day you can take you the rest of your life or you can do it like me and do it 8 to 10 hours a day and get there a lot faster but all it takes is $10,000 and you will be an expert 10,000 hours calculating let me get one thing one thing you don't have to be a lawyer and the rapper and an NFL player and the business owner you don't have to be all of that at the same time the other day I was at the airport man looked at me he said you got to either be a rapper and after me I said no I'm a brain surgeon I said I got surgery at 7 o'clock in the morning so I got to get I got to get back cuz see you already been labeled if you're tall you're black you got to be something I want you to shock the world I want you to shock the world I want you to figure out how to heal cancer I want you to open up something that helps other young black men and recognize that they're not trash and they're not a waste of life and brothers whatever you do love each other [Music] just dude next to you that count over that behavior huh my brother so long they don't know what that feels like somebody mamas don't even tell him that they love him not that she don't love him is that she's been so hurt she doesn't know how to say it that dude over there he ain't seen his father in his whole life so in absence of a mother and father all you got is a brother that's why she said I'll stick closer then do me a favor just touch one of your brothers and just put your arm around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know why maybe there's a reason why but God wants he asked me to actually pray for them I've never actually to pray for anybody [Music] but I feel led to ask you to pray for these young men and I pray that God will release the oil your words father God we come to say thank you thank you for bringing us and due to this moment with our brothers letting you know that we love each other that we're here for each other we love you for everything that you're doing in this place right now we love you for the things that you're gonna do I love you more so right now you say thank you and abeyance for what you've already done some of the people being saved right now though and we thank you for that we save one life [Music] and we just want to say thank you whatever is in their hearts right now that needs to be healed healing right now go wherever they're lonely right now right now make me somebody to go right I go let let them be the one to come [Music] brothers and sisters and brought them to the altar right now let them be back in the seat for them as brought them to this moment right now so material changing let them see there is something more than wish to come right now [Music] and we bless your name we appreciate you we love you but even more Scimitar now anybody that's coming against them right now that's fly because right now we've mined [Applause] everybody to significantly farther we tell them to go where they came and we love you we love y'all and our daughter Sarah Jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sacrifice no more like snow I could be everyone Oh [Music] sacrifice so I so you up inside you'll die ah by I wish I knew keep you waiting because I approve big I will take my life I gotta wash I gotta keep I gotta keep you out of but there's no one like you up my god by retaining power I can live without her I can't read without you I deserve the plan because I approve [Music] [Applause] you thought I was what save you came and you change their lives [Music] you thought they were work so they came to the altar today you thought we want to die for so you gave up the life so we can be free we could be home it don't stop right there y'all this experience that you got on this option you can go back and tell everyone [Music] my brother you can go back and tell everyone [Music] after God to change her life today of the God to set you free the day of the garden encourage your heart the vein of the data broke the generational pearls of the glad that the bloom of the garden stripping you of the goddess redeeming you the time is saved and healed God delivers the gotta set free tell everyone [Applause] [Music] yeah the church we will pray to we will breath we will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on listen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] we're a sit in this room honey [Music] [Music] hobby [Music] all in [Music] which them in your presence god [Music] filled up with the precious Holy Ghost God kept them keep the power to stay in this thing [Music] cover the cover you'll probably lose [Music] thank you for unlocking into the spin-around thank you Jesus hallelujah Oh [Music] come on bless you young man before you leave I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord I believe in my heart that God raised his son Jesus Christ from the dead and today I accept the gift of Jesus Christ and I accept the gift of the Holy Spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I want you to understand that this ain't no play finger this is like serious serious serious stuff the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down some generational curses that have been placed over your lap times everyone should allow me to do that it would be the honor of my life I don't know anybody else no good me how I am I am so proud I am so proud [Applause] and on behalf of every one of you young men who've never heard a father tell you that they love you I love you me as long as I got record my body you'll never be fatherless another name I guess I'll fight hill and have water foot we're gonna fight everybody together trust me when I tell you I'm [Music] pastor get all your names [Music] bring your mom I will never buy this seat and you still won't go back to school Monday with sweat [Music] don't change you just won't have something this way but if you're in this place today I'll just feel led of the Holy Spirit that perhaps you've never yourself accepted Christ as your Savior and the Bible says and the child shall lead them I think that these young men have done the great work shellye y'all hold up a sign so they can see you guys if you see one of these signs these are our connectors and these are people who can tell you about Jesus these are people who can tell you how to connect to this church I promise you over the next few weeks we're going to see breakthrough we're gonna see break [Applause] if you're here today at God sent you here to unite with this fellowship you say this is where I wanted or Church this is why I want to serve I want you to find one of these people right now wherever you are get your purse get you belongings just find them they'll take you in or less in the back and you'll be able to explain to you Jesus crisis praise God for those who are moving right now come on lighthouse make it a big deal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] may the Lord be with you can you smile [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 35,159
Rating: 4.891037 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, 20/20 Perfect Vision, perfect vision, Pursuing the Plan, mindblowing sermon, mindblowing sermon ever., last sermon, pro-life sermon, reformed sermon, shocking youth sermon, final sermon, incredible sermon, new sermon, great sermons, farewell sermon, best sermon ever, shocking sermon, crazy sermon, l short sermons, powerful sermons, Mindblowing Sermon, Latest Sermon, baptist sermons, full sermons, awesome sermon
Id: Pe6pTfMgKAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 4sec (5524 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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