It's My Turn | 20/20 PERFECT VISION | Pastor Keion Henderson

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where you can hear it but let's give the Lord a hand please in this place as we're in preparation in there and anticipation world of Jesus hallelujah lighthouse y'all doing alright so listen we've got 48 young men back here 48 48 this is Brandon Brandon is 22 years old he's the oldest he's 22 there were 20 ages of 18 to 22 and we're here today to dedicate them to the Lord baptizing them by the water and praying that they get baptized in the fire at the same time so we're going to take them to the water so let's begin to prayer right now God we thank you today that this is a day that you have made and that you knew about this day before the foundation of the world we thank you for the hearts of every one of these young men we thank you for the spark that's about to ignite a flame in their life and we pray God as we baptize them in the water that we will say the same thing over them that your father said over you this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased lighthouse if you excited come on give God some praise all you can do better that come on and give God a crazy ridiculous undignified unhinge grace let the know how much we are excited that the devil has lost this is one less young man you gotta worry about robbing your house one less young man we gotta worry about visiting at the cemetery their lives are covered by the blood of the Lamb and we're gonna baptize them all in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Ghost we're gonna accent you will stand on your feet as we begin to worship the Lord come on come on all over this building come on come on hallelujah [Music] water you turn it open eyes up the fly the snow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out of the ashes [Music] I waited up [Applause] [Music] awesome [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh what what the FAK i like this runner listen let's go God like Jehovah that's low that rights over back [Music] [Music] [Music] come on back Oh Oh Wow with me nobody right devices the body [Music] what what if we can make the devil man and what have we said that this is what we have planned but what if God says if there is any young man out there right now that is willing to repeat this after me if you're willing to say I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and you're willing to say that I've received him in my heart then the Bible says that you are saved so what if you have enough faith to not worry about what you were wearing right now so not worry about what anybody was saved and what if you just rose up out of the audience and wanted to commit your life to Christ I'll baptize all day until the Lord says this enough but if you want to get baptized and you're in that audience I want you to send up just stand up to your feet I can't see you so I don't know somebody stood up based on the sound of the crowd there anybody want to be baptized any man out there I want to be done [Music] [Applause] yes yes yes yes we got a young man coming for him [Music] Oh Oh and that was also to want to come let's just let's make sure that we don't miss out on nobody hallelujah come on if you're working this author I need to work you go over to the name of Jesus and that's what they want to tell we don't want that decision to be like made but we want to make sure the repents the holy noses that I write jokes let's go Oh you there's two young man I need somebody to get to them somebody catch them because I don't know what direction they're going but we want to make sure my a man can we get back ways in this one let's go right now [Music] I saw you kissing him before he came in and I'm gonna assist you and give you the honor we baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son [Applause] [Music] Oh No how great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] I want to listen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Music] listen listen I know so y'all looking at that screen like what is he doing that was the one on that video and that was the one that got used to come to this I'll turn to hear the word of the Lord and to respond accordingly and that's a preacher right here y'all that boy has been calm and going to the children by God to leave his generation that's what Jeffrey Williams yes yes yes yes the Lord gave them something as he lets the Lord yet and that's where you know you say when you can be in relationship with God and have an experience but don't leave it at that and come and live that this out he is a witness he is a testament that is still saving Nexus that God will still raise one of the situation that was loose that boy is a witness but the problem is that they're told the glory of God is Hold'em the doorman told them it's it's just like why you're set up in Islam just like fire [Applause] the voice sounds a lot of wear [Music] get away [Music] now Chris Sacca sit with me - oh thank you lord Thank You Lola please stop saving he's still crazy he's still feeling [Music] [Music] [Music] - ah that's the war my eyes a bit transform come on who was shopping so I just climb out I need you in this one sing like never oh my stroke what's up this whole email people say Oh [Music] sing like never before [Applause] all of my store what ship is fall in the woods [Music] but still are come on worship your soda and water [Music] [Applause] my slope what's this hole [Music] I will bless the Lord [Music] come on sing it off [Music] [Music] it's right here that's not painted [Applause] [Music] yes way Oh [Music] come on the swing him again yes start with me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we lift up what's the same Lord so Chuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and was up it's all [Music] so what we've done as you've commended the devil is a liar and God is exhausted I know accusations shall stand every giant must follow we are delivered and with the Sun is set free is free indeed we thank you that your sons have been set free by the water [Applause] [Music] lord visit us for the rest of this worship service and we will continue to worship your Holy Name and everybody who loves the Lord give God a force and a shower [Music] [Applause] [Music] if I'm appraised come on and get them appraised I don't think you understand what just happened all things are passed away and behold all things are new I don't know about you but I need some new stuff they're coming to my life how many other people are here with me today you said better that I need some new stuff that happened into my life I need a new home I need a new car hallelujah I need a new way of thinking hallelujah I want you to stand with me this morning we want to receive our tithes and our offerings hallelujah but there was something that's prophetic that hit this house on this war through the baptism hallelujah fifty is a number of God's number hallelujah on the day of Pentecost they were all in one room in one Accord hallelujah and there came a sound as a mighty rushing wind and it filled the house where they were sitting and you need to understand that there's a wind blowing in your and I have because you're in the house of God who am I talking to this more that says man to God I feel the will of God come on come on this poor guy come on let's go for win come on we're blowin a win to our household with will salvation to our French triple salvation to our family we're blowing winds appeal it to a halt on the moon halleluyah halleluyah the number 50 is also firstfruits and so we thank God we're going to give I want you to separate they're giving right now we're gonna give our Greiner next but we're gonna take our tithes and offering now hallelujah those who are willing enable we thank God for all of you are watching who watch this this powerful miracle that happened today these young men come on let's give God praise hallelujah thank you for watching but you can participate in this giving you can participate online you can participate hallelujah live if you need a offering up low raise your hands and our servant leaders will give you an envelope raise your hands hallelujah because God honors are giving hallelujah Bible says that give a they shall be given unto you press down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom so we're always looking for God to bless us but there's some people that God has prescribed for us that's gonna give them to us I wish I had a church this morning that before you can get home there will be some cash outs that just landed on you hallelujah some zel transactions that's going to happen to you you're not going to know where come from but thanks be to God and he's gonna do it for you if you have your offering hallelujah put it in your hands a little early as we repeat our declaration if you need a little bit more time sounding a little bit more time I got to get my seed ready because this is good ground see what you need to understand that when your plants eat in good ground is expected to return Polly lujah not only a good measure but pressed down shaken together the Bible that is it this is running over I'm looking for running over if you have your seed standing with me all over the sanctuary hallelujah if you have their tithes and offerings stand with me we're in agreement I thank god this is a 100% tithe in church come on speak it hallelujah God used to had to deal with me with tithing that was that was the that was my issue when I was a young preacher I had to be sat down because I didn't tithe I'm building in the house right now and I had to understand that although it was uncomfortable to me I had to start where I was and my faith said God had to use me in my faith and I was robbing God the Bible says whereas a man robbed me in my tithes and offering and I started giving up to God I didn't have it I thought I didn't have it but God gave me the increase and mai-tais used to be a hundred dollars and I said god I can't afford to give you a hundred I'll just give you five but don't you know understand because of my acting my faith my ties went from five to ten to twenty and I kept elevating my favorite two hundred then I gave over somebody say all the floor so I want to admonish you you may not have it give where you are and watch God do the increase holiday as I move towards greater hallelujah I will accept all divine ideas thoughts or concepts that will connect me to my destiny I believe that what Jesus has done for me it's bigger than what any man can or will do to me because this forgive I will live to many nations come on say I will lead to many nations and I will not bar from any if you believe that come on and give God praise as pass the water comes if you have your greater gifts I want you to come to the altar right now hallelujah because we're about to deposit greater the Bible says that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world come on bring your great against hallelujah we thank God for all of us and our giving if you have not been sowing integrator then that means you think greater is a building greater is not a building greater is greater than any building if you don't know after what we've just seen that God is doing something amazing with greater listen today is your day to say I can see the vision that God has given to our church and I want to be able to give to that vision because I want to see more and more young men I want to see more and more young women give their hearts to God listen as I was sitting there I was so moved because I know that in the Bible God gives man the foundation he's not just a head but he's the foundation because whenever you build a building you don't start with the roof you start with the foundation and as God built the foundation of the family he started with the male and so right now we're building from the mail so that we can build a building that will be able to save so many thousands listen if you aren't here it's because that means right now you're not sewing in the grater and maybe you feel like I just don't have enough to sew but I want to tell you whatever you give today it's going to be a blessing because God if you've ever been in my class I will tell you this God turns dollars in the soul it's not about building it's not about lights it's not about screens it's about souls today you can bless souls why don't you come to the altar with whatever you can and so an integrator today so if you can see souls come to God listen we have a mandate to save the world each and every one of us is supposed to be here to save the world you can do it today as you give your gifts you can lay them at the altar I want you to stay for prayer all those of you that have come to give you can lay your gifts at the altar and we're going to pray before you go that God will do amazing things in your life we're not asking for 10 fold we're not asking for 100 fold we're asking for 10,000 for because greater is He that is in me that is in the world so God has no limits he can do any and everything in fact my Bible tells me he can do exceedingly and abundantly how many of you need something seeding and abundant love from God in your life come on if you need them I dare you to come to the altar now and share with us in this greater prayer that's about God we love you now we thank you for who you are because we know God that you are greater than you are better than anything we could ever think or imagine and so we thank you right now in the name of Jesus for everything that you're going to do for everyone that is not only given but those that have a spirit to give I ask you now to move amongst your people give them the strength and the power the knowledge the wisdom to understand that greater is more than a building that this is something you're doing to move on your people that you have less a shepherd to show us the way the way to more success the weights are more prosperity the weights are more blessings but we now get up out of our down times the way to be healed the way to be held the way to be loved we trust it now God we know you're able we know you can we know that you will and we trust you with it right now God if there's anybody right now that is ailing in any area we want you to know right now that God will heal you listen he said ask if you will and he will do it just ask it in his name I tell you now to just say master I'm here heal me feel me hold me mo me use me in your service God we come now to save this nation we know master that the prayers of the righteous the veil of much and we stand together now believing that you are God they can do we know God that you can do all and so we trust you in we give it to you God we know right now that if we are a part of the building will be a part of the boat and we know we're not building a raft without feeling the ship we're building an ark and all they can withstand all problems and I'm thinking withstand all that verse it is and all of the things that the devil will try to do the terrace now will be shut in will be under the Ark of sink and so we thank you for your covering we thank you for how you hold us and bless us we make it them even you have made us like job that you have a hands around us warring angels fighting on our side whatever will be attacked thank you for being able to see down the road thank you for blessing us to do those things that you would have us to do because you move things out of our way we always pray for what we see but God we pray today for what we don't see the feeling that we don't get the sicknesses that we don't experience the the problems that the devil would bring to us that you move before they ever get to us we thank you for it we love you for it and we praise your name because God you are able to do all things and we love you and we adore you and we praise your name for God you are worthy you are worthy there's nobody like you got one more thing before we go we don't just praise you for gifts we praise you for goodness cuz honestly God if you never do anything else you've already done enough so thank you for what you already please blessings we ask in the marvelous miraculous merciful loving name of Jesus our Lord [Applause] don't report me he goes before me the finger behind me I won't fear come on a singer [Music] Oh ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh I say that from the top [Music] the souls for them Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I [Music] spinning just give me your spirit my god steer me towards me ha Oh he's my [Music] I want to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they said y'all got the stick again because they sing all the time say hi [Music] [Music] do they need to save on one side cuz y'all got rehearsal tomorrow right alright make them to point out of a gear tell them a second look like they trying to take you out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now give him some prayer [Music] [Applause] let's give it up all the young men who gave God their hearts they have me back there crying like a baby I'll tell you what I've been them and I know what it is to be a parent to worry if your child's gonna go left or right one of they gonna live or die and today we just made the devil's my life come on somebody give God praise in Jesus name standing to your feet all over the building anybody brought a Bible to church today let me see a Bible anybody got a baby there good one - oh you got a couple on yours you got the Holy Ghost yours raggedy so you've been using it that's three oh this one back there with a handle on the church thank the Lord so we got 12 Bibles in the church thank the Lord 13 13 all right now everybody got a Bible app Genesis chapter 7 remember I told you all month long we're gonna be talking about how to get your vision to live anybody have a vision y'all give my y'all give my praise team music ministry being all this again I think we need to pack up and go on a road like the fire heartbeats you guys are amazing Genesis chapter 7 verse number 1 I have I guess I'll show you next week Ricky I don't know Ricky still here but Ricky and I went to London and Ghana we we've been on the airplane 30 hours over the last seven days and I got so much footage oh they put it up okay hey y'all give my audio/visual team ahead so this is this is this is London Mount you may say well how's that because when you get to London there are a lot of Africans in London and so we went there and then we went to Ghana from there and this is outside this is outside the church so these those are the people who couldn't get in and we did that for two or three nights straight and God sent people from all over their country and they gave their life to Christ in the hundreds and it was just it was just amazing and Ricky you follow some of the stuff on social media so red lights are optional you don't have to stop at a red light if you don't want to apparently and and and we drove on the opposite side of traffic because if you drive with traffic it would take two hours so they literally went head-on in the traffic and we saw cars just part like the Red Sea so I've been over there four times so I was used to it but you should have saw Ricky Ricky was like oh Louis oh Jesus he looked at me one time he said pass I'm scared I said well you you better get us care because they don't matter if you're scared or not if you're die you're gonna die don't matter if you're brave are scared so you might as well be brave and we got there and I loved to see the look on his face I wish I could do like Kanye and get a plane and take all y'all with me but you're gonna have to buy your own ticket I can I can tell you how to get there but I can't pay for you to get there yeah but I hope I hope one of these years all y'all get to go some of y'all get to go with with us and how many of y'all will go if you put and they got a McDonald's and all that - so Genesis chapter 7 verse number 1 in the Lord said unto Noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation how many of you know God's gonna use you to change your generation of every clean beast thou shalt take thee by sevens now I want to this is something Steve you would appreciate most of the times when we see a depiction of the ark we see the animals getting on two-by-two they really have you ever heard anybody talk about the fact that of every clean beast you could get 7c when you have unclean people in your life that's when gosh rinks it say the cleaner they were the more you could take when they were cleaned they could get seven on unclean - worshipper 7 gossip or to say people use all the time you only you lucky if you want to get one good friend of your life just because they're unclean but some of us got more than one good friend I know I do I have more than one person I can lean on because you have to make sure you pick correctly let's go to verse number three then the Bible says of every fowl of the air 7 and the males to keep seed alive upon the face of the earth now why 7 y 7 because one theologian said he let him on two by two by two and this is not gonna be good for you vegans by the time you get to Genesis chapter 9 and 10 God actually tells us to eat meat he says eat me and so the reason why he gave them an extra one is so that they could eat the extra one and then have two by two by two now I know some of y'all like I'm eating good and all that but see back then they didn't have all of the toxins and the chemicals in the earth and all the oil and all that kind of stuff it was fresh so that's why the command was different then okay I don't want any vegans tweeting me all right let's go to verse 13 God gives them a command when did he'll be it in the same self day see the reason why I'll give you a word but some of y'all got to think about it too long before you use it you got to go home and you got to pray over it and then you got to run it past three or four people by the time you run it past people who don't study is diluted when there is a Rhema word and that's a right now work you have to you have to exercise that thing the moment you get it God said Noah built an ark it had never rained nor like what is that it doesn't matter he got to build it listen what I'm telling you today what I'm going to tell you today you don't have time to think about it you're gonna have to do it the same self date Noah and Shem and ham and all of his sons and his wives and all of those came to the ark next verse verse 14 says they and every beast after his kind and all the cattle after every kind and every creeping thing after the it just keeps going on and on and on because there was nothing on the boat that didn't have its kind the Bible says see the guests after its own kind one of the most frustrating things in life is to be surrounded by people who are not your kind not your kind you a prayer warrior and their complainer not your kind and you got to make sure you're surrounding yourself with people they don't have to be like you but they have to be after your own kind somebody say Lord send me somebody after my own kind okay and and go to the next verse verse 15 and they went in unto the ark two by two flesh and breath and then verse 16 and they went in I'm just I'm like kind of just picking cuz it's like kiss fur and they went in they didn't they they went in they didn't wait on the invitation they just went in and and and no was trying to figure out how the world am I gonna get these animals into this boat because you know animals are stubborn but God put an instinct in them to go into the boat he didn't have to hurt them he didn't have to cattle they just went in and I'm telling you God is getting ready to put the instinct in what you need to come find you okay I don't know who I'm talking to but over the next few moments I just want you to give your neighbor high five and say neighbor God told me to tell you that no matter what it looks like it's your turn that's what I want to talk about it's my turn if you believe it I dare you to look at somebody who's excited about that just tell them it's my turn it's my turn it's my turn it's my turn y'all ready for the word of the Lord can I tell you something I've been knowing God about 38 years no that's a lie I met him a little later I would say about 30 years and I've been knowing them seriously I've been knowing about 15 this something real around there but even knowing me my whole life can you believe that first person to ever meet me and one thing I know about God son is that God never reacts to anything this is important because human beings are reactors we are reactors we are responders you can sit next to the person you are next to right now never have a problem let them just haul off and hit you right now like y'all been y'all been sitting next to each other all day ain't been no problem I mean they've been on your seat a little bit but you kind of you know moved them over a little bit in the name of the Lord and you know they've been breathing on you but you ain't been complaining but if they just haul off and hit you right now any thug-life people in the house it's just it's just got to go down they don't matter if you're in the church it's going down meet me in the because we are reactors you do something to us we do some God it's not reactive the reason why God is not reactive is because there was nothing to react to because reaction happens in time and God does not operate in two chronological time Chronos he's Kairos and not Chronos he doesn't operate in time he is on time Arthur ping says God is so big that time fits in his pocket God is not reactive God is omnipotent that means that he is everywhere at the same time and since God is everywhere at the same time there was nothing to react to because there was nothing that can happen to alpha that Omega didn't already know I am the first that means that in the beginning was can you do you grasp that the first click of time the first ion that burst into the atmosphere the first time that there was ever matter in the earth God was still in front of that he has never began I know it's hard to conceptualize but he is God and we are not he never began he never ends that's why he is the eternal one so God doesn't react to anything he doesn't start anything before Abraham was I am he could have said before Abraham was I was but he didn't say that he had to go in front of the pass and still be present before Abraham was I am NOT I was not I was supposed to be before Abraham was I am which means that God is in front vehicle of the future so here is the future this is 2025 this is 3055 this is 4080 if the earth shall remain and God is already in front of that time the Bible says he has a very present help that were present compound word pre sent he is a priest sent help which means God three sends himself in front of time so that he can encapsulate time and thereby being the eternal one he doesn't react to anything that is a human characteristic which lets this is what I'm trying to tell you this is because I want you to know that there was nothing that you can go through that will ever take God off-guard he knew that the foreclosure was coming he knew that the eviction was coming he knew that they were gonna try to fire you for something you didn't do he knew that you were going to go through that issue he knew you were going to go through their pain and although it caught you by surprise God already knew because of his eye is on the sparrow his eyes are on you and he knows your thoughts afar off and he knows how many hairs are on your head God knew that you were gonna have a black shirt on today he knew that your body wasn't gonna be feeling good today God knew that your job was gonna ship overseas God knew all of that none of it catches him by surprise that's why you got to learn to put it all in his hands and you got to learn to trust him because God knows everything slap your name so he knows everything he he is right now why you're in this church trying to figure it out God is already working it out while you're trying to figure it out God is already working it out could you imagine when Moses his mother had him if somebody would have told her your son is gonna be the Emancipator of Israel while living in Egypt do you know she was said are you crazy Pharaoh has just said that he was gonna kill all of the babies two years in beneath and I got a little boy named Moses that just turned 2 so that means that my son is in the Attic of what Pharaoh said that means he's gonna try to kill my son and and I've got to protect him so she goes down to the Nile River and she builds an ark ok I'm trying to show you all something because these are all types and shadows when God got ready to deliver Israel he built an ark when he got ready to to use the tabernacle to have worship for Israel he had the Ark of the Covenant and now we are here in Genesis and he's getting ready to maintain the life of man he's built another arc are you with me so far and now those of us who are saying we're under the Ark of safety he has an ark Moses's mother goes to the nile river gives birth puts him in a Ark when he could no longer stop crying and she could no longer hide him and she puts him in the water and it just so happens that Pharaoh's daughter is bathing in the water at that particular place she picks the baby up takes him back to her father and says daddy I found this baby do you mind if I keep the baby not knowing that Pharaoh is looking for him favor is trying to kill all of the babies looking for Moses and did not know he was getting ready to raise Moses in his house because God doesn't react to anything God already knew that Pharaoh was going to try to kill Moses and he already knew that Moses had to live in Egypt to find out the ways of the people and he knew that God was gonna use him to take them out of Israel but he let it all happen because it is true when Paul said all things work together because God didn't react to anything he'll make sure you take a bath at the time somebody's in the water he doesn't react to anything do you think it was a mistake that Isaiah will prophesied that Jesus must be the son of David and then you think it's an accident that Mary was a spout or engaged to be married to a man named Joseph yeah I remember this story but guess what what you didn't know is that Joseph was related to David which means that when when it was time to do the census you have to go back to the hometown of the father that's how Jesus ended up in Bethlehem where Isaiah had already prophesied he must be born because that's what Joseph was from God made sure that the only person that had asked for Mary was a man that was connected to the man at which bloodline Jesus must come through because he does not react he's in front of the future and some of you in this place today who cannot figure out why did you have to be born in the house where your father didn't take care of his children God says I was not worried about your heart being broken and I was not worried about your abandonment issues I needed his DNA because when I took his X chromosome and mixed - what your mama's why then you would become the person that I needed you to be it wasn't about you it was always about what I wanted to do in the earth with you you would have rather have been born in a two-parent household where your parents got alone and God says yes that is an accoutrement that I afford some but you have to go up the rough side of the mountain and you have to come through pain and you have to come through rejection why because I was going to take the chief Cornerstone and make it out of the rejected stone reason why Jesus was born the way he was born is because he needed us to be born again the reason why he had to become flesh is because we did not yet have he regenerated spirit and he had to become flesh because Seba gets after his own kind and so he had to become flesh because only flesh can beget flesh and so he wraps himself in flesh and then makes us s flesh come to him and then allows us to accept the Holy Spirit so that when our flesh and this old earthly Tabernacle dissolves and goes back to the earth we'll be done with this part the earth will take the earth but the Spirit will go back because II will still be begetting after its own kind y'all don't want no Bible y'all just want to shout i'ma get there just hold up a minute he puts he's in front of the future somebody stays in front of the future he's in front of he's in front of your termination he's in front of your bankruptcy he is in front of you losing your house he's in front of them having your furniture out on the street he's in front of cancer he's in front of lupus he's in front of pain he's in front of hypertension he's in front of diabetes he's in front of brain tumors which means that God will already be in front of anything you're behind that's important because the Bible says in verse 1 that he says to Noah Noah come into the ark Noah come into the ark Noah coming to the ark it dumbfounded me because I've read this text a thousand times and I never saw it until this past week that God said Noah come into the ark you know some of us know the Bible so much that we just read it even though it don't say what we'd be saying it's the version we learned in our church you know we'd be talking bout the Bible say when praises go up blessings come down ain't no way in the Bible but because somebody said it before we repeat it I'm here to tell you that ain't no verse how many of y'all ever said the Bible saving praises go up blessings come down find it ain't no way enough it's another it's another phrase that we always say and about whatever you loose on earth then loose in heaven and whatever has been bound in the earth down on heaven because God will give you the keys to the kingdom the Bible says he'll give you the key of the kingdom saying there's a difference because if I give you the keys to my house that means that the key can only get you in my house but if I give you the key of my house then own that house is the key to the safe and on that key a Yahtzee when I give you the keys of the bank you can't just get in the bank when I give you the keys of the bank you can also get in the safe-deposit box you better stop shouting about the keys to and start asking God for the keys of [Applause] but you got to read it the Bible says that he tells him he says Noah don't go into the ark Tremont I know you know he says Noah come into the ark okay that changed the game nore come into the ark rewind it press play some of y'all remember rewind Noah come into the are you still asleep Noah come into the ark you get because if I tell you to come in something [Music] then that means I am already in it do you know that you ain't gonna ever get in anything God ain't already in before you that's why Paul and Silas were able to get out of prison at midnight is because God was already in it that's why the Hebrew boys were able to come out of the fiery furnace because there was the fourth man in it and he looks like the Son of God do you not understand that God loves you so much that he'll not allow you to step in anything that he is not already in I came to tell you even if you're going through hell the Bible says now out there I wish I had about 500 people who knew that there is nothing that you can go through that God is not already in do me a favor give your neighbor high five and say neighbor in depression God is in there in bankruptcy God is in there in frustration God is in there why because he's getting ready to give you a marching order there whatever he gets in you coming out of when Peter was in the storm God was already in it that's why he was able to tell Peter come and walk and there is nothing you can go in that God has no really no situation that you could ever go through the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and God is not ordering those steps from the outside he's ordering those steps from the inside anybody want to give God three seconds of praise for thanking him for being although o'clock you ain't never been in something and God did God ever show up for anybody in here who has ever been through hell and high water snap three people say God is in it God is in it god I know you can't tell but he's in it I know you can't fill it but he's in it I know it doesn't seem like it but he's in it I know that's what culture doesn't say he's in it but he's in it why because there is no place that God is not knowing if the fish swallows you he's in there if you're in the valley of the shadow of death thou art with you if you if you're laying by the pool of bethesda the angel will be there in a few days to trouble the water there is nothing that you can go through what God leaves you by yourself he walks with me and he talks with me how can I be in anything that God is not in if it is in him that I live it is in him that I moved and it is in him that I have my being God is never absent from your circumstance he is there somebody shot he's there he's there there and your neighbor needs to know that because they're going through hell and high water right now they feel all alone but if they'll go to hell and make your bed he's there in fact when when the enemy had come up and and they were taking all of the people to hell the Bible says that Jesus Christ on his way to resurrection went down to hell and preached the three-day revival and made sure that everybody in Hale had another opportunity to accept him in Christ and if you don't believe me it's going to happen again because when Christ comes back and the sky shall crack like glass there will be another period called the great white throne judgment and it be 1000 years what God will still give man an opportunity to come back unto Him because there was nothing there is nothing that you can go through that God will not be there with you I [Music] know I don't feel like it but he's in it I know I don't seem like it but he's in it sometimes you miss what God is in because you care more about your culture than you do your Christ but God is in it just touch somebody I'm almost done but tell him he's in it he's in it he said I know you can't tell but he's in it notice God says Noah come come come into the ark coming to the ark coming to the ark come into the ark now now he gets in the ark and he says Noah I want you to know that that that you're in this Ark and nobody else is because you are righteous now God who you're talking to you don't know you don't know no because knowing righteous now now understand if you read Genesis three four five six you think he's righteous but remember God is Alpha and Omega and he's in front of what the future so if you just read the first six chapters of his life you think it's right I need you to go on over to chapter 9 that time you get to chapter 9 you find out that the flood is subsided and Noah is now a farmer and and North starts planting grapes and and now that he's planting grapes he found out if he's smashing and you put him in a cup oh you ain't never had no no wine you ain't never had no wine you ain't never had no Moscato d'Asti you ain't never had no so y'all gonna have to look at me like that say some y'all don't know why I know about Boone's Farm I'm not talking about that that's not wine that's smart I mean I'm talking about real wine and bob says northern got drunk so drunk that he took his clothes off some of y'all been there so don't act like that I don't I don't know why don't play with me cuz I feel I'm in a fight mood today you go act like you ain't never got drunk ins like I know I shouldn't I shouldn't pass it just preach about holding yourself I I can't I can't I'm fasting so y'all gonna ain't no future in your friend y'all get on my nerve you you mean to tell me you haven't you haven't had one or two too many and you start questioning your decisions being drunk is a good excuse for doing something you didn't mean to do it girl I was drunk out of I won't ain't know what I was doing I don't remember northern got drunk and naked that's drunk will you disrobe it's drunk I can understand we're moving an item he has taken everything off I'm gonna take a drink cause some of y'all know exactly what I'm talking about I can hear everything by the way and so the God who so no a drunk before no a drink looks at chapter 9 or and declares him righteous as chapter 7 or even though chapter 9 hasn't happened God has already declared him righteous 2nd Corinthians says he made him who knew no sin to become sin that we might become the righteousness of God in him you are not righteous because you're right you are righteous because God made you right and I can't stand church folk who think they better than other people because you got a couple of things that you haven't done if we got a chance to follow you home and find out how nasty you really are and found out how bad your attitude really is or interview a couple of people from your high school days our perhaps take your shirt off or read the real tattoo that you got covered up we found out it's a little boy and you do me a favor touch your neighbor sense a little knowing you it's a little knowing you it's a little nor know it's a lot of knowing you and don't you sit up here and act like I'm talking to somebody else other than you and just because you went back to the tattoo parlor how to put a trace over it and turn it into something else don't mean it ain't still under there [Applause] I'm just gonna put a butterfly over it so nobody can read it it's color that in just color it [Applause] oh that's hey Suz not Jesus this some Roma zone when it's your turn get this goddamn Mickey what you're not did you hear what I just said because you keep thinking that it comes when you deserve it it comes when God decides it can I give somebody some encouragement you don't deserve it but God made a decision about shooting only a few y'all get that that's what we call an old church grace and mercy sometimes they even though you're not God is already declared it which means you are not rich but God declared it some of y'all might not currently be healthy but I'll declare it in the name of Jesus some of y'all got some stuff that you got going on but I declare it over in the name of Jesus why because when it's your turn God will give you favor some other shot I got favored don't make me run around here I need 50 people to give somebody a high five and say I got favored I got favored I got favored and it ain't fair I'm not gonna try to explain it I don't have to explain it I don't have to tell you why I don't know why all I know is God made a decision about me all I know is I don't deserve it and I'm gonna give him glory anyhow because I have to been naked I have to hidden I have to done it but I am favor [Applause] anybody got a job you don't deserve you know that's call how many I went up there to get a car loan and you just knew it was gonna be seven thousand percent and you got up there and they came back with an interest rate and you you want to hurry up and sign before they found out they made a mistake some of y'all and left some apartments and you just thought you know I'm gonna go try they gonna find out that I left and you got up there it wasn't even on the record and you try to hurry up and sign so that they wouldn't find out that you left the last month rent and a broken window in the last one that's called fail it's when god breaks the rules to make sure you rule I decree and declare God's gonna break the rules and no weapon formed against you shall be able to cross with I need all the people say I got favored alright if you got favored I got just one announcement to tell you he told no he said no in seven days it's gonna rain can I tell you something I prophesy in the name of Jesus that in seven days God is gonna prove to you that you got favor I ain't got nobody in church but me and a few I said in seven days by this time next week that bill is gonna be paid back this time next week that cyst is gonna be gone by the time this week that spot on that MRI is going to be gold by this time next week that pain is going to be gold by the time this week next week look at somebody who looked like they got to ignore that tell them one week from now one week from now one week from now is gonna rain one week from now one week I know you put the application in you've been waiting to find out if you got the job by this time next week you're gonna have a testimony somebody shot one week one week one week I said shouted I didn't say said somebody shouted one week some of y'all are so accustomed to it taking loan you got a week to get ready we got a week you got a week you have a week [Applause] you got a week they're not gonna recognize you you got a week they're not gonna understand you you have a week [Applause] somebody shot I got favor let me say it properly I have favor everywhere your foot shall shred Jacob you will find favor favor if you got enough courage to touch it God got enough power to turn it yep if you got enough faith it's gonna turn you right now you can't feel it because you're still in it watch watch the next week some of y'all gonna walk in here like passes you said you said it you said it you said it not now this is for those who believe because because Noah was the only one who built don't expect for no favor and you ain't cutting the wood Noah built a boat because you always have to build something for God to put it in one more time say I got favored not only do you have favor but you have time how many of y'all have ever been a situation where you knew that what God told you to do is gonna take time but because you were behind you start rushing see when you rush you make mistakes they that wait on the Lord see you sometimes you gotta just you just gotta wait and let me tell you being silent and waiting that's a hard thing to do you gotta wait you gotta wait watch this this is gonna blow your mind this is my first time ever knowing this so I don't want to act like this revelation is old news for me the Lord gave me this in my study time and this is because whenever I go and read a text I go to a dumb like like I don't know what's in it some time I think that we missed the revelation of a text because we think we know the story and then we go to it with the knowledge that we already had but I go to a dumb I said okay God show me what is in this text that I didn't see before and he took me to Genesis chapter 5 and in Genesis chapter 5 there was a conversation about a genealogies and patriarchs who were alive at the time of the flood but Noah is is alive but Adam is already dead and all of these people already dead but they're a couple of people that I saw in the text the number one I saw that Noah's father died at 777 he died when he was 777 years old now there was another man in the book of Genesis you got to look him up he is so dope his name is Enoch Enoch was so righteous there when it came time for him to die the Lord didn't let him die he just kind of walked on to heaven that's kind of hot ain't that dope like he was just walking to it before he died he just went up you know he and and and he walked to heaven but he had a son his son name was Methuselah Methuselah lived to be 969 years he was 369 years Oh the year that Noah was born please stay with me because the Bible lets us know this was my second point I have time Noah was born when Methuselah was 369 when the flood came nor was 600 okay what's 600 plus 369 969 how long did Methuselah live 969 years here was the revelation his name means it shall not be sent until he dies Methuselah means it shall not be sent until he dies what I see in the revelation is that Eden art must have had a covenant with God and God knew that the rain was getting ready to come but because Enoch was righteous and God made a promise to his son God said to Enoch I'm not gonna let it rain until he dies because you so righteous I don't want your son to died in the flood i'ma let him die of natural causes so he says I'm not going to let the rain come until he dies can I give you a word from the Lord God understands that you have a vision he knows that you have a plan he knows you have a company he knows he have a book and he knows that the devil is trying to flood you out and he's trying to kill you but here was the word of the Lord God I ain't gonna let it rain until you finish I need 300 people to look at somebody you might I need you to take three steps not the person that's convenient I need you to take three steps to tell somebody God's gonna let you finish and he who has began a good work here you will establish it until the day of Jesus Christ find somebody say if God ain't finished then it ain't done you've got time to finish it you got time to start it you got time to pray about it I don't care how you are God says I'll do it at 69 I'll do it at 59 I'll do it at 48 I know you had a time that she wanted it done by but God says I had to wait just a few more years because I wanted you mature enough to understand they that wait on the Lord you got time you got time and listen here it is don't miss this because some of us are not worthy of the assignment so I don't like those people who think they worthy they make me itch I don't I don't I don't like people who who ain't perfect to just people who are not it really it is really a travesty and it is what keeps the church from thriving because you have broken people who become judges and they do it based on the fact that they are not broken where you are broken but you might not be broken where I'm broken but baby I'm fixed where you toe up holla at your boy you got some problems I don't have but guess what I got some problems it is the highest level of arrogance to judge somebody from your strength notice Jesus becomes flesh before he judges and the reason why he becomes flesh before he judges is because he knows that there will be no judgment if he judges us from a perfect position so he becomes a man and then shows us it is possible to be perfected as a human and the word became flesh he became flesh and then was not tempted he became flesh and then did not fornicate he became flesh and did not drink the wine so he had to be coming before he just did how let's go boy Noah got drunk and God let him live three hundred and fifty more years I'm here to tell you you got time you're not perfect but you got time your attitude stay but God still gonna give you time you got some molding the day is long but God gonna give you time you hold grudges but God gonna give you time you look at people at the mall and talk about them and don't even know don't know watch they got that on they don't even match but you still got time how many know good folk in the house know you got time see some of y'all think you're good you just ain't cold that's a divisive difference you ain't good bob says they are none good no do me a favor just whisper to your neighbors ain't a good I just think I caught yet got a little knowing me [Music] listen as long listening me as long as you are alive God's gonna hold it back he's gonna do it for your children some of you are looking at your children now you're looking at their grades like what is gonna become of this ball of flesh he's a senior in high school she's a junior in high school and I don't see no evidence of a promise God says i'ma hold it back i'ma hold back see you worried about them falling in the wrong circle I'll even hold back the crowd you worried about that girl that she's been hanging around God said I'll make sure she gets transferred to another school to make sure yours you you worried about you worried about your child being in the wrong crowd do you understand that God knew that crowd before your child got to that school he's in front of the future and God may be using that person to get them closer to him you got time you got time it ain't even close to being over for you you you you you and your 30s time about a dream house you ain't Mitchell dream house yet this ain't your dream house this is a stepping stone this house that you gettin right now you think this shall final Howie 35 between 35 and 40 you talkin about this is my final house God says no this is your stewardship this is a suit you're looking for a house right now tell me this is it this is what I'm stopping God says now you ain't even finished I'm getting ready to show you through this house that I will give you a house that you didn't build and I'm gonna give you a venules that you did not plant it's gonna be bigger than you can see you ain't even close to your potential God said Noah I need you to build this boat listen he says build it 450 feet long and I want you to build it 45 feet high 450 feet long 45 feet high what's 450 divided by 10 so 45 is 10% so the tithe has to go up the reason why some of y'all adjourn is cuz you're tired goes out your tithe goes to the mall you're tired goes to your car you're tired goes to your rent Noah's time you always got to go 10% hi that was dope I don't care where listen yeah y'all quiet cuz you ain't tired but but but if you wouldn't hate you have like 45 feet high could you could you hit Noah like God well I got to spend all that time building the ceiling on a boat 45 feet higher my son a 45 feet tall my wife ain't 45 feet tall I'm getting ready to give you animals Noah yeah but but but ain't none of them see see here is a problem Noah if I let you build the ark according to your dimensions you were build it for the average sized person in your life and nor what you don't know as I'm getting ready to send you some giraffes and I don't want them to have to duck and decide it's too small for them you don't understand that God has told me to tell you to build it bigger because he's getting ready to send something in your life that's bigger than the average size of the thing that's there slap three people and tell them build it bigger build it bigger they're gonna look at you why do you need a house they got seven bedrooms because I want people to spend the night and not have to go to a hotel why do you need five cars that's greedy no because when people visit me I want to give them keys and let them drive and not have to rent a car don't let nobody tell you how bill how big the bill yeah people timeout that's just too much house too much house for you because you got to love vision I got a house who need a car that costs that much somebody like me stop letting people who build small tell you what size to build somebody shall build it bigger and whatever size you planned on it double it I just need a smaller house just for me and my kids no you need a big house because you might have got three more you need a big house because God might sing you your nieces and your nephews and your grandchildren it ain't about being greedy and say if you do it for the right reason it could be as big as you want it to be what's wrong with having a house the size of the church if you want it to be a shelter in the time of storm what's wrong with having a 12 car garage if you just want to tell people you know what come over the house and come stay and I'm gonna let you drive my car for the weekend just what's wrong with that it's about the heart you letting people who gonna drown teaching you how to swim they don't take all that not for somebody like you who too selfish to let anybody have anything but the the way my heart set up I need a lot because I want to give a lot the way my heart set up I need it because I want to share it the way my heart is set up I need a lot of clothes because I want to give bags of them away after I wear them once y'all a holiday cause some of y'all scared to shout about it but if I got anybody in here who says God give me abundance cuz imma let other people come on my boat [Applause] I'll give you houses you didn't build and if God was against mansions why does he have one in my father's house you [Applause] don't want to build a life that when God says you big people they got a dump to get in how do you build a big life you got to have a big conversation you don't want to have a conversation that's smart people have to dug down to fit into it [Applause] you don't want to have people in your life that when God finally does send you successful people in your life yet they got to bow down to fit in with your friends you better lock them out your boat somebody said I got time I gotta go I got time well that's all you gotta be careful you freeze they make you you got to practice what you preach oh how many others word is four so far I have favor I have time I have his attention in Chapter seven before verse fifteen God calls Noah's name ten times now when God is repeating himself it's not because he see now whenever you see God repeating itself is because something is important Moses Moses trying to get your attention see whenever God keeps telling you something that's cuz he cares about you see if how many of you all have children raise your hands if you told your child one time don't touch the stove no you got tell them I told you some of y'all still tell your children what you told them last time you told and gonna have to told them again I know that ain't right but this cuz here killed kids you can't tell him you got to told him you know and you gonna have to told him again Abraham Abraham Sarah Sarah when you mean something to God he repeats himself to you he calls noise name ten times before verse fifteen in Chapter seven if you go back and read chapter six three eight he calls his name 80 times why is God calling Noah's a tee-time in a chapter about a flood the biggest thing in the chapter is supposed to be the rain but God says I ain't worried about no rain I don't think I'm worried about is annoy do you know that you can have big stuff going on all around you and the only thing that God cares about is little ol you God knows exactly where you are even if he hasn't showed up yet Lazarus is over in the grave robbery so much so that he starts to stink and Jesus said that was his friend and he doesn't even show up until four days later see some of y'all will be mad if you went through something somebody didn't call you 2 full days lady block I thought we posed to been cool but I guess sick you're four days to call you must have been busy or something doing nothing I guess Jesus said no no this is not about me not caring it's about me dealing with rumors because if I showed up in three days the rumor is that the spirit hovers over the body and if I showed up after three days David says see he's not a redeemer he's not the resurrection the Spirit was hovering over the body he was just in a coma and then the spirit went back in he got back up cuz you know people who are committed to not believe you will find any reason not to so Jesus shows up after four days when he is stinking and decaying and walks into the grave and says let's wake up Bar says Lazarus gets up and shakes off his grave clothes do you know that God sometimes shows up late to prove that it was him [Applause] if he shows up any earlier you could have said it was your same as account if he shows up any earlier you could say my family helped me so he he waits until there's no family and no resources and no plan B and no option C and no friends he waits until all of that is gone and then he shows up you know why because when God shows up then we have a testimony if it had not been for the Lord on my side I don't know where how many of you has God ever showed up when it was all over I have favored I have time I have his attention last one I have security all right this blew my mind epiphany the Bible says that when Noah goes into the boat he's walking around that you know Noah got a good heart like you know he's got a good heart No Noah's got a good heart he's walking around there like my friends are drowning and I just I just want to let everybody I mean I've got 450 feet of a boat with three levels I've got a cruise ship for a house there's only eight of us on here I got room spare I've got money to spare I've got time to spare got time well Noah gets on that boat verse 16 my favorite five words of the whole chapter and God shut him in nor was about to let his heart make a mistake he was about to let people on his boat because he had a ring he was about to let people on his boat because he has space but God said Noah I hate to tell you you cannot let people board when they didn't help you build because if you cannot trust them building you cannot trust them boarding and the Bible says that even though Noah was about to let him own God shut the door God said no God my heart is big I know but the bow to be sunk because anybody who came trusts on the outside you can't trust inside tell you him beating on the door no we sorry that we didn't believe you know we sorry that we talked about you we're sorry about the stories we wrote about you we didn't know that God really had his hand on your life we didn't know God was actually in this we thought you were crazy we thought you were insane we had no idea it had never rained before please forgive us Nora let alone let us on the boat North says I would but my God said then I can't let you board if you abandon me when I was building don't let your heart make you sink you better less you better stop letting people on the boat post building you know here's all of these willing says the Bible says and the floodwaters beginning to rings can you see the people now the waters at their ankles now is that their knees now is it their waist now their chest deep in there saying no you gonna let us down God closes doors no man can open when God shuts the door you don't have the strength to open it any door God closes keep your hands off the doorknob [Applause] I don't care people come to you asking you to open the door when God closes the door when it's your turn consequently it means it's not somebody's turn and the only people listen and I'm done the only people that got a chance to go on the boat with Noah were people who were connected to him if you miss what I just said you need to wake up so the hitch in your head they had to be connected to Noah before the flood to survive it be careful when people come to your life midstream see well you got people in your life will even father an argued didn't understand each other couldn't stand each other on Monday love each other on Tuesday fighting and arguing it falling out those are people that you can trust on the boat some people come to your life mystery timeout the lowest showed me something about you in my spirit and God told me to prophesy to you and tell you that you gonna preach it did you figure that out because I had already had a few sermons away I've seen he went to one Church prophet said I want y'all to take me outside and so I can pray over all the cars to make sure that nobody have an accident they went outside and prayed over the cars so that nobody having accident came back in the church and said God showed me a person with a blue Honda license plate 11:11 five six seven so you didn't went out there in red or me and they came in and prophesied see some of y'all think it's a prophet they just been on your Facebook God told me to tell you gonna take a vacation did you see that two weeks ago when I said I'm gonna be off and take a vacation in two weeks y'all always let the people on your boat cuz they spoken to you [Music] mother tongue they just just st. no shouting sentiment Bishop Jones ran y'all like I was crazy last what kind got time for that see y'all online just run around yes all right don't have no heart attack cause I ain't paying for it's gonna have a one-lap minimum that's that's the new rule in here one lap so y'all trying to do two and three trying to show people I'm in shape no one lap touch whatever say one lap minimum you ain't ran all month [Applause] when is your turn you misunderstood I just I'm really trying to get you see cus when you when you are happy it's really not your turn when when when your job is paying you exactly what you want it's not your turn when you're at peace it ain't your turn I keep reading this Bible over and over and I keep finding out that every time it's somebody's turn David then somebody's doing Spears that you're trying to kill you when it's your turn Daniel de liens are trying to eat you when it should turn Joseph you end up in a pit when it's a turn no are you building a boat and people don't understand when it's really your turn they don't feel like you Thank You Holy Ghost when it's really your turn you want to turn around how many of y'all Thank You Holy Ghost I got four minutes come I want every person in this building I'm done I can't even go any further Thank You Holy Ghost I want every person who has been tempted to quit and turn around because of how difficult it has been me me at all - hurry up hurry up hurry up hmm [Music] listen to me look at me if you can God is in front of the future look at me focus god is in front of the future your circumstance did not catch him by surprise I just need your honesty just for a couple of minutes and we're gonna leave some of y'all there there are parents at this altar you haven't challenges with your children I'll just lift your hands and you felt like actually quitting on that job as a parent you just said you know what I'm gonna let them do what they do however they turn out they just turn out because you're exhausted listen to me do you know how frustrated Mary had to be with Jesus I mean like one time she took him to a feast turned around he was 13 miles away just just roaming around doing his own thing Mary had to walk all the way back to go get her could you see him [Music] at the cross when Mary told him these people have run out of wine and look like Jesus got smart he said warming my time in here I don't know why I'm saying this but see when your child is great sometimes they seem to be disrespectful you're not fighting disrespect your fighting greatness and greatness is always ahead of age and so you tell them to act they age but you got to understand they are not acting that physical age they're acting their spiritual ages do you think you're grown what has happened is they've grown up in the spirit and they don't fit the average prototype of the average child you're used to coming in contact with the word of the Lord is when you have a child that confuses you like that I want you to go and sit down with them and start having the conversation look I'm out of I and don't assume that they can't understand because you didn't when you were their age this is what I want you to I want you to look them out of I you may think they didn't understand talk to him until they do I died some of you all have felt like giving up on life let me see your hands I need honesty that's cool first of all you didn't you hear and everything that you ever thought you are not going to make it out of guess what you did ain't that amazing everything you thought you wouldn't survive guess what you did you survived it somebody shout I'm a survivor God has shut the door some of y'all trying to figure out like I'm open to being a relationship why can't I find anybody because God has shut your heart until you open your mouth if you would have had what you've been praying for you would have lost about now God says I can't have a loss on my watch so I'd rather you not have it than lose it and all of this was about three words it's my and when it is really your time I'm I could prove it to you over and over you go home and read Genesis chapter due to Romney chapter seven when it was finally sure when he was finally the children of Israel's time the Bible says I want you to go to Canaan world land is flowing with milk and honey but he says guess what when you get there there'll be seven nations there waiting on you and they're gonna be stronger than you and they're gonna try to kill you because when it's your turn we think that when it's our turn it's time to reap but when it's really your turn it's time to fight David you're getting ready to be the next king of this show good now getting ready for Saul to try to kill you because when it's your turn it's really time to fight Joshua Moses my servant is dead it's your turn now all right God I got the job yeah first order of business a war fights all the proof that it's your turn and if you survive the fight then you get to the favor look at me are you strong enough for what you're asking for I love how God blessed me to have young ministers from all over the world who direct message me and say one day I want to be willing to take this ain't fine you you know you don't want it you do not that's why it's best to be you because you are equipped for the criticism that comes with building an ark nor but you're not built to carrier art like David some of you have the anointing to build an ark and some of you have an anointed to carry the ark but we always want to do the part that we don't do so builders want to be carriers carriers want to be builders but you got to learn to be comfortable in the assignment God gave you [Applause] single people want to be married married people want to be single you better learn to be comfortable in the position you're in famous people want to be inconspicuous inconspicuous people want to be famous you better learn to enjoy where he puts you I've never seen anybody successful that wasn't deeply scarred if I could dissect my body and flip it inside out and show you how many scars it takes to be me some of you all of you had to come up here and hold a microphone and stand in front of people 200 the circumstances that I have to stand in front of you you couldn't do it now with a smile on your face not without harboring hatred in your heart to write an idea it takes a special person to do it with humility and gratefulness you know why because of the circumstances in my life there's one thing I cannot do I can do a lot of things let me tell you one thing I cannot do you ready the only thing that I am incapable of doing is holding a grudge I can do anything else anything whatever you're thinking about I can do it what I cannot do is be mad at you long now sometime I have to do something to you to get over it [Music] I want to be honest with you like like if I haul off it's still only I'm gonna be feel I feel real good about it I'd be good after that because I got to get it out and so I'm wired to do whatever it takes not to be angry because if I get mad let me tell you something there is not a person in this place except for Gwen Jenna Scott and I don't know if my sisters are here none of y'all ever seen me mad before if I get mad I could kill a gorilla with my bare hands I see fire I had an officious and wait only to come home have acid in a cup and make you drink it before like you I can imagine all kind of stuff sometime I used to have to ask myself am I saved because of the things I can think about I'm crazy you hit me some of y'all look smack I didn't know if I'm crazy but it took the Holy Spirit [Music] the things I would do I do not and the things that I would I don't why I've been pressured on every side but I'm telling you today when it's your turn you can do it hurt when it's your turn you can do it with tears in your eyes when it's your turn you can do it broke when it's your turn you can do it misunderstood when you win it's your turn it becomes more about the boat then what you're feeling I want to pray for you because I just I just felt in this place like and the devil is about to make you all quit you're about to give up and you are almost there and you have come through more than what you're about to quit over I saw a picture and I'm a pray for you let you go I saw this picture on Instagram it was still with two men side by side and it was a diamond that was about the size of a car underneath the ground on this side and it was a diamond on this side about the size of a man's hand imagine is a diamond the size of a car a diamond about the size of a man's hand and the man who was digging who had the diamond the size of a man's hand it was closer to the surface so when he dug and he found his diamond the guy from over here left his hole and went into this hole and start digging because he saw proof over here but he didn't know that if he had dug over where God had put him [Music] this big things are just a little deeper nothing big as ever at the surface the bigger the tree the deeper the roots only weeds can be plucked from the tower [Music] I cancelled the spirit of quit give them the energy to charge on [Music] anoint them to finish [Music] anoint them to finish [Music] every business plan give us the spirit of a finisher we'll even will even finished books that we start to read we won't even leave books unfinished we're gonna finish and go back to school and finish the degree we're gonna finish everything we started and whatever you call the end we're gonna end it well thank you for shutting the door thank you for being in the boat with us thank you for being in the storm with us thank you for being in the pane with us thank you for being in the herd with us and we declared that we shall come forth like pure gold in the mighty name of Jesus if you believe it come on the begin to give God praise in this place come on come on give your neighborhood some of you coming out of Italy I'm gonna tell them you coming out of this thing you coming out of this thing god bless you I'll see you on Tuesday
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 39,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, It's My Turn, lighthouse church live, lighthouse church of houston, lighthouse church live stream, jesus, God, sermon, prayer, amen, how to pary to god, christian sermons, house call, please accept my prayer, part 2, These Bones Will Sing, Pastor Keion Henderson, Pperpetual blessings, it is my turn to shine sermon, prayer points on it is my turn, latest sermons of light house, god when will it be my turn
Id: B3eVJzQc_XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 44sec (7664 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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