Gmod FNAF | The Rise Of A Kingdom [Kingdom Part 1] (Wheel Decider)

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hello everybody and welcome back to gmod five nights at Freddy's somehow anyways hello everybody welcome back the g1 for Nath now today I've come up with a pretty snazzy idea so um yeah and as you can see we're in a type of Kingdom map and I'll get to that in a second um I don't even know how this video is gonna really work out I just started this idea I'm like hey you know I'm gonna just do it cuz I can't so um yeah anyways I'm in this medieval town thing because this is gonna be like the scene or whatever it's called uh yeah so anyways um today I'm gonna do some little different um so anyways it's gonna involve some of my characters you know some of the good old Gucci boys like maybe spring bunny maybe who knows it's just the pins let me let me just to get to the point give me a second but uh yeah so anyways um beyond this map today and we're gonna do a fancy role play it spell okay this role play is going to be about the after the war where the Kingdom where there's a new king and his new family moving into this Kingdom Castle and they're gonna take over this land there's a small village over there which is no I mean I can walk over there but there's like nothing good you can't go into any of the buildings it sucks but uh yeah so anyways we're gonna be focusing on the keys family now you're probably wondering where all where where is the family at well we have to spawn in main and it's gonna be a juicy family because it's gonna be a family man out of all my characters sort of so it's gonna I'm gonna have a little wheel which on if we just go kaboom yes I'm gonna use this wheel decider thank you or whatever just just for fun cuz I've been wanting to use this for something and I haven't really come up with an idea of how do you sound just decide hey there's a little thing so I'm gonna have this little wheel here um just for the beginning and we're gonna pick out our characters for this so I actually have a list right here of stuff that I need so there needs to be a king a queen two servants seven children I just wanted there to be so a baker a dungeon master because there is actually I wasn't originally gonna have that but there's like a dungeon in here it's kind of scary it's like a little dungeon in this kingdom so like we're gonna have a dungeon master um three guards and one old person to living this little huts because of the law they cannot destroy the palace to build his kingdom they just built around it because the law said that this whoever lives in this house will get to in a minute deserves has their rights and can stay here so and I know it's in the kingdom walls that's a little strange but that's okay so um yeah but anyways um let's go let's go don't get all the people and this is gonna be a pretty weird roleplay I don't know which characters gonna take what part it's kind of like that kind of like whenever you have to do some of them like your class sort of thing whenever you have to like you're assigned a certain role and you have to fulfill it with all your other buddies kind of thing I don't really know but uh yeah so anyways um who should we pick out first so we just go straight to the king get the fancy king who's going to be the king of this kingdom so I'm gonna try to do it just off the ginger for like male I mean ah for the king and queen so yeah we'll just do it - yeah so let's just click it let's see what's what's spicy I'm deleting the video let's just try that again okay good okay King spring trapped in your beautiful beautiful we'll just um yes we'll get the the juicy spring Oh in here so this will be king spring yo so um yeah and also um well I'm trying to find this spring out um there's some characters on there like there's ignite like there could be ignited Bonnie even though I know I just kind of killed him but uh he's on there too so um it could be a thing no fine we'll just have this ugly disappointment thing because this was the first one I found there because spring traps not one of my characters because I have a few people in there who I don't have his characters like there's spring-trap I think also threw in plushtrap to just because I wanted to I think there might be a few more this little random once why I'm having deja vu right now what the Frick uh okay anyways um your spring-trap so now who is gonna be springtrap's queen we need a queen we need a queen for this town so um you know I don't even care here it is shadow fright okay alright okay alright the wheel has spoken let's just find a shadow Freddy um you know I I think we should use the old shutter for yes no not that dude this that what are you doing there get out at the ground put your face out of the ground stupid we're gonna use this shadow Freddy because I never use um these models really any more and I think a lot of y'all want me to use them again so on boom we're just using a bunch of old models so boom shadow Freddy Gucci so here is the king and the Queen what a couple beautiful alright anyway so now we need the servant so these there's gonna be two servants and they're gonna serve the king and queen says so they're gonna do anything for them really so let's just go see do servant number 1 is going to be ignited foxy alright okay I'm have to go to my dukes for that and there might be a few characters on here that don't really have cuz I don't know if I have a proper dupe of Jack Oh Bonnie um so yeah I think this should be foxy though ignite foxy okay here's a servant let's try to keep these guys together so servants are over here king and queen right there alright now we need one more servant who's gonna be another servant the penguin all I was wanting the penguin to be a servant um because it's like the penguin for my finance candy series it's literally just an actual penguin where is he where or the Frick is the penguin I can't Britt that's not how you freaking type correctly my gosh I mmm alright let's see where's tonight I don't I don't even know where the ragdoll is I don't know where the right build is Oh No where is he oh it's gonna make me have to find it um but yeah oh there he is beautiful servant number two which penguin is a servant and financial candies and I'm gonna try to get all their voices right for like my characters I know that there's a through fear and I know that the shadow Freddy was originally supposed to be shout for your from the Freddy and Friends series but too much effort let's just await oh this is one of the children one of the children it's another shadow Freddy okay this will be shadow Freddy from Freddy and Friends so we have to have seven children I'm sorry I kind of just jumped ahead of myself without explaining what the next thing is so this is her the children so we'll have the actual all proper shadow for your model because if it does go on the same character I'm just putting in the same character but as since this one in the character we can kind of change the model of I'm going to do that no not this do not no no I ain't getting this person in and I ain't making him purple and be like hey there showed up Freddy okay next person let's see who this next on there I'm kidding I'm kidding no no no heck no heck no I ain't having that dude in here um let's see update ok these dudes um so we'll have this shadow Freddy in which he should already be ready to get me up there boom shadow Freddy until he fixes it arms but whatever so that's the first child so let's see who the next shuttle is he's the oldest child alright I just realized that's actually making sense cuz shadow Freddy's the Queen civil um Oh chica chicas a child okay boom we'll just watch the whole freakin Freddy and Friends cast be on be this we have one two three four five 6:7 because its shadow fruit and don't put where you can have that if we get lucky so chicas in their child um I still need like five more on ignited Freddy ignited Freddy is a child oh this is my teammate Freddy because I had a better version of ignite Freddy until as you get the better version we'll just have to dumb derpy version because it's hat in his ear or crooked and so is his face so um here's an our child pretty tall so let's see who else is going to be a child to these two beautiful people pink okay we got to make this work - no um when am I getting the same characters um okay alright what could we use what can we use we should um okay we got to make something slightly different about this why getting the same characters it shouldn't be this guy I didn't expect to get the same character this book okay color um purple penguin purple penguins a child there okay alright and then um let's see glitch trap moon glitch drops a person okay I mean obviously he's a person Lowell um using their child having killed him - we have one two three four five six seven okay so there will be two more children after this and then we'll move on to the Baker he's gonna bake everything for the faint for the family and be like their personal chef and then we have the dungeon master I wonder who that's gonna be wait who was that I was looking I was looking for glitched a bowl sorry I got off topic um I mean I was actually on topic I just got distracted that's that's not glitch trap that's spring if we get spring shop again later we'll use that dude um where is the glitch truck or is always right here the all right here's another child all right we need two more children I'm pretty sure it's two more one two three four five yeah so we just need two more children and that it's candy mmm I was actually wanting candy to be a part of this somehow I didn't expect him to be a child where is candy I always like over here right no this candy because this is the best candy me now so all Candy's also a child - one two three four five six we need one more and yeah golden Freddy okay got another person's kind of from Freddy and Friends so now he's kind of in like two serious things um where are out there freaking down here dupa dupa golden fredward and then let's take out his eyes if you like no eyes are now illegal so um you have golden Freddy also I know it has the purple tints but I'm too lazy to actually fix that right now um yeah alright so we have one two three four five six so just making sure so here's this so we have the seven children we have the king and the queen and then we have the servants um so uh yeah so next up is the Baker so this is gonna be the person who makes all the food so please don't let it be another chief don't let it be chica I'll be bad another Ignasi Frick screw it now we're we spinning no no more duplicates no no more sugar Freddy's okay look I'm all set okay you know what screw the baker we're gonna get in our Charlie because I cannot deal with that being on time with the shadow fridge there being two shadow Freddy's for right now Bonnie okay Bonnie's a child should I try to reach ivory drawl for a different color for a different queen you think I should depends on who you I get if it's female all change you know what fine I'll do it for the wool and uh I don't know about this I don't know about this I don't know about this I don't know about this um okay Chacko ball I don't wait don't even have a dupe of Jack Oh Bonnie there's some of the jacket crew right there oh wait what is this this is like Oh No oh this is like um when I was making the walled city where's my weld okay we got a jack Oh Bonnie okay check Oh Bonnie um [Music] yeah I've replaced the Queen because there's a duplicate okay well um hmm okay um can I get that Baker in now give me a baker and uh I guess let's get rid of this dude yeah well we need a baker someone needs to bake all of the cakes it's gonna bake us some food toy free this is the best chef ever toy Freddy he's gonna make all the sweets mmm I could see toward Freddy being like somebody he would make food for a living like couldn't you just imagine toward Friday being like a jolly dude like working out a candy shop it's like oh boy you would some candy I got some candy for you mm-hmm no I can't even can't shut up nobody asked you okay so here's the Baker and then next up we need the dungeon master so the dungeon master is gonna act so that okay I need to come up with um some different um like how the characters are gonna act so the servants are gonna be respectful to the king and queen queen and do whatever they say toy Freddy's gonna be chopped like the Baker it's gonna be very jolly on the children are gonna misbehave and do dumb things all the time the king and queen are just gonna be respectful kind of thing like that you know that so the Dungeon Master's can be really creepy so we got to figure out who's gonna beat the dungeon master who's gonna be the really creepy they're gonna like pretty foam people and be like it's bought it bought it the dutch best just a cute little bunny goes I'm gonna catch you okay do I even have a proper dupe of Barnet these are like spring bunnies where's a good pun ants when did I make that for you for this thing because I think I got you what is this that's oh that's is that black like fredbear oh yeah these are the black lights what is this dude doing here who's this what the why are you in there we got golden Freddy oh there's a spring-trap Oh Rockstar foxy who's this what that spoilers that spoilers I forgot about that that spoilers don't worry about that don't worry about it you didn't see anything there you didn't see anything that was a prototype don't worry about it you didn't see anything you didn't see anything okay anyways Oh moving along um the dungeon Oh yep on it Oh Frick on it the dungeon master okay let's get a fun time Freddy's tab I think he steps down here just fun time free always have trouble finding all these like little characters cuz there's so many things wait I just saw something dis like an effect ring you know what screw it I don't have anything else better to do so I can show you all how I what I do with these little effect rings I get your good old saw blade out and then you go to a free cuz I'm lazy right now I know there's a prop up on it but I'll to lazy to go get that or the freakiest amount oh it's right and then boom and then you go to your sub material and go boom boom bond it the dungeon master that's she already looks creepy oh okay next up we need the three guards and then we're gonna add that one dude living in this little house outside who's also gonna be kind of creepy but not as creepy as two dungeon master so we need the three guards they're gonna act kind of like the servant sort of just being respectful making sure everyone's doing everything right so nope redo we already have glitch trap as a small child foxy foxy foxy would be a good guard hmm all right let's go get foxy yeah foxy would be a pretty good guard so let's get foxy in foxy the guard and I'm gonna change his eye because it always annoys me that's just my opinion so we have and there's three guards so we need a half a card right here so then we'll have Freddy Freddy's also a guard okay well I think we've gotten almost all the members of the finesse Freddy and Friends Kurt we're just missing endo one cuz it got Freddy Bonnie chica foxy golden Freddy shouted for ya we're only missing into one from Freddy and friends now and we're missing a night of Bonnie and cheek well we have a guy friggin fella that's fine that's fine oh let's see what else do we got oh yeah this is an air guard Steve one of the bonuses um supposed to be from Mike okay who else would there be besides Steve no I don't want to use Steve I was originally gonna have Steve and s like Minecraft but now Sydney okay that's fine Sydney's a guard - oh all right fine alright and then we have one final position unless I come up with something again later on to fulfill but this is like the old creepy person outside so it will be the final person for now I might use the wheel again in this video but oh no not ignite it Freddy yet redo okay now you're pretty like three times now that spring joke again um no come on give me something new I said something new oh my gosh this wheel is not having fun something something new something new give me something new ignited cheap the United chika rip ignited bodies returned no a night Bonnie ain't coming back that fast so ignited chika is going to live in this Hut outside and you'll only see her whenever somebody comes through here tried to leave her something like oh boy cuz I think I'm gonna try to get him to go to the river or something cuz there's a river I'm not gonna go all the way down to the town cuz that's way too far maybe in a part - depends on how this video I I haven't even started doing the role play yet this is still the set up and it's almost been 20 minutes um okay um who I was looking for chica boop boop boop alright I'm trying to think of something else cuz there's some other people like there's a few other people in here that could get involved but aren't I'm not saying I'm gonna add people till they get at it so United cheek it's just gonna sit in here for the rest of her life and whenever somebody goes across she's gonna yell and like you freakin eggs I'm gonna find you I'm gonna stab you kind of kind of thing like that so um hmm we're gonna have a gardener like somebody who goes around and waters the flower but there's only like that tree right there at the beginning there's also a tree up here we can have a watcher somebody who's forced to stay up here um or like a prince and a princess of this kingdom like I know that this is like the highest building kind of thing like like they could get like a prince - um or a princess to go up in that tower or something that's what I could add I could add more people I have great ideas alright let's just see who we get and I'll decide who they'll be alright it's got to be somebody new though a bonbon okay bonbon okay you know what bonbon is going to be a person on the outside he's not gonna be a part of their work the royal family don't judge my English um it's not gonna be part of the family sort of like how the servants and the guards are but bonbon oh wait it's bonbon now I actually have to find the proper doob cuz bond will unsex cuz there isn't like a prop and you have to like uh when did I make that damn it I don't black lights or the Frick is that's all this French it was that's Fox he's Fincher thing oh heck no that's evil chica he's been dead for a few years or months let me know if y'all want evil cheek Thursday know that spoilers don't show that that's illegal in this country oh oh oh whoo like oh is it night chica I just realized I got rid of two dupes I was like oh no oh bon bon bon oh wait there's some net social occasion pill pack thing oh wait and then a pill pack just came out with bon bon so I could use that a fake I forgot about that what's out freak night dad let's go in search of bon bon you need a bonbon no not you bon bon bon Bonnie you the Freak do you mean there's no results bon oh gosh oh just comes up with like all this Bonnie stuff okay oh I see um oh this is the pill pack because you have this bonbon yeah no you have this error error error boy um there's bonnets do I just have a bonbon like with no funtime Freddie because I know how to freakin get bonbon sever it I don't think I made any dupes though for him just like what you have to do is you have to recolor bond it and it takes forever okay you know what kids I'm being lazy today can i what happens I do this that there's nothing oh let's just find a new one it's born one okay this will work this is bonbon for now I know his eyes are a bit different but that's okay he's still the same you just got his eyes for colored or something um yeah there we go see we're perfect we're doing this right up on the and then sub-material tool boom bonbon so bonbon is going to be a random stranger from the outside trying to date one of the children that's his goals because he's like wow the children are so beautiful so that's bonbons gold ignore all these kids know all of those noise those are just travelers they're losers they're not you're not in the your name's not on the wheel get out of here Jaco Freddy and check oh wait aren't you dead you should be dead get out of here I think mango Wilma Fred Bear is still alive though so on it okay ignore those kids those were the people who were in the kingdom before these guys who got thrown out they're dead now those are corpses down there that got tucked really fast they were killed by the new king okay so I'm gonna I feel like I'm gonna forget about bog water over there like don't leave me okay um so let's see let me let me just see what's the wheel spins on please be somebody new or else I'm just gonna have to start taking off names I'm about to start taking off names Fred bar Fred bar who should Fred bars the gardener that - Fred bar is Fred bars going to be the gardener alright um I feel like I'm get too many people in here I'm not even gonna be able to show any of them off what I mean some of the people won't really be showing that much like my cheek on this um I wanna find that uh that spring bunny pack okay here spreader bar you got Fred bar I like her Oh for a boy I'm the gardener I'm gonna hook this tree cuz I love the trees so we have the gardener okay let's go over everybody real quick sign now it's been a long time since we went back so the king and the new Queen can I get a different queen please I know I keep asking um that's stop why'd you do this to me stop it whenever I go over here for a new queen and gives me one of the special Bonnie's oh wait Phantom Bonnie's not even on here no I want a different queen please I beg of thee no there's there's like you know what never mind never mind it's no never mind okay there I guess that's gonna stay saying King Queen servant one servant to the gardener the seven not respected chilled chilled these children aren't respect to these are the seven children you have the three guards you have the dungeon keeper and then the Baker and then I don't even know this is I don't even know who they called is your name - Romeo okay that's who he is um it's Romeo um oh and then there you have ignite chica who's in here and yeah alright so okay let's spin the wheel again because there's good people and you're about to take off the list I'm taking off the list no Steve no you're not welcome here I'm taking off the list hang on let me no ads don't show the ads stop it go away um let's see who was on here we have toy Freddy get you out you out get all of you guys out I'm just gonna remove the people who are already in your in your in your in your in your aunt oh I only want to get like two more people um I might have accidentally gotten rid of some people who then get put in yet but oh well oh wait I just know just got rid of like most of them well okay um all right the apply changes I don't want to do that cuz then I'm gonna the No then you will okay you know what fine fine it doesn't want me to be special anymore so we're just gonna have to keep clicking on it till you guys meet somebody new I should have added more characters you know leave a comment down below cuz it in case I do a part two give me some character ideas like some of my characters like like I was thinking about nightmare gray bear statue thing and phantom Bonnie and maybe even like jucco Freddy kind of thing like that um maybe spring-trap okay [ __ ] spring-trap man where is he he's in my dupe somewhere um I think he's he's right here oh okay good he's not glitchy cuz I know one time before this do post glitched and I was like thing you um oh what am I gonna do with him he can't be one of the children um he's going to be he's gonna be an orphan yeah he's gonna be a whorfin that gets left at the doorstep well I might laughing at that that's messed up okay no okay come on everybody needs a role that's it we're gonna try to give everybody your role okay black light Freddy what could he do um he can be the watchman he's gonna watch over the place he's gonna stay up here and watch over the place and what I want to put him I could put him up there kit but I kind of want to know it's Kurt he can go up there this is the watcher the watch from the watchman he stays up here all the time and just watches over the kingdom to help him form if somebody if there's gonna be a raid or not you know it's true I'm gonna use my black light Freddy cuz might like like Freddy Gucci I could've used Help Wanted black like Freddy but now where's mine is this him that's not him oh he's right here boom my Gucci black light Freddy because I think people want me to use some of my black light character so there we go dang I've heard you've spent like 30 minutes just sitting up there this is still the setup I'm still setting up haven't even role played yet I'm talking about how great this is did you don't y'all now do you all understand how long it takes for me to set up a video when I'm siding things but now this stupid wheel to decide for me which I'm gonna go ahead and let folks and it's just gonna be a duplicate yep give me somebody new I'm gonna new um okay what could fun time Freddy do fun time Freddy fun times Freddy okay let me go see everybody who have not used yet hang on hang on hey dang it I want to add more female characters dang it okay oh well um cuz I want to get like a prince or not a prince a princess to be locked up on the tallest tower in here I don't have like I only have like one female character left and that's like foxy ol um okay what can fun time for you anything fun times ready first let me try to find him fun time free what would slunt time Freddy be good at a place like this he's loud he streams along he's um it's pretty stupid oh I can't oh it's gonna give me the crap model isn't it just like a weird fun time Freddy model down here oh wait no wait I think I don't know where the good fun time Freddy model is cuz that's where all the bonbons and bonnets are ill not for night for nights instead I need to get rid of those add-ons um no oh here finally find him this is the good oh okay I think I can easily just take bonbon off hold still bone oh wait no I can't no I can't no I can't wait Vance bountiful oh wait I mean that's that's not bonbon the other hand right hand left hand right okay trying to get my good old friend inflate that's not what no its crew it's true this is gonna be this you know it's true this bonbon over here you know we'll just have fun time prick you know he replaces Romeo get that bonbon out here I don't even know where you went that was like a so he probably went far I will never see that bog blonde again okay he's the new Romeo fun time for any and bonbon working together again okay that solves that um spring gun I keep doing okay I should stop with the wheel I need to stop with the wheel um cuz I don't have like any more ideas um you know what screw it spring bunnies the made I'd have no idea I don't have any ideas anymore oh let's get the one with the glasses she's spicy boom spring bunny hello I'm spring bunny I'm the maid I have to clean up after everybody I mean a servant would kind of be a maid but yeah now was just the spring bunnies to make okay I need a selfish wheel oh okay come on I know okay I know I have it spring-trap was the first listener um should I stop with the wheel cuz I've been spinning this dang wheel for like thirty minutes now I think I should have enough characters I think this might be enough characters um because I look what else would I need what else would I need I want to I want a princess but um I know I don't I don't have a lot of options um I guess let's just spin the wheel until I decide I'm ready to go it's gonna give me some money jung-in don't one I think I'm gonna you know it's good he's good in there and no one's gonna live on the river as you can see I'm very talented with ideas um you know screw it we'll just get everybody in fine fine I'll spawn everybody well you know I don't even I don't think I should even spend the wheel anymore so it so sometimes you're in the roleplay the children are gonna come down here oh wait am i doing the roleplay in this video - this is gonna be a long video holy Frick I just thought of that Danny okay and no one's gonna live on the water he's gonna come down he's gonna be Guardian the river and I might forget about him so like how I almost forgot about bonbon and I kind of forgot about baby spring shot right there I forgot he's an orphan what will the family do will they oh I are you have an idea what they're gonna quit okay um you know it you just want to keep spinning the wheel in there I want to try to use all these characters there's a few characters on your app would not want to use um okay fine that's the freakin princess fine I know I got her at the very beginning and people might be only okay let me explain why I was like not happy with her being like that all I could have made her the Queen didn't even think of that um but um the reason why I didn't have her reign at the beginning because I know people would have been unhappy with that okay so you for this whole time you're gonna stay locked up in this tower okay and I hope nobody comes for you just can you even get inside what is wrong with you get in get in you're stupid okay there you go you stay up here in this tallest tower can you say up there and die alright okay who else is there who else is on this list I think I've used about almost everybody I think there might be okay you know what screw the wheel let me go see who's left um got some bunny got into one ignited Bonnie endo to a fat person and plushtrap okay alright I've got some ideas alright um plushtrap good old plush boy where's plush boy plushie plushie plushie boy where's pleasure uh because I actually really like this plush trap model only for the years if we can find them yep boom so he's gonna be another orphan um okay who else is there there's endo too and a night Bonnie um and that's it I'm not I'm not a sorry fat person no you're not welcome in to the kingdom no the fat person tries to keep wait wait wait I don't even know where he is it oh it's like no no use I just forget hang on oh yes here it is all mmm this dude's gonna try the raid big Kingdom later just stay over there for now he's gonna try to challenge the kingdom but it get to right um let's see there's a lobster with oats break let's test them King Milton and this castle isn't even furnished we're gonna have to put furniture in on our own cuz this is the movement in date that they're moving in on this day oh my gosh and this is a faith and as you can see this is a castle this is fantasy so long nothing's gonna be really can into the lore which my lord sucks so that's why I killed ignite Bonnie because it sucked which I need a small antic now bunny ignited Bonnie comes back he's gonna be a zombie ignited zombie ignited zombie bull it's gonna be a zombie that comes up from the dead and tries to the kids try to use some magical spells that they learn from the wizard so and then wait there's endo - oh I want a wizard now dang I don't have any characters left all I have left is endo two would end up okay fine endo two's the wizard or the witch I don't freaking know where's and though it's endo - so what now oh wait here's endo to get me in don't you this is the wizard the wizard can the wizard can you open this door you can't um can you go in here you can't dang okay fine the wizard stays over here I also like how it's directly across from Achmed chicas little house okay this is the wizard this is the dead zombie I think we got it we have enough people now we have enough people so rip the wheel we have this whole fantasy world Kingdom thing to work with so oh it's gonna be so weird um okay no no no no I know how to okay I know how to make this whole thing better just by a few clicks I know how to fix this problem how to make it less weird okay maybe I can't um okay I know how to fix this problem hang on where is it where is it well okay I know how to fix this problem the bowtie weighs like a rock um there we go it it's a happy couple okay all right mmm and we still have a hot spot it's been like minutes um okay all right um whoa this is the longest setup in a while actually no I think there's a longer set up whenever I was spawning all those rag dolls or something um okay all right I'm gonna forget who's losing which grew I'm gonna create a save right here before I freakin get into everything cuz I'm gonna forget like mostly everything I feel like I'm gonna forget who does here later on in this because I don't think I can keep up cuz like it's like these people are the guards these people are the children I think I could remember the king and queen duh I can remember these two you obviously those two that dude Fred bar is the gardener okay just okay now there's too many I oh okay all right well let's let's get started and he's like alright here's King spring-trap like oh wait can I have a crown what can make him King what says that he's wait a minute wait a minute do I have any Java I don't think I the gold thing Summit's you have yellow oh that's gonna look weird sub-material they're golden crown I am your king spring trips King spring trips oh this looks so stupid oh no okay it's fine it's fine it's weld oh I hate this model I just remembered the welding cuz because this is the same model I used for my own my professor or teacher trap or whatever and you it took me forever it'll weld his frickin glasses to his face I remembered that took me so long okay luckily this was pretty short but it's kind of lazy his hat is like on his ear basically I was like broken here he's like I am King spring-trap children okay alright let's just I have to hold my his hat that's how stupid these guys are hopefully they get overthrown please do um okay it's a happy Kingdom full of my happy creations this was a mistake and all of you guys who were mistakes too okay oh right I am King spring-trap and this is my kingdom now and that has a bit of spring bunny accent in it oh well and he speaks yes spring bunny accent like this is the spring bunny country I don't freaking know who wait what does spring bunny plane again I already forgot what way well this way did I not oh wait who was spring bunny spring money was somebody who is spring money is he no that's endo one but what did I do is spring I did some whisper I spun wait wait wait wait what oh he's the maid I forgot already see I'm telling you I'm gonna already forget I just remembered you're the maid oh my gosh I already forgot I was like even question if I spawned him in uhm which I remembered because of his glasses so okay all right it's like okay my my children it is time for us to move into my kingdom so today is moving in day so go today we you pick out your rooms and you put in your stuff and make it look as Gucci as possible I already know some people already came into my kingdom like my Watchmen up there hello I'm here to watch the Kingdom or whatever so you children just break into rooms and welcome to your new Kingdom that I claimed because since since my army who's now which my whole army is dead some of them are still alive they're just chillin in the village one in the Great War so now we've taken over this kingdom and this is our new castle all right so on yes all right servants come with me in the Queen I think look at this face this is the face of somebody who's like I did not sign up for this I did not okay no just just I'm slowly dying over here okay all right there you go all right there's the Queen fancy and then you have the they required the servants help and yeah so the servants went with them to help them get settled in so let's just focus on the cleaning crew the king and queen right now and then we'll move on to everybody else so Oh stupid like okay um we need it off right nobody can live in there all right so go ahead you know I don't even know where they're gonna live okay anybody live in this town they can all right king and queen get this room up here okay where's spring truth word it's like it's like okay this will be this will be my king my fancy room because this is like one of the biggest rooms in the house so boom and I just get you to come through the oh I did boom that was a freaking tight dang house fast and then they required the servants help like okay okay King in clean or whatever so now you foxy and ping won't work oh he's over here so ignite foxy and penguin went to help the king and queen get settled in and let's see what everyone listen to his like I'm the gardener don't mind me I'm just the gardener nobody likes to go you that sounded like talks pretty slick it's like okay and then over here is gonna be like the guard houses because this is like right outside the kingdom that's gonna be like the guard and maybe fredbear Fred bar gets a room in there maybe I don't you know yeah arms like oh and then we in the Baker's like oh boy time to go bake some fluffy cakes a little time to fatten your kids up so that way I can put you in Albany need you for myself oh that's that's disturbing oh gosh Tori what happened to you well I have crippling depression I'm sure you do okay the Baker does not have a house he just lives underneath this thing and hope she doesn't get a ring up no this is the Baker's house yes okay we have the Baker the gardener and then somebody else maybe the maid there go in those rooms it's like you know just go into my room I guess I finally get a room I sound like toy Freddy don't you two stop okay that's gonna be really freaking weird so the dungeon master already scrambled off to their new dungeon missional the juicy cells if any of the children are bad yeah I've can have to lock them away in the dungeon I can't wait for my first victim it will be fun who will be bond its first victim oh I just okay this is gonna be weird I just remembered I originally wanted bond it like before funds I'm ready came when I just spun in bonbon I want to bond it to be rope I mean bond bond not bond it what the Frick I want to bond bond to be Romeo of your bond it but I forgot bought it it's the dungeon master so that won't work oh well we'll wait and see you're like they're out here plotting their dear sisters like God goli green bonbon look at the castle and wait what is bonbon look like thing late tonight wait what's gonna do with them with the inflator hang on I don't want one bond looks taped all right there we go why not we got to have somewhere in Oh in it I forgot this these supposed to take over the kingdom okay all right oh there's the orb that will get to the orphans later if I remember about them if you remember about the orphans Lowell okay so we had the guards two guards like okay we don't care about you'll so we're gonna go ahead and hop outside um ignore the dead children on the on the frickin concrete that's icky Nordic all right come on fellow guards what I was a ruler but now I'm a bodyguard so now somebody used to take the bullet for me but now I have to take the bullet for them literally cuz that the jump in front of them the case they have a gun which I don't think there's a gun I mean there might be like small old crappy guns in this thing or whatever so anyways this little house over here is gonna be the guards house this is where the guards live it's like we're gonna we're gonna party all night long so that way if anyone tries to get into the kingdom they're right there so yeah alright anyways we have the sift study really the children already I don't want it I have a little touch those children they're ugly whoa that's really mean and how I just hurt myself to you alright okay guys weird seven ungrateful children why are we called the seven ungrateful children in cash we're ungrateful and twine wow wow I'm so grateful for that not really she change pink like wool goes other thing this new kingdom is really swell oh yes that wine nobody likes you well you'll hurt my feelings whatever alright let's go move into the kingdom you'll I can fly Freed's to dungeon hey welcome to the dungeon no no sorry Oh Oh with leg I'll go upstairs even the high room suite I need into my bedroom oh hey basic clipping through walls is it working oh my babies I'm gonna go ahead and put them made up so you have the maid the gardener and then the Baker that's just sitting there wall of okay um like will guys I think well oh yeah we got a hurry we got a claim lawyer separate room so I'm gonna get the best room lit away mmm and they're like oh my gosh sake it's like I don't even think about claiming the best room I gotta go hurry I'm just gonna throw them on the house for right now um like me I'm gonna be your favorite yeah [Music] okay okay I call dibs on this room oh wait no no no this is gonna be for the servants are you ruin Candy's dreams so the servants sleep in these two rooms which I think there's others in rooms okay yeah it's a 2-1 room for each servant so the servants like they're right next to the king and queen just in case they need them all right well just get to stay you don't get to stay anywhere you're not loved wow that's mean Andy you could go in this room Wow a whole room to myself pareo it's dark and scary in here Katie does it like this help help candy I've been in prison all this help it's dark and scary in here where's chica chicas right here like yeah all right oh is this her room toots oh it's not sort of kind of not really kind of um there's Candis there's a room was this oh that goes in there you know it screwed that's gonna be Bonnie's room I don't know why I just wanted that to be Bonnie's room hello Bonnie the bud getting strangled Bonnie the bunny does not feel appreciated Bonnie the bunny Bonnie the pony's getting strangled tonight Bonnie the bunny the bunny yeah okay that's Bonnie's rooms we'll decorate the rooms later oh we are - you're over here - dinging I'm gonna get on the second floor yum yum yum yum we'll open that up that's like hey this is my bedroom down here that's your Halloween doing it um oh we have stairs um where does this go oh that just goes up here okay all right all right we're figuring things out slowly um-hmm this is this is the worst rise of a kingdom ever I think that's what I'm gonna call this video rise of a kingdom or something um dang it's been 50 minutes okay leave the orphans outside they're not loved to finish putting the children in their rooms um free I don't think there's any more rooms oh wait there's a second there's a bottom floor okay so I think we can have rooms and these rooms suck oh this room is that this is the worst room in the house there's no windows or whatever um you know that's where glitch I was gonna be this just gonna be in the corner he's like hey I called dibs on this room shut away free Oh figure I'm gonna win this room that's a good room I want the bathroom Jeff razeq okay that's fine so later on in this series there might be a overthrown or something one of the children or something I don't freaking know how this is gonna work there's a now there's extra room okay does everybody have a room I know going Freddie's in chica okay chica you come down here um those two rooms are taken gosh to heck and dang it well they suck anyways um there's a room right there there's a room outside there's just a little creepy dungeon around mister you do that oh there's a room right over here no that's that's that's that's for visiting day that's where the visitor whenever somebody's over in visiting where don't leave chica that just lifts chicas in the middle of somewhere okay you know what chica you get this room this is your room chica all right and then we're gonna have gold fred boy living this rooms like oh but I like my whole way too bad it's not you do you really want to live in a room with Windows this big in the kingdom like okay fine just privacy would be good so boom Freddy goes in there there we go all the children are safe and tight in their rooms and she's out finished night mmm like okay this just where my throne is going to go I know this kingdom I know we don't I know the moving trucks kind of slow but that's okay it's like are there even moving trucks in these times sir I think sir I think you got scammed in all yours stuff was still stolen dang it oh well wait how do we even win the war if you came and figure out stuff yeah you can't fear anything you freakin your prick shut up I don't want to hear anything from you please don't talk forever okay alright anyways I know it's time to make a new throne so he's like I'm gonna get this fancy throne stuff look at this chair it's so comfortable and then I'm gonna put this chair just gonna be my throne and I'm gonna lay the enemies down as my stairs or for now at least whatever this thing is I'm emesis it's like oh wait I didn't find anything we have this white boom this will be my stairs yes sir look at all this high-tech stuff I found from the future boom I'm looking Gucci now aren't I sir yeah yeah yeah very Gucci sir whenever that where is yes this is I'm a time traveler and now I've finally belong in a Gucci place I am Gucci trap where's my throne like doing it this way does the Queen get of the throne it's like normally in a normal Kingdom yes but you can say otherwise sir hmm fine since I'm a nice person I'll give you a throne oh here we go what that recently I was gonna give you this metal chair but uh but sure you don't want that if any of the children have to sit up here don't sit in the middle one there you go okay alright so um you know all right you got my throne it's time to chill servants you're dismissed go do whatever you want go check on people at least or something me yeah actually that's a good thing go check on the children make sure they aren't burning down everything make sure all seven them are inside and make sure none of them leave my kingdom walls without me knowing okay uh okay dokey sure oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we can do that all right good this is my kingdom it's my people and it's my throne okay all right well I'll go take care of the people are here if you got the people down there okay there's like nobody over here hooray Bell dinging I got the voice at the side okay yeah like now my queen sit next to me on my throne on the throne okay well what are we gonna do now like is this all you wanted yeah pretty much what just the throne you're not even what about the village what about him I don't freaking care about it we just took over this kingdom screw the village let it burn wow you're a terrible cold change and you're a terrible queen I hope you're done well that's just mean that's uncalled for just sit on your throne okay fine yeah my throne sucks you suck I know all right all right so we have um you know you're foxy it's like okay times room inspection Roo inspection like my brother wasn't me officer man oh hi like room inspection room inspection I haven't even got a chance about anything in my room hmm I'll be watching you better be scared ignite foxy was that was was the tougher servant like big night Fox he's a friendly guy but he he wants to be a tougher servant than penguin Cho that's my second hostile people room inspection all right it's the dark patients come to get me oh hey watch this room so dark room inspection I'm writing you down saying you need a new light bulb in here wait are there even light bulbs in this time uh you need a torch in this room yeah yes we need to put torches in this room Oh Frick you're better be lucky candy you're lucky I got some in my back pocket and just go find these torches oh you sure you have to yes of course I know Frick I may not actually I do have torches yeah put some torches in here yeah now hang nose up on the wall or else I'll tell your father you been slacking off again in school like well we don't go to school it's like I'll make sure you catch get your proper education oh no I gotta hang up these lights oh wow at least at least at least the monsters can't get me anymore yeah I got light you know whatever you weirdo alright room inspection day sucks oh I don't even have to go down there cuz King wouldn't got that side I just don't go sir I don't like get upstairs from here I don't like get onto the next floor where's the stairs at oh wait am I on the top floor oh that might explain I need to go down a little a floor okay that makes it's alright Oh dupa dupa dupa Oh Oh fine since I'm a good person I'll get this door actually nap England gets it too much effort dupa dupa alright room inspection weirdo room inspection it was sleeping house sleeping in the kingdom oh I'm still gonna sleep anyways alright well I'm done with my toys uh I should just go to the door like a normal person hang on yeah oh wait out your light along the outside there forever do whatever now that I know I'm trying to go to my bad my bad my bad bro sorry doc don't mean to interrupt you going through my bag Rumph time to arrest did wait what this ain't the police what I have to go all the way back just holy dang it's are you freaking kidding me how dare you make me walk this I'm sorry being on I I just realized it Kim from the early what don't for how'd you do that so quick you were slacking being to know what you're doing you're slacking you're stalling you're slacking oh just do mine for me it's like no do it yourself or not it's like good now I called this room I'll be closest to the king and queen and I will protect them now I sleep even though I told that as a person can't sleep I'm secondhand oh alright time to do my chant can't wait where am I no thanks 1.1 my clang clang clang clang clang all right we're going point going going oh I'm sure white I just murdered them ways this is teleporter hmm it is okay good oh okay where's the frickin pack where do i frickin leaping win like a blank but no freak excuse me ah we're gonna Clank oh wow my Clank oh wait wrong room sorry what is everybody keep bullying me I keep messing up the servants gosh dang it clang oh well room inspection boy room inspection clear hooray I post my final exam room inspection whoo [ __ ] you can come in here quicker cutting your dad or your mom and dad or whatever whatever hey you can do me a favor enough and go give me some fancy lights and some fancy furniture and a lot of fancy things right yeah chop-chop hurry up and a screw you you little people open up ah I don't get any respect Clank everyone practice stupid ungrateful child clang Clank we're going in one way we're much but [ __ ] oh oh what oh I only had to take care of one child wait one two wait hold on hold on Oh how many Joel there's one in there too only it took her to wait one play on anyone needs to learn how to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 worth 2 7 child I forgot boy I think went blind is stupid oasis wait wait I'm stupid wait hang on we got to make sure how many children that all the children I forget where all the rooms are then okay you know I'm gonna go count one until two children are up here three four five six or seven child that there should be seven children wait one two one two one two feel like this one if we came out wait one two three four five six I forgot who the seventh child was ignited Freddie Oh night at Freddie I just remembered where was he he ran in through the door where'd I put ignite Freddie oh I don't think I ever gave a knife ready I'm so see I told you okay here's the night Freddie oh my gosh there it goes Oh would you get the best room hope I can get a room oh okay I think they said there was some rooms left open oh [ __ ] my point you better not be slacking off or else I'll tell your dad prank on my neck well what do people threatening us my back condo finally a relapse quack like singing I need me a room oh that rooms taking that rooms taking dodo dodo that one's taken that rooms taking with Boyd go to that goes outside I ain't sleeping under the tree because the gardener will probably beat me that room faking that rooms taking I could get this from wool fancy um giveaway room cried my dad wait wait where oh no I can't have this room weh weh weh weh weh weh weh what the Frick is that ungrateful noise son or I think you're my son I don't know if my stolen you oh but why do you come crying inside of near my throne you're a disgrace you don't crying it's not a good reputation for a year for you oh my face when I've said I can't find me a room you can't find you a room I can find your room son son go to this place in the kingdom just just just look at this little look at Google Maps Google map will tell you where to go oh thank you did yes and you'll get a room down there thanks dad okay Google Maps says go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay it was straight okay go straight okay this is my room oh wait take the left Oh go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay go straight out my face okay go left okay go straight stop go left okay go straight okay go straight okay go straight okay go left okay oh my face oh my face no go right okay go straight go straight go right go left eye goes right it was straight go left go I mean right go right go left go right go out my face go go forwards and forwards and go and go run and Elmer faced the first person oh hello hey my dad said this was my new room cuz that's what Google Maps said I think it was Google Maps an item in oh no no yeah you'll never leave me wait the dungeon oh no the dungeon hey you know when my dad finds out I'm stuck in the dungeon he will hurt you no your dad sent you down here he gave me a phone call just heads out because he says you're stupid in this and he doesn't love you anymore so he's gonna let you stay down here and die what yes your punishment has started starvation so you're not allowed to eat and I get to torture eyes you until you die mm-hmm what the how could you I just boarded a room oh you said you didn't want to cry baby for the devil are you crying look you're crying Wow had time to get the weapons I'm gonna shoot makkya and I'm gonna hurt you make she make nice shoo shoo am I hurt you with his shtick yeah I'm gonna poke you hey I'm gonna poke you no please don't poke me or say I'm gonna poke you both oh wait hand it just go just go poke peek oh boy - mmm this is what you get cuz you were forgotten okay just taking too long I need to hurry up and kill somebody it's like time for you to die like what oh please I did nothing wrong you can't kill me this fast like charred this video it's already been an hour long oh and so then the Freddy boy was decapitated buh buh buh buh Oh Oh Freddie Freddie was dead on the inside and outside ripping rest Freddie he will never be loved so Freddy's dead here will be next to step into the dungeon you waiting mistake I'm waiting I'm waiting he so afraid he's dead Oh fun alright so it's the next day a whole days gone by and here comes good old chica hey hey hey you freaking and hate my life hey Jan dance huh what do you want dad there's nothing stylish in my room I don't have anything Stanley's for my room help me help me please Oh fine penguin gal here yeah yes yes master yes what sir oh hey yes magic wherever I tripped and fell oh no it seems my bones are broken I'm unable to help you sir I'm saying it fine foxy get in here yes yes sir go give my daughter stylish fancy realm Oh fine come here come on let's go yeah thank you yeah oh my gosh okay show sugar come on down here come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on but stupid but I hate my life come on in here oh okay I better get fed today oh boy will you what's wrong with your room well first of all it's kind of dark oh this is worse than that cat candy cat room okay fine I can help it except duper do everything on just one until yesterday maybe one night there some over there few over here all right oh wait hang on can I get one more dupa dupa up and there we go boom lights are fixed all right anything else what this lights these lights up well sorry we're in the mediate medieval times so what else do you want for your room well I want a flat screen TV and a bunch of boy band posters and uh yeah and other stuff okay I'll do my best please step out of the room okay hooray thank you.thank for the doors freakin stupid Carol freaking out fine okay wishing you well would what free camp okay those a little strange oh look at my let's see oh let's see I'm pretty nightstand for makeup actually no way there's a better one bill makeup kit thing let's see a bed a matches for the bed um let's see some barrels someone dad I think they like those like vampires or some mini fridge Oh dresser a washing machine or something yeah walkers I guess pots and pans or whatever [Music] oh I could use this for storage actually on a bathtub let's see toilets was every good house need uh-oh guess no wardrobe I don't want any more of these I'm looking cabinets furniture cabinet things let's get a few these and throw some of these over here put a nice oh wait no not dos one of these chairs in fancy chair like that a bucket you never know when that could come in handy um I clocked help to tell time and speared put that up on the wall so let's just get a saw blade in and put that on the wall - boom fancy medieval time stuff and a fancy lamp and it's perfect it's hired and a tire swing that's what I need well I mean that's what she needs not what I need oh well tire swing yeah we this is we I love the time sweet got a tire swing tire swing tire swing tire swing look I fell look show my face oh okay uh do you do um okay rooms done good thanks to you thank you what don't freak is this trash room uh where's my flat-screen TV yet you are an ungrateful child be happy with what you got okay okay King I finished setting up the room for her oh thank you finally she can't yell at me anymore all right manic manic we don't have a medic in this King gum somebody call a medic whoa flying friction on you Queen go get the mage go get the maid to go help him fine after you everything in this kingdom you know I'm lazy I'm lazy you know what no no no no no what what do you want what do you would mom I need you go get the medic to go help one the dead servants outside who dead body hmm who would achieve well y'all get them go get the freaking I mean not the medic go get the freaking maid or whatever to go pick up his day buying show me oh oh oh boy really a dead body what the servant one the servants died I hope it was foxy he was mean to me Oh do you poop time to go get the maid gotta get the maid hey which one y'all is the maid you again oh that's what do we need I'm a maid I think I don't know hey there made look I need you there's apparently dead body outside Nick King or my dad wants us to go get it so yeah let's go fine okay spinning Bunny's been given a task and spring bunny will not fail come on let's go away where's the dead body yet I think they said it was like on the path or something I could try to show you all I think they were like it's like maybe somewhere over here can you get into this room you can't that's sad oh yeah there's the dead body I see it where where where where's the dead dead body it's over there oh wow you're gonna oh wait to walk this Fahd Kingdom sucks I know right oh oh hello there small ditch are you dad no I just have a bunch of broken bones that jumped out a window oh well that sucks for you huh what a loser you are Wow thanks a lot man anyway let me let me fix you up oh oh what the Frick did you do did you give me some time in the southwest the Frick hey my bones are better yep yep I just I used duct tape I ducked aid you duct tape can solve any problems or any wound wow that's that's really cool Wow all right well let's get back to the kingdom I know you're I know the king does not like us to be outside this far away from the kingdom so i'ma head back cuz I don't want to get spanked Michael clanking is right playing on that we should go one for mine oh well I don't see why you can't let us play outside like this beautiful feel they know hey hey hey sir everything who's daddy with okay don't worry about it clunker girl don't worry about it won't come back enjoy the kingdom you heck hobo I want to go see who's living outsider Kingdom wolves dang it why couldn't I die black black ah oh man I really wanted to see who's stalking us from the outside all I don't know why you wouldn't let me oh oh well I'll think about this oh oh I hate this freaking castle layout man it sucks oh well doopa doopa doopa time to go back and do my room oh I love being King is very very important this kingdom shucks hey you suck be grateful you're in a video for once well not like this I hate this I'm jumping good you won't I will it I'm stuck I'm fat huh you're right you are No finally have to deal with her anymore how don't even know those are her finally I'm free free free oh who is Daniel shine hey oh god get the shotgun alright what you kids out oh wait there's no kids here yeah yeah oh oh oh my gosh is a dead person oh I'm having chicken tonight and getting shy getting shy so I don't cook you in the oven mmm gonna make some french toast gonna cook you up go on and cook you up go on and cook you up go on and put you in my oven where's my oven o4f been living here for so long oh my oven I see it oh come here come here Oh what's wrong with you why you stuck hey come on come on get into the oven get into the oven after you go in your bag come back out and get in my belly cuz I'm going to eat you up gonna eat you up gonna cook you alright each I put your motherly don't thought I don't buh-buh-buh-buh no it's the clean world is dead the coin is the second person to die in this serious thing oh well now that was refreshing getting rid of her well um she's dead I don't care [Music] I'm surprised I'm king but they were saying about the village how I should try and frickin watch over it and be a good leader towards the village down there down on the river hmm yeah screw the village I don't care about it I hope it burns dooba dooba Duke time to check on my ungrateful family oh I could kill next I could call it the dungeon man whichever much well I need a child to follow my footsteps that's it I will have a no I will plan a dinner yes I'm playing a family dinner and whichever child I dislike the most will die I'll get to Dungeon Master in the Baker all right I mean okay I need a dungeon master the maid in the baker all right made a baker come here oh boy I've been cold huh yes yes what do you want us to do all right I got some got jobs for you Baker I need you to build I mean not built this isn't minecraft Baker I need you oh-hoh to bake a family dinner well good morning I'll just pick you here dupa dupa do and made I need you to go set up a table upstairs next to Bonnie and Kandi's room if that's a nice area for it okay to set up the table and stuff like that yes okay I can do that dupa dupa don't go up stairs time to put the table together for the King cuz I am bleeding alright excellent excellent now now it's time wait what was I doing um oh yeah oh it's been so much wait I need to I need Dungeon Master Dungeon Master onion the dungeon master dungeon Dungeon Master I need you know the King calls a mooch oh yes my king yes who do you need me the tormented a dungeon master I'm going to have a family dinner for with my children and I want to try to kill someone children because a lot of them are really still so let me try to kill off most of my children at dinner tonight and I need you to be there and you're gonna have dinner with us and you're gonna be there so if I ever give you a sign or something to take care of somebody um you get to do that okay so I'm gonna basically good amount of my children are gonna die tonight okay and also did you take care of my other child yeah she's dead excellence now remember if anybody umbels into the dungeon you must kill them it's they're not allowed in here so you know just don't let him see any of the corpses in that room okay so if somebody comes in here and it's not me or one of my servants you have permission or any of the guards you have permission to kill okay all right now let us know let us go to dinner dupa dupa do doopa doopa doopa i'm cooking a big fancy dinner family for the fan the dungeon master the dungeon master is that is gonna taste blood tonight he already got to taste the blood the other day okay all right why am i up here dupa dupa dupa I'm the watcher on the watch or doopa doopa doopa oh thank you oh I can't even see right down there down there by that old creepy heart if somebody fell out the window and just gotten eaten alive I couldn't see it so oh well dupa dupa dupa The Watcher I saw the penguin jump out the window or got thrown out by the king earlier today doop doop I'm the watcher the watcher I've no other purpose but to watch the king don't boo I can see the village from here looks pretty nice from this for you this room sucks huh lways are just the tire shops alright well I guess I should start get my room together then since I'm now living here so let me get my bed um what what should I have in my room I should obviously have a fancy nightstand um there's no windows in here I gotta make my own windows uh-huh um no will have these cages boom we'll just have these feints little decorative things on the walls boom and I'll put three of them to make it look like they used it that they used to be Windows or something boom fancy and then then ladder mmm what can I use this for now this goes above the door and this will all be a sign of something I don't forget you know um that's anything I'll get me one of these and then I'll get me a big gold red fluffy couch to chill oh and then I got to get one than flat-screen TVs that everybody's been talking about oh I could have my I could have a bike I could uh gotta get a suitcase cuz I'm fancy like that whoops and I need my flat-screen TV to play video games on so I'll sit I'll put it on this for now I'll just leave Islands County but if I want to play on the couch I just doin couch put on there oh that's a perfect view you're actually right there boom just sit back relax put my feet up on the bed mmm got a spicy room this will be the shovel that I used to bury the bodies these will be my fake sneakers and I have this little box to put him up in and meet you yeah I got so got some Chinese food mmm I got a statue of one of my victims got a table to put it on it oh oh no wait this isn't a statue of my victims this is mine this is my overlord I bowed down to you every night now where's the candles the candles kinda light the candles where's my rug I need a fancier rug oh and then this is some poison that I'm making [Music] yes yes and I'll use these chairs to type my victims but this we have some buckets to help cover up the place up some yes goochy goochy goochy goochy some paper to wipe up the blood stains just your average trash here yes yes I bow down to you about down to the alright let's go see the other rooms hmm what type of room should I have it's so excited don't have any windows well I'm gonna be a cool kid and put a bunch of stickers around my room cuz I'm the cool kid dooba dooba do come to throw up these stick we really don't know what they mean but they look pretty cool Oh dooba dooba dooba dooba do do that one just fell off the wall dupa dupa dupa eaten some good old stick or rescheduled stickers stickers I love stickers and stickers love me Duke Bo Duke I'm the best there ever could be these stickers are awesome I love stickers a swingset I could put his cruel little swing set in my room mmm can we have the monkey bars ooh just gonna be a playground this is my room the playground since we're not allowed to go outside oh and I can do all my pull-ups and stuff like that cuz I'm again sounding pretty cool I'll do all my pull-ups on this thing gonna make room for this wing and I'll put my bed in this corner yes wait what is this what is this oh that's something that you always stand on or whatever imbalance on or something or something maybe it's like advanced tic-tac-toe or something I'll just leave that in the corner Oh Oh fancy horse statue what they'll freak get this out of here that's too big all oh yes some whatever that thing is gotta use it for my Gucci what is this a mat I'm terrorists what what is this No Oh coffee mug sure okay let me get a fancy bed in I need a bed I need to be able to have somewhere to sleep well just leave my bed in this corner and put my mattress on it I'm gonna sleep pretty cozy tonight mmm got a workout room I just don't know I'm kind of cheating I could just stand old I just got gotta get them pull-ups oh I'm free curls or whatever I don't know I'm gonna cry about date his room chugs I hate my room all right um what other rooms are there oh we have candy man I'm candy the catch and I am scared of the dark the darkness have come has come to eat me and I must fight away from the evil night nurse no you know I have a new goal is to figure out where these dark magic nurse comes from yes that's just my purpose it's time to send and steal the graves that I stole from the graveyard on the way here boom I have a collection of graves maybe this is why I'm they're mad at me because I have a bunch of this stuff in here it is time mmm yes oh yes we have the graveyard the graveyard of kings and queens yes I mean it's time for me for my study into Galilee I ain't I ain't a creep I'm just here to study what is this a windmill I'll have a windmill in here kiss why the heck not it's time for tea no hmm we're not gonna have in my pretty cool room I need a bed I'll sleep on the floor asleep I'll sleep right here in the center of the grave so that way the demons can hopefully take me away what is this a pillar and I guess I could leave that their meanest oh you can't see that from the outside okay that's fine yeah I can have a pillar in here on that cool I just we can put down a pillar anywhere I want that's how it's a cool we are in this town yeah and then I can stock outside watch out shine well I can see a bit of a river from outside but of the frickin wall is like we're right here that's the barrier oh hey let me get back into my room doing it oh well it's time for me to wait now for the demons to enter I think it'll be demon I'm not sure all right time to make my old room look pretty snazzy I think I got some cool ideas I'll have whatever this thing is um shape note level my room's gonna be full of these things I don't even know what they are I'll put a bunch of these in so that room will that side over there will be full and then I got some of these barrels limited edition got a nice little green sofa oh I got me a mini-fridge cuz yes I got I got my own personal toilet I got my bed which will go over right here thing I love this new castle it's pretty snazzy but this like that we can't really go outside I gotta explore my window huh if I get a rope I could sneak down on here that's why should you wait do I have any there should be some pipes nearby no not those pipes to suck alright this is what I'll do I'll get little pipe system to go and run boom type number one pipe number cube oh heck I dropped them number three well no no now I can slide down explore well boy all right all right we're gonna have a big fancy dinner big fancy dinner all right I'm just gonna we got to set up all these fancy tables all the tables all all the tables and then we got to get all the food so we just gotta set this up then get all the food from the baker and then we'll be good gonna be one really freakin one cable my gosh dang nice and long table I just wanted to make sure everyone could fit at it yeah yeah whatever oh my it's really long table okay I guess I'm over here yes you're over there and can I eat at the dude in the table gosh maybe yeah sure why not you come over here play on I'm on it you will be over here okay I can't reach Oh to serve it I mean it made it get them something stand up okay Oh boom whatever this thing is yeah thank you I can't wait to kill my new awake donor soon huh now remember you can't kill all the children you can only kill the children that let's say that I don't like a bunch okay now where's that stupid Baker doopa doopa doopa bake till the pizza pies doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa dee doop OH go eat suppose go with the pizza I can't fit a bit of foods done just going to know me in Newark okay foods done Oh children children children here Michael I need you in the dining hall oh dang it hot explore later uh-oh good thing my doors right here hi there pups hello welcome sit down food will be ready soon okay I'll sit all the way over here what are you saying over there because I would sue Oh yan'er can't let them find out about the damage children come here I'm on my way yeah I'm here it's probably gonna set anyone else a bit cuz they're on different floors testing it whoa okay stupid dinner no better be something good I hate my room Oh clean them again huh a door I found my way inside we're way oh my voice oh okay I'm here we got all the food Oh finally gonna [ __ ] eat for once oh hey kiddo you dinner with y'all fine shirt whatever for way I get to be special all right just hurry up and serve all the food okay so for food today we have oh we got some cake what we got bread we got more bread we got cabbages about this got some cheese cut some of these nachos got some more food it's got some cut a bunch of cheeseburgers Oh got some of that got a breadstick I think oh I've got some apple juice stupid baking there go and then on there we go oh yes okay uh-huh all right dinner has been served all right we just gotta wait for everyone else to get to dinner first before you start eating like this everyone hang on how many children are there Irish one two three four horst other children's Oh time for dinner doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa a Nicholas Tripp are you ready for dare oh you didn't she okay I'm scared one I think we're late to dinner look okay I'm here Charlie mmm whoa what's this [Music] Oh what is it this across from me that Frick symbol all the kingdom all the kingdom members come in oh I get to do something still being the Gordon oh boy I'm all chole I'm Gordon I'm here to eat did the Bible you for once oh let me get my servants to servants come on her through time or finding your gotta get back forward your your comfort ping one ping one I'm ping one range food what are you going to calling your servants to I mean not just servants your your guards or whatever uh-huh fine get two guards get everybody in the kingdom here learn to watch me food I smell bacon you wanna watch the food inside my belly won't you really good I've been fed in like two days please set up into the table okey-dokey I can do that dupa dupa do guards guards what it is time for us to eat your hooray can't wait we are uh-huh just maybe making forward hey I'm here I meant I'd have to go all the way back for afraid and now I'm gonna have to put everybody back afterwards oh well to put in for you I'm sweaty first move wait push my foot oh okay I'm here mmm big feast of the whole kingdom well yeah holy s--t everybody in the castle stop everybody in the castle I just want to make sure do buddy dupa do [Music] where the heck is everyone oh there's these now those dudes aren't invited they're not cool enough they're not cool members um oh oh you know what no you you stay there for now you stay there for now I've an idea stay there for now all right now it's time to see who I can kill all mm-hmm what nothing on it I didn't say anything it's just saying enjoy your food that's what that's what I was saying yeah enjoy the food y'all oh boy hey why sure you could be gardening flowers don't what do you say I could eat well I don't want you can walk oh I came all the way up here for nothing I mean you can eat that cheeseburger cheeseburger oh okay well I'm full all right see you later ray I guess I'm getting kicked out ray oh well I've already eaten today I think I'm fast too you know see you later I guess I'll just already leave even though everyone just showed up for dinner it's fun we'll just leave - interesting wow that's just food looks pretty delicious mmm I'm loving this apple juice no foods foods good it's moldy oh it's supposed to look like that it's Molly it's not what is it bull d-boys moldy cheese yes it is get it into my mouth mmm oh wait someone there okay can you go table okay hmm these Doritos or scrumptious all right that's it guards go back to garden oh I'm kicking everybody else watchman you go to you okay watch over the kingdom for me okay yeah I'm stuck sir yeah why is he so fat come here what it what is wrong with him there you go I'm the watch man I'm not allowed to leave even if I do I get slapped all right go on until our guards Oh kicks out that fast okay fine hey whatever yeah hmm all right my children yeah hmm all right listen up I'm gonna have to have a talk with you please wait into the hole all right okay I'll wait outside in the hallway and I getting promoted to King chance oh excuse me I gotta use the bathroom and it might take me it might take me a while cuz you know I don't really have a lower bond your buttons it's complicated don't hurt me I'm gonna get promoted the King oh you are Wow well don't you need a queen huh I guess no shake every back neck punch thing that knocks you out into the dungeon you go into the dungeon and you thought you were creepy I'm worse into the dungeon and into the dungeon that's ours mine whatever I don't care about you you stupid cat know that you mean you freakin you ain't my Torino those were clearly mine I was full knows and you took the bag on my hands just selling on your mouth that's rude that's rude and disrespectful whatever you can't tell me what to do hmm you don't screw you Fox man out of my face you freaking stupid little child touch you I ain't scaring you you King can I kill him please no you can't what but he's being a brat hmm not exactly he's standing up that is good that is what a king should do what what the Frick yeah take that your stupid servant thank you Oh hmm you know what screw this [ __ ] I'm pretty freaking out of here stupid stupid freaking kid thinks you can beat me up bring it I'm stuck in the window donor me y'all know that back yeah there we go yeah yeah there we go Wow well now I want now we continue reading I'm full dupa dupa tender be back to my post do blue b'doop wahlbowlers fast y'all enjoying the food oh ho it's pretty good you mm-hmm Wow being on you're excused [Laughter] do in my room all right I'm sorry stupid people hmm all right I'm excusing myself now enjoy the rest of the SMU what aren't you gonna kill anymore hmm I can't yet I still haven't decided fully and there's some of them who I like um they have good unique things on their own but yes you can go kill that one that it told you to go kill I'm going back to my beautiful Gucci throne okay trying to get to that time to get the saw blade machine out the type of grind up his core purchasing cut off his limbs hey come here my brilliant new friends mm-hmm yeah just attention into the dungeon into the dungeon you go into the venture into the dungeon yeah into the dungeon is where you belong freaking man what is wrong with you go into it just like stuck great well the saw blade machine can just cut it off yeah welcome my new friends yeah welcome to the dungeon Oh welcome to detention sir chief economy doopa doopa doopa being king is tiring oh well oh I'm sleepin all right I think I'm gonna end this video here um one because I'm slowly dying because I've been doing this for about two hours now okay yeah as you can see I'm kind of done and so um yeah anyways um I know I think it's it like everything there's just too much stuff to do and I'm already two hours in and I still haven't gotten to anything else so let me know if y'all want to part two um in part two they'll either go to the river or funtime Freddy will appear or something about the orphans or the undead one of those four things will happen in part two um but let me know um if y'all want to part two and if a lot of y'all really do want to part two I'll come back and do a part two so yeah I'm kind of tired um I just not expect to sit down and record for two hours straight so yeah that's fine I guess anyways if you enjoyed the video and watched all it then good for you gucchi um yeah anyways thank you guys for checking out the video and again this is not freakin rippln this series is not replaced well no I shouldn't say series um this video or if there is more videos of this little series thing um it's not interfering with any of the other storylines is just for fun so I don't even know where it's going right now so um yeah anyways if y'all do enjoy it and want more let me know leave a like and a comment saying you want more um yeah anyways I'll link is saved in order to save it I think that's from earlier but I don't know but yeah anyways this the end of this video hope y'all enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time goodbye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,030,590
Rating: 4.7800794 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Roleplay
Id: MCtfxJgAfKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 25sec (6865 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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