Gmod FNAF | The Nightmares Attack! [Part 1]

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oh oh [Music] what happened i hurt so bad where am i oh everything hurts everything hurts [Music] hello can somebody help me my arms are cut off while my arms get off my legs cut off someone can someone help me please toy bonnie joy but he's hiding the doorbot he's at you i gotta get up oh it hurts one like twee bonnie is that you toy bonnie oh hey bonnie wait that's totally fine he's at you now wait why are you why are you hiding in the presents oh is there is there a monster in here oh no ouch is there a monster in here oh no i'm gonna get eaten alive oh [Music] i gotta be quiet i think there's a monster in here where's the monster oh monster monster toy boy i gotta make my way to toy bonnie he'll he he'll probably know what's going on i gotta drag myself across the floor oh i think there's a monster in here toy body toy bonnie what's going on toy toy bonnie wait what wait oh oh toy bonnie no oh what happened to toy bonnie wait whose arm is that is that toy chicas toy wait oh no oh no wait toy chica where's tortuga are you alive oh there's so much oh what happened here i'm gonna die i'm gonna die here this is where i die ding dong hello oh no this is a spooky monster spooky monster's going to kill me i need to hide hello who's there hello is somebody there hello hey happy happy birthday hey hey it's your birthday hey hey hey happy birthday to you cause i'm singing to you happy happy happy happy birthday [Music] oh calm down it's your birthday it's okay it's not my birthday okay fine maybe you're saying it's your birthday is probably not a good thing in this scenario what's going on ready what's going on my arch got off in my leg oh did not see that okay i uh i really apologize now um yeah you you okay no i'm not okay my arm my leg is my arms cut off it hurts hurts um oh yeah um wait what do you remember i don't remember anything what happened i just woke up my limbs are chopped off oh yeah um so we may or may not have gotten attacked and uh we may or may not have been invaded and we may remain or you may or may not have been a prisoner or you may or may not have been thought of to be dead um no oh is that toy bonnie over there he's dead oh oh dear um i also saw toy chica's limbs in here i don't know if she's alive or not i think she's dead oh well heck dang it oh well that's still not all of our friends found wait wait wait oh you missed out on a lot chica oh we're having the search to search down every animatronic that's been that's lost in this pizzeria what's what's going on well like i said before we've been invaded and um overthrown and um there's these nightmares that have invaded our pizzeria and are slaughtering every single one of us so um yeah um hmm all right sure you know it'll be better if i take you back to bait security camera didn't see it there oh stay quiet chico climbed wall get disabled oh stupid security cameras oh why don't you break the security camera well i'm pretty sure they've they've hacked the security system from the from the front office oh so we shouldn't go through that door over there oh no we should not all right come on here let me take you back to base um before before when the nightmares come come on we have to hurry follow me follow me then you'll see wait okay wait it's hard to run with one leg what's going on i see someone spooky chica shut up okay i'm sorry all right come on come on come on in here here quick we got you have to hurry come on wait what's in this room shh come on oh dang it wait the garbage yup welcome to our home this is um this is the resistance see here's uh here's all my friends you got you got bricky bricky's the head leader of trying to figure out of how to s of of what we're gonna do wait i thought there were actually other people alive oh yeah there are i'm just messing with you now come on um that's actually hidden behind this bookcase come on inside this room oh here come on let's go ugh guys i'm back i brought a friend what's going on oh oh no um come on chica come in here oh welcome back freddy wait was that the right room did we find everybody uh unfortunately not i was only able to find chica in there but i can sadly confirm that we have lost toy bonnie in toy chica why oh no that's not good oh dear oh dear oh oh boy toy bonnie toy chica well we're glad we're glad that you're still alive chica yeah what is this place well this is the resistance this is where um this is where the remaining animatronics that survived um are camping on it so uh yeah oh so um yeah you probably want to stay in here and probably don't want to go back out in the main area oh okay here have a seat yeah i'm gonna [ __ ] down and uh oh oh no poor withered golden freddy oh what happened to him oh well he got sliced up he got fricked up you should have seen it it was a bloodbath out there oh poor with your golden freddy oh oh i feel so bad for him yeah i feel bad for myself too oh what the freak yep i'm still alive even though i'm just ahead see i got magical powers so i'm still alive i don't need my body to live who actually uses their body to live oh that's a sad little body oh i look kind of chubby yup golden freddy's been our leader through all this well with her golden freddy um we still haven't tried well we've tracked down golden freddy but i don't think we're gonna be able to save him wait what golden freddy and puppet have um you know our most powerful friends yeah they've been um they've been locked in security like lockdown security and um they constantly have a nightmare guard guarding them so there's no chance of us being able to save them so right now we're just trying to save the rest of our friends oh okay wait so who's all in this resistance well there's me freddy fazbear we got balloon boy we got with the golden freddy we got withered bonnie and also we got regular bonnie wait where's bonnie at oh he's in the security office right now um see that that's how we were able that's how i was able to get into your room because um bonnie's bonnie's sneaked out into the security guard well into the security room and uh he's keeping watch all over the place and trying to figure out where um where everyone is did you wait bloomboy did he send you that did you did he ever find the second camp all right yeah yeah he actually did he actually did find a second camp of where and where some of our friends can be at okay good um here here uh let me finish some of this story up to chica and then i'll i'll come back to work all right so um yeah so bonnie's in the security office right now and that's how because he has controls over all the um the cages and so he can open the cages so that's how he was able to open up and then i came and rescued you so yeah oh okay but yeah so um you know all right here balloon boy here here turn on the communication device uh yeah it's on right now okay wait oh you're all right here back up yeah yeah i got you i got you i'll let you talk to bonnie all right oh wait bonnie okay i'm back uh i was able to find chica oh that's good freddy that's good all right but yeah i found a second camp yeah bloomberg told me about it so wait where is it at uh it's in the party area the party area yeah where the carousel is but uh currently nightmare fredbear's in there so i want to make any moves right now oh okay thank you bonnie wait so there is a camp in there yeah um i think some of our friends are in the on the cage but i don't know if any of them are alive or not because they're not moving at all oh well i'll still give it a check i'll still look at it so uh yeah oh okay all right uh i'll let you know when the coast is clear to go out there and scout for or try to rescue the rest of our friends all right thank you bonnie all right no beep all right all righty guys um we have to we have to at least we can rest for right now we have to wait till uh the nightmares clear the party room which i don't know if they will be able to or the game area i don't know when they'll they will but we have to wait for bonnie to respond so yeah ah alrighty what is this this stupid dumb computer did you ever get that second computer working with your bunny no it sucks stupid scoop dumb dang god dang it don't break it maybe someone else can fix it no it's unfixable it's stupid freaking give me oh i've had enough rats oh okay all right well um oh all right let's take a minute to rest for now yeah all right friend you got watch over the thing yup i got watch oh you can you can take a nap all right thank you i'm a rest wee i'm a floating golden head like a flock cause i'm a golden head but i have no limbs so i'm pretty much useless except i can talk to all my friends what are you guys going to repair me why repair me already but i just repaired the computer no you didn't you broke it i'll try to fix it you stupid yes please reattach my head to my body i would really appreciate it i'll try i'll try i'm trying to give me the power drill oh my gosh well i'm just lay here on the ground until you fix me oh oh hey i can i can i can look at my feet from a full angle that's lovely hello balloon boy oh hi i'm bored yeah i mean yeah just boy we just stay in this room we have the light we have to survive man we have to survive wait a minute oh the exit wait guys what if we just use the emergency exit to leave oh no oh yeah chica we you haven't we haven't talked to you about that uh no we're not leaving what wait why not we can leave and we can run away from the nightmares yeah but chica this is our home this is where we live we do not leave home and plus if we go somewhere else we don't really belong anyone else so yeah oh wait waiter bonnie freak free freak wait wait wait lure bonnie with the money oh yeah please tell me before you broke before you smashed that computer screen did you contact the police please tell me you did uh i'm having a hard time remembering it's not that hard to remember come on you're supposed to contact the police while i went and rescued chica because if the police if the police know about this then that would be so much more helpful to us so well yeah uh i may or may not have i don't remember go dang it with her bonnie you're useless to me oh meanwhile and uh in the game area well now i've executed them i must report back to my leader nightmare my leader my big bro my ouch oh stupid chair what nightmare fredbear did you execute the remaining survivors or yes yes my my leader yes i have executed the remaining survivors well except for the except for the one nightmare chica uh requested oh alrighty as long as nightmare chicken kills that one then we're fine then there will be no more animatronics in our way and we just have to deal with the people yes my master what you want me to do now um oh no you've done enough right now i guess you can take a small break oh yes my master i will sit on this table and wait for your next order oh okay oh oh my my my uh my my bosh leader manager uh we we got we got an issue what is it nightmare freddy uh the the the the popo are outside in there they got guns and they're gonna shoot us and i'm scared what oh crap the police is here dang it how did the police find out this quick oh it doesn't matter oh don't worry oh we got the place barricaded up right nightmare bonnie get in here all right yash my lawyer oh i tripped on [ __ ] table yes my my lord master man did you finish barricading up the whole pizzeria uh yes yes my lord okay good yes my master man i got brain damage that's fine yeah i can see that my lord what we going to do and what are we going to do with this with these well with this remaining guy leave him for now as he still has purpose for me yes my my leader man master sir yes what should i do just keep watch bonnie go back to your post okay here's my post this is where i stand i stand to keep look out for everybody oh okay i'll just i'll let you know if they try to invade us alrighty i must plan how much how will i take care of these people hmm i wonder what nightmare cheek is doing with that one animatronic that she requested i find it very weird that she requested one but whatever yesterday yes this is gonna be the best leg stew ever yes you're gonna have you know how people always make chicken legs well i'm gonna have some fat bear legs with extra fat this is probably not even healthy for you but whatever yes let's continue to make the ingredients yes oh i need my my trusty stirrer let me get it out of the pantry let's see where did i leave that stirrer this is where i die this is how i die jj shhh [Music] shhh am i gonna live uh i don't know yet i'm kind of hiding in here and i i decided i'd save you but we gotta be quiet who are we gonna escape uh i don't know i don't know i don't know how we're gonna escape we're kind of trapped in here we gotta hide in here until someone comes to save us oh rats oh thank you for saving me yeah no problem all right oh she's coming back we have to be quiet now oh okay oh dang i couldn't find my store huh wait let my fat friend go did i already eat them huh i know i should be quite oh well time to get back to baking my leg stew [Music] jj what are we gonna do we're just gonna hide in here we're gonna hide in here we're gonna hide so gotta be very quiet oops shh okay okay we'll be quiet i'll be close all right we must hide here oh okay okay oh i think he's gone oh thank god ow that hurt oh no shut up shut up shut up we can't let him know we're we're still alive yeah these freaking shots i hate this mingle that was actually surprisingly good play and i thought we were all gonna die i know right y'all are yep faking um pretending to be still and faking being dead that was a good idea ah oh no chica chicano oh jacob got killed he's got her head ripped off oh i told you this would happen you are but you said it would happen to all of us not just one it's better than that most of us survive and i guess it's okay that she died it's not okay that she's dead look at her she's her head's ripped off look at that facing facial expression she made she had so much horror on her face well now we need to figure out a way out of here because now they think we're dead so but they're not going to think we're dead when they come back in here we are that'd be true we got to figure out a way out of here what's the plan oh yeah we got to come up with plan to where with phase two um okay um oh okay i think the um the exit gate's right here but um oh oh it's locked dang what do we do y'all we're gonna flip and die all right you're all yep we're gonna die but with more suffering come on guys don't give up hope maybe somebody out there will come back and help us or maybe a night roll my nightmare will come back and kill us after to kill the rest of us off oh come on you have to have more hope oh maybe there's somebody out there maybe oh i think that's bonnie oh bunny you there yeah i'm here uh the nightmare fredbear nightmare fredbear has left the game area you're good to you're good to go to um investigate the um the game area but you're going to have to you can't come through the security office we would why not well because both the door i've was managed to get both the doors closed but if one of them open it will be too loud and probably alert one of the nightmares so yeah so you're saying we have to sneak around the into the main area to get to the game area yup i'm afraid so pal i i'll i'll kindly let you in the security office but um you know then it'll give away my post and then the nightmares will come kill me oh okay i got your bell alrighty um all right already guys we're good to go to investigate the game area but we gotta act quick but wait do we even know if our friends in the game area are alive hmm that's a good that's a good point this trip is much longer than the one cheat then i had that i had to this trip is much longer than the one i had to make for chico so this one could be more risky so we could go one of us could go all the way there but then our friends be dead and you'll be pointless and just rick's our own self getting killed oh i have an idea why don't you send me as a scavenger i can just float around as a golden head and i'll easily get on there and see if people are still alive well that's gonna do all right uh go on with it go free um go go see if our friends are alive oh okay i shall do my job open the door with my mouth [Music] nobody's over there okay [Music] [Music] is that you what what the frick why are you just ahead shh i'm here to save you actually wait i'm just a floating head um yeah i am just a floating ned how are you today sir oh i'm good uh bust us out of here oh okay wait uh uh bonnie but wait freak i forgot the nightmares you can hack the cameras from the office oh no i made a mistake i made a mistake oh no um um frick oh oh i'm gonna have to break the camera there we go i forgot i need to disable these cameras um all right all right guys you go wait is there another camera in here oh there it is hang on guys let me disable this camera oh it tastes bad hello my friends y'all what are you doing hurry up and bust us out of here oh there's one problem i don't have any limbs what oh i mean i could try to open it with the door with my mouth um let's see uh yes just unlock just get the lock out okay yeah no it's not gonna work i'm gonna have to get a different animatronic oh what really yup i'm afraid so um i have a bad feeling about something what is it my lord what what's wrong i feel i feel a presence i felt something yo i thought i saw something maybe you know saw something oh yeah i felt something i think maybe i don't know hmm i have the i feel the presence of a survivor there's still animatronics still alive sneaking around this building why why huh yo i could have sworn i saw something out of the corner of my eye but i thought it was my mind playing tricks on me yes yes my lord i'm pretty confident ensure that there's an animatronic that sneaked through here somehow we can't allow this to happen there could be no animatronic survivors ouch oh go and find who this animatronic is um all right i have jobs for everybody remember freddy oh yes my lord you get watch you have to make sure the police don't get involved and don't come in yet oh oh i don't like watch i don't like lookout it sucks oh let's see bonnie i need you to go to nightmare foxy and report to him that we have a um a intruder among us and i need you to get him to check the security cameras from the uh from the office oh okay and report back to me if uh if you find someone running around on the cameras okay bye master oh nightmare fredbear oh ho i want you to check the security cameras from the security office and make sure nobody's breaking has broken into the security office and um make sure all the equipment in there still works and stuff oh okay my master i'll go into the security office [Music] [Music] all right i'ma get you guys out of here um okay wait no i can't uh yeah i'm have to report back to base and get somebody else to unlock it what come on you stupid head do something i can't i need i need i need thumbs to open the door i don't have thumbs oh wait here hang on wait wait right there hang on i have an idea oh go free here take take take my hand oh oh that's okay then yeah just pick it up and use my hand to unlock the door you are now that's smart thinking right there oh okay um oh i'm bite this with my mouth already um well let's see here oh okay how do i okay oh i think i did it did it work oh wait here hang on um i did it i saved the day i can't be useful without a body we're free wait don't go running around there's nightmares out there oh yeah you're right um come on guys let's get out of this cage you're finally finally here what do we do now with the golden freddy oh hang on let's get everyone on the cage your goodbye weather chica um you're a good friend come on mango let's go ah okay now it hurts to walk with one leg ow or you can say that again sucks only having one leg y'all can y'all back up some oh yeah y'all sorry fella [ __ ] you whoo-hoo you are you are phil's finally good to be out of the cage what are we doing we're striking down these nightmares what no the neighbors are too strong and they kill all of us well i just want to leave my foot oh my my foot my foot stop making a mess you're getting me all bloody um all right let's see here um okay four of y'all okay all right um when those are sealed of course they are oh heck um here let me see hang on these guys stay right there uh oh the nightmare man oh no um hmm seems the only nightmare out there is looking out the window oh hmm okay if any times to run now it'll be right now to run um boys guys guys you guys got guys yo what's up all right we gotta go now we gotta we gotta go now we have to go through the main area and we gotta get to the back the back room not the parts and service room but the you know the room in the storage room in the back that's where we've been hiding out come on guys oh we gotta go we gotta go now we gotta go now wait oh maybe i could save golden maybe we could save the original conference but it could be too risky it's right there hmm oh no oh everybody go to the storage room i'll wait here you are come on guys what are we waiting for let's let's go oh we gotta be quiet okay go now foxy you are i'm going i'm going i'm going you're okay i made it all right next person come on go go go go go still clear oh okay i'm going ooch only got one leg i'm sorry tripped and smacked my nose on the floor oh okay all right i'm over here all right next person come on all right i'm gonna go good luck mangle uh-huh alrighty go go go go go i'm going i'm going i'm going hey mingle hi okay we should probably be quiet though yeah you're right all right we just need the reg the original foxy come on foxy let's go you are all right no no no no no no no no don't don't don't don't don't don't don't you're yahar or everybody go into that back room and i'll meet up with you all in a minute oh okay mister with the golden freddy man all right come on guys let's go oh y'all room's a mess y'all you can say that again okay wait for me guys oh wait where did we go guys there's a door back here see what's inside oh hello what withered freddy what are you doing back here silly y'all it's brutal out there you are oh hi everybody arch oh my hand our door gets my hook our ouch huh how oh well holy frick what the freak how did you guys get here where where were you guys oh we were in the game area whether golden freddy saved us what he did well he was just ahead i thought he couldn't save y'all if he was just ahead huh it's very interesting well wait is everyone safe then uh no wait where's cheek whether chica at oh oh she's dead she's dead she's dead ow my feelings ow i have the shadnish now oh i will let's see we have a we have a good amount of people that are still alive um wait where's with the golden fruity at oh i think he said he was going to try to save golden freddy what that's risky he could blow our cover and show that we're alive or he could just get himself killed um yeah but he said he was going to do it because he said the coast looked clear so yeah good luck to him oh good looking dude wait where are the rest of the toy animatronics um i don't know how to tell you this but um it's confirmed that toy bonnie and toy chica are dead what they're dead wait where's toy freddy at oh we still have not found toy freddy has anyone seen toy freddy's remains anywhere uh no no jj still missing too oh yeah jj and then golden freddy and the puppets um alrighty well i say we just wait for withered golden freddy to get back from for him to report if he's successful or not saving golden freddy yeah okay all right come on everybody rest up your please heal my wounds it hurts you are oh no no no no no i'm good at this oh frick hello that's a security camera staring right at me um oh heck did i secure the camera oh freak i forgot about the security cameras god daniel's meant to disable oh hi there oh there's more securities cameras looking at me god freaking dang i forgot to excuse me mr camera i forgot to rip you off the wall oh whoopsies itch [Music] there we go like stew leg stew what the freak like stew i want some like steal is someone cooking some legs too oh yeah i'm cooking some like stew it's gonna be yummy oh boy i love me some late make sure you're going freddy oh oh hello there y'all oh oh wait that's a nightmare i'm not supposed to talk to you oh yes would you would you like some like stew huh hello somebody there huh it's just my imagination i'm just getting hungry gotta work on this leg stew oh there you guys are come on guys we gotta get out of here huh yes get us out here my legs my legs have been cut off now i'll just drag you come on all right come on guys the close coast is clear come on let's go let's go go go go come on come on go go go go okay come on toy freddy oh my legs have been cut off and turned into legs too i don't want to bowl that leg stew oh wait ouch all right come on come on let's go let's go all right all right i'm a hero i'm saving everybody all right time to save uh golden freddy the original going freddie wait i should hide all right let's see i got to save him oh dragging me across the floor come on he said with it going free [ __ ] to go this way so let's go oh okay i'm pretty sure you didn't say anything at all but okay i guess we'll just go this way apparently then we ouch i'm being dragged around like a blanket come on uh oh watch this room this is a really dumb room well i can call this home for at least three days oh wait there's a door back here now come on toy freddy oh okay ooch ouch oh yay our friends our friends are in here wait let me in don't leave me back here ooch wait please uh what what jj what the freak oh my gosh everybody's coming in here jj toy freddy are you guys all right uh yeah no no no right my legs have been turned in the legs too oh my gosh are you okay no my legs have been chopped off and turned into like suits too and the worst part about it is i didn't get any of that stew uh yeah he got his legs cut off but i was able to save him wait how'd you survive oh we'll hold you all survive well i had um i hid in the cabinets and the nightmares never found me and then i was trying to sneak out and stuff and i saw toy freddy getting his legs cut off so i was able to save him and then um and then i got kind of trapped and stuff and then whether golden freddy's head came by to say oh there's his body uh but yeah whether golden freddie's head came and saved us really dang i did not think withered golden freddy was gonna be the hero out of all this but um okay as long as y'all are safe oh all right let's see um all right so far everybody's been everybody's been okay but unfortunately wither cheek has died toy chicas died and toy bonnie's died oh poor sad if only they had more relevance to us oh um already oh we're almost we have almost so it's just golden freddy to say in the puppet golden finding the pup to save uh your i guess well what they're going for has been the heroes so far then i wish him the best of luck to save our friend sir this will be the perfect time to strike i got going here i got to talk to a foxy about the security cameras mm-hmm my lord my lord where's the freakish nightmare rat god dang nightmare nightmare freak book neighbor never freddie what are you doing well what i'm keeping look at the police you're supposed to keep watching this room i've watched on the security cameras there's a stupid floating head came around here and broke all the cameras we well really i didn't see anything yeah because you're looking out the window the whole time oh oh whoopsies oh where's nightmare i gotta report this to him immediately nightmare nightmare nightmare oh what is it what is the name of fredbear oh i figured out who our um our person is who's been uh running around on the cameras um stuff it's uh it's this floating withered golden freddy head what he must have powers too we must capture him and put him in the cage as well yes my master quick we must find him search the security cam i can't he broke all the cameras oh god dang it stupid thing um very well then um just keep okay keep guard of uh golden freddie and puppet's cage just yes my lord is my lord where nobody's gonna get you guys there's no escape ah super duper dupe i finally have a job besides look out gotta report to foxy to tell him to check the cameras um check the recordings to see if i if there's been a spooky spooky person running around on the cameras uh nightmare foxy what's up you're i'm kind of busy right now y'all you can't just storm in on me oh i'm kind of i mean i was so i was strong yeah i'm busy i mean i'm i'm doing my job i'm checking the cameras i wasn't i wasn't doing anything i mean uh here let me just attract under the dashboard all right watch out how can i be of service to you my fellow body parts why why are you disturbing me you're supposed to be on lookout nightmare gave me a job to come report to you that there's been a spooky spooky person running around on the camera cameras and uh he said uh you need to uh uh check the cams to see if some spooky spooky person uh will it to see if spooky spooky pearson's been running around the cameras oh yeah uh he wants to know if you've seen anything on the cameras oh yeah um frick i haven't been checking the game i mean i i've been doing my job um what else would i be doing back here get back under that's stupid body oh you're i mean out here let me know just check let me just double check the security footage yard let me show you uh wait how did i do it you got our stupid small little keyboard can't press the buttons um uh let's see um what you want me to do oh oh the nightmare man said he wanted me to come to see you if you have uh seen any spooky spooky things running around on the cameras oh that's where all the cameras are offline uh just just tell them no no i haven't seen anything now um please leave me alone checking into my business and my job unlike you your job sucks i know i hate my job oh please don't make me go i don't want to go back on lookout you are too bad leave me alone i'm kind of kind of busy right now okay fine your heart now where was i at yo i gotta continue my business here my nightmare man sir uh with a nightmare but nightmare neymar foxy said he did not see anybody running around on the cams which my nightmare fredbear just came by and told me he did see somebody running around on the camps wait what oh uh well yeah foxy probably said that was probably saying something stupid you stupid rabbit you you could uh sabotage me you know it's not my fault i have brain damage it's your fault you smacked me you punched me in the face yes yes i did do that now don't cause me any trouble now you're back on lookout i was originally about to make you run out there as a test dummy to see what the police would do if you ran outside but no i hate you so much that you're gonna go back on the lookout no please i'd rather die than look on the lookout god damn oh it will actually have a new mission for you a new mission what is it i need you to be able on lookout and guard golden freddy's cage oh it's the same thing as look out on the other side of the place i don't care no go dang it i hate lookout god dang it man ouch oh what am i doing here we have to guard this cage as the lord said there's a spooky spooky person running around on the cameras spooky spooky person who is the spooky spoof kid person oh no just look for uh look for a golden head that's all we have to keep watch out and make sure it doesn't break into this cage oh okay well do you want me to get this side too y'all yes that'll be very helpful oh okay wait am i supposed to watch the police no nightmare's watching the police oh so i was supposed to go at the room okay dude cages guard dang it they guarded the cage what do i do i gotta think of something what's going on oh oh no the nightmares oh no oh what tied up wait who's what's back there's that puppet puppet puppet you awake puppet puppet wake up pop it oh i think we're in the cage oh i don't i don't know what to do oh my my leg's been chipped off pop it wake up wake up pop it wake up wake up pop oh oh that's oh that's probably why he's not waking up um heck damn what do i do how do i get out of this oh okay i have i've got the stupid idea but it might just be so stupid that might work [Music] [Music] hello what the weather going freddy yo it's me i'm here to bust you out of here no there's no way you can get me out of here i'm surrounded by nightmares you must leave me well where is everyone else oh everyone else has escaped well except for uh toy bonnie toy chica and with the chica they're dead but everyone oh i see puppets said too um but everyone else is safe and sound and the police are here and they're gonna shoot up the nightmares the nightmares will probably kill kill me before they get shot by the police so there's no hope in saving me i'm going to die here no i can't leave you here you're you're practically me that's saying i'm leaving myself to die just save yourself go tell the others that it's okay and um yeah and to save themselves all that matters that my friends are saved i don't care if i die i'll be the sacrifice no no go go carry on my legacy you are the new golden freddy now go on oh okay already i guess this is goodbye good my goodbye my former my former golden brother um i wish you the best of luck yeah i wish you luck too i hope you survive um well i'll talk to you again if you live okay bye ouch gotta sneaky sneaky roll away wait where'd he go oh oh well it's time to sneaky sneaky on audi how do i sneaky sneaky on out of here the nightmares are watching what is up with this stupid police stuff oh no do you think do you think they'll be able to stop us no we're much stronger than them we'll simply just slice them up and kill them if we've killed these images if we killed robots then we can simply kill humans it's not that big of a problem yeah i guess you're right huh white nightmares i want to shade the nightmares oh this is my chance to flee oh what yeah i just see a golden head just fly by oh what the frick what cause when i saw something [Music] wait were you able to save bonfire and um unfortunately no i've received terrible news oh what's what's the news are they all right oh well um it seems that puppet is dead what no not puppet yes but golden freddy has been injured and he's very weak and um he says that that there is no chance for us to see for us to be able to save him the nightmares have him fully secured and guarded there's three guards guarding him and there's no chance for us to be able to rescue him and escape without them noticing so unfortunately he said we'll have to leave him and he said if the police push forward um the nightmares will kill him so um he said he's chosen death over to save us he said leave him there to die so we will be saved no not calling freddie oh i can't believe he's gonna die oh [Music] what what do we do freddy i guess we do what golden freddy says get the police to move forward and hopefully take out the nightmares but we just gotta hope that nightmares don't kill him first um all right let me report back to bonnie bonnie all right oh wait hope you do gotta turn everything on bonnie um it's just static blue boy all i'm hearing is static get over here fix this all right here i'll move out i'll move out of the way huh what's up freddy i spent like five i spent it only took five minutes to fix the thing well it's broken again broken let me show you oh looks like it's working right buddy you there buddy bunny's not responding um oh no maybe the maybe the communications have gone out oh no we'll have to just get somebody to go to the security office and get them out oh here i'll go get bonnie everyone else um stay back here and um yeah unless um some some some type of miracle happens or something um yeah let me go back here all right i'm gonna go get money you guys stay here that was not supposed to happen um oop uh beep boop uh technical difficulties um give us one minute to fix freddy fazbear um the door just freaking killed him um this is uh uh intermission uh please place advertisements here um who knows uh technical difficulties well give us a minute to fix our mistakes and um yeah okay ready i'm just gonna have to um issues technical difficulties please um please smell my fingers in the meantime oh i just drew my um oh i can't use a crossbow dang it freddy wait where'd my crowbar go god dang this wasn't supposed to happen just die already okay whoops i chopped off well i guess he doesn't have an arm anymore oh well okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine oh i tried to open this door my rusty arm finally fell off oh well um it was no good to me anyways um it was still attached okay is it just gonna stay there okay here let's drag it over here um or i gotta go get bonnie from the security office all right money um all right bonnie blooney here bonnie come on we gotta go bonnie gotta go oh this sucks ah yeah you shut it this really does suck are we ready to leave yet how long have you been back there yeah actually how long have you been back there mister i've just been chilling back here um i see that i've waited for everybody to come out and be like hey we saved everybody and stuff show off because i didn't have to be a strong fella and go out there because i didn't want to go out there and get killed so that's why hidden cowards back here and that way i made it so y'all didn't come kill me but yeah come on guys let's leave now what no we can't leave he said to stay here and stuff stuff all right oh no dang it i was hoping we could leave by now come on spring trap gotta have you gotta be more happy about this happy okay yeah maybe that's not the right warden yeah balloon boy you idiot um here bonnie go ahead and put my head back on what oh okay maybe i shouldn't let the blind person be in charge of me i'ma sit back on my shelf while we think about this come on guys let's just leave come on all right dang i just been sitting back here waiting for a miracle to come through that door right there hello smell my fingers what the smell my fingers man what smell my fingers guy what are you doing here i thought i'd come by and tell you that uh um tell you the police's plans wait how did you even know we were back here it's not important it's just a coincidence i lost by a guy some police car ran over my foot so that sucks um anyways um the police are are um are um wanting to make sure that there's no hostages left before they invade but um there's still golden freddy but he said he would die um oh no there's no hostages left but what about golden freddy he said he would choose death over us he said he would choose death to save us so this is what must be done oh mr glitch man tell the police that uh that they can proceed and that there's no hostages okay i'll be right back the police will start pushing forward now um uh you all want to come outside it's nice and warm outside oh i'm ready to go outside oh no we'll stay in here uh okay oh my gosh i'm sick of this pleish oh all right guys well that's good um we're going to be saved oh oh it's a freddy fazbear leg i'll put that in my back pocket it could come in handy later um but yeah all right guys we're gonna be saved well it's not over yet we can't say it now we have to wait to see if the nightmares are stronger than the humans oh yeah the neighbors are gonna slaughter all the humans well it'll be okay i'm sure the night i'm sure that the nightmares will die but are you sure about that oh i don't know actually oh no oh nobody funny what happened to you buddy sweet me bunny bunny bunny speak to me freddy is that you buddy are you okay funny what happened that giant fredbear slid past me on the cameras i saw him coming this way and he walked in he immediately sliced on my arm and then he hacked the cameras i was trying to and then he left i was trying to get up to one y'all but i'm too weak i'm too weak nobody don't die on me you're gonna be okay i hurt so much it hurt so much you jumped off my arm it's gonna be okay bonnie you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay get up get up oh it hurts oh everything hurts oh my arm my arm well leave it just leave it leave it no i need my arm i need my arm my pressure's on my arm again it's gonna be okay buddy come on we gotta get out of here though you gotta get out here right now so come on let's let's go but what about my arm leave it if we win then we can put it back on you and repair you but come on we have to we have to go right now just leave it behind okay my middle arm hello buddy it's gonna be okay you're gonna be better ah come on let's go oh everything hurts everything hurts oh and i was bragging earlier about how i was the only one who was fully fixed yep you sure were oh come on let's get back here oh come on let's get back to the refuge oh okay um is everybody has has everybody been saved well yeah well except for uh um oh wait yeah we got more information um so far only four but sadly four of us four of our animatronic friends have died what who will a withered chica tuli bonnie toy chica and the puppet have sadly passed away ah that's sad come on let's get back to cam let's get you fixed up okay what about my arm we'll go back for your arm later after the nightmares leave okay ah ouch good thing buddy oh you failing crushed my legs ah sorry did not mean to shove you bonnie my bad on that one oh hey you're pretty fast you're like well funny are you okay you fell on top of me and she fell off my leg i'm sorry okay i'm in pain and suffering well now i'm in pain you cut up all my limbs now i have no limbs except my arm it's going to be okay guys we're going to get everybody fixed up everybody's going to be fixed up after we'll order new parts bb get get on that ordering everybody new parts and maybe order a full new toy bonnie toy chica and puppet and withered chica all right okey-dokey what we can't just replace our friends oh yes we can with the power of ebay um and also we can repair our lens too oh make sure you get some duct tape for my freaking head so i can attach back to my body got freaking dang it well uh whatever you got what stuff what's the plan now um i'm not too sure uh wait what's been going on here oh freddie the glitch trap man said he was contacted police and the police are going to pursue and uh going to check the nightmares okay that's good that's good we need to lay down for a minute so the police will save us well hopefully if they can defeat the nightmares okay okay okay okay i'm ordering all the new parts what does everybody need now well i need all four of my limbs back yo i need a i need a leg and uh yeah oh let's be um we didn't uh actually know i think we have all the parts from with the golden freddy i need a new foot though i need i need a new arm i need new legs mine my legs have been turned into stew i'm so sad [Music] my legs my poor little legs um okay all right i'm starting to order everything up see you guys i told you everything's gonna be a-okay hopefully oh mr mr nightmare lord man you better check this out i think the the police are getting ready to invade getting ready to invade yup they're gathering around i think they're about to try to break down the door i will greet them at the door then i will greet them i'll be waiting for them to break down this door i'll be surprised this is a mighty strong fence mm-hmm do you want us to come help you no stay there i need y'all to be ready to act actually no fredbear come over here and um let's see who's the better fight freddy you come too hooray yeah i get to fight in the war i'll get the fight in the war wait freddy go get chica oh okay well we'll need as many nightmares as we can get um bonnie you go get [ __ ] foxy okay ouch we're gonna have to get gather all the nightmares if we want a chance to to defeat the humans already nightmare forever come here and stuff what about golden freddy here um just take a table and put it on top of his cage that way you can't leave well okay but what if that intruder comes by oh it doesn't matter i've already taken that bear's power so he's actually yeah now he's useless to me so whatever oh okay well you just said that earlier that would have made things easier um okay all right now we must wait for the for our nightmare friends for the other four nightmares to return [ __ ] chica hey chica we're going to war come on let's go you want some my leg stew oh no right now we got to go to war okay hey wartime i'd love to fight do i get oh i can get more likes from i like stew oh yeah i'm sure you uh i'm sure you can now come on let's let's go we gotta go to war we gotta kill the humans hooray we're villains uh i just want more legs for my legs too that's all y'all i told you not to come in here while i'm freaking busy can't you see i'm busy right now oh neighbor man said we're going to war we have to fight in the war or really right now you are give me come here like one more minute no we're going now come on name everybody say we're going now y'all frick okay fine here let me um i'll i'll be back for you all right where are we going come on we gotta fight in the war fighting the war ah no no thank you i'd like to stay back here please come on neighbors say we're going oh no i'm not i'm not finished yet back here come on all right fine all right jesus you're so annoying i know god just get out there already there are what's going on the humans are about to attack there are all right everybody's here all right the humans are going to try to break in down this door um so once they break down the door we're gonna have to start killing humans left and right so try not to die oh okay all right feel like you munch i think i've calculated um i got my lock pick here and i'm here to unlock the door so everybody stand back and this could be very very explosive and yeah wait how are we going to defeat the nightmares don't worry i have a machine called the zapper wiper machine and it will destroy the nightmare animatronics so uh yeah okay everybody stand back i'm gonna use my i'm gonna use my lockpick because i finished watching that 30 minute tutorial of how to lock pick doors so i'm gonna pick this door that doesn't even have a lock on it but i'm gonna lock pick it anyways all right let's see here i'm not picking not picking skills they really sent one old guy to break down the door huh what a loser i know i like picking skills like picking skills gotta unlock the door big block picking skills with the freak love picking skills i did i opened the door oh wait those are nightmares get away from me please don't take my pokemon cards oh alright guys is there a chance come on let's go and fight we are the nightmares you humans better leave now oh yeah leave now or we will kill you no no please stay please stay i need more legs for my legs too you are i don't care can you all just leave already i got some important business to get back to if you know what i mean i have brain damage everybody i just want to make sure everything everybody knows that before you start making insults at me i just want to make that claim statement still clear i have brain damage i've been hello i've been watching y'all i've been watching your every movement out here so i'm a creep oh no it's the animatronics what the nightmares are out now what do we do oh the professor's dead how did professor die oh because i killed him yeah i'm a psychopath oh break my guns in oh my gosh there's an evil person shot all along dang he killed the scientist now how do we defeat the nightmares oh sorry uh maybe they're friendly oh hello there i'm here to kill you i get the slap oh yup do you like me i'm gonna beat you up ow please shout out mmm tasty treat oh make sure to save the legs for me okay oh my gosh they just murdered some money yup oh hey um yay all right guys go on that killing spree whoever gets the most kills wins freak you just killed like pretty much everybody see i know i'm big and strong oh no they're gonna kill everybody what do i guess i should stand here and wait for you to die i want to kill somebody hey there mister you want to die ouch i cannot be killed i am sad on the inside that hurts my feelings wait what with that thanks to saying about the zapper wiper machine it's in this trunk i have gathered i've captured the um the zapper wiper machine let me try let me try it out y'all let me try out the zapper wiper machine oh the zapper water machine works guys i have the dapper wiping machine oh what oh oh no oh no what's the matter my master oh oh he has the deadliest weapon that kills all nightmares the zapper whapper machine oh knows we're all gonna die somebody take him out freddie go kill him well okay i'll kill him i did it i killed him oh really i got this it dies afterwards there i broke the zapper whacking machine oh bonnie you okay oh i think he's dead oh as long as i don't care about bunny as long as the zapper weapon machine's broken we're fine they're so cool with that scientist to give us all every single one of us humans a zapper rapper machine oh no they all have separate weapon machines yeah i want to play tag with somebody get away from me you demon ah don't worry i'm gonna get more legs from my legs too die no you die [Music] look they're taking us all out left and right we got to fight back we are nope i'ma go back go back to my um my business now if you'll excuse me i have more important things to tend to than this folksy where are you going good thing okay we don't need you um i'm big strong neighbor man i'll take care of this myself dude what do i do when you find something what's this a head um here i'll throw this head at somebody take this head you little girl oh freak i missed don't worry guys i'll kill her die okay i killed her i killed her i killed her yeah but everyone else has a zapper wiping machine oh frick we're gonna have to go through a lot of corpses come on that mean freddy oh oh okay well i'll start killing people oh i'm gonna kill all of you a little little boys oh no he's here to eat us let me eat you i'm gonna eat you oh no stamp i gotta use the zapper wiping machine no number freddie frick the humans are fighting back oh we gotta do something um oh no my best friend oh no it's just me alive everybody else is dead all the volunteers [Music] finish the job nightmare fredbear all righty hello there little boy you ready to die oh no wait oh the zapper weapon machine save me then all the humans were dead and i was left i am the most evil villain of all time now i will kill golden freddy all right i got some important business to get back to you're where was i at before i got rudely interrupted by that stupid rabbit oh yeah that's right ah this is y'all now i remember winning soon oh yeah golden freddy i can sense your wife oh yeah what about it nightmare what you gonna do kill me yes that's exactly what i'm gonna do here you won't be needing this cage anymore in front of you i know you're weak i can feel that you're weak yo because you took my powers unless you kill the puppet master oh would you kill the puppet what puppet do to you why are you doing this nightmare would you girl why'd you hurt all my friends and kill like four of them because i'm evil nightmare and i will take over this pizzeria and turn it into my new nightmare clubhouse that's all i wanted to do was have a cool nightmare clubhouse but then you'll have to call the cops on us yeah because he kept killing us and stuff this is not your health this is freddy fazbear's pizza place come on man well i don't care and i'ma kill you because you're the most powerful one and i'm gonna kill you and i'll be the king oh well this is where i die any last words fredbear oh yes i have actually i've actually written a um a full essay for this um all right i like to uh present my speech oh crap oh all right let me pull up a chair all right present your speech um i'll be grading it on um how uh well you uh say it you know if you say um at all in it then uh you will uh you will get uh some points take it off but you just said um like 50 times you get negative 20 points taken off dude come on man give me a better grade okay fine i'll just take all 15 instead okay that's better all right uh please present your uh your essay your final essay um okay all right oh wait i can i don't have my note cards on me can i go get my note cards no dude it's too late for your note cards get start now oh okay um let me try to remember off the head i can have a minute to think oh fine just hurry up and thank and tell your essay okay i'm done thinking all right i'd like to present my essay now okay hurry up already besides nobody will be able to save you nobody there's always some money [Music] how are the humans doing my favorite little friends who go and smell my fingers how are the humans how are the humans oh they've all been slaughtered oh no humans my humor friends are dead now hooray hurray such a happy day time to go in and confront the spooky nightmare man so i can be the hero of the story because i am always here because i smell you when people smell my fingers and that is why i hate the color purple now oh very interesting toy well mr golden freddy it's time for you to die no mr nightmare man it is i glitch trap what what's trouble oh you little weakling you're weaker than an animatronic what are you gonna do you think you can stop me what do you think you're gonna do make me smell your fingers yes yes that's exactly what i'm gonna do yes just smell my fingers it's not gonna do anything i'm nightmare and i got straw and i'm very strong you know oh what the [ __ ] i can't breathe would you like to smell my fingers too well no no i'm feeling much better i can walk oh my ribs are broken um i'm good uh you don't have to i'm no freak out i'm good i'm gonna go take up go go to bathroom oh thank you mister um don't come go over here please don't come near me oh she'll kill me i'm the savior of this set of the story i'm crazy so with that glitch trap was over was the overall hero all the in all the nightmare animatronics were tased not killed tased and um all the humans were murdered oh oh oh oh oh i don't know if that's a good thing um rip and rest the humans um but all the nightmares were tased and taken away and um they were punished for where they got they all had to sit in the timeout corner because they were all very very bad so uh oh we did it guys we won we are hooray yes guys i did it i ordered the parts and i got free shipping and handling hooray we did it we did it we did it we're gonna get new parts yay and also we're gonna get four new friends pretty much yeah yep i ordered the weather chica the toy bonnie and the toy chica and the puppet the puppet was on sale surprisingly but yeah so i got some new friends hooray and golden freddy survived what how do you know go and praise her back well i can just sense it hooray i did absolutely nothing today because i'd sit back here and also my arm fell off but and that's how i lost my arm became scrap trap but whatever besides that that's i've i've just sat back here like i always do it's just another normal day for me i'm gonna cry you are well guys we did it we're all everything's back to normal yeah now can somebody please put my freaking protect my freaking head back to my body please i like my body back please bonnie body free please attach my head back why yes attach my head back okay uh oh that's my head oh this is drilling my ear i can't say good thing why did i let the blind person do surgery on me all right jeffy is everything gonna be okay yes yes bonnie everything is going to be okay ah okay uh i'm taking a nap don't die on me no i'm just taking a nap i'm not dead oh okay so in the end everything was a-okay all the nightmares were taken away all the humans died and all the animatronics friends are gonna get fixed and everything's gonna go back to normal hooray yay everything's back to normal so that is how this gruesome story comes to the end let me know if you like uh if you like this stuff and like to see our limbs fall off and have lots of blood and guts i mean i mean i'm friendly i don't kill me i mean uh i'm freddy fazbear happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to ye it's your birthday it's your birthday don't cry on your birthday cause it's your birthday happy happy birthday to you hope it's your birthday if not this is awkward it probably isn't because there's 364 days in a year 365 i may have said it wrong but shut up it's your birthday baby i don't know i'll just sit here and cry we always get tortured everybody ends in death at least this time we we have a happy ending like an actual an actual happy ending where people everybody's survival except for the humans and the nightmares got tased and everyone got their limbs chopped off and everybody suffered it wasn't exactly death but suffering's still pretty bad what's worse death or suffering i don't know um don't oh no it's an ending nonetheless but that is where our story ends for the day hopefully no other evil will come back to the pizzeria to torture us again hopefully yeah hopefully so with that that is where this video ends make sure to leave a like and um yeah anyways hope you guys did enjoy this video um make sure you like because again that does help me out so so much and um yeah let me know if you all want me to use this um new gore mod because the original gore mod which i use for like the jimmy gorgon and the um what you may call it killing the uh help on animatronics is sadly no longer on the workshop the gib mod um give mod version two to be exact but for this video i use this new this um this this sim dismantle mod or whatever it's called um to um basically makes limbs fall off of npcs so for this instead of using ragdolls for the uh splinx i actually use the um mpcs for this for it to work because it doesn't this mod doesn't work with ragdolls um if i remember the whoa that's glitch what the heck the re revolver is glitched okay i've i've never seen this glitch before what i've never seen that happen before but the revolver is glitch because like the bullets and stuff okay then um anyways um but yeah so this mod only works with npcs but what i did for for the ragdolls is i went ahead and just like chopped off like one of their limbs and then dragged their the npc's corpse around so um can you just die i can there you go see so i just shot off chica's head but but yeah see then you can move their body around and be like woo and then you can um cut their limbs off and stuff so uh i actually really like this mod so let me know if you have any let me know if i should use this mod in more videos like in videos related to this one so um yeah it's not exactly the gore mod also i got a improved the blood mod so um yeah um this was a very gory video um oh boy but um hey it was still spicy nonetheless so uh yeah now chica's dead um that's a rip but um yeah you guys make sure you like that helps me a lot and i'll see y'all in the next video thank guys for watching and i'll see y'all next time goodbye my [Music] time to get back to business your hard hard
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 2,566,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Splinks, VS, Nightmare, Nightmares, Nightmare Fredbear, Nightmare Freddy, Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Foxy, FNAF 2, FNAF 4, Five Nights at Freddy's 4, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Toy, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Puppet, Withered, Golden Freddy, BB, JJ, Balloon Boy, War, Fight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 54sec (4854 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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