Gmod FNAF | Evil Chica Takes Over The Golden City!

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finally we are here um where exactly are we at why the golden city of of course we are finally here uh why are we here to stop evil we are here because we are the resistance we're here to stop all evil within this world have you all forgotten everything i told you um i wasn't really paying attention yeah me either we are the resistance and we are here to stop all evil in this world this city has been taken over by evil chica and we are here to stop her evil chica who's that oh i don't know some chico who thinks she's better and tries to redeem all the chicas in the world by taking over cities for some reason i i don't understand it but still taking over cities is bad and so we are here to stop this so uh yes but we have some duties that we have to tend to oh i don't want to do work come on man this will be good and besides we get to help people yeah okay all right silence from you toy rip off bears all right i'm i'm still trying to figure out who's who here so wait okay so that one's golden toy that's easy but who which one wait what what two of you was the shadow of toy fair and the other to the shadow shadow toy freddy oh oh i'm shadow toy freddy that one over there that's shadow shadow toy freddy i can see how can get us confused oh okay well anyways um anyways we are here to save these people i can ask why why are we saving them because we're good we're here to stop all evil in this world all right we're trying to bring peace that is my main purpose in this world that's the only reason why i still lived is to bring peace so uh yeah i'm just here to stop evil because no one else is so we are the resistance so anyways we have some duties to tune to um so first of all we need to we need to figure out where evil chica is and then we also there's also apparently a prison and they apparently have some prisoners here in this city so we need to find the prison and free the prison but we also need to stop evil cheek at the same time so i've come up with an idea we will split off into two teams one team will go try to find the prison and free the prisoners while the other team goes and faces evil chica and tries to bring a stop to her and yes and also the team who goes to the prisoners after the prisoners you have to come over here and help us out because we will probably we'll probably need some help so i'm going to be on the team that goes faces evil chica because it's my job and um yeah well wait okay wait okay so we just need to so you're what you're saying is we we just have to look around this entire city to find a prison and some chicken that's going to take forever to search hmm that do be right hmm hey what's that poll behind you oh what hmm let me see what this says what what does this say what it's what is this oh it's one of those like street signs or whatever it tells you it tells you where things are all right let's see here hmm oh it says the jail's down that way and uh oh it says evil cheek is that way well that was really convenient all right guys i guess we know where we're going then all right but there's seven of us so i say four but i say there should be four of us that go fight evil chica while the other three go find the prisons for the prisoners so um yeah but we do have to be careful the evil chica does have minions she's taking control of the balloon boy army so there's going to be lots of little little balloon boys running around and they're evil so um just try to try to avoid those guys well all right um i'll let y'all try to figure out what y'all want to do you okay i'm fine this place just feels familiar that's all i'm just getting one of those weird deja vu vibes so don't mind me but well well i don't really want to go fight but i don't mind trying to free some prisoners yeah i'm down to go with the prison all right well that's two for the prison only one more available for the prison than everyone else has to go fight uh i can help with the prison stuff if if you guys are fine fighting unless one of you all want to go to the prison oh i'm fine fighting i love to fight actually no fighting it's kind of scary but i'm sure i'm strong enough to do it what do you think what do you say shadow shadow for toy freddy oh yeah that's right you don't talk all right well um yup all right i guess we're good oh all right all right i'll go to the prison with them all right excellent all right everyone else follow me we are going to find evil chica and put a stop to to this evil madness once and for all okay come on guys let's go find out where this prison is yay um all right come on let's let's go shadow toy freddy well okay all right bye my fellow toy freddy brethren's i'll see you later uh bye shadow toy freddy all right come on shadow shadow toy freddy let's go follow nightmare graveyard statue thing ah yeah and come to wait what was your name i'm teacher trap all right come on teacher trap let's go okay yeah oh my god who are these people oh no are these are these visitors are these guests or are they enemies um um oh god i wasn't trained for this um oh wait maybe i should just go ask him that'll be nice okay i'll go ask him we oh i tripped and fell on my face what the heck oh no hello oh hello uh who are you are you friends or are you enemies oh well i mean we're here to take back this city wait are you trying to say you're trying to take over the city we just took up i mean uh we've always owned yep oh my god there's people here trying to invade show money help oh frick silence that child come here little boy stop please let me go silence oh my god did you just kill him oh no i just turned them into a statue they don't call me nightmare greater stature thing for nothing so uh yeah he's he'll be fine he's just gonna be a statue now hopefully no one drives down this road or else they're gonna drive into him but he's a statue so he's made out of concrete now so i guess it would damage the car more than him um yeah i i didn't even know that was possible well uh it is um all right come on guys let's uh let's let's let's continue oh i think i see more balloon boys down there where is this evil cheek is supposed to be i know the sign points this way but where do you think evil chica is going to be well no an evil chico she's probably in the tallest building here so uh yeah that building up there looks like and i can also see some little figures in the in the in the distance so i'm assuming she's all the way over there all the way that's going to take forever to get over there well we better start walking come on guys let's go ahead and uh defeat evil chica once and for all oh all right let's go guys let's go that's poor child hmm i guess i guess now i know not to mess with nightmare graves that you think cause i don't want to be turned into a statue springtrap or teacher trap come on oh okay all right come on guys i guess we better start getting walking if we want to reach the prison in time uh okay hmm i wonder where this prison's at also i'm kind of curious as to who the prisoners were supposed to save hmm yeah that's a good question i wonder who evil chica has captured and has locked up in her prison well probably definitely some people who used to be here or something um i wonder if she had anyone else captured well i guess we won't know until we get there so come on guys let's go yeah okay hey buddy wake up it's time for lunch oh yeah that's right get up buddy i got your lunch all right here you go mister here's your um here's your lunch uh enjoy it i guess yeah oh freaking stupid balloon boys oh i hate you oh freaking stupid balloon boys why'd you have to take over my golden city uh because evil chica wanted to and we do whatever evil chica wants so yeah oh my face oh you stupid bloom oh my face that hurt god dang it don't laugh at me i have feelings too you know where's my car i miss my car i haven't seen it in so long oh yeah we locked it up um i take it and sometimes we take it for joy joy rides and stuff it's fine until evil chico told us to stop to what you touched my core you took it for joy joy rides why would you do that stupid balloon boys catch where balloon boys oh my gosh i hate you so much well i can't believe it i can't believe you took over my golden city well i mean it was pretty easy you know i can't believe it i still don't believe it this whole time the entire time all of the residents all of my fellow golden city citizens they were all just holograms i don't believe it how is that even possible even the fish even the fish was a hologram how is that possible evil chica is powerful well i think it was apparently according to evil chicos when she told us everything that was going down she said all right well we're taking over this i remember now i remember i remember the day we had to take over this city she was like all right all the balloon boys were in the big room and stuff we were she was on the stage and stuff and we all had to listen and basically she was like hey all you balloon boys listen up we're gonna take over this city because we took over that other city so we're taking over more cities because i should tell and uh wait what else did she say um oh yeah she said that apparently her boss or whatever had always had this plane for a while um that uh for her to take over this city and that apparently this whole time that these people were holograms and just waited for the right moment to reveal the truth and um yeah that's pretty much how the story went so why yeah no this can't be true this can't be true oh my gosh i still remember it the day y'all invaded i was just riding with my best friend spring trap and we were just riding in my car and stuff and we we were passing by some people were waving to them and then they just disintegrated on the side of the road and we both slammed on the brakes we're like what the frick just happened and i got out um to go to go investigate like and there's just a pile it's just there was nothing there and i turned back to springtrap but then but then he was gone i was like no and then and then and then i blacked out and then and then i woke up here and i've been here ever since how long have i been in this prison for um a couple months so yeah wait why am i telling you this you're a prisoner i shouldn't be telling you this i'm stupid ah stupid bloomberg stupid oh my gosh i'm so stupid why am i talking to the prisoner no prisoner you're staying here i see what you're trying to do you're trying to you're trying to talk me out of releasing you please release me please i don't want to stay here anymore sorry prisoner enjoy your lunch all right enjoy your lunch prisoner i'll see you later all right because because it's my job i see your prisoner oh god dang it i can't believe it i can't believe all my friends were just holograms i didn't even know that was possible oh my gosh whoever chica evil chica's bosses must be super powerful then oh my god i still can't believe it even the fish oh my gosh even the plushy even the plushy oh my gosh oh my gosh i don't know about about springtrap though i hope he's alive somewhere but it's possible he was just a hologram too everything was a hologram oh my gosh i hate this prison i hate being here oh my gosh i mean yeah the food sucks the beds kind of comfortable but not really the toilet's clogged oh my god but the one thing i hate the most about this prison is my prison mate i hate you you're so annoying naughty pops lollipops got to get me lollipops for the last time i don't know where your lollipops are why did they put you in here oh it's all nice and quiet you know this prison was actually kind of nice before you showed up i remember it was only like a week after i got thrown in here that you got thrown in here where who are you where did you come from lollipops lollipops got to get me lollipops and lollipops lollipops get to get me lollipops is that the only thing you can say for the last time i don't know where your freaking lollipops are i'm gonna go insane in here lollipops lollipops gotta get me lollipops look at this beautiful shitty i've taken over isn't it just beautiful it's made out of pure gold this is perfect for the last time i don't think it's made out of pure gold like shut up i didn't ask anyways all that matters is that it's now my city look at this place it's so beautiful majestic it was so easy to take over to yeah because there's like only like one person we had to deal with here yeah i shut up i was still an entire city i took it over i i'm evil uh yeah all right my daughter you need to be quiet soon you will be evil too all right i'm still teaching you the ways of being evil and soon you'll take over cities as well but by the time you're you're ready to take over cities i would have had taken all over all of the cities so i guess you'll have to take over small villages or something so uh yeah but anyways i have taken over this city and um yes it is beautiful yes it is beautiful well evil chica um now that we've taken over this city what what do you plan to do next um we must find another city to take over i have a few planned there's i think there's one thing called the neon shitty and there's another called the wallet city there's loads of cities to take over and soon they'll all be mine uh okay then anyways evil puppets i have a job for you oh yes evil chico i need you to yes [Music] i need you to make sure my uh my balloon my balloon boy army people there i i need you to check on them all right i need you to make sure they're not swimming in the pool again cuz that's my private pool and i told them not to swim in it and they've been swimming in it so i need i need you to check on them to make sure they're not swimming in it oh just like the time that they drove ride that car and started speeding through town yes yes just like that but not the car the pool all right make sure they're not swimming in my my precious pool down there and that pull down there all right make sure they're not swimming in it oh okay evil chica i'll go check on the balloon boys good thing i can kind of oh that was not smart good thing i'm made out of noodles all right at least i can we to the swimming pool [Music] i was trying to land in the swimming pool all right we're here at the prison okay excellent let's bust into this prison and save these prisoners yeah but oh there's a guard right there we have to be quiet hmm we need to figure out how we're going to take down this guard without being spotted and without him alerted any other balloon boy guards hmm we need to think of a plan yes yes yes yes we need to think of a plan hmm i'm balloon boy the guard i'm guarding this door i'm having so much fun la la la hey balloon boy oh hi did you deliver the food yep i delivered the food to the prisoners uh excellent can you let me out of the prison now how are oh yeah sure yeah yeah i'll open the door to give me a second okay and i just gotta insert my key card into this gateway luckily i have this key card all right here hang on let me insert the key card and oh wait hang on sorry i tried to grab this key card because my hands are little balls i don't really have any fingers oh it's okay balloon boy i i deal with the same problem too just take your time all right yeah let me don't take my time all right here let me just dig in my pockets to get my key card out hey guys i have or hey girls i have a plan what watch this wait what are you doing hey balloon boy you need help oh hi mister uh i need my key card can you get in my pocket oh yeah sure oh okay thanks oh thank you mister can you open the door oh oh yeah hey wait a minute mr wait balloon boy that's an enemy i want an enemy what are you an enemy oh you didn't see anything oh no ah fellow balloon boy guard help me oh i i can't help you the door is closed well time to beat him up stop please oh my god oh my god oh my god what do i do what do i do oh all right time to beat you up too no please don't beat me up okay look look here i'll let you open the i'll let you let the prisoners go if you leave me alone if you don't fight me okay well okay i'm going to insert the key card beep and you know no sit in the corner over there okay okay okay i'm sorry don't move can someone can one of you two watch him uh uh yeah i'll watch them to make sure they don't go anywhere actually you know what you two go in you two go in i'll watch them all right because yes uh okay all right uh okay thank you shadow toy freddy you're welcome all right you two balloon boys all right here let me drag your friend in here what did you do to him he's my only friend i didn't kill him he's okay he's just unconscious i'm sorry i had to do what i had to do oh oh my gosh evil chica is going to be so mad golden freddy we're here to save you oh what what who are you huh oh uh i'm anime toy chica and this is my sister hello what why isn't she wearing any clothes uh i don't know the answer to that question because they suck oh okay then lollipops oh hello who are you i fred boy oh what so you answer them but you don't answer me oh what the [ __ ] is your problem lollipops lollipops get me lollipops oh my god you're so annoying anyways we've come to save you and to stop evil chica from taking over the city oh you've come to help me yeah oh my thank you thank you whoever you are how'd you even find out about this city um a statue bear told me about it i've never met a statue bear but okay interesting all all right come on let's get out of this prison you come in uh fred boy lollipops lollipops got to get me lollipops yeah let's go oh all right let's go and there we go door's locked oh man now well at least i'm still alive oh all right come on guys let's get out of here yeah all right that's my car over there huh that's my golden car over there that's the car i always drive around they got it locked up why do they have my car locked up why do they have a cage for a car that makes no sense lollipops that's interesting well we don't have time for a car we gotta go find evil chica well wait no if we get my car we can get the evil chica much quicker oh yeah that is true since we're on like the opposite city of where evil chica is yeah hmm all right yeah all right i guess i guess we'll have to get that car over there but how will we get it hmm well let's go over there first and then we'll try to figure out how to get my car back they dare mess with my car those dumb stupid balloon boys i'll get my revenge on all of you all right let's go yay oh man and they're gone oh are you okay oh you're still unconscious oh man oh man oh man oh man uh well at least we have two beds in here right now oh we have the food that i gave to prisoners they didn't eat it oh boy mm-hmm can't wait to eat some grub oh my god it's so terrible oh oh my god that's terrible food no wonder why they didn't eat it oh well at least we still have two badge oh man oh man i'm gonna stay in here forever all right is everyone here yep all right how are we gonna get that car over there if it's locked in that cage i'm sure that one of those balloon boys just like one of the balloon boys at the prison has another key card that we have to get so we're gonna need the key card to get the car out of there but then once we got the car then we could all drive over to evil chica um but how are we gonna get the car out you know what leave this up to me y'all i'll stay here it's my car i'll figure something out oh you sure you were the one who was in prison don't worry i know what i'm doing now now that i know there's a threat i i know what to do don't worry i'll take care of the car i'll be right back all right you all of you all stay there oh okay all right i've got to get my car back from these stupid balloon boys oh here they are um hello there mister oh hello i was wondering if i could if i could purchase this beautiful car that you have on display oh what oh sorry it's not for sale well it's not for sale why is that oh well basically evil chica um set out a new law in this city to ban the use of this car because uh there's some balloon boys driving around and causing ruckus me or there may or may not have been 12 balloon boys injured that day but uh yeah ever since then evil chica was like no so we're here to make sure no other balloon boys or anyone else um takes this car so yeah oh are you sure well hmm what if there was an emergency used to get the car oh well that's why i have this key card to open up this cage and release the car just in case there's an emergency and we need to use it for something so yeah oh this is really hey can i see that key card for a second oh yeah sure here you go yo i just want to see i always like looking at key cards they're really cool i know right having the key card's super cool all right balloon boy what did you just give him your key card yeah he's not using it on the thing he's only looking at it oh okay phew wait balloon boy what are your shoes untied how what oh i don't have laces on my shoes oh yeah that's right phew okay phew all right well you had me scared there for a minute all right yeah no yep all right everything's normal then all right duper duper dupe enough oh wait a minute balloon boy that's a prisoner a prisoner what the heck are you a prisoner oh does it look like i'm in a jail hmm that do be true no balloon boy he's not a prisoner he's not in a jail oh okay wait balloon boy maybe he escaped oh did you escape prison oh maybe i need a yes or no oh yeah i mean oh no i didn't oh wait a minute you were a stupid person oh oh thanks for the thanks for the um the key card oh hey stop that man stop him oh i'll call for backup oh no don't call for backup oh my face stop right there ah crouch ouch give me that give me that walkie-talkie no it's my walkie-talkie give it to me oh please let go of me give me your walkie-talkie little child ouch there you go i broke the walkie-talkie all right come here you i didn't do anything i was just standing here i don't care phew all right and uh and perfect all right oh my golden car oh i missed you so long all these months i've been without you finally i am this is my true home this car oh i'm finally home finally finally home oh yes yes all right it's time to go pick up the others room room oh wait what my golden car not work wait what hello oh frick all right now vroom vroom oh there we go all right oh i missed this car oh it's good to be back all right room room gotta pick up everyone room room room room and all right everyone i got my car oh wow that was quick yeah all right everyone hop in we gotta go uh go face evil chica yeah come on guys we gotta go meet up with the others everyone get in the car okay lollipops yeah all right is that everyone in the car and uh hey wait a minute where'd the lollipop sky go wait what lollipops man where are you going lollipops i'ma go find the lollipops see you later lollipops lollipops lolli lolly lollipops oh i guess he's leaving then all right well come on guys let's go find evil chica yeah let's go all right room room time to go up my car oh it has driven so many people come on car let's do this all right there we go all right all right guys let's go find this evil chico then vroom yay la la la la la swimming in this pool is fun i think i'm gonna hop in in a second okay balloon boy okay balloon boy you should really hop in oh this boy is so nice we splash yay it's like i'm taking a bath yeah and uh oh yay yay yay i'm swimming i'm swimming boy i'm swimming i'm swimming swimming swimming swimming oh balloon boy yeah um what can't be bad or anything right right oh what do you think you're doing uh i dropped my penny in the water yeah i'm just trying to find my penny yeah by swimming in the water uh i don't know what you're talking about i was never in the water then why are you soaking wet uh good question you know swimming is banned right you're not allowed to have fun oh your goal is to guard this pool and make sure no one swims in it and yet you're swimming in it evil chica is displeased with you wait evil chica heard of me yay no oh anyways balloon boy come here come here come here you need to be punished uh oh oh to show these other balloon boys why you shouldn't swim in this pool all right you ready i don't know i'm not ready no please don't throw me in there i hate this job now you see now you'll see why you don't swim in the pool oh yes yes evil puppet yes we understand good good good good good good holy freak that balloon was just going to launch like 2 000 feet in the air i know right holy frick and i thought i hated the balloon boy but holy frick ah not this stupid one huh freaking get out get this one out of here oh my god ah frick ah anyways all right calm down calm down guys calm down we have to be quiet look evil puppets down there evil puppet works for evil chica how do you know there's so so much information about evil chica i know people who know people also i've also captured some balloon boys over my time in in and questioned them um so yeah oh okay that makes sense oh what do we do we have to go down there and fight don't worry the balloon boys are easy to take on i will face evil puppets while you guys take care of the balloon boys alright oh are we attacking now oh yep we sure are let's go oh okay i guess we're gonna go fight um i don't want to jump down i'm taking the stairs yeah i'm taking the stairs too i'm too old to jump down that evil puppets huh oh boy new friends yay wait why is no one else saying yay evil puppets who are you i am nightmare gray bear statue thing and i'm here to stop this madness once and for all tell evil chica to surrender or else or else what um i didn't think that far ahead but you you don't want to know pathetic you know what i'm gonna be nice today you you you better leave the city right now or else we're gonna have to throw you in prison with the others in prison i'll have you know that we have people breaking other people out of the prison right now i mean uh for i probably shouldn't say that out loud what you balloon boy huh yeah alert the prison guards that the prison is about to be overtaken all right okay um static oh i think that means that that that means their walkie-talkies broken i think they've already taken over the prison god dang it yes excellent work i mean oh yeah it was all planned uh anyways anyways anyways anyways i'm not i'm not too good at this whole good thing but listen here listen to your evil puppet tell evil chica to let the city go and to leave at once and to and to take all of her little balloon boys and get at the frick out of here or else or else what we've already been over this man you can't do nothing oh yeah well i have statue powers i want statue powers uh oh i believe it's fake can someone can someone throw down that balloon boy oh y'all are already down here oh freak i'll just freaking perfect what the heck wait who is that is that oh my god it's balloon boy he's been turned into a statue yes i have statue powers and so if you don't want to end up like that boy you better back the freak off what oh get away from me get away from me balloon boys attack this man at lunch all right okay die mister oh my eyeball oh i think this is part where we're supposed to go and start fighting ah all right let's go beat up some balloon boys all right come here little boy oh what the who are you why are you so ugly and why are you wearing glasses i need glasses to see you idiot oh my face oh you punched me in why are you so mean oh boy oh no yeah hello there little balloon boy would you like to surrender i don't want to fight you huh surrender why are you my new friend oh you want to be fringe yeah i want to be friends guys let's just be friends uh okay i like being friends what no you stupid balloon boys do your job and fight back oh what uh i don't really like the fight though do it all it's evil chica will have your heads i don't want evil chica to beat me up okay i'm sorry mr golden bear george my [Applause] what the heck is that thing ah your stupid shadow shadow thingy get out of here stupid balloon boys get up get up and fight oh our arms are weak yeah we're really weak oh come on y'all are supposed to fight y'all are supposed to be in the army come on dying mister i'm going for the legs oh my legs ouch oh my face i win phew at least it didn't beat me up ah i wasn't swimming in the pool i swear you stupid balloon boy oh joe ouch god dang can none of you do anything right do i have to fight this all by myself oh come over here and face me you stupid noodle freak how dare you call me that oh oh oh oh dying mister stupid balloon boy [Music] i'm too old for this oh my head hurts you stupid fools i'll kill all of you oh you believe me oh don't worry neighbor statue thing oh save the day die you evil puppet um oh you punch weekly oh please don't hurt me oh no oh no i'm gonna die good thing i landed in the pool oh oh oh everything everything hurts evil shadow die you old man oh that's not nice oh you stupid puppets it's time sorry puppets but now it's time for you to be turned into a statue uh no no thanks huh i'm a little boy oh freak i miss oh well time to turn you into a statue on check and not i'm gonna leave bye no evil puppet escaped god dang it oh this was terrible oh is everyone else okay guys guys ah i'm not meant for fighting ah ouch oh everything hurts oh i feel his pain this wasn't a good idea i'm sorry guys i should i should have thought about that y'all aren't really ready for fighting ah god dang it evil puppet oh an evil chica oh hey wait where's shadow shadow toy freddie shadow shadow toy freddy are you okay oh man oh neighbor grey bear statue thing i don't think we're gonna win come on you all have to have confidence um um we're right there at the tower we've walked all this way we have to win i don't know i don't know i'm kind of i'm tired i'm tired joe ah um all right you know what fine i'll let y'all rest for a bit let's just let's just wait a bit let's let's wait for the others to show up how about that we'll wait for the others to show up and then when we have strong numbers then we'll be good yes let's just wait for the others okay wait for the others you say huh why we're already here oh oh perfect this is good oh golden freddy i assume you're the one who is the previous owner of the city yes but no i am still the owner of the city this is my golden city and i am ready to take it back all right we're ready to fight and oh what what happened did you already do all the fighting or ah well we did some fighting there's still a lot more fighting at the very top of that tower but everyone here is kind of tired out so um well come on guys help me take back my city please i need your help i can't do this alone i need help in order to take back my golden city and oh i didn't put the parking brake on okay okay there we go it's been a while since i've driven that car um but no we need to we need to take back this city come on guys let's go come on ah oh no it's i'm very tired you know tired from fighting well if y'all are tired then y'all can take a break but no matter what i'm going up there and i'm fighting this evil chica who thinks she's better than me can take over my city all right all right you know what that's that's a good idea all right all right i have a plan all right whoever needs to rest y'all can stay here and rest all right but the rest we will go up there and fight all right oh okay i'm gonna rest if that's okay i don't want to be like a chicken or anything but i'm just really tired and also i got launched like 50 000 feet in the air and fell on my head so uh yeah all right you you take a break you take a break um shadow shadow toy freddy where's he at you you take a break as well okay all right yeah you take a break as well uh teach um teacher trap what do you feel like um i don't know i don't know um i really do want to rest but um i think i'm gonna rest for now oh okay all right everyone else uh everyone else are y'all are good oh yo i'm good i'm good yeah i'm good of course i'm good all right well the rest of us let's go up there and let's stop evil chica once and for all oh yay let's go why are we going well we need to figure out how we're going to get up there on that building hmm my car has a feature it can ride up walls it can yes it can drive up walls come on we'll just use the car to drive up the walls and we'll all get up there hmm perfect all right everyone get into the golden car all right we're going to go up there and stop this evil chico once and for all you three stay down here and rest all right we'll be back and if we don't come back then we'll probably need some help so uh yeah all right all right come on guys let's go yay oh man evil chica oh all right evil puppet you're back were the balloon boy swimming in my pool well one was but it's not important look somebody's trying to take back the city what take back the city uh they're stupid they think they can stop me who is it is it that stupid golden bear did you get out of prison don't tell me he got out of prison uh oh yeah that's right one of the balloon boys said yeah i think i think i think the prisoners got out god dang it ah stupid i shake the stupid balloon boy army i mean they're massive numbers but they're all kind of dumb and kind of weak but whatever it doesn't matter all right what's going on what's going on puppet well um i went down to the pool i was checking on the balloon boys like normal i i kind of killed one of them because they were swimming in your pool um but then uh there are some people that came down and started attacking us um who who was attacking you oh let's see i think there was this uh uh this golden guy um was it was it golden freddy from the prison or no it was some other dude he had rosy cheeks and stuff okay i guess there's someone different all right who else was there um let's see there was this ugly green bunny with glasses uh okay seems irrelevant and next um let's see there was a shadow shadowy shadow bear solid black uh no clue who that is um and then finally there's this gray nightmare thing the hydrometer gray bear statue thing i've heard tales of him no no no no why is he here he shouldn't be here do you know him no i don't know him but i've heard tales of him he's a great creature with god-like powers with a single touch he can turn anyone into a statue oh yeah he did that to some of the balloon boys what did you do anything did you try stopping him i did but he was too strong ah god dang it god dang it puppet all right well where is he now i think he's coming up here to try to beat you up what well at least we have time to prepare all right get ready for war puppets and my my daughter yeah get ready to fight uh okay all right we're gonna stop this nightmare bearer i've heard him be super powerful but soon i will be more powerful once i defeat him evil chica oh what the heck oh god dang it they're already up here surrender now or else we will have to fight uh about that no i am not surrendering i've worked too hard to take over this city soon i will take over all the cities and there's nothing you can do you miss your gray bear man statue face whatever your name is i don't care you dare insult me i will turn you into a statue uh i don't know about that part uh whoops i tripped you oh troll my face quick evil puppet my daughter attack oh okay weave oh no i guess i have to attack her whatever all right come here i'm gonna beat you up uh hi oh oh please somebody pull me up i don't want to fall from this light don't worry i got you oh thank you evil puppet and wait evil puppet shadow toy freddy get out of here shadow toy freddy no [Music] now i will destroy you too oh oh oh oh yeah good thing i got the remote for my car uh oh no that's shadow toy freddy shadow toy freddy oh i'm okay oh okay oh i gotta get back to fighting i guess i gotta push you up or push you off or whatever hey get away from my sister huh who are you i'm anime toy chica now go away ouch my face oh yeah you punched me i punched back a kickback oh approach hey let it go oh [ __ ] yeah that's what you get mean you head [Music] you are no match for me unite my cray-bear statue thing they don't call me evil for nothing oh oh my head hey you big stupid chicken leave him alone oh he's tradition golden freddy the ones who i took this city from that's right you took my city why would you do that because i'm evil and because i'd like to take over cities now golden go now golden freddy if i kill you then no one then you can't rule this [ __ ] anymore and it will be all left to me no yes now i'm going freddie my face ooch i don't know why i locked you in a prison i should have just killed you what kill me don't kill me that's bad well i am evil like i said before so uh time for you to die approach no please don't hurt me oh my head that's it it's time for you to go away and hey hey you stupid get out of here ouch oh [ __ ] stop it stop trot oh couch hey leave her alone get off of me you heck oh sure get out of here oh no oh no no oh no you mean get oh please don't kill me i've been the good boy this year god dang it why won't you die let go oh no don't hit my hand it hurts let go mister and die no i don't want to do it let go so i can take over your stupid city properly like go and die oh stop it where's okay hold on much longer die hey what who are you let him go where the [ __ ] did you come from i always come back don't freak now let him go my face are you all right oh yeah i'm okay all right let's get you up here oh my god ah that chicken's crazy oh i know right you seem familiar to me do i know you hmm i've got to ask you the same thing well i guess it's not important yeah it's probably fine um this is some lovely weather up here uh-huh sure is you're not oh that's nice car over there oh thank you that's my car your car yeah um why do i feel like i've seen it from somewhere before oh i don't think you've seen it before wait what'd you say your name was i'm teacher trap teacher trap hmm yup never heard of you um yeah no but no that's my car that's my golden car i used to drive it around my best friend's springtrap but ever since my city got taken over i haven't seen him i haven't seen him since then so yeah big sad i feel like i remember this shitty but i don't remember it it's weird it's a weird feeling i don't know how to describe it i don't know how it's possible i feel like i'm getting mad deja vu hmm interesting oh my head what the stupid evil chica get out of here wait so what you're trying to say is you used to ride around in that car with your old friend springtrap in the golden city yup sure did hmm interesting well what was that well i used to go by the name of springtrap but then i changed the teacher trap because that's what everyone started calling me so yeah really what is that did you teach something or something well i used to be in the school but then apparently there's some type of evil school that this stupid fredbear man or something was taken over and apparently there's some people in there who um who had previous lives and that he uh he erased their memories and stuff like that and so um yeah apparently that happened with some people but luckily not for me that would be terrible if i lost my memory yeah you know speaking of spring trap you actually look kind of like him do i well minus the glasses i'd say you pretty much wear him ha interesting yup but it's kind of sad that you're not him yeah kind of shouting dude wait a minute so you said that fred bear dude or whatever uh erased some people's memories and wherever you came from yeah i was in this weird universe or something apparently there were some people there but except for me anime toy chica and her sister apparently were the only ones who didn't have some type of uh original character or whatever so yeah oh interesting yeah well how do you know that you didn't um i mean i don't know that for a fact well i mean the fredbear man he he brought back everyone else's memories and stuff so whoa i'm sorry man i'm just getting mad deja vu vibes from this whole city i've been getting that the whole time that's why i haven't really been saying much i just feel like i remembered this place or something it's weird hmm tell me more about this springtrap man oh well basically he was uh he used to be my friend he showed up to the golden city one day no and i introduced him i got him in my car we drove around and then we ran into some people uh had to deal with some issues and then yeah that's pretty much it and we were chilling in the golden city but then one day everyone turned out to be a hologram but i don't know if he was a hologram or not and then he just vanished i turned around for a second he's gone and then i black out and then i woke up in jail so yeah ah interesting i'm trying to think i'm trying to use my my big my big brain here i feel like i'm on the urge of discovering something but i just don't know what discovering something like what i don't know like some big secret or some big mystery i feel like i'm an urge of figuring out what happened to your friend and what's been going on around this place and what's been going on around this whole time hmm interesting i don't know i still don't believe the whole thing about people's minds getting erased and stuff like that i still don't believe that part well well your friend over there he can turn people in the statues oh yeah that's right i guess powers like that do exist why'd you bring that up well do you think you had your mind erased maybe hmm wait a minute take off those glasses okay well i can't really shoot without them just take them off for a second oh okay there you go took off my glasses springtrap huh i think springtrap i missed you like wait wait a minute gold called him freddy says come on regain your memories this is the golden city remember the golden city ah kinda it is you i know it has to be you it just has to take time soon don't worry in a matter of time the longer you stay here the then you'll start regaining your memories i know it's you i'm starting to remember things now i remember i remember that car and i remember the first day i came here i i remember why i came that's because i had nowhere else to go yes you're coming back yes my old friend oh guys we're still in the middle of a fight you know why are you just talking the whole time oh yeah that's right we are in a fight ah you freaking hatch okay enough chitchat for now springtrap we gotta fight this dude or girl how dare you assume my gender and i hate this stupid car hey that's my car you're talking about oh oh oh leave my car alone yeah that's a pretty good car and all for i should probably put on my glasses wait i can't see what's going on wait what's going off oh i dropped my glasses oh no frick where'd they go oh oh they're right there on the ground oh guys get out of the way why you say that die you fools oh my god no no you monster you've killed all my friends [Music] yes now i'll kill you too oh i gotta turn you into a statue quick statue powers activate oh my face you're not very strong for a nightmare oh shut up i'm self-conscious about myself [Laughter] now now nightmare greybear statue thing now i will kill you and i'll be the most powerful person in the world except for my boss of course but shut up anyways nightmare graves that you think oh my face it is time for you to die no please don't kill me there's no one who can save you there's no one who's as powerful who there's no one more powerful than that can defeat me you will die an atmosphere thing i'm gonna throw you off this building you will die no if only someone could save me evil trigger how what the heck oh what the frig you killed my son i won't let you die this easy laugh oh you murdered my son god dang it there's another stupid flying bear how many of them are you you murdered my son and now i will now i'll defeat you stupid evil chica get back here oh ow my leg out i gotta run away i gotta get out of here retreat get back here you coward and face me i'm the freddie that can fly get back here ouch i'm gonna come in the future once and for all it's time for you to finally die evil chica [Applause] oh to my face what the where the freak did she go don't tell me she got away oh freak i gotta scout at the area evil chico where'd she don't tell me she got god did she really get away no god dang an evil chica god dang it evil god danged gotta god dang it call that years of training gone to waste god dang it got away well it's good to know that there's good people out there who are saving lives besides me oh all right good thing evil cheek has been stopping uh guys are you guys okay oh yeah we're all good oh good thing that there was this ledge right here else everyone would have fallen for fallen to their death phew you alright yeah i'm all good i'm all good uh evil puppet we gotta get out of here oh what ah yeah we should go yeah all right come on let's get out of here hey where do you think you're going uh bye uh yeah see ya oh what the [ __ ] hey where are you going come back oh they got away um guys oh i gotta get over there i don't know oh that was scary guys guys they escaped well that's okay as long as we're all right is everyone okay oh i think so yeah ah well that's good that we're all still alive so that's good oh okay ah i'm coming down there [Music] ouch is everyone so everyone's all good yeah yeah we're all good um well don't worry guys we have a friend that's taking care of evil chica right now so evil chica will now be thrown in jail for all she has done oh god heck and dang it um guys evil chicas escape the city what how is that possible i don't know she ran away god god dang it we couldn't stop her but at least my city is saved yeah yeah that's true oh i'm really tired yeah we should all just we should all just rest for a bit oh well hey you guys can stay here for a while in the golden city oh that feels good to say that again i remember those good old days ah wait where's my glasses i need to put these back on now let me just get back on ah there we go oh oh boy oh boy oh boy well uh what do we do now well now i think we're just going to take a while and take a a break and chill out in the golden city for a good while well that sounds like fun i love the golden city it's really nice and beautiful i like this view from up here yeah yeah it's really beautiful uh-huh well um if you excuse me guys i'm gonna go continue my quest and to find an evil chica and put it and stop her why do you want to stop people chico because apparently i had a son and then she killed him and he could also fly but then he she killed him in new york so um yeah oh i'm sorry to hear that oh no so i'm trying to get my vengeance and put a stop to all this so uh oh i guess i'll see y'all later oh goodbye oh goodbye well i can't believe that bear can fly look at him fly away oh snap that's insane being able to fly i wanna fly oh oh well um you all good springtrap yeah yeah i'm all good okay that's good we have a lot of catching up to do i can't believe it so what happened ah that's a long story oh well we got all the time in the world so you can tell me everything that's happened um oh what are we gonna do now well we've lost we have to leave this shitty now god dang it but don't worry we'll be back some other day take it over again um oh okay all right vani we're finally here all right so basically my boss man told me that we have to come here and help these people ah okay yeah and uh oh hey speaking of there they are hey guys oh it's that stupid glitch shot man you're late you're supposed to help us defend uh well yeah we're here to defend yeah we're ready to defend what are we defending the city all right let's go well we can't now we already lost what wait what yes you were supposed to be here forever ago and you lost didn't fredbear tell you to show up here uh yeah he did and we just got here so it was it was a pretty long drive you know from the pizzeria all the way to over here so oh god dang it oh freaking heck oh oh god heck and dang it well what do you want us to do now that we're here i don't want you to do anything you don't have you don't need to be here anymore we already lost so there's no reason for you to be here anymore okay come on vandy let's go at least we still have the glitch trap mobile a car hey wayne glitch trap yeah can we ride with you so that way we have a ride out of here so we can go somewhere else and yeah okay yeah and by the way uh boss man told me to come to his office after i was done uh done here so we have to go drive up over to where he's at and uh yeah oh oh great hey that means you can tell him that you've lost uh that you lost this battle in the city oh that'll be excellent oh boy all right come on let's go and tell him uh no i don't think we need to tell him that part come on it'll be fun come on bailey let's go okay yay oh my god all right come on this is our only ticket out of here come on we have to go with glitch trap oh okay all right ah fine i guess we can go all right come on everyone get in uh wait where can you oh you guys can ride in the back oh okay all right come on everyone inside let's get inside yeah okay fine i don't want to ride in this junk van get in oh okay fine all right that's everyone come on vandy get inside uh okay all right we're gonna drive out of the golden city time to make a big u-turn and time to get the freak out of here it took so long to get here but i guess it's time just in time for us to leave yep long live the golden city you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 391,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, Golden City, Golden Freddy, Nightmare Grey Bear Statue Thing, Evil Chica, Golden Toy Freddy, Shadow Toy Freddy, Anime Toy Chica, Balloon Boy, BB, RP, Roleplay, City, Battle, Funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 3sec (3603 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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