Gmod FNAF | Five Lost Nights At Freddy's [Part 12]

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hmm what wait I'm alive what what happened to me Oh Oh Oh Phil back to normal but I can actually talk properly again - oh well what happened well I thought I I thought I finally died but I guess not Oh guys Barney chica Oh foxy oh you're awake Barney Barney wake up Barney guys get off this table approach oh my face now really hurt well guys Bonnie wake up Barney stop sleeping on me come on wake up bonnie bonnie guys come on no guys come on wake up she can wake up come on stop playing games now do you cut don't give me that look Chico and wake up here we go Oh hmm Oh guys wake up this isn't funny I don't want to be left here alone would wake up chicken boy oh no oh my friends are dead and I'm left alive oh damn no I said I don't want to be alive no one else is alive because then life will be boring and sad boo hoo boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo if only someone could help me boo hoo hoo [Music] fanni puppets spirit puppets please help my friends aren't waking up I don't know why it's because they're dead oh okay that's gonna hurt yes oh well can you help them can you bring him back to life yes I can bring him back to life that's why I'm here oh snip you're really cool and dope yes yes but promise me one thing what's the you'll find my body and help bring me back to life oh sure thing just hope revive my friends yes I'll revive your friends now oh wait for me oh oh ouch my face oh that actually was my but nevermind oh oh are you Freddy what oh hi Freddy oh I'm a ghost I'm a spooky ghost it's been a while since I've seen you oh yeah whatever oh sure oh I'll start reviving everybody got dang afraid I told you stay away but I'm bored and wait a minute hold up if all of you guys are getting revived can I be revived but no I can't because my body was destroyed this Elvia goes forever nobody won't care about me I'm so sad mmm so so sad I mean if we could just find it if we could just make another endoskeleton to make a new body for you or something like that mmm really it's that easy yes immortality is that easy when you're a robot yippee i'ma go tell my ghost friends our way oh my god okay anyways ignore him he's been driving me crazy in the afterlife oh that's fun oh you wanna know you can revive everybody I guess all right I'll revive everybody but you can't tell them I revived them because then they would get really suspicious there's stuff like that so yeah all right you get life and you get life and you get life and I guess this little plus she gets like yeah all right so they'll wake up in a few minutes Oh Thank You puppet I don't know what I would do without you also Freddy also there's some there's some vice I need to give you come here oh what's the what's up I see these boxes yo what's so important about those boxes those were delivered here earlier this morning they're here those are those are new parts for you guys who new ports we get to do fixed yes but you're gonna have to repair yourselves what repair ourselves but work the human those humans gonna help us out well it's gonna be a while before they come back around here so you might as well get to work besides even if you only allow if you only let the humans try to repair you they're not gonna be able to repair everybody they're not gonna be able to save everybody so you got to do this your own part fazbear got to get off your butt for once and do something well okay so just repair myself okay should be a piece of cake well also you have to go dig out of the old burnt place and get out everybody else and bring them all back here and clean them off and so you're gonna make me do work for once yes yes if you want to save all your friends but how these people are even my friend I haven't even met half of these people oh but don't you want to be a good soul and save everybody oh I guess so mmm good now dude just do those things and you should be good all right well I'm off to go away so yeah see you later we oh boy puppet oh dang this is gonna be really weird oh boy but hey at least we get a second opportunity to perform and this time we should not fail already Oh guys guys you awake okay guys calm down calm down calm down don't worry I'll be right back oh I just got some packages so um you know we're gonna fix you guys up cuz I'm Freddy the repairman ow we fix you guys up is there anything I can use to prepare my friend so what does this stage so I don't zap me oh that's not good oh hey huge fancy dancy toolbox drink is don't worry guys I'll fix everyone up what happening of me did I burn everybody oh wait you killed everybody uh uh yeah well damn bear man told me to oh this is probably um okay that's mm I probably shouldn't take that literally cuz it's probably out of context or something like that anyways doesn't matter fix everybody up alright well [ __ ] you old Fox you're gonna need some new super repairs uh what's wrong with me I've never looked better you're really exposed right now and I can see everything I can see your wires hanging your don't look at me wires okay anyway so uh let's see who needs repaired first probably Bonnie bunny oh okay let's see is there any new endoskeleton parts let me get some endoskeleton parts and once I fix you guys up some then um then we can start saving everybody else so yeah alright the dupa dupa to throw in these boxes throw in the boxes i they say fragile but i don't know what that means so much throw them on the floor and break everything doop doop ado and freddy the repairman oh yeah let's go alright guys they just got all these boxes in here man this place is missed now alright time to fix everybody up alright Bonnie let's see here mmm-hmm yup alright I got some new windows held and Bart's for you I can't throw my my lower body yeah it's because it's chopped off I mean oh no there's just a small switch I gotta flip it'll take but a moment oh just just stay right there and it'll be a okay just got a well let's see here gotta get some endo legs on you shouldn't be a problem um well let's fix you everything up there we go there we go let's get some nice fancy parts on you dupa dupa dupa do do slowly fixin Bonnie the Bowman supa dupa dupa do doop there you go pal you got some legs oh oh there we go or chica you need anything my feet my foot okay let's see I'll get you a replacement foot for right now um and we'll slowly get some new parts on your foxy here I'll catch you up look at you your hook back Oh mr. cupcake get out here mr. cupcake hey don't throw my cupcake Freddy y'all you did a good thing Freddy could you also give me my pants back please I'd like some pants oh I just realized everyone else I'm the only one wearing pants here besides plushtrap you guys are freaks I can see everything alright well exceed let's see I need get you and he picks the wrong you're are fixed my arm picture ha y'all give me my hook back oh I'm working on be patient mr. y'all finally I got me hooked back oh oh well isn't that great oh you guys I'm trying to fix you as much as I can it's hard to go okay these boxes are labeled really weird oh oh okay I think I've I have a Bonnie I have a bunny ear here for you Bonnie oh let's see here let's get this over let's just get this ear on dupa tube to do booty doop doop doop doop you got some new years Wow thanks thanks man thanks man well also I think I need to fix some things of you oh let's see here let me fix that um Joe of yours right there there we go and there's your mask - I found your master - there you go pal and you know what's so fix that boat - actually um you know actually have your torso right here and we're gonna plop that bowtie and make you look fancy pal thank Thank You Freddy oh you're a good pal Oh already oh we can't spend too long fixing all you guys go check it let me give you your face back Oh Thank You Freddy uh asket - attrition work right oh that's okay um mmm Oh we'll fix that later where's your where's your head uh okay um I can't see anything free I can't see anything oh I don't know how to fix that also here's you some dirt some also there's your Bibble just you okay oh I can't see anything you better fix that eye of yours Oh hmm here let me try to help you out Oh oh that's that's not gonna do anything for you oh wait a minute oh oh wait a minute hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up my bad Boop I said poop there we go chica oh thank you now I can now I can see yep Oh already Oh dupa dupa - it's going to do put I mean uh repair tools doop doop ado got to fix your hand doop there we go and foxy you need another foot and let's see let's try to fix that face of yours alright here's a foxy mask for you and let's see here what else do we have in here um let's have one of your ears there you go pal y'all can I get my pants back Oh nope well guys we can't spend the whole time fixing you chat well fear actually you know while I'm doing this I might as well repair my leg so that way I don't look like a creepy boy over looking around there we go there we go got some my parts and uh speaking of some parts we got some more Freddy Freddy parts in here doop doop doop doop de doop doop doop doop doop adiy and doop alright guys we can't spend the whole day fixing ourselves cuz we got to save everybody else why shave everybody else yes they've all died and stuff we've got to bring them back to life huh so come on guys we got to go pull them out of the burning building come on guys let's go on an adventure oh I have Brandi I'm new here there are nobody cares about you it's too dangerous going there for you a little kid go play with mr. cupcake over there what no you can't throw me to the side oh sure so you finally so someone else has finally felt my pain ouch that hurt y'all come on y'all come on let's get this over with yo I feel naked right now that's because you're know a couple of guys we gotta save everybody from this building oh don't worry unknown fireman it's gonna be okay ma'am I think that's a girl come here it's gonna save you from the building throwing you outside for throwing all these dead kids on outside doopa doopa doopa do doop i got a bunch of dead people in here we're gonna bring everyone back to life and have a happy proper ending for once in life doop doop Adu it's okay little kids I'll save the day we'll bring you back to life and do something fun oh hey here's puppets body all right and oh let's see who's this it's not at end opened oh I see and there we go dupa dupa dupa Freddie the fire your fireman is here here to save the day we're gonna take down these barricades and throw everyone out the window doop doop doop throw everyone out I'm gonna fix everybody today got some chickens got some bunnies and I got some foxes too doop doop doop bring in everyone back to life cause I'm a good boy oh look a book I'm gonna bring everyone back to life we're gonna start a new and a half our way and finally save the day doop doop there's oh there's oh that's the actual mr. cupcake right there oh who is that uh oh it's probably the toy cupcake or something huh oh well doop doop doop I think that's everybody say anyone else stuck inside behind besides these skeletons I'm I can't save you skeletons you guys are dead um duper do okay I think that's everyone oh I just made it oh I made a big mess that's it you always come in outside and help me drag everyone inside I can I can stay here and help repair people ooh I call cleaning everybody your I'll freakin help you get people inside your here's the puppet we oh boy my first patient I got a scrub this fell up and and helped fix him luckily my wires will do good or actually wait now I think this is occur puppets a girl all right let's let's clean off the puppets and yeah make it sparkly clean okay doop doop doop doop de doop doop doop with you sparkly palpates um those the puppet need repairs no puppets fine I'm gonna throw a puppet over here at the over here and the lines so we'll just we'll line up people up on the walls so we can help bring everybody back to life oh okay y'all let's see here hmm there's no big bird oh that's one nasty chicken uh-huh oh this was one of my replacement huh well you know what maybe I should let this one state ugly come on Chico here we gotta save these people now I can't fine fine I'll scrub this one down to do goop ado I'm gonna clean ya clean you off doop doop there we go all right bond here we go oh okay let's see here oh oh oh whoops Oh freak the toolbox I needed that Oh God dang it give me that toolbox or let's see here hmm well let's see here let's plop you up on this counter let's see you need a new windows Hilton Head and some feet or let's see here let's see if I can get something for you all right let's see mm-hmm okay I think I found some things for you all right one new chicken foot I said one new chicken one new chicken foot I said one new chicken foot lift up what the heck oh there we go one new chicken foot and it'll see here on Doupe Doupe Doupe got some hands um doop doop doop let's get that end Oh head back in put those eyes in and doop doop doop oh let's see here get that on and dupa - actually I have all the pieces right here let's put everything back on now there we go all right I got one animatronic fixed we y'all let's see here are who else is there Freddy oh let's see there's this dude over here y'all y'all who we are it's just your bunny boy or another customers arrived oh boy another customer for my cleaning shop chica this isn't this isn't a store well it is now and but we're not making me any money oh I guess you're right okay whatever you might not allow have fun no you know whatever no all right um here we go Bonnie fixes brain then you don't have to throw people oh these poor people they're being thrown around alright let's see here mister oh let's see here hmm hon this dude's definitely been possessed by demons okay don't see it's um good thing I got some demon spray right here let me just spray this in his eyes go okay that's that's not normal either but uh um oh well okay let's see Oh mmm actually uh let's see I got a foot covering for you and that's all I have um sure okay let me look in this box is over here more boxes any more parts Frick okay here's another person your another customer okay let's see you got a cleaning them up clean them up I'm gonna do this oh this one's really shiny oh oh this is a good model of me see this is what I should have been like oh hey stop throwing people over here I'm freak I'm slacking behind where these horses ear I can't date honey find these earpieces okay another customer oh oh that dudes covered in wires oh no he's nasty y'all get this filth away from me oh boy another cleaning customer let's see Duke Duke Duke there you go we got God dang it chica okay finally okay found you stupid ears in this stupid eyes got-dang okay so behind I duper do you get these uh yeah uh no you get you get the blue eyes you could no actually wait no you will get you get green eyes and let me fix that ear dupa dupa do no let's fix this up it's this out there go you get in there button boop boop boop and advanced I know let's get that ear fixed dupa dupa dupa top ear okay that's not what I was going for but other ear no I said other ear there you go alright this dude is is fixed alright we repaired this man and yeah wait Freddie how are we gonna bring all these dead people back to life oh don't don't worry about it I have a secret talent or something okay no the dead person who you are get this dude over there okay time to clean oh my gosh I'm so behind okay um who's this does the student need some wait does this do need to be colored okay alright Oh what does this do need oh he doesn't Jacob this dude doesn't need anything why'd you throw him over here I'm sorry I'm behind on things all he needs is text oh oh wait oh hang on I have an idea of how I can fix this dude doop doop doop 2:52 doop tube to 250 tube there we go alright get this dude over there well I guess we'll just make a pile then all right kind of clean clean clean clean or let's see who's my next customer oh oh this is a thick customer right here all right let's see here Oh doop doop doop doop good you do well let's see oh you need some repairs alright let's see here oh okay got it gotcha like peace um doop Toob Toob Toob 52 going on repair I said we're going to repair there we go and there we go foot oh do I need to fix your fingers so I don't undo that always there oh okay now let's see here oh let's get them hands back on there oh we're missing your fingers that's oh there we go fingers fingers put in the fingers put in some hair doop doop doop add a beak and a Joel doop doop doop put in I said put in your eyes eyes I said put it okay fine um doop autumn cheeks the brows where the Frick are your eyes I said eyes put in your eyes oh those are some big eyes all right um dupa do doop doop eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes there we go you know what I think I would be fun if we lift the babe off of this one all right here there you go all right and bam you're clean all right Bonnie oh wait oh this dude needs a new pelvis Oh Gooch Oh freaking out my face ouch okay final give her a bib sorry I just went enjoy the view Oh fine BAM another person done daeng all right let's see what is it to do oh if this dude needs a pup okay that's not too bad I don't know why he's missing in the first place but whatever all right dude and click all right hand anything else nope all right hmm all right we gotta say a smelly stinky boy oh this do all all that's good that's gonna take a while to clean and repair your we know what is this thing no this thing needs nasty you ill ill ill ill it's nasty I said it's nasty yeah all right Oh Bonnie here you go Bonnie here you go Oh Oh what the heck oh that thing is dirty all right got a doozy clean and where do I even begin with this dude oh shoot all right another person Oh foxy I think this is like when your replacements y'alright I don't care ouch bully all right boy let's see here Oh final freakin clean this dude off um let's see here clean and clean there you go Bonnie here you go oh my face all right you know what I'm put this dude off to the side it's too much too much work to fix him up on fix him up later I'll fix him up last all right let's see if it was just dude all right first of all we got to gotta do some advanced things right here so let's go ahead and fix that endo bender up of yours indo indo there you go and then let us do this all right let's do put some ears on get that head in those eyes back to normal and right arm let's fix that leg of yours said let's pick two let I said what stick to like I said let's fix the leg Boop and Boop there we go no oh okay and I got a reef extent hook of yours um doop doop doop doop to do b'doop alright fun boyos done next up we have is a uh I think this I don't know what this is ooh a mystery character I wonder who this is gonna be alright let's see here let's clean it off and uh hope it looks like it's a line what the hey don't throw my fellow bunny burglar in around Oh Oh No well this is oh no my friend little brother Anu what did they do to you oh oh this dudes a mess don't worry I'll fix you up Oh okay first of all we got to fix that endo of yours cuz that is not okay all right let's see doop doop where's the indo indo indo there we go and oh I know I gotta do that for you and uh alright let's see here let's put everything back there we go at that doop put all your stuff on there you go pal don't worry I'm here for you I'll put you back together um let's see here doop doop doop doop doop doop come on man there we go foot oh come on right foot and then let's uh let me do doop doop and I'll fix you up let's take things away and then fix that up I'll see you I'll fix your hand I'll fix your arm and I'll get you some new eyeballs in Europa doop there you go another boyo has been saved all right let's see we're getting down to her oh wait off freak there's another pile my gosh I put these for the last people all right um that's just like a mangled arm angle aha all right let's see here let's clean this one off all right color it off nope so clean it off no there we go all righty Bonnie here you go what the oh you know it actually wait there's a whole new suit in here no I'm just take the CPU CPU out of this and snap my fingers get that out of here and Boop there we go another another well this is a girl other girl has been fixed okay next up we have this I don't know who this is here you go you're foxy got stuff thrown people around or I don't care yeah alright who is this okay let's clean off it looks like it's a Freddy doop doop doop biz no okay let's uh clean this off and uh oh it's fried bear oh oh oh poor Fred bear oh oh Bonnie here's Fred bear be careful what though Fred Bear oh man poor Fred bear all right Oh hmm let's see here um oh poor Fred bear um well let's see okay actually this few parts or click-click click-click clickety-click i say click click click click and um oh I thought there would have been more parts oh well um alright I fixed Fred Bear up as best as I could Oh hmm oh hey here's one of my eyeballs in here oh boy I was looking for this I let's see here I want to fix my eyeball eyeball eyeball I found one of my eyeballs do do dupa do to us come on man let it right and there we go found one my eyeballs in here and let's see oh speaking of eyeball there's a few more pieces in here you know I'm finding all of my own all my extra stuff oh yeah I'm just missing a few more parts I'm sure it's somewhere one these other boxes alright who's next I'm waiting well next up we have is Oh mr. cupcake here we go you are mr. cupcake don't worry I'll save you oh no this isn't mr. cupcake the golden one you lied to me you can lie to me next up we have is this weird body dude who are um alright let's see here oh it's uh it's spring bonnie bonnie you have any parts are spring bonnie i know you said you didn't have any for like fredbear oh no I don't have any i'll having parts for that models free money oh okay into the pilot goes no except we have is uh Bonnie are who is this Treecko oh no let me see some me I might let's see Duke do um oh um oh I think this is the spring Bonnie the spring Bonnie oh snap why is he imposing as me I don't know oh well I don't have any parts for him okay into the pile goes yeah alright gotta make my way over here alright I think a lot of these guys over here just need to be cleaned like we have an endo that needs to be cleaned and let's see what else is there is we got this do didn't need to be clean I think we're almost I think we're about done with repairs oh let's see this dude needs to be cleaned whoops I smacked his head oh we need a new head for this guy oh but don't know if we got one oh and then we got a another dude it needs to be cleaned and then more people we need to be clean you know okay I think we're about done with all the parts so there should be like no more parts in the UH in the parts tank ouch my face bonnie is there any more is there any more parts in there Oh Noble no only our parts okay good y'all finally I can start preparing myself oh come on guys let's start fixing ourselves so y'all yeah okay um who's gonna start fixing up first oh it's all that one of you guys pick is getting fixed up oh I guess we got to clean these guys off chickie go over and start cleaning okay oh my good old store preparing myself up for sports you go help them y'all dang it why do I have to help everything yeah all right y'all come on guys the main pile is like over here okay mmm I'm bored you wanna play again you know now I'm tired oh all right time to clean off the end of endo doo doo doo doo tube to tube to tube to tube to do all right all this little boy needs fixed someone fix this boy Oh touch my face spinal fix the little boy oh oh yeah also this dude needs fixed okay fine we're working on it you are well then I'm all the way over here don't eat it it'll tell the doctor oh my old body back [Applause] I am back I'm alive I'm back alive Oh what the puppet greetings FL old friends who I barely got to talk to because I died like right away hello everybody I am back puppet your bug yes I'm back and I will start bringing our former friends back to life I don't even know how if those people well you started you were here for the beginning and you I don't know if there will be an end you won't really hear from the middle I don't know if there's gonna be an end now because technically you can't swear moral if we all come back from the dead or something like that so um yeah I'm not sure oh well I'll start I'll start bringing people back to life look splendid all right well look there's an endo oh and yeah y'all what should we do now we shouldn't leave them on the floor start prepping them both against the wall y'all okay fine all right y'all right you see this dude goes there you know we got this dude right here and she we got this doer well this girl right here and then we got this dude right here and then we got we go we got this weird withered this withered man right here Gauhar okay yeah we should probably set up these people who'll make them I'll probably make them feel better where you probably shouldn't just you know leave them on the floor that won't it be nice all right let's see you'll say you right there oh we got this cupcake thing I can just go right there with you you guys ah let's see here we got this bonnie man right here and there we go and then you know we got fredbear um you know what here let's put fire back just like he was one of our good friends um let's see here we got got this foxy and then um all this bottom bonnie you did a terrible job with this Bonnie's hanging and his hands like freaking shrunk fixes he fixed this through tain't this poor man's hands Bonnie okay if I don't fix my brother ins hands my gosh this dude was really beaten up you should have seen him before but I okay final freaking fix his hands or I would see here there just a little little tightened up we got a unstretched him a little there we go and oh there we go alright there we go fix his hands you happy yes I am happy well I just got to unfreeze the hands now alright there we go there we go alright yeah let's let's set up all these people's in that way um they look much more better we have another withered I'm gonna set these wither guys to decide when I won't see here doop doop doop doop doop doop doop and another withered person so all the withers I'm just gonna set them off design alright there we go there's there's that person and then we also have this a bonnie dude right here so there we go and then we also have this weird dude so we'll just make a pile over here like weird people do and doop and hopefully the humans can help these poor souls over in this corner because because we clearly can't oh I can't find any parts for this bloom boy over here so they can go into the pile and let's see here yep got more parts for myself dupa dupa oh I'm almost back to normal I just gotta get a good old bath and then yeah you know also I can't find a thing for this dude so I'm just gonna also throw them over here into the pile of the rejected onion two broken people let's see hope this little toy Bonnie fellow I think there's actually something in here for him I'll let's see boop doop doop and doop doop there we go um oh here I can fix this like really quick though oh it's dude leg no thanks fix there we go alright fix this dude oh he can go up there alright and do Purdue photo next to the endo Bindo old endo Bindo no endo can you chill out man alright doop doop well there we go guys oh hey alright someone else come over and start getting parts for them you're I'm next I'm next yo yo yo yo give me some Parks Commission parts y'all I'm freaking ugly guard yo yo yo yo yo yo yard your your yo y'all kind of put this on freaking exposed your there we go your yard there we go look I'm much better now hard still you're alright alright here let me have a turn let me fix myself up so your are you don't want to shove all right there we go uh-huh yeah doop doop doop doop fixing myself oh no oh yeah oh yeah I can't believe things are finally turning around and now all of a sudden we're all back to life and we get to have another whole fun adventure oh hey I know right it's so exciting hopefully nothing goes wrong yeah alright um there we go I think we're good enough for now Oh what should we what should we do well I think we got everything out of the all building um just want to do a double check yep yep yep all righty do we do guys all right guys this is the beginning of a new era in our lives so um yeah we're no longer lost we've been found uh-huh very very interesting and I'll revive these people tomorrow I'm tired look oh boy I thought my gosh you said not to be lazy to me and I wasn't lazy and now you're being lazy I can't hear ya I'm sleepin good dannion all right guys we should all oh I guess we would probably be good for us to go back to sleep and stuff like that so yeah that way the humans can do some final touches up on us like the repairs that we can't make yeah okay all right so I didn't have time Oh yep it's time to go back just like you are um what should I do with fredbear oh I don't want him to get if they throw out the withers I don't want them to throw up fredbear Oh I'll just okay I'll just throw them over here hopefully they don't do anything with them push up push up are you staying over here yeah I'm staying over here let me sleep okay already I think that's everything y'all wait what about these boxes oh no I'm too tired to move boxes yeah I'm asleep your arm asleep good dang fine I'll put these boxes over here then you know just throw them in this Court well we don't even need the Box there's like nothing in them but uh whatever empty boxes do people just throw them in this corner for right now I guess dupe do oh I gotta clear this place you know you know there we go doop doop let me put this back on the table and oh we got some more boxes and yeah there we go now nothing can go wrong at all all right now it's time to go back to sleep well yo and then once we all get fixed up then we can start a great new adventure uh-huh wait I just thought of something what are the humans gonna think when they see we're all repaired stuff oh I didn't think about that oh well doesn't matter it's nap time what okay fine whatever if you say it's nap time then it's nap time yep it's nap time and once we all once we're all fixed up then we'll do something fun all every single animatronic together how many how many people are there even though how many fellow animatronics are there of us well I'm sure there are more but there was some remember there are some other animatronics like um like that one other version of Fred Mayer which he's not here with us and also that other version of you of the normal Freddy oh yeah we got to figure out if we're gonna bring those people back to life or something oh so I'm asleep I don't want to think about that right now but we gotta bring everybody back you said so oh no we're now I'm tired okay fine whatever it's sleepy time yup it's sleepy time oh yeah sleepy dog dupa dupa it's sleepy time
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 3,950,343
Rating: 4.696764 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, Lost, Five Lost Nights at Freddy's, Part 12, RP, Roleplay
Id: 1Azt8GNpJWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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