Gmod FNAF | FNAF In Squid Game! [Part 1]

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[Music] oh what the what the wait what is there wait what oh oh i see his darkness there's only darkness oh bro wait what the heck where am i what the what am i in bunk bed what the heck oh what the ouch what the what the heck is going on oh what happened wait a minute this ain't the pizzeria what the wait who are all you people who are all these people uh where the where am i am i in prison oh no did i go to jail what did i do wrong this time oh no they must have found it i committed tax evasion oh no oh god god damn what's up with all that noise can you shut up i'm trying to sleep over here oh what oh is it time to get up yay guys it's time to get up everybody it's time to get up why my ears ouch our army head are oh we'll fire flooding away with the foot he's not sleeping on the way before he's still really tired we're freddie oh oh my ears what was that wait where are we what the heck oh i thought i almost felt wait what the oh gosh oh i thought i almost felt the butt oh god okay i fell off the bunk bed ow pow ow i love it when people feel pain but not when i do look mr wigglesworth i think this is what they call summer camp mr wigglesworth oh that's that's wait a minute what's that supposed to mean oh hey little boy do you like counts you want to come into my bunk what the mr wiggler beat him up mr wigglesworth kick attack oop oh um where the frick are we oh i don't know i won't go back to sleep well you can't sleep something's going on oh what the oh where the heck are we oh my god oh my god one oh my god i can't believe i can't believe i can't believe it oh believe what i can't believe it bonbon wow so you're surprising me what what yeah so you so basically while i was sleeping you brought us here and now we're gonna go to the beautiful resort like i always wanted to oh i thought oh my god thank you so much oh my god this is gonna be great and if it's anything but then i'm gonna have to slit your throat oh how are you sure oh no oh my head and what the what are we what football football wake up wake up where are we wait spring bunny what did you do what why are you accusing me you did something what did you do i know you did something what i didn't do anything i just woke up i i don't know i'm confused as well and who the [ __ ] is that hi oh dear god oh what the what's going on early bird oh god get the warm room no no no no no no no no no no no no what the frick was that sorry that was my early morning wake up call what i do that every single time i wake up okay that's concerning daddy daddy wake up wake up ah what the what where are we what the heck what the what no wait there's wait wait a minute wait a minute there's there's people here oh no that means i have to i have to socialize oh no my greatest fear no oh i want to get up what's going on what's what's going on wait what the what where are we what the wait a minute what the heck first of all where the frick are we second of all why the [ __ ] are all of you sleeping on the job nightmares wake up wake up now now oh oh oh sorry yes sir yes sir i'm ready for the glamour body reporting for duty i like soup like stew where's the likes i'm gonna make links too wow nightmare freddy oh reporting for duty y'all i was awake the whole time i swear i was just pretending to uh confuse any enemies coming by fly strap is finally here what's going on everyone what the wait where are we i can fly okay well that was kind of random uh i i don't know i think we're in some some uh some weird place or something i don't really know oh well guys whatever it is we're in it together so let's do what are we doing a bunch of people talking or something blah blah blah blah blah blah blah some some of some of something something something something something hey everybody shut up for a second oh hey it actually worked uh well guys i think the door's opening look over there oh my gosh who can be behind that door i'm scared oh no you're who be it who brought us here um hi everyone my name is uh my name is dave and i uh i brought all of you here today what guys he's the one who kidnapped us quick everyone gang up and beat up beat him up ow ow no not my spleen ow ow now i'm explaining not my explaining not to anything but there's oh yeah take that you stupid idiot who was that i've been in i'm in it oh no there's more hey step away from dave only we can beat up dave nobody else you guys oh oh thank you guys thank you guys good thing dave you had one job dave yeah one time job dave i i didn't think they would attack me i'm sorry guys my my first day on the job i'm sorry hey can you tell us what the heck's going on well you see here you little boy oh we have kidnapped all of you against your will to play this little game how the heck can you do that you evil monsters what the heck is wrong with you people hold on hold on calm down calm down i wasn't finished i wasn't finished because we're going to make you guys play some games doesn't that sound like fun yar we'll never play your stupid games yeah we'll never listen to you guys well you know what actually thinking about it playing some games right now it doesn't sound half bad you know spring bunny is a little bored so i think playing some games could actually be kind of fun guys what are are you stupid or something what i'm just being honest she i told you they'd be upset all right well uh um well whoever is the uh the winner of the games there can only be one winner and there's uh how how many people are here i was supposed to count them wait did you not put their name you're supposed to give them all numbers so that way we could count them all up oh whoops i must have forgotten the name tags god dang it dave you had one job ow ow hey wait a second i thought you said we couldn't hurt dave does that mean that means you heard him so now you have to get shot well he does raise a pretty good point time for you to die oh no no no no remember what i said only we can beat up dave nobody else only we can beat him up oh yeah that's right that's right oh nice try a little [ __ ] boy for trying to fool me what what but but but no more bullets ah my spleen ouch okay calm down you can't just shoot all the contestants okay we have a bunch of games we need all the contestants to participate and you've already we've already killed two of them that's so that's not good um yeah wait did you just say kill so they're dead and they're never coming back oh yeah that's that's how death works you idiot what else do you think death means of being stunned being knocked out for a second no it means you're dead oh no anyways as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted whoever is the overall winner of all these games gets a prize a prize a prize a prize a plus a prize a prize a prize yes that's right the winner gets a prize of fifty dollars on bitcoin what the bitcoin well wait a minute our price is going up or our price is going down prices have skyrocketed oh my god that's uh that's that's actually pretty something but now that i'm kind of thinking about it i don't know if i want to risk my life for something like this so i don't know if i really want to participate in these games but that's not all we'll also throw in a bonus a can of baked beans oh my god football football we gotta win we gotta win the squid games they gotta get the campaign it's the back place oh get off of me okay we got the win we gotta win so um yeah that so that that's the prizes so what you guys are going to participate in the games and we're going to we're going to go to our first game now so uh everyone uh everyone dave get up oh ow ow everybody follow dave dave is going to take you to the first game come on god all right come on dave let's go okay and if you do anything shush i'ma have to shoot you with my rifle uh okay we're definitely not being held against our will to play some games but let's go play the games i guess i wonder what the first game is alright everyone this is the first game all right the first game is red light green light so this is gonna be a lot of fun gonna can anyone hear what the heck they're saying i can't i can't hear them from all the way over there so uh yeah anyways let me go over the rules and uh sir what you're interrupting me all right i don't think the speakers are on what wait oops wait hang on mic check one two three one two oh frick oh hang on let me go oh okay can you hear me now all right so the first game will be red light green light all of you contestants will run from one line to the other now the key to this game is the doll so if the doll says green you're free to go but if the doll says red you must stop and not move if you move there will be consequences oh but uh yeah try not to get killed and uh yeah okay uh you just go whenever the doll says go or or green frick but friendly reminder there can only be one winner overall so if you survive this game welp you might just die on the next one so uh good luck to uh to everyone right let the games begin green what the oh okay i guess we're going so it's just red light green red light green light's an easy game yo like who could possibly mess up on this type of game yar i don't know about this fellas wha why aren't you going yo i think we should hang back a bit and see what happens [Laughter] red [Music] oh my god he's dead queen well i guess we better start moving come on guys let's go you are you alright i don't know about this game oh here we are i don't want to participate in this game yay this is gonna be so much fun daddy i wanna die and uh wait a minute red goodbye cruel world queen come on vanny we gotta win this we gonna win this manny okay which trap okay what's up 45 bro this will be a piece of cake they're gonna be a piece of cake hey wait a minute i just realized something i can fly screw this game i'm gonna fly across red oh what the heck wow this game is so much fun isn't it mr wheelsworth yeah it sure is red oh what the mr queen oh boy okay okay i gotta go gotta go i can't believe afton's dead okay i gotta keep going gotta keep going come on baby let's go yay we're gonna die don't say that oh no oh oh man oh man this is gonna be all right we have to be super close and oh my god there's still such a long way to go my feet are tired already y'all how are your feet tired already we've been doing this forever yo no we have not we're still only at the beginning why does it feel like forever you are you gotta be like a pirate and just run for it no no way spring bunny is gonna win the spring bunny is gonna win oh god dang oh god dang it i'm not good at running this isn't my resort that i wanted there is clearly a pattern to this red light green light game if i am consistent i will make it to the end most efficiently without having any risks of exploding oh my gosh there's so many people here oh man there's no way i'm gonna be able to beat all of them get on my way little child hey i'm not a little child you stupid teddy bear oh how'd you pass me red money queen oh man oh ho i'm the only one who hasn't started yet oh no i'm really scared i don't want to die but i guess if i don't go i will be killed or i guess i guess i should start going oh my goodness oh there's so many people that have been killed oh oh it's a dead body oh no oh my gosh yeah there's so many people that have been killed oh no i can't believe all these people have been murdered oh my i'm so scared to go i feel like she's gonna call red any second oh man i'm going so slow i just don't want to get out you know hey shadow freddy i think i know what will help us what this is squid game right yeah so it's a game i'm gonna beat you at this game what oh not if i beat you first oh heck no heck no no no no no no no i'm making perfect time and fanny what the freak are you doing on the way back there you're supposed to be up here winning i'm sorry glitch trap i'm just trying to be very careful you know if i if i get out i i can't be i won't be able to help you you know well come on benny we're almost there the finish line is so freaking close we're almost there vanny come on come on okay okay okay i'm so far ahead oh i've lost everyone in the dust wait a minute what i'm in last i've been lost how the freak am i the king of nightmares and last god dang it keep moving forwards red light [Music] green light your power oh my god oh frick yo i made it across your yard y'all let's go you're foxy's are the best yo haha foxes are always the best everyone knows that i'm so close i'm so close i barely made it across phew quick everyone run for it cranberries cranberries cranberries oh my gosh oh master run oh my gosh running is so tiring oh but finally i was able to catch up and now i'm in first oh and what what what what where did everyone else go what the oh is everyone else over there how did everyone get so far ahead oh my gosh oh my gosh we gotta keep going everybody we're almost there oh could you shut up i'm just trying to be supportive oh my ears whether chica is right as long as we work together as a team nothing can stop us i don't want to work as a team ah why am i doing this why why am i going through this pain come on we're almost there oh my gosh i feel like i've been running forever don't stop believing don't stop believing holy freak i got your forehead red light green light and open the wings beat you shadow freddy no god dang it endo how'd you beat me get me across this line oh my gosh i feel i'm safe oh make way for phantom freddy yay oh man oh phantom friends did you see that wait where are my phantom friends wait are all the other phantoms dead oh mr hook this one's for you oh i'm taking it out a good soldier never gives up i made it ah spring money's almost there oh hey excuse me sir what what do you want about the crust of line what do i do now what you gotta cross the line come on come on see now you're safe now you're safe you idiot oh thank you stranger [Music] come on michael we gotta go we gotta go i know i know hey guys what the timer wait there's a timer oh that reminds me dave how much time's left uh let me let me check my stopwatch uh two minutes less than two minutes the clock ticking minutes we gotta go no michael is red light green light yeah i'm across him across yes let's go fanny ouch we did it we survived yay i fell on my head oh cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake yar i made it so did i let's go wait for me wait for me wait for me oh i did it i gotta cross we gotta go we gotta go i'll save you what are you doing and let's go [Music] out i made it across how that hurt i couldn't make it oh that was a close one oh my gosh red light green light ouch you made it freddy oh oh yep i made it i made it let's go oh my gosh oh i'm so close oh well at least now i finally passed some people oh my god is that what what oh am i still back here everyone's already all the way up there oh my god oh my god guys just go for it go for it i'll get on my way yeah make room make room all right let's go let's go oh i made it i made it oh i'm safe oh my gosh i'm so close ouch oh i tripped ow i made it yeah i'll find you mr wigglesworth out of injury i made it let's go yes oh gosh i'm so close hooray oh my gosh oh my gosh we're so close oh stupid ow you stupid doll out of my face oh yeah i me i'm out i failed oh i can't believe shadow money's going oh no no shadow buns timer's got 30 seconds 29 28. oh i gotta go is the only one who hasn't crossed his nightmare uh no wait withered bonnie hasn't crossed you're what where's their body you're right there keep going wait what what did you say yo yo with everybody crossed the line you're right there why 14 seconds what are you doing with everybody cross the line you're right there you are cross it crash right now you're about to be killed come on withered bonnie you can do it what i can't understand when you're all talking at once six five yards get out my way go go go with everybody okay that's the game congratulations to our survivors wait so since there's more than one people did we all get to split the prize what no that was only the first game what the first game how many games are there that's a secret well um that's it wait no there's more oh gosh i don't know if i can do another game get some rust and i'll see y'all whenever we do game two what game two are we seriously doing game two i don't know freddy what do you mean you don't know i mean i haven't decided if i'm gonna you know do it do a second video on this you know you know and the only way to you know for to get me to do a second video you know is for people to like and maybe even subscribe and leave a comment saying hey you should do a a game to a squid game you know because yeah you know what are you whispering down my next dare my precious freddy fazbear anyways yeah you know if you guys would like you know like like this video of me and uh you know share it a lot and you know leave a lot of comments and stuff then maybe just maybe i might make a part two you know so yeah you know this this this took forever for a 22 minute video i've been here for three hours please help me and this video is not even it's only 23 minutes please click like and subscribe please
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,367,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Funny, Squid Game, Red Light, Green Light, Freddy, Spring Bunny, Phantom Bonnie, Ignited Bonnie, RP, Roleplay, Story
Id: stikgPkqaQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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