Gmod FNAF | Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery Roleplay!

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i'm so excited this is my first time being home alone all by myself ah a few today's been awesome i had a huge party a bunch of my friends came over because mommy and daddy left this morning to go on some type of business trip or something so um i've been chilling at home but i've been watching all these cartoons on tv and stuff but and i can stay past my bedtime without them knowing they said i wasn't allowed to throw a party they said i wasn't allowed to eat all the candy and now they said i wasn't allowed to stare past my bedtime and uh look at the clock it's been three hours since my bedtime it's actually dang man it's it's midnight right now huh i'm getting i'm kind of exhausted after eating all that candy and partying i think i'm gonna turn off cartoons for tonight and i guess i'm gonna head to bed uh i'd stay out but i'm really tired i'm really sleepy and stuff so oh well duper dude being home alone so far has been awesome so boop okay gonna turn off the tv helm boy oh boy i love being billy i love doing that show uh alrighty well i guess i'm gonna go to sleep so uh i guess i'm gonna go to sleep ding dong what what the frick oh maybe maybe maybe my friend uh okay that's weird there's doorbell ringing at the middle of night but i think it's probably just one of my friends or somebody who came from the party just probably left their shoe or something over here so uh all righty let's see let me check the door hello um oh it's dark and scary outside um oh wait what's this uh turn no packing i don't know what that says because i i'm failing english class right now so oh i don't know what this is but i think it's a package okay let me take it inside um yeah i watch actually yeah uh oh i broke it whoopsies i broke your what was that i broke your etern eternal packing i'm sorry mr box um whoopsies oh well oh what is that huh wait what is this oh a phone oh i've always wanted a phone mommy and daddy you wouldn't let me get a phone because because they said i wasn't responsible enough after i let our little puppy randall run away and got hit by a car they said i wasn't responsible enough to have a phone so oh but thank you uh mr eternal pac-man well those are some big boy words um maybe it's business stuff maybe it's for mommy or daddy um oh well but they're not going to be home for like another week so i guess it's my phone now and a ding-dong wait what is that is that what the friend what does this say what wait wait what's this a little message popped up why it says did you invite me to the party what what party oh the party from earlier wait but the party's over oh oh i i don't i don't understand what what is this and i thought i couldn't read what i'm really confused now oh um okay well i've never had a phone before so i guess i'm just gonna get used to it or whatever okay how do i oh i can reply um what should i say to this dude uh sorry whoever this is i cool kid because now i have phone and your big stupid face send uh oh wait oh poop emoji poop emoji poop emoji send that's so funny oh my god i'm so funny stupid kid yeah yeah i don't even know who that is hopefully it's not one of my friends if so they're gonna beat me up whenever i go back to school um okay whatever alrighty wait why look behind you what there's nothing but mommy and daddy told me there were wild bears out in the woods oh i gotta get inside oh i'm taking my new phone with me oh oh no there's some scary animals outside that's right it's night time oh why is the night time so scary it's never normally scary when mommy and daddy are here but okay whatever okay well i got me a cool new phone and um it's super cool and stuff so um um okay um hmm okay but like that bear was really weird and stuff um here i'm gonna set my phone right here i'm actually i'm gonna go look out the window i didn't even get a good look i think i saw a bear what wait it's gone what what okay it must have been all from all that sugar and candy and stuff my mommy's daddy said i would hallucinate from if i ate too much so i'm probably just hallucinating that's it i don't even know what that how am i understanding these big boy words what the [ __ ] okay something's definitely wrong something's wrong i'm understanding all these big boy okay whatever whatever i'm just gonna go to sleep okay i'm gonna take my phone and i'm gonna go to sleep i'ma go to sleep i'ma go to sleep i got me a new phone i'm uh you know what screw screw going to sleep i'm gonna go lay in bed i'm gonna play on this phone oh i wonder if i can download that mobile app everybody's been talking about school angry birds i gotta play me some angry birds oh yeah okay i'm gonna go to bed though i'm gonna take you to bed okay i'm tired so i'm gonna lay down i'm gonna lay down in bed and i'm gonna try to figure out how to uh how to download angry birds on this thing so okay all right duper dude get my phone yay all righty um okay time to download me some angry birds okay how do i how do i i don't know why um how do i download stupid angry words okay i think this is the app store ding what the freak stoop another it's another message what does this say it says uh it says trying to have fun without me what i don't understand okay whatever okay whatever ding wait what oh my god why is my my uh i'm so popular man i just got a new phone it's already ringing up that's how popular i am but i think it's from the same kid over and over again what does this say wait it's not it's not a message it's an alert what one animatro what what what is it what is it am swan what does that word mean one of those things is nearby what i don't understand this these foot this is complicated i'm confused i don't understand how this stupid new phone works what i don't understand well well well um what do we have here today oh boy oh boy what's this someone got an eternal package i better set this up for all my friends to know mm-hmm looks like somebody forgot to lock the front door looks like i'm gonna make a new friend today oh boy oh boy [Music] i love having new friends inside of me i'm just such a swell loving guy okay yes finally angry bird just downloaded oh yeah yeah where what the freak was that hello i also hear my okay i heard barking and laughter what the [ __ ] is my doggy is my doggy doggy i heard my puppy dog i heard my puppy dog what is my puppy dog outside i heard from barking oh maybe my puppy dogs are live i gotta go find out puppy dog puppy dog i think my puppy dogs outside oh my god what is that come on now we're gonna be friends forever ah that's not a puppy dog ouch my puppy dog wait a minute it's not my oh maybe it is my puppy dog maybe my puppy dog wants revenge on me and it's haunting me in the form of a bear that's really weird but i'm so confused why is there a scary bear outside what scary bear oh there's no scary bear out that door is there a scary bear out this door no um okay um oh my god what do you want now ever since i got this weird phone this thing's been weird maybe i should just get rid of this stupid phone uh what what is this thing what is this thing attack mode enabled what do you mean attack mode enable phone my phone has an attack mode what does it have a gun inside of it what what is this wait what what is this weird there's like a weird zap button what what is this like lightning bolt can i uh oh can i can i can i control it it's like it's like oh [ __ ] okay i get it it's just like pokemon it's like uh use thunderbolts i taste myself ow what the frick oh i just shocked myself owie time mm-hmm make a brand new friend today oh what the heck out of that stupid thing how freaking oh no wait what that just drained half the battery jesus oh my god ow that hurt man okay wait i can what i'm so confused what time to make a new friend remember friends are forever oh no it's a scary bear hide i think somebody's in here did you forget to invite me come on now remember you should always invite your good friend freddy to the party i know you're in here somewhere you can hide but for how long i'm so scared i have to be careful i gotta make i gotta be very quiet i gotta be super quiet i gotta limit my breathing i gotta be super quiet oh i think i found my special friend now now oh no he found me he found me oh no no now i have a special delivery just for you what just happened what what what what i'm so scared what i'm too scared what what what just wait what what oh oh my goodness i was gonna what oh i was is he i think he's dead is he oh he's dead oh oh my this all makes sense now i finally understand everything oh i finally used my brain my phone is a pokemon and it used thunderbolts and it killed the scary robot man oh my goodness i'm a i'm a pokemon trainer that's right i just recently turned 10 years old i'm gonna be the very best oh wait so since i can't can i capture him can i capture him uh uh pokeball uh go pokeball uh okay that didn't work um what okay well this is weird oh okay whatever um okay my phone phew oh my goodness that big scary teddy bear was about to kill me and stuff but my phone saved my life so uh so that makes sense if some spooky robots trying to kill me i use i use thunderbolts on my phone and it kills the animatronics oh my goodness that makes so much more sense now oh oh my goodness i thought it was a funny prank at like you uh like it's like a hand buzzer you know when you shake someone's hand you zap them i thought that's what it was at first but okay this okay all right phew okay wait oh freak okay okay phew wait okay well at least that one's dead but uh he's dead um i don't feel [ __ ] okay i've i want to go to sleep but i don't feel safe with him in my room um i think i'm gonna go sleep downstairs in my sister's room my sis my sister went with mommy and daddy out of town so i'm gonna go sleep in her room instead because i don't want to sleep i i'm i'm not i may i may not be smart but i know i'm not stupid i'm not sleeping in a room with a deacted freddy bear because i he could just reactivate and kill me in my sleep so i'm not staying in this room so uh i'm checking my phone with me though because it protects me okay you know i'm gonna go back downstairs and i'm gonna go go with my sister and my sister i'm gonna sleep with my sister i'm asleep in my sister's bed what i that doesn't sound okay but whatever they're not home so they don't have to they don't have to know okay this is just getting i should shut up the more i think about this the weirder challenge but whatever i'm kind of i'm not i'm not sleeping next that freddy bear man okay all right i think this makes sense okay all righty okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go down the stairs take my new phone with me whoops i dropped it a couple times oh well it's probably fine okay take my phone with me um i'm gonna go over here okay the tv is off um okay is there any spookums outside okay i don't think so buzz blues uh oh what what now mr phone what's going on mr phone oh oh what's this two animatronics are now in your area what there's more watch two animatronics are in uh oh no oh no sir oh hello anybody outside bonnie's my name i'm hopping along watch this aussie run belong to the song watch this oh eternal package oh there's a special party going on and i wasn't invited i'm very sad about that hey chica stop making those weird sloppings out oh i'm sorry bonnie i was just eating some yummy pizza okay stop it but chico look there's a party going did you know about this what now bonnie did you know about that there's a party going on here and we weren't invited oh we weren't invited oh but oh well i don't really care too much about parties but chico think about all the pizza you could have oh pizza yo that's right chica there's a party going on inside we gotta find the party br we gotta find the the birthday boy and wish him a happy birthday come on chica okay bonnie let's go find the birthday boy wait a minute oh no oh no my phone i need that i need that okay okay if i just go to sleep it'll be okay um oh go to sleep go sweep go wait where'd my phone go oh no don't go into the fire don't go into the fireplace no oh no they're inside the house they're inside the house mr phone mr phone what's going on inform you mr phone can i track them tracking enabled what there's tracking oh okay um okay oh no my phone's all staticky and stuff what the freak you stupid phone oh i probably should have thrown it down the stairs now i think stupid phone um okay all right that's good and stuff i know what that this area is more staticky what the frick static go away it's not going to wait wait why signal interrupted animatronic what oh it's detecting that there's an animatronic over there oh free okay okay i'll be good i gotta be careful okay okay okay okay hey chico come inside okay i'm here monty where's all the pizza chica chica chicka chicka chicka chicka chica go find the kitchen while i look for a friend okay bonnie i'll go to the kitchen kitchen kitchen gonna go to the kitchen now which one of these rooms is the kitchen hmm is it this room in here no oh no you're checking the rooms oh wait a minute i'll be smart about this i'll hide i'll hide i'll hide from them okay shut up phone shut up hmm what was that sound i heard something from over here hmm is it this room hmm anything in here nope nothing in this room hmm what's in this room oh the kitchen oh boy oh boy let's show you what type of yummy snacks they have in here oh my god no show close oh wait a minute [Music] wait watch this what what wait a minute static static stuffs hmm i think i know what i have to do oh wait a minute if if zapping disable that dude upstairs i have to travel the disabled animatronic watch wait wait hold up hold up hold up right now oh she's distracted she's eating all my food no that's the leftover candy i didn't eat she's eating all the candy no i can't live with this you stupid chicken stop eating all my candy what's that a special friend come here and give me a hug what no freaking oh my goodness that was so scary oh she freaking ran at me oh but my phone shaved me again i zapped her and then i threw my phone at her oh yes wait she deactivated uh hello oh she's deactivated i did it i killed the scary robot hawaii i did it yay um okay well uh i'll take my phone uh oh i cracked the phone screen oh now it's even more static you want the frick okay um uh oh okay i'm sure it's fine too cool what was all that noise oh no oh no the other animatronic that's right there's the other one wait what one new animatronic in your area what there's another one out okay there there's one inside my house and there's another one outside right now okay oh frick okay i gotta go i gotta go if he finds me next to this chicken he's gonna kill me oh wait okay i can just zap him but wait what the phone battery is dead what oh wait it's recharging it's recharging so slow no i have to wait for my phone to recharge so that way i can use the zapper wiper again i gotta hide i gotta find a hiding spot chica what was all that noise down here you okay you got into the kitchen oh no i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta wait for my phone to recharge um oh where do i hide where do i hide oh no oh no oh oh oh i'll hide in here into the closet and okay i'll be safe in here i'll be safe in here chica chica you okay buddy chica chica are you okay i heard a big loud sound of you screaming chica chica oh chica chica oh no chica what happened to y'all chica chica no chica she finally ate too much pizza at nine no i told her it was a matter of time chica don't eat all the pizza wait a minute hold up a second if she was gonna die from eating too much she would have had a stomachache first and she hadn't been complaining about no stomach ache so if she didn't die from the pizza then how did she die oh that's right the birthday boy oh the birthday boy didn't invite us to his party the birthday boy didn't it one is at his party oh the birthday boy must have found chica and ended her oh oh heck no don't worry chica i'll pay the birthday boy a visit and i'll make sure he gets the best present possible don't worry chica i will avenge you i will revenge you birthday boy where the freak you at i'm about to mess you up i know you're over here somewhere i'm gonna find you and when i do i'ma break you in two like a carrot stick no where's the birthday boy at oh no the big scary bunny okay it's almost fully it's almost so much recharged it's almost recharges at 75 okay okay i just gotta wait for it to fully recharge okay it's almost there birthday boy nobody's in this room oh but this door is closed what's behind this door trick or treat anybody in here birthday boy where are you and close the door i know you're in here somewhere there's nowhere to run i'll find you eventually might as well come out now 95 percent birthday you know i can't fit in there i've been eating too many carrots where are you at there boy where you at oh my god he's trying to grab me oh is that a toad i smell give me your toes come here no let go of my foot come here little birthday boy come out the play come out here so i can get a bigger jump out of you come here let me get your legs so i can take a big bite out of it no please don't buy my leg off phone attack zap zap oh my god i'm so scared boo hoo boo hoo oh my goodness i i did it but that was so scary i almost died if oh my goodness okay phew phew okay oh my goodness my four phone um okay wait let me get my new phone um oh no it has another crack on the screen uh oh oh no i gotta be careful this phone's the only thing that's keeping me away from these animatronics uh oh i gotta take better care of it um okay well he's dead now so oh i have to walk over him what oh that's right there was another animatronic outside uh oh uh oh your heart horror fiddly diddly oh no they're inside the house now oh for free i need to i need to hide i need to get away from the body because he sees me next to the bonnie he's going to kill me um okay okay um i got to find a new place to hide um um oh no you're [ __ ] you're you're do your [ __ ] she found a new playmaker you are come here a little lad are you scared yet oh my face oh no i dropped my phone you're let's let's yo you want to be a pirate you're sure you'll have to lose an arm and an eye your heart oh no i don't want to be a pirate oh no i dropped the phone oh no please tell me he'll step on it i know you're over here somewhere oh no oh you are bonnie what happened to you oh he's distracted i gotta go out my face oh no please don't touch me i gotta go i gotta go you're where that little lad go you're you're come back here little laddie i'll make you pay for what you did to bonnie buzz booze booze i think there's somebody inside are you scared yet i'm so scared but i left my phone downstairs and the phone's the only thing i can use to kill these animatronics so i gotta get my phone but i'm scared but i gotta be brave i gotta be brave um i'll sneak around the pirate that's what i'll do oh wait i have an idea you're har har fiddly diddly doo you're what was that challenge your heart [ __ ] you're i'm gonna find you laddie i broke my leg oh no i had to fall down the stairs so you won't see me okay that's you oh my little waggy i broke my leg this isn't funny anymore i need my phone oh please when you get my phone you're that crying i hear y'all nobody needs to cry come on over to the pirates cove your heart are your heart my legs broken [Music] my phone i need the phone my my leg is broken you're hard [ __ ] yo there's the birthday boy come here lad lady oh hooray what the freak what the frick this isn't funny this isn't funny i almost died okay oh oh my like okay i think i can walk out i'll just hurt okay okay i don't oh okay all right um what now mr phone wait what there's three more how much money so i said what please stop tell them to go away oh wait i can message the animatron wait someone sent a message hi it's [ __ ] someone said hi um okay i'm gonna reply to them uh i'm please go away send oh it's another message back he said hello what what what i'm so i just resp okay whatever oh i gotta hide i gotta hide oh my legs broken okay whatever that's fine that's fine i'll just oh no there's another dead robot on the floor oh my i wish mommy and daddy didn't leave i'm so scared being home alone is scary oh no okay i shouldn't have eaten all the candy i should have should have thrown the party please i'm sorry i'm sorry god please oh no oh wait no it's santa santa claus please santa claus have mercy on me because in the song of santa claus always watches you and santa claus knows i'm bad you put me on the bad list no i gotta find a way to get on the good list that's why all this bad stuff's happening to me okay i need to get upstairs i need to get upstairs there's not many high places to hide downstairs okay there's more animatronics coming but this time i'm aware okay this time i can set up stuff okay um okay okay oh oh oh i need to i need to think of something um um um oh boxes okay i have an idea i have an idea i'll use these boxes and i'll i'll just whenever an animatronic tries walking up the stairs this is the only way upstairs i'll throw a box on them and that will kill them okay okay i have i have an idea i have an idea okay all righty all right all right all right all right all right here i'll just do a box i'll do a little boxy all right all right a box box watch okay i'll throw my boxes on the animatronics if they try to get up the stairs wait where did i put my phone wait where where'd the phone go okay i found it was just on the stairs okay all right phew okay all right if someone tries walking up these stairs i'll throw some boxes on them budge brush oh frick okay one of them's in my house okay okay okay just any minute now i gotta be paid hello hello hello hello wait a minute that doesn't sound like a scary robot i think that's one of my friends who came over earlier for the party just like i was saying earlier somebody probably just left something here i think someone left a shoe hello hello hello oh freak that's not a kid that's a weird demon child go away oh no i didn't even get to use my boxes demon child go away would you like a balloon no please don't i don't want a balloon oh what did you just say uh i don't want a balloon oh you don't want a balloon on free balloon day you must die then ouch my face i'll crush your tiny toes with my big metal feet he's crushing my toes oh he's breaking my toes stop oh it's too far away i can't reach it my little arms free stuff i don't have toes under these shoes and neither will you soon you'll be just like me he's crushing my other toes on my other foot [Music] oh oh my leg is broken and my toes are broken now um what now there's another animatronic in the house can i just call 911. it's an emergency it's ringing it's ringing ring ring ring ring okay it's ringing okay okay i'll call the cops because there's too many scary woman why did i think about this at first i've had a phone number this whole time why did i just call i'm such an idiot god damn that would have been the smartest thing to do buzz ring ring oh fr okay but wait oh no there's no amateur in my house and plus you'll take it to 9-1-1 people a long time to get here so okay okay while that's ringing i gotta i gotta go to my trap okay my trap has to work okay um okay all right ring ring ring ring oh no shut up phone actually no this is good they'll make the animatronic come up here okay all right all right ring ring hello is somebody in here did somebody forget to invite me ring ring what is that sound it sounds like a new friend ring ring a new friend upstairs oh ring ring what is that sound quick my foxes go boxes yes wait why phone oh wait i think they picked up hello mr 911 people there's scary robots in my house they're scary robots in my house oh why what is that in a matter of time i will make you suffer suffer like so many of the others me wait why why they just hung up what stupid nine one one people you suck oh free wait no i shouldn't throw that phone oh oh no i broke my phone even more uh oh okay oh oh oh but why did the 911 people hang up on me and why did why did they i guess she wasn't in a good mood or something but okay that's weird ah my face oh oh i'm stuck ouch i mean uh oh no i'm deactivating oh i'm deactivated now wait what was that huh oh wait a minute here i'm gonna set my phone right here oh my goodness i think the robot got deactivated or something i think so here um what okay my box is worked so lightning is the only thing that doesn't okay so i can kill them with other things besides lightning okay that's good to know okay you stupid robot haha you stupid stupid robot stupid dead robot okay and you get my boxes though connect so i can reset up my trap okay stupid robot i can't believe you fell for my stupid box trap hey you stupid robot all right um wait a minute why is its eyes still light load up oh my god oh my god it was still alive it tried you know it tricked me i thought it was dead but he was still alive good thing i brought my i was about to leave my phone up there but good thing i brought it with me i zapped it oh my god oh my god oh oh my god that scary robot almost killed me oh my goodness oh that scary robot oh it it do be looking pretty thick though but besides that it almost killed me okay okay um um well i think the 911 people got my call so hopefully the police will come here soon and oh i should have told them get me an ambulance because because my wagon was broken oh well the police officers will help me out after they shoot up all these robot people okay okay oh my god what the freak now what what phone why are you blowing up now what four new animatronics are outside what four more how many are there oh my god there's so what do you many there's four new animatronics okay i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta hide oh i broke my box what i just got a notification what what new the toy animatronics what what toy what animatronic information what what is this what hi advanced animatronics recognized face id what i'm so confused what mask i need a mask what mask to will not be fooled will be fooled by a mask though what so they're saying so i will be killed if i don't have a fighting mask on a mask um oh wait i think i have a party mask or something left over from from halloween halloween was just okay um hang on let me see do i still have my stuff my mask i made a couple i'm made out of paper and stuff okay um excuse me dead little boy um uh aha yes right here my mask okay okay i have a mask okay good in a wait what is that i see outside what what is this oh oh no there's i see animatronics outside yeah somebody isn't as famous as me around here they can't they don't deserve to live i love to make new friends oh no they're so scary okay so oh okay so if someone tries to hop in front of me i gotta put on this scary mask okay okay um i'm sure it's fine okay um um where should i go though um okay okay uh what do i do with this stupid child okay um um oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay i'm sure it's fine i'm sure it's fine okay i'll be fine okay this gives me plenty of time to hide though i can hide and stuff um wonder there's something anywhere else in this house that can help me okay now i gotta keep up with the mask and the phone are you freaking kidding me okay this is gonna okay oh my goodness man this stuff's getting kind of heavy um okay i wonder if there's anything in this box that can help me hmm come on everybody we gotta go make a new friend i love new friends and uh what's this uh oh somebody didn't have fun oh guys guys come here quick quick it's an emergency what's going on guys guys our friend she's dead looks like they weren't famous enough oh no something bad's going on here oh i heard our new friends inside this building i hope they're okay we need to find them you're right we need to find them yes we need to find them so i can eat them come on everybody split up we must find our new friend we gotta find our new friend and figure out what happened here oh my goodness okay can you like get out of the way okay excuse me pardon me disgusting get out of my fabulous famous face come on everybody let's split up we're gonna find your new friend and when we do we'll have lots of fun oh what the uh oh what now i hear people talking oh watch this three animatronics are inside my house uh oh uh oh okay i gotta hide now um where do i hide um oh there's nowhere to hide in here oh no hmm i i hear an unpopular sound up here i hear somebody's voice who isn't famous hmm i wonder if they've seen my guitar hmm is that is that the famous freddy fazbear my goodness i've always wanted your autographs as you know i don't hang out with unfamous people but you my freddy friend you are gonna go places baby oh man i would love your autograph and i can give you my autograph because you know i'm all famous and stuff like that but uh yeah it's nice to finally meet you you're you're a little shorter than i would have expected but uh what's this uh oh looks like you dropped your phone friend here you go we're friends though so i'll give it back you really gave me my phone back oh watch that you're the birthday boy who killed everybody ew you're not famous not famous people deserve to die i'm going to have to kill you now don't kill me [Music] oh my god that was so scary he got so close to me or or was that a girl i couldn't tell by the voice it was really weird what what happened here oh no more of our friends have died oh no are you okay oh no this is bad this is really bad oh no oh no this is not good i have to find the birthday boy oh no i have to find the birthday boy to make sure he's okay oh no i can't wait for it for a snack where's my beak hopefully it's not lodged in your forehead if so that would be bad oh what's this a friend have you seen the birthday boy i want to serve him my cake if you know what i mean now freddy it's been a while since i've last seen you do you know where he is i just want to give him my cake see look see i got cake see mr mr cupcake boy hmm what's that cupcake what do you mean something's fishy about freddy what do you mean you can see it with your eyes what it's just freddy there's nothing wrong with him [Music] what do you mean hmm maybe i should have a closer look behind the mask oh what's this die you stupid demon chicken oh my god that's so scary it's so scary when they get up close in front of your face oh my goodness i'm getting so stressed about this i'm so tired i just want to go to sleep oh no there's still one more inside my house okay and it's just there's two outside oh great okay i just want to go to sleep oh no okay um um okay um um um okay you know i'm going to my room i'm going to my room i'm going to my room i'm scared i don't want to play anymore i don't want to play anymore what if i just go to sleep with this man no they'll eventually figure out and kill me in my sleep i'm i'm too scared to go to sleep okay oh wait where'd my phone go oh phone oh wait okay there it is okay all right i'll just close the doors i said i'll close the doors close them close them okay i'll be safe in here oh that's right there's that dead footing on the i forgot about that okay all right um okay whatever i got my phone i got my mask okay it's so hard to breathe in i'm gonna take it off for a bit because oh my god i can't breathe okay oh my wig still really hurts okay okay all right um i gotta keep an eye out okay all right phone give me status update status update phone phone i need a status update please please oh i need to find the birthday boy right now i gotta make sure he stays safe i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him okay i just gotta go up these stairs and uh oh man oh no oh oh that's not a good sign um hello oh no my friends oh i'm kind of scared oh no chica what happened to you oh no friend friend come out to play friend friend oh no it's the scary bear flynn flynn flynn put on the mask friend you're okay and uh oh no another one of our friends has died friend quickly we gotta save our we gotta get out of here why we gotta get out of here before the big baddies come quick friend run run friend run run okay i'll run thanks for telling me i gotta run what the wait not without me oh looks like you left your little phone phone um whatever oh oh um okay whatever that's not important friend friend are you okay wait where'd he go friend friend oh you were so young you were so innocent hello hello why won't you say something oh no oh no oh oh oh oh no oh no um oh oh no okay it's fine i don't want to lose another friend don't die on me don't die on me breathe breathe breathe breathe oh no he's out cold i gotta save him i gotta save him um um it's okay friend oh here come in here come in here friend coming here enough oh i'll put you on your bed there he goes see he looks he looks pretty comfy um oh it looks like your your face fell off there friend okay there you go there's your face and put his face back on there we go he's looking all fine and stuff um oh oh oh um um he's is he breathing i thank you i don't know but my ears don't work um oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay well i gotta calm down toy freddy calm down i'm sure it'll be okay um oh no he's not waking up um oh yeah i think he needs his little phony phone thing it's okay friend i'm here i'll be right by your side till you're all better um okay uh here's your phone oh my head all happened i think mommy said not to run in the house and i ran in the house and i twipped and i hit my head oh my little head i am in so much pain oh what the well well looks like you're all to myself what the heck now now you don't need that silly mask anymore i can't move get off of me you're crushing my tiny bones well that would just ruin the fun sweetheart all that matters is that you are all mine no one else's all to myself just you and me and nobody else i'm gonna cry nobody's gonna save me i'm going to die now sweetie hush once upon a time let me tell you a story long ago i had such thoughts just as you i thought i was gonna die when your kind would tear me apart and you know i could tear you apart right here right now but there's no fun without a story so let me tell you a story first before i tear your limbs off oh no once upon a time a lot of your little kitty friends tore me apart that's why i look like this and soon you'll look just like me beautiful please let me go why would i do that i came all the way here and now i'm here oh no oh no now i want you to thank your last thoughts do you have any or any last words sweetie please don't kill me oh my god oh that hurt what the frick ouch i just got zapped oh what the freak oh my head what happened oh i think i fell oh oh no take a nice juicy bite out of your frontal lobe hey get off of my new friend you punk how what the couch are you okay there friend are you okay what the frick you bullied my friend ah it was supposed to be just me and him together oh no i think a piece fell off of me well that's not very nice we gotta stick together friends don't worry i'll protect you what what's going on why i'm so confused hide me teddy bear no no no no that's right stay away from my friend he's not you he's but he's about to be my new playmates your heck that's right now stay out of our way yo fatty oh my feelings have been hurt now come here let's play take apart put back together well that doesn't sound very fun um what's that mr phone you don't like that either oh hey what's this button dude oh no are you okay i didn't mean to do it are you okay are you okay oh my god you shaved me toy freddy oh i did but i think i killed my friend oh no well like they don't seem like a good friend you're right they weren't a good friend they weren't a good friend at all but i'm a good friend aren't i uh yeah you're a good friend you saved my life thank you i would have died if it wasn't for you well friends are forever and stuff um oh boy oh boy what what's that sound your phone's making some noises friend what's that oh no this is terrible what's wrong the big bad bad bad boss guy is here you're right friend my friends are evil and the evilest of them all is now here the final one the final boss battle oh no a bosch battle a boss battle this is not good this is not good at all what what's going on it's mr raftin it's mr afton he's here to claim what's left of you oh no oh no he he's gonna kill you just like so many of the others he's gonna make you suffer too this is not good friend you gotta do something about it here's your phone back here's your phone back you're definitely gonna need it what about the mask the mask won't fool him he's smart because he actually has a brain unlike me okay then um um how do i defeat him you can't you can't defeat him there's no way all you can do is pray i make myself laugh because i'm funny well um i don't know what to tell your friend um that seems like this is the end and if he finds me here he'll kill me too he doesn't like anybody he's alone and lonely forever oh no oh no oh no but wait a minute i'm just so sad that all my friends are dead wait a minute didn't you zap yourself you deactivated yourself but you're reactive when a second controlled sock is implied it reactivates the animatronics um [Music] you can hide but not forever oh okay friend no need to panic i'm a new friend okay i have an idea huh wait can i just zap him though and deactivate him you can't remember he's too advanced sometimes if you try to zap him he'll kill you so you gotta be certain you gotta catch him off guard i have an idea i'll go try to distract him okay uh wait i don't know about that idea okay i'll be right back okay i'll distract them for you um uh oh oh oh hey there mr afton sir hey there friends look i know we're trying our best here to find him and all but uh it's okay i've already killed him there's no need to go look look for him or anything so you can go home oh yo that's my face please stop touching my face wait what are you doing my eyeball oh please stop i'm sorry no don't give me a speaking and i'm sure it'll be okay oh that didn't sound good uh oh um okay um um um okay okay um oh no okay um um okay uh quick phone is there any information you can give me on this new mr uh what do you mean information unknown what okay um how to beach uh wait man i have a phone i'll just look up a guide mister afton finale or boss fight what do you mean no results what do you mean no internet oh my god you suck oh um okay oh free accidentally practice that but no you have to wait for it to recharge are you freaking kid oh my god i'm such a hater i actually press the zap button god dang it um um okay um okay i just gotta i gotta check on mr afton man um oh no okay is anyone out in the hallway oh what the what the heck oh no toy freddy are you okay there is nowhere to run there is nowhere to run where are you i will find you and when i do i will make you suffer suffer like so many of the others oh watch this your own weapon you to kill me you left it out here in the open watch this recharge finished hmm oh it seems like the zappos huh well what if i zap you with it i know you're i know you're hiding in here somewhere you can't hide forever soon you suffer shuffle like so many of the others oh peek-a-boo it's not fun to play make pretend what's this you didn't think i'd find you in the corner no please don't hurt me prepare to die by your own weapon max power achieved i will zap you with your own device prepare to die by electrocution i hurt so bad [Music] please somebody shave me nobody will shave you she will die [Music] oh pizza time what's what's going on oh freddy fuzzbear that's my name i guess i fell and took a nap what's going on let's see what we have here please don't hurt me all right my legs already broken so what a shame one you wanted your legs broken friend yeah when my legs broken can you call the poor can you call the animal labs why would i do that i love to see you suffer so one leg's broken why don't we make it both oh my legs stop breaking i broke my bones oh no oh what the heck what's going on over here oh no little friends being hurt uh oh spaghettios um what the heck my head hurts what please stop big meanie now prepare to suffer like so many of the other others now how do i want to kill you i could just break your tiny skull right here right now i can't breathe suffer suffer like so many of the others what does he mean by that the others who are the others hmm i feel like i should know who the others are hmm what happened to all friends the others friends any last words little boy friends others friends others friends others the friends or the other my friends are the others what my friends are the others but the others are the ones who suffered wait my friends are the ones who suffered hold up just a minute hey there you big minnie you big meanie you made my friend suffer why did you make my friend suffer i stop it i'm trying to uh [Music] where do you think you're going oh my head oh hey yo big meanie face i'll finally see it clearly now you're the one who made us suffer oh you're the one who made us suffer almost save my friends imma save them [Music] you stupid robot haven't you realized you can't no please don't deactivate me oh man that was too easy that was too easy my phone fully recharged wait a minute die your big meaning face watch [Music] please please don't let this be the end what hooray what do you mean hooray what i win what it's over i win i win hooray halloween i win hooray oh oh my goodness oh oh no this is not good oh oh my legs are broken [Music] wait what what happened oh no my phone died oh no it's if it's fully broken my phone is broken uh oh wait oh no i was gonna revive those friendly animatronics that saved my life but i can't cause my phone died uh oh oh no everyone's dead oh no ow my legs i can't i can't walk um i need to go downstairs i need to get the phone i think i need to get a phone i need to call the police i need to call the police and tell them what happened oh where's what where's the phone oh there's a phone in here i think my wags don't work phone yes there was a phone uh dad's work phone okay uh let me use it ring ring ring ring 9-1-1 what's your emergency help me please i'm a little innocent boy i'm all home alone both of my legs are broken there were scary animals that attacked me what's your address uh um um uh it's uh it's um oh wait um okay here's my uh my uh i don't know my address okay we'll just track your direct where this signal is coming from so don't worry a little child how old are you uh i'm 10 years old um okay can you tell me what's going on are you okay is somebody else there with you ah no my my i'm all alone mommy and daddy were out of town and but both of my legs are broken and they hurt really really bad okay um all right i'll send the is is anybody well by anybody else i mean is anybody else there who hurt you yeah she has somebody that hurt me somebody hurt me they broke my legs and broke my toes i can't feel the lower half of my body i had to crawl to the desk to grab the phone well you made a good decision calling 9-1-1 then okay don't worry stay on the phone with me though until until um the ambulance and the police arrive okay okay okay oh my legs hurt oh okay all righty they'll be there any okay they're on their way okay okay thank you nice lady uh-huh no problem okay um okay um well is there anything else going on in anything else i need to know um um um i don't think i think that's everything okay all right just remain calm everything's gonna be okay you're gonna be safe now okay okay okay i'm sad okay sweetie they're there all right can you go downstairs and go meet them um okay thank you alrighty bye bye all right bye oh my goodness oh the police are here oh thank goodness oh oh okay oh my goodness okay and you dang stupid bully face why do you have to well why'd you have to freaking break my legs okay actually wait lady lady yeah my legs are broken i can't go down there okay i'll just send them up there okay just stay wherever you are okay um put the phone right there okay all right yeah i can't walk i was about to be like wait i can't go meet him um wait what the hell oh no i think there's another animatronic inside um i gotta go figure out what it is i'm crawling okay wow where what wait what was that thing where'd it go what the heck i know there's a scary robot up here i know there's another animatronic in here um whoa oh wow ah what where'd it go alrighty um all right so we got a call about a little boy or something yeah so apparently there's this little boy inside of this house and apparently he broke apparently he said both of his legs are broken and also apparently he's home he was supposed to be home alone but apparently someone came in his house and broke his legs or something like that so it's probably just somebody probably was just trying to rob the place or something because they saw that nobody was home but then in reality the kid was home so that's probably what happened so uh there could the robber could still be in here or not we didn't know from the kid so uh there could be a criminal inside of this house um already oh hey goliath i'm the medic oh yeah we know you're the medic okay look okay um all right so okay you got your gun yeah of course i have my gun okay google i just want to make sure because you know just in case of anything spooky inside or something so uh yeah okay matt we're gonna go inside okay let's go inside no you stay outside cause there'll be there could be a criminal in here and we might have to shoot them but on the medic i don't care look just stay outside and keep watching also if we don't come back out here in like what like five ten and like ten minutes if we don't come outside in ten minutes that means something definitely happened to us so uh that means you should go get back up because you know most police people don't take the time to bring back up just like um or to bring a person to keep watch because you know keeping watch is actually pretty good so if if we don't come back out here in like 10 minutes then we're probably dead so calm go go call the station for more people oh okay through all right come on let's go let's go see there could be a criminal in here they could have a what i mean they probably have a weapon if they broke his leg or both of his legs yeah probably so okay all right we gotta keep we're gonna keep our guard up yeah okay all right let's go inside all right what is this uh where's the scientist it says welcome home that's cringy sign okay come on let's go inside uh okay all righty um okay so far nothing nothing nothing nothing okay oh nothing nothing nothing nothing all righty um here all right i'm gonna i'll search upstairs you search the bottom floor okay uh okay wait hold up we gotta see what's in this box what's in this box huh what's in the box what's in the box what's in the chest it's oh wait oh it's nothing okay whatever um i was about to start seeing them but okay whatever all right what am i doing you you search the bottom floor also upstairs okay all right let's see all right let's see there could be a criminal up here come out with your hands up criminal scum i will find you and i will i will not hesitate to shoot you i got my gun right here and we'll shoot you all right nothing nothing in there or is somebody over here mr policeman oh it's a moving thing shoot it [Music] oh my god oh oh it's just a kid oh wait are you the kid with both his legs broken yeah you almost shot me in the face that bully went right by my head oh okay well sorry then um where's the where's the criminal kid not criminal why why where's the where's the dude who broke your legs uh oh um he i'd well two multiple people broke my leg but anyway look the one who broke my second leg who was in he's in here he's in here okay show me the way crawling kid oh yeah that's right both of your legs are broken i should probably do something about that okay whatever um all right criminal come out come out good though i don't think okay come up oh nobody's in here kid nobody's in here kid why i could've sworn he was in here i think he was in here last time i saw him um well after you saw him did you run to go call 9-1-1 yeah well i didn't run i had to crawl oh yeah that's right haha i mean sorry that's not funny oh okay this guy funny but okay i gotta be respectful yeah sure i want to call 9-1-1 okay kid i think your criminal escapes what escaped but i used my zapper rapper device to tase him and then and then he fell and died what okay you kids and your weird imaginations and stuff oh poor kid doesn't even realize he a robber just broke in his house it's okay kitty it's okay hmm oh do you go to school kid uh yeah i go to school what are your grades like well i'm failing english right now um okay that makes sense it's a pretty dumb kid so he didn't realize he was getting robbed okay all right i've seen everything i need to see here so uh the robber escaped okay um oh wait hey i got talking about walkie-talkie it's a cool thing we police officers do uh uh breaker breaker one two three coming in uh uh i found a kid in his yep his legs are broken confirmed um i think uh the uh the robber that broke into his house escaped and uh kid doesn't realize he was rocked but whatever that's probably fine so uh code pineapple and uh over and out alrighty kid um well i guess let's go get you down to the medic so we can go take a look at your at your legs and uh looks like your robber or whoever broken house escaped what but there were scary robot people oh on the up though oh okay did you watch some of those movies about robots taking over something don't worry about that that stuff's made up no i'm telling you i saw some robots and they were in my house you have to believe me oh yeah whatever wait there was a robot in the room when i called 9-1-1 oh okay fine show me this robot where's this where's this rope this spooky robot he was in here it was right next to where i called the phone what what where'd he go there was the blue one there was a blue one in here oh i'm sure there was okay kid i'm gonna carry you down the stairs but oh okay alrighty come here kid um silly kid in his imaginations alrighty i'll carry you down the stairs okay i'm ready oh dude oh my face okay all right kid don't worry i gotcha show you found the kid yup he's right here a little kid broke both of his legs my legs hurt watching my head hurts too okay don't worry kid we'll get you all fixed up let's take you outside to the medic okay all righty all right okay medic there's the kid okay okay hop in my van let's see if i can let's see if i can fix you up now pal okay i just hop in the back of my van you know just stupid van stand still stand still stand stand still stand still stupid thing i just got this the other day i stole it from the parking lot okay just get in the van all right okay mister don't worry kitten i'll fix you right up just nice and tight another another day of being a police officer achieved man it's what time is it it's like 2 a.m oh my goodness i'm tired yeah so is your shift about to end well yeah after this yeah after this house i think i'm gonna head home and go to bed because it's staying up late all right i'm still up for like another like i'm still in work for like another three hours or something so okay so wait what was the whole deal about the robber and stuff um oh yeah oh basically the kid uh i'm pretty sure the kid was robbed the house was probably robbed uh you didn't say anything was stolen or anything but i'm sure that there was probably some things stolen that he does didn't realize because you know he's a stupid kid you know kids are kind of dumb and they don't realize whenever he's almost taken or something so um i'm thinking i'm thinking a robber because he said he was home alone so you know it doesn't take two rain stills to figure this one out but basically um since his family apparently was not home or something apparently i think a robber broke into the house because they thought nobody was in the house but then i think they found the kid and they probably broke the legs of the kid so that way they can make their getaway so then the robber probably stole some stuff and broke out of the house and um probably ran away so we don't know who the robber is but oh well at least the kid's safe so that's all that matters so uh yeah at least the kids in good hands now okay ah it's in okay wait isn't our medic weird he's oh yeah he's a new guy um that's why he's acting weird oh okay okay i was about to say he was acting kind of strange yeah no he's just a new guy you know how new people are they always act all awkward and stuff yeah okay all right we should probably go check on him though yeah okay oh let's go check on the kid to make sure they're good alrighty um mr medic guy you fixed the kid up oh medic where'd he go what he probably just drove the kid off to the hospital i think but he should have told us first yeah he really should what what so i usually have to file it stuff okay that's what i've never had that okay well here's the new medic guys so i'm sure mistakes are meant to be made all units all units come in now all units what the oh oh this is officer potato man coming in what you do oh wait wait oh no i wanted to go to bed oh why did i say oh free i'm still talking i mean i'm still here i mean yes uh what seems to be the matter all units come in it seems we've had one of our um one of our medic trucks being stolen by some random hobo guy claiming he's a medic when he's really not a certified medic so uh yeah keep it keep an eye out for him okay over and out so wait what was that about oh oh what what what what was that call about i don't have one i i'm still a new officer so i haven't gotten my walkie-talkie yet so what what was that about oh oh oh that's right fellow partner um um well it is 2 a.m so oh no it was nothing it was nothing are you sure are you sure is nothing yeah it's not don't worry about it what some other officer will handle about it or something anyways i'm tired it's 2 a.m so um let's let's go back to uh let's go i'm gonna go home all right good night i'm gonna go home now okay good night what uh okay well then um oh well at least at least that kind new medic of ours took the kid to the hospital so hopefully that kid's safe and sound now so uh all right hooray zoom already get out my van finally i've been waiting for this moment for so long after all the streaming i finally stole a medic truck and i finally got my hands on a little kitty oh what the heck this isn't in the hospital we barely went anywhere i took you i hid you behind these but we just went behind the bushes the police will never find you here now now that we're all alone i can touch you illegally oh what the oh no what the i thought i heard somebody's laughing oh well that was this is my own laughter i'm hearing my own laughter now come here little kitty please don't hurt me ouch wait what what just remember friends are forever [Laughter] friends are forever we're gonna have fun for so many years with the eternal package friends are forever
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 954,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, AR, SD, Special Delivery, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, BB, Balloon Boy, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Shadow Bonnie, Baby, Mangle, Springtrap, Phone, RP, Roleplay, Story, Funny
Id: v0ekrFi581k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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