Gmod FNAF | The Afton Family [Part 1]

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once upon a time in our house far in the woods well not the finet for a completely different house because that one burnt down a completely different house inside the woods there was a house in the woods and in this in this house there was a fan of family of it was a strange family a family that that disconnected themselves from from the outside world and this is where they lived inside their home so this is where their story begins well it's not where it begins it began like years ago but I guess it's where it continues anyways this is there the story report I don't freaking know just just I can't see it stu-dog Moody we can't see my face Oh what happened oh that fall off the bed oh not doing it oh no rats it's time to get up Oh get see funny oh yeah I don't want to get off OH oh you know it's daytime rats Oh another game like stupid life oh oh here we go again oh honey get up my gosh you're gonna wake up yeah I'm good what do you mean you're good get up god thing can't see anything okay oh oh that's so bright oh oh the lights oh that's so bright mmm is it time to get up yes it is god frickin dang it Oh Oh all right Oh can't believe I'm still stupid robot and you find a way to fix this oh what a lovely night what did you sleep good yes yes I did well I slept terrible I felt like I was sleeping on piece of stupid rock oh well I'll go start breakfast and I'll get the day into a cheery mood for you yeah whatever oh all right oh well Oh what am I gonna work on the day Wow freaking out I stubbed my foot Oh rats Oh Oh what's going on over here Wyatt this thing fall over God thank God [Music] God dang it man Oh lost give me some give me some coffee Oh Frick it's cold oh well I mean guess that makes sense left it there from yesterday oh yeah I guess I should go into kitchen and get some fresh coffee to get me off oh so dark go turn on the lights I'm trying to find the light where's the light switch out again it's on the other side stupid home like I'll go turn on the light switch just oh my gosh oh are you okay no I'm not okay I'm having a rough morning hey wake up it's time to get up stupid brat Oh turn on the lights you better wake up man wake up Lee I'm sleepy wake up my gosh oh yeah okay we know all right I'll start it I'll start I'll start cooking us a lovely wonderful breakfast this morning wha oh let's see okay I'm gonna start cooking then um will you go wake up all the rest of the kids - that would be helpful and tell them come down here Oh fine Oh fix me freakin coffee man oh I've got these stupid stairs oh oh oh yeah I still I still snuggle with my teddy bear don't judge me oh oh oh tired stayed up late well probably should do that again but it's pretty fun no two video games no stretch oh yeah feeling so much better already oh okay little teddy bear you gotta go back in the drawer cuz I get made fun of if I have you out so you'd sit in the drawer pull out I'll pull you out later night All Right see oh oh oh boy it's breakfast time I hope we have pancakes whoops almost okay women cheer okay L face you know stupid door I hate my room I want it I wanted a bigger room got this freaking smallest room this stupid oh hello mom uh hello what would you like for breakfast today Oh a parentage give me some pancakes okay I'll take a few minutes to cook just sit down and wait please oh there's anyone else up yet your father was waking up everyone else oh well I'm still sleepy I'm still sleepy well why you so sleepy the code has stayed up late playing video games but whatever it's fine I'll be funny I like fried oh gosh oh yeah I'll freaking hit my foot again Oh turn on the light ja everyone else I have to freaking I can't even get cranky and I'm tired yeah Michael get the Freak up wake up stupid I'm like now get up it's time to get up go downstairs get breakfast or whatever the light it burns my fragile eyes I don't care come on let's go oh no my fault on the cooks like you oh wait what's going on your your mom your mom's cooking breakfast go go downstairs oh okay we unquote Smee in don't know we've out come on Michael I'm not in the mood for this right now just go downstairs okay Wow dang you're so lucky that your corpse and that you can break all your bones in doesn't hurt you whatsoever yeah yeah I know right I love being the corpse you just got poppin hang on let me pop my bones back in place oh all righty oh well well how are you doing today how are you doing this morning little bro boo good Todd stayed up late man see this is why I got it off early from from our game cuz I wanted to be able to sleep and get up in the morning so yeah oh but overs on the street oh did your did our team end up winning I just was really tired and I want to get off oh yeah we won we won dang man off shoot I should have stayed to get the points oh yeah we got a lot of loot it's pretty good oh dang now we're gonna wake up my stupid daughter got a freakin ding all right Elizabeth wait to flip up the flip ball gosh what you don't even fit in your bed oh my gosh you're so fat yeah yeah hello to my face oh my gosh just go downstairs oh you know oh you know I'm be like Michael and I'm gonna jump down the stairs because I need my life hopefully it breaks my neck out dang it still life rots yeah wait what's going on ouch my hand Oh Danny oh ouch oh no oh I'm so thick wait what's going on ouch oh hello there baby we're helping a we're about to eat breakfast come on down here okay no don't joke not like like a weed Oh oh my gosh you're fit heck you could have broken the table hey it's not my fault oh good morning my sweet children all righty breakfast is almost ready did you can you can you move ouch Hey we up - ouch Elna hurts now that hurts now um okay thank you we yeah all right ah there we go dang it oh good morning daddy I'll shut up shut up oh you're not in a good mood are you no I'm not I wish I was dead oh it's the same old same old Oh Oh what's this newspaper let me see that who some orphans died today oh that's the best news I've received this morning Oh some fresh all righty all right let's see here I all right here we go um let's see ooh this is spoiled milk let's get down out of here all righty let's see here let's let's see what what all did y'all want for breakfast oh yeah here hang on give me give me a give me a quick second dupa doo doo doo doo all right let's see so okay here I got this I got some bagels got some nice fresh bagels one for each of us let's see Oh what else did I cook um I got some there's some eggs in yeah I'm just yeah all right so we got some eggs one egg for everybody let's see what else we have a few croissants there we go there we got one for everybody again let's see here's some ah there are some grapes and there's a we have a few doughnuts too and we have a jar of pickles and let's see what else do we have we got got that leftover pizza and we have some toast and some sweet rolls and also we have where our cakes oh yes we got we got some got a few pancakes right here for least for everybody so long yeah there we go there's everything also there's a jar peanut butter tree because why not so yeah there you go that's everything I could pull together oh there we go whatever I'm not hungry come on darling eat something no I want to starve it's the only thing that can cure my depression oh all right well at least you children y'all gotta eat y'all gotta grow big and strong oh I've been technically dead for like 20-something years maybe now I don't even know anymore yeah we're all technically dead but whatever there's still like some food give me some yummy pancakes yeah all right here give me some stuff ooh oh I call it eating the leftover pizza and I want peanut butter with it and you know I'll take the pickles and stuff you know you know oh yo my two sons you better hurry up and get your food before your sister over here eats everything because she's fat as Frick oh come on that's not too nice you gotta be you gotta be nicer to your children no I hate them when you read my paper stupid stuff somebody shot himself so wait someone shot themselves well good for them oh my gosh mmm yummy piece of um baby do you think maybe you could uh maybe you wanted to start trying to work on your weight maybe here you know what here hang on I think I have something for you let me see if I can find a salad or something for you mmm I'm gonna eat the donut you know wait stop eating all the food I told y'all you better get your food now like I'm taking the pancakes use your mind good pancakes oh dang ah here I'll just eat this sweet roll and these grapes ooh I like that and I'll take that net give me this egg mmm I need my food oh you I'll take this pancake oh here I'll take this toast so my toast yeah here you go and good you take that I don't want it oh I'll just leave it there for you just a case oh and you owe me toast oh it's very crunchy oh I went some toast daddy a good piece yeah sure no you gotta let him eat oh well I'm still hungry well I'm still you know I think I'm good till lunch I mean I wouldn't say I'm stuffed but um I'm my stomach has been satisfied well I want more food well I'll get you some more food I'll get you some more food no I don't need food I mean I guess a piece of bread won't it wouldn't hurt too bad it's pretty crunchy it's actually pretty good mm-hmm Oh your cooking's terrible you know whatever gotta be me and her son was actually pretty good though but whatever I'm out of coffee God dang it get me a new mug and get me some more coffee okay give me one second um okay uh here let's see um here we got this watermelon um baby you want to come over here real quick I yeah okay look here you can eat this watermelon I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be good for you ooh let me hear she's okay you just made a mess tough to clean that up God dang it um okay let's see um also I got you let's see I got you something healthy do we have anything healthy in here I don't oh I got you some some yummy cabbage that you should try and eat for once stuff yeah you should there you go you can eat some of this lovely green cabbage which is good for you and I'm gonna help you start you on your diet mmm I'm full Oh drats where's my coffee woman I need my coffee still thirsty yeah okay I'll get you some more coffee oh yeah so what do you brats think you all are gonna do today um we're probably just gonna just place to hang out together and play games and stuff ah hanging out together as siblings good I want that for your you're free all I at least want y'all to interact with each other and hang out so if that's good that y'all interact with each other yo we're playing games together too all three of us together oh all righty well can we be excused and go ahead and start playing again uh yeah yeah y'all can go okay come on guys let's go now okay we okay my nanny have a good morning or whenever we Oh see you later my stupid brats ouch oh okay oh you good you okay oh yeah I'm sorry kind of saddle Michael it's okay you broke my bones by sitting on me that just shows how fat you are but I'm good because I'm a corpse man and I can't break my bones well if I can't I can easily fix them of course man Oh already guys don't paper okay let's see here uh coffee coffee can I get you some coffee coffee let's see where's some nice coffee uh-huh okay yep gotta get that and then uh let's see where's a nice mug and dupa dupa do where the flip is it is another another coffee mug all righty here's your third coffee mug this this morning with some uh some fresh fresh coffee in it there you go sweetie oh whatever I'm burning the paper that's pretty dominant ways off so what are you doing there what's your plan what do you do well first of all I have to go clean up that nest that baby made and then I need to start cleaning up the house and then I have to make lunch and then I have to probably tend to the garden outside and take care of the house some more probably clean vacuum and clean and stuff like that and then get ready for dinner and then in my day and do it again tomorrow Oh seems pretty stupid what are you gonna do today are you gonna watch TV or work on your stupid inventions there aren't stupid I mean uh yes your lovely inventions oh no no haven't said yet yeah I might start on oh no I might work on something today or I might watch TV sitting back and watch TVs good but there's nothing good on anymore you know I might work on um probably see what I can work on me okay already guys let's go play all right guys let's go spend time together and be good siblings and let's hang out together because we're good siblings yeah all right let's go we okay being good siblings let's go play games together yep let's play games together all online because that's what we always do online video games well let's not go outside and play let's play inside on their computers and let's talk to each other from very different rooms or I can go to Bhutan my piece got a boot up my PC beebeep yeah we gotta go back in my room Oh where's my computer oh yeah oh yeah all right oh all right chunga I wonder what we're gonna play you guys wait here let me let me see Oh got away from them get online and chat wait let me go in type what are we going to play today we can squeeze myself in my room yeah I'm stuck yeah dang it gotta grab the desk and got it Oh Frick I'm still fat and I'm too thick too freaking thick Oh too thick and stupid butts too fat hell yeah dang it where's my butt to pick I think the inside room ouch we are out there go oh my gosh yeah yeah great time to play some games act I can't sit in this chair this chair will break if I sit in it yeah there you go oh all right yeah I'll just sit on the floor when you attend play some games all right oh it's my face out ouch dang it okay maybe do you need to relax or something you're not you don't you don't look so hot of course I'm not sure all right Jonna freaking off why are you so angry all the time everyone's happy except for you all right I'm just going through a lot of things right now no you haven't we've just been living here for like a couple years now there's nothing to worry about I don't know I'm just down on them I'm sick of the same old thing okay well better go clean of this stupid watermelon oh wow time to clean oh no I need you something different today you can't just do the same old thing worth brat set you should be outside playing huh ouch dang it I hope that would have killed me oh I forgot the kids they're probably swimming in stupid pool you know I said I should yeah I should get on to them and make them do chores and stuff like that and be mean to them yeah how do they end up out there not in the pool if they're probably playing in the backyard clothes die there's stupid kids I get honest of them make them pick up stuff and clean it's not we can actually spend time with my wife and with a flick of the kids wait don't tell me are they in the basement they told them not to go into the basement they better not be in the basement where are they were those stupid kids are they in here stupid kids better not be down here better not be down here messing with my stuff out I'll hate these stupid doors out how freakin I okay good they're not down here there's one place of the house that's off-limits for them alright the more the freghar that Laura sweetie uh yes do you know where the kittens are uh I don't know I mean the last I saw them was last you saw dang it baby I uh no to probably playing a board game together in some room that's the bathroom that's the bathroom Frick I don't even know my own house Oh guides for car you freak are you but yellow and blue dicks books wait what go first oh I think there are Michael's room ha hey stupid brats you've gotta help your mother and clean up things Oh Michael what are you doing well today we took me to oh why aren't you playing with your siblings I told you at breakfast you have to interact with each other oh oh yeah I play with them online online video games online video games oh yeah is this doing oh you're dead well yeah that's dad Oh dad J hi say hi ah it's just stupid Michael oh my gosh stupid brats oh look I do tell you Charlie's your siblings I need them to help pick up and clean pick up and clean a little bit stupid old free oh damn you my Michael I I heard that I heard that why is a reason why isn't he responding died deeds dummy in his Mike's meter right now so long God get him to respond I can't force him to that's not how online chat work or well this is stupid stupid hey you broke my cabbage oh my gosh a freaking hit you know what not you know wait why are you opening the window no I've had I've had it no what take this to pieces hey will you do like you and I'm gonna just uh eat this out the window say goodbye to it my computer what computer why would you do that Oh stupid hi go beat up your other siblings too while I'm at it I'm gonna go break all their computers - oh no oh no did he break it oh wow you break my computer at least it was the monitor Dani unplugged it Oh Frick Oh rats I got to go warn everyone else oh yeah oh wait I gotta warn baby and stuff he's gonna come I need to tell them to hide their computers and also you can break it Oh baby hey wait where did Michael go oh no I heard who died Russell and then all of a sudden disconnected oh do you think daddy's mad Oh probably but hopefully it's just um like with Michael yeah okay I got freakin damn stupid brats god damn they need to do something productive Hey freakin you stupid ouch my foot now what oh my GAD II when are you up to her excuse me give me that take that you're mean ow dang stupid stupid brats Oh Michael what are you doing on the roof oh yeah I wasn't doing anything get down from there you idiot ouch it got freaking tank and go beat up your other I'm gonna go beat up your brother now look I gotta warn my brother Oh where's my computer screen we're gonna put it back together come on dude on dude got pretty much like working heck it ain't brilliant oh hey Michael welcome back hey this is weird you cut out on the baby kind of listen to me dad's gonna break your computer you better hide it wait what Oh freak with your son Oh freaking freaking Boise mad at me where do I hide it in the drawer with my teddy bear yes family oh I'll just throw books on it Oh freak give me five more minutes shot why is your room such a mess I was always reading my own I would always do it I was doing my homework I was doing my homework no twins you let's do my homework the Duma do my homework ha ha and you're not interacting with your siblings oh but I'm doing my homework you don't have fun you don't go to school oh yeah I was just reading this book you read a book you don't read books oh well I I do now well anyways you're still not interacting with your siblings I want you to get your siblings and drag them out to the backyard and also pick up your room [ __ ] frickin dang it oh that was a close one boys dad mad at me with my computer go oh did it close wait Oh fruit my minds are flew over there good thing you didn't see it well alright yeah look Michael Oh Michael yeah oh he wants us to go to he's mad at us he wants us all all three of us to go to backyard oh all right I'll be down in a few Oh okay I'll see you out back Oh stupid oh oh you know what you say about me I like said you're the best dad ever get outside right now okay [Music] that's it hey look at you look like do it off the wall you don't get a door no more no privacy for you look what the hey okay you I mean I'm sorry oh he's mad he's angry oh he's gonna hurt me Oh Oh scared he's mad at me rats well this is gonna go over terrible well time to jump out the window because I'm quartz man we go to backyard Oh Michael Oh Frick whaa what do you want can you throw my monitor back up Oh what oh sure oh here you go ladies oh whoops oh my bad freak fell in the bushes somewhere ah I don't know where it went Oh hmm sorry I'm just kind of upset right now you dodged my noticing I don't know why all your user computer yeah broke its screen shattered on it oh well it doesn't matter he's probably not gonna let's play in a computer it anymore come on we have to go he wants us to go backyard come on let's go oh okay hop down whee Boing huh why is he mad at us I don't know he's probably gonna tell us when we go over here oh hey there bro boy this seems really mad man he just not been that she'd not had a good morning this he's not being good this morning wait for me [ __ ] brats I take care of you guys myself I don't know what do we we didn't do anything wrong yes you're dead I told you to spend time together well we did we did we were spending time together alone video games shut up you know those video games are bad for y'all what alright anyways look well I mean I was gonna drag you out here anyways if you weren't playing video games or whatever so oh wait are you gonna finally show us what's in the basement no you're never allowed down there no anyways I need your help today with with what well you see your mother has been has done so much for you guys and you need to respect her so I'm forcing you guys to take to trim the plants and take care of care of everything in the garden so that way I can finally spend time with her for once so you guys have to do all of her work look with the torch old I don't care now do it and you're not allowed to come inside till till lunch and then dinner so you know alright stay outside I'll be your mother will come get you in a few for lunch so yeah start working get to work oh I don't want to do yard work this sucks yeah this really does whoa whoa come on let's go see you didn't even tell us what we're supposed to do yeah he didn't you just said we had to stay outside oh yeah you have to say we had to stay outside guys what if we just hang out outside we don't have to do anything we just have to stay outside so well this isn't too hard yeah but our computers are inside a thing it Michael likes you through my monitor inside I could hang out here what you told me to throw it inside got dang it hmmm good come up with the plan Oh guys I just thought of something what if for once in our entire life that we what if we don't play inside what if we played outside wait why what what are you timeout that's impossible we don't have our computers outside no I'm saying what if we play an outside game why mmm well what type of game what about hide and seek hide and seek hide and seek is for babies oh you are a baby you know pretty fat one will get roasted Oh y'all are mean to me um oh no about hide-and-seek Oh what about hide-and-seek tag I like your style all right we'll play hide-and-seek tag well who's gonna be at first oh I'll be up first I'll be a and y'all just hide outside and the rules are you can't go inside see we follow what Dad does so we'll just play hide and seek outside I'll go hide and seek tag or hide-and-seek tag or I'll count I'll count right in this corner and you guys go hide outside no hiding inside but only outside areas okay all right where do you count to oh I'll kill for film mmm I'll kill for like one minute so go oh boy I'm gonna win well you're pretty fat and you're gonna be easy to see so I'm definitely gonna win this but whatever oh well let's see I could climb up here maybe mmm finally good to have those kids being put to work oh I can finally spend time with my wife maybe she will make me happy oh did you get that mess cleaned up yeah I'm getting I got it cleaned up I'm working on lunch right now uh do you want me to help you yeah sure that would be nice oh okay what would you want were you planning on making I was thinking maybe like sandwiches or something simple like that okay I'm gonna help well let's see oh where should I hide oh good note of pure I'm gonna hide in the bushes he'll never see me I'm pretty sure he can 20 21 22 screw this I'm gonna go to the front side of the house he take him a while to get over here I'll hide in the bushes in the front yeah I'll do that I'll hide right here in the corner the far corner you'll never will never come look over here yeah I hide in bushes [Music] 40:41 well Dayton this is a stupid hiding spot on oh yeah this is dumb I could hide in the barrels um there's no we're good to hide outside oh you know what's good I'll hide really close to him he'll never suspect it oh yes I'll hide right behind this bear yes ouch yes yes perfect you'll never see me 50 55 60 maybe I skip the identity skip if you I mean ready no you're a column Oh all right time to play hide-and-seek tag um dupa dupa tube time to find my siblings I'm gonna I'm gonna find you okay maybe I should have been at first on its being it first as the hardest cuz you don't know where possible hind spots are Oh Michael you're in there nope I know my I know Michael and he would try to fight um break his bones and so he could fit into a small cramped space um mmm baby yeah in here dang it I thought baby would have been in here because she can't hide anywhere else um doing it um oh well hello there brother Oh how'd you see me your foot yeah I forgot to break my foot inside cut dang it man my foot gave me away yo your foot gave you away I can't wait oh sure I win right what no I still maybe what how have you not found baby yet she's freaking huge I know right well well she said she was going to the to the front so the front side of the house oh okay come on let's go over there uh I'll cry or should I wait over here well you know what here I'll go find her you just stay over here so that way if dad comes out you could be like oh yeah they're working this stuff oh okay I'll just wait for y'all to come back ouch my toes okay dupa dupa dupa oh where are you I'm gonna find you I'm gonna find you goes almost kooky bear almost spooky bear get in here hey I thought you would have been hiding inside this place Hey hmm if I were frequently if I were freakishly huge where the where would I hide at oh I would drown myself in the swimming pool that's what I would do dupa dupa dupa dupa Duke Duke tag what the Freak how the Freak did you see me Oh your big butt gave you you away cut dang it oh wait do I win what have you found Mike well yeah yeah I found him before you so what then I win well technically I found both of you I mean I think all the game works is you only win if I can't if I give up and if I can't find you oh come on let's go back to the back side of the house and we'll do round two oh my gosh I can't believe my stupid but gave me away huh all right time there who's gonna be now well I mean Oh since I won Oh No maybe maybe you'll be it you can be it do you wanna be it yeah I wanna be it okay you can be it then okay or doopa doopa doopa Oh Michael I found her okay good already we all right if you can start taking the stuff to the table that'd be nice well okay ouch oh no all right let's see here okay let's see you put the food at the table for the stupid brat so let's see there's a jar of honey all let's see what else do we have we got some some leftover McDonald's fries which are still kind of cold we didn't even heat them up almost with the frikar this um okay there's oh that's that's a big thing of apple juice well I do it why do we have three cards of apple juice because it's a baby oh yeah God that would make sense it'll make sense um let's see what else do we got okay we got a few apples can you also put the cabbage on the table cuz you know baby needs to start eating healthy so put it on the her side of the table oh okay I got you - yup alright let's see BAM take this cabbage put it right here yeah here I'll just put all the cabbages on her side so that way she has to eat it this oh my gosh frickin huge all right there we go and there you go oak don't fall off the table and there you brick brick Frank got-dang it stop rollin there we go alright much better alright let's see and then what else do we got we got all got some some nice yummy bread always yummy you got some yummy carrots a nice healthy dinner yes besides everything here's healthy except for those freaking McDonald fries you know what we're gonna put those on the opposite side at the table that way baby can't have it and then all chicken wraps yes she can wraps for everybody mm-hmm healthy dinner dish time or healthy lunch and uh yeah she's gotta have some some some Lay's chips in there some Doritos and some Fritos oh forget everything here what is that I don't know what that is just had in the fridge um let's see what else here looks pretty healthy I mean it would do some coal I mean so it is probably funny yeah we'll just get some some nice soda in here and some more grapes I get more grapes and corn brick made a mess oh I can pick it up no no I got it pick up the stuff it's a bagel what is that okay I guess that's from breakfast whoops um what's under here oh it's pancakes dang man okay children really I don't think there was a mess to clean up in the first place we're talking about a mess but now I see what you're talking about dang floor is filthy all right there we go all right I think table set up okay you want to go get the kids and tell them come in so they can come eat oh yeah I'll go get on Oh Frick Oh now just open up the window because I'm lazy oh hey stupid brat I mean my lovely children come and shine and your food what oh okay okay food time oh baby it's time for food Oh food we o'c oh okay well joke's on house yes it your vegetable haha well let's go inside well I kind of get inside I gotta eat I'm starving oh you don't look like you're starving oh I don't care I need to eat ouch dang butts fat oh my gosh even oh come on Michael let's let's go inside and eat a nice lunch oh boy I hope we're having lunch herbals for lunch that's the only way to spend lunch right yeah no way Oh baby can you get in tight yeah yeah ouch my butt's too big good thing I'm tired of looking at your butt get inside I can't I'm thick good dang it cute until it's not my fault but get in wait stop it stop it stop it get inside oh my gosh I'm hungry I didn't thought you hungry Pig inside oh oh oh alright they'll be in here in a minute yeah okay thank you oh my gosh you know I'm just hopping over look I'm gonna help over we couch what thank you stupid gate yup you're fat huh oh you're kind of mean now oh I don't care I'm gonna go get some food I know I didn't get to eat much at breakfast time so I'm gonna go eat now WEEE hello I'm here for the yummy yummy foods oh come on sit down like we're your siblings I oh I think fruit my brothers open a open baby out so you know oh okay yeah they'll be here in a second oh okay then ah as long as they show up oh they will you will just give them a minute give them a minute okay alright alright well alright come on baby come on let's get inside yeah but date okay you really are fat how did you get through the other doors I don't know oh you're pulling hurts oh I don't think this is gonna work cool oh my gosh you're so fat oh my gosh get inside okay I'm trying oh you're fully hurt now maybe you should pull maybe you should push what I ain't touching your boy just push me blow me you freak huh all right go hey ouch stuck go inside Wow oh my gosh Oh hurry help me get in there I'm trying it's not my phone thing oh ouch ah see I told you pushing you would've worked works better oh okay fine just oh we got one more to go through oh my gosh Therese freaking kidding me yeah yeah ouch oh my gosh I'm still stuck oh my gosh okay yeah get in there freak oh my gosh I hate touching your butt well I think it feels mooing now hurry up and get me through the door I'm frickin trying what do you think I'm doing F couch ha there we go I can't believe you touching my butt oh you would - I just wanted to help you Wow the Freak look you go wash my hands now my hands freaky stuff I can't seem to smallest bathroom ever Oh gonna wash my hand this is oh boy lunchtime I'm here to eat everything hey that's diversity' foods for your family don't eat all of it I'm so hungry dupa dupa dupa there we go got some clean hands already let's see you dupa do with you oh here to eat some food hey there's not much food here doctors you're freaking sister just ate all of it oh wait Tom tummy hurts it's probably cuz if all the food you keep eatin no it's not the food it's off or just that awful taste in my mouth there was something I ain't clearly it was something you ain't no stubbles you know I can't eat vegetables well you need I'm know you didn't need any vegetables yes I did I know you tried to trick me you make me eat my vegetables okay fine it's only I make your skin okay you're fine as Frick okay guy look as beautiful as me and you gotta be stopped being so fat there's no mouthful give me just give me showed us oh my gosh maybe I want to say of all my children you're my least favorite yeah I don't care yeah well okay no I'm actually full full now you're full yeah oh my gosh oh okay so I guess the rest of this foods for us unfortunately Oh get some Doritos and some McDonald's french fries oh well I guess this will do for me Oh what is there for me okay got some apple juice some an apple of give me that list oh yeah I'll eat this will eat this cabbage mmm it's pretty sick or rump shoes um what else is there carrot who's this I'll just eat this chicken wrapped in pretty good oh well that looks it was okay could if I wish you been better someone can eat all the food burp oh my gosh oh okay I guess so we should go back outside then then right that yeah yeah you know you can just go outside now drag your sister out there well free don't have to get her through the door again dang it oh my gosh maybe come on yeah I'm too tired to watch Oh Mike Frick Michael will you help me hi yeah you're you get one leg I got the other okay come on yeah come on oh come on we have to go back outside yeah come on we have to continue a game I mean I continue working on the garden oh yeah yeah yeah come on come on let's go oh my gosh well okay you know I can't push it through both those doors again we'll throw her out the front door okay all right go on get outside we well we can go to pusher again all right I'll stop squeezing might invite a little freakin stubby you're making this worse good thing I'm Xiao huh there you go you outside now Oh yuck Oh Michael come on oh I'm right behind you a little bro no well so why are we doing around to now yo we're doing round two now okay baby said she would be it so yeah well well quickly well let's go hide then ray oh okay I'll just like your account well okay well we should look wait Michael wait for me we gotta hide together oh why do we need to hide together because it'd be fooling and we gotta hide somewhere where baby you can't find us because they'll be pretty funny and stuff ah okay uh where do you want to hide Oh Oh No what if we could okay I have an idea what if we get jump on like this roof and jump onto that balcony and we could just be on top of the house oh I'll be pretty cool all right do your corpse man here don't we just throw you up there and then that way I can jump yeah you're okay you're you're a corpse man so I'll just throw you up on this roof we gotta be quite as babies right there but I'll throw you up on that roof and you just get me up there okay all right I see your plane I got you all right toss me up there okay look you're you we throw out corpse man Oh almost fell off all right I'm up here come on man give me your hand okay all right get off your ooh ah there we go she'll never find us up here okay we just go be very quiet yeah oh my oh my Tony oh I gotta find my stupid brothers Oh oh no if I wanna play hide-and-seek right now I just want to take a nap you know I might just take a nap you know just take a nap what she's sleeping oh we need a blake rope yeah we need you what if we just throw stuff out her like what wait here hang on is this window unlocked oh it is well give me this cactus oh yes like okay okay I have a plane every idea I got something funny do what you're thinking what you're thinking about I'm thinking um we take this cactus and we aim for the booty Oh oh snap you know she's gonna hate you after this oh no it'll be funny all right do it what would check this to be delivered or get tossed hey what are you guys doing on the roof well freakiest you knows hey that's cheating well you can't get us up here well I see you Sal huh I found you oh it's called hide and seek tags you have to touch us Oh Fred a halt you can't get us you can't get us up here oh hang on oh wait a minute what if I just stuff like hey aha Oh Frick she can jump up here good run wait what there's nowhere to go what do we do yeah I'm gonna beat you up for what you just did what you do would you throw my butt Oh Michael we have to go get the job down oh I'm jumping into the pool we show my foot no oh no well I don't need jump in the pool Oh Oh No hey I'm gonna beat you up or I'm flying quick Fran fly we watch my limbs hey Mac I'm gonna beat you up I'll freak over hey get back here back here beat you up I'm gonna get ya I'm scared you can't get me up here oh yes I can Oh freak yes you can she can jump up I'm gonna tag you no please no please oh hey did you go in down here where'd he go well to be sneaky look I'm gonna go oh wait what if I just oh yeah what's this where you go ding Bree how do I lose him well I probably jumped on the roof yeah yeah yeah oh pretty girl D in there that's where to Michael go oh heck out Oh break mmm okay I think it's safe to start moving well I hope Michael didn't get caught I'll ran its own Oh uh-huh I found you we will judge my bones Jones you just grow you broke all my bones with your stupid fatness yeah I found you ha ha ha I found you I found you ha ha like my mastery of disguised work I'm safe oh ok go find my brother oh I think you're still in the swimming pool so long oh but I usually go get him no brother no that could save you in time oh just crushing my bone no I found him uh-huh squishing me no you know what yeah this is what you get I'm gonna break your bones by sitting on you this is gonna kill me don't freak Oh get off of him you fat heck oh well don't from both of us good thing it oh wait I win yeah l40 threw me against the wall Wow ooh my bones oh they hurt oh all right so uh yeah wait you really live the kid you think they're capable taking care of the garden well huh yeah okay well it's well let's go ahead and cook dinner then what I've jumped together time to spend time together Oh sweetie half no free time I have to work and clean and cook all day well we're at Oh what for what are you looking for dinner um well let's see I already got let's see I gotta oh it's Seaford for dinner I got this beautiful thing I made only got some Red Bull and we got those sandwiches which I was gonna give up for lunch but then they couldn't finish them in time um let's see what else did I get working on um we got a second leftover pizza and you know oh there's no okay if I start eating now before freakin the fat baby it comes in uh yeah you know what here I'm gonna call my to Sean just get them in before she freakin eats all the food again oh you know is it bad if we make if we starve baby if we make her not eat dinner uh I mean I don't know that seems like bad parenting I know but she's fat and stuff and she needs to stop even for a little bit okay fine just don't call her grim for dinner just go give her a task or something to do um okay what's an excuse I can make for making baby um I'm not coming to do I can't just say hey don't eat um I got to come within with an idea mmm all right um okay I think I have an idea Oh kittens it's time to come inside time for it's time for dinner Oh dinner oh gee oh my bones Oh dinner time time dinnertime hold on baby oh you don't get dinner yet what why oh I need you to pick up your room your room yeah you're the one here at the mess room yeah go pick up your room your heck it's a mess go pick it up and then um and then get me whenever you're done and then I'll go you dinners and actually I bought but yeah just clean up your room staying here so yeah oh okay alright two sons come to come on we're gonna go eat dinner dinner time oh I must hurry oh but time to actually be able to eat dinner for once oh oh boy Oh dinner time now hooray ouch [Music] well it's not even a mess oh hey Michael Michael I gotta tell you something Oh what man I gotta heard before baby gets to dinner well no oh I don't think dad knows but I was actually the one with a messy room and you put the blame on baby so you know I'm not gonna say anything to him oh wait why really you're just gonna let her take the blame yeah oh well okay I'm not arguing I won't say a thing well we could just blend it phony all right come on dinnertime let's see uh you know oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy well I'm hungry because I barely got to eat lunch yeah same here cuz somebody just had to eat all the food I well here here's some food oh boy YUM some yummy pizza and some yummy sandwiches yeah all right oh here's my coffee mug from earlier I'll put that right there I didn't take one of those ooh give me sandwich was that something to eat mmm yummy food yum yum food okay fine I'll clean my room okay here's my stupid computer okay it's my bucket fellow by reims not a mess it's pretty thick okay it kind of actually is a bit of a mess but whatever okay and see open yeah right thing here stupid keyboard film around carefully well it's daddy's fault my room was fine until he came in and screwed everything up yeah where's my stupid share that don't even use yeah as if I sitting yeah I get stuck in it so there we go okay I guess that's it's good enough for now yeah oh all right Oh we'll have to wait for Dan to come get me so gotta stay in here now God dang it all right Rome or well you know what you kids are done for the day you guys don't have to work outside anymore proud of you kids you too oh good good job good job today oh yeah yeah we worked really hard and stuff yeah all right yeah you guys can go do whatever you want now so uh yeah okay ready come on Michael let's go do some yeah hooray well we out well what do you think we should do now that we get the same side off should we blame the computers again I'll know meows think on one more game of hide-and-seek one more game Oh what if we did a game of hide seek inside oh yeah that'd be fun okay come on let's go get baby for this game hide-and-seek Oh all righty oh wait dupa dupa do Oh baby oh yeah and then am I gonna be it yeah you'll be it okay Oh baby oh hi yes what do you want from me well we're thinking of playing in their game of hide-and-seek you know Michael we'll uh Michael will be the be the seeker so yeah oh okay and we're gonna do it inside so we can play hide and seek inside so we're gonna hide inside so yeah Michael where do you want to count it oh here I'll count I'll count right here in this corner oh okay come on baby we got to go hide we got to go hide wait hi okay okay all right what did you count to I'll count for two minutes okay well quick we're gonna hide somewhere oh we should [Music] okay I'm gonna hide in this room I take it hide in that thing or oh there's a secret spot right there oh we're good hi dude this is a spooky room I'm gonna leave the lights off too so that way doesn't mean I'm in here what's this a tiny safe well all right all I'm hiding this thing yes you'll never look in here okay hey just don't get my legs up in here yes Michael Michael will never find me in here ouch oh okay if I can get in here yeah there we go yeah where am I gonna I mean you find somewhere to hide um now I'm too fat oh crap we're gonna hide oh one two three or four skip a few I'm just gonna skip two - two - one minute 57 one minute 58 oh my gosh is rigged um you're all just in there come on stupid fat fight get me okay there you go well two minutes right now here I come alright let's see I heard a door close oh maybe someone went in back in this room well baby left this open I should probably close that well is anyone in here well no then you went under the bed and you want a new desk no okay nobody's in here oh very interesting um okay I think I heard a door close somewhere over here yes over here over here over here in this room someone's in the closet Oh nope no one's in the closet dang um see anyone what did this well no one can fit in that boom Oh someone's probably in here uh-huh oh ouch hit my face okay no one's in there um heck um someone in my room hey who's in my room we'll find your hip flick dad broke my freaking freaking bookcase from his annoying oak face hurts already um he went under my bed any monsters no no monsters um okay dupa dupa dupa no one's in my room um but I could go in dad's old work off this place Oh lights are off huh seems like a good perfect place for someone to be hiding in here oops is anybody in here under the desk inside the drawers well actually I'm technically the only one you could fit inside something like that well he's gonna find me oh oh wait oh I know I know yeah this is the perfect room behind especially with the lights off I know there's someone underneath this tiny cubby hole oh oh no one's up oh wait maybe boo well no one's up here oh okay I guess really ouch nobody really is in here oh well then oh oh wait I didn't look in this thing Oh think what you thought to find me oh well I found you Oh get out of there well pouch okay it was pretty cramped in there anyways oh do you think having the lights off was a good Shoji yeah I think it was good oh can you get me out of here oh ouch oh here open that up yeah we okay I'm stuck in here oh okay there you go Oh well you know this dad's office right I don't think we're dad's old office I don't think we're supposed to be in here oh shoot okay let's get out here about here turn off the light - well you know what her baby is oh no I didn't see where she went to hide well we're all have you explored I'm gonna sit right here in this cozy couch um let's see I uh I looked in this thing right pretty sure I looked in the Sun let me check again nope no she's not in there well maybe she's over here oh she's probably on the balcony well maybe we're the Freak are you oh this thing's open she probably was out here then mmm but where where was she well can't find her oh boy I named him look in the bathroom no can't see oh ah brats you found me oh I found Gia I win wait no it's a ha it's free it's hide-and-seek tag and you can't tag me I'm in the shower what that seems like a pretty stupid shield well did you find her yeah I found her but tight she's like I didn't see tags I just got go tagger real quick well okay oh come on get out of the show no wait stop wait no no no no no no oh come on it's hide-and-seek tag I've clearly won no accept your loss no I am going to win and yeah and since the hind Z tag you have to technically touch me and if you touch me then you touch me in the shower and and so that's that's raping that's illegal in yeah so if you touch me then I'm gonna get down and you're gonna be in big big trouble what hey that's read that the cheap move I never would have thought of that yeah so now Lee now accept your loss and tell me I have wined oh no I am clearly the true hide-and-seek champion and I will not lose to you if you touch me I will yell rape and daddy will come up here and beat you up mmm oh I mean he hasn't been it well I mean he's been in a better mood and I think he likes us well Michael you gotta think yeah I think would he believe her mmm you're right he probably wouldn't you said he likes us more than her right yeah all right I'm gonna touch her I'm gonna touch it wait no this is rape stop back off this is not okay it's hide-and-seek and you're not naked so it's fine I'm gonna tag you no stop I'm warning you oh oh yeah I'll yell free Danny oh this is pretty stupid move I know he's not gonna do anything all right I have clearly won the hide-and-seek champion chip I've clearly won the championship game how dare you touch me dad yeah I'm calling for daddy free oh I'm out of here I'm rolling it wasn't me what are you doing hiding in this thing No let me in let me in ah now I can finally spend time with you my beautiful what the Frick is that noise I don't know you probably good shake on it Oh fine Oh ding ouch oh my gosh I freaking hear you shut the Frick up was a year Oh freaking dang it Oh what what do you want [Music] what's wrong you got stuck in the shower again what the Frick are you doing I know you're fat and you got stuck in the shower don't worry we'll get some like glue I mean uh yeah get the glue and shut you in here and board up the doors yeah yeah yeah that's that's yeah let me go get the glue and let me go get the wooden boards in the nails and the oh my gosh whites over this always take it out out freak out oh hang on hey I always taking a shower thing new Michael came in here and then you raped me and now I'm traumatized and yeah she'll go beat him up or something or why Michael raped me the end of story go beat him up Michael get over here oh do you see me I'm under I'm a desk I'm a desk Michael get over here now Oh Ricky's mad Oh I'm gonna jump I'm gonna jump I'm courts man Michael I said get the Freak over here right freaking now to outdance terrible I throw get over here right now oh okay just remember what golden Freddy said you probably will take my side you'll take my side of the story oh hello there my beautiful father how may I be of service to you today I am also while you told us to go work in the garden I noticed that some of your tools were rusty so I decided to claim off for you well what other service can I do for you today father stupid sister here is claiming that you raped her did you oh no no I did not I would never do such a thing he did I don't know who to believe what do you mean not you don't know who to believe you should trust me well just because you said that now I shouldn't trust you what now you know I'm gonna cry I'm gonna sit here and cry me oh my gosh that's so freakin annoying okay you know what fine Michael you're freaking grounded because you freaking majors freaking cry god frickin damage so freaking loud and annoying what grounded yup your grounding up get to your room and stay in it huge Oh No Michael got grounded wait dad how did you know Michael Michael how do you know baby was telling the truth and how do you know that he really uh raked you or something like that I I don't know I'll figure it out later just just you stay out of it you go to your room - its lights off bedtime now well bedtime don't make me ground you - okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry Michael trying to defend you but I don't want to get grounded myself so we don't take away my TV oh but you took away my door they have to find a new door oh okay I'm scared I'm going to bed I'm gonna go back out my foot oh I'm gonna go to bed I'm scare you don't like it whatever look dad you mean well let's see I got this - no it's a terrible toilet seal Oh weird my door go I need my door a vending machine door um where's my door where'd my door go I lost my daughter okay this door will have to do yeah there we go replacement door well mr. snuggy wookie where I'm very scared come here mr. snuggy lucky there daddy's mad you know I'm scared and I'm gonna cool mm-hmm okay turn the lights off it'll be okay you'll be okay you'll be okay he's gonna be okay remember mr. snug you buggy you're right tomorrow is another day it's just another day tomorrow is another day mmm this is freaking close that thing all right get in your room get in your room you brat ouch this is bullying well you hate me so much you hate me more than anyone else huh well I'm just doing what I want to do now we're good ouch freakin stupid dang oh my foot get this thing out of here look no that's my hair conditioning ha you have another one by your bed and look and since you're grounded I'm taking away your computer and you're gonna stay in your room for a week so nope no computer for you no computers and no stuff and I know you ran outside early so BAM it all goes on down there and if I see you outside of your room you are you get grounded for life so now little brat this bullying is written hmm stay in here and all lights off yeah good night don't you dare come out of this room this is stupid they're stupid should've believed me why didn't you believe me with the free God dang it's to pay me free hater that's it well when I tell you're I don't know what I'm gonna do good freakin ding oh my gosh stupid brats I'm stuck in the shower I'll get out sick but come on get out you okay I heard I heard something I heard some yelling ha stupid brats I mean kids stupid dumb being stupid what happened I'll freak I don't know she's freaking Michael made a baby cry so I'm I am i grounded Michael and I took away his computer and told him tonight he's grounded for a week you know well why why did he make her cry Oh No maybe said she raped him but I don't think she did so I don't know well then why would you buy em instead of her I don't know she just started crying I just couldn't take any more you have to hear from both sides of the story oh I don't care I'm fight up with it today I mean hi alright now let's shake make some things better and let's spend some time together well I'm gonna go check on the children and yeah oh dang it don't worry about them no I am gonna worry about them rats oh that's it fine I'm gonna go shoot my freaking room I'll freakin I keep hitting my feet on everything Oh God freaky ji-hae Ione's ah freakin damn kick now oh just go to bed Oh freakin heck God dang it I hate my life there's no stupid day nothing goes my way alright let's see hmm Michael sweetie are you okay oh no I'm okay dad freaking grounded me because of something I didn't do what what happened oh okay so we were we were like here let me turn on the light okay so we were playing hide-and-seek tag and um what happened was I found my brother and then and then I had to define baby and tag her and stuff and and what happened was she was she was in the shower but she did that on purpose she's like huh you can't get me because I'm in the shower and stuff I'm like well too bad on my i'ma tag yeah anyways itself and I did and then she accused me of remember when I didn't it's rigged and dad got mad at me and grabbed me know her big mean big me made me cry alrighty well let me go see what baby has to say about this and then I'll try to sort things out unlike your father who's really easily angered angrily tempered Oh already here I'll go settle things out horse babies she in the shower baby look hi I'm stuck and baby sick I'm sick no hi mom can you help me get out of the shower yes come on get out no I'm giant yeah oh my gosh G this is this is why you need to go on a diet sweetie I don't need a free night I just need gal - hour yeah and also I haven't had dinner yet I'm hungry I'm gonna go get a snack from the kitchen in a minute no no no you don't need a snack I'm I'm hungry yeah I'm stuck in the shower well just get out of the show I'm trying guy dang it well I need to talk to you about something so yeah the show I'm trying it's not my fault one sick rats Oh oh my gosh I'm too an Arri oh wow yeah okay well I know all righty uh what's up now all right sweet before you go I wanted to talk to you about something okay what so I really so I heard Michael got grounded so um what happened exactly oh yeah Oh Danny grounded him because she uh he he came in here and you raped me and yeah you scared me he starts your life but yeah ouch keep falling now so yeah it might go big meanie and daddy grounded him so that's why I like Daddy uh-huh so you're saying he traumatized you by it but you're perfectly fine and your money go eat I mean I know I'm Jan I'm gonna cry Wayne Wayne Wayne Wayne boohoo boohoo let me I'll just go to bed yeah let me just go to town for it go go to bed now yeah baby did he even rape you I yes definitely I think no I'm uh yeah okay in this story well I went to talk to Michael and he said y'all were playing hide and seek and where y'all playin hide and seek no definitely not no we were not we were not always here I was trying to shower and he came in and you know you traumatize me yep big meanie big meanie banish him banish him from the house a big meaning [Music] I'm having okay I'm having trouble believe in you I will say that what you're doing to take kids okay well you know yeah okay I know which pair I like more like dad because he actually listens to me and he believes me unlike you all right you know what yeah you know what you know what just go to bed just go to bed just go to bed come on come on you're going to go to bed okay yeah ouch thick stuck huh you know what here while you're stuck let me check and let me see if you did uh no please wait hold up hang on no I'm gonna see if he did or break me or not cuz ya know hey hey know if you did there's no Nietzsche let me out let me out yeah yeah ouch freaking feet hurt this is his wife frickin hate and feet oh oh I shadow I want to work on some stuff today and even work on anything ah dang this is why I knew I shouldn't help my watch to deem and do anything from me oh there she is yup okay everything's still your good no one's been on my computer ah tomorrow I need to start working on my stuff again ha you've won my freakin I spend my day with my wife to make her happy so that way she would make me happy and she didn't do anything for me this is outrageous is outrageous outrageously stupid god freakin dang it Hey ouch ah ha so you did lie no I didn't know I I alright just go to your room just go to your room we'll talk about this tomorrow okay Oh stupid mom I like Danny more Oh freak I'm too thick got it get in Oh rats ouch alright stupid mom I'm gonna go bed yeah hey ouch I hate the stupid family [Music] alright Michael I'm gonna go off to bed well my mud road your duel I don't think you should know that no you aren't you aren't grounded I'll talk to your father but but yeah no you're not grounded so whew but it's time for bed so let's get a bed well okay oh it's nap time well at least I feel better at least that got sorted out stupidness I was just playing the game have lunch you have ruined everything frickin date well it's nap time now all right oh all right these bedtime now uh all righty you ready for bed boyo oh there's terrible stupid freaking day oh well you need to work on your attitude some more what my attitude look I went and talked to baby and Michael and I think I think sword out so um but I don't think Michael should be grounded okay fine whatever I don't really care about them well then why did you make a big deal about earlier if you don't care about them I don't know I just don't freaking know I don't know I just want to go to sleep right now are you okay no I'm not okay look I've been cranky all day why are you so mad I don't know oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no just leave me alone leave me alone you clearly want something what do you want I don't want anything I don't know I don't know I'm not happy anymore okay there's no happy I hate my life and uh yeah well what can I do to make it better uh or you could be a supportive wife and be there for me but I have been there for you I was there for you this morning whatever that was different story different story different story different story and I spent my day helping you and you did nothing for me well what do you want me to do for you I don't freaking know I don't know I don't know it doesn't matter it doesn't matter I'm gonna go to sleep you sure you don't want me to do anything for you yes I'm certain no let me go to sleep let me just go ahead and sleep sleeping is the best part of my day is when I'm pretty much don't exist and don't have to take knowledge of anybody in this house no you sure you don't want anything [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,358,935
Rating: 4.8046393 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Afton, Family, Springtrap, Ballora, Golden Freddy, Baby, Michael, Purple Guy, Elizabeth, William
Id: Fdaggi_KMbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 29sec (5129 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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