Gmod FNAF | Into The Pit Roleplay! [Fazbear Frights Part 1]

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yeah i'm so sleepy yeah i'm so sleepy mm-hmm i'm so sleepy meow oh god dang it not the freaking cat again now guys you're so annoying you stupid cat mal god oh god dang that's one time already oh man oh man i can't believe i've already gotten through another school year oh yeah now you stupid cat i'll punch you in the face right now but i can't because that's animal cruelty all right well what am i gonna do today how i'm gonna spend my whole day summer been swatching all of these movies that i've already seen before oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah watch this yo it's old book i don't like books i hate books um all right gonna get your movies i'm gonna watch my old movies for like the six thousand time again all right all right little kitty cat we're gonna we're gonna watch some movies all my old movies again now oswald dinner your breakfast is ready ah breakfast ah well i guess i gotta eat some food before i watch my movies all right okay i'll be right back and then we're going to spend the whole day watching my old movies now all right watch for breakfast uh yeah whatever it's on that it's on the table or whatever i got my busy work stuff i'm busy with work for quick work oh okay oh boy oh boy i can't wait for some yummy breakfast what what what is this it's just a bowl of this looks like a bowl of sludge how i oh it's because it is a bowl of sludge but but where's the fruit loops and the pop tarts and the and the krispy kreme what is this bullcrap uh oswald we talked about it before we're poor okay shut up but but aren't you like a doctor or something i thought you're supposed to make big moneys i think i go why do i take this bowl of sludge because that's all we have now now eat it tastes bad hey get this bowl of slides out of here i want some real food uh-huh oh they're not pain my mom does not pay attention to me i'm so sad oh oh i'm so so sad oh yes tv no oh is that oh is that my favorite son oh hey there favorite son how are you i i'm your only son hey hey hey you know how i love you so much son uh now you i i i mean yeah yeah sure yeah yeah well you know what today is right uh wednesday well what did you know come on man i thought you'd be more excited today what's today oh well it's my first day of summer that's right it's your first day of summer aren't you happy that you're out of school now yeah i guess so i mean i don't know well i thought you'd be more happy why aren't you happy well i mean first of all my friends moved away because they said i was so ugly all my friends moved away but all right but i don't know i was gonna i was gonna watch my movies today but those don't movies you watch for a thousand times hey they're not stupid you're you're stupid all right well anyways i'm pretending like i didn't say that but anyway i was well i have a super fun day planned for you because it's your first day of summer oh yeah and you know how you like those cool space space stuff and technology and stuff like that oh yeah yeah today today you're gonna spend your whole day oh yeah at the library why the library but there's old people there hey respect your elders ow what was that for i said respect your elders okay now you're going to spend your whole day at the library and you're going to go read some books well jokes on you there's these new books that i like that are coming out soon so but they're not out yet so i gotta figure out when they're gonna come out um oh but anyways you're gonna i'm gonna i got cause i gotta go to work now sure come on with me hop in my car we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go to work let's go but mike my cat forget your cat but i didn't finish my ball of sludge this i told you that's why you should have eaten it all right i gotta go too oh wait there alright come here little kiddo hop in my van ouch and let's go to work room all right there you go little kiddo oh what the heck oh man do i really have to stay at the library the whole day well neither me or your mother is going to be home so i can't leave you at home alone but but the cat's there what guys anyways kiddo you gotta you better schedule skedaddle because i gotta get to work but i didn't eat anything this morning oh oh yeah oh here take take this quarter a quarter really that's a lot of money no it's not it's really not we're super poor and stuff well it's not anyways uh tell you after after you read some books at the library for a couple hours i guess you could run over to that old weird pizza place down the street there's that weird old guy that works there i mean he's kind of nice i guess but he's really creepy and stuff like that so i don't know you could go down there and get yourself a fresh slice of pizza after you read some books and i'll come pick you up when i'm done with work so uh i'll see you later boom oh man the library uh books i mean let's see what they got inside of okay they got some books they got some books they got a book some books some books some books and some more books all they have is books i mean i know my character's supposed to like books but like uh so many books okay let's see here cool books yes cool books books books books books books books books books books books where's the pc i gotta figure out where my thing is coming aha it's the computer okay beep bop beep boop i want to see when my new cool comic books are coming or whatever type of books i was wanting i don't remember because i know it's been a while since i last read the fastbird fries but whatever shut up another month another month without my cool book no it's gonna take another month for the book series that i really like to come out then you fast first right books while you always take a month to come out oh no i'm all left with all these boring books how am i supposed to spend here for three hours um oh yeah that's right i'm not supposed to spend here for three hours you know what's great i'm gonna go to that pizza place because i'm very hungry i'm gonna go to the people whoa gotta walk both ways before crossing that's the sweets um i gotta go i'm gonna go over to this pizza place and i'm gonna i'm gonna go get me a slice of that warm juicy pepperoni pizza oh my god it's like the best food it's best food ever i mean i know this place is super weird and it smells really weird but the food the pizza even though it's cardboard pizza it's the best type of pizza i i got because i i'm suddenly um oh man i forgot how creepy this place is uh excuse me mr pizza man [Music] uh miss mr pizza man what's your name don't arrest me again i swear i don't have drugs in the basement i swear it was me i didn't put those dares i was framed i swear i was framed what why oh wait oh hey oh wait a minute i remember you you're one of my frequent customers uh what was your name again uh i'll reach out no don't tell me i'll figure it out on my own oh let's see here you and that uh that blue jacket what was your name again um um wait a minute it started it started with an o i'll remember that in it uh oh i remember your name if it isn't oddball how are you fella come on yeah how are you doing kiddo how's your back how's your pops doing what my name's not odd my name's not oddball it's oswald oh why are you oddball mr oddball man where how are you going and you went zuma you wanted to come down here to get someone a good old slice of pepperoni pizza stuff uh yeah i wanted to but again my name's not oddball okay oddball don't worry i'll get you the the freshest slice of pepper up half a pizza peppa pig that we got in the back so let me let me go through my filing cabinets though i hate this place it's so weird i just want my pizza and then i want to leave hopefully my dad gets off to work super early today all right let's see here gotta look behind our vending machine ah there's still some slices back here there's a few spider wipes unknown stupid spider weights oh one of the spiders bit me ow ow my little finger okay whatever i'll let you hear i was shiny many mighty you you look the freshest i think i don't know you're on the floor uh you know what they say five second rule right right i think it's my second song though um okay let's see here put the pizza there and then i'm so sleepy mr pizza man my pizza oh oddball what brings you to my pizza store today how's your pops been well i ate my pizza man i want you want some pizza i got some pizza for you uh aha first fresh slice pepperoni pizza get your pizza and then uh okay uh here's your pizza and then oh you're gonna have your shoulder that's all in the house i'm kinda let's see here uh show the showdown and gotta spray some of that spray stuff stuff in there i forgot what type of shoulder you like she needs kittens these days oh let's see i think you watching that and then some of that and then some of that and then some of that one and so i'm gonna do that all mixed up and let's mix it up together let's shake it up there you go mystery flavor and uh there we go and uh wait a minute hold up hold up i gotta be hygienic about this i can't have some health inspector to come in this place and be like oh that's not proper serving food that's right i need a plate uh aha my plate okay there you go plate uh pizza pizza and your drink there you go that'll be one quarter little boy ah okay um here my dad gave me a quarter um oh where is it aha here it is and boom there there's your there's your quarter you old weirdo ah thank you thank you i'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat it nice and shiny brook with my teeth oh okay what was i doing again i don't know uh you're good well where's where's we say oddball i'm trying to sleep well where'd my newspaper go i need my pillowcase back oh my pillowcase get that stupid thing out of here yeah okay i'm going to sleep when this is my nap time sleepy sleepy time sleepy what okay i'm just getting my pizza done oh man oh man oh this place is really weird really creepy about hey i got my pizza i'm gonna savor this slice and uh good pizza let me drink my soda uh with my sugar to go uh it tastes like bad soda whatever that's expected here oh no now it's gone oh no no no okay well i'm gonna starve then ah man oh man oh man oh man the library sucked today didn't have my book oh man i sure hope i don't have to go there tomorrow but man this summer's gonna be really boring especially since i don't have any friends anymore since they all ran away and said i was ugly i'm still sad man oh man oh i wish i had some new friends but that's not gonna happen oh man oh i'm really bored there's nothing fun to do with this summer there literally there's nothing to do i mean sure i'm going to watch my movies but i've already seen them again this is going to be like the 350 second time that i've watched all my movies again in my marathon oh man i'm gonna finish in like two weeks anyway so it's like now you're gonna last the whole summer oh man and again this place is really creepy that dude's really weird this place smells weird i mean sure the pizza tastes yummy to me but it's weird and stuff like that um uh oh man i remember hearing the stories about how this used to be some popping place or whatever i heard but oh no it's weird what is this what what is what's this say what's what earth is under attack by this this end of it what oh i feel like i've seen that face from somewhere before but oh well probably not important man oh man what is this all this old party supply stuff that they put up oh it's it's it's a ball pit i don't know why it's white so it's on the wall instead of the floor but whatever that makes perfect sense to me man oh man i'm really bored um i'm sure it wouldn't hurt maybe maybe i could have some fun with the ball play um what could i do with the i just want to play with the ball pit and act like i'm a little kid and again like life didn't matter before i remember those good old days one time would go by super fast and all i would do is have so much fun but now my life is sad um all right well you know what screw i'm gonna jump into the pit room all right say something i'm gonna sleep oh what the heck oh hi there kids welcome to 45 bears pizza come grab a slice of pepperoni pizza over by the kitchen and then you should go say hi to foxy the pirate fox say hi foxy we are so make sure to tell all your friends about freddy fazbear's pizza what the heck is this place what the heck is this place what there's so many other kittens here there's like friends or somebody's what is this huh oh hey there little little fella oh what the oh hey there guys what's going on hey there what's your name uh my name is oswald oh nice to meet you oddball you want to be our friend but my name's not freaking oddball but but wait you want to be you want to be you want to be my friend yeah sure we all get along you know we can go claim a booth and then you want to come join us i'm going to play some of them arcade machines and stuff like that and just hang out with me cool kids we're looking for another kid to hang out in our group oh you really want to be my are you sure you're talking to the right person here yeah sure man come on let's be friend okay wait i'm too far away hang on i wanna uh yeah let's be friends friendship hooray hooray we're friends now oh yeah um what you watch uh what's what's going on here and there's uh what's what's what's going on here man what what do you mean have you never seen a freddy fazbear's before uh who did it right now uh freddy fazbear's come on man this is where all the cool kids hang out at i'm surprised you never heard of this place ah ah where are you from anyways i've never seen you around town are you nude and are you new in town ah i mean uh um yes yes i'm new in town yeah yeah good old oddball is new in town oh nice to meet you oddball uh if you uh what you would you would you want to do you just went hang out and be cool kids today let's just talk and let's just chill in the back oh i can catch you up on everything what you need to know to be a cool kid yeah man you got to be a cool kid okay sure i want to be a queen um cool kid oh there's all these cool animals and stuff like that and what what is that thing it's looking at me oh boy don't worry about that thing all right anyways oddball you're new around here so i want to teach you how to be a cool kid if you want to hang out in our cool kids club uh rule number one you hang out in the booth the back of the back of the pizzeria you know what's wrong the cool kids hang out you know hey oddball what you're looking at that that that trash can over there surely isn't more handsomer than me all right sorry i was just i was just looking at that thing though it's it's looking at me funny what i tell y'all don't worry about that stuff all right anyways what you need to worry about now is how to be a cool kid all right we cool kids you wanna you want some uh uh no wait wrong story i was gonna offer you gum but some other kids use gum in a different story but whatever um all right well whatever um yeah this is freddy fazbear's pizza uh you want to get some pizza pizza i want some pizza what's the pizza there's some pizza over by the kitchen just go stealing some they just have them up there and they they charge your parents oh boy oh boy um man but i don't have my own money i don't want it i don't want to take pizza knowing somebody else is gonna have to pay for it hey man it's okay i like it you're a cool kid really oh boy oh boy i'm kind of trying to get some of that pizza oh pizza oh my god it's so delicious guys guys the pizza here is so good yeah i know man because it's freddy for ass bear's future um wow this place is awesome and stuff like that but uh um um oh no i just uh be people with that oh no my dad's going to be picking me up uh i gotta go new friends i'll catch you later oh what the okay see you later oddball okay see ya wait and i okay all right see uh uh okay gotta make sure nobody's watching me nobody's nobody's gonna watch me hop into this hop into this pit nobody's nobody's watching me uh time travel go room i did it holy freak i think ouch did i just invent time traveling holy am i a time traveler now or maybe someone someone hid their time travel in the machine in this ball pit and they forgot to turn it off oh my god i'm a time traveler now why yeah why would you say something oh man oh man beep beep how what the oh heck that must be my dad he's gonna pick me up daddy hey there my favorite son every how was your hours how was your day today it was it was it was it was oh wait i can't tell um it was it was it was nice it was nice it was fun well i'm glad to hear so cause guess what fella what you're gonna go to the library every single day why because i get to work every single day because someone has to pay the flipping bill so you're gonna go to the library every single day but they don't have my book i don't care if they got your book or nothing you're going there whether you like it or not now get get in my van ah okay dying i'll get in the way oh man any interesting uh events you want to talk to me about today i know nothing interesting happened you know it's just a normal day all right well we gotta get home uh you know me i'll cook you some dinner let's go home okay wait i just hey how does that make sense let's go vroom all right johnny we're home let's get inside oh boy and i'll fix you some dinner but again i literally just ate okay whatever all right cannot get inside i guess all right go uh sit at the table i'll fix you some grub but i literally just a fine you don't want you to not find don't eat i'm gonna watch my tv oh yeah tv i don't even think i have tv back then but whatever screw it i sell it somehow i gotta watch my football ah freaking stupid oh my god today today's job was today was something oh boy oh boy mr mr cat mr cap mr cat mal the day of the day was so cool and stuff like that ah now ma'am now now ma'am now look i know you were really wanting to watch mom go spit into movies but i'm super tired after today i'm really exhausted i gotta get my beauty sleep now meow meow meow meow meow meow meow [Music] mr cat please don't do this wow look i'm sorry we'll watch it tomorrow okay how about that meow meow meow meow all right we gotta i gotta go to sleep mr cow i'm tired sleepy time wow meow meow meow yeah sleepy sleepy wow oh what you want you should be cat oh my god i told you we'll watch the movies later wow now oh wait wait it's morning already well time to go wait i could go back to that visa place today i want to go back there oh boy oh boy another happy day hooray day day day oh wait oh man oh it's morning time uh yeah eat your breakfast okay i'll eat my breakfast in a oh just sludge again wait a minute this is the same collage that you gave me yesterday uh-huh oh it's the same thing but now it's cold oh i don't want to eat this uh i wish we had real food like they had at that one place that pizza was really good he was better at that that pizza and that the pizza and that ball pit was better than the than the pizza the pizza man gave me oh man well okay i guess i'm not gonna eat breakfast today stupid breakfast i hate your breakfast hey there my favorite son in the world you ready to go to the library again because i love you so much ah yeah library time hooray i'm glad you're reading your books uh yeah definitely instead of watching those stupid movies like i can't believe them things that you're them dang tvs are corrupting all these kids these days ah yeah now hurry up we gotta get i gotta get to work because then i gotta get home and watch the football game tonight on my tv wait wait hold up a minute all right there's no time to waste we gotta go all right see you later we gotta hop in my van we gotta go i'll drive it i'll drop you off by the library let's go ah okay hop in my van away we go room he's already gone why was he in such a rush this morning what the frick oh the bookstore eww i don't books are for boomers yuck i'm gonna vandalize stupid bookstore i hate you bookstore stupid stupid bookstore oh man i don't want to go to the bookstore today it's too was too lazy i'm gonna go to the pizzeria because they got cool characters weep i didn't look across the street and i ran over a fence how does that make sense i gotta go to the pizza place i gotta get some pizza pizza [Music] oh yeah time to go into the ball pit oh my gosh oh mr odd wall hey mr peach i wasn't touching your ball pit or whatever oh what touching my ball pit i sure hope you won't touch my ball but if i ever cut you don't touch your knot ball pit i'll pull a gun on you and shoot your face off uh why yeah that's right you little fella don't touch my ball pit that's my prized possession oh okay i'm not touching i'm not touching it yeah that's what i thought all right mr pizza man why why do you want oh you want that pizza oh yeah yeah mr mr bastard wait wait hold up let me see what my newspaper is um still 1982 oh yeah good old times but it's wait wait it's just like 2 000 and oh shut up you stupid kid i gotta go get your pizza calm down calm down let's see oh okay there's some peach down here and uh oh a little spider's still there hey there mister spider chow my other finger oh i can do that job my other feet stop biting my hand you're stupid i'm gonna squish you squish oh he bit my hand again ah stupid spider i'm gonna fall asleep bit my face oh stupid spider oh he's getting the pepperoni pizza oh there we go pepperoni meet you oh god you guys got spider jam trying to wash off this slice of pizza get in the sink wash wash wash well you want some soda i'm gonna fill it up with some hot hot boiling water there we go and there you go oh wait where's my soap oh wait i don't use soap who washes their hands not me okay all right little kitten i got your stuff uh one one one clean slice of pepperoni pizza and uh some boiling water there you go uh oh okay um uh no no no i get this poor pizza out of here and i don't want your stupid [ __ ] anymore i'm gonna go to the cool kids place oh yeah mr mr ball pit here i come freddy fazbear's pizza here i come we why are these bob pits on the wall that still makes no sense oh oh hey there oddball come over here oh hey guys what's going on hey there you want to play the arcades for arcades let's go pew pew pew pew oh yeah arcade times yeah arcade how what the guys these arcades are so old this is what my dad used to play oh wait which tomorrow these arcades just came out man yeah man you got the new hip thing oh yeah what what come on man i bet you can't get a high score in one of these okay i'll try to uh okay i'll try to get a high score i guess and uh um oh i died oh that sucks oh man um i'm gonna go get some pizza or something okay see you later oddball uh-huh yeah whatever oh boy oh boy pizza time uh uh on check it out i'm not hungry anymore um oh man but i haven't eaten anything all day but i really want some pizza though but i'm starving i haven't eaten anything all day um um um maybe it's friendly i just really scared i'm just gonna um oh it's just staring at me it's still um i got the pizza okay oh freak i dropped the pizza where to go where'd it go where'd it go where to go oh my pizza oh freak how to get back there watch pizza oh my god i was so hungry oh my gosh that thing was looking oh it's still looking at me he saw me steal the pizza oh no well i didn't really steal it because someone else is paying for it but you know oh that thing is really creepy oh man oh man that thing's creepy you know i just want to go home i'm going to go home guys i don't feel too good i'm gonna go home okay see you later oddball okay goodbye oh what are you oh what the freak i wanna get [ __ ] back god dang it gotta try it again oh so beep beep i'm coming i'm coming see you later pizza man no everyone's watching what that couldn't say bye where's my gun i'm gonna go pay oddball a visit tonight and his sleep oh you stupid cat you're irrelevant and you're meaningless ow my face you know i don't want to watch my cartoons right now i don't want to watch my movies oh my gosh another day went by like that already now ma'am now maybe some other time cat oh boy oh boy mr cat uh so far my new world i'm having fun i like having new friends and stuff but i feel really bad now i'm taking all their money and their stuff is so old but it's so cool at the same time how does that make sense how does that make sense yeah you're just a cat why am i talking to a cat i'm a freaking weirdo yeah i don't know okay whatever cat i'm sure hopefully hopefully today will be even fun uh funnier uh mighty okay oh duper duper dude all right guys and it's on the table what oh frick oh wait you didn't even move it that's why i left it yesterday uh-huh god dad can dang i feel like you don't care about me okay i'm gonna eat my sludge sludge time i'm gonna eat some slugs let's let's look it tastes bad why did i even eat it hey there my favorite son in the whole wide world you ready for another fun day at the library ah please kill me hey that's not the way to talk my house oh terrifying whatever what's going on come on let's go we gotta go to work come on let's go i'll drop you off at the library and i'll pick you up at a normal time okay gosh room and away library wait that makes no sense hold up he doesn't want me being home alone because he's scared somebody's gonna break in the house and kidnap me but he rather me go to the library and go to some creepy pizza place i just now thought about that that's kind of bad parenting huh okay whatever i guess i'll go to the bookstore and see what they got today it's just a cool but yo it's a book who reads books you oh wait wait a minute hold up that's kind of insulting now that i realize about that because this is based off a book that this is based off a story that's in a book god dang i should thought about that before i said something i mean books are awesome i love books books it sucks that my the next chapter of my the next book in my favorite series is out yet big rip big rib it sucks that amazon prime has delayed for the next fashion sprite book even though i pre-ordered it like two weeks before and it's bunny calling and it still hasn't come yet because it's on it's freaking that they ran out of stock how do you run out of stock on pre-orders that makes no freaking sense i pre-ordered it in two weeks in advance and then you ran out of stocks and it's been like almost it's been almost two weeks since you come out and everyone's talking about it i don't wanna it's so sad guy i'm so sad i just wanna read the book god damn your computer okay well i guess i'm gonna i guess i'm gonna go to freddy fires i mean uh the pizza store the pizza plate yeah definitely not freddie perry or anything like that definitely not pizza time fro oh boy gotta get chilled out your pizza pizza i gotta get some pizza hey mr pizza man oh you steal all my beans i got my girl i got my gun i'll put a nine millimeter in yeah uh hey i got it here's the newspaper oh what newspaper oh i love the newspaper let me see oh yes the news yes yes world domination yes wait what world dominate wait hold on damn wait wait wait a minute wait a minute oh yeah wait what's your name oddball hey you want some pizza hey give me a quarter give me a quarter all right oh yeah here's your quarter joint ah thank you oddball what you want here people oh yeah i got you boy there's lots of pepperoni pizza we're all spiders living spider bit me again you dang stupid spider i gotta freak to kill you but i'm too lazy too okay let me wait let me try my left hand maybe they just don't like my right hand child they bit it oh my god they're on my head get off my hands oh you're still out there on my hands oh they're on my left hand oh my left hand oh they're all the spiders on my left hand give me my gun give me my gun oh my hand i just shot my hand okay i think i got it and also i think my hand's broken i can't feel my hand anymore oh it's a good thing that spider's finally dead uh wait even though i see his grandmother no joe hey stupid spider freaking hate you oh wait would you buy pepperoni pizza okay here's your pepperoni pizza and you want soda sauce shut up man this dude's really weird okay uh uh ball pit time wee oh why do i keep getting rejected it's like it's like the for some this is weird it doesn't want me to go in but i keep and didn't want me to leave yesterday it's just weird maybe it doesn't want me messing around with time and space oh well i don't care i'm bored time and space here i come wee proud what the what the heck whoa why is it so dark and scary uh where is everyone uh guys oh what what is this just ketchup [Music] it um taste like ketchup what what is that is that the big scary man um oh uh where's where's my friends go i'm kind of scared uh what's going on in here friends where's my friends out oh mr mr mr mister have you seen my friends have you seen my friends huh what what do you mean my french that way get away from me you big meeny weirdo face get away from me [Music] the ball pit i gotta escape i gotta run gotta go into the future oh my god there's a bunch of scary dead people there son what are you doing how are you dad what are you doing here you didn't come outside on time so i had to come inside and see what's going on what are you doing why are you playing in some kitty ball pit oh well i mean i just saw everyone get murdered oh yeah likely story mister when we get home you're grounded what don't touch me illegally yeah that's my dad's car wait what are you doing why are you getting my dad's car you stupid idiot bunny man oh he doesn't sound happy with me huh i think you want me to get in the car um okay i trust you mr bunny man [Music] there's a big ugly man in our account on our couch on my dad's couch and he's watching my dad's tv and he drove my dad's car i'm super scared and he took my dad and stuffed him in a ball pit now what no we can't watch my movies stupid cat oh my goodness now i'm so sad and so alone no oh what happened to dad and he drove the car normally and then one on the way home everyone waved at him like a normal person i'm like what the heck man this is really weird i think he's trying to replace my dad wow i know that's really weird but but when mom gets home she'll show uh she'll see that bunny man and she'll figure it out what's going on and oh mom that's what i'll do oh come home oh where's where's that emergency phone or whatever wow i missed i'm gonna call my mom and then i'm gonna get her to come home early and then she'll be like oh my god there's a fat rat on my couch so uh yeah okay hello my emergency uh well what's wrong uh there's something wrong with dad you gotta hurry home now now now uh okay i'll be there as fast as i can okay mr cat that's all i hear your plan is go and when mom gets home i don't oh wait hopefully he doesn't kill mom oh no i gotta make sure marsha saves see ya mr cat wow yeah i got home as quick as i possibly could what's going on where's your father at uh are you sure he's always there what oh he looks fine to me why what do you mean you know he guys he's in danger oswell i i gave you that emergency phone to call me for emergencies only not for your imaginary playtime why but no wait wait but look there's a fat rat on the couch a fat rat on the couch hey that's no way to talk to your father hmm i thought he was talking about grounding you why no i i mean i i mean uh now apologize to him right now ah i'm sorry dad all right you know what even though you called me home early i'm kind of upset with you but on the bright side i had a good day at work and there's some leftover food i was able to bring some home so we're having turkey for dinner sure you mean i'm not having another slop no no slop tonight so uh you're honey come sit down at the table [Music] okay this is some really weird kinky fanfiction stuff i'm scared all righty all right alex will you sit down too okay okay um uh i'm scared all right i got us this big turkey it was just laying around in the hospital so there you go big turkey and uh honey i'll let you do the the the i'll let you carve the turkey you gave him a knife uh yeah he needs a knife to carve the turkey okay uh you can carve the turkey now please have mercy on me all right goodnight oswald mr cat today's been super weird this day's been super weird now there's a bunny man he's became my daisy but mom didn't notice my plane fire backfired oh no i'm scared wow you probably think i'm insane but i promise i only wish somebody else could see the big ugly bunny man mr cat did you see the big ugly bunny man now i'll take that as a guess now i know he's really weird um okay well i guess i'm gonna go to sleep but i don't understand what where's my wheel dad at mal you're right mr cat the ball pit the time traveling ball pass you must be doing something with it maybe if i go back maybe oh he dragged my dad in there so maybe my dad's stuck back in the past he probably doesn't know how to get back tomorrow i'll go there and i'll go shave my dad but i need to take a nap cause i'm tired now my mom forget the movies mr cat i'm going to sleep good night i've got to go to sleep dang meow i said shut up cat meow meow meow meow meow i'm finally gonna go to sleep and nothing's gonna make this night nothing could possibly make this night even weirder and uh good night honey i need bleach i need lots and lots of lights tomorrow after i save my dad i'm gonna drink some bleach i'm sleeping now my mouth stupid cat okay mister that's right i gotta go shave my dad okay oh i gotta act supernatural and super calm okay for right now i gotta pretend this weird money man's my dad but i gotta go see my real dad mal okay bye mr cat see you later now oh okay take big deep breaths okay it's gonna be fine it's going to be fine um okay he's watching tv all right as well your your breakfast is on the table um oh yeah that's right that's right oswald yeah you got to get ready all right i'm going to drink my stuff and then i'm gonna go to that to the library and then well i'm not gonna go to like i'm gonna go straight back to that pizza place huh what what you talking about oh what do you mean i gotta go to the library to shave my dad what osmo silly it's your first day of school today what school what do you mean it was just summer what do you mean school already what the freak are you freaking kidding me i don't want to go to school you're going to school freaking sharks and then i went by so i gotta go see my dad but like come on man really awesome it's time for you to go to school your dad will take you to school and then maybe if you're nice today maybe he'll take you that pizza place afterwards okay no butch now go with your father to go to school see he's already in the car now go get in the car i don't want to go to school though god dang it i'd rather go to the library take me back to the library please oh man freaking school freaking such good thing i got this sandwich though that's the only good thing is that they have better food than that at home but for whatever goddamn how did summer go by so quick what's been going on where's my dad at oh man hi hello how are oh who are you hi hi i'm i'm new here i just wanted to come say hi to you or something oh uh hello i'm eating a sandwich let's go sandwich okay now i'm just just eating my sandwich are you okay no i'm not okay well what's wrong um oh okay well i'll just eat my sandwich but uh but um i don't know i i need to do something today and i just don't know if i can do it i'm just i just don't think i can do it you know it's just like i gotta it's like i gotta be a hero but it's like i want to because i'm really scared and it's like i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't think i can do it i don't think i can you know what i'm not gonna be able to do i'm just gonna go cry under a dry bus i'm gonna go i i'm gonna go lay it lie under a bus and hope that it moves and ends my chef friend well um well i think i know i think i know a solution to your problem you do yeah you just have to be brave what brave that's stupid this stupid emotional speech yuck ah i don't want to be brave being brave is like too much effort man well you should just try it and and if you're strong and stuff even when you think you're at the low and even when you think you can't win you gotta strive through and try to try to make the best outcome possible for you and stuff like that you think so you think if i be brave i'll be good uh-huh uh okay i guess i can give a shot beep beep oh frick is my weird bunny dad okay i gotta go all right bye okay bye uh uh yeah school was good or something i don't know all right let's can you take me to that pizza place please uh dad beep oh yes i'm finally back here okay i gotta figure out how to save my dad how do i shave my dad also i'm pretty sure we've done a couple of these vents out of order but whatever it doesn't matter oh mr bunny man please don't hurt me oh no he's going to kill me like he did the rest of those kids don't do it mr bunny man no mr bunny man hey you see you see you see this this means stop stop mr bunny man oh he bit my finger it's just like the spider now i know how the pizza man feels god dang it let go of my hand please die i gotta be strong i gotta be brave punch a rope or whatever it's definitely a good nut or anything like that oh my head oh son what happened oh we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go let's go let's go let's go oh my head hurts what happened oh you hit your head until i i saved you though oh why you saved me oh what what what happened you hit your head and uh i shaved you and stuff like that wait i don't understand you hit your head and you fell in the ball pit and i pulled you out and then now you're good oh okay and wha what happened to your hand how i oh it's nothing i i think i it was just uh it was just the spiders you know autumn dink spiders okay oh well i've had a long day oh let's go home i don't know let's go home let's go home yeah you send it let's go home let's go home [Music] oh oh my newspaper newspaper newspaper
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 840,040
Rating: 4.8640356 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, Into The Pit, Story, RP, Roleplay, Spring Bonnie, oswald
Id: Kj_Q5j36b-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 55sec (3115 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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