Gmod FNAF | Five Nights at Candy's 3 Roleplay!

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no Benny no I will never bow down to you I will net or there's a pretty fancy hotel whoa Kenny likes - hi welcome to the pine - tell I will be your servant um definitely not because uh anything were using oh yes but welcome to our three star hotel hopefully it will become a five-star maybe just me I mean I'm up it's fine it's fine if it's not um anyways hi I will be um however you watching over you um you strange people um yes it's not like I'm being held against my will or anything like that so I guess please so please enjoy your stay Wow Wow Wow what were you talking about Oh taking over the world yeah it's probably nothing it's probably fine oh yeah Vinny hey Vinny enjoy your stay definitely not using this to distract you or anything well well I take of the world anyways enjoy your steak please you're you're not level II just don't leave and just relax wind down and me my friends won't disturb you anymore so uh yeah I see you later candy Wow bye Vani dang he's a real swell guy look at what he did he got us this hotel for us uh-huh at the serve you and if I don't I get killed Wow alright my monsters now that we've discovered the power we can take over this town now wreak havoc Wow yes go monster cats go monster rats it's so beautiful it's so beautifully alright where's the relaxation when's the relaxation start well first of all you're gonna have to get a room buddy or our room but what see we only have four rooms in this hotel and there's one two three four five six six of y'all so um you're gonna have to get a room buddy so um y'all are y'all have to go into three groups of two what what to share a room so two of y'all will have to share a room so I mean yes so getting the three little groups and they don't think y'all take y'all's rooms uh oh okay well I got my I got my good old pal blank oh hey yes you want to be my buddy uh-huh all right I thought my movie I thought my buddy okay are you for settled something out hey Jenny you wanna be my buddy no I'm with Chester what the Frick come on you're still mad at me yes I am still mad at you come on now he's like a few minutes ago that's like five minutes ago come wallet well I'm still mad at you Oh so Chester's my buddy Oh uh-huh like I don't know like just just mean you not don't like me sure what no I still like you you're fine you know what penguins my buddy then screw you guys okay I'll take us to y'all's rooms please follow me and also please take a bath too they'll all stink wow that's just don't call for all right everyone please come over here come on up Oh stairs all right for the elderly y'all will be in this room what rule what's dish it doesn't know this is a giant gameboy don't you mean leapfrog leapfrog I didn't even think about that that's leapfrog dang that's one big leap frogs a little tablet things uh-huh yeah please take a bath you stink all right everyone else follow me it y'all's rooms will be down here quick [ __ ] like a wind going point-blank one going home going fine not come on you can't come on play I'm sorry for whatever I did hmm come on you can't do this to me alright um one of y'all can go in there and the other goes there alright hmm come on Chester alright come on no Shane [ __ ] come on okay are you sure come on don't do this to me fine oh oh oh your rooms over there sir oh [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] crying myself to sleep gone [ __ ] our bike all right uh yeah again please take a bath y'all freaking stink come on that's me can't you see I'm going through a difficult time right now take a bath this place stinks where's my freaking for breeze at ya huh ping going this sucks we're going Porto gonna like it's not that bad we should I don't like to be a servant anymore you know you can treat her as that lady over there as your servant now I'm going going alright can i relaxer oh my god do whatever you want my car my wreck can I even what can I even uh can't even jump on the bed sir or yeah you don't have to you don't have to call me sir I'm not your master just do whatever you want penguin I don't care I'm going through her time right now oh I can jump on the bit so I can jump on the bed yes you can jump on the bed if you want to okay you know I'm sick go take a bath go do what that lady said Wow correct we're all gonna cook up a wreck no frickin last dang penguin ugh I have to freaking oh honey lay down Oh hmm there's beds pretty comfortable though Oh what am I gonna do how am i how do I earn Sidney's trust again she doesn't trust me anymore she thinks I hate Chester which I doodle and but she's hanging trying to back out which I'm never liked Chester's a freaking jerk freaking mean old Chester I gotta think of something how do you how do you think it works oh my gosh are you okay oh no Jake you're dead so it work mmm well why wouldn't that way should we end anew she said we had to take a bath a bath you ain't taking a bath me either man bets are scary I know right though we should go right to that lady we're going on strike come on blink we're going on strike again just like back in the 1980s where were you around in 1980s I think it was 1960 sir I don't know whatever 19's it was hey lady oh yes hi we're going on strike we ain't taking your bath I mean we are you're not you can't make us take bass well stink you taking a bath whether you like you know if you won't stay in this hotel but I don't want to check her back I ain't taking bath right like we ain't a mess nope we ain't taking baths okay fine hey what you got there it's a spray bottle it's our water what you do to him I'll beat you up I'll beat you up but what are you doing they're getting close you're not scared of me what are you doing tickle-tickle huge stupid dull old people all right come on it's checking math whether you like it or not come on they're coming here don't let her take me all right Blake no dodo dodo oh it's just like in the Great War with my good old pal Jimmy got shy Oh Kennedy's been hit Candy's been shot candy is down I'm dying I've been wounded my friend link has been adapted by the evil bath time duckies fate I see darkness joycie oh well at least we get the relax in someplace oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got a fever even one bed Oh quick quick quick quick going to Eastern Western oh it's gonna eat some quacking cheese Clank Clank I am a queen you got you no no no mmm quick quick quick or Clank Quinn Quinn Quinn quick link take a shower cause I'm quacking Clank gonna go ahead guys I named a quick okay quick quick quick quick quick quick quick we're quite quack quack I'm all nice and clean Oh looking pretty swanky going wrong work on call Clank Clank Clank okay white oh my French yeah one quick look away I took sour candy good good quick hey actually taking a shower make you feel real bedroom look at me my feathers are actually fluffy again instead of filled with dirt I'm fluffy again sir little too sorry you should take a shower I really recommend it okay taking the steward you know what under your time outside I need to go get fresh air all right okay I won't do anything while you're gone oh he's gone jumping on the bed jumping on the bed jumping on the bed cuz I'm a fluffy penguin oh I need to get away Oh freaking hey Chester thought he was dead Oh what don't freak oh my gosh are you okay no I'm not okay oh my gosh what happened to you what happened lady she came in she took a blank wait why she took the blanking she tried she's giving him a bath oh no that's awful I know right I've been inserted soldier leave me here to die she'll come for me it's next then she'll make me take a bath I mean I can just drag you out of this room please do please okay come on let's go oh thank you son thank you huh where should we go down here we elfric what now leave Oh Oh silly you saved my life oh thank you so much yeah whatever pops well this whole new wife's gonna get a little hard to get used to but it'll be okay with me Oh uh-huh yeah yeah go all right well I'm gonna go take a shower because I'm feel pretty disgusting so stupid Wow all right well I'm gonna go take a shower so I'm all just being here if you need me dupa dupa dupa time to take a shower or oh or taking a shower or oh you save my life yeah I know you don't have to keep thank you baby thank your son for saving life yeah whatever look I need this [ __ ] i I don't know what to do dad I don't know what to do well you should tell your pops anything if you have any question I can answer for you it's Shawn I I I'm a good person I know how to help the poor yeah ooh my ears flap oh wait wait I don't even know dang if I don't forget the wall what yours Ben Shawn I don't even know that okay that I'm be insurance can you help me all right charlie all right what's bothering ya what's wrong what's wrong tell your pops all about it I'm just gonna get cozy well oh okay sure it's just there's this dude named Chester oh and he's a jerk cuz he freaking rain off all my customers Oh and now I think uh Sydney's dating him herself I don't even know what's happening there oh-ho and and now I shouldn't he thinks I'm a big jerk which I'm not I was trying to protect her but you didn't believe me oh-ho and so know they're together and I don't want to be together oh oh let me stand up I just don't roll if you got my back oh wait whoa whoa so what you're telling me is that Sydney and Chester are together uh-huh and you don't want them to be together right uh-huh hmm oh I see what's going on here let me just pick my nose it's kind of falling off I'm just okay sorry I didn't take my notes back on all right I see what's happening here so do you know how to tell this Shawn I think it's yeah I should I ask you hmm well dad what can I do hmm while Sean since I see the Sun since it's a beautiful day outside dad this window just leads to a back alley well I think it's time I tell you give you a talk oh yeah why time III see I see what you're going to a shining I've been there too once in my life and um it was pretty sad day in my life I mean first it was like going all good and stuffing in and in my pops my pops sat me down and gave me this talk to and everything was shattered and I know how you're feeling right now sure it's gonna be okay I know I'm about to break your world but it's fine okay wait what what are you gonna tell me Sean I need to have a talk with you when you ever talk with you what wait was it Sean I see what's happening here I see what's happened here this whole love stuff I see what's happening here uh do you for you burn stuff it's freaking freezing cold take a bath I don't what you keep clean what the Frick I'm shiny clean oh I haven't been this clean and so long oh my gosh actually feels good I thought I was gonna die see it wasn't that bad now you don't smell anymore yeah I miss spicy clean boy mm-hmm yeah whatever maybe we could fix you up or something cuz you're looking pretty ugly okay wait you said it nope my legs stuck in the sink again oh my gosh no all right can't wait where'd you go Oh stupid cat all right Sean Sean each time no oh no I just came here for advice not hold no stop Sean there's something there sweet I need time for me to tell you something no get away do I feel like you're white no no no no no no no this is friendly monetization stop Sean I don't know how to tell you this any other way so I'll just cut straight to the points No all right son Lou dupa dupa dupa I'm not listening I'm not listening don't worry don't worry son I know you're gonna have denial but this is the true facts this is how we live in life okay this is what we this is how we live in life so and you're gonna have to live with it shelf yeah and also I'm not doing a gang side I'm just like my fingers are bitten off by a bang squirrel stupid score okay I won't like the squirrel squirrel squirrel ruin this moment all right Sean you ready no I'm scared Sean you're adopted mm-hmm wait what Sean you're adopted I'm sorry I lied to you this whole time you're not actually my son oh well what a relief where you mean what a relief you do not love me sort of no really I mean you're kind of nerve for me Oh though you're gonna told me something else okay cool all right well do you think you could still help me with with Sydney Chum hmm well last time I checked I'm pretty sure Pineville what I think we're in Pineville or whatever I don't even know where Pineville is but a lot about to my knowledge I don't think we're in Alabama so I don't think that's gonna you know what is being an Alabama have to do with anything why didn't you love your sister what no I'm just saying I didn't want those two to be together that's it because Chester sucks I want him dead oh if you wanted dad you should hire an assassin someone sent an assassin on one of my buddies Rick um yeah he's dead is this has some children it was pretty sad I was there when he got shot and I saw the I saw the assassin run out and trip out the window and fall to his death it was pretty funny I laughed yeah there's good old age in the military oh my anyway no show if I were you I'll just go get that penguin pal of yours and you know he's a [ __ ] I'll go get him to go into that room I was sending a Chester and just just get him to cause chaos and make it look like it was all Chester's fall so that way he gets mad at Chester can't deal with him so she comes to you yes that's what I would you know I'm doing my now well that's actually good idea you actually said something smaller or what time was your mind my medicine time candy it's time for your bath oh heck no Sean Sean don't let her take me away it's written it's time for your bath we know Sean please don't let her take me uh okay fine because there's so much more stuff honey and tell you about no okay let her take you away take him away please before he says anything worse okay come here no wait Kenny you're something I need to tell you you candy [ __ ] I I need to tell you where the people's comfort heck no I ain't about that life boy oh yeah but you did say something smart get pinguin in there no that's what I'll do penguin penguin penguin I need your help I wasn't jumping on the bed edge where what's it be sir oh it's not my neck I fell off the bed you didn't snap your neck oh you're right oh look penguin I need any help from you watch out pure huh I don't know why you always call me sir but actually that's fine okay I need you to be I need we're gonna disguise you Oh pish-posh yes we're gonna give you this guy let me shut that door just know when someone's listening all right I'm gonna give you a disguise you're gonna go into Sidney Chester's room you're gonna create chaos and make it look like it's all Chester's fault so that way Sidney gets mad at him okay okay I'll kill you donkey that's actually a good plan you come on what the best planes candy I know right candy does come up with a point best plans uh-huh okay watch your mind just eyes be I can't disguise myself as uh I just washing machine I could jump inside of it but then if someone turns on the spin cycle I'm pretty much dead but that's fine I could put this lampshade on my head and be a lamp boom on a party star or I could jump in this barrel I could jump in this chair I could uh I could be a sink and turn it on I could put this cheap I could put I could give me this part of my hand be like real which shelf I'm a secret man secret identity life because you just be a box or something fine like you always come really missed ideas I could put myself underneath this crate without make you happy yeah that's good enough they're all in the door for you thanks I guess okay I let me hear all right I'll go destruction II that way you can get in shibez show and so that we use slide by me in a distractor so that way you can get in the room okay no okay file and get my crate all right yeah Sydney oh yeah said Nate pretty stupid get over there right Sydney alright oh wait I wasn't doing anything I knew it oh no it's you where's Sydney oh she was taking a shower you know I was just chillin bed chill on bet that's where he was really doing just chillin on bed oh oh okay well have fun with that just let her know always looking for her yep can do can't can you can do I'm not telling her freaking weirdo a bath maybe I should take one now too much effort there's all this trip I'm gonna get rid of this trash dancringe get this trash get this get this trash out of here stupid trash freaking trash trash don't stupid trash Hey oh and wait where does just even have to do about five nights at candy's three oh yeah the monster rat and Kat and VIN you taking over the place whatever I wonder how that's going for them right now I must be going well more more more more more more more MORE whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh stupid right he always D spawns on me oh oh I know he'd be spawned in the last video - he whenever you turn away he spawns oh I know you wanted to play you could play kickball with me you know but good so maybe I want to play with rat but okay fine I guess I could play with you yeah finally I have a friend okay okay all right so we just do it back and forth oh okay I can do just you hey I'll forehand whoops I saw the rat or do you go great oh my face mm-hmm cool put your drink we're good oh my you freaking stupid rat oh I got it inter oh whoops I'm sure you guys I don't have any friends hmm stupid Club it ruined our game all right oh look a new ball I love playing I love playing keep the ball with you oh yeah Oh missed oh ho you suck shut up Frick I suck yes you do friggin stupid lamppost is in my way oh my leg oh you got it all uh-huh I'm the best more ah much better alright alright well I just took my shower I'm sure mmm yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah your smell good I think I mean look better I mean y'all look good ah prick yeah so yeah it's pretty tired stink we should lay down in bed my fountain yeah I guess so but you should probably take a shower first brick you're fine yeah and freakin stupid yeah Oh yo Mac ever [ __ ] stupid forget freakin freaky freaky there's nothing good on this TV sucks oh oh well real neat Oy Vey yes we do how am I gonna watch my soap operas Alice do you know I'm stroking and this TV sucks so bad look like oh we're just quite quite do mmm anyone take punishment watch if penguin do uh uh huh are you lampshade battle let's go do you know hey what the heck I'm sorry I split I trip I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I actually tripped that time though I wasn't coming up with the ball ally I'm actually true just lampshade here's the lampshade whatever you know don't do that miss that stupid plant chain freakin pack yeah Clinic which I think or something else oh wait penguin should mean when she got party supplies inside of him hang on let me let me dig this out throwing a party all around the world early phase did you just punch me Oh No what was it mean oh don't worry what come on it's not that bad hmm Misha plush party supplies look come on you can't just do that to somebody what I did I did hey you know I'm being honest I honestly didn't hit you yeah what okay you don't like the first of all you don't the line I mean that just makes the whole thing worse but look I know you're trying to do something I know you're trying to pull move or something like that but no I ain't going that far yet no oh oh party shop laughs each party should clash gonna cook some tea with some party supplies my little fingers okay that's it I'm very so move freaking [Music] oh so that's it I'm going outside I can't I can't take I can't handle this anymore ya know what when I'm ish I was just wanting to party all right where should you go I gotta fight yeah I know funny oh right like we're gonna go back to candy get this boy drank Oh what was that I heard somebody Clank who's clanking who's in here wait wait I don't remember there being a blue crate in here who's underneath oh there's nobody underneath it oh my head oh my boy black like a little penguin penguin hey fritz penguin candy they ruin everything mmm their revenge won't get my revenge on them ruin my relationship Sydney Sydney wait what are you gonna do now huh huh oh it was okay so you know you know that punch that punched you or whatever yeah I figured out I figure out who punch you who you are you gonna finally confess that was you oh no it was the penguin the penguin snuck into our room and hit you oh wow really then where is he is he in there no he's he's in Kandi's room sure because are you lying to me but no I'm being honest II it was hell I saw it was him he hit you you know whatever look he he he was in there and then he ran in there you reigning kings you sure you're telling me if I go into Kandi's room right now that's the penguin if you came in here and hit me and you're telling me he's gonna be like yeah I hit you yeah good come on come on go on and I'm penguin and then I shed I said to her I said keep the change and I slapped her in the face now it's like take your damn money I don't need you stupid freaking investor and I thought they could invest their stupid smelly perfume in my restaurant I was like heck no way that's a that's a really interesting story huh alright don't lie don't play games with me penguin I know what you did you came into there and hit Sidney in the face Oh oh hi what are you doing here I didn't say I didn't tell you coming here well I'm sorry to disturb you can you but apparently Chester's claiming that penguin came in there and hit me uh-huh you did didn't you get it I got hit but I don't think I got hit by penguin I'm pretty sure you hit me whoa Chester you hit Sidney oh man that's not cool man what no it was pinging what ping when you hit her didn't you what watch the shock mount what do you mean penguin hit her anyone's been chilling here with me right being woman telling her stories like oh man uh-huh you know I was just telling him about the story about that investor that tried to invest the place with perfume and I was gonna give us a bunch of money in which I was really gonna do it but I was like nasty right screw you I ain't let your perfume room I'd buy a nice cheeseburgers and then penguin told me about what it's like in the Arctic right penguin uh-huh and like you always said if you ever see your polar bear on ice get your camera out cuz you're gonna fall through it at any second uh-huh it's perfect story see look they've just been in here all this time you're lying to me stop it well I'm not lying Chester don't I ain't lying is bad if you lie you're a terrible person and you're gonna go to a terrible place forever even one little lie you've ruined your whole life just by lying once and let that torture you for the rest of your life what not being honest I'm actually being upsetting you please believe me whatever just don't okay you know what fine just don't do anything else funny okay well I'm gonna I'm gonna go outside and go get fresh air and then I'll come back huh huh all right I know what y'all doing y'all are playing games dude why are you talking about you you're messing with me you I should kill you right now I should kill you right now I'm going to kill you dude calm down we didn't do anything to you why are you threatening us dude we're letting you live your life I know you're trying to get what's in here whatever and I'm [ __ ] I'm I'm cool with it and me and Penguin apologize to you before like more like hey chill when you try to kill us with that fire we're like hey chill we're sorry man we're sorry we we trying to throw you out in our pizza place and we said sorry I mean I don't know we have to go to this whole killing thing again but we're sorry look I don't care if you're bullshitting you can be with Sidney all you want okay I'm not getting the middle of this I've seen you watch it so you can have it ya know you guys try to kill me dude penguin did we try to kill no see what we did sure look when it was we just got got off to a bad start and I want to make up to you and I'm sorry whatever no I'm gonna get Sidney I'm gonna kill you too oh it's your lucky that she's giving me one more chance hmm yeah yeah whatever Punk gentlemen are king when you got that all recorded yes sir down on the tape let's go boom we're smart like that uh-huh all right all we have to do is so [ __ ] you got tape oh yeah let's just wait a few minutes huh so wait did you actually go to the Artic oh wow are you gonna take a shower no I ain't taking it out I don't need one you sure I'm fine leave me alone mm-hmm how am I gonna get Sidney that my chest back oh well we could I do romantic I can make a fancy dinner that's what I could do I'll set up a fancy dinner and she'll have to forgive me oh I just got to set up a fancy dinner you know okay watermelon that's pretty fancy and then and then some uh and then some and then some Oh pizza and then what else is romantic then uh then I'll then there's some cheese and then there's um oh oh some champagne mm-hmm she'll definitely like that and then uh and then um and cold cool I like me some punch Oh fancy coconut drinks she'll be like Oh all and where's the turkey come on there's gotta be a turkey somewhere in this lunch menu McDonald's no she won't like that Donald so didn't know up high maybe some ribs oh wait they're raw no Red Bull Oh Turkey the turkey turkey Turkey turkey two turkey boom Turkey no pepperoni pizzas just turkey mmm and she'll be like wow I was just fishel okay I just have to go get her all right Palin let's go get her I think it's been like one minute clunk Oh Clank okay good point Hey oh [ __ ] sure yeah sure Dave what what I want to apologize you okay I'm very sorry you know what fine I'm sorry look you know what fine I guess I did hit you I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I want to make it up to you though sure you finally admit it was you you know I'm sorry okay look I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I take everything back I want to make it right to you well I'm just glad you confessed look look look I made a fancy dinner and I hope it helped make it up to you Wow okay mish mash almost penguin watching here oh okay look [ __ ] out look I set up a fancy dinner so come on in here okay mmm we're Turkey penguin look at all this Turkey cor : they got cheese it tastes good oh that's a good party see Sydney look what the Frick are y'all doing in here you freaks mmm mmm nice hey Chester this turkey is really good thanks mm-hmm and watermelon true mm-hmm thank you thank you for inviting us over Chester mm-hmm wait what's going on uh-oh hi shiny yeah Chester invited us over for uh forgive us he was like she was saying she's so sorry for um for this whole killing stuff for one hour he said yeah and so he gave us this turkey mmm who's trying to say this to you sorry Ross yeah what what no I did it they broke in here they're lying hey what'd I tell ya lying's bad don't lie about somebody lying that's that's even worse you're gonna be in that dark place for even longer now well Hey coping a drink Oh Chester what's going on tell us tell me the truth oh yeah Chester watch what's going on pal hello Shauna burp I couldn't burp mmm sorry sorry about that excuse me and the food's really good mmm hey Chester I cannot believe you're gonna go skinny McDonald's I mean I know shinu she doesn't reach hey tip hey youcome you should come to me if you wanted all my sending out for some food tips um yeah she does not like McDonald's she says that just makes her fat so yeah but I can explain I can explain I can explain okay fine okay so was this dinner for me or was it for them well whatever was pretty good dinner hey Sydney I think there's home there's a Red Bull left over I mean I didn't know sending I would have I would have saved you something if I knew that Chester invited you to that did you invite all of us oh yeah yeah I did I invited along you oh wow I'd send you that's my fault I apologize Sydney I apologize because I didn't know he invited you to because he came to me and penguin first I figured I figured if you were invited I figured y'all would have already been in here since this is yall's room but I can t I forgave you for eating all the food huh Shane Shane Shane see see Chester you just gotta be honest I was honest I honestly did not know that she was invited to I mean Chester have you told me then I would have shaved her some food while that in it cuz I don't know Shawn yeah oh okay all right you know what it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine so what Sydney I can make her something you know you know okay you [ __ ] kandi you and pinguin ate right uh-huh Oh feel kind of loopy yeah I should probably take penguin back to my room because I think you drink all the champagne yeah I think he's a little cuckoo now I'm gonna be a wall with oh you're gonna be the best wall where stare ever once all right well I like this chitchat longer but me and Penguin gotta go somewhere soon yeah alright you two have fun now good luck with that relationship thing or whatever you're trying to do I don't know huh well at least I was able to mark him down the board mm-hmm a penguin where'd you go I'm gonna go drink out of the toilet oh okay I guess you do that go party open it hmm okay it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm sure there's some stairs no food Hey look Chester it's okay it's okay there's no fear it's okay it's fine I didn't need that for you to add it bud I wasn't even hungry anyways it's fine hmm look I know you're just trying to make out so it's fine hmm all right how about this how about look it's been a long day I know that Vinnie and whatever is taking over the world right now and it's been a long stressful day on you okay so come on listen look it's time for bed anyway so let's just lay down and go to sleep okay well okay Ashley next year yeah sure whatever I don't care yeah okay yeah just go hang out I knew years about tamuka I'll be here I'll be right back oh I'm not ready for this I'm not ready for this mmm something's missing something not normal I'm locking that door penguin you're staying here um mmm something's missing and now I know my tie is missing a little bit and I know my ears crooked I'm gonna go ask old candy for advice kids I don't know what I should do now you're doing old candy where's old candy all candy oh you're taking your bath too well dude I can't believe in here blink why you just watching me but give me out of here pal yeah I'm good don't worry you'll feel better when you're clean sir do it up let me out of here let me out of here let me out of here and then candy just clean or all candy labels sparkly you're good away oh whatever huh well alright dang freakin old it old people have to bathe the old people ill all right I'm out of here yeah yeah oh wait okay oh s another although don't have to bathe you - I want no no no no how much final I remember I just need to talk to these kids for a second Oh better take bathroom you don't if you're not cleaning in the morning I'll have to bake you which I don't want to do that Oh freaking old church ah the cheek did she make ya'll take baths oh-ho were you scared were you tormented Oh Oh their yard candy uh I forgive you for abandoning me I know you were scared and you're just a little whippersnapper so you're fine schon No Oh Sean did you come to me to get that talk what no look um oh no I just wanted to come talk to you because I feel like you're you need more screen time springtime huh you want to take a screening come on let's take a screening together no I don't want to extreme come on let's take a screening look look let's check the screen you this is gonna be the worst photo I need to get shower first and it's fine Oh Gucci's greenie I took a screening of that and screenings my life oh please don't like that I'm gonna post it on the Facebook ill you people still use Facebook uh-huh I got a ten count sir just blink right blink uh-huh yeah Facebook is dead well I hope just leave then hmm all right well I'm going to bed it's been a long day I'm gonna sleep oh I'm like let's go sleep whatever okay y'all are weird mmm yo foggy my new audio pod Oh hmm feel like I'm missing something what am I missing hmm oh okay okay mmm knock knock knock knock oh hi clean what oh hi candy hey I was young or just looking for something that that penguin left he left his here's a little pot or whatever painting and he left his little he left just a little pot a hat thing or whatever in here so I was gonna come by and get it if that's okay oh yeah sure it's probably somewhere on the floor yeah um oh yeah so oh oh Tran fine huh how'd you uh yeah um okay Senya I also want to apologize for me and so mean to Chester I just didn't expect that move so quick you know yeah whatever it's fine yeah I just really wanted to apologize and stuff I mean oh yeah I'm I'm I'm like I said before I'm okay with you to eunuch understand I mean mmm tasty I mean uh yeah show all anyways I'm I'm very sorry for being mean towards him and be means towards you and stuff yeah it's fine I forgive you yeah nice stuff or feel a little loopy now yeah so anyways I was like I was just hanging with the boys and we like hey man it's it's free look let's bring more McDonald's yeah yeah sure yeah you know with some ribs or I found penguin chat mmm mmm Lord's party at you what's that doing here anyways I got I got the pot and we're never it's fine you think keeping hold no Eric yeah so anyways you you have fun with that sister guy I mean I I mean you know I know he said I know that Chester doesn't like me so it's I feel like you what do you mean Chester doesn't like you I think I think well I mean I wouldn't say he doesn't like you I say it's just a bad introduction know what he's threatened to kill me how much fine well don't be silly he wanted threaten you I want oh yeah he did he I I mean he's threatened to kill me he threatened to uh turn to kill penguin he threatened me in penguin earlier oh you know early exits are he threatened us like a few minutes ago like 10 minutes ago like aw whenever I'm you came by by our room or whatever and then he choose penguin I'm doing something to punch in yourself like penguin would never do that you even know that right I mean yeah I don't think being would punch people yeah he's never done penguins never done anything mad and plus ping ones always with me um but uh I mean I can't believe you lied and then you started threatening me I don't know why you hates me so my Ivan was like actually one telling back I'm like dude it's fine I don't I'm not getting in the way I'm fine with you being which we I'm fine with him being with you kind of thing like that you know uh-huh wait what do you mean him being with me oh well don't worry in a relationship right what No uh oh it's been my has my life been delayed this whole time anyways oh well yeah so anyway now hey I was like hey hey but anyways oh no sorry sorry I was thinking back to the boys up No Oh anyways me and Chester we're just chillin and I mean not just hurt me and pinguin were chillin and in Chester just to start threatening she's like I'm gonna killing y'all my stabbed your stuff like that well come on okay I'm kind of okay I can do I'm gonna be honest I'm kind of hard to believe that a whole threatening part oh whoa I even got it on tape see you look let me play you know I'm gonna kill you you you're gonna pay for what you did dude I don't even know what you're talking about I mean look I'm sorry for whatever in it look I'm finally you mean with shiney right penguin oh shut up penguin I know I know you I know you uh you punch in E oh no more game yeah come on man look payments been with me all day just chill look whatever it is for sorry okay whatever happened happened I'm so sorry I'm so sorry for whatever happened if you accidentally hit or something I did not hit her or okay fine I'm sorry look well I'm sorry I'm gonna show you I'm gonna bring kill it dude relax with the killing I knew he threatened to kill us like last week but like you don't have to be teen killing with us like I know you lock this up in that factory or whatever it's setting on fire trappers inside like that was uncalled for to apply look I forgive you I'm sorry I'm trying to move on from that you know whatever I'm still gonna kill you okay well have a good night I guess whatever it's I'm gonna kill you and Cindy will be mine forever okay have fun with that or whatever yeah that's that's what happened he was sad yeah do you Wow yeah all right well have a good night I'm sorry if I've ruined your evening I'll just go huh or I brushed my teeth I actually brushed my teeth for once ha ha all right well ok all right Sydney I'm ready shot drill a noun and stuff my knot in red Oh Chester I have a question for you uh-huh what'd you ever have you ever threatened anybody threatened anybody uh no no I have it I have not threatened anybody I've more never threatened your soul unless you unless there's somebody you hate it and I can threaten know him like you hate candy shock be fine threaten Oh Oh candy yeah yeah yeah hmm the Chester you know candy means a lot to me right because he's my brother and stuff yeah yeah uh-huh I know that and you know you gotta take when you take care of me got to take care of candy too right uh yeah so have you been treating candy right of course she she's like yeah he's like a brother to me yeah yeah he's like a brother to me oh now what do brothers do together now you're uh they hang out they uh they get to know each other they have fun that's what mean candy do right uh home brothers win it threaten to kill each other right yeah why are you going on with this whole to threaten to kill stuff no reason no no reason no reason so mmm-hmm Chester did you threaten to kill candy what no no no I don't I did not I do not I swear you sure you're not lying what now I'm done look I liked you before I'm being honest I'm being honest Cindy I am not lying to you right this place Sydney you have to believe me okay I believe you or Thank You Sydney thank you thank you yeah I would believe you eat candy think come in here and just play that audio tape if you threatened to kill him all right what one audio tape he apparently recorded you threatened him in the penguin or it's stink all right freakin Chester come on I thought you wouldn't why I thought you learned your lesson stupid candy sting all right you know what I think you're in a bad mood so i'ma just go take a fool never change I'm gonna make them pay I'm gonna making time oh it's all darkened oh how am I gonna stay I can't go back in there oh hi candy oh we're all hi shiny all right Oh are you sleeping I didn't mean to wake you up no where's fine I was just having an impression it's fine I mean I'm perfectly a okay you don't have to worry about me I'm fine mm-hmm I'll wait wait watch out what you doing here what's up you go oh no no not really mm-hmm I just need to spend some time away from Chester oh so you're looking up to your big bro to UM for just there just chill out here just stay away from him yeah I got you covered you can you come in here oh okay well I could just sleep on the floor you know you can have the bed I don't care wait where's pinguin uh I don't know I think he's I think he's drunk I mean I think he's sleeping in toilet or something it's really weird oh but yeah you couldn't you can have you can have to bed I I'll sleep on the floor that's fine I've been through depression a lot it's fine it's well I know I'll be fine I'll be fine don't worry about me Sydney I'll be fine well you can sleep in the bed - oh I can but you have to take a shower first oh dang it stupid [ __ ] I hate challenge I don't want to take a shower just get it over with come on no wait oh oh oh I would take a shower but I can't catch penguins usually matter room you literally just said he'd sleep in the toilet no look he's yours in her bathroom I mean I don't know why would you be a creep why would you go in the bathroom while someone else is in there you just sleeping on the floor oh all right go take a shower Wow I hate water oh whatever guys taking over the world's boring you chuck what do you mean I suck you suck where's your fancy little bunch I ate them for survival that's just weird oh-ho that's weird since when could y'all talk anyways since since since we were cool and stuff and we yeah um hey could you all show me and count we're talking here now did you stop following us please what what do you mean I mean you're ugly so yeah oh no totally you're ugly bro that's uncalled for Thanks just fine I didn't mean to take over the world I wish it's fine yeah I'm just gonna be by or well why'd you bite my or you'll see why what do you mean you'll see why you mean you freaking bully Oh would you do yeah I took away your powers you big dummy you know all right can't let's go do something fun Lorraine Oh you mean you'll feel regret dish you can't believe you still have powers well I'll just I'll just take those powers out of you mmm no little thing show let me get a cat scratch which arrow I scratched my shelf oh I'd cut my shelf wow that's really messed up now that I think about that oh don't don't don't do that to yourself one more back to normal now Momo Momo right hand hold up I clean myself what are you doing licking yourself yes hmm now I'm a clean cat don't poke Leno all right come on oh yeah now I bit my tail yeah right it's free wait wing come on guys don't you want to take over the world no that's lame I don't know where you do that come on rat let's do somewhere else okay Jay later Benny actually see you never don't follow us me oh thank you shred and cat I'll make them pay I'll make them pay oh no but first I should you go take bath or shower yup I stink oh hey look there's some clean water right here time to bathe doo boo doo boo oh wait well right we're homeless I'm hungry huh I think there's a place right here for tweet well oh yeah we're still lady yet Oh what would she ordered the Frick did cheat am I blind yo oh I am blind hello welcome to the pines hotel how may I help oh gosh these mutts of rats and cats hello we would like a room Oh Oh brick oh it's just people take in the world yeah yeah you can have a room there's a room up there for free okay sweet come on this place is for free oh nice tweets we each swing well I'll be cat now yeah whenever I'm just gonna yeah [Music] I'm hungry it's time to get some food I smell food fee fie fo fum I'm coming for the food Wow more how much sleep you got mo mo mo I smell food I smell kebabs rat kebabs mmm I'm hungry yeah water it burns look well break color II yeah I'm all bright and coloring again what happened to my voice I got watched in my bro okay being when I guess you're a dog now you sleep on the floor and drink out of toilet interesting all right well you just stay in there just good luck with that thing yeah oh hi hey okay oh yeah I think it would be better we just it's like it's been a long day yeah ash yep yeah really it long day hmm oh yeah mm-hmm I'll get my revenge candy I'll get my revenge I know just kill you in your sleep yeah that's what I'll do where's the knife I need a knife this Walt catfish will do your own enemy a cat mmm rat kebabs are they taste like trash oops tastes like trash mmm I smell chicken I smell food oh my leg I smell dog dog I won't cook dog mmm I'm gonna kill candy tonight tonight tonight candy will die Andy the cat will die Oh what huh huh I was right this is a little Bama what ladies not what you think wait what candy you check it every take away free oh hey whose dish I'm gonna freakin slice and dice yeah yeah hmm did you just eat my freaking fish Oh bird Oh what was that I I'm very confused right now very scared it's not what to think it's not what it looks like it's not what what what looks like I mean nothing nothing nothing no good sleep Oh whatever can I just gotta stick to be continued wah ha ha ha
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 532,141
Rating: 4.8314266 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Candy's 3, Five Nights at Candy's, FNAC 3, FNAC, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNAF, Roleplay, Candy, Cindy
Id: Vw2J2tKZA0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 30sec (3990 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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