Gmod FNAF | The Afton Family [Part 5]

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no sleeping challenge oh no mm-hmm sleepy now oh oh it's morning in time got dang I hate morning time I just want to sleep forever and I never want to wake up huh all right time to get up time to get up oh yeah freakin God ow my freaking face oh my frickin Frick Wow freaking kott freaking power for our eyeballs oh okay just got to get up I fell off the bit okay oh there we go oh my god oh my frickin head oh is it morning time already unfortunately yes oh you know what that means oh crap it's time to go make breakfast sorry all right I'll meet you in the kitchen we Oh another crappy day my crappy life Oh fine Oh frickin stupid cloudy outside got freakin dang it oh I'm going to go to the kitchen and I'm going to make some food dupa dupa dupa did you pray alright let's see here trying to get some ate some food and uh wait a minute where'd that big box of food I got yesterday go I could have sworn I ordered a big box of food maybe I didn't oh maybe I was going to today okay I guess I'll just okay I guess breakfast is gonna be delayed by a bit I guess I have to order some food I could just I really felt like I ordered some food that I'm getting some deja vu or something but whatever hmm okay I guess I'll just call and order some more food dupa dupa do doing dong I'll go to special delivery just for you Oh perfect the food's here okay perfect alright doopa doopa - time to go get it Oh Oh my face okay I gotta go get the food we will you do the DVD okay oh oh oh oh what the whoops accidentally ripped that up well with it oh I never knew there's something down there do you know okay I'll have to worry about that later I guess okay that's interesting whoops I never okay I never knew that was there but whatever it's probably not important okay I'm coming hang on do you know I'm here um face-up hi yes I'm here oh my face okay hi yes ding-dong I got a special delivery just for you I guess I ordered some food yo did you order the family food package yes yes I did well here you go Oh special delivery Oh Oh goodbye I'm gonna go swim in their swimming pool now mm-hmm time to get myself a special treat and swimming time we swimming oh my face oh well like that nail person was probably in a rush anyways today or something all right at least I got some food all right time to take this to the kitchen and open it up in time to cook some breakfast all right hand boop there we go I got some food in the kitchen and there we go on Pam got some food and yeah all right I guess I should open this up and get some breakfast food out or something all right here I'll put this right here I don't really I don't need anything to go into the fridge I don't think okay let me get some breakfast food out so I can start cooking it or something in hey I guess I should go wake up the stupid kids or something like that Oh so freaking stupid I hate my life ain't my life I should just die I should try to charge our guy and I'll look into that later but I hate my family I'll hate them yeah life's good two kids two sons they're they're okay they're little brats sometimes but they're all right and baby ah well she was so fat oh oh wait a minute that gives me an idea I'm such an idiot what am i doing wasting my time I make machines for crying out loud huh you know I you know I I'm gonna make the perfect machine today I actually have a plan for once instead of wasting my life sitting around here I'm gonna do something useful I'm gonna do something good for the humanity of mankind I'm gonna do everyone a good deed I'm gonna make a anti-fat machine so that way she won't be so freakin back that's what I'll do today that's what I'll do today I'll make it the anti fat machine um I was gonna wake up the kids but whatever I don't care they can sleep I don't care hope they don't wake up actually I hope they don't wake up all right time to go order some stupid parts for this one let's see oh if I wanted to make any entire fat machine what would I do uh let's your doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doo doo mmm wait let's see what causes fatness Oh five nights with mr. ho what the frig how does that cost fatness that makes no sense uh skip okay let's see okay anti-fat machine of course it doesn't just of course it doesn't get I don't want your stupid medicine no I need a machine ASAP right now within 24 hours your stupid lousy thing all right fine I'll build myself just carry on I need some parts through Purdue okay at the car at the car at a car at a cart at the cart of the cart no overweight get out of the car one buy that it's real expensive okay I'm not made of money I like it back oh yeah perfect all right and I'll wait for home I kind of forgot my passwords and done and pay and bam it should be in here and like two seconds dang ding dong I got a special delivery just for you ah perfect that should be my parts all right I got to go I go to the front door dupa dupa do now my freaking arm out like that okay dupa dupa dupa guy go get my porch and out freaking face alright I'm here with fricassee hello so just get Dean on ditched hello what the mail person what the thing going with the why are you at my backdoor what the Frick hey watch out with the oh oh oh what the oh [ __ ] that was loose that's not loose bingo I'm coming freaking Wolf's actually broke that door for come breaking everything okay I'm on my way alright hello I have a special delivery just for you why are you out my back door or no questions please why are you wet oh no questions please take your dough lift take here's your special delivery I'm not taking it and stuff no you're taking you take your special delivery hey I'll rent you one star now give me a reason why you were out back oh no don't worry me one store tell me why you're out back if you don't tell me I'm gonna write you one star oh oh you're better come up with a good reasons as to why you're out back I hope you weren't swimming in my pool oh no I would never swim in your swim in your pool who never do that um uh uh uh sure why were you out shy why'd you come to my backdoor mr. uh I was taking out the trash oh really you were taking off the trash yeah we threw Balloon Boy in the trash hmm and on that seems like a good reason I guess it's worth five stores oh yeah five stores you stupid brat I hope you freakin dog Oh order again please the way you freaking oh well freakin wait a minute why'd he have to throw him in my trash Oh stupid think I'm throw it in your own trash I'm pretty sure that's illegal or something putting your trash in someone else's trash but whatever I'm not too worried about that all right I got to get this stuff upstairs to my workshop so I can make it anti-fat machine I'll freakin might stub my toe all right come on Kai get this up the stairs it's kind of heavy could full of metal parts Wow I keep hitting like freakin I hate these stupid feet okay get up the stairs get up the stairs I should get it up the freakin step get it get up the stairs now get up the stairs on my toes oh no it fell down the stairs now I got to go all the way down oh god Daniel I hate my life I want to die okay I mean a happy thoughts happy thoughts okay I'm gonna make the world a better place I'm gonna make the world a better place yeah yeah oh wait no no no stay upstairs there okay okay get up there get upstairs okay oh okay just gotten up the stairs stairs well I'm getting too old first all right there we go all right got to parch up the stairs doopa doopa doopa doopa gonna make it anti that machine gonna do the world some good today there we go all right I got to go to my workshop go to my workshop and I'll freak I forgot there's a bunch of trash in here from last time I never cleaned this place up okay whatever I can clean that up later what should I build this thing out probably over it God dang this rooms a mess huh okay Oh what did you dish is this up one of those from that stupid love machine or whatever I think I'm pretty sure yeah that mission work that big board I was just a full machine but it broke there's some fat person sat on it freaking stupid baby freaking fat that's why I had to build this machine because frickin I built the Love Machine for a different reason and she came in shadow and frickin broke I can't let her break my house she's gonna before you before I know it she's gonna break through the floors and fixing the floors or is it expensive so I need to make an anti fat machine that's what I'm gonna do today so I got this box oh uh oh um okay I guess I get all the parts out let me get all the parts out really quick all right this is all the parts that came with surprisingly fit into that box you're white this is stupid um hollow cargo boxes forgot and this is the one from last time so I can get rid of this box - okay all right I got to get all these stupid parts out of here from the previous machine god this rooms a mess okay or whatever alright perfect so this is going to be for the fat machine first of all like I gotta build the dang thing okay let's see and there's no blueprints because I'm building this because I'm a smart smart man and I make smart decisions in life okay let's see here that goes over there okay this is the bed you have to like lay down in it for it to work um let's see okay let's see we have a lamp well it's not it's a it's a it's a special type of lamp it's not your ordinary lamp we got one should've come in with a second one I saw I thought I'd Oh over here fell okay give me that oh I need to get rid of this thing that just get that out of here Oh freaking okay there we go oh my god stop stop oh my god I hate this room I'm just freakin Chinese food all over the place all over the floor yeah okay whatever alright look like not stupid dang freaking I hate these stupid things these things knew we'd get rid of we need get new air conditioned I'm freaking owned I almost hit my toes my toes oh wait frickin toes you know what no no no get this out of here you just no no no it doesn't go there it goes out the window I came and throw it out the window okay you know what fine get this out of here take it stupid frickin hate this I'm wrong if I want to chop off someone's toes I know where to go home kinda sucks hate those things I thought I got rid of all them okay whatever um okay and you finished building this beautiful machine all right um okay now I can actually set this down properly without any distractions perfect oh let's see we have one one at the east over there this one goes right there and then uh you mean give me this oh wait it's deceiving I don't even know this is high enough no your I'll put that right there because that's like the hook and then I take this take this thing take this right here there we go and then what else was there there was this which is like the head of the thing so that goes freakin that goes right there because then I need um actually no here we'll have it right here actually that goes there and then we take this thing because then this goes like above the head there we go and then where's that spotlight there we go this thing that goes right freakin go and all wait wait wait I'm doing it wrong see you okay so this attaches to that ice breaking I hate this house this house sucks okay whatever all right there you go that goes right there and then this connects right they freakin there that there there we go and then our own perfect all right here like let me see the claw this is gonna attach up here all right and then we've gotta get some parts there we go all right so what this machine does is it holds the person there this thing comes down and cuts down and gets rid of all your all the fact so there we go brilliant machine um oh wait here Elsa came with these oh this is to make the machine stay in place so that way the holds the frame in place okay there go well might want those pieces in if I didn't have those pieces and if I test it on so I might have a fall over all over the place um whom I guess I should try to test this machine and make it sure it works properly because I shouldn't endanger my home daughter or my only daughter um I have two sons I can kill one of them I may not kill one I mean test all test one of them alright um which one should do I not like them I mean which one should I test it on oh look you know Michaels I don't know they're both they're both kind of I'll see what's let me check on him let me see what you're doing what you're doing in here kidding Oh sleep in our room is a mesh I should kill him just first room being messy would you see I I shed I'd still bad time go back to sleep mm-hmm yes mr. tooth fairy freaking town freak wait wait since when was the Tooth Fairy a guy oh maybe it was just a dream I hope it was a dream mm that's scary if the two theories ago mm I might kill him I might kill unless you would let me just let me but first let me check on my other son and if his room is clean then I guess I'll spare him all right let's see oh I broke his door earlier okay let's see ow well let's see god I hate these doors okay I might just get rid of this door you know what freakin ripped that one off the wall I always rip it off the wall let's just go and let's see uh mmm wait a minute his room is pretty clean but uh hold on just a second wish I did Teddy weddy I told him to be a man I thought I'd get rid of that dang thing oh I can throw that in traction hmm no no not that not the toe jammers he has two of them in here these things break your toes I can't allow this in this house wake the Frick up you disappointment for pups I'll be I wasn't playing with the Teddy weddy I don't do that how strangling I swear I don't care about the Teddy weddy yeah what is this what is this I I'm sorry okay fine I do have a Teddy weddy I'm sorry no I shop lying to me look what is this what is that Oh they're conditioned thing or whatever I hate those I hate them it took everything for me Thunder boom I'm a slaughter you too freaking brat huge freaking I disappointed in you I always tell my freakin toe on it crooked on my toes on these stupid thing died my other dog Oh Oh No why you in a bad mood come with me I need you for something it's for its for ice cream the ice cream wait a minute I don't like ice cream what freaking why don't you like ice cream because baby try to give me some of her ice cream it's I'm gonna stop talking I don't want you change subject I mean I I didn't mean to say ice cream I meant to say um I well what are you doing give me a way to go wait what the Frick give me this you me just teddy bear nobody do you live with me if you want I'm taking your Teddy weddy away freaking odd forget I hate this house oh my god my toes I fell over and freaking old brick I try to build a new spine for myself right here take Chitti wedding with me took my Teddy weddy I gotta get him back don't worry Teddy weddy I'll save you Oh Cho Cho Cho pulling up the stairs okay I know that brat will come in here cuz he's he's just Teddy weddy back home well let's see here doopa doopa doopa where do I put the Teddy weddy a hop freakin get that out here in my safe a ha perfect LLL what is this you know probably old photos or something stupid nice anyway please don't hurt him please I'll do anything don't work my Teddy woody please don't look like Teddy wooden okay all right you know what you know I'll give you your Teddy weddy back but I'm a lock and in my safe no Danny woody will save you I can't open it because it's a safe you dummy hich locked okay please don't thank you don't Brown me oh how can i l do some chores or clean the house they'll do anything just give me my Teddy weddy back oh you don't get your stupid okay I'll make you deal on you'll get it you'll get your stupid Teddy weddy back if you help me touch my machine well test your machine oh um it's like a comfy bed oh okay I'm ready for a nap uh tits look good so I'm tired I'll lay down in bed I'm gonna get my teddy woody back by sleeping ah-ha yeah good luck trying to Schlichter - okay close this door maybe lock it and what why'd you lock the door nothing nothing then I'm just gonna locally this thing's Bluetooth so I'll disconnect it doo-doo-doo okay well while you do that I will take myself for now I'll hang out all right hmm it's hard to get comfy there's no mattress on this bed frame you know wait a minute you said that a saw blade oh all right time to go is that a soul blade please don't hurt me all right you know wait I can't move these traffic coats are holding me down [Music] please all right just just got to slowly chop off the thinnest layer all right let's see how stable this thing is all right don't worry don't worry I'm just going to um I'm just going to slowly it's gonna slowly cut the top of your skin off and then that's all it's gonna do all right well it scared this is gonna hurt no it's gonna be fine it's just gonna barely touch you and oh it wasn't that bad I was worried for the oh no this is bad no you fat freak you broke my machine oh oh oh no my sweet my sweet are you okay would thinking okay shut up my machine my beautiful machine Oh rats you broke it it didn't even work it looks like you gained some pounds oh let's mean mmm all right get out you Frick mm-hmm oh yeah I guess I should care about you oh now what will make you feel better child only likes on this video would make me feel better if this video would get 10,000 likes like the last one that would make me be happy now mm okay whatever here you might you know I'm done with you all the frick off or was your mother gonna think when she sees you like this oh you know what you know just act like you're fine well put a note fine if you act like you're fine and say nothing happened and it was just a growth spurt or something like that I'll give you your teddy bear back miss my Teddy weddy okay fine I won't say anything don't tell them I'm making this machine oh okay boy dad oh whoops I turn off lights oh oh why is the door locked off freckles unlock it here Derek oh now get out of here while I fix my machine I guess there's a bug in it that frickin chopped you up okay boy we got my kitty-witty pie pick up my kitty wait Eve had come on throw'em stairs and take him to my room we freakin idiot made him uglier okay whatever um that's not how this machine was supposed to work um broke fell apart okay um let's see it was the it was this piece right here that was unstable wait maybe just up from the Love Machine maybe if I take some spare parts from this machine soap and then let's take this and then you know we're gonna replace this faulty think that I said get this out of here that such will place it with with this sign instead oh wait wait no no no not that wait hold up actually no this can we replace this this crummy shovel I can get out of here I have any more parts I have a brain I have a fresh one that's not snapped in half okay I here we go eyes that this goes up right there this goes back up there cuz that's like a little spotlight and then and then this this goes down and connects right wait no not there okay this is a longer ones that this should and this is more stable so it should be more stable or that saw blade go I still need that hot right here at my toes or don't want to chop my toes off flecks in it that would be bad and there we go all right BAM all right repair the machine um maybe there's some more Parts I could throw in to make it more stable let's see a time bomb I don't need down throw throw that in there though um don't want anybody mess with that let's see no a bicycle a bicycle gets you to do exercise um you know maybe that oh and maybe these wheels can help power the machine you know here what's throw-up bicycle in right there um let's see let's see it will take some of this other stuff that we have in this machine okay let's see this sign that this really cool-looking sign or just a hook well we can add a hook to the saw blade now to get down make it more efficient and another another traffic cone and uh what else do we have we had a pipe that goes right there aha and then oh we can insert some fumes like some laughing gas but this isn't really laughing gas so it's like low-budget it'll make the patient not feel pain while does this happen in there we go and perfect there we go I think it's complete alright mark - I'm kind of hungry though I'll wait till after breakfast to test it out or something oh you know some breakfast I hope breakfast is ready because I'm starving right now hey old freak mr. wickham oh hey Timbo ding-dang kiddo get up man mm-hmm the Tooth Fairy oh you're back oh no it's a dude mm-hmm oh wait it's just good well please do it okay come on it's breakfast time look oK we've Oaks oh come on go downstairs you're stupid wait you're a corpse I can throw you with the hoop Oh true stupid kid I like how I could throw that one he's the only one I can get away with throwing I gotta go get the stupid barrette up and stuff in it oh my god freakin Albert - I'll get these frickin stupid stupid dumb thing hmm I wonder if I can get in through that window right there Oh freaking stupid dumb toast freaking stoker thing alright baby time to get up knock ding-dong I'm coming in don't do anything weird I'll hike it up haystack daddy I'm not touching you get up well why is your room on that got-dang your rooms a mess get up and clean the room actually no just come down and eat breakfast Frick no I'm stuck no get up right now I can't stuck in my bed I'm actually stuck daddy I'm stuck right now can you help me I'm stuck I'll I'll freaking dick okay you know what Oh getting as far away from you give me your hand okay all right come on oh my god you're so fat this is this is why I made that fat machine oh you made what now all right nothing just come on get out of the freaking bed you're freaking fat weasel well I'm gonna fat weasel left me and Danny and I'm not fat I'm thick Oh hon just keep telling yourself that uh-oh Danny oh shut up shut up look you're all right now what just got it just got it freakin oh wow there we go oh okay I'm a mechanic for a reason now all right there we go well it hurt Danny all right whatever breakfast go down and go eat fat Frick okay okay I'll go downstairs and you think yes we freakin stupid brat so freakin fat oh wait Frey I should have done it now because now all my god now she's gonna go eat all the food god frickin paid oh my freaking I gotta go get her all right get back here oh my god freaking pig freaking I fell on the stairs freaking Oh okay little buddy my little friend okay you gotta go back in the drawer cuz I don't want you to get stolen again so on I'll see you at bedtime okay well I guess it's boy this time it's only breakfast this isn't breakfast this is brunch I'm pretty sure it's lunch time right now today why are we having once I mean why are we having breakfast so late because I spent my morning build a machine yeah you know what yeah it's not even break yeah that's like what are you talking about you're right freak it is lunchtime god I can't dang it is lunch like we missed bread or we don't even like this thing I don't know I guess we'll have a brunch mix of breakfast and lunch okay all right come on oh okay all right all right yes it is pretty much brunch this better be a good brunch and a holy Frick well what's up oh my god it's the best food I've ever seen in my life so beautiful all right I think that's all right there we go that's everything maybe maybe I shouldn't have served everything that was in this box but I oh well I can always order more Oh everybody um I would say breakfast is ready but it's like later in the afternoon so took me a while to cook food because uh because I had a reorder and stuff because I thought I ordered the last night but I guess I didn't but anyways the food's here now so I guess it's pretty much bright we're just eating breakfast but it's like lunchtime so there's also some like peeps and stuff like that so uh just eat whatever you want here at the table so what yeah oh boy I'm gonna dig in chocolate milkshakes oh wait and sit at the table whoops OH dupa dupa go play brother oh hey wait what happened to your man you look different Oh Oh your dog was a growth spurt or something I think uh okay whatever I don't care come give me some food yo want me some food too mmm pretty good walk area shave me Shawn for me looks really good mm-hmm I'm already good stuff Oh food I'm starving haven't eaten in like five minutes it's all gone oh it's gonna do it much of at least there's one bagel left my bagel oh oh no my bagel bite I mean I did get a bite bit like bro it was barely any I didn't get to eat and I made the food no it's good and I'm taking a nap not sure gotcha I've had it I've had it no no you cannot kill her I'm not gonna kill her I'm gonna strangle her with my fist I don't think you can strangle some with your face shut up shop shop little Michael we should go do something uh yeah okay fine whatever fine I don't want to eat English today no it's good food lush now yellow watch some more food yeah I want some more food a little pushy Oh Bonnie get push up up already a little plus you've awake awake you wake you up I'm sure stop banging on my house what do you want from me go upstairs and get us more food I told you how to walk up the stairs well I'm lazy so you go get the food fine I'll be back with some food I can't climb the stairs alright steal some food got to get me some food and uh what where's all the food where's all the food oh no it's a rat stove oh I'm sorry little rat there's no food for us there's no more food because free she ate it all you ate all the food your monster heat your fatty food you freaking fat Frick fat alright little rat that means you got to go find a new home so get out here stupid rat I hate rats get out of my kitchen but what was that well Frick well what was that there's a rat on my counter freakin rat why they're rats here we have no food oh no I think the fridge is disgusting or something the fridge perfect I'll go steal from their fridge let's see what's in the fridge open up open up and off its poor food it's poor poor poor no food like this let me shower oh god that's the word thing I need to go do the sink I need go to the sink and rinse my mouth out oh my god oh no wait oh no I can't open the fridge from the inside help somebody else welp since we're out of food uh I don't know I'm gonna go outside and go work on my gardening because I can I'm gonna go outside for once yeah my plants I've got freakin dang it oh hey Michael we should go into the basement oh I don't know about that I don't know about that maybe we shouldn't look your way what's in the way what's in here well it's a book it's book it maybe it can speak let me see if it can speak mr. bucket can you speak and you should be mr. bucket oh it over can speak mm I need a I needed to air to the machine without anybody seeing me take her up there cuz when people are gonna think so more than just oh no oh I have a perfect solution get all the way Brett with the oats little wave please and you staying there no way let me out of here you know you get in there no please don't show me into the closet I've been a good boy this year please mmm okay good enough all right you you're coming with me God ain't your still slick dope upstairs you're going upstairs ouch what oh wait there's one pepper left oh oh my god I've freaking stuck how frickin heck taste Oh yummy yummy Apple liquid it's fire oh my god loser all of the cool the cool water it feels so good I'm staying here for a while I might even fall sick all right time to get you upstairs come on you're going upstairs where are we going daddy just shut up and you're going up there alright alright come on I'm gonna we're gonna finally fix this stupid problem watch them for all you freaking fat freaking this point I'm not fan thick look at me cheeks I'm thick shut up stop talking you're going in here actually no I hope this blade kills you all right you know all right now I just get in there get in the door God dent yourself fat you don't fit going to the door but Danny get in the freaking door you're fat disappointment daddy just get in there there we go freakin finally freaking Andy I'm sleepy or whatever I don't care - shut up all right go sit and wait you know what since you're sleepy go sleep in that bed right there I can't Danny yeah I'm sleepy am I so tired Oh No okay I'm gonna sleep hmm oh my gosh fact she doesn't fit in the thing okay I'm gonna have to try to make this work can't reach my computer it's all the way over there I'll get out of the way you fat friction I'm not fat all right let's see here my initial finally fix all my problems once and for all this will fix all my problems what you for all what's your a hole what are you freaking you broke my machine Oh what don't freak happen to you Danny Patrick Patrick nope nope it's time for Plan B Plan B Plan B lock your child in there and let it starve and lock hey daddy what happened daddy come back daddy Oh Danny Danny oh that's it that's it good thing I had a plan B barricade I know you don't need to build no machines no more for my life and um all right let's see what do I tell my family um let's see I tell them she ran away she yep she ran away they'll believe that um all right there we go all right and there we go hmm wait a minute Africa I need to find one thing that'll make sure she does honey make sure just doesn't come out of that room um is there anything in here um for kinding something to block the door up with um what is the first a time bomb when did I give her a time bomb I mean again I'll slide this in front of the door squeaky squeaky squeak and there we go and okay yep there's nothing in there freaking close and perfect all right there we go BAM no one's gonna try to enter this place with the foot freakin toe jammer right there and there we go all right now I got a free room in the house but we lost him no room but whatever um there we go I sold all my problems I think today he's been a swell day my god freakin dang you you piece of trash you I hit you i frickin hinged okay I'll just go downstairs okay whatever Oh freaking out okay oh that sucked now food oh wait for it I should let you guys out of here freaking you like that's it that's it that's it get out of here go out get out of the closet Oh would you look us in the clothes that do not like this yes I don't like Joe I hate y'all freakin ow I can't wait for dinner I'm going my room till dinner's ready okay Oh Michael what do you wanna do today alright I don't know I'm bored yeah I'm bored too I want to do something fun oh hey look it's one of those things that hurt your toes oh whoops oh okay shut up man I got to find something to do um watching this store it's just a clock oh I never come in this room come on let's see what's in here Oh another closet I love me some closets food what's in here wait Michael I just thought so let's play hide and seek again but we used the whole house oh okay all right um should we get baby to play but no she's fat and she's easy to find okay fine I'll just be between me and you oh wait we should see dad lunch to play oh look a billion billion what do you want for me your brats you want to play a game with us we normally play with three players but oh we don't we need a third person play with you and play with us what are you playing we're gonna play hide and seek you know come on Oh here you and Michael hide first it all came up to 30 oh wait we need limits okay the limits are you can't go outside but you can go on the balconies but you you can go on the balconies but you can't go outside um what's she and you can't go in the basement okay don't fear alrighty alright yeah you count to 30 and I'll actually count to a minute because then you help them get started and play everything okay well where should I count it I'll count in the far corner over here in here okay I'll start counting - I'll count to a minute thirty okay how does this how does this stupid baby game hide-and-seek work alright just we just gotta hide somewhere in the house and I hope they doesn't find us um okay well we can't hide in Manor okay I'll help you find a hiding spot or something okay hear that dad dad you can know you can hide in this room hide in here I think just go go stay in there in the bathroom yeah and then he has to try to find you don't leave this spot till he comes okay oh I could just okay alright you um I obviously know how to hide and seek works I'm not understand I'm not gonna sit here on the toilet I'm a hide under in here this is a good spot I know touji and DUPLO do alright there we go alright okay oh no I gotta hide oh I could hide in here I could hide in his room under the bed he would never look think to what air but maybe I should hide there a different round um oh oh one minute twenty nine one minute thirty four okay fine I'll hide under the bed Oh Frick ouch under the bed okay okay hopefully just look here what do you know you're cool okay I'm gonna find some people let's see where they're hiding Oh away someone in here no that's a good spot and we can play down right there oh let's see so we said basements off-limits and outside off-limits but you can go on the porch and stuff so anybody over here Oh nope nope nope nope someone left the fridge open that's wasting power and stuff I should close that um hmm let's see someone behind the TV oh wait I don't wanna knock over the TV I'm sorry TV okay oh whoa whoa stop stop moving no no freaking stupid keep okay whatever oh let's see oh oh wait I know someone's gotta be hiding here Michael you're not very good at hiding oh he's not in here I thought you would have been in here okay home I'll search my parents room then all right let's see what's in here um let's see well let's see somebody in the bed Oh nobody's in the bed hmm maybe someone's in dad's office area no oh wait someone under the desk no someone in here oh here no in here no oh wait a minute boo boo oh no one's up there oh oh okay oh wait aha someone's in there close it uh-huh no well no one's in the closet um someone behind something in here oh no whoa what what is this thing it's in boots wait what is this that's a left boot and is this Oh hold up all of us this uh those are two left boots well they're two left boot uh-oh I broke the door on oh I hope nobody notices oh okay whatever throw this stuff back in there or no what is this word stick thing hmm it's warm and it's sticky oh that means it does stick obviously no yeah it's you sticky white stuff on it okay whatever all right that good that goes back in their coping and they're just too quick okay Oh nobody's in here doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa dee doop all right um aha I should have I should have looked in the keep-away I did look in the kitchen oh I could I need a look upstairs okay look upstairs okay this part of the house is done I'll go look upstairs dupa dupa do somebody hiding upstairs in the bathroom away this is the bathroom there's a closet oh I never go upstairs because my rooms on the bottom floor so I never realized this well I thought this was a bathroom I know okay whatever Oh nobody's in there okay uh-huh this is an easy hiding spot Oh nobody's in there good dang it Oh mmm something tells me someone's in there but uh I don't know if I don't know I'll look at that last resort cuz I don't want to move it that looks like a lot of heavy stuff I don't want to move that stuff but I think someone's in there but uh I'll save them for last I guess Oh nope nobody's in here get out of your stupid monitor Oh peekaboo no peekaboo oh oh dang it dang you're actually really good I thought I would have found one gun by now think they're hiding really good mmm Oh outside right here fans this is a bigger place peekaboo Oh the ones out here oh oh wait nope Frick I think Michael hit in there one time when we played hide and seek in the past awning Frick hmm I don't know where they are well I guess I'll go downstairs mmm I mean I guess there was some stuff over here I guess so peekaboo no no no okay nobody's over here okay I get the point Oh somebody in here oh no because it's just a stupid bathroom mr. sofel oh it does all Oh believe all God freakin dang it you found me okay that took a while freakin freakin hate stain oh just go got your found me good job I found you I've kind of had all these stupid passageways okay whatever um worry about that later I forgot about that I could have just hid in there and I could've easily won okay whatever freakin oh I broke the door on accident good thing you didn't see that okay whatever all right oh no you gotta help me play my cool I have no idea where you went oh okay that's not very helpful only room I really looked in here is my room but you want it hide in my room oh no wait a minute oh oh wait might tell you what he's funny okay good whew oh he's not there mmm I thought you would have been in here I gotta be very quiet but I could tickle his toes no I shouldn't but I really want to touch them toes here give me give me them toes who the [ __ ] is touch my toes little freak this degrade the boogie monster try to keep my toes oh no no boogie monster I will not come in your white van uh-oh why oh yeah that's right you never sold the boogie monster Oh freaking ah it's just me under here wait what wait what boogie monster wait Michael you were under there I mean ah no I'm not I'm not under here well a hole I saw you go milk hello I found you I got dang it uh-huh freaking heck man Oh God God dang yeah I should never bratton myself oh I thought you found me oh I thought you were the boogie monster but I never saw a white man oh it was just me I almost got in but then he send her some police officers so he had to drive away for some reason I don't know why but anyways dooba dooba dooba oh ok I win how do you win shrimp Michael win technically cause you were found last no it's basically the seeker wins if I find all the people's the hiders win um well actually no the last surviving the last hider or the remaining hiders Wayne if I call if I call quits and basically if I say I can't find if I quit I can't I give up that's when the hydrogen one oh okay I got an exchange glitch play another round of hide-and-seek with before monie okay oh let's yelps seeking so well Michael you go seek okay I'll go in there corner I'll count to a minute all right you have one man tied oh ok diet we gots the hide oh oh oh oh every every person for themself we gotta hide behind upstairs Oh perfect I'll hide in here dad will never come in this room because he doesn't I mean wait it's Michael see check that thing oh okay whatever I don't think Michael will come here Oh uh-huh I can fit in this tiny place okay I'm not gonna fit oh I was so close to fitting but oh oh oh wait this is bigger uh-huh I'll just get in here and oh all right I'll sit in here and uh oh there we go dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa and there we go it uh oh there's another stick in here another sticky stick with some liquids good on it hmm interesting Oh Frick I hide um where should I hide Frank I hate this game um you know just wait what if I Wow Oh knowing sixty away I can count to 60 all right I gotta find I gotta find a golden forty in my and my swing our spring-trap um where do I look wish I look first Oh someone knocked over the TV oh it wasn't me oh my gosh don't don't drop that just can you stop being stupid stop it being stupid TV stop moving there we go I fixed it okay I fixed it yeah epic can you I don't like that TV there we go okay TV oh okay good look for everybody oh let's see okay nobody's gonna be over here cuz nobody ever comes over here whenever somebody's coming oh okay dupa dupa dupa minion you'll see somebody in the closet nope nobody's in the closet okay interesting okay very interesting I thought so we've been in there but it's fine oh my toes okay someone's definitely oh whoops I had a seizure oh okay see what's in here um-hmm somebody to buy it somebody in the bite nope nobody's gonna buy it oh hey someone left this closet door open that mean someone's in here right hello sir here put your hands in here put your hands up in the air put your hands up in the air oh okay oh whoops oh no oh I made a mess of what the Frick is this thing it's sticky what's this stuff on it hmm interesting looks good but whatever alright get this stuff back in there good thing I don't want to be making a mess in here dad's room um um um oh I gotta pick up the mess oh I wasn't in here I didn't make a mess oh that's right this broom is scary oh okay I don't think anybody's in your number middle way all right mmm let's see anybody my spot nope okay I'm gonna go upstairs dupa dupa dupa anybody in here I had another seizure anybody in here Oh peekaboo uh-huh behind these boxes nope nobody was in here oh I made a mess okay nobody nobody's hidin in there okay I'm gonna have to find somebody quick look somebody's in here no nobody's in there oh oh oh no oh no where could they be where could they be oh no oh no nobody's in there um oh oh oh oh no I gotta find somebody um this is a buddy in here no well did somebody jump off the balcony cuz search in Africa I think I look on the porch up wait I can see from up here anybody over I can't really see I see a dead balloon boy that makes me happy and that makes me smile on the inside but oh oh oh no no I can't find anybody but somebody in here Oh uh-huh oh no you film uh-huh I found you I found you oh did you at least my dad before you found me oh no I found him yet what oh my god oh wait do you know where he was hiding no I don't know where he's hiding cuz I shoved him out the light to go fied well come on um let's go find him I don't want to find me I'm gonna wait in the kitchen for you to finish we almost sat down here on the couch God God dang okay fine I'll just I'll go find dad oh okay let me see let me think oh that's him where would I hide oh he's probably in my room Oh freaking okay as you know none of the bed don't over there only I feel like I'm looking for the boogie monster no no okay no energy you know my little backdoor balcony no it doesn't look like it oh god I'll take you to my room maybe he's looking here yet I think I did I know he's on their break is he fit where is he at me and bored mmm I need started thinking of a hiding spot for next round cuz that's gonna stick next round Oh where's all my toes mmm why did I fail you right now don't rat me out mmm Oh what doc oh oh he's definitely behind here put this barricade up I I see I know someone's hiding here when I see it all right come out come out to pull out dad I know you're in here come LLL come well I know you're you're in here all right what's the doors unlock I mean the door's locked all right let me open that up you know Mowgli Loulou what you found him okay I'm on my way we freq don't rat me out whoops sorry oh shoot right um you know all right you said you found him oh no no I didn't find him oh I get point there prank sucks oh yeah I know you found him nope no in fillory I miss snitch snitches oh no no I frickin brat sold me out that game was rigged I what I should have won well it was about to give up - I was gonna look in that one room and then I was gonna give up she always got the one and then you rat me out oh it wasn't my fault oh okay let's have one more round and then oh you're gonna seek okay Dodd ah I don't want to shake shaking sucks we'll go seek you better start counting in our final freaking shikai - okay fine okay come on Michael we got it we got to go hide in a really good spot come on I spot dad will never think to check oh yeah not good Oh G spots that we both of us already know but you know yeah okay yeah we'll go hide no her g-spot okay I'm gonna go ahead my lunch dad will never think to look in here I hit up you're watching I was really good I and I dad would never think to look up here alright we yeah there we go okay let me think Oh boom where should I hide well I could hide on the balcony I mean technically we said the pool wasn't I could hide in the pool Kyle on balcony Oh I don't know where to hide oh I think I'll just all hide in the pool behind in the pool cause that's it's technically part of the house so that counts okay we all just uh I'll wait right here and then whenever dad can bill I wanna dip into the water and up wait what the heck what is this down here it's not a rat what though it's a little rat a little rat we would owe its pull extra moisture up what are you doing up here silly I was trying to get food well there is no food up here baby Adel I kind of know that you better get back into the basement because my dad my dude he's seeking us so you better hide before he finds you oh okay all right I'll go back in the basement see you later by the way you should come down and bring us food sometime so we don't starve oh okay me Michael will visit you tomorrow or something okay all right I gotta go and I don't think the basement oh no we all might Oh I stubbed my toe oh okay I'm done counting all right time to find these stupid brats where are they at or are they bad okay I'm gonna find them I'm not gonna quit I'm not gonna quit going with my freakin I hope nobody won in my room well pal look I know Oh nope no no okay nobody's in there alrighty all right all right okay let's see here um no no no one's in there well no one be in the bathroom okay I think they're upstairs they're definitely hiding upstairs somewhere oh they're probably on the roof or something yeah that's probably where I'll go look on the roof and stuff and yeah I know hmm all right let's you know Oh No Oh Danny worked up who let you out of the who let you out of there who locked the door daddy daddy see I told you I'm not that I'm thick we'll get me daddy I'm thick Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny look at me I'm so thick look at me I'm so thick no no begone demon begone or suffer creep al Dan yeah that was me you hit me with Danny look I'm so thick as your monster I gotta kill the monster oh no crap cornered Oh No there's nowhere to go okay oh this is terrible spot oh god please don't come in here daddy wait now you know where to go Danny Danny let it go then oh you went away I'm so so sad I'm so sinned I don't know what I'm going to do on daddy Wayne Wayne Oh Danny Danny Danny Danny oh he's going in here my smell bad mmm I guess I should take a shower yeah I'll take a shower there we go I'll just take a shower and go throw that in there yeah they're going up there we go all right all right I'll just hop into the shower I guess um there you go all right I'll just get in the shower there we go I should put her clothes on after I got stuck why is it jammed open up man I'm really bored it's getting hot in here I'm I have to try to switch spot it's really hot outside so hot in here hmm oh man oh okay see I know there's a good spot dad look here we're like five five minutes into the game I'm doing really good and yeah hmm really bort though I'm really really bored mmm i'm super-bored damn dang dish sucks oh okay it's hot in here okay I'm gonna take a peek and nope dad as you it hasn't come up here yet bang you know I kind of hope he finds me quick cuz I don't want to sit up here the whole time but up and whatever alright all my spines broken alright it's cuz I'm a corpse okay oh oh oh hey look someone became a member that means you should subscribe and consider becoming a member too and also you should leave a like on the video are eligible hunt your dreams and the boogeyman will come after you please like the video my bones oh you know what this is nice swimming in the pool swimming in the pool I'm surprised he hasn't found me I thought he would check out here I won't lie day and check the pool when I was seeking home mmm as long as I don't leave this pool area because he if I get out the pool right here that's out of bounds oh uh oh wait dad hates these toe jammer things I'm gonna set up a trap for him so if dad tries to get me almost set up a toe jammer thing right here so he's gonna try to come out here and spend James toes on it mm-hmm and then he's gonna fall into the pool and before he sees me I'm gonna get up and run into the house and find a new spot before you can find me Mom a win this game easy-peasy now I wait on the swim we've proven swimming swimming swimming swimming I'd love to go swimming swimming is fun because it's a new water move Awards David Rohde Oh God have a swim for a second well okay well just chill right here I probably should be making a lot of noise well I am starting get bored but uh whatever that's that's what it is like with hide-and-seek you know you hide and they seek and then they don't find you and then they forget about you and then you leave you as they go eat dinner I wouldn't want to have dinners come along actually hmm all right it's that time of the day you for me to make another special delivery my toes I got hitting head with one these earlier today oh my freaking toes I hate these oh these stupid people living here are littering that's not good hey stupid people inside I take care of freaky toe jam it eats tub things freaking stupid faces freakin stupid things oh my god I can't go make my special delivery oh oh yeah wait one like I'm delivering to a bird um okay let's see hey little birdie and yep there's your Tweety treats here we go Tweety Bird you know seal I have a no wait ring ring oh I have another special delivery oh okay oh it's right over here it's in some type of box on the apple pie they wanted it after delivering apple pie dupa dupa dupa special delivery ding dong you got a special delivery just for you nope not luck and I stopped my food I'm getting really hungry in here yup did you order apple pie uh-huh all right here's your apple pie sir thank you all right ring ring ring oh my oh I have another special delivery Oh art special delivery dupa dupa dupa dinging oh my god I'm getting so many special deliveries oh okay oh let's see um special delivery did somebody wanted a UH somebody wanted a beach ball or something I wanted a beach ball um okay let me reach into my pocket and get a beach ball okay I got it I got a special delivery for you use your beach ball hooray a beach ball now I don't have to be bored all right ring-ring I know I know it'll kick I'm gonna go make another special delivery home okay Oh - puh puh puh dupa dupa dupa dupa dog not coming well hello I have a special delivery I have towels you wanted some towels yeah just just leave them on there I forgot to get towels out to sleep on the counter okay Deirdre tells alright goodbye or do pó do special deliveries are fun oh I've got a 400 there's some food in here delicious food I'm gonna chill back I'm uh watching free television free internet service so I can click I'm gonna watch some shows and uh turn the TV on super loud enough good talk sleepy sleepy huh some special deliveries today man I'm so tired I'm the only parent the only mailman in this world but whatever I make good special deliveries I'm going to sleep I'm sleeping on this person's couch because I can they won't even notice the special deliveries in those four yeah for you all right there you go I think my plants have been tended to about it oh no I have to go make dinner now um okay I'll go make some dinner but you know what before dinner I'm gonna have me some fun time ago I had it was tiring outside and the forking yard so I deserve myself a little break I'm going to take myself a break before I eat dinner you know enjoy myself but eat little feet no I mean really hurt all my little eat cheese oh okay oh okay whatever you know what oh okay you know what you know I'm just gonna lay down instead oh my feet oh my feet okay ow okay hurts the walk I'm just gonna I'm just gonna lay down I'm just gonna lay down it's dead okay I'm just gonna lay down hmm all righty there we go waters off there you go I'm all nice and clean I'm sometime you know they're showing it enough oh I need to put my clothes in the clothing room Danny Oh No it away from me Oh Danny come here oh my god I'm so bored it's been 20 minutes with the fridge in 25 minutes okay um I think he gave up I'm pretty sure that means I won I think but he hasn't called quits yet so I gotta wait till like Yoram say quit but maybe he already said to put and I just didn't hear him oh no um I'm gonna try to find golden free I think you said he bout maybe hiding the pool or something so I'm gonna go check on him I'm gonna have to go on the roof yeah oh hey golden golden freddy golden freddy was drowned again oh you want to play with my beach ball what up oh my face Oh oops sorry all freaking out oh my beach balls elders bail now do you think dad gave up did dad give up on seeking us oh I think he's still seeking us there's been like almost 30 minutes now man mm-hmm you do have a pretty good point and my toes are starting to get all wrinkly oh my yep they're my toes my fingers are getting all wrinkly and stuff mmm and I'm getting kind of bored of being in the pool and getting kind of tired um do we both want to agree that he quit yeah I think we agree that he quit okay I say he quit yeah oh oh oh oh my my wrinkly toes okay whatever or let's go inside oh well no it's smell bad because all the chlorine I didn't take a shower at some point but uh yeah you know I'm gonna wait till the morning good tired Oh all right let's what's going shy Kennish well well can you go ask when dinner's gonna be ready well actually yeah if your wait oh let's Cesar got thing worth a bet oh my god it's um you know uh I'll just use the sink I'm gonna use the sink come here mister sink you're gonna give me super clean and wash my hands wash my hands it's always good to wash your hands all right I'm gonna go ask him I'm gonna ask mom about dinner right now oh she's not in the kitchen well Oh Frick put those there I thought we got rid of those get these out of here God and Toto mom mom when's dinner gonna be ready mom mom what are you doing when she's near me ready I don't know I don't know we didn't I think I'm not gonna make dinner tonight oh oh okay no dinner no dinner I think I'm gonna go to sleep Oh fine all right no more clean you know I'm ready to eat some food well like look at Winston is there do ready no mom showed we're not gonna happen in turn tonight what we're know looking up dinner why because she said she's lazy oh I think I'm gonna go to bed I've had it I'm really tired after staying in that stupid box I'm gonna go to sleep good night good night snap time boys Oh mom stop making dinner well then what dinner maybe he's messing with me maybe he wants me to go to bed so I can have all the food to himself mmm I'm gonna go ask for myself Oh mum mum oh wait Frick mum mum mum why do you want to Oh once then you're gonna be ready I already told you Freddie I'm not gonna make dinner tonight well what well you're gonna make dinner cuz I'm tired and I worked in the garden and I deserve some rest oh oh oh please I'm hungry no I'm not making dinner tonight now go go just I think it's time to go to sleep I'm gonna get a sleep and you go do whatever you want to go do oh oh I mean I did want to enjoy myself but uh hmm-hmm yeah whatever all right whatever I just go to go to your room oh very good turn off the light please oh oh sorry okay good night oh I'm sorry you know what maybe if you want you can come visit me again sometime what oh nothing that shut up Oh hmm interesting oh oh well I guess it's now time I'm kind of tired too well I guess I'll go to sleep as well oh all right [ __ ] I guess it's nap time mm-hmm I guess it's nap time let me get my my little snuggle buddy out hello my little snuggle leave ugly how are you today mmm nice lucky lucky you sure mmm so cute oh yes Daddy oh yes frickin naughty frickin stupid frickin No oh yes no I don't want you to act stupid anymore you got that yes Daddy yes i won't i won't do it anymore I promise I promise that's right freaking stupid freak freaking I'm gonna go bleach my face and everything all my organs out on bleach my organs out thank you for your sweet warm substance daddy Oh oh my god Oh Oh what happened there Oh what happened to me Oh why'd I do that I felt possessed I felt the need to do that but why oh my god now I'm looking back and what why did I do that why why something's wrong wait a minute wait a minute brick why did I why did I do that to her why did why did I bang her what the Frick what the Frick what wait a minute wait a minute no no I used no wonder why she was extra thick it's because I used parts of the Love Machine oh my god such an idiot I used leftover parts from the Love Machine and then that's what made her hot and that oh my god in it did that weird thing work ah my gosh it did that thing where um the love machine that causes them to love that causes the victim to love people and stuff but I guess when I was messing with that gets it or I'll mean oh my gosh that's why that's why did that to her god dang oh my gosh any funny cure and he stopped this oh my but then it's broken again cuz you broke it again she breaks all my whatever I'll wait till the morning I'll wait till the morning oh my god I don't have to wait till morning I'm too tired I need to try to my god okay whatever whatever whatever Danny that was so fun we should do it again no dear god no no I'm done I'm done I'm gonna find a way to frickin cancel you okay alright but but Danny it was fine it was great shut up I'm gonna kill you what I mean I won't I I don't do it while you're sleeping I know I mean I'm going to bed good night daddy you should come sleep with me no I'm not going to go to sleep with you you freak forget my toes I stubbed my toe I'll looking stupid dang my toes now oh no that's not good are your toes okay um I can get rid of this you have to please get rid of that all right I'm going to bed good night wait a minute [Music] we're gonna have love all night all right well I guess I should go to bed hmm here let me turn the lights off and oh yeah peace uh I hear all don't worry don't worry dad you're in good hands he you're asleep now see there you go I'm nice uncie I put him in bed see I put him in bed a minute mmm oh yes oh whoops sorry daddy pick you back in get back in bed back in there lay down yes yes [Music] you're wonderful Danny all right it's time for us to go to sleep you're mine forever oh I'm tired all right it's nap time little little plushie washy all right let's go to sleepy sleepy sleepy okay my fellow nightmares we've been training for this moment our whole life's now let's let's we're putting this to the test let's see if you can walk up the stairs and actually come on guys walk up the stairs I'm pretty sure you got this oh okay I'll go first you know okay wait wait I got it I got it you're you're gonna lose you suck Bonnie and get off me foxy got heart frickin foul shut up okay remember roll up the stairs that toe stairs Ward's you roll up them okay roll stairs wait yes I get it I got the stairs hooray I got it stairs yay oh yeah oh come on chica you're next okay whee Oh oh wait the stairs hooray yay oh come on folks yeah I believe in you oh I don't believe in myself alright folks you have to believe believe you're our final four I believe I can get your stairs wait wait hold up I think I can do it wait brick I'm almost there yeah I did I can't distinguish her way all right guys you know that we're up the stairs um I don't know what oh I don't know know what I'm hungry that's what I am yo let's get some food okay guys red be quiet cuz people here they're sleeping so it'd be very quiet uh-huh we got them we have to make sure we don't get spot or else we'll be scrap metal or something draw your very okay well a couple of good guys they have a flat-screen TV Hey this dude fell asleep watching TV it's a spooky neighborhood oh no he woke up he shot me don't take don't take my toes oh alright guys just guy woke up at Josh what you already blew were covered Oh quick throw them into the basement we'll tie them up in the basement okay I guess tie that dude up in the basement oh okay there we go he's locked up in the basement now oh let's see what they have to eat I'm hungry spoiled it smells bad your - open your I'm running away you are what the wait floatie no come back y'all screw you guys I'm going on my own I'm gonna find me some hot girls and I'm getting out of here y'all chien ever stupid things y'all hard the day Fox he loves to go upstairs as today foxy gets late wait that don't make sense but y'all I'm gonna go find me some hot chicks now y'all Oh foxy ran away hopefully oh no I feel so sorry for the girls he's about to find okay whatever home better close this window up oh no oh okay oh it's fine it's fine our first time coming up here we're gonna have issues we [ __ ] you ran away and we now have a prisoner in the basement Oh Bonnie don't make sure he's tied up oh okay I've already been up here and I've already had bad things happen to me well what has happened to you a little plushie ah no it's fine it's fine fine hmm you know what I'll be right back I'm gonna kill the problem once and for all I'll take this lamp you know shove it down and throw intial choke on it and then she'll die yes all right that's what I'll do I'll do that end up now sir I'm dropping off the balcony oh no I didn't kill me unspeakable things well hey you're back did you do did you get rid of the thing you would want you get rid of what happened to your friend I'm a big nightmare boy I can help you ah unspeakable things happen to me unspeakable things I need bleach I'm going back in the basement and scary up here okay those weird hello chica we should probably go back downstairs okay but hey look there's some more food up here okay great take it downstairs okay guys I kind of s'more food yeah you know it connects the shirt since I'm her Fox he's gone oh I wonder we're nightmare Fox you ran off to oh well Duplo do booty go down a years boo boo boo boo oh yeah come on help us tie up this prisoner yeah time up put him in the chair put him in the chair tie them up there we go there we go yes perfect muffle hole perfect alright guys wait where'd that box of food go I liked right over here Freddy okay guys come on yay food hey wait save some for me I was the one who tied him up and stuff wait I need some food all I had was spoiled milk give me some food yes we're a bunch of animals shut up okay we're big spooky nightmare animals hmm all right guys you know what I just got some big brain moments what was your big big big big brain things you know how we hate staying down here all the time uh-huh yeah how about tomorrow morning or tomorrow we finally make a move and we don't upstairs during the daytime no no I mean I can go up there cuz I'm small but you guys are big they're gonna scrap you they're gonna kill you oh really we're big spooky nightmare man's what are they gonna do ho ho guys we're gonna fight for our freedom anyone who gets in our way and anyone let's go back into the basement we'll be killed and we'll cut him up into small pieces yes I like that mm maybe I can make some legs do mmm that sounds good some neck Sonya trying that that's a good recipe actually what that's just weird I heard it I saw it I started something Mountain I saw like a instruction manual down here about like sue I I never had like stew before but I think it'd be worth a try come on guys sue motes were outside then we'll be able to go into the outside world and explore the world as we wish that's good yes we have to take care of our captors first yes the people of who have locked us down here mmm okay we take this dude hostage and well yeah well we're about in the morning but I'm tired I'm going to sleep okay yeah we'll worry about tomorrow it's nap time all right good night what y'all just go to sleep like that God ain't okay whatever I'm going back in my house um I don't know if I'll go up with y'all tomorrow cuz I don't know I don't want any beats crap but uh I mean I guess I could watch or something but whatever all right I'm gonna back my little little thing okay good night okay okay whatever that's probably fine time to sleep like the video subscribe make sure you like the video just a reminder subscribe notifications something else um join if you want to be a member okay that's really it just like the video okay goodbye nicely be sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy ah the nightmares they're going to be tech
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,200,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, The Afton Family, Springtrap, Ballora, Golden Freddy, Purple Guy, Michael, Afton, Love, Family, Funny, RP, Roleplay, Freddy, Balloon Boy, BB, Plushtrap, FNAF 4, Nightmare, Nightmares, Nightmare Freddy, House, Springtrap X Baby, Sexy, Hot, Girl, Baby, Withered Golden Freddy
Id: gtTELzIW5xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 26sec (5126 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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