Gmod FNAF | Freddy And Friends Play Hide And Seek!

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all right everyone do you all know why i decided to call all the anime trunks and i got you all to assemble right outside of the show stage no oh oh um well i guess i should probably tell y'all then well because i thought today would be another good day to do some more activities together yay more bonding time we get to hang out you know uh i i came up with something fun for all of us to do so we can spend more time together doesn't that sound like fun no what fun i i think it's a good idea it'll give us all something to do you're okay this is not the um this is not the response i was hoping to get i was hoping you'll be a little more energetic a little more excited to do something um well how long is this going to take i got i got better things to do what oh my goodness okay well too bad we're gonna do this anyways if whether y'all like it or not okay so i have decided today something fun for all of us to do is to play a big old game of hide and seek doesn't that sound like fun it's just a fun little game for all of us to play hiding hide and seek a game well the endo bindo does love games a game i want to play a game wait a second puppet don't you think um oh no hmm a bunch of animatronics playing hide and seek in a pizzeria doesn't that sound doesn't that sound kind of silly nonsense bonnie it'll be great come on um come on you'll have fun right sorry i just got kind of excited oh come on guys this will be fun um okay well even if we do play hide and seek doesn't there need to be a seeker in rules stuff don't worry i've already thought everything through and because i don't want people fighting over everything i volunteer as tribute i'll be the seeker but how we're gonna play this game um and well yeah i should probably give you all some rules so rule number one is yes you can go outside but you cannot leave the um the perimeter of the pizzeria if you go off the pizzeria property then that's technically out of bounds so um yeah rule number two is you cannot lock yourself in a room you cannot barricade a room um because that is just straight up cheap and it's a it's a waste of time because then if like i come across a room and it's boarded up i'm like okay someone's definitely inside and you're just wasting everyone's time by me having to un barricade the door so i can come and just be like uh-huh i found you so that that's no fun so uh there'll be no barricading of doors within the pizzeria okay i know there's already a few lock doors in the pizzeria because we've lost some keys over the past few few years but um other than that um no locking yourself in a room and let's see is there some other rule um um for now i'll be the only seeker but if thing if this goes on super long and gets challenging i might get a second seeker to volunteer from an amtrak i found oh yeah and also if you get found you must come back to the show stage and you must um must sit here on stage and wait for everyone to be found um so yeah that's that's a rule um so the show stage will kind of act as some sort of jail um and also when i'm counting i'll be in that closet over there and i'll just count in there because it's it's a nice little closet and i can't really see where all are going and i'll give you all like i'll give y'all a minute to hide um so yeah you're allowed to hide anywhere in the pizzeria you want and you can also hide outside but again you cannot go off the property of the pizzeria so you can go and hide in the parking lot outside if you want or behind the pizzeria or something like that um and i think that's pretty much it i have a question yes balloon boy um let's see here okay so you're the seeker right yes well what type of what version of hide and seek we're playing are we playing hide and seek where like or like let's say i'm just like hiding like this and you see the top of mind propelling like huh i see you balloon boy and then then am i out or is it gonna be like hide and seek tag where like where it's like if you spot me and i can try to run away to lose you and then um and then and then if you tag me then i'm like okay then i'm out what type of what version of hide and seek are we playing here um that's a good question um we'll do hide and seek tag actually yeah hide and seek tag so that kind of gives y'all a little chance to run away but most of these rooms are dead ends so um good luck with that um but yeah i'll just come up and tag you and if i tag you then boom uh you come over here to the show stage so uh yeah oh um all right all right now one more thing before we begin is um hey youtube what are you two doing over there huh we've been spotted we've been spotted i'm panicked why are you attacking me ouch i'm scared we've been spotted approach what do you two think you're doing oh what the hell oh god that's actually kind of scary um it was she wishing me it was me i swear oh my god no please don't hurt me please don't hurt me do you two want to play with us huh what wait wait wait what are y'all doing we're playing a big game of hide and seek game i love games oh my god shadow freddy we gotta play we gotta play we gotta play we gotta play we gotta play okay okay okay we'll play i guess okay i'm not doing anything else with my life all right excellent all right everyone well i'm gonna count to a minute so um yeah wait pulpit one more thing why should we play oh my god freddy i've about had enough of you freddy you're always trying to ruin the mood well this time i'm being honest like what's what is the what does the winner get if there's like one person left hiding what did they win that's a good question actually i didn't think of a prize hmm what would what would a good prize be a good prize for the winner if i could just pick up my hand and think about it let me stroke my chin and let me let me think about this for a good solid second hmm what a what ever could the winner desire hmm i don't know what the prize is we'll we'll figure it out we'll figure it out in the end what um okay you know what no on second thought it's a mystery prize yeah the prize is a mystery so you want to mister your mystery prize so it could be millions of dollars or a banana peel so yeah there you go wait a million dollars a banana peel oh my god mr wigglesworth we have to do good we need that banana peel mr wigglesworth all right so yeah so anyways y'all y'all go hide so uh yeah i'm gonna go uh go into this closet i'm gonna count to a minute so uh yeah all right good luck all right just gotta close this door hey guys before we go hide i just thought of something super clever you are what is it balloon boy wither fox you can give me that chair you are what why do you need a chair just just give it to me okay so you know how puppet only gave us one minute you're all well guys i'm gonna buy us some more time there we go i locked puppet in there hey wait i thought i thought puppet said that was against the rules well it's not against the rules as long as papa doesn't find out who did it now everyone scatter we gotta go ouch balloon boy what are you doing i thought the window would break what are we doing guys the fuzz the fuzz is gonna find us we gotta hide oh we gotta hide judge oh we gotta oh my god guys go go go go go oh wait hey what the heck guys you're making a mess didn't you hear them freddie we gotta go weep ugh my pizza you guys are knocking over all the tables and chairs and party hats oh yeah i'm gonna just go this way i wanna win you are you are a wins you'll definitely crown him at the bash animatronic oh oh my goodness okay fine let's just go hide yaya yar where could old foxy hide your yard there's gotta be some place in this room you are um uh yours no i could hide behind one no oh yeah there's no good there's not really any good spots in here you know you're in a yard aha i thought the most perfect spots you are since there's no longer a window here y'all are what if i just get on these presents and y'all climb up on this thing your yard the puppet won't be able to see old foxy from all the way up here your heart this is the perfect spot for a little me oh i gotta find some place to hide okay okay there's gotta be some place in the kitchen i can hide in um oh let's see i can hide under this thing dang it i can't fit um oh the freezer i'll hide in the freezer okay okay okay oh oh wait has there always been a snowman back here i'm gonna hang out with my snowman buddy oh snowman buddy snowman buddy can you scoot up oh oh no i decapitated him oh no okay i'll just um oh god dang it curse curse me oh i knew i should have eaten all that pizza okay all right come here i just got it improvised improvised god dang it snowman okay i'll just do this hide behind the barrels there we go no one will see me no one will see me your thoughts you got the best place to hide you are me pirates cove your it seems silly but nobody but y'all this seems like such an obvious spot that nobody will bother checking it i'm going to hide in the corner so you are no one will see old foxy in here cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake cup cup cupcake cupcake cupcake uh where to hide where to hide where to hide um um okay um i could hide behind the counter yes i'll hide behind the counter and uh i'll just i'll just hide right here no one will see me no one can see me okay wait i should actually get kind of low okay i'm just gonna lay on the floor right here bam no one will spot me right here okay i need to think of a spot i need to find it i think of a good spot and uh aha i'll hide in the basement nobody goes into the basement it's too scary oh my head ow i haven't even been in the basement oh god it's dark down here a good thing i brought a flashlight um oh wait okay there's like nowhere to hide me always this door oh dang it's locked um okay okay um okay close that um um oh if someone does come down here i need to find a spot um uh-huh here since it's so dark in here i can just hide up on this thing and they won't even see me aha perfect this is a good spot balloon boy oh man i can't believe the stupid indo bindo took my original spot i gotta find somewhere else to hide um um okay um i'll just go in here yeah i'll just go in here all right there we go all right i'll just hide in here and yeah i can just hide in the corner yeah that's what i'll do and uh huh i wonder why is this door just open no it's locked okay whatever all right yeah i'll just hide in this corner all right i'm gonna hide in this corner and no one's gonna find me because no one's gonna be bothered to come all the way over here all right see the only people who know this room that remember is freddy and puppet oh wait a second puppet secret well crap um hopefully puppet just forgets yeah yeah yeah i'll be i'll i should be safe here i should be safe here it's just the perfect spot ever we're gonna win shadow freddy we're gonna win well this is the worst spot ever first of all it's a dead end second of all there's a giant window that shows we're in here how is this a good spot well shout out freddie i haven't told you my master plan your master plan yes that's right i'm gonna be a sacrifice for the team oh sacrifice yes so what i'm gonna do is you know um you know you see this little toy you know there's little toys and stuff and toys are small and they can hide in small spots right yeah and you know my magic powers that i can turn people into little toys right yeah so i'm gonna use my powers on you i'm gonna turn you into a small toy i'm gonna hide you behind this thing and i'm gonna hide right here so when the puppet comes in here they'll be like oh i found you shadow bonnie and then boom hope it's not public's gonna think i was the only one in here and it isn't gonna be bothered to check this room again and you'll be here and then you'll definitely be the last one um at the very end and then we'll win together as a team that's actually not a bad idea but isn't that considered cheating nonsense nonsense shadow freddy it's not cheating unless you get caught so that's what they say so all right here i'm gonna turn you into a little toy all right stand still oh okay oh there you go you're a tiny toy now how do you feel i feel small and i feel like it can be squashed any second okay good all right here i'm gonna stick you over here okay okay all right here i'm gonna put you behind this thing oh oh it's really dusty and there's dead bugs back here okay okay be quiet all right i'm gonna i'm gonna chill right here so stay quiet because puppy could walk in here any second okay we're guaranteed to win after so many years i finally come back to the pizzeria and the first thing we do is play a giant game of hide and seek oh right well i think i'm just gonna tag along with someone um wait where did everyone go wait what the heck everyone else already hid i need to think of a spot to hide oh where should i hide where should i where should i hide i don't know where to hide i don't know where to hide um um i'll hide in the kitchen yeah yeah that's where i'll hide i love the kitchen yay well that's the most obvious spot ever for chica um um oh i don't know where to hide and wait wizard freddy oh for he tripped and fell with it freddie wake up with it freddy wake up we gotta hide oh my name freddie fuzz bear wizard 45's bro was it freddy we gotta hide wha oh wait that's what we we got to hide wait where are you going with the freddy oh oh oh oh oh my windows oh okay oh oh oh i'm just gonna hide in the bathroom i don't know where to hide i'm going in here i'm scared wait wait wait where did everyone go oh my god oh my god i have i haven't been here in so long i have no idea where the best place to hide is home okay gold freddy take your time i have plenty of time ready or not here i come all right it's time to go try to find all the animatronics so how many are there okay there's like if i did my calculations correct i just need to find there's 23 animatronics in total that are hiding right actually right now if you include the shadows and okay actually no i think it's 25 um around 25 animatronics i need to find okay all right let's let's go let's go try to find them and why is there a chair right here okay you know what i'm not even gonna ask okay it wasn't even propped up against the door correctly but whatever all right gotta find some animatronic in it really okay everyone did clear out okay all right so they really are hiding okay that's a that's a good sign that's a good sign so everyone is participating so uh that's good all right let's see where could animatronics be where could some animatronics be hiding that um i already know no one's in the closet because yes um but let's see where could um where could some animatronics be should i just i'll just go pick up a random room what room should i go to first should i go to the game area i could go to the kitchen i could go to the bathrooms i could go to the party rooms i could go to the back rooms i could go to the front i'll start at the front of the pizzeria how about that and oh my goodness this place is a place is a mess holy okay whatever all right and oh there's a broken window that's a that's a lovely sign um all right i'll start with the parts and service room all right is anyone in here hello hello anyone in the parks and services room uh no it doesn't look like it okay all right no one's in the parking services room all right um oh yeah that's right that door got moved um okay whatever um a new one over here doesn't look like it doesn't look like anyone's over here um okay um i'm gonna go over here into uh in here okay let's see is anyone in freddy's office wow no one's in here wow i thought someone would have been in here um okay i mean i gotta look in all the um stuff um hello is anyone in here i don't think anyone's in here wow okay all right um i'm gonna keep searching then all right let's see is anyone over here oh my it's like everyone disappeared hopefully they all just didn't i swear if they all just ran away from the pizzeria and didn't tell me i'm gonna be highly upset okay um i don't think anyone's anyone's ever here is um is someone in this uh someone in this room over here hello someone over here um got a search got a search got a search got a search gotta search gotta search and um uh found you withered bonnie what oh wait i gotta tag him uh uh uh tag i found you withered bonnie what i i found you so you you've been found why because that's what we're doing we're playing hide and seek oh all right with it bonnie go back to the main show stage and just sit there and wait for uh for everyone else to be caught okay oh okay all right well let's see okay it's good to know people are actually hiding okay phew for a second there i thought i was i thought everyone ran away okay i guess i'm just a terrible seeker and no i'm the best secret ever i'm gonna find everyone all right well the search continues to try to find everyone so that's one animatronic found okay all right let's um all right let's go back over here um should i head back to the main area um yeah i'll head back over to the main area and i'll oh i see you in there foxy you're watching you're you weren't supposed to come from that direction y'all wait i still have a chance to escape uh no you don't no no no no go away go away you still haven't got me you have to tag me i know that's why that's one get you come here come here you are i'd be too quick no don't corner me your corner fox you have nowhere to go to uh you're getting your heart get back here foxy no sure found you foxy you are blasted you are well i must have been the last person you found right actually you're only the second person i found what oh well who was the first withered bonnie oh you're why i have to get five seconds your ivjr at least it wasn't first your god dang it you are dang it dang it with her bonnie we've been caught what our yard don't worry about it oh all right well i found foxy this was a pretty terrible spot from the hiding but okay i found him super easily all right let's see here so i already searched over there should i um where should i go i guess i'll go down this hallway um let's see is anyone is anyone in here uh nope okay no one's in here okay um let's see is anyone in the main office main office as anyone no no one's no one's hiding under the desk okay um let's see can i see anyone in there and uh i can't tell if i see someone in it or not i can i'm gonna walk over here let's see is anyone hiding in this room over here i think i see some ears hello oh oh no you found me yep i found you all right you gotta go oh wait uh tag there you go i don't know i forgot i could run away well too bad you've been caught all right go back to the main stage oh okay go back to the main stage boo hoo i'm so sad that i lost boo hoo hoo i'm so sad all right three animatronics down so easily all right this is gonna be super easy i just gotta find everyone else all right let's see here i guess i should go over here all right is anyone in the game area is anyone over here i won't see anyone behind these arcade machines someone could be trying to juke me out any seconds all right let's see no no okay is anyone no okay i'm just gonna well i know someone's in here know someone's hiding behind one of these arcades no okay um no um all right well um i don't think that's an oh oh dude i found you jj no haha i found you i found you i really really found you you thought you could hide right next to my music box wow jj oh i was hoping you wouldn't check right here well you know what that means go back to the main stage oh okay i'll go back to the stage all right well there you go i found a found jj so that's really good all right um yeah i think jj was the only one in here all right i'm gonna head back all right let's see i've so far cleared out the main parts of the pizzeria oh there's still the kitchen all right let's go into the kitchen let's see anyone hiding in the kitchen hello anyone in the kitchen anyone in the kitchen okay so far it doesn't look like anyone's in here um um oh don't find me please i what the withered chica oh no go away go away um tag i found you oh no with a chica why'd you scream i wouldn't have found you if you didn't scream oh i got nervous i was scared i was scared i'ma go well then all right well i guess i should try to see if anyone else is in here is anyone in one of these things nope anyone in the corners no okay i'm gonna slide across this floor like a slippery serpent all right let's see nope no one's in here and okay maybe i shouldn't the floor is kind of dirty yuck yuck okay um let's see here's anyone in the freezer room all right let's see anyone in here oh found your toy freddy no oh man why'd you have to find me oh god dang it ugh haha i found you i found you god dang it it was all chica's fault if she didn't come in here then all of it would have been fine wait what toy freddy why would you say that what the oh hi chica tag oh toy freddy why would you give me away like that what oh god damn i'm sorry well at fir actually i didn't know if you were in here until you screamed what when he said chica i thought he was referring to wither chica whether chica was hiding in the kitchen oh god god god dang i gave myself away i'm so stupid god dang it all right well you two goes to the stage oh well can you fix this to home no where'd the snowman's head go snowman's head oh no i broke but i broke the snowman oh no he was so cute oh no okay let me rebuild this snowman really quick get a hat and uh give me his arms gotta piece the snowman back together again it's gonna be okay snowman i didn't mean to sit on your face okay there we go okay i feel better all right i'll go back to the main stage oh man yeah all right we'll go huh i wonder how many i found in total now all right i'm gonna go back to the main stage and i want to count everyone up to see how many i found so far i'm doing such i have such a good streak right now whoops i kind of broke the door but hey you know what that's a-okay all right let's see let's go to the stage let's see how many animatronics i found today so i found one two three four five six seven i found seven animatronics so far all right let's see where woods or some other place um i guess the only other main part of the pizza we haven't checked is the bathroom so uh i'll start off with the girls one all right let's go in here hello anyone in here i don't see anyone anyone in here nope no one's in there and no one's in there no one's in there no one's in there oh and uh oh hi tortuga oh no oh i found you oh i was hoping you wouldn't be bothered to check all the stalls well y'all are all hiding all around the pizzeria so i have to check every single place that i can think of oh oh yeah oh yeah uh tag there you go now you're really caught i keep forgetting to tag people oh man all right well uh there you go tortuga go back to the go back to the main stage now oh okay i'll go back to the main stage um all right there we go another one down well time to keep searching all right let's see so boom there we go um let's see here all right time to go into the boys bathroom all right let's see is anyone in here let's get searching all right let's see here um nope no one's in there nope and nope okay well i guess no one was in here all right huh all right let's get out of here then all right and uh this door is still locked right yep still locked all right um hmm okay all right um hmm okay so so far i've found a oh we're somewhere else i haven't really looked um okay i guess i'm gonna go to the back rooms now and then after that then i'll start searching outside all right let's see um yeah i checked that closet right yeah i'm pretty sure i did all right let's go in here la la la la la all right let's see is anyone in here let's see um all right let's see where could i go i could either go up the stairs i could go down to the basement i could go here um i'll start with the basement you know i'll go down to the basement i'll see if anyone's uh anyone's in the basement all right let's see is anyone in here hello and it's really dark and um balloon boy oh i'm not oh wait there we go now you can't see me uh i'm pretty sure i could uh i'm pretty sure i could see you because um the light yeah um let's just feel around it don't go away go away aunt tag oh man all right come on balloon boy let's get out of here oh i can't see any oh oh god dang how did you see me puppet how did you see me that's a secret that i cannot reveal oh man god dang it okay i'll go go freaking to the stupid stage gone oh ha ha ha ha yay i feel so good that i found balloon boy and oh hi mangle what the oh no you saw me oh i didn't think about you coming up the stairs like that and you see me like that well i see you mangle all right get down from there uh no you got it you gotta tag me oh god dang that's right how am i supposed to get up there mangle um that's your problem and you gotta figure it out oh god um okay let's see here wait what are you doing and tag coach oh ow that hurt out that was not smart i should have thought that out before i convinced that plan well i still found you mangle ow yeah ow god dang it out i'm all tangled up in you god god dang get your stupid ah get get off of me i can't i'm stuck oh my gosh mingle uh i wish balloon boy was here could help us out okay come on get in ouch okay there we go oh you found me yep i found you all right go back to the stage oh okay fine i'll go back to the stage phew well there you go got two more down hmm all right which where should i go next um i'll start with the roof because then once i'm done with the roof i'm gonna have to come back down the stairs anyways and i can just go at the back door right through that room so all right i'ma start with the upstairs area so let's see is um is anyone up here on the roof um hello anyone on the roof um let's see here anyone on the roof anyone back there no no one's there no one's over here um huh i guess uh i guess no one's on the roof oh i see you up there roxanne uh no you don't um um oh yeah that's right you gotta tag me uh haha good luck trying to get me oh well i'm gonna get you all right let's see okay here's the ladder gotta get the ladder gotta go up the ladder oh god dang stupid puppet noodles okay i'm going back in i'm going back in you can't catch me oh what the heck we gotta run here we got a runner oh oh oh no ow gotta get up i gotta go gotta go gotta go oh i gotta go i gotta go i gotta hide i gotta hide somewhere oh oh oh god dang it we got a runner got a runner got a runner i got to go up ow i gotta find them oh i keep jumping downstairs where they go oh i see your tail aha you can't get away from me roxanne boom gotcha tag oh no i'm so close to getting away god dang it i found you i found you oh okay oh oh my goodness i almost lost you there oh my goodness that was a really that was a really smart plan you had roxanne i have to give you props that oh well thank you puppet all right i'll go to this main stage now all right oh my goodness i'm kind of out of breath remember to chase roxanne all the way back down here oh all right i'm gonna go outside i'm gonna start from the back of the pizzeria make my way to the front all right let's see here um all right let's go outside and oh wait that's right i need to check this room first right yeah i need to check this room um okay okay no one's yeah no one's over here okay no one's in here and uh i wonder is anyone is anyone in here no one's in here um i remember golden freddy talked to me about this room and uh oh found your toy bonnie no you didn't stupid open open open uh no bye boop i found you toy bonnie go back to the main stage oh man okay i'm gonna go back to the stage oh oh my goodness i didn't even see him right there that kind of startled me huh but remember golden freddy talking to me about this room is this okay it's locked okay um what's that yep okay all right all right well time to keep searching though or about that another day well it's time to go outside yay outside all right i wonder if anyone's going to be hiding outside and uh what what is that thing and uh what what fred oh how'd you find me in my trash trash for it yeah i held a trash for it oh how do how'd you see me in it uh your arm was sticking out oh did i lose yeah you lost did you follow my dad yet no i have not found found freddie yet all right well you got to go back to the main stage now and wait for everyone else to be found oh oh i'm sad now oh okay i'll go back to the mainstay though well that was easy um okay that's oh that's a nasty spot to hide in oh look at all that gross stuff oh all right well yeah no one's in the other one okay that's good is anyone hiding like in between nope all right um doop doop no one's here no one's here all right well there we go and um i think i've spotted a certain someone okay i gotta sneak up on them because they could they could run away okay let's see i found you no you're not a bench oh i found you with it freddy all right go back to the go back to the um the main the main uh the main stage oh okay you win this time pulpit um i wanted to be all i wanted for christmas was to become a bench oh wait what what type of christmas wish is that what the okay you know i'm not even gonna worry about it oh well time to keep seeking all right is anyone else outside uh this is going to take forever to search the entire outside i should probably go back around this way hmm all right let's see here ah oh i'm so tired oh my goodness i've been oh i've been searching for so long outside oh my goodness okay i don't think anyone else is outside and uh oh golden freddy oh wait maybe i should have said his name out loud frick get back here golden freddy i'm so tired go away puppet oh oh god stupid car got my way come here golden freddy no go go go go come here golden freddy oh oh my god approach stupid car and boop found you oh god dang it puppet oh oh that was fun oh my gosh oh oh my god you scared the crap out of me puppet where'd you even come from i was looking for people all around the pizzeria oh my goodness oh all right well since i was found i have to go back to the stage yeah all right let's go back to the stage come on all right go to go back to the stage can't believe i was found oh my goodness how many people have you found i found quite a few i want to come in and uh count them all up again oh all right oh my goodness oh oh whoa hi did they find you mister yup yup i got caught oh well welcome to the cool kids club all right let's see here i want to figure out how many people i have gotten all right everyone i'm gonna do another count all right let's see here withered bonnie okay wait one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen okay fifteen animatronics all right okay that leaves um i'm kind of curious all right here i'm gonna make a quick list on how many on who else i still need to find because i'm starting to lose track because now we're getting to the very end of the game where there's not that many people left so okay i'm kind of curious all right here let me let me make a list really quick all right this should be a list of all the animatronics that are remaining so they're still freddy bonnie cupcake toy cupcake endo shadow freddy wither shadow freddy foxy jr and mr wigglesworth oh my goodness oh oh you're right there puppet yeah i'm just kind of tired hmm well do you want to do that second secret thing you're talking about earlier huh i mean me and you can switch places i can continue seeking while you you rest uh yeah sure yeah thank you golden freddy yeah i'm just really tired i've been running all over this pizzeria so yeah you can yeah so these are the people who still need to be found so i just try to find them um all right well i guess i'm the seeker now all right um well there's no way to inform everyone else that i'm a seeker so oh i guess it's gonna come to them as a surprise all right let's see so freddie bonnie cupcake toy cupcake endo shadow freddy with their chat of freddy foxy jr and mr wigglesworth so only one of these people can win all right let's see here um let's see um where should i start seeking first um all right i'm going to go check this room over here let's see duper dupe um all right i'm going to retrace all puppets uh footsteps and see and uh hello is anyone in here whoa whoa okay i guess no one's uh no one's in here wait there's some bunny ears i see hi bonnie oh god dang it golden free what are you doing here pup is going to find me well actually i'm the seeker now wait what yep i'm the seeker so uh prepare to get found no go away go fam shout out oh my god oh my god oh my god what type of maneuver was that oh my god he's getting away i gotta go after oh oh it ran into the wall oh my god i didn't know golden freddy was a seeker i gotta hide oh my g get back here bonnie oh my goodness oh god dang it get back here yeah boom god dang it golden freddy oh i got you oh man god dang it golden freddy i didn't know no you and puppet switch places well we did so you've been found oh man all right i guess i'll go back to the stage oh man i'm just gonna crawl through this window because man oh my goodness oh i'm a chill right here oh my goodness all right well there we go found bonnie all right so boom that's one off the list all right i'm gonna go back in here we ouch my face okay maybe i shouldn't jump through uh windows that's probably not smart all right let's see um more else and uh i wonder if anyone's in the supply closet oh wait no no one would be in there going freddie because i i started in there but someone could have ran in here so this is why you got to be smart and retrace your steps all right let's see is anyone in here oh hi freddy oh no golden freddy why'd you come back this way god dang it oh i'm the seeker now oh man found you found you found you freddy oh okay god dang it oh i had such a i did such a cool thing i drew puppet out of the bathroom and i hid in there like this perfect plan i thought no one would come back and check there all right well something tells me if freddie was hiding in the room puppet started and then puppet probably did not do a good job of seeking so i feel like everyone's probably gonna be in some obvious spots so let's see where could some people be um let me just take a look around the place oh let's see where would someone be hiding at um let's see here and wait a second i saw you get back here stupid cupcake oh god dude where'd it go where'd you go where'd it go cake oh get back here mr cupcake i see you get back here get back here little cupcake come here okay mr oh mr cupcake found you mr cupcake oh cupcake cupcake cupcake cookie cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake oh cupcake oh oh my goodness oh i almost lost that cupcake the cupcake was so small oh my goodness i barely saw him oh my god ouch oh stupid chairs oh oh oh god damn stupid flick with me you possess evil chairs i'm just gonna go away go away chair oh my gosh oh oh god dang it's not every day you get beaten up by a chair um well something tells me i should go this way so that's what i'm gonna do you are gonna my arms are getting so tired of holding me up here ouch that hurt you are all right you're i'm just gonna ah i'm just gonna lay on the floor you are there's no way the puppet would come back here right all right taking the stroll on oh no i'm the seeker now so i'm going to try to find some people yard what golden freddy's the secret okay oh my god this is the worst spot ever yo i'm stuck okay yo i just can't move i gotta be quiet you know i can hear you talking right oh no no no no no no no and a boop booped your nose god dang it belgium wizard foxy your god dang it we are go back to the stage you are okay you are god dang it you are you are i wonder what place i would have gotten you are you are are oh my goodness withered my golden freddy's finding everyone else super quick oh my goodness what type of spots were y'all in or what i thought y'all are in some type of difficult spot oh my god he's finding all of y'all so quick you are you just you are you've passed all this before you're you're just not a very good uh good shaker you are oh man y'all well at least i'm glad to know that mo the majority has been found you are who's still left um let's see well if he found okay he found you four so there's still toy cupcake um oh i just realized uh withered foxy your name wasn't written on here or i shed it here um okay well let's see here so uh let's see so there's still toy cupcake endo shadow freddy wither cheddar freddy foxy jr and mr wigglesworth that he still needs to find vr all right let's see here is anyone else hiding in this room over here um let's see no oh my goodness no oh nope anyone over here nope i'm a hot behind the counter anyone over here nope nope no one's in here no one's in here hey i just realized something this this freddy plushie looks a lot different than the other ones oh hello freddy plushie ah no ah why'd you have to tag me what the heck wait it's alive uh i'm i'm out i'm mr wigglesworth god damn my face okay then well i guess i found that dude um okay then uh gonna go and continue trying to find everyone else all right is anyone in here hello anyone in this back room anyone in here nope no no no no nobody wait a second oh hey hey i saw you get back here get back here oh man go dang it showboat's gonna be mad at me um um okay um oh oh oh i can make a run for it hey get back wait what the dude we just got juked oh my god okay go dang it i gotta get out go after him get back here you little thing wait oh my god where'd he go should be safe oh my goodness god dang it so run into the office um oh no oh no oh no oh no where'd he go go dig it where did he where'd he go where'd he go god dang it oh my goodness i i think i lost god dang it i lost him god dang it oh my goodness okay whatever i'm just going to go back this way and oh oh found you get here no no no no i found you why are you so small what the frick why are you like a freaking oh no reason i'll go back to the main stage okay fine you caught me god dang it oh no oh all right well then whoa i'm having some really good luck finding people oh i wonder if someone's in this room hello is anyone in this room oh ah god dang it oh found you in though oh god dang it why'd you find goddamn when i'm really good at this game oh shut up buddy could you turn me back to normal now what what are you doing here shadow freddy the game isn't over yet you're gonna get caught well i kind of already did get caught watch we were supposed to win shadow freddie i know i know i'm sorry okay just turn me back to normal oh my goodness fine oh thank you shadow bonnie yeah whatever oh man i can't believe i got caught god dang i feel like a terrible friend oh man oh oh got caught by golden freddy god dang it oh my goodness i thought my spot was great puppet walked in there earlier and didn't check behind the door but golden freddy did god dang it why did you have to be so smart god dang it oh my god freddy's finding so many people all right let's see who's all left okay let's see so uh with her chat afraid he got caught okay so wait indo okay so the only people that are still hiding is toy cupcake um shadow freddy and foxy jr it's down to the final three the final three toy cupcake shadow freddy and foxy jr oh my goodness who's gonna win who's gonna win who's gonna win oh my goodness oh my goodness i wonder who's gonna win oh my goodness this pizzeria is so big it's gonna take so long to try to find the final people oh my goodness oh i'm getting kind of thirsty i'm gonna come and uh get me something to drink gonna get me some soda wait a minute oh found you shout out freddy god dang it golden freddy why'd you have to find me oh because that's that's the point of the game oh man god dang it oh my god i got caught god damn it oh god freaking god i can god dang it oh i'm still thirsty tastes terrible all right let's see here um or where else should i go where else does near need to be seeking all right let's go in here parts and service all right let's see here is anyone in here um oh no you found me oh found your little boy all right come here wait what no go away gotta go gotta go oh no get back here get back here oh show out out everything hurt ouch oh oh oh okay that was not smart jumping into the pile of chairs but i found you oh man oh i got caught oh my goodness wait i think that's it i think that's it was foxy jr the last one well no there's still one more person but that means they win i believe uh the toy cupcake won yay toy cupcake yeah does everyone else here wait let me do a final account let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and uh yeah toy cupcake is the last one toy cupcake oh there's the toy cupcake toy cupcake you won yay toy cupcake wait what the hell i just came from that wait toy cup wait hold up i want to figure this out ouch oh god oh i'm so sorry um toy cupcake where were you hiding oh cupcake toy cupcake toy cupcake toy cupcake oh were you in here oh where were you where were you hiding out in here toy cupcake toy cupcake oh you were hiding underneath the desk oh my goodness why did i think the check under there okay that was a pretty good spot all right congratulate cupcake i guess you win yay toy cupcake win toy cupcake win all right well i guess that's the game of hide and seek over toy cupcake toy cupcake win oh my goodness now that it's finally over can we finally get up uh yes yes you can get up oh finally oh my goodness that took so long oh finally glad this is over yar that was full i was kind of stupid can't believe i got caught i'm still sad and mad so much i guess it makes sense though oh my goodness oh all right i'm getting up i'm gonna go pranks i'm gonna go shut up some uh set up some pranks in the pizza right now we are i'm going back to me pirates cove you're i need to be left alone you are why why did i have to get found first why why it's okay with it bonnie there's always another time well another time are we gonna play this again um probably not oh okay whoop ouch i hit my head on the stupid cloud all right i gotta go i'm gonna go back to my shrine for mr hugs wait what it's better not to question it all right i'm gonna go make some food in the kitchen now yay all right see y'all later yay kitchen time wait wait a second go wait before everyone leaves who's gonna clean up this pizza this mess look at my pizzeria it's a mess the chairs are all over the place oh my goodness someone has to clean up who is it going to be uh not me i'm out ouch i'm out of here oh mr cookie yard would you look at the time you are i should be going now oh yeah i'm gonna go come on show bunny let's go yeah i'm out of here i'm out of here this sucked uh yay i can clean i can volunteer the clean well someone actually wanting to help oh thank you weather chica yay i know how to clean yeah i'm clean and i'm clean and look at me clean am i doing a good job look at me clean yay what no you're not you're just throwing everything all over the place yay i'm doing such a good job oh my goodness welp um there we go all right i guess we don't need these things anymore all right well yay oh my god oh well i'm going back to my office now see y'all later oh my goodness who's gonna but who's gonna clean up this mess god dang
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 716,282
Rating: 4.805234 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Freddy And Friends, Hide And Seek, Funny, RP, Roleplay, Story, Puppet, Marionette, Golden Freddy
Id: DVscnDjJxkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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