Gmod FNAF | The Resurrection Of A Kingdom [Kingdom Part 3]

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lalala it's a lovely day outside isn't it just beautiful look the birds or even chirping you can hear them seeing I can find the birds aren't tripping but it's a lovely day outside I mean I haven't gone out for a stroll and so long Oh feels so good just to walk outside for once you know just get away in that crummy old village and all those crummy old people they're never happy but at least I feel happy outside I mean the powerlines kind of killed the nature but it's probably fine I mean get this beautiful path and stuff and yeah oh you know I'm a chill on the bridge and we look at the river rivers flowing good at least it's not overflowing because that would be bad and I would bring death to the village but it's looking pretty piece of waste it's not somebody in the water what the wait what what what is that I can't see from over here what I think there's somebody in the water what the well they're deaf are they dead I mean I why well wait hang on let me use my puppet strings to pull them out just kind of use puppet string magic yeah oh yeah that's definitely person you know mm-hmm yeah all right yeah that looks like a bird alright come on buddy oh oh oh this dude they look so good oh I wonder what happened to this poor person huh yeah let's flip him over oh sorry mr. um oh gosh I oh this poor person Oh always so ugly Oh Oh Oh God okay uh oh wait okay okay okay Kiki uh what should I do I just witnessed a dead body what do i do uh uh I gotta bring him back to life okay alright alright with my puppet knowledge I know how to bring him back to life it's the only way with my powers all you CPR breathe gosh dang it dang it you breathe you have a life you might be ugly but you can breathe just dang it you stupid ugly person breathe gosh dang it oh okay Oh something tells me this isn't working um how long has he even been in the water for oh gosh I don't even know who this is alright um who okay how do you okay okay Kiki CPR mouth-to-mouth dupa dupa dupa oh just gonna sweep this under the rug yeah up you up just sweep it under the rug get back in the water I didn't see you I didn't see you get back in the water get back in there get back in there alright new mouth no mouth on you get back in there go back go back in go back it wait a minute oh I'm stupid I have my puppet magical powers oh yeah that's what I'm doing I'm the I'm the doctor in the village I forgot whoopsies I accidentally forgot that I can use powers to bring people to life it's a common mistake I commonly forget that oh okay all right come over here mister all right okay oh this poor person okay all right um I wonder what his backstory is okay all right yeah just got used my puppet magical powers to bring them back to life oh why didn't I think of that on the first thing to do okay mister let me all right you're here lay down and okay uh all right magical powers magical powers magical powers okay okay just got to concentrate okay with the powers given within me I grant you life holy Frick the gods have spoken to me the gods have granted life oh thank you God thank you this is the first patient that's actually coming back to life I don't even know where that sound came from but uh hey there mister are you okay oh I see you're in pain okay take it easy just sit down sit down sit down a night I see you're still trying to wake up I don't know what happened in your by a bridge I found you in the river why I mean I just saw you and the bottom of the river and I brought you back to life so you can thank me I like it thank you please Oh Oh what happened I said I like to thank you please thank you me oh wait what am i thanking you for I brought you back to life I found you in the river you were drowning and I saved you oh [Music] thank you oh oh oh so do you remember anything and do you know why you were in the river mister why are you swimming without your floaties again we're number child you have to keep your floaties on whenever you want to go swimming and I want to go swim in the river because you couldn't get taking downstream very quickly so yeah just just wear your floaties at least next time well I don't need followed I I wasn't in the river I don't remember being near a river what did this in my castle I was uh I think I was killing off all my children I then well then I owe my kingdom got overrun oh oh I don't feel good oh well good yeah you you don't look too good either Oh my kingdom Oh the kingdom oh no that stupid funtime bear thing oh I remember now he he was I don't know what what even happened to him did you I forget what happened to me give me like insomnia I don't know but that thing he throwed me off I had to jump off the balcony yeah I guess I luckily landed in the wall even it even I guess I somehow landed in water even though the castles all the way over there I guess I somehow landed landed in water and survived actually you didn't survive wait would I had to bring you back to life you were like kind of deaden I think you've been in the water for a few days so I think that's why you're kind of rotten looking on your skin oh well mr. can you okay you help me take back my king no way why I oh I'm the King mine I'm kidding spring-trap in and my kingdom was over thrown and I need your help to get my kingdom back oh wait a minute hmm weren't you that really bad king that the village didn't like because you never came to the village once and you never took care of us and that's why everyone's so cranky that's why to go outside he told this block just get away from everybody today oh they did have happy I'm happy on the inside oh I guess I never did come to the village once oh I guess I was a terrible King maybe I shouldn't get my castle but I don't deserve to be king I was greedy out selfish I killed my own children they're all probably dead Oh what have I done what have I done I'm a terrible King there's no way I can get my castle back I already know Oliver when I know who was on my side is dead and they should have been on my son first place he's all just selfish Oh Oh so your family's dead I hear I mean probably I mean I don't know I think they I think some of them ran away or something no no no hmm well funny thing walking up here I passed this cabin and I think I saw a dead person but I didn't want to get involved with the police again so I just wiggled by them oh no the police good thing I brought you back to life good thing I wasn't seeing with you wicked sound good to Jack I mean wait Oh way way way about people murdered or something there was a walking up here like down that road there's a I passed a cab and I saw some dead guy laying on the floor I mean it was just like an endo skeleton or I don't know oh wait so did you bring me back to life yeah yeah I did I told you I found you dead in the river and I use my magical puppet powers to bring you back to life oh wait if if I can find my family members and if they're dead can you bring them back to life I mean sure but I'm probably gonna have to take a beauty nap soon because I'm because that's gonna be a lot of powers uses and energy I'm gonna need a pretty nice beauty rest and some more makeup to wait okay let's all right so you want it all right let's go check out that cabin you were Tom out maybe maybe there's some people in here that can help us okay no no no so wait where is it it's all the way down this road oh that's a long walk yeah I know I hate the walking but I mean we step outside in breathing air so come on follow me oh come on mister you need a you need to work those legs they've been floating in the river for far too long and I didn't even fix the freaking fish because you're supposed to fix the textures and I forgot I forgot I forgot I I forgot to fix the frickin textures texture is this thing will look stupid with missing textures now my game is not responding voila la la la la I love messing up videos I love having to reinstall add-ons just for some two extra two extras guess what guess what we get to do now guys we get to disconnect la la la la then we go to safe then we go back and load it up again dah dah dah dah I'm about to waste like two minutes of your life unfortunately include in my life to you hooray hooray hooray hooray uh it's freaking heck all right well you don't want missing tastes textures and neither do I so uh I think wait in a minute we'll be worth the wait to say so um yeah let's just go ahead with this load dupa dupa dupa dupa t do ya okay come on come on load load quicker faster stronger okay now um okay it's almost done so much don't just if I stand it someone's done something so much that it's almost done it's almost done hurry up stop giving me errors in hurry up hurry up faster faster faster faster and it's not responding and then and I'm in her array let's go back up here oh whoa well gut that's just great now there's the void over here oh well dupa dupa dupa dee doop we're gonna pretend that that's not the void dupa do doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa dee doo du petit doop that was a long freakin walk it's a turfy okay here here's the place okay oh oh okay now I'm gonna need you to go in first because I don't want to get involved with police so you know why do it why do I have to go in first justjust just trust me okay I mean I feel like they're leading me to be murder but you did bring me back to life so I'll just go in here huh what's in here what's this yup you're right there is a there's an endo in the window laying on the floor decapitate it looks like yeah well he's dead oh yeah there's someone right there boy oh you know that person oh that's oh I think that's one of my children like you think what do you mean you think you don't know so I had like seven children is complicated yup okay that's definitely one my son yeah you'll pour Oh feels so bad he's so torn I was a terrible father I was a terrible King oh well now you have the chance to make it right and you can take back your kingdom and earn your family's trust again no you're right you're right alright pump it bring him back to life okie dokie oh wait Cuddy got a compressor oh wait seven 7 Shawn I have to do active really revived seven people or eight people today that's all I'm gonna include stomach energy yo can I have to sleep for like two weeks okay anyway so magical puppet powers magical puppet powers whatever I said the first time I'm saying it again we okay what Shawn I'm so sorry I was a terrible King I was a terrible father I'm so sorry son oh oh broken it looks to me that you got it looks to me that you got murdered so you better be happy that you're alive again oh well I am happy that I'm not anymore but I'm kind of in pain you know you know Meucci mutti oh oh so we what's going on further the kingdoms been overtaken by a fun time zombie bear man and I need an army to stop him will you join me son in my wall I undo my wrongs and make her new rights oh sure dad sure excellent all right great now let's head up to the key now let's head up to the kingdom and uh then one can go see some more people wait dad no wait wait wait there's more wait oh my my brother my sisters they're here too wait which one I forget how many there are I mean no I remember they're 17 you but I just don't remember which 7 they're right wait who's here oh I think Bonnie and chica I think they're here they were they drown the water that drown in the water I think I'm not so sure I don't exactly remember but I think that's where they are well where is that it's it's on the other side of here we must hurry we must help them oh ok come on puppet ok I get to revive more people hooray I love my life [Music] go boys full of me the Rose were here I think Oh come up here I'm on my way yeah ouch look they're down there where are they they're in the water oh no they're dead they must be dead if not at least drowned mm-hmm-hmm don't worry with my magical puppet powers I can bring him back to life there is magic above the rear Eclipse I never like have a life happy why am I so are you freaking kidding me Bonnie chica get up y'all you guys go you don't you remember sillies you all died oh wait that's not funny at all that's kind of sad oh my family I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I disappointed you and I should have been there for you I shouldn't have locked you up in your rooms I should have let y'all explored I was a terrible King I was a terrible father I was I could have been so much better and yet I was selfish will y'all help me undo my wrongs and make new rights oh yeah sure wait well how do how do we do that the kingdoms been taken over by a fun time zombie bear man and we gotta stop him but I need a team of people to help me take him down I tried facing him before but I was defeated on my own and that is when I learned hey I need friends or family to help me battle in my battles or something like that something along those lines I'm not sure yes we'll help you take back the way take back the kingdom and then and then you'll let us go it shy for watch and actually enjoyed the environment yes and then after I take over the after after we reclaimed the castle and reclaim our kingdom then I'll go to the village and make us and make a huge apology for not giving them any food or water actually no actually no a kid no I mean I couldn't control the water but I kind of controlled all the food so yeah wait you start the village I mean I had that big feast you know and I got it I got the dungeon master er was it the Baker I don't know I got one of them girl to get all the food from the what did you think all the food came from we robbed a billy on it yeah it was kind of bad I'll fix it later right now we got to focus on reek ain't we reclaiming the castle so yeah well I just want to go home I want to get bandaged up saying you know just get this over with or greed all right we'll help you Father thank you my children all right let us return to the kingdom wait is there any more of my children outside that died I know I remember a few people died at the front gate so maybe we could revive them there excellent pump it get all the water stopped sleeping let's go but for water so cozy I'm so tired from reviving you people just take a nap and float down the river remember what you said about people floating down the river where's your floaties my floaties no my floaties if I don't have my floaties on you can't fund Rowdy my floaties Stu can't be serious candy puppet puppet don't die on me we can't revive you if you dive there's no saving anybody but dad dad I don't think I think he's dying he doesn't he doesn't have his floaties okay oh oh oh this water shell look uh stupid puppy get up you know over land oh this water so shallow how I hurt my freakin back jump in it oh oh you stupid are you okay you shaved me thank you kind shirt just showed up already you stupid face huh you said I have a stupid face III mean okay you get the boy come on I mean are you I you are beautiful oh thank you I don't even know what's happening oh come on yo let's get back to the castle yeah so then the five of the the five people went up to the castle they went up to the castle gates so yeah we're gonna have to move all of them one by one isn't this uh isn't this fun alright so um yeah let's just move all these people up here dupa dupa do dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa d doop doop and also earlier one spring-trap fell into the water that definitely wasn't another fallen Kingdom reference when he jumped off the thing definitely wasn't okay I'll excuse me what was that strange burp oh no anyways um all right let us let's go to the castle gate alright no we just got to get puppet face man puppet face puppet puppet boy face where's puppet man I am the puppet man yeah welp we're here we're back home yes but this won't be alright alright people we could be attacked at any moment in here so we got to be quick we got to revive as many people as possible do we have to me I'm really I'm ready for my nap come on puppet pull through all right let's go in yeah oh ow ow it's not my face on that ow okay Oh Oh more walking oh oh oh it's Oh No Oh No well what's wrong oh it's 100 I was terrible I'm a terrible person I would terrible first I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry I'm gonna be sick I'm gonna die well what's wrong are you okay IRA stoop the terrible King I can't do this go on without me I know does everything I give up wait what's wrong with in with a hand then are you okay are you dying puppet I think he needs more life I don't know no I'm good I'm good hmm maybe he's just really hating himself for all the bad things that he did IIIi actually yeah it's that last option yeah uh well watch my father you guys you that we're back home now which I spotted one of the toddlers that I tried to replace y'all with and I forgot that toddler also died everyone I cared about died person what a toddler oh gosh that's like a small baby it's just laying out there in the field oh gosh wait how'd he die you fell out the window oh gosh dang you really are a terrible person hey man don't say that's not gonna help no don't don't stop it mean saying the truth I'm a terrible person hey pop it may pop it in what why do you want what do you want mister mr. faceless faces what I don't think you could say I mean I don't think that makes it but uh I think you should revive that toddler so that way if my that way I think that might make him feel better or something seeing that he's alive do I have to yes yes you do oh let me get my string it's like a little leash okay I'm just gonna drag the child's corpse over here cuz I'm too lazy to walk over there and there we go it's like crapple negated you like whoops sorry just drew the frickin orphanage chica what my bad my bad common mistake okay I'll revive him luckily it's a small soul so I won't beat you at all right is magic magic magic woo I got the power that I summoned within me and now I shall lay it upon you oh wow where feed me I'm hungry child oh great he wants food where he's not dead I'm hungry you little brat can't you see we're all starving sorry sorry joy that's calling me calling me I mean I didn't mean I'm sorry but seriously are you hungry no I'm just messing with you I'm sorry mister I'm sorry mister wait who are all these people who are these tall people I'm scared I'm gonna get stepped on the end No okay wait how is just uteri I mean I think it's good that we brought him back to life but it's the babe having a baby with us when we're trying to take over a kingdom good a good idea probably not but it was the faceless face man's idea what I I still don't know it I mean I'm sure I'm missing my fit I guess I've got a fake I'll shut up come on y'all let's go let's go take over this kingdom faster cuz I'm slowly getting tired I might need someone to carry me in a few minutes oh well you can still walk so well let's go up to the next gate Oh more walking oh come on don't whine father let's see you can redeem yourself there's still time you're right you're right we just gotta win this war dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa oh my face oh no oh no it's another orphan oh no another little baby orphan that I killed oh come on not again oh my gosh how many orphans did you kill oh my gosh I can't be king I deserve to die oh my gosh this is the pressing come on man oh oh oh hey I gotta use the bathroom I'll be right back no you no come on come on just for you to survive one more toddler and be okay whoa wait a minute before you're gonna go eventually we're gonna go to the village and everyone in the village is gonna be dead you're like oh don't more just revive them all it'll be okay but I then I'll probably die it'll be okay saving the majority is better than just saving yourself well I mean I guess it's true but I don't want it got a magical person wait wait for me I got tiny little legs yeah look come on come on just revive one more orphanage I had you're gonna be so many people to have to Nuvo okay okay fine yeah magical magical magical powers the powers that come within me I don't want to revive this orphan but I but I should before the police find me pazam oh my head hurts my head hurts what the orphan it's a wife I can redeem myself oh yeah we've been over this again just open the gate Oh little orphan baby are you okay and my hand hurts or well but I think I'll be okay excellent come on everybody let's go into the kingdom don't stand there do something they'll reopen it pull him out of there Oh are you okay I'm okay my bones were already broken and I'm still in [ __ ] I'm still developing my boat Joker I can't walk okay come on daddy's okay let's go okay all right Oh oh man I mean I cannot deal with this man's this I mean I love my father and all but holy Frick I cannot deal with his crying like my gosh oh I'm ready for a nap Oh Oh everybody let's get down and on over here okay finally we're starting to make progress so now we're invading the kingdom and not reviving people and I think gosh oh I'd not to revive anyone else wait for me all right everybody oh oh oh wait I didn't care about that child I'm a terrible person Moni what oh it's kid oh yeah Katie died Oh can't oh don't you get eaten up by magic or something huh magic hmm what type of magic oh yeah there was the Wizards the Wizards are over there I think they're still dead yeah the Wizards are dead hmm wizards fellow wizards I can use my powers to bring them to life and with their wizard nests they can bring people back to life as long as I grant am i teaching this fell alright fellow wizards I grant you life puppet magical powers puppet magical powers great there's a wizard life once again but Alliance ain't workin why isn't it working who where's the United body part 4 why isn't working I'm sorry but it's dead [Music] but didn't you hear the rumors that the legendary spring money who brought everyone back to life oh yeah the convictive one listen could it be that your that your magic that your magic can't affect them because of their magic you might you might be right fine I'll revive this stupid cat man alakazoo Alakazam bring this poor little kitty that got hit by a car fell out of a tree and ran over by the fire station police officer man bring him up to life so he can have two more lives of cat wife's or something I don't freaking know just bring you back to life I can't you revive the stupid temper it's me myself I can't revive anybody wait a minute why she candy killed by the Wizards magic show maybe that was it yeah maybe you just can't touch top Wizards magic so you can't revive can because kami was killed by the Wizards magic uh-huh excuses excuses I'll just cry oh whatever huh well okay let's just let's go up here let's go everybody oh gosh there's more dead people oh boy I'm ready for my I'm taking a nap I'm taking a nap oh gosh there's more dead people oh don't be okay all right I'll go to go up and see what's going down here oh boy yup there's a dead people all right okay all right um toddlers toddlers I have a job for you yeah all right as you can see we're getting a lot of people here and it's getting very annoying to move everybody at once so I'm gonna throw you up there in that window and you're gonna go spy on them don't let the fun time bear see you because he'll kill you so you need to be spies you want to be spies I want to be a spy I want to be a spy to you all right I'm gonna throw you out there and your guys gonna spy on him okay and well let's we get to the once we get inside you're gonna come to me nor tell me where he is okay okay all right I'm gonna throw you up there and we we oh whoops I should not have to hang out toys out I am each I okay all right just gotta throw the other or faint throw me against the wall rain we all right mm-hmm yeah you're right you want to play Jack hey ya wanna play tag yeah get back here mister oh okay good all right we got spies going in it's a nice guy okay all right come on puppet uh we should uh we should probably oh no oh no oh no oh oh I really was a terrible King I wasn't only a terrible King I wasn't only a terrible father but I was a terrible husband Josh dang it why am I so terrible at everything I'm terrible at life too oh my poor wife wait man this was where that crazy cannibalism person was no my wife don't tell me she was hmm Oh her body's still here my wife my precious what oh gosh does she gay uh sorry those weird cough um my wife Oh and yep oh hey wait speaking of winter it's almost October where's where's uh when's your season two or something come now please tell me right now who puppet puppet but good why we have to go outside watch help without watch all food all noise but Pump It pump it Pump It this is urgent this urge it's urgent I want agent my wife my beautiful wife please please you have to revive her you have to revive my wife wait that wait why your wife that that that's gay shut up that's the other that was the wheels decision actually the wheel wanted to see foxy none shut up shut up anyways my beautiful wife we need to know when season June comes now Club it please please bring her back to life well it's that voice crack should've go through an emotional state right now okay if I'm pretty sure that's not a girl but uh okay Zippity do a zip anyway I'm gonna bring this body back to life so he can be gay oh my I'm not sure Wow huh I think my powers have given up that life I need it now oh I'm sorry for your gay relationship I'm just gonna go why is everything so gay bleep like that I don't understand just I'm just gonna go over here and have fun with that freakin weirdo damn you cruel world dang it dang it I would Jack Oh buddy yeah I'll come back for you I'll come back for you the thing that made you girl was this Bo put it back on Kim Belle come back I'll give you three burials no there must be a way to revive you I'll find a way I'll find another pumping out there I'll bring you back to life I need season two okay okay wipe away all the tears white whale okay I'm good you know you just said all that out loud said what out like ripen or a your snot interior shut up I'm going through emotions right now I finally developed a heart and Darst dang it having a heart is painful okay would it be painful without a heart I don't know I don't know oh no anyways anyway so what's going on well looking around here I can see all the guards they're on they're dead oh what's that oh that's a piece of crap I thought those birds look the gorgeous dead puppet can you bring her back to life nope showing mister it's time for my nap I have a sleeve puppet no we need your sorry I'm sleeping well he's taking his beauty nap dang it someone has to carry him shadow freight you carry him wool it is because I'm so strong yeah oh okay come on mister man or woman I don't know what you are just come with me all right all right come on everybody we have to get to the gates then you've untie Freddie I'll get my vengeance on you how did you even become I don't even know okay okay okay yeah yeah all right the main gate the final main day Alan I should know wait this is like the final make this third main gate or whatever couple of little puppet pal let's go to the gate oh doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa do do do do do oh is that a oh that is everyone okay oh oh knows the girl or this is just disrespect a fun time Freddie definitely hung this dude up oh oh no oh no he's bad okay puppet man oh dang it we need get inside puppet man dang it I could throw them over the fence you know I'll just throw them over the fence okay puppet man you're gonna go on the other side and unlock the door okay all right don't pump it me and we where'd it go oh he then he made it across okay puppet open the gates puppet opened the he's taking his beauty nap right now no dangit how are we supposed to get through hmm I have an idea it might be so crazy it's one idea we might not have ever tried okay hang on everybody stand back well well well what you about to do what you got bombs or something you could call it that oh gosh oh gosh everyone take cover all right oh-ho it was unlocked the whole time oh come on everybody let's go inside oh I thought oh I could have gotten smacked right there but guess there's no towers okay yeah are you okay no I'm not okay what should we do a belted hmm I don't know justjust just take care of him all right all right let's see where my spies where are my spies okay get snapped up here : oh no little bean blue little bean were my favorites my favorites I didn't you fly away what happened what happened my little penguin I thought you flew away why'd you come back you came back for me and got sniped oh no his back's broken oh no my little penguin servant you were my favorite servant I don't know if I ever made that clear but you were my favorite I always hated foxy you're so as visual fly little birdie little messenger bird pop it pop it pop it the people we're dead okay mister you get a burial right there I mean I can't bury you right now because we're invading the kingdom but I'll give me a proper burial no okay let you oh no it's the night there he also got sniped Oh No the watch man can't believe he doesn't got sniped yeah he had it coming though being all exposed up there in that tower I mean we didn't really feed him so it's fine actually I think we fed once maybe I'm not sure sir but I mean midgets are orphans come to me orphans he calls to us we hang out how I hit the tree wait he's out show me where's the funtime bear he's in your throne room you waiting for your return oh heck oh heck he said he wants to face you alone dang it Joe I got an army together for now I mean I'm reviving them I'm reviving my kingdom my children come up here please bring puppet to you because I don't want have to walk down that for him later yes yes Father all right everybody come up here come on up here okay all right up kind of nervous are orphans you're gonna stay down here okay okay all right so the fun time buyer wants to face me alone I'm gonna face them and try to fight and win our kingdom back but if I somehow died your and all this and if puppet doesn't wake out to be able to revive me didn't I want to let you know I'm so sorry for letting you all down I know it's a terrible king but I'm here to make it up to you I don't I don't know how I'm supposed to be able to take him down now but I'll find a way I'll find a way anyway I wish all of you a good luck and just stay out here or just wait till the aftermath or so I don't freaking know what to tell you okay goodbye it's not like oh okay I gotta go I'm gonna die over though no that's just sad okay now off right where the stairs in this dank place oh they're all the way over here I can't the wall this is chicas room bill this room sucks wow that's a door al I keep running to think oh okay all right the stairs the stairs where are the stairs stairs stairs okay step step step step stuff that what's up sup gentlemen okay alright the stairs the stairs the stairs the stairs stairs yeah oh it's the balcony the balcony that I that I still don't when I die wait what they'll freak hello what wait you're supposed to be dead what's going on here something ain't right I was just taking a nap dad don't whatever people a treaty it was a beauty nap uh-huh dang it why so whatever people take a beauty nap there just passed out for like hours yeah you're dead no cuz I bet you would well at least you're alive yeah so I just been locked out here though because no one's unlocked the door because the door was locked from the inside so I've been stranded on this balcony so it's been fun oh okay how'd you get out I jumped like I think I was up I don't remember I was either I either woke up out here or a woke up in there and I jumped out the window or so I don't remember I don't really remember oh my god here but I'm not here now oh okay well at least the princess is alive so at least I still another Kingdom can still be continued so in case if I die then you get to ruled away it okay alright okay oh you better I would go meet with the people in the courtyard or whatever its called just go meet them there I could go fight for our kingdom okay then I guess I'll just I'll go over there din oh babe oh I'm nervous the fun times on bbear bein the clock strikes oh wait there's no hands on that fought gang okay nevermind oh whatever okay okay bye bye Luce night you alway bonbons dad I forgot you traitor you monster give me back my kingdom now I'll get you my kingdom now the princess is my dude I just saw I just freed her I unlocked the door you unlocked the door how did you get through my seven locks what what are you talking about all the locks on the door to the balcony uh-huh you never walked but they were all in locked except for the main door lock like the doorknob locked but all the padlocks and stuff for unlocked so yeah dang it you freed the pinch princess now I must kill you and retrieve the princess so I can rule the land in that way I can get all the dunkin donut muffins wait do they even sell muffins I don't know what they're gonna be mine okay I mean uh now how now I will kill you and I will kill anybody that stands in my way and the princess will be mine and then I'll rule the land no you know if bon bon bon would be laughing his head off right now but dad I killed them home you killed him yeah I killed Bob but I'm kinda depressed ever since but I kind of lost my mind ever since bonbon died but but but I I mean I have this corpse soaked in my hands so I can't forget about it I will remember you forever barred by all right anyways I've take up a job yourself I think I got bit by magic or something so now I'm kind of possessed and kind of evil but I'm still gonna kill you but also I think I'm slowly withering away but I'll be fine Joe now I'm gonna I'm gonna kill you now she'll get over here and just die give me a second I'm kind of broken oh I'll get over there in a minute oh now I must fight for my kingdom Oh pick up a box wait this ain't a boxes bookcase up swing swing swing take this bookcase through the place but dang it I killed the smell might the smelly old homeless person in the corner then God dang it oh no it's gonna take ages to fly all the way back over here God dang it so far away cut good dang it Oh oh hey you must are you mister you must die get a kick to the face oh you shouldn't have come back you should have come back you should have just died I would have died with this time if I die now at least I know I'll die as a true king kick it out that was weak that was pathetic code corpse bonbon slap him in the face oh you're taking the El tonight not today oh my portable thing or whatever this thing was I know yeah I think I used it for my throne oh I like broke like that oh it my face uh-huh you're weak lane you weakling Hey Joe think ouch bonbon let's throw this thing back down and we dang it I missed and come over here mister let me give you a hug oh heck no ouch my legs now wine wine I don't want to disappoint you oh my leg oh thank you have my legs you come over here let me bite you I'll give you the zombie virus I have oh heck no back back you zombie oh you can't do that yes I can't back how it hurts go away how I just want to bite you come here okay now please let me bite you not today mr. so it's your time I take back my kingdom you've go ahead just kill me wait you know why it's go ahead to do it show me uh-huh all right mister you ready to die yes since there's no purpose left for me anyways alright wait a minute why is you one tick of my kingdom anyways boy well why did you want to take over my kingdom okay you want to know the truth sir I did it for fun well I do when me and bonbon always talked about castles and Dragons and you say hi remember Haran I remember him his little bonbon voice thank I'm Freddy I want to run I want to I want to live in a castle one name I think you'd be so cool and so I wanted to give him that as a birthday present but then he died I accidentally killed him I accidentally snapped his neck is fragile little deck and I killed it I killed him I killed him and I just wanted to rule this kingdom for my boy but now he's dead no it is stupid zombie virus and I'm blind and I suck at life but I just would have died this kill me please oh gosh this is depression just put me out of my misery just kill me I know I'm not gonna kill you good thank you shucks old king you suck you're not giving me death you suck king you'll never be a good king of you won't kill me you won't put me on my misery you won't do something good for me you only care about yourself I don't care about myself I do care about you now why won't you help me I am going to help you but you can't help me bond once dead there's nothing that can bring him back oh yeah go for it ouch Wow so wait a minute you're telling me that you've been hero long and that you were just locked up in the tower and that's why we never got to see you yeah pretty much oh well okay well nice to meet you I guess yeah and also by the way where you weren't always this ugly we got we got attacked and stuff so always so we were we were much better looking but now right now we're kind of ugly maybe we could get that fixed up okay Herbalife I'm good Beauty man good Beauty nap oh did you take your beauty net - uh yeah I did how's it going toddlers yeah alright we're just chillin by the poor penguin man wait what there's four little penguins dead don't worry now that I've got my full beauty rest I fully recharged my powers and now I can now I can revive people for much longer so go little penguin boy flying Dan Michael black white blank blank blank blank blank yes rosin puppet are you alive Oh puppet of it are you alive I like oh yeah I'm alive come quick I need you to revive somebody quickly hurry up we don't got time okay the King tossed to me we watch watch commander this dude's got a hand pump or something as dead no sir he's kind of blind so maybe you could heal hmm let me see who are you kill me in my life whoa I didn't know I was having to take a look finally I get to take away a life instead of giving one so maybe this is why the police are after you wait they're gonna yeah okay what what's wrong wait can you bring people back to life I mean yeah I can't do well I bought my little boy he's dead pretty good alright hold it there pal we speak English in this house okay not whatever that was bud bud bud bud back to life okay little [ __ ] boy little [ __ ] boy be brought back to life oh wait before you do that Oh what now can you can you cure my blindness I want to see him when he comes back now fine I mean snip snap snip ease now wait what was that oh I can't see again and you knows you but you little boy come back to like ride behind we're happening wait I'll meet illusion we got to take over this kingdom behind by no wait what bond Mon I know you wanted this kingdom but these people saved your life the King saved her life wait why shame on mine in a kingdom you may not rule the kingdom but you have to play your part in the kingdom that's all that matters wait why are you shaved me I mean I guess I did yes bond Mon he cured my blindness and he showed me the good in life trust me Mon Mon go with me let's no longer be evil let's no longer take over this kingdom okay bottom on you wait are you sure this is a good are you sure fine down Frannie you sure we can trust them yes bond boy I saw it with my own two new blue eyes they brought you back to life I was so sad without you you were dead for so long I was dead yes you got murdered how did I die I uh uh it was oh you died a brave hero or villain I don't know Wow but then these people gave you a second chance to be even more heroic but yeah but I guess our days of being heroic are actually over announces we're gonna have to leave just Kingdom and go back to being our stupid life oh wait a minute I actually have a job for you too you do and y'all can be heroic watch out I accidentally forgot to feed the village this week so I need you to bring new fresh bread and food to the village and also I I don't know where the bake I think I sent the baker on vacation I don't know where he is but I need you to bring fresh food to the to the village and revive the village for me okay save the village we can do that hooray bonbon we get that we get as we get to be heroes now bonbon and we get to save the village come on follow me okay thank you miss Thank You King for all of your good deeds Thank You King parade oh yeah I realize the dog's paw Oh God - did you just die - snip snap snip he's now they're back to life Oh a bonbon that was quite the fall out it realized I was like 15 stories tall come on bond let's go save the village hooray we get to be heroes they jumped off another cliff didn't they uh yeah parsnips not Snoopy snow so how do you feel that you've gotten your castle back and your kingdom back basically and the village will be hopefully forgiving you in a few days so how do you feel I feel I feel feel good again I feel good my old crown oh so what you gonna do now hmm oh no oh for one thing I know is I don't deserve a crown yeah but I don't want to be a king anymore but there shouldn't be no king there shouldn't there shouldn't be a superior person telling you what to do there should be someone that gives you wisdom and advice that's what they should do and I've been doing all the wrong things no it's time for me to turn to the side of good well that's good to hear all right I'm taking another beauty nap okay good night wait puppet yeah shall I haven't taken my nap again I kinda kept shaking now dang it why you have to sleep in this room huh all right let me go chill the good news to my kingdom attention all attention my children I think most of you are mine show us something you want I don't know anyways attention Kingdom we we will begin puppet what we didn't reviving the rest of the kingdom or the children or whatever he'll begin reviving them like tomorrow but he's taking another nap but we have won the battle and the threat has been neutralized oh excuse me I'm still kind of broken hopefully I get fixed up but if not that I'll be okay but yeah so anyways yeah what the kingdom has been saved hooray the kingdom will be saved wait dad will we ever be beautiful again are we always gonna be ugly I'm not so sure I didn't get the ash puppet that before you went back to sleep so whenever pulpit wakes up again I'll ask him and maybe we'll be fixed what clang clang oh my old penguin servants you you were alive yeah I step up like one I can pop it me and revive me clang clang clang I'm so happy to be at service to you again but no penguin no war plan quick want penguin I know you've served me for most of your life but from now on you are no longer my servant what I wasn't good enough I'm swear I'll shine your boots I'll clean your toes please give me a second chance King no I'm no King anymore and I'm sure you were a great servant you were the best servant I ever had but I must let you go no King what will I do what will I do what will I do well what do you want you I want to serve somebody King that's my purpose as a penguin all penguins must serve their masters what will I do Oh what I just need a word that's all I want it's orders without orders I am nothing hmm you know what penguin I have an order for you you do oh yes man I mean King or what wait what should I call you now that you're not King just call me spring-trap okay okay okay spring-trap what do you want me to do is spring-trap what what is my orders please tell me your order is to is to see if anybody else needs help to tend to those who need help crank crank okay I can do that my king I mean swing trap I'm sorry just gonna taking a lot of time to get you stupid oh I can do that I'll see if people are in need of things of helping and I will help them oh and one more thing penguin yes yes spring-trap make sure to take breaks as much as you need okay you will note you don't have to force yourself you don't have to push yourself back the limit just just take a break every now and then you don't need to be forced around anymore do things at your own will go a clinic okay explain the trap and kind of quite clinic Wow well I guess this was a happy ending after all yeah it wasn't happy ending after all yeah but it's freaking confusing that it's not called the rise of Kingdom one two and three and says it's rise of kingdom fall of a kingdom resurrection of kingdom I could have just been Kingdom part one Kingdom part two Kingdom part three what so confusing oh shut up all shut up anyways anyways now the kingdom has been shaved hooray so then everyone in the kingdom was happy yet again they soon went around reviving people hopefully like backlight fun time freddy and some other people as well they started reviving people again and fun time fretting bond bond right brought bread to the village why is the water glitching out what the heck but they brought fun time trading bond bond drop bread to the village and the village was happy again with the castle so yeah and so spring chuck reclaimed this castle will these people be revived who knows will there be a jack a Bonnie season two definitely but we're still wait I'm still wait until October I know I want to go ahead and go ahead and do season two but I'm waiting till October so yeah and also one day there'll be another bunny video but yeah um so yeah also foxy lost his head that's kind of big sad but anyways that was the the resurrection of a kingdom so yeah anyways I hope y'all enjoyed hopefully this serie hopefully you've seen all the other parts I know it's a bit confusing because I actually didn't do part one two or three I might go back and edit those videos to say part 1 into I don't know but yeah anyways I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you all next time goodbye now the main question is will there be a part for woo
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 385,938
Rating: 4.8292241 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Kingdom, Roleplay, RP, Part 3, King
Id: OF5B3MdeoGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 30sec (3930 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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