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Glock the most reliable handgun in the world yes very reliable all right a lot of Glocks gonna have a Glock fest today Hickok 45 here if you can see we have a lot of black magazines a lot of black Glocks on the table and we're gonna shoot all of these guns I get a lot of questions about which model is best I mean over and over probably the the most common question of all the the many many many messages I get on YouTube that's probably the number one question which Glock would you recommend it often I'll get some qualifiers you know hey I have a 9 which of the 40 should I buy you know I get something to work with but then lots of times I'll get a message which is the best Glock yeah what's the best Glock which block should I buy for my first gun well obviously there's about 14 questions I would like to ask the person before I can make a good recommendation sometimes I'll just recommend you know the Glock 19 can't go wrong with that but generally I need to know some more information and you understand that what I thought I would do today he's bringing the various models out than I have and got enough magazines to demonstrate each one and what I want to do is go through pretty much each of the models so I'm going to try to take my time I want to answer a lot of these questions and for those of you who don't get the gun shows or gun shops very much it's very difficult for you to do the comparisons hopefully this will help all right so this is kind of for you all for the people who do not have an extensive experience with Glocks and and maybe you're not even certain of the differences between the thickness of some of the slides and just how big they are heavy long you know that the particular models might be alright so what qualifier - you know I do like Glocks and I'm not a Glock sales rep I don't get anything from Glock if I had a table full of cigs or a table full of X DS or m and P's H and K s I'm sure they'd all work just fine and I'm sure I could shoot them just fine you know if there were 50 bucks apiece so I probably buy some more of them and you know just play with them sometime but I think you like blocks and so I just have kind of stuck with with them they work they're small they're very dehorned as they say to me of some of the other guns the competition offers are great guns but I don't know if this seems like the slide is a bigger affair on some of them and they're a little bit more involved got roll pins and things with the Glock you can take it completely apart replace any part with ease and maybe some of the others - I'm just not aware of it but anyway just want to say that you know I do like the locks but there are a lot of good guns out there and you you probably have some of them okay Glock 26 that's what I was just shooting as we open the Glock 26 very popular little Glock nine-millimeter it is the subcompact the smallest of the Glock line and it is wonderful little gun a lot of people have this Glock 26 it's a great gun for concealed carry or for open carry over for keeping on top of the refrigerator you know whatever you want to do with it it's a wonderful little gun I have videos on of course most of these guns so I'm not going to go through a big shooting spree on each one of them we are gonna do some shooting though the Glock 26 subcompact closed it up Glock 19 thank you let's close it up let's do a little comparison of size okay for those of you again you don't get to gun shops and have a hard time comparing some of these guns let me just lay them on top of one another you kind of see the difference I'll line them up there see the length on the 19 it's a little longer okay you have the contour look on the front of the slide on the 26 get my hand out of the way you could see the the length of the grip there and that's always a controversial issue grip length okay now I try to forgive me on my my grip installation my Talon grips you know I do have I do like the Talon grips and I discovered later I was really cutting the fingers off too short there and that's where they work fine seems like every put them on there but on the on the future ones I'm not going to cut the fingers I was trying to match the the finger grooves um right at the edge I realized that's not necessary on my 27 that I shoot the most I just let them overlap and they stuck fine and all that so but anyway those feel good so look back again so we got the 26 the 19 the smallest the 9 millimeter the mid size 9 millimeter now I do not have a Glock 17 I started out with a 17 in the 80s but to me the 19 is plenty bit fact it feels really big because I like the subcompact but the the 19 is a great size and I recommend this quite often to people if you're not sure which block to get you don't have a Glock you don't have a handgun you want a semi-automatic pistol your first one you want something in a kind of a mid size gun and a 9 millimeter and you like Glock this is your gun Glock 19 that's your good if you pick this one up and you like it it feels fine to you the 26 I recommend it okay now I'm gonna refer people through this video when I get these questions quite often the 26 is small but it's big enough one reason I like these sand paper type grips is you can you can grasp it with either hand and get a good good hold on it that's not demonstrated before it doesn't matter that your little pinky hangs over for one thing for me even with the 19 my little pinky really doesn't fit on that grip very well so you know I have to force it on there so so I really don't use my pinky finger on anything I shoot I just don't it's basically out of the picture when I shoot a 19 even I may even have it straightened out or it's just not on the grip and not pretty sure even when I get the big locks in my hand this is the eye I can get it on the grip but I try not to use it you know I'm really using these two fingers here to grip the gun so all that issue about not being able get your pinky on the grip it's totally irrelevant to me all right you can put extensions on these so that you can but it's unnecessary if you learn to shoot one of these little ones without the extension so I think you'll like it because it really makes it a small package that is one small package if you have a flush magazine in it you know no extensions and I think you've seen in my other videos as well as probably some other people's videos that these guns are very suitable they are there like a combat handgun pistol you know I would not feel that I was less armed if I was going to war and say the carry sidearm was a Glock 17 and I lost mine and I had to carry this I wouldn't notice any difference be fine with me fine I wouldn't mind having some of the Glock 17 magazines maybe but that would be fine with me that or the 19 I'd really rather have it then the 20 or the 17 I'll get it right in a minute okay so let's do a little more comparison while I have these out let's look at the Glock 29 the Glock 30 if you're familiar the Glock 30 and the Glock 29 are they're kind of bigger they're ten millimeter and 45 acp they're the exact same size they have the beveling you notice on the front of the slide those are they're really closer to the compact size I think they refer to them as a compact gun some people think of them as a subcompact but they're kind of in between so that's the 10 millimeter that's the 45 you really literally have to look at the bore or at the model numbers to tell the difference they're the exact same gun okay now let's look at that in comparison with the 19 or the 26 all right and one thing I like for people to see is the thickness of the slide there you can see the thickness and the length I'll flush them up at the front there and you see the the difference in the length and hopefully you can see the difference in the thickness and we turn them over okay now that's what I talk about when I mention that the 45s and the ten millimeters are great guns however they're a little thicker now it doesn't look like much but if you have that you know inside the waistband holster it it's quite a difference prior difference okay you have the same thing of course with the bigger ones you know there's the ten millimeter you know the back of the slide you know same thickness difference okay put that back down 45 the same so you really have as far as I'm concerned you have to kind of major divisions in the Glock family there's a couple of exceptions but by and large of the popular models you have the nines and the 40's and then you have the tens than the 45s that's what we have up here now we've got the thirty and we've got the twenty-nine and they're smaller in length but there's the same thickness you know the big 20 and the 29 same thickness okay same thickness on the slide same with the 30 and the 21 you see the comparison there slides are the same thickness it's just this shorter on the 30 versus the 21 that's 45 ACP okay nice guns you've seen me shoot them in other videos same with the 10 millimeters the big ones they're great guns great range guns a great house guns they're even good carry guns a lot of people do carry them it's just that these guns being thinner and more streamlined make I think much better you know carry guns just all around wider so but it depends on what you want if you're determined to carry a 10 or a 45 been hard to be I like the small ones they shoot great that 30 and that 29 just depends on what you want out of it okay so if I recommend and I have written this so many many times my four favorite Glocks probably although I like them all and my four that I recommend the most often are the 26 to the 19 or the 27 and the 23 you know they're the same size all these the only difference is on a 27 and the 23 either 40 caliber and you have a bigger board but they're the same configuration in size any one of those four great gun if if I had to get rid of all my Glock so I could carry one block I could shoot one Glock I'd have a hard time deciding between those four it would be one of these four that would be it it'd be fine I anyone is great gun 23 into 40 19 and the nine-millimeter 27:40 or the 26 and a nine-millimeter they're all great you just need to get to a shop or a gun show get a good feel for them and see what you think about them okay they're all the same thickness and slide all right the only difference is capacity basically in calibre now let's look at that real quick here before we do a little shooting the the flush magazine as you saw that's just the standard magazine comes with a Glock 26 for those of you who are not really familiar that familiar I think I have a Glock yeah here's a Glock 17 magazine I could actually use that and the gun really does for true doesn't that holds uh 17 rounds and I can even get them with extensions and everything else so all these magazines are interchangeable by caliber now when you do shoot that I advise you don't use that as a grip extension I try not to do that when I shoot a log your magazine I just try to grip the gun as I normally do I don't want to affect the magazine I've heard that can affect the reliability I've never noticed that but and then of course you could even stick the big ol 33 rounds or in there yeah it works too how's that for a rig looks pretty odd however it works I think you've probably seen me shoot that outfit alright so capacity could meet whatever you want basically they all magazines interchange okay Glock 19 or Glock 26 rather let's take a couple shots I know you're dying to see some bullets fly now I'm going to shoot some more with a regular Glock 26 magazine here nice thing about again a little gun you can pop anything at reasonable reasonably close ranges 80 yards / that's not a small target but far and near this gun will do it alright doesn't matter that it's small so let's move over to the block 19 again possibly most popular Glock of them all I have videos on these you've probably seen some of you that are familiar with my channel I in fact my very first Glock 19 video is his way up there when you search for Glock 19 I think it comes up first it's been up there a little while now so it's kind of nice it brings a lot of people into my channel I think that this is the Glock 19 one of the most popular Glocks and again hard to be magazine just stay back let's try another one interesting really nice suitable gun a lot of fun not much recoil midsize this and the Glock 23 or the same size gun exactly it just depends on whether or not you want a 40 or a nine-millimeter those are the exact same size you see you got a little difference in the bore you know you've got a 40 caliber versus nine-millimeter other than that there's really no difference those are two of the most popular and most common Glocks now again you don't see a Glock 22 out here or a Glock 17 they're the same size they're the next step up in size from these two guns I just don't have a use for them I get a lot of requests to do videos with it but I just don't have one I'd really have no desire again for a Glock 22 I hate I think one of the first ones in Tennessee when they came out but I've since traded I just this gun just feels good feels great perfect size yeah so I just don't have a lot of use for one so the nine-millimeter there they are the 40s same size let's shoot a couple of those let's shoot the let's go ahead and shoot the 23 since that's the one I was holding up same thing great feel a little more punch if you one of the things that you can notice and I guess you can just go back and replay parts of this video if you want to I'm not really doing this as a recoil demonstration but maybe if you kind of go back and look and and watch the nine-millimeter being shots verse shot versus the forty maybe you can tell a little bit of difference I can feel a difference because I've been shooting both of those nines and you know I can tell the difference it pops a little harder I'm gonna go out there at 80 again yeah it's a little bit harder and it kicks a little bit harder but nothing unmanageable at all not at all now I'm bouncing between Glocks here and among a lot of different Glocks so I have a little bit of an adjustment to make as I do that don't I now this is the Glock 27 that I highly tout you hear me talking about it quite a bit I guess and another tip about these guns one reason that people think this gun is really snappy as they say is I guess it kind of is particularly if you're shooting a whole lot of nine-millimeter because I could tell the difference if I just come out through the range today and shot my 40 I would not have noticed that but I've been shooting this nine and I haven't shot four since last Sunday I guess during the ice video haven't fired a shot but this 40 did seem to wow a little punch to it I normally wouldn't notice that but I've been shooting nine here and so by comparison it really does same way for the grip if you shoot mostly a regular sized gun and then you pick up one of these little compaq's it's like whoa where's the grip you know it's like your shoestrings you're trying to tie your shoes and the shoe strings are too short or something you know until you get used to it these these are a short grip you're right but if that's what you shoot and you shoot it a lot it might be exactly what you want let's shoot the little 40 a little bit here now yeah it's small and yes it's a little snappy my hands okay it's not broken won't hurt you a bit if you want a little gun you want a lot of punch that's your baby you just have to get past the idea that you need something that your whole hand feels comfortable on all it really matters is when you grasp this gun does it feel okay to shoot you feel like you've got a good enough hold on it and then can you shoot it well can you can you put the rounds out there let's see I don't want shoot all my ammo I'll show you a couple more it's not going to jump out of your hand you know I have a little very very large hands you know it's not gonna jump out of your hand just not gonna do it it feels fine yes it does kick a little bit but it's not gonna be hurtful to you yeah as long as you can hang on to the gun you're in good shape 44 all right so 40 caliber 9-millimeter those are the four guns that I've been switching between there that I highly recommend it just depends on which one fits you best all right and I can't judge that for you one factor is how much you shoot if you shoot a lot good we've got the Homeland Security bussing the property if you shoot a great deal I think a 40 or 45 or 10 or whatever is fine if you don't shoot much you might want to at least start out with a nine and then to see how it goes as you get into shooting more and more you might decide you want a different caliber or just a different caliber to play with occasionally I don't know but it's hard to beat a nine and that's why I usually recommend somebody start with you can't make a mistake with a nine if you plan to shoot at all hopefully it will reach at least enough skill there to handle a nine with a trouble and it's a great cartridge right available everywhere well at least under most circumstances right okay let's move on up a little bit this is a ten millimeter this is the Glock 29 I showed you a minute ago this is one of the thick boys this is when you once you move up to ten or forty five you get a thicker slide still a pretty compact gun in fact this feels really good to me I have always said the the Glock 30 or the Glock 29 really feels better in my hand maybe than any of the Glocks it just fits like a glove just really does fit like a glove okay so that's a Glock 29 let's put a round in that thing ten millimeter see if I can hit anything here if I move up the chain that's now that kicks harder than the 40 of course because that's a 10 millimeter it's a pretty stout little cartridge if you want something with a lot of power and in a fairly small package not bad same old thing you're gonna have your little pinky hanging over so you've got to decide whether or not you can handle that or not if you can't but you really want this gun they do make extensions you know that that will give you a place to put your little pinky and they'll feel better right you know me I don't like them okay great little gun same gun as the Glock 30 kind of heavy if you put it in a inside the waistband holster like I have here which by the way I have 27 in there the other one and that's a gaucho royal guard that's what that is I have a recent discovery I really like that that that inside the waistband holster of the gaucho royal guard no one reason I make a big deal out of that is because I know I'll get a lot of questions about it so you know what that is now but if I have one of those for the Glock 30 or the Glock 29 it would be pressing against me a little bit tighter more tightly and I would need to maybe loosen my belt a little more you wouldn't think it make that much difference but the the old thick slides on these bigger caliber Glocks do make a difference they make them much sweeter to shoot of course that's why they shoot so well okay so personal preference it's up to you the next step up in the tent of course is the Glock 20 I've done videos with all of these as you know and this is the big boy believe this is Ted Nugent's favorite they tell me actually I read his book at least it was several years ago so the 10 millimeter in the full-size gun let's take a couple shots of it nice good big old 10 go on into bear country that might might be enough who knows some really hot rounds in it so ten millimeter Glock yeah these are great guns these big big blocks again I prefer them for outside the waistband carry maybe for just trucking around the farm and you know Range duty if I were going into the mountains into a dangerous area where there were brown bears or maybe wild hogs that kind of thing I'm like I might just take that that just might be the gun I would attack you know either that or a 44 Magnum yeah that's always a tough choice really hot 10 millimeter rounds or maybe a 44 when you have a dangerous game in the area depending on how dangerous and I guess how big the dangerous game I'd be so 10 millimeter nice cartridge those are in a way they're kind of specialized cartridges but I get a lot of messages and I see a lot of postings around the various forums Glock talk and etc a lot of people actually carry you know 10 millimeter and in the twenty nine configuration so just depends what your preferences are let's move on up to 45 we got the Glock 30 again so I've pointed out the same size as a Glock 29 this is a really sweet gun you've probably seen my video some of you that I did with that it it shoots very well on a good day I think I shoot this Glock as well as about any Glock I'm not sure what it is it just has a good nice trigger and it's just a sweet gun to shoot let's put some bullets in it now I said that I'll miss everything I'll shoot that it's all started closed just really nice really nice this is a very popular Glock - I just I can kind of see that in my videos when I do a Glock 30 video it seems like it gets a little more activity than some of the other bigger Glocks almost like the Glock 19 so it really has a loyal following I noticed when it came out I recall it was the cat's meow everybody was just so happy that Glock came out with a nice 45 caliber Glock I think a lot of people have had the feelings that I have about it since after maybe carrying it for a while deciding maybe it's a little heavy a little thick you know unless you just have to have 45 caliber maybe Glock 27 or a 19 or 23 will serve just as well but boy is it nice and it feels good fun to shoot 45 now the big boy in the 45 you recognizes the Glock 21 this is uh this is my pumpkin Carver right so that's just like the Glock 20 except in 45 let's take a couple shots with him sure I get the right bullets in the right gun here nice I get to shoot equ fast sometimes but uh you know you know I just like to play I enjoy these guns and joy just playing with them if I really bear down I could probably do some some better shooting at times but I do shoot too fast and but that feels not shooting back at me so it doesn't really matter I just like to play so the old pumpkin Carver is awfully sweet as well she's really well I noticed a again we get back to just trying to give you some useful information here I get the shooting and just having fun me I noticed a big difference when I start shooting the 30 in the toy in the 21 here as compared with a 10 millimeter not elope you could see that in the recoil or maybe in a way my hand and arm or jumping they don't know I tend not to show a lot of recoil I know again as I said in I think my gun control video I just tend not to show a lot of recoil for whatever reason but I could feel a considerable amount or degree of less recoil we're trying to say these don't kick as much I'm trying to say the the tins get pretty hard pretty hard the nines are very sweet I moved up to the 40 I could tell the difference now hit the tins jolt I mean there's a jolt there again doesn't hurt you know no pain no broken fingers but a big difference when you get to the ten anything when I said go to the 45 I sort of dropped back down a lot of people will tell you and I kind of agree the 45 is uh really seems to be softer shooting than the 40 it really does partly because the slides so much heavier you know you've got a much thicker slide and I think if it was an exact same gun it may not be much difference but really you shoot this gun the 2740 versus the 30 and you're gonna feel less recoil into 30 and I've had people ask me that before but you really do there's felt recoil I think in the 45 hey then in the 40 caliber Glock the same configuration all right so that's one of the things I want to do here is give you some some insight into how these guns feel how they shoot every single one of them on this table all eight models shoot this fine you know if I took my time I would not miss anything I was shooting in out there I hit a few misses but uh I would have hit everything I was shooting at I really wasn't worried about that too much but all the guns shoot great the nines not much recoil very effective little bullet the - so that's why they get such serious consideration by so many people the 40 great guns a little more recoil just depends on your sensitivity to recoil if you don't not bother by that you like a little recoil yeah nothing wrong with a 40 10 kind of a specialized cartridge it's very powerful but great gun great cartridge very accurate and not hard to shoot you are gonna get some serious punch nothing that hurts nothing that hurts okay and then 45 you know the old classic 45 ACP not a problem I get a lot of questions about why I don't have a gap you know 45 gap the Glock well I've been shooting 45 ACP for 30 years or more I'm just not interested in another cartridge to hand load or to gear up for same with a 357 sig I have 357 Magnum pistols revolvers rather I just don't have a lot of desire to have it in a Glock I mean I know it's a good cartridge I just don't have a desire to have it I mean I wouldn't bother me I could buy a barrel for one of these 40s and actually shoot it you know I think that's all you have to replace is just the barrel and I may do that sometime just for kicks but I don't really have a strong desire to do that okay so sub compacts great little guns that's what I have right here yeah this is the 40 caliber not a problem the fact that they're so small yeah when you race for it it's right there it's not a problem some people feel like they have to have a gun the size of the Glock 19 for the grip and then to work in this holster as well and yeah there is a little more grip there but I don't know it's not that necessary to me where's my 20 70 I hear this and when I reach for it the range rivering you know it's not a problem it's just not a problem if it is for you that's fine you need to go with a longer grip okay so walk 27 that one I did not shoot and I guess I won't get that one dirty and no need to so any questions about that so far about any of the models no questions okay well let me see that I forget anything forty fives and tens and 40s a lot of Glocks I showed you the big magazines I didn't show you some of these I didn't show you it's one - you do realize and whatever in whatever caliber the longest magazines made for for that gun will fit in the smaller Glocks maybe that's the easiest way to say that for example I have a longer Glock 10 millimeter magazine it'll work in the little Glock 29 no again it extends but you know I can shoot that another reason why quite often for police when I was helping with the County Police Department here for ten years I carried a 40 caliber generally the 23 but I would keep a Glock 22 magazine it's back up you know the longer magazine and that's all the nice things about the long and even if you're carrying a small [ __ ] subcompact you can carry a longer Glock 17 magazine or a Glock 22 magazine is back up and pop it in there and you've got a lot capacity if you want to alright so hopefully that helps answer a few your questions because I'm kind of mentally going through the the files of all the questions that I I get about these things and that's it I recommend the Glock 26 or the Glock 19 probably my first recommendations when you want to know what Glock to get alright and as I said the 27 and the 23 would be the next on that list if you can handle recoil don't mind recoil alright so you just need to get out to shoot them nice thing about most gun ranges really nice indoor shooting ranges is they'll have a bunch of blocks you can rent and so that helps a lot of people so yeah wrapping this up what I thought I'd do is just shoot each one of them again how about that so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna make them hot this is something you normally wouldn't do I think I'll point them that way and that is have even one hot gun lying on the tapes but we're gonna do this and eat some 40-caliber for the 27 and for the 23 40 caliber I am there okay the 10 millimeters hot and I know I'm reaching here kind of in front as muzzles you normally do that go walk 30 X 45 we have another magazine of that and we have a 21 magazine loaded alright yeah okay we have a table full of rattlesnakes there we have eight hot glocks so maybe they won't bite anybody I'm gonna pick them up and just empty them now again this is kind of your last chance the cameraman is going to John it's gonna try to get some footage of you know showing the gun as he already has he's good at that maybe you can tell something about the recoil maybe you can't I'm not gonna feel a lot of fancy shooting I'm just gonna maybe empty some magazines just play a little bit I've got to clean all these blocks so I deserve to be able to play so here we go if my trigger finger is not too tired Glock 26 9-millimeter alright Glock 27 40 caliber that's gonna be one cowboy block 23 40-caliber alright alright comes the big boys block twenty-nine ten millimeter I think I'm gonna shoot the tombstone with the ten since they're so powerful block 20 alright let's come back to the cowboy it's only appropriate with a 45 that you shoot a cowboy right a bad guy cowboy the Glock 21 45 ACP I hear him ringing smells good oh I forgot we do have this baby what she was shoot him in let's demonstrate that he works in the Glock 26 it will maybe finish him off in the okay that was in 226 let's put him into 20 or 19 now trigger fingers getting tired getting stiff okay so that's a lot of guacamole there so eight Glock models hopefully you saw enough shooting through each one of them maybe it tells you a little bit I don't know try to hold them all kind of the same degree of firmness and he is kind of weird shooting all these different calibers at once but maybe I'll give you some useful information and Lisa you got to see a lot of good block Tupperware in action so come back and visit life is definitely good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 7,300,465
Rating: 4.8655047 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, 19, Glock19, G26, G27, G23, G20, G21, G29, G30, 10mm, 9mm, .45ACP, .40, caliber, Glocking, firearms, shooting, semiautomatic, semi-automatic
Id: ddP7IHHnM4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2010
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