Full Auto Glock 17

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Glock the coolest one anybody could ever imagine you got to admit even if you don't like Glocks does it get much better than that one quite an implement Oh a 2-liter a cowboy we're out of ammo bullseye yeah Hickok 45 being having fun but also being careful yes this is a did you notice a full-auto Glock yeah thanks to NC silencer this is fully auto it is select fire actually it's a Glock 17 with this little fun switch on the back right there semi-auto full auto and okay and every Glock should be equipped with a knife like this right this can resist we pick that up at an NRA condition I think about four years ago and I just keep it on my carry Glock usually I mean don't you don't you have one piece I'm gonna put the sheath back on it me stab myself right here in video and then remove it for now okay we might need it again later though you never know alright so you know we're empty yeah we appreciate the help from NC silencers we do all the folks that help us Bud's gun shop calm you know great assistance and then Federal Premium who's supplying the ammo for this hungry beast today alright in fact we got some of their what's it called syntek American Eagle syntek we're trying out its jacketed with a polymer kind of a polymer jacket and it's supposed to reduce friction wear on your barrel and all that kind of thing it's a clean or ammo supposed to be they promote it as I guess that's good for indoor ranges where they're really picky about some of that I don't know it's got lead-free primers and all that cleaner powder and cleaner burning and that sort of thing and then I don't know we've not experimented enough yet with it we've shot a fair amount its cycles fine works fine supposed to get a little bit less splatter back because of the not having the copper jacket don't work out on that but that probably would it make sense but we'll know as we shoot more of it but anyway I think it's not a dollar more for box they tell me so we say yeah send us some we'll mix it in with the regular American Eagle and we'll shoot both and let you know what we think about it but long as it shoots and it's good range ammo that's our primary interest right so got a bunch of that we're gonna shoot 115 grain ammo and again this is a select-fire you select what you want semi-auto or full auto it is a regular Glock 17 that's been modified now before we shoot any more this is one of those things I joke about having a Glock 18 or you know I think in one video a long time ago I said something about having a couple of Glock 18 s in the way am i safe I couldn't get this thing that's really just it's one of my lame jokes but it should have struck everybody as as a joke maybe not funny but as a joke because almost nobody regular private citizen like me John you most of you can own a Glock 18 or even one of these okay it's almost unheard of because almost all of the Glock e-teens were made after the 85 86 machine gun ban and unless I think there's about three four ways where you can own one of these the best you can do is kind of we do know we have help from NC silencer you could shoot it if you got your paperwork you know and you got you know it belongs to somebody that's legal and everything they're a manufacturer or something you've got to be a class-3 dealer with a law enforcement certification okay to do work for law enforcement or you've got to be law enforcement or I think a class to manufacturer okay as I as I understand it that those are three of the ways that you could actually own one of these things and that doesn't cover many of us does it alright so that's why it's it's fun to be able to to have one of these for a little bit and and shoot it and get access to it for even a brief period because it's just almost impossible for anybody okay and not just a Glock full automatic pistol but I guess a Beretta be about as hard or any others there may be a few more of those that were made before 85 86 I don't know not an expert in this stuff but just take my word for it if you ever get a chance to shoot one like at a machine gun shoot pay your fee and walk up and shoot it with both have done with the Glock 18 s with one of these Glock 17 conversions we've done this before and you have some little video clips here and there in the library of that so we have shot them before they're interesting the Glock 18 and this one I mean there's no difference really I mean there's filet Auto you know select fire Glock 17 so there's no real difference eject you've got the selector on the back this one was done by I think a hard-times Armory out of Georgia I believe they told me and it was made for police agencies again one of those people I guess a class-2 manufacturer I guess making it for a police agency and then they didn't buy them all or something and so in see silencer grabbed one of them as a demo or whatever it is so it's all legal of course but you and I we just can't know it doesn't matter how much money I was willing or had to put into one of these I probably couldn't own one it's just that simple okay so anyway especially youngsters who don't realize that you wonder why I'm a Glock I don't have one yeah that's alright we're gonna shoot some more now it'll also take a regular you know magazine it's a Glock 17 let me lay it right there and put some of these in my pouch we shoot some of those rent you know a pretty red tip on that ammo well I guess I got my mag pouches hold on all right so let's just shoot a little bit now we've done a Glock 17 so I wonder what I want to do here is kind of show you this and and talk about how controllable it is and those sorts of things you might be curious about because it's a handful it's a handful but it is pretty controllable it's more controllable then maybe you would expect but then again if you have no experience shooting this sort of thing it might not be you know they've been some horrible accidents occurred because once you pull that trigger on full auto you know it wants to rise on you okay so you've got to be ready for it you definitely do well so let's let's just shoot the well no let's don't let's have some fun on those twelve bouncers first I shouldn't take any more than the 17 they'll put him on full auto this is interesting because it's a it fires from a closed bolt seven open bolt and so I always get a little nervous over here I am putting on a full auto and then putting around in the chamber it's like it ought to fire but no it's a closed bolt machine gun or pistol machine pistol so let's see if I hold on those twelve answers there that John stacked up cool you got to have a handle on that thing but it's pretty neat what I was gonna do was let's do another Glock 17 magazine and on that tombstone or that coffin there I'm gonna try to hold right on it all right full auto actually I don't think it rose much I got a little bit off to the left I'm gonna try it again with a with a burst I tell you what with practice you could get to where you could really control this thing it's a it's an interesting piece of hardware you know what this pot here is begging to be knocked out of the way and I'm kind of tired of looking at it so let's put a couple on it now that my friends is pot smoking big-time pot smoking and I'm gonna do a couple of bursts here let's see I'm just gonna bear down on that that too later when was that three I'm gonna hit the bowling pin you see me anticipating three shots is about as as few as I could get it too far I can't get it down less than that I don't think there's a couple of 12 answers left there all right oh let's try that okay don't take long to run out does it let's work on the cowboy a little bit let's say mr. cowboy a short burst she'd be pulling down on that thing okay I really won't have to pull down as much as I as I'm doing I guess it's kind of an instinct thing there let's try the other cowboy some of the spin track I don't see bad liter not bad not bad this put a couple on the I'm gonna be careful over there of course and that's one of the the the huge risk was firing something like this if it could rise and then taking a lot of rise for you to be throwing around where you don't want it to go right I'm gonna try the the hanging the big hanging tank over there all right I've got yeah I got several left in there now it might rise to the point where I'm getting up maybe on the pigs or something that's okay I'm gonna it's got it all the rounds got to be it for my sake what I'm trying to do I want all the rounds below the tires over there below the red plate okay I think one hit the red plate I tell you it really takes off on you it really takes off it's a lot of fun Wow I'm gonna I have shot so much ammo already oh there's the third one there's a couple left okay one thing we wanted to do too is demonstrate a couple things here let's move down here on the reins a little bit I'll put a big one let's go down here it's just interesting because it is just a Glock 17 as I understand there's just minor modifications to the frame and it's about a three piece kit that they install and put together for that so it's still basically a Glock 17 and I guess it's a test Here I am promoting Glocks right it's a testament I think to this pistol that it really wasn't invented or designed to be a fully automatic pistol as far as I know but yet it the Glock 18 and these they seem to handle it just fine so we've got some pots set up there one's going to do you know it really wants to rise on you and that's course one of the challenges so I'm gonna I'm gonna do the old angle lateral like this alright try this and see what happens we'll try the pots there do a little more pot smoking alright hang on this thing I mean I I have to say that at least with a full auto pistol machine pistol like this it it is a little easier to to hold where you want it to be all right let's try that again on these two leaders all right I mean I could keep it right in there pretty well pretty well she's empty and I can't believe how many rounds I burned through already so it's it's fun and you know we wanted to bring the fun to you but again at least my perception of the farm and Jon's perception he shot it and it's it's it's Hanalei it's a paradox in a way it's it is controllable it's more controllable than you would think it is probably if you're an experienced shooter and you came and shot this thing you would be you know carefully you would be surprised that how controllable it is I think then on the other hand you might be surprised the other way because it really does want to get away from you so you need there's no limp wrist in this thing you limp wrist this thing and you got rounds you know off into the hinterlands but it does want to move and jump on you so let's go down take care of that watermelon and now I guess I won't go I could take it apart the only thing I've noticed different this going to be hot in who is that and taking it apart it's a little rough a little stiffer taking apart several times here and you know it's so hot I'm just not going to do it right now there's no real difference I mean it's just you can't tell much there's a little little piece you can see there in terms of what they've done to it to make it fully auto and you know and that's it and again of course it requires the paperwork Vincey silencer and you'll ever mess up stuff like this you know illegally of course it's any fun to own one of these but again I you know it's mostly for fun mostly for fun and in that kind of enjoyment but it does work the cool thing about this is I guess from a tactical standpoint is you see the firepower that this thing can throw out but yet it's still and it's clear it's still just a Glock 17 and it will fire semi-auto just fine as far as I remember let me do that it was prior to send me home yet it is just a regular Glock 17 it's like kind of a dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde isn't it it works all the other ways too long long time sick walk 17 I guess we got to load one more don't you think let's do I really didn't think I'd be loading on on camera with all these magazines loaded But Here I am I never get enough shooting man - it was a pretty bullets aren't it looks like it make some illusion maybe our pages colors like how about blue or green [Music] purple orange so the thing feeds it feeds all the this both both types of American Eagle we have not had one bobble and yeah in I don't know how many rounds hundreds of rounds not one bobble I'll have to say we've not tried a lot of exotic ammo or anything or I guess even a hollow points you really need hollow points machine pistols but it's the mole it's pretty cool again this is a one of those things that John I don't deserve you know the opportunity to experiment with something like this it's actually deserved but it's it's it is special it is special is my point there and to be able to shoot one of these things you know I like logs and again there's my buddy you like Glocks or not if you have pick out your favorite handgun your favorite 9-millimeter and put a switch on the back like that and you would you would have fun with it right full auto capability and and again it it is a testament to Glock I have to say because man you know cycling that fast that many times it's a testament to the magazine's - really dude I've missed with lot of semi-automatic handguns in my life and you have some are not 100% reliable you know and some are really a borderline reliable at all their magazines don't have a good reputation and you know with certain mags that work suddenly won't and you gotta have a new mag or it's questionable and all that kind of thing but every magazine that we thrown into this thing works now you watch it'll start malfunctioning so all right what do you want to wrap up with here I'll try a couple with the gong I'm going to be very very careful because we don't want to do anything unsafe here I'm going to do a couple of bursts very carefully over there not going to be a burst and semi-automatic I think I hit him a couple of times I don't think I got anything over it you know I always want to err on the side of safety over there all right we got one more magazine oh boy oh boy I see one thing needs a few more hits on it right here ah what we just put several more on it on that paper target all right and I saved a couple Oh with a watermelon down here for God's all right watermelon drive-by did you see that well people just live for another day so I just got one or two on the end of him I'm sorry no I'm not I'm gonna load a few more okay this is sorry Joe we can't end on that I mean that watermelon needs to meet its death doesn't it all right sorry y'all gonna miss dinner I'll just load a small one here and we'll finish off the watermelon can you believe I was about to let it go I had a lapse of judgment they saw our folks sorry about that yeah I can certainly get a watermelon okay select-fire glock 17 it's nice to be able to experiment with one we appreciate the help from federal again and buds and the NC silencer that enables us to do this all right all right if I can make up for that I'm gonna aim that's a little better oh I see there are actually hits the backsides blown out so some of those into just not you know exploding it like a two to three or a high-powered rifle would do so anyway that's part of my excuse so anyway yeah Glock 17 with fun switch it's just not something you encounter that often and we're really really glad to be able to to enjoy it and kind of give you our impressions of it like I said if you'd be surprised you'd be surprised at how you can control I mean a lot of people would look at lock doesn't well that much you know polymer and and the full that they have that thing going off full auto that fast you can see the cycle rate is is significant isn't it and it's high and but yet it still be fairly controllable fairly controllable it's an amazing piece of hardware it it really is so hopefully you'll get a chance sometime go to a machine gun shoot there may be a gun shop somewhere I don't know if they've got one of these at Budds or not but again you got to be a licensed manufacturer or you know class three you've got the law enforcement certification got to be in law enforcement you got to be making gun now you might ask well who would be making these I'll be a manufacturer well you got to be in the business of putting together firearms for like law enforcement and over military and that sort of thing and actually selling to them you can't just say oh yeah I'll put my hand up I'm a firearms manufacturer and start making stuff like this you can't you can't do it it takes a lot so anyway select fire Glock 17 is something that just doesn't come around every day so we're happy to be able to bring it to you and I'm sorry that I'm the only one that had the fun with it today but hopefully enjoy seeing that that crazy thing it's it's amazing life is good since I'm still here let me thank SDI for all their help SDI is a fully credited online gunsmithing school check them out at SDI dot edu we also like to thank buds gun shop and Federal Premium for all of their support you can find us on full30 also now and you can find the links to our Facebook pages and the other YouTube pages and the description of any video so I invite you to check out the description and every video where any video you'll find what you need to know and you'd better do it I'm just not really happy about how we left out watermelon so I'm gonna see what I can do with this thing
Channel: hickok45
Views: 2,957,467
Rating: 4.941175 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Glock 17, Full auto, Fully auto, Select fire, Glock 18, G18, automatic, machine pistol, full auto glock, 9mm, syntech ammo, Federal Syntech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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