Give It All | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] [Applause] to do a thousand ten [Music] Sena smile with somebody and tell them you look good tonight spill good you may be seated raise the name of Jesus praise God in the Lord good thank God if you have your Bibles I'm gonna ask you to open them with me I'm gonna go to the book of John for a few minutes tonight and we will end in prayer but I'm gonna go to the book of John John chapter 6 for a few moments I want God to speak to us tonight we're delighted to have Kevin Mullins with us he and I met in Los Angeles a short time ago but he is a movie director and producer and he has a major motion picture that's hitting the screens and being released called Canal Street good to have you Kevin you look good on screen throw it's movie up I think they've got it Canal Street throw it up and it's being released in theatres yeah some of you know those guys don't you and what's that what's the series that one guys in the leader Empire that's I couldn't remember Empire these are some pretty heavy-duty actors but it's a true story of something that happened in the streets of Chicago and it's a beautiful beautiful story that ends with triumphant faith and I hope we'll all get out I can't wait I'm gonna go see it I hope you will too I know it'll be a blessing how many of you know we need to we need to get behind good families to have a our good films to have a great message for our families thank you Kevin it's great to have you tonight he's doing some things in Atlanta and just decided to come over and we're glad to have you tonight and can't wait to see you movie amen John chapter six it's where I want to go thank you for your prayers I really felt the Lord's help at the King Center and ebony are bad this is a tremendous tremendous day tremendous honor to be apart and Jesus was exalted and and dr. King was honored and people were united Amen well you put that together you got something do you believe that and it was one of the highlights of my life certainly one I will never ever forget and to God be the glory verse 9 there is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish but what are they among so many in verse 12 for the sake of time so when they had filled he said to his disciples gather up the fragments that remain so that nothing is lost therefore they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten I love the fact that in verse 11 it says he took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed them and the fish and they were all filled and they ended with twelve times more I want to talk to you for a few moments about this familiar story but I want to show you some things that maybe just maybe the Lord can highlight tonight to boost your faith as we are in this last week of the fast and coming to a roaring clothes and I'm excited about Sunday I will be preaching on what they were just singing Deuteronomy one in eleven that the God of our fathers will make you more than a thousand times more than a thousand times more than you are today and in that is so much that I believe you're going to see and then we're going to lay hands and anoint literally thousands of people we've got it down to an art how many of you know that's the truth when you pray for in person 7,000 people that is usually what we have on the on that day it'll be fooling than nine o'clock it'll be full and overflow always in the eleven cause all the heathens come to the eleven o'clock and it'll be that way at every campus and we've got it down I'll preach a shorter message but I want you to come believing God for miracles I'm praying for a miracle tonight I need one in my own family my grandson Lucas is has been diagnosed with pneumonia he's four years old and he is before I came to the pulpit they they are saying that if the Lord doesn't touch him that they're gonna have to admit him to the hospital and he's got a 105 temperature I'm just believing that while I preach the fever is gonna break the healers gonna walk in that room in Jesus mighty name I'm not afraid to tell you I have faith in the mighty name of Jesus and in the name of Jesus he Oh Luka I thank you for it in Jesus name and heal anybody else under the sound of my voice that needs it cause you are the god of a thousand times more in Jesus mighty name so I'm just gonna teach what the Lord's lay on my heart I've never shared this message before never what I want to share tonight I think will help somebody and I don't feel like I got to do a lot I'm just gonna let the Lord's word go forth the Bible said all that they had among 5,000 men women and children besides the 5,000 men was to fish and 5 pieces of bread and we're not talking about kind of fish some of you fishermen Photoshop these were not massive tuna these were not fish story exaggerated fish these were just small little sardine size fish and when it says blows is talking about this we would call it biscuits I mean this seems like it's so little you ever felt like what you had was so little in the need was so great we should sing a song and the church called little as much when God is in it whether it's a little stick in Moses hand whether it's a little slingshot in stone in David's hand whether it's an ox goad in sham gars hand a little as much when God is in it because the stick can still Park the see and the stone can still slay the Giant and the ox goad can still slay eight hundred men in a field so maybe all you have tonight is a little faith a little praise a little hope but loo know is much when God is in it little clowns with God are loaded with tremendous miracles the Bible doesn't give us this boy's name it doesn't give us his parents name because it doesn't matter who his daddy was it doesn't matter who his mother was it didn't matter who he was and what family he was from didn't matter where he came from to Jesus there's a blessing for you not because you're somebody's son not because you're somebody's daughter but because Jesus wants to bless you we're not told what he looked like we're not told as IQ we're not told where he came from Nora we told his parents therefore it didn't matter and it doesn't matter about you it doesn't matter where you came from it doesn't matter whether or not you have generations of blessing of faith in your family or not it doesn't matter when you need a miracle all you got to do is give what you've got to Jesus we are not told a lot about him all we know is what he did house and that's a problem we spend so much time on what we don't have whenever whatever you have is what he will bless and the blessing is not in what we don't have but the blessing is in what we do have he looked into the basket at what he had you've got one guy and I had to ask myself as I read this why do you have one guy out of five thousand plus women and children why does only one guy have food what happened to the rest of the people nobody had nothing one guy with five biscuits and two small fish and everybody else was out of food by the thousands now catch this here's why I don't think it wasn't that they didn't have any food but I think that they had thrown away what had been given to them and this boy was holding on to it cause if you read the story in another chapter it talks about his mother gave it to it and she gave him that lunch bag and he decided to hold on to it they had no refrigerators they had no coolers they had no ice you've ever been over there it's hot it's humid and you don't want to be carrying around a bag of fish for about six hours and greasy fish and biscuits in a in a in a basket so all the sensible people have decided it's time to throw away what we were given but this boy decided because his mother said keep this he decided I'm gonna hold on to these fish everybody else is tossing away what another generation gave them but I'm gonna hold on to it I'm gonna hold on to it I'm gonna hold on to what everybody else is saying it's insignificant I'm gonna hold on because Jesus is looking for somebody who still is holding on and cherishing what everybody else is throwing away everybody else is throwing it away everybody else has said the times are changing but Jesus is looking for somebody who's still holding on to something that they've been given that he wants to bless do you still cherish what the rest of the world says you ought to throw away some things are we hold on to because our daddy and our mama gave them to us our grandparents gave them to us God's gonna find the church who's gonna hold on to some things that other churches are throwing away I don't mean them ply we're veteran more spiritual than anybody else but I have determined that we're gonna hold on to worship we're not gonna be a bunch of dead dry people walking into a totally predictable service and you never ever ever see the power of God move in any way shape or form it's hair talk in the head but we need to hold on what other people are throwing away this church is gonna hold on to worship we gonna raise our hands we're gonna clap our hands we're gonna lift our voice we're gonna sing we're gonna shout we're gonna praise the Lord we're gonna praise him with a loud voice we're gonna praise him like we believe when we send the blessings up the miracles come down take a praise break and hold on other people are throwing away you better hold on to your ship now that you're blessed now that you got a nice car now that you got your little education now that you got some name and prestige I tell you the more he blesses you the more it ought to make you worship the lorry it ought to make you shout the more it ought to make you refuse to be quiet I refuse to throw away my worship I don't care what other people do lift your hands up like the Bible said and let everything that hath breath praise ye the Lord for just a moment I'm gonna hold on to my shout I'm gonna hold on to my convictions I don't care what other people are doing I don't care what they're throwing away I don't care what convictions they're tossing out that's their business I'm not judging them that's not my place I'm not the judge I'm sitting with Jesus and he's in the mercy seat and I'm gonna let him judge but as for me I'm gonna hold on to some things that my mother and my father passed down to me they gave me a basket and the Lord said the blessing is in the basket the basket is what we'll go from generation to generation and when he multiplied it he didn't just multiply the fish in the loaves he multiplied the basket cause he got 12 baskets God wants us to be able to pass some things on I'm gonna hold on to the Holy Ghost I'm gonna hold on to healing I'm gonna hold on to miracles I'm gonna hold on to tithing I don't care what all these smart people say that it went I don't care I know Jehovah Jireh took me when I had nothing and I gave him a time of my bus money bussing tables at Canton Station Chinese restaurant I started tithing and now I'm not just blessed I'm gonna hold on to it you get smarter than God I'm gonna hold on to I'm gonna hold on to fasting prayer you go see some more of man's ways but I made up my mind there's some things I'm gonna hold on to I'll hold on to a prayer life I'll hold on to a prayer place I'm gonna hold on to not being ashamed to read the Bible on an airplane yeah I got on one the other night God beside me my god he was having a party all by himself and he was on the inside and I was on the outside and that poor waitress our airline stewardess she kept bringing him Jack Daniels and Coke Jack Daniels and Coke I mean I have never seen anybody like drink like that I was amazed and I thought well you know I do respect the fact that he don't care about my opinion or even what anybody thinks and I got under conviction and so help me God I reached down and pulled out this big old black Bible and I put it on my little table and I sit there and I just started reading it and I said I'm not ashamed of this book Lord I don't be as bold as he is if he's if he's not ashamed of that I'm not ashamed of this if he's not ashamed to getting smashed I'm not ashamed of getting encouraged and blessed and lifted and excited in public places the blessing is what has been given by those who came before us somebody needs to shout we're not letting it go [Applause] he had five thousand people five pieces of bread if it gets multiplied that's a thousand times more and to fish the basket had been handed from one generation to another generation what I'm saying to you is when Jesus said give me that lunch that boy had to make a decision he could have given for fish art no he couldn't he could have given to fish and for biscuits and held on to one of those biscuits in case it didn't work but if you want to be great got to give it on got to give you a fifth this kid I'm not talking about money I'm talking about yourself he gave it all that's good words for tombstone he gave it all she gave it all because nobody remembers the people who don't give it all the only people who get remembered are people in some way or another bottom line is they gave it on all five loaves he didn't keep one in case it didn't work out you know if you're trying to get free you don't keep one joint just in case you don't keep do you an alcoholic and you trying to get free I'm just gonna preach like I want it I don't care who can if you try and own this 21-day fast to get free from them Cowboys Marlboros you don't hold on to one pack in the bottom drawer just in case after the fast going in throw them out give it all and watch him come and say if you give me all I'm gonna give you all somebody shout like you believe the world the only way Christians Christianity works is if you give it on just telling you I watch these people and they they live miserable lives they got one foot in one foot out and always half shady shaking it backing it up some club didn't come in lit mmm hungover ain't that God don't love you you know us we're grace we we work with people I'm just telling you you don't Christianity really never kicks in do you just sellout me says no way here here take this to stinking fish I didn't want them anyhow and here's that biscuit in that one and that one and that one I really want to keep but there you go and that one too cuz I know I can't give anything up if I gave him one basket with all of that he's gonna come back with 12 times more back in my life press down shaken together running over in joy and peace and love and freedom in in in salvation the miracles don't start til the basket was empty you're not amazing when the when the basket got empty God said it's time for miracles when you get down to nothing God's up to something and when they got down and he gave it all the last biscuit that's where multiple clay multiplication started God started multiplying it and filled them and I love the fact that when he got through with this miracle there were 12 more baskets left over he didn't just multiply the bread and the fish he multiplied the baskets where'd they get twelve baskets nobody else had nothing where did they get twelve God multiplied the baskets see there's a difference between creating and making when you make something you using the ingredients that you have but we serve a God who create stuff he just he just says I'm so bad that that that I don't need to have it to make it if I want it I'll make it out of nothing can you see that boy I believe it was 12 because he wanted those doubting disciples to carry those baskets home for that boy and that boy goes back home and his mama he says mom I held on to what everybody else was throwing away they made fun of me when I get around them they'd say why you shoot you throw that away that old mess who gave you that your mama lord have mercy throw that stuff away that's what they want us to do with our faith that's you you you listen to this crazy world it'll have you throwing away the generational blessings of God that he wants to transfer from one generation that's why I have come tonight to serve notice on the devil what was on my daddy and my mom is on me and Charisse and it's on my children and now devil we got a basket of healing that's going all the way to my grandchildren and in the name of Jesus we believe that he's the God he's the same yesterday today and forever and I know that the blessing is in that basket I've got a basket of faith that moves from generation to generation and he saves my family but I'm not just gonna preach the front side of Calvary I'm gonna turn Jesus around and show you on his back the back side of Calvary you only here in half the gospel if you hear Jesus Saves yes he sings but he also heals and by His stripes you are healed everybody clap your hands and believe Billy Billy they can come to the music the boy believed the boy received you'll regret what you leave in the basket while you're on this fast if there's anything now on these last few days that you've left in the basket maybe you've been looking at Facebook for hours a day and reading the Bible ten minutes don't you just throw facebook in there for the next four days I know you your life's gonna get back we're gonna get back into our routine but while I'm on this fast I just won't say that everything and anything in my life nunny none of you will stay at my basket I'm throwing it all out I'm giving it all to Jesus everything these last few days of this fast you'll regret what you leave in the basket anything in your life you're struggling with just throw it just say well let's see Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I'm going without it for four days some of you need to throw your cigarettes in there not not so you know people you think I'm gonna go to hell if I smoke a cigarette no you just go smell like you're in the wrong place I believe people go to heaven smoking that ain't a cardinal sin you gonna go there a lot quicker than rest office that's all won't you Stroh that in there say you know the Lord wants me to have abundant life it's me to be able to run a mile not even weave he wants me to get healthy it's me to get strong don't let that look dirty tobacco weed destroy my beautiful sexy body [Applause] this is the temple of the Holy Ghost come on I'm preaching the truth y'all gettin quiet I'm preaching the trick let's wait if you lost how much thirty eight pounds so proud of you so proud of you 38 Pam looking healthy well Fiat bliss amen turn to somebody say you need throw some stuff in out of the basket still a few things in there I'm noticed um about you it's telling it's just a few more things I don't know what your deal is you know what some of you little workout people I'm over I'm gonna reverse the curse watch this some of you little workout people you just got to work out it's become more important to you than prayer and fasting don't you throw your little workout for four days into the basket Sam will build my spirit man up when you go back you hit it you you got poop just like so you know how many of you ever worked out after you know I used to that's all I'm saying but I like how it felt when I didn't do it for a little while for me and I run I'm a runner I run I love to run I run for five miles at least every other day but usually everyday everyday and I love it I mean it's just it's my de-stressor it's my it's my prayer time listening to God time I just I don't know how to describe it it means I need it I need it I needed to get you out of my hair I need it I need it I needed it and Charisse is getting on my nerves I go run again when the kids are stressing me out I co run again but you know the Lord told me on this fast he said no running none I was about to go crazy so I like to run he said you give me that something you really enjoy give it up it's quiet quiet quiet I close with this but building borden the 1900s early 1900s was 21 he was from one of the richest families in North America the Borden family God called him to be a missionary to the nation of Brazil was given a trust fund and he spent all of the millions to establish the kingdom of God that he received as an inheritance his father begged him he said son you're the only one that could take this business over and I want you to have it he said know God's called me to be a missionary in Brazil he turned down that amazing opportunity and he went to preach he set sail five years later at the age of 27 he was dead from malaria and they found a note that was faintly handwritten that had three things on it these words were written with faint handwriting no regrets no reserves no retreats listen to that no retreats no reserves no regrets he gave it all just wonder sometimes if God can find anybody in a new generation it would say I know I can't live on this level of intensity all the time I'm not trying to but I'm saying during this fast you said if I see you first at the beginning of a year you would honor and bless me you'll take care of everything else so I'm giving you these early days of 2019 and I'm putting it all out of the basket into you and you know what's gonna happen there's a blessing that's gonna come back in the basket that is the container for generations Bible said in Isaiah 58 that when you fast he said you restore the foundation of generations it actually says that stand to your feet lift your hands up don't hold back give him the sacrifice of praise just lift your hands high hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's worship Him let's praise he'll ask or if I him is that I'll give myself away thank you Jesus that's what I want thank you Jesus throw your hands up Tony we sing this song throw your hands up and worship all over this room [Music] so you can use [Music] [Music] throw your hands up and begin to sing it as a trance [Music] sing that service [Music] [Music] your disease [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I don't believe in chances I don't believe in good luck I don't believe in rabbit foot look I don't believe in any of that I believe in destiny I believe in ordered steps I believe you were supposed to be here tonight I want you to hold up spiritually your hand and in it I want you to offer God the basket through which from generation to generation the blessing will be passed the blessing is in the basket the miracle was in the basket it's not just for one generation it's not just for you to know the power of the Holy Spirit for you to know consecration for you to know sacrifice fasting and praying for you to know worship for you to know the power of the Holy Spirit but in this basket is enough for the next generation and the next generation and the next generation so hold up your baskets all over this room and remind the Lord that you're in a covenant with him even if your children aren't serving the Lord your grandchildren your great-grandchildren I promise you the bath the blessing on the basket is more powerful Benny demon of hail that scum to deceive kill or destroy to lift up the basket but folks the blessing is in that basket right now to find the basket he's gonna multiply two thousand times more than it is today should the Lord tarry I believe that he can bless you a thousand times more in your family that you are today in Jesus mighty name [Music] and in the basket is healing provision salvation Redemption restoration purpose destiny calling it's all in the basket favor anointing throw tection healing angels on assignment for my family it's in the basket you receive that every head bowed every eye closed you're in this room today you're under the sound of my voice you want to know that your sins are forgiven and that you are right with God you're so important to God this is the most important thing I'm gonna do in this whole service is give you the opportunity to receive His mercy his love his forgiveness listen to this you're not just doing it for you but you are creating a spiritual basket just like that testimony one daughter on that video one daughter and you know me and my wife were talking about this you don't you should hear this family there are they here tonight yeah you should hear this testimony I mean they think they had to edit that down they did a good job on it but if you understood oh that that the Lord did when a daughter started fasting and praying and the rest of the family were in generational generational they told me their testimony at Cracker Barrel gypsies from generations of fortune telling and seeking direction from cards spirit guides but one daughter slipped up and James it's free chapel and gasps a turnabout fasting and prayer heard that this kind comes out but by fasting and prayer got in a bedroom by herself and stock didn't have a brother didn't have a sister didn't have a mama or daddy to take her a church by herself she gave it all and the Lord said Oh Oh [Applause] so we're not just talking about your little decision we're talking about a whole basket of deliverance for your whole families they don't need their horoscope anymore cuz they got the Holy Ghost why would you need a horoscope when I can have the Holy Ghost what's your sign a fish jesus said if a wicked and sinful generation needs a sign but if you gotta have one just as Jonah went in the belly of the whale and came up three days later so I'm gonna go into the earth and the sign is a fish Jesus every head bowed every eye closed do you need a basket for your family you tired of that jump it's being passed from generation to generation are you ready for the blessing to start and a curse to stop this is your night has to pray for me I need to get right with God pray for me that you boldly raise your hand I want to see it all over this room beautiful beautiful beautiful every one of you I see every one of these hands amazing Wow get out of these seats quick as you can come this won't take three minutes get out of seat come as quick as you can you raise your hand move move now don't negotiate don't talk yourself out of it just give it all just give it all sing that bridge one more time while they're coming come on come on son come on sir come on lady come on dad come on businessman come on come on why don't you just come down right here just say I'm just giving it all tonight I got too many skeletons in the closet secret man man I'm ready for some light I'm ready for some joy I'm ready [Music] containments to be accepted here they come here [Music] he sets the captives free [Music] so right down here just raise your hands high I love that son are you from a Catholic background I love that you you are you from Catholic background yeah it's beautiful thank you for being here tonight thank you for obeying the Lord I love that he was he was doing the cross that beautiful same gospel same Jesus same blood only our faith is in Jesus alone we go to the Father through Jesus alone he is the resurrection and the life you can't get there to any other way not even a church you have to go through Jesus Jesus so everybody raise your hands with these now let's pray this prayer together and the Bible said if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart that God has raised you raised him from the dead you shall be saved say I believe that you know how I know you believe because you wouldn't walk down here in front of all these people God had not supernaturally spoken to you you know you you had no intentions of doing this but there you stand you know you you don't you wouldn't dare do this but God's but if God never speaks to you again he did tonight or you wouldn't be standing there this is not normal this is not natural this is supernatural you were carried by the Spirit of God that's why I know he who begun a good work he started at the moment your hand went up if God ever starts anything the Bible said he who begun a good work would be faithful to complete it it's not up to you it's up to him he never starts what he can't finish what am I gonna do about this what am I gonna do about that and I got this weakness I got that addiction don't worry about it now everything's better with Jesus including trouble all right you ready pray this prayer say it with faith Lord Jesus I confess you as my Savior I believe when you were on the cross you shed your blood you had me on your mind you died for me I receive your forgiveness I receive your grace I don't have to earn it I don't have to try to be better I know you're coming into my heart you're transforming me right now into what you have called me to be I receive it I accept it I give myself away I give my life away I lay it down and I take up my cross and from this night forward whatever comes I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back give the Lord the biggest phrase you can [Applause] welcome to the family of God that's given divided [Music] and he'll never remember them again that's the scripture so you're freaked there are people around you we got Bibles we got stuff we got all kinds of stuff and hey hey won't you join us on the next four days of this fast just jump on in you didn't play around in the world just jump on in well how do i fast well we're not we're eating fruit and vegetables Keeney you know don't we mr. Daniell fast no bread no meat and no sugar so you can drink whatever you want to drink and and and eat fruit and eat nuts any vegetables I may be about sick of all of it come on what you ought to do it throw something it you say I can't do that or throw something in the basket tonight throw something out of the basket and say Lord I'm ready to come after you I promise you any time he asks you for something it's only because he wants to give you something better 12 times more in his place you receive it it comes Sunday my god come Sunday we love you thank you God bless you give them a big hand in that wonderful go go you're blessed you're blessed have a great great week everybody go in the name of the Lord have a good week we love you so much Sunday thousand times more day grace God [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 41,334
Rating: 4.8512158 out of 5
Keywords: fasting, jesus, christ, church, music, worship, jentezen, Miracles, faith, joy, spiritual growth
Id: 7gcW4FiiH7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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