A Generous Heart | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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the let's give the Lord praise this morning worthy we pray bless your name bless your name you're loving today we Sun that song this past Wednesday night and I don't know it just moved my heart move my soul and there's something about songs that lift up the name of Jesus you just can't lose when you lift up the name of Jesus this is the day the Lord is made you not promised tomorrow this could be your last shirt service have you really praised him yet have you really lifted that name that they're singing about personally in a dynamic way and all of our campuses I want you one more time to clap your hands unto the Lord Jesus Christ His Majesty the King of Kings the Lord of lords the healer the salvation of the world Jesus Christ we praise you we we give you our very best today less you deserve it you deserve it you deserve the highest praise the God be the glory I know you'd feel that way take a moment and welcome somebody to church today smile at them all around you let them know you're glad they're in church want to welcome all of our campuses that are joining us live especially want to give a shout out because they're joining us out in Orange County California today we're praying for you guys I know there's fire all over the place but we know that our God is our source and our protection would you give Orange County a big warm welcome today matter of fact I was out there last weekend and fester been preached here and I heard he did an amazing job been hearing amazing reports and we had almost 4,000 people in all of the services last just a few shy few hundred shy of 4,000 people on campus last Sunday in all of the services that is just an amazing day and what God is doing it's beautiful I also want to give a shout out to our Midtown campus can we give them a big warm welcome and I got a mention Buford and go ahead and Spartanburg I leave anybody out and soon to be coming so we're pretty excited about what God is doing I think it would be an order at all of our campuses if we had every veteran of the United States military armed forces to stand up and let us say on this very special weekend how much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh if you have your Bibles that will invite you to open them with me please to the book of John go to the book of John the twelfth chapter John chapter 12 and I want you to see a story in the New Testament that I would like for you to look at through through maybe new lenses in a way that you haven't seen it before but this is our this is a series an annual series that we started doing three years ago called the exchange series and it has made a profound difference in the ability of this church to impact communities for Jesus Christ it's if you're new to the church it's a time when once out of the year I take time to teach what the Bible says about giving and beyond that we challenge our people at every campus and all over the nation that watch and consider this church a major part of their life to do something unusual to do something above the norm to do something beyond the bottom line of just doing what you do to help support the kingdom but to give really above and beyond in a way that it touches your heart well how much are you believing for it's not about how much we get it's about how much God does in our heart as we sacrifice to him as he speaks to us you pray over the next few weeks you talk at the table about what you as a family can do to make a difference because many times the truth is the only reason that we're sitting here in this room and all of you where you are there in Orange County and all the other campuses in Spartanburg and Gwinnett and all of the places is because somebody gave so that we could have a place to worship today they're in Buford in that high school wherever you are somebody gave and made that opportunity for families to be saved and delivered how many of you appreciate the fact that somebody paid for what you're sitting in right now that's pretty big that's pretty big I want you to see an amazing story in John chapter 12 I'll begin reading with verse one in six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus was who had been dead whom he raised from the dead and they made him a supper and Martha served but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with him then Mary took a pound of very costly all of nard anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil but one of the disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son who would betray him said why has the fragrant all not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor then he this he said listen carefully not because he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and he had the money box and he used it to take what was put in he would take what was put into Jesus money box but jesus said let her alone she has kept this for the day of my burial for the poor you have with you always but for me you do not have all ways I want to talk about this amazing teaching of Jesus because it really shows us in two characters Mary being one in Judas the other the two kinds of spirits that control people either a spirit of generosity or a spirit of selfishness God is a generous God and I want a big Amen on there if you get if you want a good way to remember the nature of God just G stands for generous and God's name starts with G and God is a generous God Satan is a selfish Satan and the nature of Satan is selfishness the nature of God is generosity the Bible said this woman offered God one of the most extravagant gifts ever given in the scriptures when she broke open alabaster box and the scripture tells us in this text in other places in the New Testament where this story is recorded same story some different insights but same story and one of them tells us that it was one year's wages that is an extinct about what you make in one year is it a hundred thousand is it fifty thousand is it thirty thousand is it is it five hundred thousand is it what do you make in one year this woman gave everything she had made in one year and broke it open and poured it out lavishly upon the body of Christ and then left or what wet the rest of it on the floor in one of the most extravagant offerings ever given in the kingdom of God so so moving was it to Christ that if you read the story I think it's in the book of mark 14 I believe Jesus said wherever the gospel is preached this story will be told as a memorial of what this woman has done for me I don't ever want it to be forgotten how this woman gave an extravagant gift to me six days before I went to the cross for her and for Humanity we are born selfish every parent knows what it's like to be sitting with friends and hadn't have their children a little toddlers off playing and all of a sudden there's this scream that you hear that brings chills down your spine mine mine anybody know what I'm talking about and you know you have to go running because there's about to be a bad fight break out among those children over some baby doll or some something is about to get it's going down because both of them are saying mine mine we come into this world with a mind mentality but I want you to understand that Jesus wants us to have a generous spirit John 12 and 6 Judas said why didn't you give this you could have sold it for 300 denarii and given it to the poor it's the old age selfish cover up of stingy people when they see somebody who is blessed and they want to do great things for God they excuse their stin genus by saying by criticizing what other people are doing for the Lord I mean anyhow that's bigger than our house ought to be sold and given to the kingdom of God any car that's nicer than our car they ought not to be driving that car they ought to be given more to the kingdom of God as long as it's not nicer than ours cuz we're with us how we see things but Jesus doesn't mind us being blessed Jesus doesn't mind us having plenty Jesus doesn't have us how can you he said when you when you feed the least of these you feed me when you clothe the least of these how can you feed them if you don't have any money how can you clothe them if you don't have any money how can you send the gospel if you don't have any money Judas was stealing the money you've heard the old saying that guys that guys so crooked he'd sell his own mother if he could make a dime well how about selling your Savior he sold his Savior for thirty pieces of silver you talk about a crook but he's criticizing the woman who wants to be extravagant in giving to Christ and yet he is a thief himself he don't tithe he don't give nothing and most of the people who criticize those of us who love to give to the kingdom of God don't give anything all they do is criticize none of them time because Tyler's loved this kind of talk you know if I all right y'all just keep sitting there that's good I feel good you know you go to the doctor I went and had my little physical I have an annual physical and the doctor you know they it's just kind of what it is and they'll fill all around and probe and how's that feel and how's that and and and if you if you that's all did that hurt yeah and and and yeah and he's in the doctor said well we might ought to look a little bit more that because it's not supposed to hurt there so when I get up and talk about tithing and giving and I probe and poke a little bit if you got in that hurt it ain't supposed to her if you're at either it makes you happy you actually get excited about these kinds of services come on give your neighbor a poke and say it ain't supposed to hurt that's your es you not the doctors dr. Franklin is fine today it's your issue if I'm poking where you are uncomfortable well moving right along let's keep going I want you to notice something about this story that I've never seen before I mean I've seen it but I didn't understand it like this Judas hat was the keeper of the money box of the ministry Jesus was God he knew he knew Judas was a crook a thief and yet he let him keep the money to test him you'll always be tested in the area of your weakness I want to say it like this you're being tested right now about how much spiritual authority and how much blessing God can trust you with in the future even while I'm speaking even now financially you're being tested Luke 16 said if you're not faithful with another man's money and with unrighteous mammon how can you be trusted with true riches God will never give spiritual authority to someone who does not handle money right there's two reasons why we handle the money right in this ministry and if you're new to the ministry were audited every year we're a member of the evangelical counsel financial accountability on top of that which is another audit we post all the income of our church on the Internet you can go on there and look at it you see we have to have strict guidelines of what people's salaries are it's not it's decided by scales in order to get that seal of approval of equivalent organizations and nonprofits they're the same size of this ministry so what I'm trying to say to you is there's two reasons while we do the money right around here we got a real board not just my mama or somebody like that on the board you know it's a real board we don't count the money back there in my office and take it home in the back of a truck truck and that's the nuttiest stuff I've ever heard of but some people are so crazy there's two reasons why we do the money right around here number one I don't want to go to jail and number two I don't want to go to hell all right so that's my commitment you ain't gonna tour hey you can have it I don't want to go to jail I am NOT Jail me and I am NOT going to hell come on say man so that's that's it I believe this stuff we're gonna give a count for this stuff so let's get it straight but here's the thing he trusts he was testing Judas if you can't handle unrighteous money how will he commit to your trust true riches you know what true riches is influenced with people or people Souls generosity is another word for extravagant there are great examples of people in the scripture who did above normal married is one of the greatest one years wages in one extravagant offering it's your heart that God is after there are three levels of giving in the Bible only three levels number one there's the tithing a tithe how many of you are new to the church let me see your hand how many of you are been around here a little while let me see your hand then this won't work but when people come to me and they say they say you know I'm new to the church what is tithing I always want to say you don't know you really don't know what tie that never heard of it it's 25% come on come on come on in I'm just I'm cutting up but if you don't know what it is it's 25% know the word tithe means 10% everybody smile when I say that the word tithe means 10% listen to me carefully the lowest level of giving in the body of Christ biblically is 10% you cannot touch the other two levels there are three levels of giving and the first level is the time there's no way to give an offering which is the second level that has to exceed the time you cannot give an offering unless you first meet the time the Bible says in Malachi bring the tithe and the offering so it's impossible to reach the second level of giving which is offerings if you don't ever and this is this is unbelievable what I'm about to tell you but sadly the mass majority of Christians never reach the first level ground level bottom level that the trip sure teaches believers ought to give which is 10% of income if you make a hundred thousand a year you should give God ten thousand if you make a ten thousand or fifty thousand a year five thousand if you make five hundred a week fifty dollars if you make one dollar ten cent and when you do that whatever you made that is the tithe that's the first level of giving there are remarkable blessings that are connected to the tithe according to Malachi 3 he said when you bring it in I'll rebuke the Devourer for your sake I'll open the windows of heaven and pour you out blessings you won't have now here's the beautiful thing if you ever make it to the first level of giving 10% you'll always go to the second level of tithe which is offering you'll begin to give offerings because God will pour out so much and bless the 90% God is a God who says I'm a businessman I'm gonna give you all the product that you need and I'm gonna let you work for me and all I ask in return is you give me 10% and you keep 90 percent of the Commission of everything that I send through you I mean if you'd like to work for 90 percent commission on everything you sell God says that's the kind of business generous businessman I am I'm gonna give you your breath I'm gonna give you strength I'm gonna give you your wisdom and give you a favor I'm gonna give you opportunities I'm gonna give you cars and stuff and all kinds of stuff and everything you need to make wealth and do what you need and you keep 90 percent of the Commission all I ask you for is 10 percent and the mass majority of the body of Christ most believers never reach the first level of giving just giving 10 percent to God that's too much God you're asking me for too much if you get to the first level of tithing you'll always get to the second level of giving offerings what is an offering it's called a free will offering over and over it's whatever you feel like whatever you want to do anytime you want to do it any sometimes it's not to the offering bag to the church sometimes it's to waitress you leave $100 because God told you to do it and it's an offering sometimes it's a it's a holy handshake where you just shake somebody's hand and say there's a $50 bill right there God told me to bless you be blessed and you just give offerings you give offerings but you never give an offering till you first give your tithe it never qualifies in God's eyes as an offer it's the tithe is the lowest level then there's offerings and then the last level is extravagant offerings this woman gave an extravagant offering and it was a remarkable offering Mary did it David in the Old Testament is another example of an extravagant worshiper what do you mean what did he do when Solomon wanted to build the temple his son the Bible said his daddy David left him in the equivalent of 21 billion dollars worth of material to build the temple that Solomon built we give credit to Solomon for building the temple but David was the one when he died on his deathbed left in his inheritance 21 billion dollars and he said it's designated for my boy to build the house of God that's an extravagant offering Solomon offered God the Bible said he was only required to offer one bull god only asked him for one bull on the day of the dedication but the scripture said our actually this was another place where he where he offered God when they an offering and and the scripture said that he said I'm bringing God 1000 chase bulls I'm just saying from a business standpoint he was destroying his business with this extreme if you're given a thousand of the choice bulls and I mean he's a breeder he's a he's a herdsmen he these these these bulls a bull is how you reproduce your flocks and if you're given a thousand choice ones away that's an extravagant deal that he's doing I'm sure there were other businessmen in the same business in the same bull business and and they're all they're all saying well he's running his crop he's running his stock he's this this this God what he doing for the kingdom is going to ruin him and that night the Bible said God showed up in his bedroom Solomon and said what do you want me to do for you tell me anything you want I'm gonna do it said give me wisdom and the Bible said God gave him wisdom and rich is unequaled by any other human being on the planet that's extravagant giving that was released in his life can I tell you about another extravagant gift the woman who gave two mites which is the equivalent of two pennies see we think we have to give some massive thing but I'm telling you for her it was an extravagant gift the Bible said that she only had two mics and it said that Jesus was watching what the people gave I need to start doing that I need to get me a chair up here during the offering Bible said watching pray and I just need I need to just watch and see what y'all do because the scripture said that Jesus was watching the people bring their offering and rich people were bringing and putting in and this one was bringing in that Lord's bring and then he watched this little widow woman bring two pennies and dropped it into the offering bang and Jesus said what she has done was so extravagant it was greater than the bigness of what the others did because she gave out of her need it's pretty amazing talk about extravagant giving what about Abraham when he laid Isaac on the offering on the altar and raised the knife and was going to stab his own son in the heart and God stopped him and said now I know now I know I can trust you now I know that you'll obey me now I know that stuff doesn't own you now I know that you've not made money your God now I know that that I mean more to you than anything I've ever given you including your house your car your security your bank accounts or anything that you have I wanted to know odhh am i number one or do you love the stuff I've given you more than you love me and every once in a while the Holy Spirit will come by and say to me and say to you am I still number one and the more blessed you get the harder it is to pass this test being generous is all through the Bible a generous heart listen to me carefully comes from a grateful heart say man somebody a generous heart comes from a grateful heart that's why I love this story can I cannot can I set it up now and and tell you why I wanted to go here and I'm right where I want to be to show you something that if you don't get nothing else out of this message you need what I'm about to share with you a grateful generous heart always comes from a grateful heart why do I say that John chapter 12 is all about Mary breaking open the alabaster box and pouring 1 year's wages on Jesus anointing him for his burial but in order to appreciate why she would be so extravagant in John chapter 12 you have to back up and go to John chapter 11 what happened in John chapter 11 the Bible said in John chapter 11 Jesus friend Lazarus had died and had been dead for three days and Jesus went to his tomb and maybe they can throw it up he stood outside the tomb and he said Lazarus come forth from the dead and when he did that in John chapter 11 the Bible said they rolled the stone away he said move the stone roll it away let him out of his grave clothes and Mary's brother was azeris do you understand that it was her brother in John chapter 11 who was dead in the grave and Jesus raised him from the day dead then you move into John 12 and there eating a meal and guess who Jesus is eating a meal with the dead man that got raised Lazarus who happens to be Mary's brother and she can't stand it she can't stand it my brother was dead Minh about a month that had passed according to the commentary that I read so my brother was a was dead a month ago but now he's sitting at dinner with Jesus eating fried chicken or whatever it is they eat and I cannot believe and she got so overwhelmed because a generous heart comes from a grateful heart and she got so moved at the fact that look at them sitting there laughing and talking and eating and interacting when one month ago that boy my brother was in the grave dead our family was mourning and weeping but Jesus raised him from the dead you say well I guess I would be generous like that the Bible said that while you were in sin you were dead in trespasses and sin let me put it this way when your children were in sin they were dead in trespasses and sins but Jesus raised them from the dead and if they're born again this morning you ought to have the most grateful heart that you have ever had because only generous hearts generous hearts only comes from grateful hearts and the reason that she was so moved she said what you did for my family has changed our life forever you changed our mourning into dancing you changed our brokenness into wholeness we could be sad and sorrowful but Jesus you brought my brother out of the grave clothes of addiction and bondage and I can't just give you any praise today I don't know when you'll be back in my house eating with my miracle again so here I go I'm going all-in I'm breaking open an extravagant guilt of a worship and the Bible said here's the other thing that got me she poured it out on him and she didn't even know she was anointing him he said it when Judah said she's wasting she's wasting he said you leave her alone she's anointing me for my burial and none of them got it he knew six days from that moment he'd be dying on a cross now here's what's interesting here's what's interesting if she had not done what she did when she did it Jesus would have had no anointing to come out of the tomb let me prove it to you when the Bible said that Jesus died and they put his body in the tomb they took him off the cross and they were in a hurry to do it because the Sabbath was there and they couldn't do anything that couldn't work so they had to hurry they got him off the cross and they had to hurry normally they would anoint the body right there that was the normal routine it's also a Jewish holiday so that was even more of a holy day so they had to hurry and get all the work out of the way so they just instead of it joining him like they would normally do for a proper burial they just put him in there how do you know they didn't anoint him the Bible said that when the on the third day early in the morning the women came with spices to anoint Jesus body in the tomb because they hadn't done it properly the days before that woman had no idea that when she felt impressed to give an extravagant gift what how it would affect the body of Christ she had no idea that she was bringing something to Jesus that would cause him to such an anointing that he would roll the stone away and step out of death and say to millions of people if you believe in me you have eternal life I'm anointed to bring you out of death in the life in my name and I've been anointed for this by a woman who had a grateful heart that turned into an extravagant gift and we forget about it and I forget about it and you forget about it but when people ride by these buildings they're in Orange County and here in Gainesville and they're in Gwinnett and Spartanburg and and Buford in all of these and by the way we've got a piece of property we're gonna build a church in Buford come on somebody but we don't have it yet but here's my point here's my point you have no idea what God is planning to do with the extravagant gift that you give to the kingdom but I believe this with all of my heart one day when we get to heaven there's gonna be people who are gonna come up to us and they're gonna say I want to thank you because you gave you went beyond tithing the first level you went beyond offerings the second level and you gave extravagant offerings all alone you know I'm not asking you to do something that we don't search our hearts and do all alone God calls us to back to the place of tremendous sacrifice and I'll tell you it's the place of greatest joy it's when you can bring something that's really really touching you to do it it's the place of greatest joy because you know in that moment I have just entered into the dimension of trusting God like I've never trusted him before that makes sense I feel concerned and I want to say I want to close with this they they did a study Barna research did a study and they said that the Millennials are not Tyler's almost none less than one percent of Millennials tithe we're not we're not raising up you look around at the gray heads and the no hairs and and know that when they are gone the church is extremely vulnerable to lack because they're the tithers you look at the gray hairs all around you they're the Tyler's I promise you we know that statistically here as a matter of fact I just read this in Barna research about three years ago as the latest statistics they had the annual income for born-again evangelical Christians in the United States was five point seven five I'm sorry five point two trillion dollars was the combined income of those who said they're evangelical Christians five point two trillion not billion trillion the tithe was one point seven percent given to nonprofits off of that it should have been five hundred and twenty billion but it was only one point five percent you know why because people in a whole new generation have said that God's house and tithing does not matter anymore in my life it is not an issue of heaven or hell I agree with you but it is an issue of blessing it is an issue of obedience it is an issue of saying yes god I do want your blessing I'd rather have 90 percent bless than a hundred percent of me holding on and never reaching even the first level a bottom giving in the kingdom strong ending you know why I'm so bold to preach like this cost when I started out I'm so glad that woman right there my mother tall us her five children you know what she used to do you know what they used to do they they gave us money a dollar or $0.50 or a quarter for the offering we don't even do that we don't teach our children we are not teaching a new generation and if you've got a kid working at McDonald why daddy the first thing he would do is say did you bring the tithe I mean I'm working in a Chinese restaurant I'm barely getting by I the Bible said if you won't be faithful with a little you can't be trusted with a lot if you're a thief if you're a thief with 30,000 you'll be a bigger thief if God gave you a job making 300,000 and if I can't be trusted with my money when I'm busting Chinese tables I can't be trusted now when I'm 56 years old and God has enormous ly blessed my life but if I can't be trusted there he sure can't trust me with what I've got now and I remember the days is this this sounds silly but I believe this part of it is is we would ask mama I need some money in the backseat driving to school going to church mom I need some offering money mama I need some offering money and and it's not the money it's the mentality it's the mentality I mean some of you go to the bathroom every time we have an offering and so I will get you set up out there pay for a flush or something I gotta get you in the Blessed side of things I tell you your stomach can't be that messed up every week at the same time and you know what y'all want you to hear a pastor we're blessed we're a blessed ministry we're not going under we're gonna do everything God's told us to do I don't beg I want this for your sake he said I'll rebuke the Devourer God just said he don't matter I'm doing this for your sake I'm telling you I did this when I had nothing my wife and I did this when we had very little but we started tithing and then we mentor to because once you start tithing God will give you so much that you can give offerings and it gets freer and ending by stuff you never thought you could buy and enjoy 90% and every once in a while God will say do this do that and everyone SWA and you do and then I've entered into the dimension where I've been able to give extravagant gifts I've given cars I gave a BMW and even I gave the youth pastor in California a BMW because one of my daughter's made me man and I took her car and gave it to a youth pastor said youing only of right let me give it and somebody's gonna live right for a little while now she's doing amazing but brand-new brand-new BMW about 25-30 thousand miles keys the Lord said no don't sell it give it to that youth pastor he needs it I don't even talk about but but we've done we've done extravagant things like that one time I had a book thing royalty thing hundreds of thousands of dollars and the Lord said spoke to Cherise and me and that's important and said give the whole thing now I could have used that I could come up with I could have pulled the Judas and God will never make you do it he challenged me he challenged my wife we both felt the same thing at the same time and we knew it was God and we just gave it I've never missed it I don't know I sure could have used that to do some things but you know what I'm so blessed now and I'm just telling you the greater thing is I don't know what God did with that I don't know the families that drove by that didn't have a church that it now have a church because I help provide when I did that during the building program of this building and I forget about that stuff and you forget about that stuff but God never forgets about it and it's more blessed to give on that highest level it's the greatest blessing I love to go into Waffle House and after I eat I always try to have cash and they know it they're fighting over I'm waiting at my table I'm not kidding and I went in there the other week with Charisse me last week me and Cherise went in there two weeks ago to eat because we were just in a hurry and and all that and and it's late and we come in from somewhere and we're hungry and we got went in there and there was a young lady that came over and she started tearing up and she said let me tell you my story said I was on meth I was messed up I came to free chapel I got born again I got saved I got in one of the programs that you got in that church she said I got me a job at Long Street and and I'm working at Waffle House - Sheils and she said pastor God is blessing my life I'm off of drugs I'm clean been clean for nine months I've got my life back come on Church that's what it's all about and you know what God will bless her more and bless her more and bless her more I want him to see God do the same for every house represented under the sound of my voice at every campus get up on your feet and clap your hands like you believe he is Jehovah Jireh your provider does anybody have a generous heart because you have a grateful heart have you thought about all the miracles he's done just for you and your family [Music] so with every head bowed no one moved in no one moving we don't lose when we when we're doing this but what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna pray for you and your heart that over the next few weeks you'll search your heart in your life now I want to say to all of you who are not tithing you're giving sporadically you're doing and I'm not here to beat you up again we're blessed boy what you're missing would blow your mind it's a test folks I'm telling I'm preaching the truth today it's a test money is a test of whose God money has a voice it'll talk to you trust in me your security is in me your influence is that no it's not it's in God I've got God he'll add all these things underneath so I want you jungus I want young people I want college students I want people working part-time jobs I want people under the sound of my voice you say well when I get a lot I'll give a lot no it starts where you are right now and for you extravagant might be two pennies for you extravagant might be a hundred bucks for you extract but God says I know when people obey my voice and I put a blessing on this stuff that you won't be able you won't be able and have room enough to receive are you ready for that would you raise your hands toward heaven if you feel comfortable doing it at every campus the pastor's are gonna come in just a moment but I like what you're playing we're gonna sing give thanks because we're moving into Thanksgiving and we'll go from a grateful heart I want you to thank God for every family member he's raised from the dead spirit things of addiction and bondage and sickness and death Jesus has been good to you and your family and you need to get a grateful heart and let's lift our hands and we're gonna end in worship just like that woman did at the feet of Jesus come on get out here and sing it come on give thanks [Music] we're so grateful kids thanks can we do it all over the room lift your hands [Music] with a grateful [Music] be classy [Music] let the weekday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] give [Music] now raise your hands toward heaven father we truly as a ministry stand in all thank you thank you for trusting us thank you for blessing us when I look back over the years every challenge you have met every time my heart trembled with fear and doubt questions of can we do it you have been so faithful every camera every thing that we had to believe for I don't see cameras I see seventy five thousand dollars I don't see lights I see five thousand dollars here and this and that carpet and this and that but oh god you're so faithful thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you for taking care of our families come on help me worship just a minute thank you for blessing my children and my children's children then I'll leave an inheritance come on come on say it how even inherited say it by faith I'll leave an inheritance for my children's children because I have the blessing of God on my life you believe that everybody say these words Jesus be Lord of my life I want you to renew my mind I want a conversion of my thinking I want a conversion of my heart and I want a conversion of my wallet and I thank you for it I receive full salvation and everything I have belongs to you in Jesus mighty name now I'll give you the blessing more unto the back shake hands if anybody wants to shake hands with me anymore after a message like this people avoid you but that's alright and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lifts up his presence upon you and give you peace and I pray prosperity on this church like never before in Jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you we love you we'll see you next week don't miss it [Music] [Applause] to our everyday lives and one of the things I would like to encourage you to do as we step into a brand new week is get into the Word of God every single day it doesn't matter where we're reading from it doesn't matter where we are in our life the Word of God is going to speak to us as we read it it reads us so take the time whether it is one minute five minutes or 10 minutes however much time you have in the morning dedicate that time to get into the word and allow it to completely transform your life we're thrilled that you joined us here today we hope that you feel encouraged as you step into a brand new week we love you so much and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 45,727
Rating: 4.7826648 out of 5
Keywords: The Exchange, Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Free Chapel Sermons, Jentezen Franklin Sermons, Jesus, Christianity, The Exchange Sermon, The Exchange Week 1, generosity, tithing, giving, heart, grateful heart, blessing, A Generous Heart, Finances, success, influence, spiritual growth
Id: voB1t_GuYHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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