Awful Instagram "Facts" (ft. Danny Gonzalez)

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Wow in Santa Claus all I want for Christmas is to collab with a famous youtuber I don't know maybe PewDiePie or kotico aren't you here to do a collab with me cuz your Christmas wish someone else what's going on guys I'm here with my boy danny gonzalez and what's up guys I'm here with my boy Ryan Trahan boys just boys being guys it's better than this Danny let me ask you a question sure did you know Australia in McCann you can jump if the tail is on the ground only what the only reason I know this is because of any in fact genius whoa absolutely insane there's like so many facts that make me feel like I know less than I knew before these facts leave you with more questions than they do answer every single time they lure you in with the promise of knowledge and just leave you feeling stupid and confused I think we're just gonna go through some of these facts and allow you know everyone to marvel at them because I'm baffled in some cases they're just not true but in all cases they're so poor impor lee translated from a different language that you just can't understand what they mean at all Australia in the kangaroo can jump if the tail is on the ground only what does that even mean so you know the kangaroo yeah Australia's in there the kangaroo in the picture Australia's in my Australia is the one jumping yeah but only when it's in the kingdom only when the Kangaroos tail is on the ground can Australia jump only okay only this is how we're gonna fight t-series by taking down this Indian meme account that has nothing to do with t-series ok well I've got a fact for you oh yeah since you had one that was really good for me did you know the beanie smells be you know like the the be me it smells is that me may not all be needs be beanie that we're both thinking about it I know you know it I know it be we're thinking about me being know but honestly I'm trying to understand if they're trying to tell us that knees on bees have a scent to them that is like unpleasant or if their actual knee is what they used it's like their knees other noses yes that's what I'm trying to understand I have more questions now than before I saw this yeah like now I really want to know yeah if they clarified that I would come away with more knowledge than I had but as it stands right now I guess I know one of two things I just don't know which one it is yeah all right so the next one the color of Olives DOS depend on how it's picked that sounds like Old English color of Olives DOS depends on how it's picked green olives are picked before ripe while black olives are pick Oh the rest is written in black text though I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did that they're like so color-coordinated with these you get the way I mean what more do we need to say about black look at it they put green olives in green text I like that they circled one of the green olives if you look really closely you can see one green olives surrounded by well it's not important surrounded by others one green olive did you know Leonardo da Vinci could have one hand to write and draw the other Leonardo da Vinci so I'm pretty sure what happened here is they wrote this whole thing out in India and then they put it into Google Translate and for some reason Google translated to volley so it made him Leonardo da Vinci he's my second favorite Leonardo right next to the Capriati dad Danny DeVito killed the Franco it's like some sort of superhero in action that's so funny good have you got Alexander the Great and Leonardo da Vinci I mean he's not great but he is Richie fij II could have one hand to write and draw the other he could is this saying that he draws the other hand like I don't understand what it's trying to say could have one hand to write and draw the other so his other hands not actually doing anything he's just drawing so that's not that impressive actually I could probably do that you could just draw my hand I think it's meant to be and draw with the other so he's rising with one hand and drawing the other I wonder what he's writing probably you guys are never gonna believe what I'm doing with you yeah so you guys know how PewDiePie is being surpassed by T series or whatever and I think that this fad kind of like reveals why this is happening did you know over the five years half the 10 most YouTube accounts will be from India well that's him that's impressive yeah over most YouTube accounts will be from India that's crazy I knew India is a pretty populated place yeah I mean that says a lot by the way five is half today I like how it includes a little math factor do you think that's what that was supposed to be like I'm so good that's what anything I can think of which is he pretty useful yeah cuz I always wondered over the five years like now over the next five years a particular set of five years out there yeah it's actually a hundred years in the future you guys don't know the half of it did you guys know the crocodile is not able to stick its tongue outside maybe inside I've never seen him do that outside never only indoors yeah are they able to do that you're like come on stick your tongue and it's like that's my impression of a crocodile trying to keep its tongue inside it's pretty good actually oh how sad why is that sad it's not good I was just not able to state the tongue so what like is that like the greatest joy and why is sticking your tongue out experience that joy of life well Danny did you know that there is only one Jewish man in Afghanistan okay once there were four I'm not sure if that's like four with is it supposed to be four million where each one supposed have three zeros in between the commas or is it actually 40,000 because that's how many zeros or are they using the commas as decimals so it would be four point zero zero point zero iLike how them is in red so it was there were once forty thousand of is this the man I think misses him okay and he's Jewish why does he have a Christmas tree in the background is he really Jewish now I'm totally is he really one of India did inaugurate the world's largest statue in everyone hopes it does a head of 240 meters incredible India there's just a random blue B in there I know and it switches colors halfway through incredible I don't even understand like I I'm sure I would agree with them that India is incredible if I could understand what the fact was even talking about India did inaugurate the world's largest statue in every world every single one we know of other worlds with statues on them you can't prove any of these wrongs aren't these the colors of the Indian flag oh yeah like you can see in the profile show is that why they did the blue I think we can both agree that India is incredible next cook on the other hand Mexico is what do we do this was posted like two weeks ago it's got to be totally under water this oh if anyone's watching this in Mexico we are so sorry we didn't get to this meme in time hang in there guys just keep swimming if they this one up that'd be really impressed if it's three words Mexico is sinking in one concept I don't know how they would just make it like Mexico and sinking Bulls everybody loves them but most people think they don't colorblind Bulls do actually colorblind whoops yeah I know it's a crazy fact how often genius you know whenever they're doing the like the flag thing yeah and like the red the red cape most of the time yeah only charge it at Cape flabby makes it sound like the bull is flapping in pool is flapping Calypso they charge at Cape flapping flapping if you take Bulls do actually colorblind get that through your skull it's not that hard guys okay you're never gonna believe this but an Indian man from India may does claim he has lived 70 years by not eating or drinking you told me this Indian man's from India mm-hmm I don't buy it not from it already like most Indian I don't buy it no way I think they're worried that it might not be true so they're trying to like hedge their bets so they're saying an Indian man from India may does claim he has lived from 70 years we're not even sure if he claims this yeah he made us he made us wait does yes I'm totally gosar Zhang Mei does in everyday situations mmm Chioda cheap Oleg I'm a does the khaki does glow under black light of in conclusion yeah so that's it seems like a text you would get if you asked someone a few weeks ago if Kat he does blow under the blacklight just texting you back hey by the way so sorry I just got a chance to do this the cat pee does glow okay under a blacklight to confirm there's a million applications that this would be useful in if you you're at a party I can't tell you how often I've been at parties and I'm like okay this is awesome dude we got the babes here we got the music we got the dance ranks or Cochlear's okay get your black lights out guys come on get the black light dude we're gonna find some cat pee I got it so many applications wait hold on this cat just looks like yeah yeah I'm sure I'm sort of getting like a it's true okay he's looking at you like yeah no gloves under place every cat knows that in the cat kingdom like okay guys I know there's a pretty common misconception that toothpaste was invented in the United States yeah yeah of course um but actually scientists did name India as the inventor of thuth paste when 5000 BC that is about 7,000 earlier that is indeed fact throughthe paste yeah maybe they made toothpastes who made toothpaste I know it's like a completely different this is paste for your food I need actually run this all over your thuth I don't feel better in no time I sprained my food swollen thuth oh geez okay all right so I've actually been trying to lose some weight lately I'm kind of putting on some pounds though that can tell this account actually has a lot of good workout tips here's here's the first one I found banging your head on the wall for an hours does burn 150 Cal Oh grams I don't think that's a real thing okay we need to look it up is that is that just another word for calories I have never heard of a Cala gram no where did they come up with that word then they're just making things up now they like using their memory link it was some it was like either Cal of something or sort of gram calligraph yeah that's it and I'm not gonna check to make sure yeah I like how they made only part of the wall brick yeah and the rest is just so Brown banging your head on the wall fur in ours does burn 150 so do it the only stipulation they're being Kalla grams aren't real barramundi is a fish that does grow up man and create into a female fish what can you explain this for me so one of the weird things about this is that female fish is in red and usually these accounts you know like Mexico is sinking like a sinking has wrapping it's like oh but this one's like and does create into a the last thing we need on this earth is more female fish barramundi is a fish that does grow up man and does create it okay so I'm saying it does grow up a as a man but I thought it was saying like Burundi is a fist a does grow up man it does create into a female fish he's barely be growing up and then they create into a female finish i literally what does this mean at Birth it's a man and that turns into a female fish it creates into one it creates into it okay okay so do you ever cut onions not in years I can't because that's I I wish I had some sort of life hack that would help me but I don't think I got you when cutting onions do you eat bread and some gum it's some gum it's not gonna tell you a specific amount and you can use as much bread as you want and bread isn't read infinite actually this is the one time we will allow you to eat some gum that would be all right this is the part where you have to be careful but yeah too much too little it's not gonna work yeah but we're not gonna tell you how much that is and it also doesn't tell you why that's what this fact account is missing like there's just no reason for any of these to make sense we can only assume it's these this will help you not cry when you're cutting onions yes that's the problem with cutting onions but it doesn't say that so just like just do this um no that's why maybe this Indian fact geniuses like account owner also own some like bread and gum companies so he's just trying to increase revenue yeah in the best way he could do that was by making people do it when they cut onions because that's such a popular thing that people do it's like a boardroom meeting it's like how are we gonna increase sales people cut onions a lot a lot actually they will even more once they know about this when cutting onions do eat bread do and some gum do this is gonna be on a billboard you're gonna see it that shape and Bush does appear to be India yeah does what are those that the darkness kind of like makes the shape of India but it's like he was typing this in real-time and then just hit sent immediately which does appear to be India but if those eyes say he just circled the little eyes and then it said this one is my new life motto mmm it kind of captures everything that's wrong with the 21st century oh yeah and there's a lot and there are at least at least four or five things I could yeah we have five things listed here oh that's perfect did you know welcome to 21 century I didn't thanks any in fact genius so did you know welcome to 21 century mmm-hmm where is free love is costly love cost so much money I pay people so much money to love me I'm just trying to make money with my bread and gum business so I can find some love and buy it loosing phone is more important than losing virginity damn isn't that the truth that's so true yeah look I can't focus on loosing my virginity right now I gotta focus on losing my phone I keep trying to lose this thing I can't get rid of my virginity until my phone is gone that's everyone knows that yeah I'm not gonna lose my virginity in the night but I might loosen it up a little bit I got a tight Virginia anyways bathrooms or studios what does that even mean like like recording studios anyways Yahoo boys have brighter future than gratis Gras takes growl dates round eights it's like a Pokemon crowd eats go yeah it would be a Pokemon that's like a little like a little squirrel thing with a graduation again graduate a beer they're just like boys that go around and they go going far far further than any girl cloudy anyways we're shipping we're worshipping God is hard we're shipping we can we stand we stand and we ship a kick a man's testicles deals more than 9-thousand l units of pain which equals birthing 160 and breaking thirty-two hundred thousand thirty two point zero zero some amount of bones either a very large amount or like a realistic amount yeah give him a kick in manacles yeah the image is so hard his groin is like forming around the dudes foot he's kicking it so hard and it's bunching up on top - oh my god kicking him so hard his eyes went to either side of his nose got bags under his eyes I can't this pig has drained the life out if he's literally midair this kick has launched him into the well we don't know if he was midair to start with he might have been jumping and this dude was like no jumping Indian Bollywood invented you gotta be kidding me is it one movie and then like a small amount of one like thousand 1.001 three movies why does it so the last one had to after the comma and this one has four they can't just get it right and put three as compared to United States Hollywood - only 739 mm-hmm okay Indian Bollywood invented that many movies like Thomas Edison working in a in a shed he's like I've done it I've invented one movie I've been getting two transformers three the world will never be the same this is so funny I don't know if the Indian Bollywood is out doing the Hollywood of the United States yeah because this is either one thousand thirteen or ten thousand thirteen which we're very impressive just one because if you look at this one with the bones that is probably thirty two point zero zero bones because there's no way anyone but that's a weird thing to put decimals for why would you put thirty two bones like thirty two point zero zero yeah no fractions of bones I guess we just have no idea and then it just gets really weird because like this entire page has just been facts they haven't been very good facts yeah they're very objective right they're telling you about other things sure and then all of a sudden on this Instagram account there's this did you know three reasons why as single so why the owner of the account is single here's well we don't know if it's the owner its ads oh three reasons why as single okay who has who is ads is that a person where's that I'm there's no way he's trying to say I'm single maybe he is anyways I want to know why well number one I do not hot to talk to girls same at first I thought this was he mixed up I do not talk to hot girls yeah that's what I think but I think that hot actually supposed to be how and he meant to say I do not know how to talk to girls that is it that is it completely that is I do not hot to talk to her I do not even try to say I'm not hot enough to talk to girls and it was a weird translation issue oh I do not hot babe you do hot issue I'm a doesn't number two basically to cut a long story short basically I am the shy type that was a coherent thought at least yes so this kind of does tie into what you said before he does not know how to talk to girls yet it ties in in that it's the exact same thing number one I don't talk to girls number two I'm shy and don't talk to girls I feel like he's just trying to make the list longer as to why I single just to make himself feel it's like a high schooler writing an essay trying to fill out things they said I had to have three reasons they put like several ways of the same reason yeah he's like making extra ones to meet this own goal that he made himself he was like well I wrote three reasons at the table now I gotta come up with more he's number one I do not talk to girls just are sweating I am shy and I don't talk to girls anyways number three is probably the realest I've seen not interest in fake relation I mean who is no you gotta respect that yeah I mean what do you think's actually the reason he's single well because just know how to talk does he talk at all he does not hot - all right well I think that's it dude that's the video you're happy with that yeah I think I think we work so well thanks for doing this collab with me man yeah so I'm free to go yeah oh yeah absolutely where are we by the way what where are we we're in Illinois that's where I live did you not know that why were we where did you just come from Texas can you like Scout me back or no no I can't do that well yeah you could probably just walk or maybe get an uber or something you dude okay you can Ryan was sitting on a pillow the whole time uh yeah guys thanks so much for watching the video I really appreciate it I also really appreciate it I really appreciate I appreciate it more though so you do not hot to appreciate it okay okay I type like video if you enjoyed it subscribe Danny has an amazing channel I'm sure you know about it we also did a video on his channel it'll be in the description comment the cat pee does glow otherwise don't even come in a video all right if you're not gonna comment that and I don't want to I don't want your view I will see you next time I won't he will not be here next time so just soak it up does a little a little too much I think I think it's a little intrusive cool swollen tooth
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,969,360
Rating: 4.9675407 out of 5
Keywords: ryan trahan, danny gonzalez, danny gonzalez wikihow, facts, instagram, instagram facts, funny, commentary, memes, comedy, relatable, indian fact genius, t series, ryan trahan reaction, reaction, we found the worst facts ever, worst facts ever, ryan and danny, danny and ryan
Id: OAeZ0foWhvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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