Curious George 🐵Curious George Meets The Press 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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at harvest time farmer renkins liked having a few extra hands around to help pick the apples this year he also had extra feet it's real nice of you two to help out our orchard is small so getting every apple is important well that's what neighbors are for [Music] he certainly built for apple picking [Music] hmm can't say the same for your hat I'm gonna join the missus round back once you filled that card you can unload it in the washing trough will do she'll be had found a perfect apple [Music] [Music] all of the rankings beautiful apples were being chopped to bits a squirrel-proof LED George thought that was a good idea it sure went on tightly [Music] huh how did that happen oh gee he hasn't filled the card yet hey there no play it in the trees till all the pickings done thank you oh I I'm just getting my hat [Music] be the Rankin's would surely be mad that George ruined all of their apples done a fantastic job all that cider already pressed and bottled thank you George that's right we press the juice out of the apples here and then Bob lit down here huh so George didn't ruin the apples after all he just turned them into cider you've got an unusual way of stacking [Music] yeah George if you weren't careful the Rincon's could have had quite a mess on their hands oh look an apple got caught I'll get it no don't here George you earned it George appreciated it but he had enough apples for one day Tracy taught her chicks to walk tall and be proud like a chicken [Music] [Music] [Music] it was time for a bath because in being proud like a chicken neatness counts [Music] would you come here please [Music] neighbors will be here soon for our monthly game lunch so I need you to run to the store we're out of toothpicks it's not a party if you don't pick up small food with toothpicks hmm oh we need marshmallows too and a new deck of cards you uh you got some jelly on the old deck so take this list ate in Luke's general store okay that sounded like a chicken in trouble George could see those six chicks needed to be rescued now all the chicks had to do was walk across [Music] the bridge wasn't chick safe yet what could he do to make it safer that bridge had sides made from triangle shapes [Music] Hey [Music] George suggested they crossed one at a time in case the bridge wasn't strong enough to hold them off but the bridge was plenty strong it even held a whole hand a job well done George could now rush home with the marshmallows toothpicks and cards maybe not straight home it must be some party if you need more marshmallows toothpicks and cards already [Music] now it's officially a party oh we're going to play Go Fish mama come see what the chickens built and that's how the Lincoln's college fund for gifted chickens got its start the world was full of surprises but fortune I never imagined anything like this this was the museum's first robot exhibit so what do you think George [Music] [Applause] [Music] so easy or what I want ten has a delicate enough grip to perform surgery or do this now over here are examples of what people imagine robots would be this is where we'll put your rare models you will have them here before the opening tonight right oh sure I'll bring them back after I take George home Thanks here you can drive the Mars rover out [Music] okay George I have to take that with me [Music] Thanks I'll see you later I never knew Hundley liked robots so much that's how George got the idea to make a robot for Hundley to play with [Music] it worked Hundley thought George was a real robot [Music] robotic for a whole hour was tiring George was ready to get out of that thing but he didn't want to ruin it for homily by letting him see the robot wasn't real since he couldn't reach the button George decided to relax and wait till the elevator came oh hi professor hi I just came to pick up a small red robot you mean the one in the lobby he said two inches tall but I guess he meant ah two feet [Music] there was the elevator finally George Gonsalves oh I left it right here Oh No someone must have kicked it check the floor I don't think you could kick that thing across the room oh sure you could it's only two inches tall you mean two feet I know the difference between inches and feet professor there's a runaway robot upstairs it's small red and says X F 17 on the side you got the controls what controls it has no moving parts George professor Wiseman brought you to the museum because she thought you were my X F 17 yeah your outfits so good you almost ended up on exhibit hey that's a great idea huh we promised an X F 17 model we never said it wouldn't be monkey powered and that's how George became a museum exhibit for a day [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks for helping me with the nature week exhibit George we'd like to see the tracks of all the animals that live around here the swim mask oh I'm gonna go jump in the lake to conduct the nature week fish survey by George wished his photos were more exciting but there weren't many exciting animals around here hey George what you doing Wow I see you've got almost every local animal lets up that far and I've seen in the hills a foreign is a baby deer bet you don't see too many of them in the city huh odd was just the special unusual animal George was looking for come on I'll show you where to find it George still hadn't seen the fawn or learned what its tracks looked like [Music] these were the biggest tracks George had seen so far something extra large must have left them they looked like big duck tracks how big duck would make a terrific photo [Music] this was like the long track the garter snake made [Music] the giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all maybe it swam back home George remembered he'd seen big tracks like these there they were dinosaur tracks a duck-billed dinosaur [Music] and the tracks were headed towards Bill's house hiya George did you see the farm [Music] see yeah I guess those do look like dinosaur tracks yep my new boots were hurting my feet so I put these on to walk to the lake I told you I was going swimming remember hey now I know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps with no hungry dinosaurs around George still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again but George had enough pictures of that squirrel for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks Wow you use fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you can take photos [Music] look at these wonderful dear how did you manage to capture such amazing photos George oh you know George he just used his imagination isn't that right George hi how about hand yeah I'm preparing an exhibit on local wildlife for the town Nature society and the baby alligator lizard I was studying just disappeared thanks have fun at the lake Wow you saw all those animals you only heard them hey animal sounds would be great in the exhibit you want to help me again [Music] okay just point the microphone toward the sound till you hear it nice and loud in the headphones then push this red button to record it remember the closer you are to an animal the louder it gets but don't get too close [Music] George was collecting pictures of all the sounds he had heard outside then he heard a new one inside George knew how to track a sound he thought he had it but all he found was a tiny insect that couldn't possibly make such a big sound you know hundreds of crickets chirping together can make a soothing peaceful sound but one little cricket in a quiet house can drive you bananas is there one in our house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] then a strange new sound and then George set the Cricut free to happily hop back booth Frick at home did you free that Cricut could work I am sure that's one happy Cricut [Music] okay that cricket left us some cleanup work don't you think George [Music] whoo all done sleep tight George are you sure you put it outside you know George if we don't catch that cricket we'll never get any sleep [Music] ah I've got the man with the yellow hat didn't have the cricket but he did have a solution how'd you enjoy the show George aren't all the different breeds fascinating huh would you like to see the winners up close George got a big surprise because when he actually looked at the big ones and the small ones [Music] and the crazily hairy ones he thought the dog show was great have you ever seen so many unforgettable dogs before [Laughter] well it looks like you had fun I hope he wasn't too much trouble he was no trouble at all wow that's great to hear got a run see you tomorrow thanks so much bye-bye so you like the dog show huh George wanted to tell the man about all the unforgettable dogs he saw but he only remembered three it's okay you can tell me later Oh would you do me a big favor and mail these letters I made a sandwich if you're hungry and when I'm done I want to hear about all the dogs George was afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the man more because no matter how hard he tried he could only remember three there was only one solution [Laughter] [Music] but no matter how many times George looked at those dogs he couldn't remember more than three there was obviously no way a monkey could remember them all that a German could I see the owners of the winners over here please briskly briskly be spirits play there were three big three small and three hairy dogs George and what are you doing here [Music] my new spread George there are like 20 dogs in here George remembered all the dogs so where did these 3 + 3 + 3 9 dogs come from just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong [Music] stop the car he's in there [Applause] most mornings George went out on the porch to find the paper this morning the paper found George sorry George wished he could be a paperboy someday but he didn't even know how to ride a bike not yet anyway [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this why this was my bike when I was a boy I sure had fun but it was a long time ago [Music] George like knowing the man with the yellow hat was holding him up by the third day he rode so fast the man with the yellow hat couldn't keep up very good I think you're ready to ride on the road now remember always watch where you're going stay on the right side of the road and signal turns like this for left and this for right [Music] that's it Owen be a good little monkey cyclist [Music] sorry I came out so fast but I'm gonna be late for school hey could you finish my paper up trusted with a paper route it was like George's wish had just been granted every house on the road gets a paper including the houses across the street [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes George had become just like a real paperboy [Music] nothing would stop him from completing his route the last time they came to the stream the man with the yellow hat made paper boats George thought he remembered how his boat was so good George decided to make a whole fleet [Music] hello you must be a paperboy that's an important job who looks like you delivered him all but one another day's hard work almost done nay George couldn't wait for his newspapers to be sun dried George had promised bill he'd deliver all these papers if it didn't get done bill could lose his job maybe the man with the yellow hat knew where to get dry papers hold on George how about we just buy a few dry papers and deliver them right now and so George was able to finish his route just like a real paperboy maybe I should buy a new bike for myself too sorry how'd you enjoy the show George aren't all the different breeds fascinating would you like to see the winners up close George got a big surprise because when he actually looked at the big ones and the small ones and the crazily hairy ones he thought the dog show was great have you ever seen so many unforgettable dogs before well it looks like you had fun I hope he wasn't too much trouble he was no trouble at all wow that's great to hear got a run see you tomorrow thanks so much bye-bye so you like the dog show George wanted to tell the man about all the unforgettable dogs he saw [Laughter] but he only remembered three it's okay you can tell me later Oh would you do me a big favor and mail these letters I made a sandwich if you're hungry and when I'm done I want to hear about all the dogs Jorge was afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the man more because no matter how hard he tried he could only remember three there was only one solution [Laughter] [Music] but no matter how many times George looked at those dogs he couldn't remember more than three there was obviously no way a monkey could remember them all that a German could I see the owners of the winners over here please briskly briskly there were three big three small and three hairy dogs George and what are you doing here [Music] my new spread George there are like 20 dogs in here George remembered all the dogs so where did these 3 + 3 + 3 9 dogs come from just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong [Music] stop the car he's in there [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,680,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: fF8uYjRy7lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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