Curious George 🐵Piñata Vision 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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[Music] George was doing great he was able to follow charkie everywhere with his ears did a black dog flip by followed by a blindfolded monkey hmm you mean there's nothing wrong with my glasses which way they go where was he these things didn't feel familiar what were they for what's that sound sounds like a rose George did you pull the pump valves at George lost charkie nothing he touched felt furry and he didn't hear her ah but his nose knew that wet dog aroma she was close by why don't we get any normal visitors here [Music] she was hiding again but George knew how to find a silent wet dog fur he'd caught up with charkie but it didn't smell like a wet dog and this dog was too small to be charkie this dog was a cat delicious smell plus a cat he knew exactly where he was with gnocchi at chef pisghetti's place a place with great food is exactly where charkie would go [Music] Oh No what have you done my buzz duh you know normally if I heard yelling followed by crashing I'd worry it's George but he's at a party did a black dog flip by followed by a blindfolded monkey everybody in town seen him but I can't find him wasn't so noisy here and there was grass why even blindfolded he knew he was in endless Park and that wet dog smelled close George smelled and touched and found something that felt like charkie when he heard her bark he knew it was charkie I searched everywhere I can't find george and charkie did you look there now just take one swing this time okay [Music] this time George didn't just use the bat he used sound and touch and smell no I taught him everything he knows [Music] George had used all his senses except one to find the pinata and that one was taste guided by the scientists the rocket hooked on to the telescope it was time for the spacewalk George your job is to push this button and let me back inside this keeps me attached to the rocket while I'm outside oh um the tether link ripped off my suit then you can't go outside oh boy we have to scrub the mission Oh No let George do it [Music] and don't forget be a good little monkey spacewalker [Music] Wow that city kid really gets around George knew what he had to do first remove the nuts using the wrench why didn't it move he knew the rule lefty loosy and righty tighty he wasn't the first monkey to mix up his Lucy and his tidy just the first one in space [Music] oh did I mention George only has enough air to last two minutes well you did now George you must complete the mission expeditiously I mean finish up and get back in the rocket very quickly [Music] putting replacements in was pretty easy and then it wasn't [Music] maybe he needed to put this stuff in exactly where the old stuff was oh no this last hole was a completely different shape George you need to head inside now George I'm going out there after him you can't you don't have a tether oh boy [Music] why it wasn't a different shape at all now he needed righty-tighty George you have only five seconds of the air left that's it I'm going out no you'll float out into space [Music] giorgia safe George did it the telescope controls work again [Music] great work guys you're coming home oh it wasn't two minutes it was an hour and two minutes my mistake dragon was harder than it looked behind but you guys need to keep an even distance even distance got it right George [Music] come she fought I closed for Chinese New Year this is terrible now we'll never get the stain out actually the stain is gone it is yeah so is the nose [Music] it turned out Doug's like plum sauce and dragon noses [Music] and playing chase [Music] now it's really ruined George had an idea it's kind of close George but it has to look the same as the old nose why it's important it's a tradition George remembered the old nose had red and gold stripes and it was curly the trick was to find the right material there's strong and bendy perfect but the rest of the dragon head is covered in red cloth we need red cloth to cover the new nose and fast and a little while later the nose was as good as new the dragon looks wonderful but it's too late the parade is already started wait you said the parade ends with the dragon dance yeah but it's so late I'm not even sure we can make it before it ends so they would like a dragon it's nice and wide open here nothing to watch out for they kept their eyes forward they stayed in a line [Music] and captain even distance [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank goodness that dragon could have hurt like we're no baby by the time they reach the other end of the park the three were dragon masters dragon guys you're an awesome tummy and tail [Music] Oh where did she go Lily where have you been never mind I have some bad news your cousins are still stuck in traffic there's no one to help you be the dragon I'm sorry hang on I know a couple of experts [Music] and that's how with a little practice and the right materials a monkey became a dragon [Applause] [Music] Wow good thing they gave a little kids extra time to practice size 10 size 10 and size 7 [Music] you're right George the size is written on the back good eye they could find the shoes quicker if the size numbers were in order I bet everyone will pull a lot better now that they've got the right shoes [Music] this shows really small Lucy and Charlie's shoes were all size tens both Janice's shoes were size sixes and Phil's shoes were both nines so why did they fit differently hey George hadn't noticed these colored signs before there was a blue man a red lady and green children they'd were the same colors as the shoes maybe the different colors meant they were different kinds of shoes [Music] the shoe with the number in green was the smallest green numbers must be for children the shoe with the red number was a little bigger hmm red numbers must be for ladies the shoes with blue numbers were the biggest of all blue numbers must be for men when you match the numbers and the colors you've got two shoes that were the exact same size yours what are you the different colors mean they're different kinds of shoes how'd you ever figure that out you're pretty smart for a city kid my right shoe is too small and it won't let me walk straight Jimmy already has two shoes with the same color number so what's wrong with his right shoe George couldn't figure out what was wrong the shoes were exactly alike could that be the problem Jimmy was wearing two left shoes I've got two left shoes how did I not notice that [Music] you thanks George George had finally sorted the shoes perfectly yes ready George [Music] she even found the right size for himself [Music] [Music] everyone scored big points the fundraiser was a huge success and the bobbolinks got their nesting ground [Music] George figured a smart monkey all by himself should be able to work this thing now what did you see Jay say he put in that drinking it's got five fruits and vegetables plus a special secret ingredient five fruits and vegetables and all of them seem to be red apples are red and peppers and strawberries and watermelons [Music] Torche didn't know what cabbage was but it was the last red thing in the fridge five red things now all George needed was a special ingredient a redfish okay so maybe raw fish is not a special juice ingredient George decided he'd try again and make a fish free juice he started with one of everything one apple one strawberry [Music] that wasn't it at all he had the red ingredients hmm what could be the problem George decided to experiment with different amounts of each ingredient he used a big piece of paper to keep track - sweet George added more peppers it still wasn't right and it certainly didn't pass the Hundley test hmm maybe George needed more of these things Louis but George thought more apples might help [Music] George's juice was perfect well almost it still needed a special secret ingredient where could he find one of those [Music] hello Giardia see can I interest you in today's a special special that's exactly what he was looking for it's eggplant piccata with extra mounts of piccata oh those are radishes dry wet dry 100 but careful radishes are a little is petit Otto that means spicy radish is were spicy but spicy might be good in a drink I know help yourself Georgie [Music] bye-bye George hoped that one radish would do the trick [Music] George had done his juice was just as good as Juicy J's better even George Oh No Oh have you been making juice oh no my goodness this juice is amazing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] George thought his juice was so delicious he decided to give it away at the next farmers market get your George juice it's made with apples for strong bones cabbage for vitamin C and a bunch of other healthy stuff oh thanks oh this is fantastic can I get the recipe sure George started with your juice but added a few new ingredients oh radish all that is brilliant a revolution in juice making - George and his delicious cures juice hey George you know why they call me the lemonade king free samples once people try this stuff they're hooked they can't get enough and they bring back their friends mmm this is the best ever I'll take two please Wow that gave George an idea if people got free samples of the man's book maybe they'd give some to their friends - that'd be a great way to spread the bird word ah man's warbler book with each lemonade you're going to give a free book in business we call that a two-for-one can't-miss [Music] but not everyone who wanted lemonade wanted a book either it didn't fit on a bicycle or it was too yellow or they didn't know how to read looks like you need to reach more people you should advertise hmm that's the idea you just need to put the sign where a lot of people can see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh George how about you paint and I'll supervise from here okay [Music] don't forget the picture when George got close to the billboard he could see things he couldn't see from far away like the fact that the billboard wasn't just one big sheet of paper but six sheets glued together this time George was sure he'd get it right once George come down here quick [Music] you're painting the rectangles out of order let's put the pictures back in order okay that looks good but how do we keep them in order when you're up there [Music] George remembered that numbers were a good way to keep track of things you're numbering them good idea to keep everything straight George numbered the rectangles on the Billboard in the same order looking good George ah boy talk about a slow news day hey there's a monkey painting a billboard I wish there's a monkey painting the billboard pull over [Music] are we rolling this is a special report today live one monkey one billboard one story you'll never forget mr. Libre won't you please reconsider my book is very important yeah but is it funny well no see that's a problem cuz I like funny hey what's everybody staring at is that a monkey what's he doing well no I know that billboard look at that a monkey painting a goofy guy with a bird on his wait a minute you're the guy yep it's me and my monkey brilliant advertising campaign if your book is half as brilliant as that billboard then I'm sold I've never seen anything like it this book is selling like hotcakes well George deserves the credit for that [Music] it may be laughs it may be cry it made me wanna donate half the proceeds to the Warbler Foundation and there you have it one book one monkey one recipe for sale success reporting live from lotsa libros don't forgot save the Warbler and try Steve's Lemonade [Music] [Music] the pigeon made his choice the pipe cleaner tree looked nice but a tree needs to be bigger [Music] [Music] for research [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it wasn't perfect yet [Music] George's tree had everything a tree has including a homing pigeon in his new home [Music] oh look at this look at this wow that's a lot of dirt I've hardly in charge and when I came back dirt everywhere oh if only I spoke dachshund I wish you spoke pidgin is that a tree George had never felt prouder now that he had the perfect home the bird could live here forever that's good to see you yeah compass is an almost homing pigeon he won't admit he has a weak sense of direction George the doorman is the pigeons friend he came to take him home to his real home everybody goes home see he's back where he belongs I bought it for birds to sit in so you can draw them nice effort George but birds want to sit in a real tree compass look a real tree for you make yourself at home [Music] the pigeons still didn't know what George was but he sure made a good tree [Music] the man went home but George chose to stay out in case you could do more good and get more rewards George sure picked the right person to help is why don't you Steve I forgot to leave this for a Steve at 11n Avenue if it's not you I'll go back and bring it myself no that's me it's the new game I ordered ozone piercing Highway weasels three thanks [Music] his name is George George you're doing up the hard way you need wheels I think he wants to give these back to the mail carrier lady she doesn't want it back it's her job to leave packages for people this number is the number on our building that shows her where to leave it the numbers on all of them match the building's didn't you notice his pursuit of free fresh fruit had driven him to crime accidently anything for this building [Music] hold it that says 15 oh we have to find one that says eight you're gonna have to move faster than this while Betsy and George searched Steve kept on delivering [Music] you organize them good job George none for eight but we have three packages for 14 even numbers are on this side of the street odd on that side so they set out to try their system turkey helped to Steve brand fast but his packages were out of order while the monkey girl dog team delivered their packages in a row I've delivered 11 packages hey where'd all the packages go we just delivered our 11 also so whoever delivers their next one fastest wins 20 back across the street again we're gonna win he's going far away this one is for nine and Avenue there is no nine what do we do there are seven and eleven well now I was there when that package was delivered so someone must have stolen it the center policeman and it'll send two policemen no four I want someone arrested found it [Music] does that mean we get to play the game no you had to win to play all right you can play here look he'd have gone I was beating the record and I was on level seven [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,388,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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