GARDEN OF LUCIFER & Four Rivers of Genesis (Gen. 2:10-17) | Dr. Gene Kim

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shall we continue the deep stuff here so we left off at a very interesting place at genesis 2. last genesis study was perhaps uh the most interesting genesis study that you're ever going to hear but who knows as we continue the chapters hopefully we'll glean another gold mine but we are at genesis chapter 2 and we're going to start off at verse 9 that's where we left off is verse 9. so if you recall at genesis chapter 2 verse 9 the bible says that the lord he had two trees and that's the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil now if you might recall i mentioned that possibly and i'm not saying that it is but possibly the most likely candidate for eden to be is a mountain and we looked at passages on that one and that the garden of eden would be on the side of the mountain now this is just a artistic depiction so i know the trees are supposed to be in here that's what this shrubbery is but i thought that in order for people to see more clearly it would be better if i drew the trees over here so let's do this i'm going to draw right over here seems like a good spot right so then remember there are two trees the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then the other one is the tree of life and they're both centered together remember that they're both centered in the midst of the garden now remember that the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life are both interestingly very alike if if the tree of life is olives and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is grapes if you look at them at their unripe stage you can it's very similar it's very similar so if that's the case that's why there are some bible teachers who say that the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life that they were intertwined together so because adam and eve they couldn't tell the difference they took on the wrong fruit now i don't know if i can go that far but i'm just giving you everything that i know that way you can grow in knowledge right so i don't know if that's true or not but for safety's sake let's just say that these two trees were in the midst of the garden together rather than intertwined if that be the case now the question comes up is this i want you to go to the book of ezekiel go to the book of ezekiel so remember we got two trees the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil at verse nine now i hope your hand is at genesis 2 still because we're going to go back and forth here i'm going to give you another interesting theory so again i say theory i don't want people to think that pastor kim teaches that eden is a mountain the tree of life has olives and that pastor kim thinks that this is fact or that adam and eve that they only stayed there for a short amount of time like a season or they were there at winter i don't teach that that was my theory that was my theory why do you give theories the reason why is because if there's something unsure in the bible it's our job to explore all areas that way we can get closer to the truth but it is also important where people don't carry off into something unsure and they teach it like it's certain by doing that it causes more division in the church so one must understand this is that we already have enough of the churches in the world and christians thinking bible believers are divisive why because we grow so much in knowledge and so because we grow so much in knowledge we see what's true and what's false and then the if we don't put a limit somewhere then what's going to happen the division will continue see that so there has to be a limit somewhere all right now we're going to look at ezekiel chapter 31 and then the other place is going to be genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2. so let me tell you something that's interesting here is that in genesis chapter 2 verse 9 we see that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that it's at the midst of the garden we know that and if it's from there then where is it coming out from it's coming from out of the river so we're going to combine 10 11 12 with the ezekiel 31 later so keep your hand there so let's come uh let's culminate all of this together verse 10 and a river went out of eden now remember that uh eden that i mentioned it could be a mountain if that's the case look how it can match a river went out of eden to water the garden so a river went goes out of eden and it waters this garden here so remember the garden of eden i mentioned can be possibly located in the mountain just like jesus went on the mount of olives in the garden of gethsemane and i gave that passage now looking into that one let's keep reading here it says a river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted so it goes to eden to water the garden and then it comes out where it splits into four rivers so then what are these four rivers that's the question and we came into notice right here four heads so now it becomes four different heads a river so remember that so since we see one two three four now if you look at your map and if you're curious you can check that in your phone as long as you don't play games on it all right so in this service we'll allow iphones just this once if you're that curious okay but if you look uh at a map of eden or this location where the so this is the persian gulf okay the persian gulf tigress and euphrates river so just look at that area if you look at that area then you're going to notice that these two rivers are not they are not in the map so this is something that i just drew why would i do that so again credit to whom credits do i get this from other bible believing teachers which is very interesting so let's go to these four rivers and give out their names the name of the first is paisan so the name of the first river is paisan that is it which composite the whole land of havala so it's a pla this river composite so it surrounds that's the idea like a compass right goes to a circle it surrounds it composite the whole land of havala so whatever this land is it was called havala and havala it means anguish so it means anguish for some of you who don't know pretty fitting maybe uh the irony could be or the interesting thing is it could be when god drove them out of the garden they went toward a lane land of anguish toward that direction but anyway i just threw that in there okay so it could be where there is gold okay so we're gonna expand that later but this place where havela is it has much gold in it and the gold of that land is good so it's good in that land there's a lot of gold there during moses's time period so this existed during moses's time period this makes a lot of sense because if you might recall when i gave the world history lesson about africa it's not like a lot of third world country civilization as you might picture today uh africa during the world history it was one of the most richest areas that the entirety of europe had to depend upon africa's civilization why is that because there was so much gold in there now africa is closely located to this persian gulf region you might notice so it is logical to think that during moses's time period there was a lot of gold that time in that land now remember egypt it was very prosperous it was the most prosperous civilization in the world and egypt is like between africa and this area where it gets closer to the persian gulf area so anyways understanding that fact so that makes a lot of sense that during moses's time there was still a lot of gold in that land there's bedellium and the onyx stone so there's also bdellium the onyx stone as well in that land and the name of the second river is guy han so the second river's name is guy han let's see here the same is it that composite the whole land of ethiopia okay so notice that it hits toward the land of ethiopia guy han all right so if this is the persian gulf the lower part here is going to be guy han and then and this is going to hit toward the land of ethiopia paisan will be over here now i know that these are made up rivers but bear with me all right this is where it's getting really good okay so just i'm giving out the whole context that way you can understand later on and also i mentioned that it's word for word bible study right so because this is literally word for word i need to explain every single word to you so that you can understand the upper part is tigress that's hidakel in the bible but i'm gonna we're gonna see that later all right we're already at two rivers the this lower part is the famous euphrates these two rivers still exist to this day these two rivers do not exist they are made up so i'm going to explain a little bit later so just hold on verse 14 now so remember guy han is the same river the bible says that surrounds the whole land of ethiopia and the name of the third river is hell tigress all right hidekel is another word for tigress for some of you who don't know hidekel it means a sharp voice it means a sharp voice for some of you who don't know the reference you don't have to write it down but the other time it mentions hiddekel is daniel chapter 10 and verse 4. daniel chapter 10 verse 4 for so for some of you who are curious that is it which goeth toward the east of assyria so it goes toward the east of the assyrian region and if you look at your map it's going to match that approximately where it's going to go toward not the west side but the east side of assyria where the tigris is carrying that's why we can guess that this is definitely the tigress here but how we can tell it's the tigris is because of the next river close to it all right so how we can guess hiddekel is tigress is one it's at the east of assyria but the second thing is it has to part from this river and that's euphrates and the fourth river is euphrates the bible says so there are four rivers here all right now let's go to the juicy parts if you're ready the idea is this is that if we if these theories are true that we heard so far then the following might make sense to you all right what's the following that might make sense one eden is a mountain okay if eden is a mountain and think about it where do rivers come from see that out of eden comes out these four rivers and out of eden it waters the garden so it can make sense see that there so this can make a lot of sense here and then it comes out to water the garden and then down it goes and then it splits into four heads here if that be the case then why did you put pyson and guy on here because these aren't shown so the thing is this let's take it one by one it the rivers have to come out of eden but remember eden is no more eden is no more so then the lord if the lord got rid of this mountain and then the rivers just seem to come out of here it makes one wonder that wow so then there used to be a mountain here but something happened and then we'll come to that later okay which is going to be interesting but just think about sodom and gomorrah about the dead sea and you could probably guess what happened to that location it's kind of similar with eden and then it did something with the watery terrain surrounding it but an interesting thing is concerning about these rivers is that the paisan and gaijan river they just recently i think last year or two years ago they actually discovered through technology because mankind's technology has become so advanced that there used to be these two water beds or river beds that came out of here but they don't exist anymore but the lord he saw fit to not reveal it to mankind for a long time just like so many prophecies in your bible statements in the bible that the lord saw fit not to show it to people yet why so that the scientists and historians can laugh at the bible and the lord can laugh at them later when science finally catches up and says oh there used to be a river bed here and god's like duh i mentioned that about the year 4 i knew that 4000 bc and moses wrote about that you just didn't believe so notice that the lord he likes to laugh at science and history a lot of time so don't worry if the scholars they don't scare me if they pull up the latest evidence that brings up questions in the bible it actually makes me excited to see if i investigate a bit more through probably historical scientific evidence maybe we'll find something that science and history historians have never discovered before and by the way scientists and historians won't tell you this a lot of their foundations and methods that they're able to abide by today is because of previous scientists and previous historians who believed in god who believed in the bible and then who read a passage in the bible and wondered if it was so and later they found out to be true and they became the founder of this scientific method or this historical foundation how about that now these two riverbeds that they've named is for paisan they called it wadi rama batin and then for gaihan [Music] if i'm pronouncing them right but those are the two possible names well why don't they exist anymore because it's common knowledge when you go back in the past that especially during these desert terrains it used to be more watery think about it when god talked about the land of canaan he talked it about a land flowing with milk and honey but to be quite honest if you go over there it's just a bunch of desert and it's a big mess why because throughout long ages of time water dries out vegetation dies out that's the reason why god says when he comes down in the millennium at the desert where those jews are at he's going to water it like the garden of eden the desert will turn blossom see the lord is going to restore creation what's the purpose of the millennial kingdom restore the earth to its uh natural beautiful environment so these two rivers they realize they were dried out but they existed a long long time ago that's very interesting now if there's going to be one area that seems to be contradictory it would probably be referring to guy han at verse 13. guy han is supposed to come it's supposed to compass the whole land of ethiopia when you look at uh guy han the lower river it just hits toward the red sea and then you have to go further down if you're going to hit ethiopia if you look at your map and then you'll get the idea right so if you just go all the way where tigris euphrates is parting from the persian gulf these two rivers are supposed to come out of the persian gulf and one is supposed to hit toward where the red sea is and then hit toward ethiopia but this doesn't uh but i didn't draw the red sea here and i didn't draw ethiopia so that might be the problem but go to genesis chapter 10 genesis chapter 10. so i open up two possibilities possibility one is that uh then this theory is wrong so then these two river beds aren't the exact guy hon and pyson however i do agree a hundred percent that pyson and guy han they used to exist but dried out that much i can believe i'm not sure if it's the two uh particular wadis uh if that's the right way to say it that the scientists discovered through their technology okay but uh the second possibility i open up is this is that it is a common knowledge for some of you who don't know when there's a particular land like france for example that the current domain and territory of france was not the same when you even go back 1 000 years ago imagine you go back 4 000 years see that so ethiopia it is very possible it was much larger that time now if you follow that pattern where ethiopia is from your map if you look at it and then just keep going up up up toward where uh eden is supposed to be it would make sense that the they migrated and then they just went down further further further further and then the land itself ethiopia would move from here down to here or it would just decrease like this that is common knowledge of world history that is a must in genetics and that is a must in history no doubt no doubt but let's look at genesis chapter 10 we got to remember where ethiopia comes from okay look at genesis chapter 10 in verse 6 and 7 verse 6 and 7 and the sons of ham cush and miseriem and foot and canaan and the sons of cush now notice cush is mentioned do you remember what i taught to you from the world history class about khushites and i interchangeably use them with which region ethiopia do you recall that and this is during the aeds like late bcs and early ads remember that remember the kushites uh i pointed out some very interesting stuff that there's no doubt they carried with them nimrod's religion and civilization because if you keep reading in that passage cush son was nimrod and the structures of the kushites is very similar to the pyramid structures of egypt and remember egypt comes from ham's lineage too so during that time the cushites it's common knowledge they were migrating so during their migration and if you look up the word kush and research it it's a lot of people that time they would interchangeably use ethiopia interchangeably with kosh back then so they saw that as an interchangeable thing they realized the ethiopian kingdom came from cush okay then brother randall outside is probably saying wow you know you just can't hear him okay let's go to genesis chapter two genesis chapter two genesis chapter 2. now uh let's continue the interesting parts we didn't look at ezekiel did we all right so here's another theory ready for this one all right we're having so much fun today we see four rivers and i explained every word right so we covered from verse 10 through 14 every word now let's dig deeper into certain parts so let's go to paisan shall we the uh the whole land of havilah where there is gold and the gold of that land is good now let's look at some interesting pointers here havola it means anguish anguish so let's assume havela so this is just uh artistic depiction obviously this is not 100 accurate let's just put it here shall we where pyson surrounds it pretty much if this is havola it says that it had a lot of gold in that land and the gold of that land is good but if we were to uh look up gold it's very very interesting how some people will connect it to a reddish color right sometimes they would attribute it to a reddish color why is that well it's also interesting if your hands had ezekiel 31 go to first peter chapter 1 first peter chapter 1. what did the bible say about suffering right concerning about suffering the bible says you come out as fine gold so so havilah means what affliction right so with this reddish color so to speak of affliction suffering kind of like red blood a little bit the gold of that land the bible says is very very good so i just find that interesting all right let's look at first peter chapter one first peter chapter one [Music] notice what the bible says about christian suffering that's why if you want gold at the judgment seat of christ after you die and you want to earn that for the lord then it comes out through suffering a lot of times we don't like to go through suffering your pastor here definitely doesn't like to go through suffering a lot of times he prefers running away however the suffering is there for your betterment and not just mentally and even physically but more so spiritually where you get the reward you also get the reward for it it comes out as gold verse 7 that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of jesus christ now going to ezekiel 31 yeah before we go to ezekiel 31 just keep it there all right that let me continue this context of gold we're gonna go to first corinthians chapter 15 first corinthians chapter 15. first corinthians chapter 15. now think about it is if this comes from a golden terrain here this is toward the eudenic location right think about this adam when he was created he was created the bible says with the image of god right now the image of god we know it to be in this manner the image of god is something that is holy it is pure it is undefiled it is not a corrupt man's state and it's not like a corrupt man's state so if that's talking about the image of god and remember adam in his nature he was created in the image of god but today what you've got to understand is because of his fall because he fell in his sin he doesn't have the same operation and system that he got when he used to be in eden okay in other words his previous bodily state we can all agree i'm sure even everyone can agree with it was definitely different from his fallen state we can all agree with that right the bible says that he was created in the image of god okay now we know that god's image is definitely different from man's fallen image okay all right so god put his image let's put image of god and this is supposed to be like a glowing heavenly figure so to speak alright and we're gonna see that soon it's like a glowing heavenly figure mankind in their fallen nature lost this image because of sin so you might go wait a minute that's totally different from what i've learned yeah exactly so you got to realize that you are not in the image of god right now you're in the image of man which is adam and you've taken his image that is fallen so i'm going to give you some i'm going to show you a passage on that but we're going to expound it further once we hit genesis 5 okay point is is that when we took adam's fallen nature not adam's nature before the fall remember adam's nature before the fall is image of god okay but he transitioned to a fallen nature and everyone took his fallen image okay now let's look at the passage here there's proof that we don't have the image of god we took the image of adam instead in his fallen nature the image of man not the image of god notice the bible puts a distinction at first corinthians chapter 15. notice that the bible says that verse 47 the first man is of the earth earthy and the second man is the lord from heaven verse 49 and as we have borne the image of the earthy right from adam we shall also bear the image of the what heavenly and that's a contrast with who verse 47 the lord okay let me repeat it again in case you were lost first man is of the earth adam and that's the image at verse 49 earthy we have his image right of that one from the earth adam okay well if adam was created by god's image then we should carry that too right no god actually puts a distinguishing here the verse 47 the second part the second man is the lord from heaven jesus the second man all right that's contrast to the earthy image look at verse 49 not the image of the earth thee we shall also bear the image of the what heavenly that's jesus see that so that shows here that god puts two different images here but i thought adam received the image of god yeah he did but the simple answer is is that he fell and that's very apparent when we look at verse 47 where it says we all take adam's current image so in other words his his what image his fallen image obviously not his image before the fall not the heavenly image that he received from god right okay understanding that that adam received an image of god that is like heavenly then notice the glow here go backwards at first corinthians 15. if we're gonna have the image of the heavenly notice what the bible says about the image of the heavenly is going to look like that's good let's go backwards at first corinthians 15. the bible says at verse 42 so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption what what is this resurrected body we're going to have now remember the context this time about the heavenly image right the body we're going to have so following that context if it's a heavenly body what's it likened to verse 41 there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star different from another star in glory so also is the resurrection of the dead so notice that it has a heavenly image it has a glow okay so then adam's image before the fall if he had the image of god had a glow that's the idea okay now let's go backwards that's the point of this reddish color if he came from a land of gold that's the idea so in other words he had like a golden image and that's something that hollywood stars love to have in their rewards their award ceremony of a golden person and they psych out just for having it but they can't become one that's the closest you can get to hollywood fame power and money is just holding one but you and i are gonna become one that's something else so it is a golden image because remember man is created from the dust of the ground and the bible says that the land of havela in that land itself there is much gold and if you where do you find gold you go down to the ground but comparing that with the book of psalms go to the book of psalms now go to the book of psalms we're going to look at psalms 139 psalms 139 a lot of people they try to dig deeper and deeper into the earth to find the gold and the bible says that we do come from low parts of the earth that's how we were created how about that so we come from rich minerals or gold stuff valuable sources from the ground that's important to understand go to psalms chapter 139 psalms chapter 139 and then notice what the bible says here at verse 14 we're going to look at verse 14 i will praise thee for i am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well so it's talking about mankind's creation i'm born fearfully wonderfully but it's not talking about from the womb of the mother it's talking about the womb of the earth that's why some people talk to talk about mother earth that's saying the idea is we come from her originally now let's go over here now obviously i know i'm familiar there's a new age reference to that one that's why we christians don't use mother earth that phrase because a lot of people use that as a part of like so because the earth is our mother you know she's a part of this spirit realm and stuff like that no christians don't think like that we just simply think that the earth is our mother in the sense that the resources and minerals from the earth the lord is the one who created us from that that's how we take it as okay but going over here notice that it's talking about our birth but the womb is from the earth verse 15 my substance was not hid from thee when i was made in secret and curiously it's indicating here that our creation is something very secret and very spectacular beyond what we think there's something special about this location where a special part at the last part of verse 15 wrought in the lowest parts of the earth if you go down and dig deeper into the ground you're going to find some secrets there and something spectacular and wonderful which people have been attempting to find for thousands of years gold gold gold gold and some kind of rich minerals and that's where adam was created originally and that's the reason why if you look at some television shows they display the gods as a golden glowish around them where they get that idea from people just don't talk like that it just don't come out of nowhere it comes from something i took mythology classes they say that stories just don't come out of that like out of thin air it comes from a real legitimate source somewhere and then within one generation they carry it to their own fantasy see that so they carry it to their own fantasy and then throughout their own stories after that but it ha but the uh fantastical ideas just don't come out of nowhere it comes from something they heard before or saw before something that's legit so that's how the study of mythology works that's basic mythology 101. now going back uh to genesis 2 11 so we come from a golden place but remember that adam the bible says at verse 15 all right the next part and the lord god okay so that's god almighty himself took the man he took adam and put him into the garden of eden he put him into the garden of eden see that so he took him from this goldish land somewhere in substance and then moved him and put him into the garden of eden see that now let's keep carrying on here so all of this is beautiful gold so carrying on the idea about gold in this particular region huh edom eden and its loca surrounding locations let's suppose that it was consisting and surrounded by gold then something could make sense here notice that some of the elements here at verse 12 it mentions about gold and it talks about the onyx stone okay go to ezekiel 28. ezekiel 28 who's been in eden before adam that's lucifer that's satan but notice the wording here that when he was in eden in the mountain of god which is where we get our theory that eden can be a mountain if that whole context is about him being in eden notice what's in the context of eden notice what's in the context of eden at ezekiel 28 verse 13. uh well context is verse 14 we know that satan thou art the anointed cherub that covereth he's speaking to lucifer verse 13 thou hast been in eden the garden of god look what follows along that context every precious stone was thy covering look at this some of the elements mentioned here will match genesis too the sardius topaz and the diamond the barrel the what onyx look at that matching with genesis 2. and the jasper jasper the sapphire and the emerald and the carbuncle and what gold look at that gold originally it comes from gold in eden and it was who's covering it was lucifer's it says he was covered with that how about that so notice that lucifer here that he was covered with gold that's interesting then this can give credence here to what we mentioned earlier that adam was covered with gold and that can also make way more sense why mankind has a similarity with angelic beings right if you're a saved child of god you're called son of god and then if you're angelic being they call them sons of god see that the similar wording here jesus also mentioned we'll be like the angels of heaven when we go up to heaven right so there's a similarity here why mankind has replaced these superior beings and these superior beings hate that it makes way more sense lucifer there's so much jealousy and hurt there because he was close with god he was the anointed chair of that covert that was right next to god at the throne and god forsook that guy rejected him and loved and accepted this one there's so much hate and anger there why because if you're not careful that's what pride can do to you if you're not careful you know that happens in churches because of pride that mentality that i'm right and you're wrong and that happens in broken up marriages too because of that then what happens the enemy level increases against each other and then other people involved also we get them involved and then it turns into a damaging situation where just like the devil what happens it becomes an enemy territory where people involved in it that you want to hurt and not only that the person who committed the pride level is also hurt too that's a tragic thing about sin one thing you cannot underestimate is the power and the hurt and the damage of sin when god takes sin seriously that means mankind should take sin just as seriously too because a lot of times things that we think aren't that much of a big deal it actually turns out to be something hurtful in the end see that so that's why you got to watch out for that i mean a great example is to look at lucifer can you imagine how much anger and hurt he feels just imagine that he hates you man he really hates you so because of that where mankind replaced satan there's so much jealousy now and anger he's the king over all the children of pride murderer from the beginning lust of the father he will do so mankind has replaced lucifer and the sons of god so then because of that he is so angry with adam taking as a matter of fact that from eden now here's something another theory now this becomes even more interesting okay here we go in verse 13 it says he's been in eden but it said every precious stone that's in eden if we assume is his covering do you understand that it's his covering meaning that somehow in some way which i don't know how it works i have an interesting belief and i could be wrong but i have an interesting belief that in time science will find somehow how the land relates to the person somehow in some way that can be synced one day i believe that somehow some way they'll figure that out but as i study the bible it is so intensely interesting that celestial heavenly beings and sometimes god himself where they would take an object but then it would be connected to their presence or to the identity of the person at times which becomes very very interesting it becomes very very interesting so the idea is this is that eden becomes a part of lucifer then that's what it seems to show if that's the case that eden was a part of lucifer then think about this could we also say about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil go to ezekiel 31. ezekiel 31 notice what the bible says here and identifies with a person look at verse eight verse eight notice the wording in ezekiel 31 matches the wording of the similar person at ezekiel 28 that we just read about lucifer did you hear what i just said so remember uh look at the wording of ezekiel 31 and how it's similar to the same description of the person at ezekiel 28 lucifer all right look at this verse 8 the cedars in the what garden of god just like ezekiel 28 could not hide him the fir trees were not like his boughs describing him as a tree it's a person it's a person but describing him as a tree and the chestnut trees were not like his branches look at this nor any tree in the garden of god was like unto him in his beauty isn't that interesting verse 9 i have made him fair by the multitude of his branches so that all the trees of eden that were in the garden of god envied him isn't that interesting how about that so that's talking about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil here so out of all the garden of god the tree of knowledge of good and evil and this is attributed with the same language of satan at ezekiel 28. well uh tree of knowledge of there are two of good and evil okay now we see then that the tree is connected to satan too which is why we're gonna find out a little bit later at genesis chapter three that when eve partook in the fruit from satan there was a little bit of sexual language that the lord used at genesis 3 and then second corinthians chapter 11 and first timothy chapter 2 if i recall but we're going to come to that later when we come to genesis 3 which is where we come across my most viral video which is over 4 million views now which is surprising but the famous video that you've heard about satan has a son and the idea is is that now remember i say all this as a theory all right i'm getting sick and tired of people you know accusing me pastor kim thinks that this is a fact and stuff like that no i'm giving as a theory and number two i believe that when it comes to abstract stuff which is what i agree with this is definitely abstract that we have to dig deep so that we can find more clarity in the scriptures and then it's onward to a point where we can find a more fuller conclusion that perhaps somebody out there could find something better than i can alright so that's the job of scripture is to search and investigate and study that's a command so i'm doing because that's a command from god so if you accuse me for following god's command then i'm sorry i can't disobey god by pleasing you all right now returning to the point at hand if you the theory is is that then if eve she did something sexual with satan and me i don't believe it's a literal body to body thing like we would consider physical sex today but it's some sort of physical sex at some sort of supernatural strange level that's abstract that i don't know the abstract is what it's somehow connected to him but i don't know how but i have a feeling that one day science might discover that later on and if not science the lord will show later on which is going to be intensely interesting all right but the point is is that somehow it's connected together and that would make sense why we are the children of satan see that because we carry off his offspring his seed from that transaction that he did with eve see that that's the idea so that's the interesting thought there now going back to genesis uh chapter two genesis chapter two all right that was a lot of theory right all right that's a lot of theory so these are very interesting stuff to figure out where it can start to make more sense now as we understand why satan really hates us he gives us a a better idea about how satan felt and what his kingdom was like before adam and it gives us a better idea what genesis 2 meant in their words and we believe every word in the bible and taking it as literally as possible that's a that's a number one rule of interpretation literal interpretation becomes impossible when it comes to context itself scriptural context itself and that's when we'll take it metaphorically but if it doesn't do that then you have to take it as literal as possible now uh when we go to genesis chapter 2 and verse 15 now verse 15 so here we go let's go back to a little bit of normalcy here let's go back to normal the lord god took the man so he took adam and put him into the garden of eden so we know he moved him to the gardens location to address it and to keep it so notice that adam took care of the garden he was maintaining the garden and he was dressing it and keeping it that was his job and the lord god commanded the man saying so god gave adam the man a command what's his command he told him of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat now notice here that god says every tree that he can find in the garden he can eat freely so he can eat freely to what he desires but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil see that so it's only this tree here the tree of knowledge of good and evil that's the exception thou shalt not eat of it so god says you cannot you are not supposed to eat it for in the day that thou eat is thereof at that exact day when you eat it what's going to happen thou shalt surely die god says guarantee you will die surely that's what he meant and then that's where your liberal professors say well you'll notice that we didn't die and then the stupid berkeley students say laugh and i'm the only one that's not laughing if i did laugh i'm laughing at them so the thing is is these guys are stupid they don't know what they mean by death go to ephesians it's common sense even children will know this at sunday school except your phd professor who wasted 20 years of his life studying research methods and statistics and his major paying tens of thousands of dollars and kids in sunday school class for free no more than the professor at this part ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 ephesians chapter 2 verse 1. and you have thee quickened right that means make alive why were you made alive who were dead in what trespasses and sin see you're dead in your sins that's spiritually see that notice that if you read verse 2 and verse 3 that's not physical that's not bodily it's spiritual see that spiritual so spiritually uh you will die if you eat this this is attributed as death spiritually and god guaranteed it you will die they say no their eyes were open they uh when they eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it was actually good for them they start to know what's right and what's wrong oh well that's stupidity right there the thing is is they might know a little bit more about sin but as you might know concerning about their previous state they were innocent kind of like children sure you want your kids to know what's evil out there and you'll warn them but you're not going to talk to them about sexual dark stuff to avoid when they're three or five you want to keep them pure as possible right that's the idea and that's what god wanted he wanted to keep them as pure as possible not to be familiar about it so that their minds don't get corrupted and tainted you might say why because even though you warn them about the garbage out there guess what in the mind what does it get what does it get children to do if you know what children are curious and the nature of you yeah i'm talking to you your nature is when somebody says no or tells you to do something the nature wants to rebel and wants to do it that is you that's your problem all right going back genesis chapter two genesis chapter two so we see here that god guarantees they will die he promised it and mankind they noticed that they put doubt in what god said he said surely die and mankind says in the liberal schools system that no you won't die god lied to you when god warns you about something don't you the number one thing that's going to get you into trouble that got adam and eve into trouble is downing god's statement with something intellectual that's what satan did genesis 3 he questioned god's command he used a little bit of intellectual knowledge that professors for some weird reason agree with how about that these guys are supposed to be brilliant guys but they're so stupid that they said what satan said made sense that's what they basically said okay okay but the point is is that see it's that intellectual stuff that attracts the professor the educated world something satanic and dark they love satanism see that yeah i said that see so these professors they love satanism see that they love something satanic why it's intellectual it makes sense to them and it pleases their flesh and most of all it gives a no to god because god seems to be cruel and he wants to prevent us to grow in knowledge like satan said so that's the idea is that that is the nature uh that you want to know what i want i'm not going to preach 10 minutes about this but that passage what's so important about that passage is when god gives you a warning and he puts shirley on it you better fear the lord you better believe it and don't let some hebrew and greek scholar try to put hebrew and greek words and tell you well what the bible really says is and they take away the literal actual commandment that god told you to do if adam i mean that is the problem if this kind of command we did it to what professors do today secular professors and even christian professors correcting the bible with hebrew and greek then we would break and violate every command of god and violate every doctrine of god wait a minute oopsy daisies you done it william laden craig you've done it james white you've done it dan wallace oh excuse me you've done it ankerberg thousands of greek scholars who love jesus and love god but they correct the book that you hold in your hand saying the meaning is this the meaning is that and when you do that you take away god's command don't you dare do that and i'm gonna preach that a little bit more when we come to genesis 3. you're going to plainly see that that's what eve did that's the first step to disobedience direct violation to god is correcting and doubting and using intellectual means around god's commandment and that's what you bible believers still do you rationalize it you intellect you use intellectual means to rationalize well this is why i can't go to church this is why i can't read my bible i know god you said this and i know the preaching said this but they don't really understand what i'm going through watch out all right now i can preach 10 minutes on there right but i can go all right going back to genesis 2 verse 16. all right now this is a possible whole to the theory that you've heard that i mentioned about the two trees and the identicary one possible hold to this is that remember i mentioned that the tree of life that it was immature at that time so because it was immature then they couldn't partake in the fruit yet but if you look at that verse that i pointed out they could eat every tree see that so every fruit and that's found in every tree just not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so that's a possible hold to the theory all right so it is important again like i told you when you come to really deep doctrine in abstract territories and especially if other bible-believing preachers and teachers that already developed years of credibility from an approval from other uh critical thinking bible believers if that already happened and they never taught that but you're the first one that does it you have to be very careful to not teach it as fact all right i would quite often say my opinion or theoretically all right and as much as i try hard to find something new i also do the fair share of trying to find hard the criticizing of what i find to be true do you understand that all right bible believers have that problem and you don't want to mess up like that okay and that's why then you're going to lose you're going to divide the body of christ even more and that cannot be done all right and people are going to look at you as a rebel and you don't want to give that impression even though in your heart you're not abstain from all appearance of evil right and that's what i try to do okay all right uh so uh we close it here we'll come to the next part of genesis next time all right you women your turn all right all right next part in genesis you want to hear this one all right god my father i pray that today's teachings were a blessing to the hearers opened our eyes more further to the scripture and the gems of your word in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
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Keywords: genesis bible study, genesis bible study verse by verse, genesis chapter 1, genesis chapter 2, genesis chapter 2, genesis chapter 2 bible study, genesis 2, genesis 2 ark, garden of eden, book of genesis, genesis bible study kjv, book of genesis kjv, book of genesis niv, book of genesis esv, book of genesis nlt, perry stone bible study, perry stone bible review, perry stone bible commentary, perry stone numbers in the bible
Id: SQ_PRm1HuA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 15sec (3615 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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