Who's the Antichrist's Bloodline? YOU!!! Prince Harry & Markle's Royal Wedding - Dr. Gene Kim

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this is by Erika Gonzalez the title of the article is Meghan Markel and Prince Harry are technically 17th cousins 30th of November 2017 so Meghan Markel actually has royal blood in her now in the Bible what we're gonna find out in Genesis chapter 3 is that Satan he has his own seed actually now this is like a literal physical seed so Satan clearly he has a physical seed the only thing is we don't know who they are or what they are but there's no doubt there is a physical seed that Satan has now in the Bible what you're gonna find out is that we see it clearly back at Genesis so in the days of Genesis up till Noah's Flood it was very clear at Genesis chapter 6 that Satan had his own physical seed running around because the sons of God intermingled with the daughters of men so that's why the Bible says Noah's Flood had to wipe out all flesh see so Satan's physical seed it was wiped out however what you're going to find out later on in the Bible throughout the rest of the Old Testament we see them mentioned again for example you see in the Book of Numbers when they conquered the promised land there are these Giants you see in the book of Samuel when David and his sons were conquering the world you see the Giants mentioned again so the thing is is that even though this was definitely there the physical seed was definitely there at Genesis Norse flood wiped them out but then there were like little remnants going around throughout the Old Testament so because they were interbreeding with the people after Noah's Flood there was no record that they were wiped out again or God wiped them out all we know is that there were remnants here and there so it's very logical to say that this carried on throughout the New Testament because it these people gave off Springs and they gave off Springs then the jeans carried on now the thing is this we do know that the tribulation it definitely has to happen why do you say that pastor because we're gonna look at Daniel 2 as well so we're gonna find out in Daniel chapter 2 that the physical seat Satan's physical seed it mingles with humans it has to happen during the tribulation so think about it if if these two you are definite things see that if these two are definite things that has to happen and we see little bit of remnants in between here it would be logical to say that today in the New Testament there can be little remnants now I'm not saying that there are but it is very possible it is very possible there's at verse at Hebrews that we have to treat our guests well why because we don't know if we might entertain angels unawares so it's very possible we can see little remnants here and there but I do know that definitely here definitely here it happen and there were remnants recorded throughout the Old Testament so it is logical to say that there are some remnants that were scattered throughout here now the thing is this is at that bloodline that Satan has he has to maintain this bloodline because this bloodline has to tackled with the bloodline of the Messiah Genesis 3 recorded that so we're going to look at right here then we'll continue on with this royal wedding what I'm gonna get at look at Genesis chapter 3 and we will read verse 15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman so God is speaking to the serpent Satan you and woman so there are two different seeds that's contrasted here his seed versus Eve seed we'll continue reading on right here Bateen D and the woman between thy seed and her seed so Satan seed and Eve seed it shall bruise thy head so Eve seeds going to bruise the seed of Satan and thou shalt bruise his heel but Satan can only bruise the heel of Eve seed now think about this we know who the seed from Eve is right it's Jesus Christ correct now is that a literal physical seed absolutely it's a literal physical seed so following that context of that verse Genesis 3 you can't just automatically make Satan's seed spiritual eyes contrasted with Eve's seed as physicalized you can't do that it makes more sense by context his seed versus her seed if her seed is physical his seed is physical as well that just makes sense through the flow of context but not only that it makes perfect sense that if there's a royal bloodline that Jesus came out from Eve why do you think Satan will not do that with his copycat and he has to copycat Jesus Christ the Antichrist so the Antichrist will have to has his own royal bloodline as well that sounds very logical now the thing is is that there are some people who suspect Prince Harry and Megan Markel that they're somehow connected with the bloodline of the Illuminati stuff like that I don't know how much of that is true but I do know this is that it's very possible and I do know this is that not everything in our world is as innocent and free as you think there's undoubtedly there's clearly no doubt certain controlling controlling elites out there that one is an undoubtable fact we just don't know clearly what the specific individuals are but to maintain the royal bloodline we see that it wouldn't be a coincidence then that Megan Markel who's marrying the royal bloodline of Prince Harry that she's related to him somehow and she has royal bloodline as well originally we wouldn't think that way but it turned out to be harry may not be marrying a commoner after all research finds that megan markle's actually has royal blood in her the actress is a direct descendant of England's King Edward the third who ruled from 1327 until 1377 according to genealogist Gary Boyd Roberts that technically makes her and Harry 17th cousins with this newfound genealogical connection Marco's other royal very distant cousins include Her Majesty the Queen and Princess Diana the organization states she's also distantly related to US presidents like george w bush george h a w bush Gerald Ford Richard Nixon and Calvin Coolidge now some of you who have studied some of the conspiracy realms you've heard about the bushes connected with the Skull and Bones so this is pretty interesting that her bloodlines connected to there's continuing reading speculation on Marcos royal heritage isn't new earlier research on her lineage appear to show that one of Harry's ancestors King King Henry the eighth beheaded one of her ancestors Lord Hussey first Baron Hussey of Sleaford in the 1500s luckily relations between their families have improved since then now the thing is this is that the Antichrist he had it would sound logical that he would come from royal bloodline could it be Megan Marco Prince Harry I don't know but it is possible because if he copycats Jesus Christ Jesus Christ who did he come out of he came out of royal bloodline as well but not only that if we are to say that the Antichrist see he is known as what son of perdition that's why the Antichrist The Satanic Trinity they use that to show the the Godhead Trinity with the Satanic Trinity and the Antichrist he is represented in the Satanic Trinity as God the Son see so connected as of Satan now the thing is this is that if the Antichrist comes from such royal bloodline and then his bloodline is physical not only that Satan's physical seed has to come out here and the Bible did say that Daniel 2 that Satan's physical see that the tribulation it is mingling with humans go to Daniel to Daniel chapter 2 so it sounds logical and it would make sense at the Antichrist somehow dude today's current events he's gonna come out from somebody's bloodline today whose royalty and that's somehow connected to Satan's genes Satan's DNA so you can call that reptilian blood etc or whatever or the bloodline of the Illuminati from 13 families or I forgot how many families but look at Daniel chapter 2 and notice right here concerning the end times we're gonna go backwards verse 44 and in the days of these kings whoever these kings are these kings perhaps could be the Illuminati 13 bloodlines I don't know but anyway these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever okay so in Daniel 2:44 we see that this is God's kingdom on earth so the Millennial Kingdom Daniel 2:44 so there's no doubt God's kingdom conquers what this previous kingdom of the devil okay what is this devil's kingdom described as that of these kings let's go backwards to 44s millennium let's go backwards what happened here 43 no actually let's start at verse 41 through 43 and whereas thou sawest the feet and toes part of potters clay and part of iron so there's a climbing lling with this iron here the kingdom shall be divided okay it's referring to this kingdom right here but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron for as much as our sauce the iron mixed with miry clay so this kingdom it has the element of the ayran whoever the ayran is but this iron is what mingled with clay whoever clay is we're gonna find out who the iron is and who the clay is let's keep reading verse forty toe and as the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay see there's a mingling so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken why and whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay they so that's the ayran whoever they are shall mingle themselves with who the seed of men there's your clay well see we see right here that the clay is referring to seed of men well there's your humans right here so we can't say that this iron here is referring to humans because the humans has already taken here who is this iron then it's other beings well what other beings in all you have to do is compare with Genesis 6 right Genesis 6 shows that these other beings mingled themselves with the humans and then God had to drown them all out that's why these strange bloodlines came out these giants these mighty men of old men of renown in Genesis 6 so this has to happen right here we see that it there has to be a mingling so it makes logical sense the Antichrist would come from some sort of bloodline through here it would sound logical now again I want to stress again I don't know if we see if we see this today if we see this today this mingling of blood or these remnants going on but I do know this it has to happen here at the tribulation and there were scattered remnants right here at this time period and it definitely happened in Genesis so what would make this the exception then see would it be logical that if it's crushed in these two timelines that there probably were remnants scattered about so this is a possibility it's a possibility and it also sounds logical too because the Antichrist he has to copycat Jesus Christ through some kind of bloodline he comes from royalty but you notice that this royal bloodline it's royal blood see mega Marco's royal blood the Antichrist he's going to have to come out of royal blood that one I do believe he's going to have to come out of some kind of royal pure blood because Jesus Christ did that that one I can believe the antichrist has to come from some kind of royal bloodline that way he can have connections with all political high powers and kingdoms and not only that it imitates Jesus Christ who came from Kings himself but what's really interesting is this is that if we believe that such bloodline was scattered across you give it enough time then how do we not know that us today that are contaminated with some of the blood right because you saw Megan markle's bloodline you know 17 cousin from Prince Harry etc if all of you look back at your genealogy you're gonna find something connected somewhere there in fact some people are scared to look at their bloodline because they are afraid to be connected to some of these elites or strange bloodlines here that's why look at Matthew 23 this is interesting look at Matthew 23 what are you getting at pastor what I'm getting at is this is that it's if I believe this I believe that if there were these remnants based on if that these remnants were scattered throughout the Old Testament it makes sense that they've contaminated the rest of us today humans today because they have to give birth they spread out okay is that a problem right here well it makes sense Satan's known as serpent right a snake now you know what you and I are known as when we're lost without Christ in salvation when we go to hell look at Matthew 23 and verse 33 ye what serpents eat generation see that a bloodline of what vipers how can he escape the damnation of hell now let me show you a more wild one look at mark 9 mark 9 mark chapter 9 here's the thing is that when you go to hell your true nature is revealed didn't you know that when you go to hell your true nature is revealed on what you are we're going to look at mark chapter 9 notice what the Bible says about people who burn in hell we're gonna look at mark chapter 9 and verse 43 and if thy hand offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched people who go to hell are known as what in verse 44 where there are what worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched how about that see that that's why it makes sense we are known as children of the devil throughout the Bible back then we were known as the children of the devil so yes spiritually there's no doubt spiritually we became children of Satan we were lost in sin we were serpents we were worms but it could be more physical than you could have thought it could be more physical than you could have thought well then what's the solution what's secure it's that other blood that replaces that blood it's the blood of Jesus Christ that blood of Jesus Christ is what you and I were born again by and because you and I are born-again by the blood of Jesus Christ we've become a part of his bloodline but it also makes a lot of sense and it's interesting why our bodies after we die God can't take our bodies up to heaven see if we were contaminated by this bloodline God cannot take the body to heaven what he has to do is that through that blood of Jesus Christ when the rapture sounds so the rapture is before the tribulation that way you don't have to worry about joining this bloodline of the Antichrist when the rapture occurs before the tribulation what does God do with our body he transforms it he transforms our corruptible body to be fashioned like his glow his body but what happens to people who don't get raptured to heaven or who are not saved what happens to their bodies their bodies become what worms their father the devil where their worm dieth not the fires not quenched he serpents II generations of vipers how can he escape the damnation of Hell that's why if I were you today I'd get saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ so that he can transform your life and boy he sure did look at first Corinthians Kalash excuse me look at Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 he transformed you you got understand because of his blood we're going to look at Colossians chapter 1 and verse 13 so this verse show said there's a transformation by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ so we don't have to worry about our nature after we die body and soul see physically and spiritually the Lord takes care of it Colossians 1 verse 13 who had delivered us from the power of darkness and hath what translated us into the kingdom of his dear son so he transformed us but it's done through what means verse 14 in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins see that it's all done through the blood so you got to realize this is that all of us spiritually without Jesus Christ's blood are the spiritual seed of Satan but possibly possibly it could be more literal than you think if these giants based on the condition if these giants remnants scattered and a lot of people I mean you got to realize when you look back at history we're all related somehow I mean you got to realize this we all came from a common ancestor anyway right Adam and Eve and then well after Noah's Flood Noah and his three sons right so all of us are somehow connected anyways so based on this condition it's possible that we may have carried some sort of physical gene from Satan's physical line Satan's physical scene but I and the Antichrist he does have to come from royal bloodline royal bloodline and he's coming in as the son of perdition and this literal physical mingling has to happen at the tribulation bottom line is for you the bottom line for you is that you don't have to go through this mess you can get raptured up when you receive the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation and that's all you need to know and you don't have to do research and worry about which kind of bloodline unconnected with some kind of weird Illuminati elite or reptilian or bla bla bla bla some people waste so much time on that rather than checking their own record that they're saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and now that you're saved by the blood what are you gonna do with it you should spend more time with that rather than your dark side who wants to spend more time on their dark side why don't you spend more time on the right side where Jesus Christ saved you from and concentrate on growing on that one you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 331,517
Rating: 4.7492628 out of 5
Keywords: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Royal Wedding, antichrist, serpent seed, Genesis, sons of God, nephilim, tribulation, Revelation, Daniel, new world order, illuminati, Gene Kim
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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