Who Is The False Prophet Of Revelation 13? | Dr. Gene Kim

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there's a character that i always want to talk about that was i was always interested to know who is the false prophet there are so many videos about this guy's the antichrist that guy's the antichrist but then i never heard anything about the false prophet so always intrigue me and i always want to know there's not a lot of people talking about that so i thought that i would be one of the first people who could talk about the false prophet now there are a few bible believers that i know of who could who talk about the false prophet and it's some interesting things uh and i thought that i give my two cents about that one now common teaching is that a lot of people uh are wondering and they believe that the false prophet that he is the pope which is a very strong candidate i can see that because they need a religious leader a religious leader for people to look up to during the time of the crisis and the new world order system however i believe differently i do not think that it's a pope i really believe that the pope will be the antichrist instead now i know that uh what a lot of people are going to say that well the antichrist is more of a political secular figure rather than a religious figure and the pope is most looked up to in the world well that's a good point however if you look at revelation chapter 13 and i've given that commentary in revelation 13 but i'm not going to go too much into that right now uh because i'm going to basically give an expose on who the false prophet is so i'm not going to do a little bit of a defense on why the pope is the antichrist because that's not the subject today what i'm going to point out however is that if you look at revelation 13 both the false prophet and antichrist they both have religious and secular power there is absolutely no doubt about that from what i view it and the way i see it i see it as both i see it as both having uh religious as well as secular power so then what is the false prophet who is he so then just using a little bit of common sense you just compare scripture with scripture right isn't that the common sense method so then you go by scripture with scripture and then you can find out the identity of this false prophet and all you have to do then is with scripture with scripture look up the word false prophet that's the point you gotta look up the word false prophet so go to first we're gonna look at uh two chapters they are going to be second peter chapter two second peter chapter two as well as revelation chapter thirteen now what you want to know is this if you wanna find out the identity of the false prophet this is what i believe i believe that to find the identity of the false prophet is going to be found in these two chapters mainly they're going to be second peter chapter 2 as well as revelation 13. you might say why is that pastor because uh first of all revelation 13 talks about the activity of the anti-cr of the false prophet and more than any other uh book that you can or chapter you can find and then second peter chapter two why we know we can attribute this to the false prophet is because the book of second peter is a tribulation epistle that is so important that's why we are bible believing dispensationalists if you believe general epistles have application to the tribulation and not just the christian church but tribulation then this will be eye-opening for you but there are people who deny the general epistles to apply to the tribulation and that's why they're going to miss a lot of gold mine and doctrine how do we know that the book of peter is about tribulation simple look at second peter chapter three look at verse 3 knowing this verse that there shall come in the what last day scoffers so notice that peter is talking about tribulation end times but look at chapter two verse one look at the language here chapter two verse one but there were false prophets also among the people even look at this as there shall be false teachers among you so it's like a future tense so notice false prophet is mentioned as second peter chapter two but it's a plural form there's gonna be plural false prophets why because look at the book of mark keep your hand at second peter though go to mark chapter 13. we're gonna go to mark chapter 13. now notice what the bible says what's going to happen in the tribulation at verse 22 mark chapter 13 verse 22 notice that it's a plural form of false prophets even though we think one antichrist one false prophet the bible says there is a plural form there is a plural form look at mark chapter 13 verse 22 for false christ see the antichrist and false what prophets shall rise notice the context of verse 14 that's the tribulation is it not verse 14 so notice here that if we go back to second peter chapter two we can see that this can apply to the tribulation applying this timeline to the tribulation then let's take uh some several things into account about the tribulation about what the timeline is like with the false prophet what kind of man he is the first thing you want to know about the false prophet that i notice about him is that he is definitely now i'm going to lose a lot of followers on this one once they got egged into this and they're like oh i want to know this teaching they're going to now cut me off after this one is that he is like a typical famous pastor today that is very important a good example and i always mention this and people hate me for saying this but i'm going to say it again one of the greatest examples who was close to this was billy graham yeah billy graham why because think about it think of a pastor who was had ties with all kinds of secular leaders and governments billy graham is the man he was there he was at the invitations of the president's being inaugurated uh during his funeral several all several presidents were there including the ones where we tied to the globalists and skull and bones and etc so billy graham was definitely the man who had such power and he was a great speaker all the liberal news media talked about billy graham being a great pastor and etc why because he can speak well look at what the bible says in verse 3 and through covetousness shall they with vain words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumberth not so notice that they can talk really well so he is a tip he's all he's a false prophet so if he's a false prophet then he has to be a typical pastor also look at verse [Music] 18 for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they alert through the lusts of the flesh through much wantedness those that were clean escape from them who live in error so notice here that he has to be a a great pastor uh he can speak very well and by the way i really believe this is that he's going to have to be a famous i'm going to put quote-unquote christian pastor you might say wow you carry it that far yes because look at second peter chapter two uh chapter two notice that at verse 20 that they used to be in the christian fold they're part of the christian group but they're not really saved verse 20 for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ see they have knowledge of christianity they are again entangled therein and overcome the lateran is worse with them than the beginning but look at verse 21 that's scary for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness then after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them so he's gonna come from the christian group whatever this quote christian group is but it's down so far that it's going to include he's very charismatic and i don't mean just charisma those charismatic groups religions they're very charismatic people too you might say oh you're going really too far i unsubscribe well then you can miss out the blessing that you're going to hear from the word of god and perhaps some warning because this is a good warning sign to you so go to the book of revelation chapter 13 and mark 13. look what the false prophet does he does miracles verse 13 and he do with great wonder so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast notice that he's able to work miracles go to mark 13 mark chapter 13. think of a christian group that believes in doing miracles charismatics and do they have ties to political leaders and governments and powers too great example is benny hinn they say that benny han after billy graham benny hinn's the one who draws in the crowds there's a saying about that so see that type of man is very very powerful through these healings benny hinn he recently uh now a couple years ago he renounced the prosperity gospel because of his corruption because of his corruption now maybe his repentance is genuine sincere i don't know that's between him and god but the point is is that his reputation and his ministry shows up shows that if there's a guy like him who can have secular ties and such powerful ties just like billy graham did then you just combine that with a little bit of charismatic miracles it's very possible you can get that later in the future mark chapter 13. notice what the bible says at verse 22 for false christs and false prophets shall rise and shall show what signs and wonders to seduce if it were possible even though what the elect that's how scary it is it's so scary that it's close to being christian see that it is so close to being christian oh i don't know if it's so possible that you can have a uh christian pastor tied to a secular leader no i mean think about now you're gonna hate me for saying this okay but trump is a great example now i know that trump the lord used him and a lot of other things and stuff like that but think about it he had paula y yeah a charismatic female preacher who believed speaking in tongues and they these don't tell me those pastors were not politically affiliated they were die hard into trump but think of a lot of charismatic pastors today who are speaking for trump and saying that you have to be on god's side and they're doing the miracles to do that now this is scary if you if this can be done with trump and deceive that many christians and they're thinking they're the ones against the globalism imagine when this guy comes to the scene and can pretend that i'm against the antichrist government and get all these charismatic preachers into his side now i'm not saying that trump is the antichrist or anything like that i know the lord used it on some things but i'm showing you the danger here the danger is that is through trump even if you want to dub him as good guy and a lot of good things he did it was possible through those feats those quote-unquote good deeds that bunch of christian pastors joined his side so why not when the devil has his man later on and not only that he's just cr he has to be this remember that he has to be this he can't be full-blown evil he has to be something like this let that sink in your mind let's uh and by the way if you look at second peter chapter three they do this to make merchandise of you through speech how many have taken advantage by saying i have a vision that trump is going to win the election and then through that speech and making way being a forerunner for their secular leader they got money from the people why the false prophet is going to do the same thing forerunning being a forerunner for the antichrist using words to deceive the masses and give me money for it i mean if that's possible with the era of trump why not when the the devil comes out with his man it'll be much easier for him oh the christians aren't that stupid if it were possible to deceive even the elect it's that tricky that it can deceive god's people it can't be stupid all right all right let's uh i'm i vote for joe biden and everyone looks at biden i mean look how capable that guy is i mean no one's stupid enough to go for that but when you do something when you disguise as really christian you can get the person anyways going back to second uh revelation 13. here's this so we see that he's going to be very charismatic uh billy graham's a great example that's why the pope is a great example because the pope you see that he has ties pushing the liberal socialism agenda actually so he makes a very good candidate for that but why is it pastor you don't put the pope here he can fit really well over here well you can put the pope here but there is something that really bugs me about it is that i mentioned to you before i believe that the pope fits more of the antichrist bill then uh where you're going to put the false prophet he's going to be from a christian type of background and he's going to speak very well with the people i mean you can see that the pope is nowhere near that then the pope catholicism is like a totally messed up religion but think about this catholicism is being close very close to christianity you might say why because of this group here this group here undoubtedly paved the way where catholicism is mistakenly thought as being christian evidence is benny hinn if you look at benny hinn he was defending the catholic church and some of the catholic teachings didn't you know that look it up if you don't believe me a lot of the stuff that he did he was uh defending some of the catholic teachings and he had priests on there too catholic priests and he was uh bashing the orthodox church you wonder why right see it's all that political history we studied in discipleship but aside from that see it's very possible now what do i think about the false prophet first of all notice that if you look at verse 14 i believe this that the false prophet he's going to come from a christian background but he can't be the pope i really believe that he is going to be a muslim prophet now in this teaching i just want to give a disclaimer to the people all right what i'm teaching to you is not going to be 100 infallible doctrine all this is something that i've digged up and studied and researched for myself and then you guys make a decision because the false prophet the bible doesn't give so much specifics about him so i'm just digging what i can and then giving you what i know so a lot of this is just new information from me okay but i thought that this would be a good start for you guys to launch ahead and then do dig your own research why do i think he's a muslim prophet because uh first of all we look at verse 14 so we see that the false pro he is known uh as the false prophet right profit now the muslims for some of you who don't know about it they make a big deal on not the representative of christ they're making a big deal about a prophet muhammad that's the reason why one that's why antichrist fits better with pope why because the pope is the representative of christ on earth that's why so he fits with anti-christ and then the false prophet fits better with the muslim prophet but here's another thing the you have a teaching within islam which is very interesting where they talk about the mahdi the mahdi and they talk about this mahdi where he will rule for seven years in the end times and that this modi he will be the one who will uh defend and clear out the enemies and pave the way for it the muslims so that's why a lot of people were seeing that this guy that the muslims are looking forward to is the antichrist so then they see that the antichrist is more of a muslim figure however i see the antichrist as more as catholic and that'll be a totally separate subject but here's something they don't teach you and they forgot to teach you it is true that the mahdi that he will rule for seven years however he needs help and because he's going through a battle at the end times and then some muslim scholars they mention that during this time where the mahdi is at a pickle to try to regain jerusalem for himself he's going to get the help of jesus jesus is going to come back and help him conquer the enemies so then they teach that the mahdi and jesus together will take back what jerusalem the dome for itself and they'll be able to rule now here's the thing about muslims is that the muslims they believe that the mahdi okay if we can attribute the mahdi ant uh the mahdi to the antichrist i can do that because the antichrist he's a conglomeration of all religions so i see him as primarily catholic but he's going to be ecumenical so then you have to match up with islam buddhism other religions somewhere but the muslims are looking forward to this mahdi right and then they say jesus is also going to be ruling alongside him here's the thing they don't believe jesus is god but they believe him to be a what prophet so then think about what the devil is going to do then if we can put the mahdi as the antichrist and then the false prophet they're going to see as this is what we talked about where the prophet like jesus would come down or jesus himself is the prophet coming down to help the mahdi and then they rule together now let me show you even more interesting things another interesting thing why i see islam all over here is notice that he mentions at verse uh let's see the bible mentions about the false prophet at verse 15 and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many would not worship the image of the beast should be what killed what prophet did a lot of killing to convert the people and what kind of killing did you read revelation 20 beheading did you read the quran wow what prophet did that about beheading i mean and they value the profit in their religion the one that they value uh as god's person speaking for god is not the pope they're look or some kind of christ it's prophet that's the muslims how about that and not only that if you look at verse 10 he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here's the patience and the faith of the saints it's done by a sword wow so then this false prophet has a sword i mean i mean isn't it pretty plain over there after that it's pretty plain over there i see a lot of islam over here i see a lot of islam but let's look at other instances another instance is if you look at verse 16. he calls it all so the false prophet is the one enforcing the people small and great rich and bore free and pawn to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here's wisdom let him to have to understanding count the number of the beast where it is the number of a man and his number is 603 score and six so this false prophet is forcing people to take a mark right so he's forcing everyone to take a mark six six six now i don't know if some of you knew this but this is kind of crazy if you look up in if you look up in the greek manuscripts where our king james bible came from it says 603 score and six right but if you have a interlinear greek or a greek new testament and etcetera look at that word six hundred threescore and six and then you'll see certain greek symbols there yeah now if you don't believe me you can simply google it all right you can simply google the arabic symbols their letters and it's called in the name of allah and when you look up the arabic wording about in the name of allah and compare the inscription letters of those guess what it matches almost to a t the greek words for 666. wow didn't you know that if you don't believe me you can google it right now you can google it right now and compare the greek uh how they worded 600 3score and six and look at those symbols and look at that arabic inscription in the name of allah and look how close those things are it is so scary it is so scary but see that which prophet is enforcing his religion and then his mark as well so he's enforcing the mark it's the false prophet notice that's enforcing the mark at verse 16 through 18 it's not the antichrist the false prophet is doing this for the antichrist that's very interesting so there's a lot of muslim indications there's a lot of muslim indications with the false prophet which is intensely interesting some other things and i'm sure we'll come to some uh muslim indications later on but let's continue on about this false prophet so then the question is this well pastor you said that he was christian now you're saying his mother he's muslim this is too confusing and it doesn't make sense to me no in this day and age it's not impossible actually it's very possible uh there's a thing that's going around concerning about bible prophecy and this is the enemy to watch out for and that's chrislaw and chrislam what they're doing is that they try to reconcile elements of christianity with islam why because jesus is a prophet to both of them jesus words have authority to both of them and then they believe in one god as well so then they try to find a lot of things that are similarly tied together so when you look at islam i mean it's a dangerous movement that's starting to rise but just look at the catholic church and then the muslim religious leaders how often do they buddy buddy with each other the abrahamic accord and etc you've heard about that they're trying to build something where they would have a mosque and a synagogue and a catholic place of worship together so believe it or not why because they're tying everything together so then if you see catholicism from here who can join with the muslims and then you get these christians who join with the catholic church then where are you going to get give it about a couple more years and i guarantee you this we're already ahead we're already there now it is very possible you can get so-called christian pastors who get to hear why because billy graham made friends with the muslims billy graham made friends with the catholic church how about that huh so it is possible i really believe it's possible so then how can it happen well it could happen in this way let me look at revelation 13. now i'm going to show you a really crazy theory here uh the first part is this notice that at verse 11 and i beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him now notice here that the false prophet how does he come into the picture did you notice that some of you didn't notice that right so number four how he came to the picture is that it's possible he pops out of hell how did he come look read that verse where did he arise from out of the earth it doesn't say that he was born as a man living amongst human he just came up out of the earth popped up out of hell is that possible pastor did you know about you didn't read the antichrist did you at verse revelation 11 verse 7. if you don't believe me at revelation 11 verse 7 the antichrist is the one who comes up out of hell to approach the people so why not the false prophet thought about that one here's another one let me stretch it even further now all right the antichrist pops up out of hell because he's carrying the spirit of somebody and that's judas iscariot if the false prophet pops up out of hell why would he do that maybe following what the antichrist does because he's carrying a spirit with him why who would it be then if not judas iscariot balaam [Music] oh now pastor go to second peter second peter second peter chapter three second peter chapter three remember uh second peter chapter two excuse me chapter two second peter chapter two right the same context about the false prophet yes all right what did the bible say about these false prophets at verse 15 which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray following who the way of balaam the son of boser who loved the wages of unrighteousness crazy right will balaam's doctrine have a part in end times well revelation chapter 2 revelation chapter 2 revelation is a book about end times what did god say revelation chapter 2 verse 14 chapter 2 and verse 14. the bible says but i have a few things against thee because thou hast there them that hold the who doctrine of bala wow so if this is true that the false prophet is going to come out of hell perhaps he will carry the spirit of balaam within him now if he is popping out of hell with balaam this is even more interesting you see something that connects with this guy go to second peter chapter two second peter chapter two okay look at verse 15 right balaam right but notice what the bible describes about this prophet this this guy's a false prophet right but was rebuked for his iniquity the dumb ass that's one speaking with man's voice for bad the who madness of the prophet whose islam's prized prophet that had an issue of what madness by the way another one what did i mention the donkey speaking didn't you know according to some muslim sources muhammad had a donkey and accordingly this donkey talked to him and that was to the madness of the prophet that how about that isn't that uncanny that's really weird stuff really weird stuff let me show you a bigger one go to numbers 23 numbers 23 so then it got me curious where did balaam come from numbers 23. we know that the antichrist his ethnicity and nationality is syrian jew you all remember that he is a syrian jew now when you look up balaam balaam he is not a jew he is not a jew that's why i mentioned to you before that the antichrist that he has to have ties with muslim as well as judaism in order to bring a peace treaty with those two groups together but it's obviously through roman catholic ties now look at numbers chapter 23 though this is interesting numbers chapter 23 look at verse 7. what did balaam say balaam said at verse 7 and he took up his parable and said balak the king of moab had brought me from where arum out of the mountains of the east saying come curse me jacob and come defy israel you know look up the word aram in uh and google it you know where what they will attribute aaron as syria they will attribute syrian so this false prophet just like the antichrist syria so it shows once more about a what muslim connection it once more shows a muslim connection very interesting but he's not a jew why because go to revelation 13 13 there is something that jews will not do and they cannot worship images revelation chapter 13 verse 15 revelation chapter 13 verse 15. and he had power to give life unto who the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many would not worship the image of the beast should be killed but muslims can argue no we don't believe in images so what are you talking about they don't realize this but their religion it comes from paganism there is absolutely no doubt about when you look at their culture allah comes from moon deities but not only that they got their kebab and their kebab it was a storehouse of hundreds of idols and what do they all do they all bow down to the kama and they say they don't worship idols so guess what they have that's a question among muslim apologists i thought we don't believe in images and uh worshipping them so why do we bow down to the kebab and then you just hear these people you know explain why they bow down to the kabbalah it's just funny and we only do it for direction it's only for direction one south one north east and oh come on i i busted up laughing one of these muslim scholars talking like that i was like you just sound so silly so we see here that he doesn't have jewish ties which is why he can carry out the antichrist order on what let's kill those jews why because the muslims are waiting for that day where jesus will join the marty in getting back the dome of the rock and their territory in israel wow how about that huh now let's return to revelation 13 once more revelation chapter 13 once more a lot of interesting things about this false prophet so then what can i say well what can i what i can say is this is that there's a guy from syria who converts to christianity which is some kind of catholic form and the charismatic churches are really reaching those people out there and then this pat when this guy becomes big and famous like a pastor i mean you don't realize this benny hinn he he was from israel you gotta understand so if something like that is possible with benny hinn why not this false prophet eventually so then this false prophet who comes from syria and then gets converted into christianity but it has ties with catholicism but he wants to bring peace back with the people you just carry on the political ties further you can have chrislaw see it's not it's not that much of a far-fetched theory it's very possible because we have today's events paving the way for that and we had previous preachers and prophets etc who carried on who committed those similar actions another thing for some of you who don't know but the bible says concerning about balaam that he did divination divination etc so if he carried on some sort of divination let's also look at the book of revelation 19 now revelation chapter 19. we're going to look at revelation chapter 19 and then numbers chapter 22 numbers chapter 22. so we're going to go to revelation 19 and numbers chapter 22. there's no doubt that because he is committing these feats that he's going to be connected to a cult he will be also be connected to occult practices oh how can you get that well it's not not a problem the charismatic science wonders and visions do you know that occultists have been talking about those things a long time ago these are alpha brainwave patterns and etc a lot of it matches with the occult the greatest evidence is korea korea is a combination of pagan shamanism with uh pentecostal doctrine and that's why yongi chose church became widespread on fire and he had the world's the world's largest church no other church topped his some of you who didn't know that see so it is possible to mix up paganism something occultic with a christian doctrine why do you think i make a big deal about wrong doctrine in churches yeah there's not a big deal no it's a huge deal now go to revelation chapter 19. we're going to look at uh chapter 16 excuse me chapter 16 chapter 16. notice that verse 13 chapter 16 verse 13. notice there's demonic uh magic or power or occultic witchcraft that is within this false prophet revelation 16 13 and i saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet so there are frogs spitting uh coming out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirit of what devils working miracles go to numbers 22 numbers 22. did balaam use divination yes verse 7 numbers chapter 22 verse 7 balaam used divination and the elders of moab and the elders of midian departed with their with the rewards of what divination in their hand and they came unto balaam how about that they sought balaam's help for divination why to curse the jews so there is a mingling of satanism occult practices that is uh behind the scenes of this false prophet and a very interesting person that i looked up david blaine now i don't know if his last name is spelled with the e at the end but david blaine i don't know if you knew his uh tricks but his tricks if you were to look at that as an endurance endurance magician who goes through endurance feats it's absolutely insane i mean he's even baffling atheists and atheists are wondering how did you do that that's insane so when you look at that you you tell yourself man that guy's demonic and when you look at him he does look demonic too no offense but the way that he accomplishes these feats when you watch him do the tricks it's so scary but he one of the tricks that he was able to accomplish some of you who don't know was able to uh have frogs and reside within his abdomen and he could spit it out and he spit out not just one frog but numerous frogs and he scared all the hollywood celebrities accomplishing that feat an interesting thing was he fell out of a really tall building trying to accomplish some kind of trick and feat and then when he came out he claimed he had an epiphany or some kind of vision or some kind of feeling that all uh nations and religions etc would be united as one when i read that i was like am i reading that right that was scary so we can see a lot of the things that the false prophet so this is number five excuse me you can see a lot of things that the false prophet would match up to now here's something else that's interesting and we're going to close it here notice this animal that is what the false prophet is likened to now go to the book of revelation now this is very important your king james bible word something very carefully here that i want you to look at revelation chapter 13. excuse me the false prophet he is known as at verse 11 he is typified as this at verse 11. and i beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had what two horns like a what did your king james bible said lamb all right it did not say ram it said lamb that's very important now it may be possible that it could be referring to a ram so i'm giving you my theory again this is all theoretical but if i'm believing every word as it says perhaps there's a deeper meaning because the bible says lamb now what did the bible say go to the book of matthew chapter chapter seven matthew chapter seven this again ties to a minister again why because god warned you at matthew 7 verse 15 beware of false prophets who are uh who are come to you in sheep sheep sheep sheep clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves that's why the bible chose lamb didn't say ramp because it wants to point you out this is a sheep matthew chapter 7 verse 15 beware of look at that word false prophets which come to you in what sheep's clothing that's why revelation worded that so then the question is why would god put two horns on this lamb because it's a spiritual creature is that possible yes satan's copying catting someone revelation 5 revelation 5 did you read this in your king james bible did you read this in your king james bible look at revelation chapter 5. revelation chapter five such an animal is not possible well it's this spiritual supernatural creature you're not looking at the right creature revelation chapter five look at verse six and i beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and the midst of the elder stood a what lamb jesus christ but this lamb as it had been slain having what seven horns and seven eyes how about that imitating jesus christ but here's something very important it's not trying to particularly imitate jesus christ he's trying to imitate someone else why because what we know is this what we know is that satan has his trinity in the tribulation that's the idea and that is satan the antichrist and the false prophet satan symbol a lot of bible believers know this satan represents god the father the antichrist represents god the son imitating christ jesus christ the false prophet is imitating what the holy spirit holy spirit so here's an unholy spirit but it's his lamb pastor oh keep reading you don't read your bible revelation chapter 5 lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the what seven spirits of god holy spirit that's the holy spirit so then that's why your king james bible put horn with this lamb that's why now here's a question why is it two now that's the question right why is it two horns think about it the bible says that the dragon came out with all kinds of horns seven heads ten horns the antichrist who comes out 10 horns and 10 kings the false prophet two horns why what does two horns represent daniel chapter eight daniel chapter eight and you thought bible study was so boring i just love to say that rough dirt on people who think the bible is so boring daniel chapter 8 look up look up every word in the bible that talks about a horn look at the book of daniel in revelation revelation will mention the horns what are the horns representing it's a king and kingdom that's why the dragon has his horns which is representing seven kings and kingdoms the antichrist has ten horns so that's representing ten kings and their kingdoms the false prophet he could it represent kingdoms in power why it was it the lord when he's speaking a revelation mindset he sure prophesied that way verse 20 the ram which thou saust having what two horns are the who kings a media and persia see kings and kingdoms how about that how about that then the question is why then uh who are these kings and their kingdoms right what are they who is the devil gonna use this is where we close in a word of prayer and stop our bible study right go to revelation revelation 5. now this is theory now this is completely theory i'm going to give to you revelation 5. what we can know is this what we do know it's a lamb with two horns and then the closest matching reference you can get to that is uh lamb with seven horns that's closer than the ram at daniel 8. but there's no doubt if you look up every verse in the bible that talks about horns it's representing a king and the kingdom there's no doubt about that revelation 17 is so plain that it says the horns are kings it goes that plane so then we're like really wondering okay what kind of king and kingdom is this then well here's the thing the bible says that the dragon and the antichrist with their kings and kingdoms it had crowns on top of the horns crowns on top of the horns but not the false prophet then what could it represent well let's look at the closest reference the lamb with two horns is closer than the ram itself look at the lamp versus the last part of verse six a lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god right who are these seven spirits of god go back to revelation one scripture with scripture revelation chapter one scripture with scripture a lot of people don't read the bible a lot of people don't read the bible uh but if you were to read the bible you would be so awesome verse 4 john to the who seven churches wait a minute the lamb had seven horns right but keep reading grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the who seven spirits which are before his throne do these seven spirits approach to these seven churches why yes actually if you remember your revelation study because revelation chapter two uh the first church right and verse seven there's your first spirit the second church smyrna verse 11 second spirit verse 12 pergamos third church verse 17 the spirit so on so forth the seven spirits are speaking to these seven churches and that's why john mentioned that verse four the seven churches why the seven spirits are communicating why simple it's not hard to why is that so hard to believe because the holy spirit is inside this church as well as all other churches bible believing churches around the world the holy spirit is in there he's our comforter he's our guide he's our he's the one that exalts and is a forerunner to jesus christ wait a minute so then this false prophet his job is to make way for the antichrist and he is supposed to be the guide guidance the comforter and the speaker the mouthpiece of the antichrist like the holy spirit but his two powers why not churches religion then you think about you're all jumping ahead then you think about my theory it may not be far-fetched after all wow look at that so then it's something so then what it can be something that's so-called christianity and islam why because these are the two largest religions in the world how about that so then there's your unholy spirit and that could be those two horns it's what chrislam it could be chrislam continuing onwards let's look at his uh his timing his sequence and then we'll close his timing and his sequence and it will close remember jesus mentioned about john the baptist there was not one the greatest born among women was john the baptist and he's a what prophet what did the muslims say about their prophet the greatest of all prophets john the baptist job was what for being a forerunner to jesus christ the false prophet being a forerunner to the antichrist wow but look at the timing here verse 11 and i beheld another beast coming up out of the earth so that's the false prophet and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon now look at his timing and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him who's that that's the antichrist so notice that the antichrist comes out first i i have nowhere to draw now okay i'll just draw on this devil's wing all right so the antichrist comes out first he comes out second he comes out later now some of you might say why is that because isn't john the pep if you look at your bible john the baptist was born first he was born first and he paved way for jesus christ first well here's something interesting if you believe in seven years of tribulation the antichrist is first but remember he what he dies when he dies what do you think the world's gonna do they need someone hence comes him during the time of sorrow grief and their savior has died this guy finally comes to the scene he comes as the comforter like the holy ghost the forerunner that jesus christ he'll say this like jesus christ or the people that you look up to your messiah the god that you've been waiting for the supernatural alien that you atheists could not believe in but now you start to believe in now because science have pretty much proved it you know through your idols like neil degrasse tyson and all these guys thought about these aliens coming down here he comes your quote-unquote jesus how i'm going look he's going to rise from the dead look at this and then the antichrist boom he resurrects from the dead and all the world bows down on their knees and say this is the messiah this is god this is jesus wow how about that maybe that's how he can be forerunner is that he ha so he comes out after the antichrist there's no doubt but he has to be a forerunner paving the way for him how do you do that unless you get the antichrist who ruled before and then he what they have to look up to him and then he's being the forerunner paving away to jesus christ because remember the world does not worship the antichrist he's conquering and to conquer but his resurrection death burial and resurrection will prove to the world he's god he's jesus christ how about that uh did i mention a passage i forgot or no no no passage okay so we see over here the timing of the false prophet so this is one of the most interesting characters that uh i ever read so then in other words it can come out like this it could come out in a way where the false prophet he just pops out of hell just like the antichrist just pops out of nowhere with the spirit of balaam within him and he could be from the syrian region supposedly maybe coming from the syrian region claiming syrian nationality so maybe he could mingle in with the people over there and then perhaps while we're mingling with the people over there because he can uh con combine with the christians because there's so much conflict with christians and muslims they need someone to bridge in the gap well this antichrist was already bridging in the gap so then the false prophet is following the footsteps and while the false prophet is following the footsteps and taking care of things during the antichrist death the false prophet says hey look what i'm doing i'm accomplishing these miracles in front of your eyes and like john the baptist i'm paving the way for jesus christ watch your jesus who died buried and resurrected right and boom he resurrects and then guess what according to some of the muslim sources then you got their jesus siding in with the mahdi antichrist and they too together can rule over the world and be able to take back the dome of the rock and israel for themselves and then the false prophet will enforce the religion through sword by beheading and by taking a mark that for uncanny just matches with the arabic labels in the name of allah that's uh my two cents on the false prophet let's close with the word of prayer god my father i pray that tonight's teachings were a blessing to the hearers increase our knowledge of the scriptures and then see a little bit more things that your book is so amazing and revealing things that we've never seen before in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 54,264
Rating: 4.8384457 out of 5
Keywords: bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, king james only, bible believer, how to understand the bible, false preachers, sid roth, end times prophecy, 2 witnesses, 2 witnesses revelation, revelations explained, great prophet 16, gene kim false teacher, real bible believers, dr gene kim, revelation 13 kjv, revelation 13 explained in detail, revelation 13 chuck missler, revelation 13 steven anderson, revelation 13 skip heitzig, revelation 13 jon courson
Id: A-8ZUg7imAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 7sec (3427 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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