ONE WORLD RELIGION! True Origins of Cain (Genesis 4:2-7) | Dr. Gene Kim | Bible Study

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now as we discuss cain and abel there's going to be some important things that you should learn and keep in mind about these topics this is a very important topic because it is the birthplace to all world religions today it's from it's rooted from the story of cain and abel uh we're going to look at genesis chapter 4 verse 2 verse 2. there's going to be some preaching in here too that i hope you can learn from and she again bear his brother abel so i've already explained that part what it means now this is the next part we're going to focus and abel was a keeper of sheep so abel he kept the sheep he watched over the sheep he took care of the sheep but cain was a tiller of the ground whereas cain his what he decided to take up as his occupation was what the bible says a tiller of the ground so then he had to break down the ground he had to plant vegetation and take care of fruits and vegetables now the point of verse by verse bible study that we're doing is so that you can understand each and every word from the bible a lot of people they'll say the king james bible is too hard to understand i don't understand the bible well that's the purpose of verse by verse bible study that we do in this class i'm literally giving you word for word explaining that way you can get a common sense just and then once you get the common sense gist you'll be surprised when you read the bible that oh wow it's more simple than i thought it's just that you haven't been awakened yet you're still at the baby stages of a christian you haven't had someone to nurture or to give you the milk of the word of god that's what pastors are for the bible says according to the apostle paul at the book of thessalonians so uh just pay attention to every word that i read and how i explain them because i could be fooling you either i'm fooling you too so you better make sure better make sure if what i'm interpreting is correct or not all right now notice the the first thing that got to me that got to my attention at verse 2 it says that abel was a keeper of sheep and cain was a tiller of the ground did it say and or but now why would the bible say that see so it gives me a notion here rather than saying and it shows something negative right so then what god already saw as something negative is what cain's job was doing his job of taking care of vegetation and then abel on the other hand god saw that as something positive now lest we think that what abel did that he was just lucky and cain he was just unfortunate he was a guy who just want to take an innocent preoccupation and i don't know why the lord's so mean i mean you're saying that farming is a sin pastor no that's not the issue the issue is not that farming is a sin all right because in the bible god talks about people who uh make up uh vegetation take care of plant and even in the bible he likens spiritual growth to farming to growing vegetation so then why would god put that as a negative thing so this is what people got to understand cain is not evil because he killed his younger brother cain is evil because he's always lived like that go to the book of first john three first john chapter three he always lived like that we're going to look at first john chapter three now it should be common sense if you recall genesis chapter 3 right i guess we'll have to turn there later but let's look at first john chapter 3 first notice what the bible says if you look at verse 12 not as cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew him see that it's giving an explanation explanation to why he murdered abel so there's a reason prior to the murder incident what is it notice that the bible says because his own works were evil see that and his brothers righteous so notice here that cain he was already living in sin his works were evil now this is pretty interesting when we see later on that he's the birth he's the birth and the source of all world religions being an evil person but go to genesis 3 all right i'll explain that a little bit more go to genesis chapter 3. so cain what we know first part is that cain he's supposed to be a wicked evil man that's what the bible shows secondly what we do know is that he should have had common sense before he's taken that occupation before he took up the business of farming did he think about you know why am i doing this now the reason why is this if if you were in kane's shoes and thought about why i'm doing this then would you be questioning yourself and saying i wonder if this kind of job is something that the lord would approve of because this is all related to the curse at genesis chapter 3 verse 17. and unto adam he said because thou has tarken unto the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it curse it see that is the ground for thy sake look at verse 18 thorns also and thistle shall it bring forth to thee so notice here that the ground that this kind of occupation is a cursed occupation because the ground is cursed now i want to clarify here farming is not a sin because if you read genesis 3 again adam has to make a living that way see that adam has to make a living that way so i i mean how else would adam and eve eat right so there's nothing wrong with uh being a farmer so that you can get food but why is it that keynes is in a bad place because that's his entire occupation that's his concentration that's his life's work it's not just getting food from off the ground like adam's doing this is his whole life's goal and concentration and that's what you need to be questioning yourself see that so when you're taking up a goal when you're taking an occupation you have to ask yourself this okay studying in university is not a sin but if that's your life's goal work and concentration and occupation would that be a sin then see you have to ask yourself that some christians know other christians yes why because liberalism is seeped within side universities and if you spend all your life in that one rather than your life's goal and concentration on serving the lord then that should be something troubling to you same thing with the military nothing wrong with going to the military but if that's your whole life's goal and concentration some of some christians it's okay other christians it gets them backslidden gets them out of state of serving the lord and they have to follow the whims and the orders of the government that tells them to and especially if war happens and people don't agree with a lot of people didn't agree with the war at iraq and et cetera what have you wasted your whole life on see so sometimes you have to this is a good cane is a great example to show you that yes god sees it as a negative thing when you look carefully at your entire occupation what you're going to be preoccupied with so you have to think about that can it be used for the glory of god or will it be something that the lord will disapprove of and that's something between you and the lord i can't just say that's wrong and that's right that's something you have to pray to the lord we had some people here who went off in the to the military some people here who went off into the universities other people who decided that they're going to go to bible institute instead and they don't even graduate from college themselves so everyone has their own calling all right so i'm not some kind of strict uh idiot legalistic fool saying this is it this is right for you i'm not god but you do know yourself in your heart of hearts and there are some people who thought about going into more of a military or a police force and etc but that and there's nothing wrong with that but some people saw that as i can't picture my life's goal and concentration that way it would deviate from the will of god and they actually didn't decide to do that and actually the lord blessed their lives after that and took care of them so see sometimes every one's calling is different everyone's calling is different all right let's look at genesis uh chapter four again so let that be a lesson to you so we see god sees us as something negative what's the evidence the evidence is the next verses why we know cain he made the wrong decision this is going to be my life's goal in concentration and i know i remember at genesis 3 that god cursed the ground so the stuff that comes from the ground is cursed but you know i think that because i worked so hard in this and put my best effort into this the lord he's going to accept it that's the that's the number one problem with nearly everyone in this world today and that is good preaching here is that you make a justification for yourself because you've been there for years now you've majored in that you've done so well in that so then how dare god would say that what i'm doing is a waste of time or he wouldn't approve my works that i do for him look at verse three all right and i'm not gonna do like this when i preach here at verse three and in process of time see kane he made what does this start with a wrong choice all right you young people are listening this too right especially if you're single what is your life's decision that would make the ultimate difference in your life because in abel's case in process of time when he made the right decision it made him give a sacrifice to the lord that was pleasing to the lord how many of you have went through sacrifices for the lord after you made a right decision i'm going to attend this church this is a church that the lord wants me to be in oh you don't know what you signed up for right and then you went through sacrifice but that was something that became well pleasing to the lord and your life changed and you never been the same and some of you are actually grateful you made the choice in the decision in spite of the sacrifices but when cain made the decision i don't think that's sinful i don't see that as wrong you're saying farming's a sin you're saying school's a sin you're saying that this job's a sin and getting promotion is a sin i don't get that and and then what happens is when you make a wrong decision that the lord doesn't approve of what's the evidence verse 2 that's the evidence god didn't approve of it he put it as a negative he didn't say and cain he said but god already viewed that as something negative and cain took a risk took a chance and say you know what i'll just do it so then what happens that verse 3 process of time goes on now so then what happens is at the beginning you say i don't see what's wrong with it but then when time passes by then all of a sudden you say i don't see what's wrong with uh studying i don't see what's wrong with studying science in the universities and then what happens is is that process of time then the professors gets you to see you know we see small stages of evolution that actually occur and there is scientific evidence and you get hundreds if not thousands of empirical research work that proved it and then you go you know i'm going to have to acknowledge that evolution is true then well they only showed you small minute changes of evolution they don't show you the big changes macroevolution that's not scientific macroevolution no scientific proof whatsoever it's just minute changes microevolution but see if you stayed in a bible believing school or in a bible believing church you may have learned that if you made that decision see i went to university too i went to berkeley and then all the other liberal universities here but you know what rescued me from that bible school because see i make right decisions see i'm not saying university is a sin i went to the most liberal schools ever over here okay but um when i chose the decision to attend these liberal universities what did i do i have to make sure if it's in the will of god or not i'll tell you what i would not have been in the will of god if i went to those schools first and then bible school after that i went to bible school first and that rescued me from a lot of problems in the sacral secular liberal universities all right how many of your children got messed up because they attended secular universities and colleges that's why pastors they go to the extreme of saying that going to colleges and universities are a sin they go that far which i don't because the occupations in this world you got to understand like police military school and cooking and regular job stuff like that it's not a sin what becomes a sin is that you do something in your life that god does not approve and you have not spent time praying about it you have not spent time seeking god's will in it you went by your own will and your own choice and then because of that god does not approve of the decision that you make and guess what god doesn't even approve of the decisions of you becoming a pastor to or a missionary too don't you know that oh shock oh i didn't know that even a spiritual occupation like that that may not be god's will for you it may be a secular job point is the point is what is your goal in occupation seeking the lord's will or your desired job that's the point now what happens is when you go through process of time you deceive yourself you deceive yourself living years outside of the will of god thinking now that god has to approve what you're doing right now and you deceive yourself and then you know what's even worse then you're going to become bitter because you're giving your best works in your occupation and then all of a sudden uh the job fired you all of a sudden your ministry went through a scandalous incident and then things fell apart your family fell apart your house fell apart you prayed to the lord that then the lord didn't heal it he didn't restore your job restore your situation and then you get better at mad and you think it's all god's fault and then you go way down the line even more why because you always thought that god you're unfair for not taking care of me no god is teaching you child that you should get out of that desired of the flesh of yours that you've chosen saying see your choices lead you to hurt why don't you trust why don't you go finally repent and say lord i'm going to go through the choices that you give to me because look at this now process of time verse 3 it came to pass so it came to pass after time processed that cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the lord so then see he took the best fruit from the ground and he gave it as an offering to god verse 4 that sounds so nice doesn't it to a secular humanist person that sees it everyone's trying their best right so then how dare would you judge that as that person being wrong then well the nazis they put their heart and soul into what they were doing they did it for their country little younger people brainwashed it is so sad if you seen the adolf hitler's last days he was recruiting like children now why because they honestly thought they were doing this for their family for their country isn't that sad so just because you put heart and best intention doesn't mean it makes things right well then how do i rescue myself from that deception you better seek god first that's the problem see you never did you never pray to the lord lord i want to do what's right there were so many people how many of you didn't even know bible believing truth but it's when you made the decision lord i want to seek what's truth i want to do what's right and the lord put you on a journey of different churches religions beliefs and yeah even in schools and universities and then he was sho guiding you and then you ended up here if you doubt me if you think that i'm just speaking this out of ignorance and you then grab some of our members here actually majority maybe not some but majority of the members here they will tell you that was their lives i had some people over here who hated bible believing truth actually i had some people over here who tried to convert them to a different false religion yeah but now uh the lord's jokes on them they ended up here right that's the lord's joke on them why because they had the sincerity of heart lord not my will but thy me done i bend i yield you're the master not me but see in this kind of world that we live in in america whether you're democrat or you're republican you know what the ideology is self-centeredness individualism my way and uh what's best for me and then so you should tolerate what i'm doing well look at the the mindset of both parties they're against each other see that there's no such thing as a perfect world just because everyone just does the best intentions at heart no such thing no such thing it's either your way or god's way if you go god's way you go through sacrifice but he'll bless it if you go through your way guess what you make your own sacrifices and you pay the price of your own sin look at verse four all right so cain brought his own offering his best works to the lord verse four and abel he also brought of the first slings of his flock and of the fat thereof so notice that abel also did his best for the lord because he tried to bring the firstborn from his flock okay sheep and then he took the fat as well now it's pretty obvious that it would be sheep because abel knew what pleased the lord and cain knew what displeased the lord the key was genesis 3. remember genesis 3 when we go back to verse 21 it was animal skins and then i showed you that the likely candidate was sheep i showed you from several other verses so returning back to genesis chapter 4 then we see that abel when he gave his sacrifice to the lord it was obviously sheep so abel knew what pleased god and cain you but the problem is this see the problem is they're not looking uh well not they but the key issue is this when you're looking at the word of god that guides and leads you into all truth then you should be at the right direction right abel what did he do genesis 3 he was thinking about god what he did in his word what he said to his mom and dad cain what did he do he ignored it you want evidence you're hearing the word of god right now and some of you are just getting mad right now they hear the word of god on the preach when we preach out out on the streets now a lot of them are jerks obviously and don't get me wrong but then there are genuine some of them are genuine good people out there trying to give them the word of god and what people do they ignore what's where's your heart at see god's not looking at your best works he's looking at your heart that was cain's problem he had a rotten heart that's why god said your works are evil cain you don't you doubt me look at what god said look at what god said the latter part of verse 4 and the lord had respect unto abel and to his offering so god he respected it he says i can see abel did his best what did he see abel did his best and in his best what did he do he just simply went by what god told him to do and what is god's word god's word is is that you can't do anything yourself you need that blood of the lamb so abel is the greatest case here that he couldn't pay it himself he had to get a lamb to pay the price for him if we look back at genesis 3 that's the key right remember let's review what was adam and eve's problem using vegetation like cain they used their works remember genesis 3 verse 7 that was their clothing it was vegetation like cain genesis 3 7. that was their own works adam and eve they worked very hard to make it and i've shown you verses on that that that was representing works of righteousness that god didn't like right works of righteousness different religion every single religion did you ever look at this this should be eye-opening to you every single religion has a work system for salvation no matter what religion it is except one that's christianity didn't you know that catholicism seventh-day adventism jehovah witnesses mormonism that one all relied they all rely on works for your salvation islam buddhism hinduism taoism shintoism etc all that talks about your works your efforts except christianity should that be eye-opening to you there's a bigger force behind the scene that deceived the whole world then now who followed that example was cain cain followed that example did god approve of that clothing at verse 7 it should be very obvious god did not approve of that clothing at verse 7 because he replaced it with something else at verse 21 right and which is what animal skins had genesis 3 21 genesis 3 21 see abel abel knew ah so it's animal skins it's definitely not vegetation why because i know god wouldn't approve of that why because abel paid attention to god's word cain wasn't so if i were you i'd be have my ears open my heart opened to the word of god listen don't who cares about me okay i could be mean i could be just uh unkind and uncouth and etc but don't look at me don't look at my personality don't look at my tone of voice look at the word of god look at the word of god who cares about gene kim you gotta look at jesus christ and his word that's the problem with people they judge people by their lifestyles by the tone of their voice not the word of god the evidence and the truth and purity is that the word of god not the lives of men you know why the lives of men all of us at our very best is nothing and we're wicked all have sinned and come short of the glory of god i hope that you would judge by the word of god and not by my life so going back to genesis 4 that's why i like that's why i said genesis 4 would be very important today genesis 4 is so important today people don't see that so the lord had respect on table and to his offering right god respects when you really try your best and what is trying your best listen to the word of god not my way of trying my best no as long as you go god's way why are you discouraged why are you fearful well i might slip up i mess up no just try your best you'd be surprised how the lord will pull you through he will what respect at verse 4. he will respect he's notice that the bible says the lord had respect you know why because that shows that god is looking that hey abel really did out of the sincerity of his heart despite of being weak human sinful flesh but verse five but unto cain and to his offering he had not respect god didn't respect it he disrespected it you uh everybody who do their works in islam catholicism and some of them are better living people than some of you christians actually more dedicating their religion more uh more good works in their lifestyle but you know what god disrespects that man that's offensive isn't it why because they're not going by the work that he shows them they've decided their own that's good amen yeah amen amen i don't care how sincere or how hard you try and cain he did the best that he did i mean he was working in a cursed ground those people who are lost without jesus christ they're going by their own efforts in this cursed world see that i mean you have you i mean if i if i'm not god i'd respect them for that i go man you work so hard you deserve that diploma you deserve that degree you deserve a better pay yeah you deserve salvation since you've been so faithful in your religion you ought to get an award for that the mayor should recognize you and everybody claps you know for pastor so-and-so and evangelist so and so and pope so and so on all the wonderful works that they did but you know what god did up in heaven he has zero respect and did not acknowledge what cnn and fox news said einstein and uh the the previous popes back then muhammad buddha and all that while the world mourns and claps and they make it in the history books god didn't care he says i never knew you you know he recognizes the people who are nobodies in the streets unrecognized uncredited but they're humble enough to admit god i'm just an addict i'm just a wreck and i mess up my life and god anything the best that i do is nothing without you so i come now to you that realizing from your word that the best that i could do is just simply letting the lamb pay the price for me i'm gonna trust in your work what you did on calvary and because of that then your works after that the lord would bless and honor and guide you no matter how many times you fall but see the works that people do to gain salvation god has zero respect the works that these people do when they realize i can't go my way i gotta go by the work of god then once after that god saves their soul and they're eternally secured and their works after that why do you fear god will guide you all the way if you're a saved believer in jesus christ who put your blood uh put your trust in the blood of the lamb why are you fearful why are you afraid and why not just keep encouraging yourself by keep going on for the lord well i'm a sinner and i messed up the thousandth time hey god can clean up the sinner a thousandth time and pick you up again all right notice ephesians 2 see that this is a powerful passage ephesians 2 8-10 ephesians 2 8-10 see when you go by your works for salvation then god's going to reject that he has zero respect he's only going to approve of your work after you put your faith in jesus christ not relying on your words for salvation then he'll approve of your works after that he'll honor it he'll reward you so ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 through 10. verse 8 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest what any man should boast see my effort what i did and god says no not your work you're not saved by that you're saved by grace and once god saves you all right then he does something in you verse 10 once you accept his grace for salvation not yourself verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works see god has to do something in you so that you're capable to do good works for him later on all right so whatever good work you do now without the grace of god without salvation it's all nothing remember that all right but then god will count it after uh when you do uh when you do verse eight nine and ten he's going to count it after you get saved by grace through faith then he's going to acknowledge your works and he wants you to walk in them at verse 10. you notice that verse 10 you walk in them and he'll reward you for that all right going back genesis 4 genesis 4. now what happened uh just now you got offended and mad guess what's gonna happen verse five you get offended and mad verse five but unto cain and unto canaan to us offering he had not respect and cain was very roth and his countenance fell told you so that book predicts human psychology that book knows your attitude your emotions very well so see you've done your best work and everyone gave you an accolade except jesus christ and you're like but god i got a bachelor's masters phd but god i mean the mayor gave me a ward in town because i was the one feeding people in the soup lines and nobody volunteered to help out these poor addicts and people in prison i did god but god didn't respect it and then what you become mad obviously so and cain was very roth roth that's your old english word uh for wrath anger and his countenance fell what's that old english phrase in other words his countenance right your appearance fell so another see that lower lip he pouted like some of you you see that in church you see this in church you see that in street preaching you see that why because there's disrespect to their religious belief disrespect to their best belief their best intention if you preach from the word of god it's going to be disrespectful christians say oh we do things out of courtesy love and respect etc not when you preach from the word of god man it's going to be disrespectful it's going to be disrespectful if no one got offended uh by your witnessing preaching or teaching then you should get off the pulpit you should quit you should stop witnessing the gospel of the lord jesus christ you know why because that shows there's something wrong with you actually not the other person you're preaching at it's you actually that's the problem the one who preached and teach so going back here his countenance fell so verse 6 and the lord said unto cain so god's speaking to cain oh i'm so sorry i know you tried your best and let me explain right here no god didn't give that explanation you know why god knew that cain you why art thou roth he's saying why why are you angry filled with wrath and why is thy countenance fallen why is your appearance you know fallen like this see it's up but it fell down right that's the idea about countless fallen if thou doest dwell shalt thou not be accepted see that god's reasonable see if you really did well cain wouldn't you be accepted i'd accept you see god's not unreasonable god knew why you didn't read first remember first john his works were evil his works were evil do you know how many people uh in this area that we live in and around the world they do their best works but you notice that uh they cuss they smoke they drink they accuse you bible-believing christians of being legalistic well that's very funny i thought uh you accused us of being legalistic being so much filled and prioritizing good works when you guys should be the one that says uh but my good works don't should count for my salvation how dare you christians do that you see that it's a switcharoo it's a switcheroo it's a distorted mindset we're we're not against good works otherwise why'd you critique against us for our good works of living for jesus christ we believe in the right kind of music right kind of dressing we believe in the right kind of living what we watch see and hear and etc and you guys get upset and call us legalistic and good works how funny when you criticized us earlier about good works don't count for salvation and then you accuse us you're so anti-good works and that you say that you can live like the devil well then why are you criticizing me for not living like the devil see this is a this is a perverted mindset of the world you know what it is the point is this the point is you went your way and one side went god's way that's the distortion there it's not about works or you know not good works and etc no it's all switcheroo what we do it's a matter of i'm not following the way you want to do things that's the point we're not doing the good works that you want to do it and we're not doing uh not no reliance on good works like you're doing it see so we're not doing that we're simply going by god's way of don't rely on your good works for salvation and then we rely on god's way of do good works because you have to clean up your life and that's wrong that's sinful you need to clean that up uh we're not going by your way of doing things no reliance on good works on your part by accusing us of being legalistic oh you know that's not a sin you know i mean jesus drank wine so it's okay and stuff like that and then we're not going by your way of reliance of good works see we have to do our very best so that god so that we can be saved you're saying that we should live like the devil and they can still go to heaven i don't believe in that that's offensive see that it's all a matter of i'm just not teaching preaching saying things that's your way of doing things that's the bottom line all right so verse 7 god would accept him if he really did his best now this is uh very important and if thou doest not well so if cain didn't really do well then what that's the bottom line sin lieth at the door okay you know what the bottom line is the bottom line is inside this best stuff and everything that you've done underneath that is an ugly thing that's hiding and that's sin and this monster was hiding underneath you all that time because think back now all the let's go backwards right we're right uh we're at number four here which is what this uh which is uh your countenance fall you're offended right we're we're here with kane right now right let's go step by step backwards now before he got offended he did his very best efforts now i want you to look at your own life right now before you get mad at me look at your own life you've done your very best you work very hard you're you're doing very things very sincerely and you're probably doing things better than me right now maybe too go backwards now you've been doing this for a long time now what on the decision and the choice that you made not on the word of god you just ignored it right that's point num that's one right here see you made a decision to not list to not recall or abide by god's word you made your decision because you think your way as long as you've done your best then god should accept that no god doesn't accept that period you saw that now i'm preaching really hard here you might say why is that now if you get to know me i'm not a mean pastor okay and i i've been through liberal universities so i understand their mentality and their mindset so i'm a very reasonable person to talk to i've got people who got offended and then they ask me questions and i responded them in kindness all right why because i understand where they come from see why am i preaching hard the wine preaching very hard is this is a system that i'm so upset about that deceived poor people poor victims and that's why these victims get upset and angry at me so i'm going to preach that very hard that way you don't get caught up into this victimization it's just like those uh poor children who got to see by nazism right if you don't believe in such a thing as a wrong system then you have no idea about history all right going back going back so sin is the key issue because everything was your decision your choice to see what you want to do and sin is what disobedience against god adam and eve very basic of basics what's sin touching a fruit touching a fruit off the tree no it's eating the fruit no that wasn't the sin the sin was they acted on their disobedience against god now going back here so sin is the root cause of everything that was cain's issue sin lieth at the door let's look at the book of jude okay look at the book of jude so he had a sinful issue and like i repeated again these people who are filled with good works abiding by their religion for their salvation or you know they're just a very good person at heart a good millennial at heart and etc i guarantee you this i guarantee you this is that um i'm sure that some who live like saints but when i look at america practically everybody that i see they mess around with sin somewhere they're wicked people they just go by religion because it makes them feel good that they're a good person did you hear what i just said you know why these uh why i believe a lot of the people that i come across who are very religious filled with good works that i have a suspicion that they live wicked lives why because they do good things because it makes them feel good because this is like appeasing their conscience that you know i smoke and drink and dance but you know i went to church how many baptists and we're a baptist church how many baptists have i seen somebody who's a deacon puffing off a cigar or something like that and say oh yeah i'm a deacon at a trip right in front of our faces when we're witnessing to him that don't matter i don't care if you're baptist or not i don't care if you're catholic or not or whatever religion you are point is are you saved or lost and are you following the word of god you notice that we're not a matter of religion here as a church you notice that we're very anti-religion over here we can only become religion can be a good thing it can be a good thing but it's got to follow god's word of how it should be done now look at jude 1 again all right verse 11 woe unto them why for they have gone in the way of cain all right what is cain's way see he went his own way right cain's way not god's way now who are these people these are evil people at verse 10 but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as beasts in those things they corrupt themselves did you notice that wording that wording is very careful they went by what they know naturally the natural man their own rationalism their own five senses of empiricism their own sincerity at the heart like you've seen those signs before right love is love science is science see that you know what all that is natural all their natural humane sensations in their body they just went by the best of what they know naturally and what does god call that the way of cain at verse 11. cain is truly the mother birth of civilization modern civilization and modern religion today and modern education he is the birth of all do you understand what i just said cain is serious and the religion of cain is alive today right now why because of verse 11 10 and 11. people are going by that people are going by that okay let's go back let's go back i hope you're getting a lot of gems here all right this is not like aliens from outer space or underworld immortals at adam and eve birth later on uh you know before the fall this is not stuff like like your alley or your uh your knowledge that you want to know this is more important we're talking about life that has damn souls to hell and the eternity of souls going to heaven and not only that making a difference of your life we're talking about the birth of all systems and worldviews everybody's world view here the birth of that and this is the most important right here genesis 4 cain and abel uh the next part of verse 7 and unto thee okay shall be his desire okay what is that verse seven all right who are the two people here that's versing it's cain thou and who else sin so the relationship god is seeing here that people are blind to no wonder higher education they don't want to make a big deal about sin right oh sin is not real you know what is sin see that that's what satan wants to do but no if you start to open up about sin and understand this it will rescue you from this this this why because the reason why you did the very first step to begin with is this remember that now as sin and cain is versing each other in this relationship look how god works this shadow okay and unto thee okay so unto who cain right shall be the other person his desire so that's sin then all right it is personified here all right why because sin is a part of you it becomes personified so that's why in psychology they'll divide it to three parts right they'll divide it uh where they talk about uh oh i forgot the three parts the id ego super ego yeah so it's like that but the bible already gave you the answer that psychologists 1900 years later found out body soul and spirit see that's the thing it's the flesh right here versus the spirit here and then the soul is in between making those decisions because the soul is the real you the real person that's making a decision between the other two right here all right you're going to follow the old man or the new man the bible worded it that way that's why sin is personified now keep reading down okay so if sin lieth at the door at verse 7 then that means then to you you're going to follow what sins desire see if you let sin lie at the door then you're going to follow sin's desire but then the opposite is right here and that shall rule over him but there's an opposite here it gives a hope the hope is that you can rule over your sin you can conquer you can rule above it now this is important it always bugged me i don't know why the bible said and here you notice that ish how i see it is but would be better unto thee shall be his desire so then you follow sins way but you can conquer or rule against your sin right but why is your king james bible said that so i was very curious and guess what nearly all modern version bibles including the new king james version which supposedly follows king james they all say but but your king james bible is the only place that says and and maybe a few other versions but i'd probably say it's the only bible you might say so then you know what that got to me that really got to me i'm like god you did this for a reason then i don't want to follow the modern secular scholars way of thinking there's a reason why you put that word there romans 7 so this is a powerful promise you know what that means what that means is this in romans 7. you know why it's an and and go to james 1 james 1. what that means is this sin's desire does not leave you all right because if you put the butt in there it sounds as if that oh i can eliminate sin's desire i can rule over it but to be very honest now this should be a verse of encouragement then you notice that this is a verse of encouragement it's not a negative mean verse like all the negative mean things i said so far right so uh it's a verse of encouragement here a verse of encouragement that basically that hey don't feel that bad don't feel like you sinned and messed up if that lust if that desire is still there i know we feel vertically guilty at especially some addicts i wish this can leave me but guess what reality is this no when you're in the nature of sin the desires and lust can still run but guess what at the same time while the desires is running at the same time and you can rule over that you can control it you can manage it because look at james 1 the bible says at james 1 this is how sin works and james chapter 1 the bible says at verse 14. but every man is tempted see how does temptation even begin when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed so temptation doesn't even start unless there's a desire of sin to begin with see that so when temptations come out people feel guilty when they go to sleep at night for example and they just dream a horrendous dream and they feel guilty and they go oh god you know that i don't mean to do that what's that that's the desire of sin in there which is very strange and wicked and evil but god doesn't count that as sin when temptation because notice lust comes before temptation so when you get tempted does that mean you sin no sin happens after the lust and after the temptation sin don't happen right at the lust look at the next part verse 15 then when lust hath conceived see it brings birth it bringeth forth what sin see that once you let it birth and mature and come out of you what what you got to be doing in that conception process is controlling and managing see that all right going now go to romans 7. look at this two natures it will never leave you it will never leave you the old man that's why sin is personified here all right it's the old man now i'm not going to turn to those verses but you can just simply search the bible yourself you can even look it up online all right if you doubt me but just look up new man and old man in the in the bible verses and you're gonna find it new man is referring to the spiritual nature there so then there's that hope by going by the spirit that you can control right here the old man where sin is we do not believe in eradication of sin or the flesh there is no such thing some pious christians they think that oh um you know i believe that you can get rid of all your sins and sinless perfectionism is required even for your salvation you're crazy man we don't believe in that nonsense we believe that look this thing is wicked and rotten and it's going to stay stuck inside you till the day you die so that's why you have to keep on guard and fight till the day you die again romans chapter 7 look what paul says paul says in verse 23 but i see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members see that two members here fighting against each other one following sin the other one following what's right in his conscience in his mind verse 24 o wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the body of this death i thank god through jesus christ our lord so then so there's the victory there where he can conquer the body but look at this that doesn't mean it's eradicated so then with the mind i myself serve the law of god notice he doesn't eradicate the next part but with the flesh the law of sin it still stays it still stays now look at romans 6 thou shalt rule over him right that's what god encouraged king you can rule you can conquer against your sin because of romans 6 14 that's your promise for sin shall not have dominion over you for you're not under the law but under grace see that so sin won't conquer you you can conquer it that's the hope so here's the thing god is not unreasonable with cain you notice that with cain what did god do god had to say hey kane you didn't do your best oh i got offended in man i don't care you need to realize that because all the way back you remember the decision you made your works are evil i mean i and then he explained the second part i would have accepted if you'd done your best and then he gave a hope at the end he says but guess what you have hope cain sin won't have the dominion over you if you can conquer against it see that god gives hope god is not about wrath judgment and i can't wait to damn you to hell the preacher's job is not you've sinned you messed up and i can't wait for you to feel just bad and rotten you get angry at me no the point of all the negative preaching is that because you have a self-centered pride issue and then you need to break out of it and when you break out of it we need to give you good news and hope that hey so then you can make your life better but in order to make your life better you need to see the rottenness of your old ways you need to see the fallacy and the brokenness of it the corruption behind it so that's the thing about preaching teaching the word of god when we preach about hell and sin and judgment it's not to damn you it's so you can be saved out of damnation you can understand what hope means what does hope mean hope means because there's something tragic to begin with otherwise there's no such thing as hope there's a hope and a chance at the end that's good preaching amen amen and amen and i'll say it to myself i'll say it to myself all right even if everyone disagrees with me why because this is the word of god here and this is so important why your world view right now everyone's here world view right now is revolved around this one particular incident back then and you have to look at your life even a save christian your worldview all dictated right here why we've discovered how to conquer sin we've discovered these steps as well so check your life all right now i gotta end it here time's up but this is this was such an important lesson and i've heard that i i hope that you've changed your worldview and it begins it begins with your heart opening to the word of god and that you do your best and pray to the lord lord uh i just want to follow your word and trust me you will all right don't feel bad about that you will god my father i pray that today's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers have been eye-opening it's so important today's lesson and it's the root and the seed of all wrong world views in my opinion and i pray that today's teachings have changed people's lives for the better in jesus name i pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 112,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, right doctrine, sid roth, mark dice, grace to you, nephilim giants, bible study for women, bible study with me, athey creek, amir tsarfati, amir tsarfati latest update, christian persecution, christian news, Genesis chapter 4, fallen angels, cain and abel
Id: VLlzUoJ-luY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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