MYSTERY Behind the SERPENT in Eden (Genesis 3:1-4) | Dr. Gene Kim | Satan, Lucifer, Mark of Beast

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genesis chapter 3. so we finished our last bible study at genesis chapter 2 and then at genesis chapter 3 we finally come down to the serpent introducing himself the bible says now the serpent so that's the devil obviously he's titled the serpent was more subtle so notice right here it's s-u-b-t the reason why is because this is old king james english and and that's another way of su that's another word for subtlety that's another word for being subtle how we would word it today as s-u-b-t-l-e so s-u-b-t-i-l is the old english way so that's being subtle deceptive clever so that's the idea notice it says then any beast of the field which the lord god had made so the lord god he made all sorts of animals but there was one specific creature that the lord made to be more subtle and that's the serpent so out of all categories of the animal in the field now investigating the serpent there are a few there are two possibilities with this serpent one the serpent he could be an animal himself now that might surprise you you might say i thought he was an animal but there's another explanation for it the first possibility is that he is an animal and being an animal himself the lord mentioned that basically this category of creature compared to other creatures he is more subtle he is more smart now this could uh this could mean in a not a really negative term so it doesn't mean that when god created the snake that obviously that it's a bad creature so all of god's creatures including the snakes today and yeah the cockroach in your kitchen everything god had made behold it is very good now can i get an amen from the ladies no you don't have to don't worry about that so everything the lord god created and made is good now we had this one idiot who just threw a flip and she threatened she claimed to be from peeta and then she tried to send an email to peta and to everybody and then just tracing her email address and everything you know i i questioned it and i responded back to peter saying you know this person is very suspicious and etc i'm not really sure and the person acted all kind and nice after that but anyways um the person you know took it the wrong way that i was saying cats are extremely evil creatures so because of that you have to avoid them and there are satan's uh minions and etc but the thing is this is that concerning about cats and then insects and snakes for some of you who don't know they are usually attributed to devils for some of you who didn't know that it does not mean that the animal himself is literally of the devil all of god's creatures are pure and good but the idea is is that they have a character within them so it's not sin all right understand that it's not sin but usually satan he tries to see something in your character that he can use to his advantage and turn it into sin so snakes being subtle sly slippery creatures and that's the impression that they give it's the kind of animal that attracts the devil so that's why he would use that creature so he would use that creature to accomplish his goal and his feet so it could be that satan transformed himself into a creature because he is part of the reptilian aquatic reptilian class for some of you who didn't know so being the part of a aquatic reptilian class it could be that satan is coming down as some sort of aquatic reptilian it doesn't have to be necessarily or completely a snake it could be more of a snake category basically a different type of species of snake we're going to give see an example of revelation chapter 12. now keep your hand here turn to your other hand to revelation chapter 12. so the creature the serpent could be a different type of species so to speak and the species that he can give off is basically what the bible calls the dragon the dragon and then he also it also calls him the serpent at the same time so it could be that so we can see automatically from here that this is not your normal type of snake it's a different unique type of serpent all right so we're going to look at the book of revelation chapter 12. notice at verse 9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan now keep your hand at revelation 12 because we're gonna go back there and i want you to open up your bibles to the book of isaiah please the book of isaiah we're going to look at isaiah and we're going to look at the chapter 27 27 and verse 1 chapter 27 and we'll look at verse 1. so notice here that the category of the serpent that he's in is not just the ordinary reptile it's an aquatic reptile so notice in isaiah chapter 27 and then we're going to read verse 1 here in that day the lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish notice leviathan so that's a water creature the piercing serpent even leviathan that crooked serpent and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea so notice that this creature inhabits the waters so this is an aquatic reptilian so this is an aquatic reptilian creature so satan is a unique type of reptile class and category however there's something else about it go to revelation 12 again and then looking back at that main text looking back at the main text there you're going to notice something that he is not literally the serpent now you might say i thought we'd take the bible literally yeah if you take the bible literally then you're going to notice the wording there so here's possibility number two possibility number two it's a title it's a title he's not really the serpent but rather his title and if we take the word literally as it says at revelation chapter 12 notice it's more of a title the bible says the same passage it mentions the great dragon was cast out that old serpent but look at this called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world so notice that the category is giving it as a name a title but you'll notice that he was cast out into the earth and his so it's being personified here it's being personified another instance we shall turn is going to ii corinthians chapter 11. ii corinthians chapter 11. if we were to think about it if satan came down as this type of serpent which is terrible in appearance and terrifying then eve would have freaked out her mind and ran away so then rather than coming down as a snake he could come down as typically a beautiful angel an angel if you notice in the bible are a 33 and a half year old man nothing where it would attract a woman as an ugly slimy snake no a 33 and a half year old george clooney something like that i don't know all right look at second corinthians chapter 11. second corinthians chapter 11. you ladies just go wow and then get into that but hey you men too all right you men too there's a reason why you men fell at the garden all right all right ii corinthians that's all i'll say before i get stoned to death second corinthians chapter 11. we'll look at verse 14 when satan appears to people this is his transformation verse 14 and no marvel don't be surprised for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light so he transforms himself into an angel of light now with this angel of light there could be something here let's look at ezekiel 1 ezekiel 1. we're gonna turn to ezekiel chapter one now there is a certain transformation and stage that the devil comes down and appears as for some of you who don't know it is his cherub status his cherub status for some of you who know your bible and who heard me teach for a long time it is part of a specific class reptilian aquatic so then in other in other words he may not be coming down as a serpent himself but there could be something with the first possibility here so the remember the first possibility is that he comes down as a unique type of serpent the second possibility is that he's not he's coming down as an angel of light it's more of his title but it could be with the second possibility where i'm saying his title that there is some type of serpent appearance perhaps because his angelic status consists of the aquatic reptilian class so we're going to look at ezekiel chapter 1. now notice that there are cherubs mentioned here at verse 5 and now the also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man and everyone had four faces and every one had four wings so notice here that these are cherubs these are angelic beings it's more plain when we look at verse 10 as for the likeness of their faces they forehead the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side and they four had the face of an ox on the left side they four also had the face of an eagle so notice here memorize these uh four categories man lion ox and eagle now if we were to go to ezekiel chapter 10 ezekiel chapter 10 notice the wording here remember the four categories if we were to turn to ezekiel chapter 10 i want you to look at verse 1 then i looked and behold in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims so notice that these living creatures at ezekiel 1 are called cherubims and also we're not going to expound it here but a simple reading of ezekiel 10 and ezekiel 1 all the descriptions will exactly match each other so we're gonna so you will know these are the exact same four cherubims but if you keep reading about these cherubims notice that their appearance is likened in this manner at verse 14. and everyone had four faces remember it's man ox eagle and lion the first face was the face of a cherub well that's different and the second face was the face of a man and the third the face of a lion and the force the fourth the face of an eagle wait wait a minute there's a missing category here notice it's ox but it's replaced with the word cherub why is that because satan is the cherub look at ezekiel 28 ezekiel chapter 28 so satan for some of you who don't know he is called this category he is called serpent he is called dragon in the sea so basically a sea dragon so he's aquatic reptilian then we see here in ezekiel 28 he's called cherub but this cherub is also called ox so let's see how this all totals out okay we're going to look at ezekiel chapter 28 and then we're going to read verse 14 verse 14. the bible says thou art the anointed cherub covereth and i have set thee so notice this is satan at verse 15 that was perfect in thy ways from the day that that was created till iniquity was found in thee so that's undoubtedly satan so notice that satan he is also called the cherub the tech man could probably uh scoot a bit that way i could see my okay there we go all right i just wanted to make sure that's all that's okay yeah it's you guys don't have an easy job okay so we'll notice here that satan he's called the cherub we can all agree with that the cherub is also called the ox so he is part of the ox category now that's a question you say but i thought you said he's an aquatic reptilian class why is he known as the ox the reason why we're going to return to genesis we're going to return to genesis chapter 3. notice the wording here which is very interesting which is very interesting before we read genesis 3 though let me explain something here so we see that satan he is called serpent dragon the sea cherub ox now within these four cherubim status let's put this here within these four cherubim status notice that these four cherubims are basically we can see it could be that it was after the fall of adam because the timeline is way after genesis but that's a different teaching so whether or not that may be the case the point is within these four cherubims it covers all classes of creatures except one class of creature you'll notice and those are aquatic animals and reptiles so that's why satan fills in that gap when we look at isaiah 27 where he is aquatic reptilian because we see that there are four cherubims there is one more cherubim that's uh covering the missing class and that is aquatic animals that are reptiles but then the rest of the class of creatures they can cover all types of four-legged uh or flying creatures etc but he's but there's a question here if satan's called cherub and cherub ken is another name for ox then could it be that aquatic reptilian class can match with the ox in some way yes because if you look at genesis chapter 3 you'll notice the wording of verse 1 then any beast of the field right but it becomes more specific than that the more specific term is if you look at the latter verses of verse 14 and the lord god said unto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all what cattle and above every beast of the field look at that the serpent god sees that notice that god completely ignores uh the scientific terminologies and what people would deem to be science the lord don't care about that he has his own category of how he deems his creatures and how he deems a creature of the serpent is to be within the same cattle category which is why satan he is known to be a red figure with a serpentine tail and two horns like an ox that's the reason why you get these cartoon depictions they just don't come out of thin air mythology cartoons and etc they get it from an original idea somewhere and sometimes the the original ideas get it from an actual historical person or event or source it's just been carried on into the imagination a little bit more but a lot of these imaginative stories that you hear about or see today there is some truth somewhere let's return to genesis chapter 3. so we now understand about satan's category what he is the next part of verse 1 says and he said unto the woman okay what does he directly say to the woman yea you have god said so yea in other words like indeed like truly now notice that it starts out as something positive yes god did say starts out positive now what's the point here the point is satan he is a master of positivity wait then are you saying that the power of positive thinking is a demonic trait absolutely for some of you who didn't know about that so wait a minute then if i hear a pastor who always talks about positive things and he always smiles then you're saying that's a demonic trait absolutely then should i be attending that church no that's full of satan worship you're attending a satanic service right now okay so that's pretty strong but it's the truth because notice as satan he's all about positivity being a master of positivity he starts out with not with no but yes yes yes and yes yay hath god said it is truly a sign of a demonic trait that's why he fell why did he fall into sin and then she messed up her life because she was deceived by something positive told herself it would be positive when it would actually kill her usually that's the reason why today's sermons are very harmful to people because they don't a lot of them don't know that the christian life is filled with suffering they think it's a life of blessing and god will be good to you and that you just have to believe and have faith and then even just plant a little seed of money and that you will be incredibly rich but a successful life is not dictated in in such a manner so that kind of positive message is something demonic and then when people go bankrupt because they're supporting so many tv preachers and then people end up living a lie that hey i'm going to live a good life this suffering will go away this suffering is not going to be a part of my life forever and etc etc what happens to these same people they live up their lives blaming god because god you're supposed to show me good things but instead i get bad things they become bitter they damage their lives and their own families just like eve you just start out with something positive and you get deceived into that and then you damage your whole life let's look at several examples here of the dangers of positive thinking the dangers of positive thinking we're going to look at the book of genesis chapter 27 genesis chapter 27 now notice that rebecca she had a positive she had a positive thinking that well i know esau is mad at jacob and he wants to kill him but it's not that bad as i think and jacob you're going to go away from the family just for a few days well guess what it turned out to be more than 14 years so it was like practically 20 or probably even more years that jacob was away from the family so the damage was really that big but rebecca didn't make it a big deal we're going to look at genesis chapter 27 and then verse 42 and these words of esau her elder son were told to rebecca and she sent and called jacob her younger son and said unto him behold thy brother esau as touching thee doth comfort himself purposing to kill thee okay that's bad all right what does she does what does she do verse 44 she smiles folds her hand and then just like a joel osteen she says and tarry with him a few days until thy brother's fury turn turn away how about that she positively thought that it was only going to be a few days and by the way guess what when jacob returned home rebecca was the one who died but not isaac isaac thought that he was going to die soon this time at genesis 27 he thought he was going to die soon but the irony is that instead rebecca died and isaac lived longer he lived almost 20 years longer if not more how about that huh so the positive thinking can kill you here's another example we're going to look at the book of matthew notice that this person said a positive statement matthew chapter 26 26 but then his positive thinking was what caused him pain at the end unbearable pain jesus gave a negative message a negative sermon and the person rejected the negative sermon and said no the lord's going to do good things with me typical layout the sand christians today who go to a mega church or joel osteen type of church now we're going to look at verse 31 then saith jesus unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad so notice that this is a very negative message now notice what peter says verse 33 peter answered and said unto him they all though all men shall be offended because of thee yet will i never be offended then jesus gave a another negative message he made it more specific well i didn't want to point you out peter but i try to make it general in my negative sermon but if you insist not to repent and get right with god i'm going to get more specific here god forbid that's going to happen to this pastor right if you want to get the gist of the general negative sermon my advice is get the gist don't make it go more specific please verse 34 jesus said unto him verily i say unto thee that this night before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice now that's really bad what did peter do verse 35 though i should die with thee yet will i not deny thee power of positive thinking and guess what happened he denied jesus isaiah 14 verse 12 isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 you know what caused the downfall and pain of the universe a satanic being who had a lot of positive thinking this is proof that positive thinking is a demonic trait it is a demonic trait look at isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning so this is satan himself what did he say look at all the positive statements here at verse 13. for thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven wait wasn't there a book written by a famous preacher that talked about the power of i in it and then oprah winfrey's said this is such a great book you know what that pastor has he has a satanic title then now don't look at me like a tree full of vows read your bible okay let's see how many eyes here shall we i will ascend into heaven i will thought my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the cloud i will be like the most high now interestingly that's five and if you know your bible five is the number of death what did god say at verse 15 yet thou shalt be brought down to hell you know what the sign of a positive sermon is always i i i need me the sign of a negative sermon is you need to get right with god you are the problem you you you negative positive sermon i i i connected to something positive all right let's go to genesis 3 genesis chapter 3 genesis chapter 3. well you don't have to say you all the time why do you always say you you think you're better than us no it's the word of god that i'm preaching because the direct uh implication from god is trying to reach you trying to reach you let me do this so it's trying to reach you that way you can get under conviction and go oh he's talking to me god is speaking to me there's something wrong with me that i have to fix here let's look at now before i preach my main sermon today i hope that you always think about yourself not the other person or people in general you have to look at yourself by doing that then you can search which areas that the lord is speaking to you because i'll be honest i have no idea and i haven't got a clue and i don't want to even know all i can do is just preach the word of god and it's between you and god where your your where god is speaking to you you see where it's hitting you because i can't do that all right let's look at genesis chapter 3. so keep reading at verse one notice that there's so much to learn just from the first verse about satan so yea hath god said so yes god did say but notice he turns it into a question it's like certainly yes at the beginning but then it turns into the question he shall not eat every tree of the garden so he's asking eve a question that you can't eat every you can't eat the fruit from every tree of the garden now notice the clever wording of this the clever wording one you gotta know that satan is a very clever creature that's definitely point number one there so satan uh the sign of his traits is positivity and also he is very very like the bible says at verse one subtle so he is intellectual he uses intellectual means notice how persuasive the language is the language is are you really sure so in other words it's doubt it's a question so satan's way of increasing intellectual means which is what you learn in school nowadays is to always question so is that what the bible really says oh is it really true that homosexuality is what we call sin oh uh does god really exist how do you know see it's question question question question question god is it is so this is truth that's god satan's mean is is it truth is it really so so notice that satan is not interested in the truth and that is the point of higher education is that it claims that it seeks after truth but it has no interest in truth what do i mean by that what i mean by that is as they believe that in order to get closer to the truth you cannot arrogantly claim that you have 100 truth you have to keep questioning and questioning and questioning and then you'll get closer to the truth no a lot of times that when you start questioning you realize how much more abstract and further away you are from the truth which is why they always say morals are relative and that truth is relative that's how they end up in so it's always the sign of relativity a second thing you'll notice how it's very intellectual is that he says did god say you can't eat every fruit in the garden he could have worded it as are you sure that god said you can't eat this particular tree no he switched the wording like are you sure god said you can't eat every atria of the garden and then you're like thinking well god did say i can eat all trees here in the garden excluding one so you know what he's trying to do he's trying to find a statement that affirms what god said but ignoring some of the parts where god warned them now what do i mean by that what i mean by that is god gave a statement to adam and eve you can eat every you can eat the fruit of every tree in the garden so that's what satan is affirming here so because he's sharing the same wording that the lord will use it deceives a person into thinking this is what god said satan is giving me the wording that god would say but then he drops a certain part here god says don't eat the this particular tree in the garden of eden and that is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and satan what did he do he ignored that part you know what fake news is typical cnn msnbc and yes including fox news and all the science universities yes they're guilty i don't care who they are and if they're such good people to write limitations in their research journals and etc they're all biased individuals every one of them and the evidence is the tons of scientific journals that try to condone and praise evolution when they don't even know what they're talking about here so these people see they affirm statements that are true and real but then they miss other parts of the argument that are truth but they just overlook that why to deceive you and then mainstream news and the universities deceive you you bunch of deceived people fallen victim to that fallen victim to that and i'm going to include the online world too because there's so much wrong doctrine over there and they boast themselves as being truthers but then in reality they're not truthers because what they mess up in so much doctrine they think that as long as i'm against the globalist system i must be in the right crowd aren't you a funny guy aren't you a funny person you got to realize a lot of the jews they didn't want to join the globalist system of the roman government but guess what the devil deceived them the jewish zealots are a great example and what happened to them they became no more okay so we have to understand the mindset of satan you have to you can't just look at some pieces of information that seem to affirm the word of god and automatically assume oh this must be from the word of god now you got to look at all places and see what's missing everyone looks at john macarthur great guy you know he stood up against the government stood up for jesus christ yeah they're only looking at some of the places where he stands and affirms the word of god but just like the serpent dropping the missing pieces they don't look at his missing pieces where he starts where he makes people terrified of their salvation make them doubt their salvation like the serpent questioning why because he questions your works out of your life and if you don't have the works of a christian in your life then you're not genuinely saved doesn't that contradict the word of god it doesn't affirm god says grace you're saved not by works now returning to genesis chapter 3 verse 1 we understand that this is the mindset of satan that's how he works we're going to look at matthew chapter 4 matthew chapter 4. so satan will affirm the word of god did you hear what i just said satan will affirm the word of god to deceive you in order to give you some confirmation of the word of god while the remaining parts are a blatant lie look at matthew chapter 4. notice what satan did and matthew chapter 4 verse 6 of verse 5 then the devil taketh him that's jesus up into the holy city and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple and saith unto him if thou be the son of god cast thyself down for it is written notice the wording of satan he starts out with something positive yes indeed truly for it is written this is what the bible says see he starts out with an affirmation that jumps into a question do you read research articles they start out with a conclusion and a statement and then later on they give out these questions to think about hey hello hey that's clever that's very clever satan knows how what's intellectual conversation give out a conclusion and affirmation but then delve into the questions that support his conclusion you think satan doesn't know the rules of logic and reasoning and debate and arguments he's way better than me and you he knows all the rules he knows all the logical fallacies and all the logical consistencies premises conclusions watch out for that notice he starts out for it is written and then he shall he quotes the scripture he affirms the word of god he shall give his angels charged concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone so notice he quotes scripture now you know what you need to do your automatic response should not be oh because he affirmed the word of god i'm going to listen no you study the scriptures yourself and find out which parts is true and which parts is false what did jesus do at verse 7 did study the scriptures that's what he did jesus said unto him it is written again thou shall not tempt the lord thy god that should be the bible-believing response onliners we live in a day and age where you don't study the bible you just watch videos you just get dazzled by ravi zechariah's statements where it lacks scripture you know what's so funny i warned you about that long time ago and people got mad at me and then john mcarthur actually confirmed my statement that we were friends we were very close friends and i told him twice that he don't quote scripture oh now you catch up and then you all blame me and get mad at me so john macarthur actually confessed that after the ravi zacharias scandal i told you so all right genesis chapter three go back to genesis 3. genesis 3 you think that i'm just being a young pompous arrogant idiot no you just lack spiritual discernment you're not looking at the spiritual life of individual and the spiritual you don't look at the spiritual workings behind it and the only way you can tell the spiritual workings and the behind the life of a person is through the word of god you lack such knowledge of the scriptures now going back here we see verse 2 and the woman said unto the serpent so now eve responds to to satan she responds to the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden so notice that she says here that we are allowed so we may eat of all the fruits that are in the trees of the garden but however of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden she says the particular fruit that's in of the tree which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil obviously that's in the middle the center of the garden god has said so god said about this particular tree ye shall not eat of it so god said that you're not supposed to eat it neither shall he touch it so god supposedly said that you're not to even touch the fruit lest he die notice the word lest or maybe you might perhaps die now notice that her language does not match with god's statement we're going to look at genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2. for some people who don't know about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there was a cause to temptation and sin now i want you to basically mark these down and write them in your notes that way it will help you when you fight against temptation in your own life okay so notice the first category the first category is where satan comes in so temptation the tempter comes in so that's the first category and when he comes in he comes in something that attracts you that's what we learned so far right he doesn't come in in the means that terrifies you he comes in in a way that dazzles the lady so to speak the second thing that he will do is that he starts out with something positive why to appeal your flesh you know why you yield into temptation and sin to begin with it's positive to you it's beneficial to you i mean you think that when god tells you get up out of bed and go to street preaching that your automatic response is listening no but if the devil starts out your day as you know uh get up out of bed and let's just uh do whatever you want then that motivates you more right see how satan starts out with temptation and sin is something that benefits you but when god says something or something that's scriptural says something that you feel like doesn't benefit you you better take that as a sign from god and wake up usually people respond with anger negativism or uh antagonism with something negative from the word of god see that satan's tactic is to use positive means that's how you yield into temptation and sin the other reason the next step on how you yield to temptation and sin is that notice that satan will affirm the word of god right so then he'll say that so that's what you do with temptation and sin is well you know god won't really make a big deal out of that i mean it is spiritual that i i mean there's a good spiritual reason why i can't come to church today there's a good spiritual reason why i can't do this duty for the lord you see that and then notice that the next step is this affirmation will turn into a question the affirmation turns into the question so then once you affirm the word of god through demonic means then you're going to be questioning i wonder really then i wonder really if it's a sin that i actually do this i wonder if it's really worldly that i do this right i hope people are getting under conviction here because this is going to change your life and i strongly believe the reason why many people remain stubborn and the way they are and they don't repent and change is they don't look they don't observe these following steps my advice is this before you think and before you say something and do something rewind your life and see if all these steps just went like that in a blink of an eye and you didn't catch it that's how satan does things you tend to just go by impulse how the flesh goes or how by the world operates and then you just say and do and think stuff the way depending on how the environment goes the world and how you feel the flesh and your third enemy the devil is doing all these steps within one second like that in a blink of an eye and you need to stop before you say and do something you need to stop just shut up and stop before you give some kind of emotional response of anger or crying or sensitivity you better stop and shut up and rewind your life and see if these steps you fell into all right i'm i'm preaching really hard here and the reason why is is because there's something stubborn within human nature it's very stubborn and it's very ignorant and we don't catch it and this might help you it will save your life because i told you before positivity leads you to death you don't want to kill your life you're already killing yourself right now dragging yourself into church aren't you some of you are just killing yourselves you don't have a happy home you don't have a happy life you're you don't have a happy spiritual walk why because something positive has been killing you and you let it kill you now notice that the next step so then you start questioning yourself and this is all intellectual of course you might want to write that as a side note a decision that you make is not really a dumb decision the decisions you make there's good reasons for it legit reasons for it and it's even a smart move all right it's an atmosphere of higher education intellectualism it's okay it's a smart move now notice how it contradicts the word of god the next thing then is where you started to affirm the word of god then you start to question what you're doing and what that's going to lead to is questioning the word of god itself and that's the next step you critique the word of god so then you're going to critique saying well i know that i heard the preaching that day or the bible study that day and i know that what i study in the bible before said that but but but you gotta check your heart and see is this because of fleshly means here all right let's look at genesis chapter 2 and then uh we're going to read verse let's see here verse 16 and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat so no send the passage here that god says thou mayest freely eat right that's the wording there so the next part says but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil concerning this tree thou shalt not eat of it so notice that god says you can't eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof because in the particular day that you eat it notice it says thou shalt surely die so notice here that god says surely right he didn't say maybe or perhaps he says guaranteed you will die guaranteed you will die but eve said lest she die christians back off in their uh christians nowadays they back up back off in their statements of yay and nene with maybe this and maybe that why because it's a sign of intellectual means that went from a question and this question is derived when you keep going backwards to something that is something positive and beneficial to you which is why you have to check your heart notice the other difference here notice that eve she changed the word of god because she said lest he die but god says surely you're gonna die the second thing that eve did is that she added to the word of god notice she said neither shall he touch it god never said that so notice that in the word of god when god speaks truth here notice that the word of god it is one changed by eve two it is added and then three it is subtracted so she added neither shall he touch it and then she goes lest he die but notice what she subtracted at verse 16 genesis 2 16 god said of every tree of the garden thou mayest what freely eat he didn't just say you may eat you're allowed to eat every tree of the garden he says you can eat it freely that's very important so why because god's gift is basically offered as something that's free so god gave it offer as a free gift now because this tree especially the tree of life the tree of life is something they can partake in freely eve's sin of subtracting that word affected basically for eternity go to revelation 22 now this is not a coincidence how god worded this at revelation 22 it's as if god knew that eve messed up on something look at revelation 22 if you are in our revelation verse by verse bible study you might recall this we're going to go to revelation chapter 22 and then we're going to read verse 17. notice that god when he invites them to the tree of life and the water of life one item is you may partake in it freely but the other item he says no you're gonna work for it why because something happened here verse 17 and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that hear say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life what freely god says partaking it freely but look what he did with the tree of life at verse 14 14 blessed are they that does commandments see that works that they may have right so that you can have the right the access to the tree of life that's very different from back then see eve sin caused something throughout eternity go back to genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 genesis 2. so that's why if you look at your bibles today do you see words that are missing in your bibles i guarantee you this if everyone does not have a king james bible and then there are like a hundred different bible versions that we were all reading you're gonna find words that are missing words that are added and words that are changed and then you don't think that having 200 plus modern bible versions it's not a big deal are you kidding me and you think that king james onlyism is a cult mindset are you kidding me that's a cult mindset when you have this kind of mentality for the word of god i'll tell you that much that's a cult mentality that's a dangerous mentality that's a satanic mentality so that's something that happened why because of satan so it makes you wonder with all these bible scholars what's their aim and goal and intention with modern bible versions you know the number one proponent for modern bible versions and the only reason why he became famous is not because he's a smart calvinist it's because of his stance that's anti-king james all the other people they didn't publish a work like he did so james white the only reason why he became famous is because of his anti-kjv stance if it weren't for that he'd probably be a nobody by now so with his book the king james only controversy he actually admitted from one of his videos that the reason why these modern bible versions companies they make they keep updating translations and they publish all these bibles is because they need money he admitted that the number one anti-kjv advocate how about that he admitted that he confessed that so look at all these bible translation scholars it starts out with something positive that benefits them money money money and then you just look at the steps they affirm the word of god oh yeah you know uh we want to help out the bible here we want to spread the word of god his kingdom and then it gets them to question so then i wonder if this king james bible is good enough there could be errors there are wordings that are pretty old and should be modernized for updated english and etc and then what does it lead down to right here and you wanna you know i dare say this i could be wrong but a hundred percent of us christians including myself perhaps committed this sin before in our lives you might say why is that because when you're going through temptation and sin once you reach this step when you're questioning god then you start to change add and subtract what god told you to do and then a lot of bible-believing christians are guilty and you know that's why there's a lot of church splits and then a lot of preachers who have high and mighty doctrinal attitudes bible believing communities it's really bad why the reason why is because they think they know the word of god and because they think they know so much doctrine in the word of god they change adam subtracted the word of god and i'd be careful if i were you some of you better be scared on your knees trembling you see that's the reason why i i give a lot of wacky crazy stuff right online i do that but i don't do it in a way where it causes division in the bible believing body of christ if it causes divisions for those who are wrong doctrines or apostate christian churches i could care less and people can accuse me of being devices but amongst the bible believing churches and community i try to remain united with them you might say why is that because the reason why is if i don't remain united with them there might be a reason what causes the division and separation it could be that arrogance that oh i know the word of god so much and let me tell you what i think is the word of god so you have to be careful of that attitude even some doctrines you notice that i'll say it's a theory right or possibly there's a lot of times that i would do that why because i don't want to tell you what god says if that's not what he said a lot of people think that oh i can just if i'm wrong then i'll just change my teaching later on in life so look there should be an attitude of humility and if you're wrong then you should change that's a good thing but look if you keep changing all the time then there's a problem right here because you're teaching the word of god and that means that you've changed that and subtracted too many times all right going back oh we gotta stop here okay so i've spent too much time on just the first three verses of genesis all right all right you learned something we're gonna come now to the next steps all right we're there's gonna be a lot of good stuff that you're gonna learn as we come continue the temptation and sin god my father i pray that today's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers and that we've take the scriptures seriously and that we will not fall into temptation and sin in jesus name i pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 39,113
Rating: 4.8792758 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, sid roth, mark of the beast, serpent, the serpent, seraphim, cherub, cherubim, satan, lucifer bible verse, tree of knowledge of good and evil, garden of eden, genesis chapter 3, bible study for beginners
Id: du6sIBW2ZR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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