What Is Wrong With Seventh Day Adventism? | Intermediate Discipleship #13 | | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] so [Music] so i'm going to be covering seventh-day adventism the reason why is because i notice that there are people who watch us online who are into a bit of the seventh-day adventist movement so i'm hoping that throughout this discipleship it can help them open their eyes about what's wrong with the movement so let's start out with genesis chapter 2 please we're going to look at genesis chapter 2. now one thing you're going to notice about the seventh-day adventists that i'm going to spend a lot of time debunking is the sabbath that's the big thing about seventh-day adventist which is kind of a no-brainer the kind of a no-brainer is that these people are called seventh see that seventh day adventist so these people they make a huge deal on the seventh day now i'm going to give you a few beliefs that seventh-day adventists believe in that you probably didn't know about or you probably already know so i'm not going to spend time debunking these particular beliefs because they were already debunked with the jehovah witness so in our lesson on jehovah witnesses you heard me debunk a few of them so seventh-day adventists here are their following beliefs one is they do not believe in eternal damnation they do not believe in eternal damnation that was debunked on our jehovah witness video they do not believe that a soul departs and goes immediately to heaven or to hell after they die they believe in a doctrine called soul sleep if you remember my teaching on jehovah witnesses soul sleep is they believe the soul basically sleeps after you die and then until the final day of judgment or resurrection then they start to wake up we deny this we believe after you die you immediately go to hell or you immediately go to heaven all right so soul sleep they believe in that now what distinguishes them from jehovah witnesses is that they do believe jesus the father and the holy ghost is one god so they believe in the trinity or the godhead so this one they believe okay so they are not the same as jehovah witness that's why i'm gonna box on that one they believe like we do on that just to let you know seventh-day adventists they make a big deal on diet and law of moses these people are so big on dietary rules and as well as the old testament law we're going to debunk more concerning the old testament law matter but these are these people are huge on dietary matters all right the last thing concerning about seventh-day adventists that you probably didn't know about which is very infamous but i kind of taught it to you at our jehovah witness class they believe satan is the scapegoat okay now this sounds really blasphemous basically they believe that i think they're worse than jehovah witnesses actually in this sense because jehovah witnesses they believe in annihilation if you are a lost sinner they believe that you go to the lake of fire and poof you're annihilated but these people go as so far as to say that satan will take the sins of all of mankind at the final judgment lost and saved and that they will put it upon this scapegoat which is satan so satan will be that scapegoat who will take the sins of all the world and cast satan into the lake of fire now that is blasphemous heresy because we believe jesus christ is the scapegoat on our behalf who took our sins and it is up to you to receive that scapegoat or you reject that scapegoat it's not like some calvinistic calvinistic forcible salvation where lost souls and save souls they get their sins on satan anyway that's not how it works okay so these are the uh main areas concerning about jehovah nacho and the seventh-day event is that you want to keep in mind there's one more thing that i would probably say they were infamous for their rapture datings just like the jehovah witnesses so they were very bad on this one as well so as a matter of fact the jehovah charles russell's people and lng's white people they one time got together before can thinking that this rapture would hit on this specific date so it shows birds of a feather flock together see evil communications corrupt good manners see these seventh-day adventists are not so christian as you might think they are they're very similar with jehovah witness and mormons they're very similar with masons and in the catholic church it's pretty much the evil of everything you'll find any religion similar with what the catholic church teaches so keep an eye out keep an eye out these are cults infamous cults okay now let's debunk this notion concerning the sabbath let's look at genesis chapter two and verses two through three verses two through three this is the favorite proof text used by seventh-day adventists to prove that the lord honored the sabbath day so because he honored the sabbath day we should all likewise honor the sabbath day as well genesis chapter 2 verse 2 and on the seventh day god ended ended his work which he had made and rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made look at this and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it so notice that because god did this ever since the beginning of creation why aren't we all doing it so that's how seventh-day adventists will argue so they will use genesis chapter 2. let me know if i'm out of bounds genesis chapter 2 verses 2 through 3 in which that ever since creation creation basically blessed the sabbath so because creation bless the sabbath should we not all observe the sabbath day as well there's also a hebrew verb that's mentioned in this passage as where as well shabbat shabbat so they would use some hebrew words to kind of point it out just like a jehovah witness they will claim that the sabbatical commandment the sabbath did not start with moses okay remember this sometimes if you know dispensationalism and you've been in our previous lessons you kind of know what i'm going to say if you remember our teachings on dispensationalism at the beginning of intermediate discipleship you might remember that we argue that we don't observe the sabbath because it's a part of moses's law and moses's law was done away with at the cross correct so that's how we argue but what they're going to argue is that it's not started with moses's law is start at the beginning of creation that's how they're going to argue to get around it now keep your hand at genesis 2 we're going to look at exodus 16 please [Applause] exodus chapter 16. this is their other proof text to prove and to use that people were observing the sabbath before moses's law look at genesis chapter 16 and verse 23. now seventh-day adventists keep in mind this they're more scripturally minded than jehovah witnesses or jw's as i call them so keep that in mind seventh-day adventists they're more scripturally minded and what i mean by that is sound they sound more scriptural than jehovah witnesses jehovah witnesses they're just so used to lying because they talk to so many doors so they're used to lying and go away around so they can be the most annoying to talk to but seventh-day event is the way that they discuss with you a scripture is that they're more scripturally sound so because of this you have to be aware of these verses i'm gonna pull up to you we're going to look at genesis chapter 16 and verse 23 and he said unto them this is that which the lord has said tomorrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the lord bake that which he will bake today and sees that you will see and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept unto unto the morning until the morning excuse me look at 28-29 and the lord said unto moses how long refusing to keep my commandments and my laws see for that the lord hath given you the sabbath okay this is important because exodus 16 seems to be the really good proof text for seventh-day adventists because you got to realize this the ten commandments did not start until exodus 20. exodus 20 is when they start the ten commandments so notice right here before the ten commandments before moses's law that god already gave a commandment on the sabbath see so this will be a good proof text for seventh-day adventists again not only that if you show them exodus 20 go to exodus 20. if you show them exodus 20 that's not going to help your case you might say why because they're going to point out the wording here look at exodus chapter 20 verse 8. notice that the passage did not say keep the sabbath at exodus 20 verse 8. it says in exodus 20 verse 8 remember the sabbath right as if the lord gave a commandment before see that it's not the first time the lord gave a commandment on observing the sabbath it was as if the lord already gave the commandment on the sabbath a long time ago so god's telling them to remember so to give the argument that the sabbath is under moses's law and jesus's cross done away moses's law and sabbath is not going to work because seventh-day adventists are going to point out no the sabbath was observed before moses's law before exodus 20 when god gave the 10 commandments and even if you show them exodus 20 they're going to point out the wording remember as if it was already given the commandment long before so that's going to be a problem let's also look at mark chapter two now i believe this is their number one strongest passage this is what i believe is their number one strongest passage is mark chapter two oh man pastor you're scaring me already you know these verses look strong enough that's why you got to study the scriptures if you don't study the scriptures friend satan's people will and remember this satan is wiser than daniel and satan quoted scripture to jesus you don't think that the devil's people don't know as much scripture as you do that's why it's so important that you study that you read the bible that you attend the bible believing church and grow in much knowledge as you can if you don't then the devil's people are going to stomp on you all right so i think in my opinion mark chapter 2 verse 27 is their strongest passage notice right here that jesus christ he mentioned and he said unto them the sabbath was look at this made for man and not man for the sabbath uh oh so it seems like when god created a seventh day ever since the beginning he deliberately created that seventh day for man to observe so in my opinion i think that's the strongest passage sabbath was created so how do you answer these problem areas simple sometimes you sick and tired of hear hearing me say simple because it doesn't look simple but if you read the passage just study the scriptures you'll realize how it's debunked let's start off with genesis chapter 2 shall we genesis chapter 2 verse 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 2. so what you need to do is that you need to study the scripture because if you just look at if you just look at the scriptures that the devil shows you obviously it looks convincing but when you study for yourself and let the holy spirit show you you'll realize how much of a lie satan does put out on you and how much a liar he is and it's a plain as a no on your face lie okay so let's start with genesis chapter two we'll look at verses two through three now pay attention to this it is true that if you look at verse 3 the bible says that god sanctified the sabbath day but you got to realize this keep in mind this notice that god mentioned that at verses one through two excuse me verses two through three he mentioned that but he never gave that command to adam did you notice that so it's as if god himself did this why because god knows what he's going to do in the future see that by the way this is a no-brainer if you really studied your bible genesis who's the author of genesis see that why do you think moses will mention that then see that's the reason why moses will mention it because why he was the one responsible for giving the commandment to observe the sabbath to the jewish people see that but it was never directly commanded to god's people at genesis it wasn't it was not it just simply said that god honored and sanctified the sabbath that's it it never said he told them to observe the sabbath see they're not reading remember one of the key things with cults they don't read the verse as it says they automatically show you the verse interpret it and they fool you you notice the way that i explained at the beginning was very persuasive but satan can be very persuasive with this serpent tongue like he did with eve but i sure fooled you because you weren't looking at the verse and reading it as it says see that that's satan's trick that is satan's trick by the way here's another thing to think about if they honestly believe that adam was a seventh-day adventist oh i'm gonna worship god and honor god on the sabbath day let's use our brain cells here do you think it was only saturday that adam honored and worshiped the lord or it was every day in the garden as he walked and talked with god see that think about that why did god put the sabbath law to begin with with moses because they were all busy like a lot of us stupid americans and i'm gonna say stupid americans amen we're so busy here and there work school driving through traffic i need to get the uh this thing needs to go faster with my cell phone the computer tv and let's go drinking and sinning and because of that ring around the rosie god wants you to say hey it's about time you go to church that's why it's good that you have church time and amen for that because you finally and a lot of you know that i'm right about this if you've been in our church for a while you know that by coming to this church you forcibly said it set aside your wicked busy hectic schedule and finally be able to take time to just be still and know that i am god you get refreshed by fellowship you grow more in knowledge with the bible study singing preaching you get under conviction get some things right with god shamefully we should be doing this daily but let's be honest we're all flesh which is why it's best to set a day aside that's why the jews they were so busy that's why the lord made them and gave them a day that way they can set some time to observe god because they're not like adam walking and talking with god every day they weren't in the garden of eden like adam so they had to have a sabbath day okay now let's look at genesis chapter 2 verse 2 through 3 again now the thing that just annoys me the most and i criticize this very hard now you know your pastor does this because he hates it when people try to ask some kind of smart aleck when they're actually an amateur but then they pretend they're smart smarter than you puts you down and deceive you that's what ticks off your pastor the most so you know that that's why the lord he goes for the simple he goes for the poor people he goes to the prostitutes the tax collectors and sinners he goes for them not to some educated snob some fatted pharisee okay now they're going to remember that hebrew word that i use shabbat blah blah blah who cares i don't care all right but let's do this they're going to use that hebrew verb shabbath at genesis chapter 2. so because genesis chapter 2 mentions shabbat they will use this to prove as i mentioned before that this must mean then that we got to observe the sabbath so that's how they're going to argue if you look at genesis 2 2-3 it never says sabbath it says seventh day right so they're going to automatically say the hebrew word verb is shabbat so that means sabbath so notice sabbath was mentioned at genesis chapter 2 verses 2-3 that's how they get around this now the simple answer to this is you don't know hebrew okay so this is why i get really hard on greek and hebrew scholars and your pastor has no apology whatsoever and james white can cry like a baby all he wants and accuse me of verbal abuse i don't care these people tick me off the most in fooling people who have a love for god's word and use greek and hebrew so that they can cloud where they're caught in their weak area and talk you down with greek and hebrew i don't like that period you notice your pastor does not treat you like that in this church he goes down to your level jesus went down to where the sinners were and worked with them you know you notice how he treated the pharisees when he fellowshipped with them he talked down on them you know why because these people talk like snobs that's right okay now i'm gonna quit ranting right here but shabbat look okay this is the key i want you to always remember this whenever they use greek and hebrew on you you pick up a greek and hebrew lexicon and you can even find it online by the way your pastor here debunked these greek and hebrew scholars mostly like 80 through online lexicons okay so you can even pick that up online okay oh you didn't know that huh you know i see these scholars want to trample on you trick you so i want you people who don't know hebrew and greek trample on them make these scholars look bad okay you know what this word means it means rested now look at genesis 2 2-3 doesn't it say rested yes it says so what do you think the kjv translators is they translated these words to rested shabbat where they're trying to say sabbath is not a translation that's a transliteration now you notice the jehovah witnesses and seventh-day adventists they all make this dumb little mistake you notice that remember the jehovah witness argument it's not hell it's hades well hey dummy that's a transliteration translation is hell now why do i keep calling them names because it infuriates me that these people fool you with greek and hebrew because you don't know greek and hebrew that's what scholars do you know why they pull up big words on you and terminologies and mention you're not a scientist like me that's why you have no say to correct me they do that so they can act elitist on you so that they can win an argument they refuse to get to the truth of the matter and discuss it from there they say until you know like i do with this term and uh with science etc then you can tell me what to do no who cares we have the freedom right here you ain't no elitist king dictating my life and my conscience that was the catholic church in the dark ages didn't you know that the catholic church in the dark ages thought they can dictate the consciences of poor farmers and plowboys because they thought they know it all now today scholars they think they're so smart that they criticize the dark age scholars you wicked blankety blank you man you're no different from the dark age scholars mankind never learns their lesson give it a thousand years i bet you a thousand years later those scholars would be poking fun at today's scholars these bunch of every mankind did not change schola scholarship did not change from the bcs to today it did not change the common denominator they hold is man at his own wisdom at pride okay now the thing is this is that by the way here's a funny thing it not only means rested there are several translations it also means to destroy so i guess god destroyed the seventh day right would that support the seventh-day argument no so look at that they're picking and choosing definitions another word is put an end to so god put an end to the seventh day are we going to say that cause to fail that's what it also means so god caused the seventh day to fail so when a seventh-day adventist acts i'll smart alec on you with hebrew you can use this on them didn't you know hebrew it actually means to destroy this the seventh day so this debunks your seventh-day adventist religion see them flip after that see them flip because if you notice right here that the verse says at verse two he rested on the seventh day right how about we translate that he destroyed the seventh day right he put an end to the seventh day he got rid of seventh-day adventism see so this could actually support our argument so if they use hebrew on you you use hebrew on them okay here's another one let's also look at ah okay so i i put a lot of verses right here okay so not only that we're not going to turn to these verses but i'm surprised i put a lot of verses for these if you want to point out to them these this hebrew word where it destroys the seventh day or put an ends to the seventh day compare it with these verses amos chapter 8 verse 4. so we're not going to turn there just write these down amos 8 4 lamentations 5 15 daniel 9 27. you know what these verses will show it would show that was god commending the people to fail the poor people at amos 8 4 were the people stopping in joy when they were mourning in misery lamentations five were the seventh-day adventists i guess following the antichrist when he shabbath the sacrifices shabbat means to stop if they want to use shabbat as a positive word meaning sabbath look at these three verses it does not make sense you can't put sabbath in there it does not make sense when you put these three verses if they insist no it means sabbath then you tell them this the antichrist is going to shabbath you as well at daniel 9 27. i guess they're following the antichrist religion then huh okay now i know i got a lot of seventh-day adventists mad but let's look at exodus 16. exodus 16. now believe it or not there is a good amount of seventh-day adventists who get blessed from our ministry which is surprising to me so i thank god for that i thank god for you i'm glad we can be a blessing to you but you got to understand this this is nevertheless a cult this is a heretical doctrine so because of that i have to expose this and if i'm angry i'm not actually angry at you people who get blessed by our videos i'm actually angry at these false prophets of seventh-day adventism who are deceiving souls out there who talk like this to fool the people that's what i'm getting on now if you want to still get mad at me after this that's fine the judgment seat of christ will show you my heart after that that's all i'll say but i wonder if the judgment seat of christ can show your heart how you reacted to this video all right now let's look at exodus chapter 16 verse 23 now remember this passage is used by seventh-day adventists to supposedly prove the generations of adam to moses observe the sabbath because if you look at verse 23 the lord said tomorrow is the sabbath that they're going to observe right and then verse 28 through 29 god told them how long will you reject my commandment to not observe the sabbath right i mean to observe the sabbath excuse me so i already explained you this passage i'm not going to explain it again remember this passage is before this passage is before exodus 20. so there are two problems here so let's debunk these two passages the seventh-day adventists use which i'm not going to mention again because i already showed it to you exodus 16 and 20. remember that remember their arguments for this one okay let's cover this let's debunk this notion these two passages do not prove the generations of adam to moses observe the sabbath it actually confirms the sabbath started with moses not adam you might say why is that the seventh-day adventist will argue well right here exodus chapter 16 this was before the ten commandments at exodus 20. but here's the simple debunking to that argument was god speaking to adam here or to moses moses okay use your brain cells here so this does not change the fact this all goes with moses by the way god told the jews to observe the passover right isn't that an old testament law yes guess what the passover commandment was before his ten commandments as sinai when we say moses is law we're not saying it all starts at exodus 20. that's not what we're saying we're simply saying everything that evolved that went around moses when he gave the laws and commandments it's that simple it exodus 20 and 16 does not prove it went from adam all the way to moses do you see that name anywhere exodus chapter 20 verse 8 do you see it anywhere exodus 20 and verse 8 remember the sabbath day that adam and adam and abraham observe the sabbath day no it did not well why would it say the word remember the reason why it would say remember is because of exodus 16. that's why what are they looking at they're not looking at it see it's why would god tell them to remember the sabbath day here it's because of exodus 16 and exodus 16 was what adam abraham or moses moses you see the brilliance of the seventh-day adventists in interpreting scripture but it's also very dangerous watch out for these guys watch out what you got to understand is this is that that is why god told the israelites to remember the sabbath day at exodus 20 because of exodus 16. if you read exodus 16 god was angry that they ignored his commandment to their observed uh they ignored his commandment in observing the sabbath and god actually punished them in the food that they ate that's why exodus chapter 20 god told moses remember remember and does not does not god do that with us right in the preaching you'll hear the same sermon over again but god's like behind your ear saying remember [Laughter] and you're like yup if you're gonna if you sit down through a service and say uh here we go again i heard this the thousandth time pastor maybe the lord did it the thousandth time for a reason he's probably telling you remember all right let's look at mark chapter two mark chapter two all right now this is their toughest passage right so let's look at mark chapter two now remember this church is that when you're witnessing to these people this is an important note and you should have learned this throughout my preaching and basic discipleship when you witness to these people you do you don't you don't bash them you don't act mean toward them you got to show the truth in love in here because i'm on the pulpit proclaiming god's words this is different right here you got to realize this there is a time and a place for criticizing and a time and a place to speak in love it's this if you talk like sarcasm all the time then you're not right with god and if you talk in love all the time you're not right with god either there's always a time and a place for everything so remember that remember that but if you get some kind of james white hocus pocus on you seventh day adventist going like this and talking down on you then you start to jab in a little bit in a little bit talk down toward them a little bit and then see how they feel if you keep speaking to them in love what do you think they're gonna do they're gonna take advantage of you then see see that's why a time and a place for everything you gotta think of that people don't think like that okay now let's look at mark chapter 2 and verse 27. all right this is probably in my opinion the toughest passage to crack so in mark chapter 2 verse 27 notice that the sabbath seems to be made for man so thus we cannot eliminate the sabbath because when god created seven days he deliberately did this for us but here's the thing remember satan does ignores the context did they read verse 28 notice right here that the bible says at mark chapter 2 verse 27 and then verse 28 therefore the son of man is lord also of the sabbath correct that's what you see right there so knows that jesus christ he is in charge he is lord over the seventh day the sabbath day but not only that let's look at exodus chapter 16 verse 23 let's look at exodus chapter 16 and then we'll read verse 23. now notice right here that the first mention that's the key right here the sabbath was made for man correct now here's the thing did it ever say creation and adam ah see they're inserting their interpretation again yes the sabbath was created for man but let's think about this when was the first time sabbath mentioned the word sabbath that was adam or was it moses um moses tricky tricky see that you notice how i inserted an interpretation in mark 2 27 and it seemed very believable yes we agree the sabbath was made for man but he never said adam or creation you're inserting your interpretation think about it when was the sabbath that exact word aren't we going literally by the word as it says that exact word when was this made when was this started when was this created right there that's what they don't show you that's what they don't show you why do you think jesus told these people the sabbath was made for man because he's an old testament jew under moses's law why else would he say that that doesn't apply to christians see that it doesn't apply to christians this was referring to an old testament jewish standpoint right there what they remember the seventh-day adventists they're going to say no sabbath was first mentioned at genesis 2. remember they said that because of the because of what because of some silly word shabbat right remember that when they do that on you then start using those passages that i showed you that no it did not say that you know what the bible says the bible never said sabbath it's that seventh day at genesis 2. the bible said sabbath at exodus 16 why why because obviously what are you going to call saturday or seventh day what are you gonna call that why do you think god called it the seventh day because he said the first day the second day third day fourth day fifth day sixth day seventh day that's what he said at genesis that's why he said seventh day he wasn't thinking about mosaic observance of the sabbath etc he was just simply going by the day system right here but the word sabbath he didn't say seventh day at exodus 16 he said sabbath why because this is a mosaic jewish standpoint now see there's a difference right here we literally go by the verse as it says and you notice that is something i stress so many times in all my teachings otherwise wrong doctrine will form and come out now let's look at nehemiah chapter 9 nehemiah chapter 9. it is very upsetting and sad how much wrong doctrine is out there and it looks believable it looks believable that's why i had a heavy burden to go online see because there's so much garbage that you see online of heresy wrong doctrine and even teaching that would damn a person's soul to hell now let's look at nehemiah chapter 9 and then we'll read verse 14. now you want to know this passage this is for you this is a very strong passage for you that you want to use on a seventh-day adventist you ready for this nehemiah chapter 9 verse 14 through 15 and made us known unto them thy holy sabbath ah god made known to the people about observing the sabbath but look at the timeline and command this them precepts statutes and laws by the what adam and eve by abraham no by the hand of moses thy servant boom that is proof they didn't know okay if they want to say notice that these people were observing the sabbath ever since adam's timeline no they didn't even know they didn't even know it wasn't until moses how about that by the way remember genesis 2 where it says god rested on the seventh day and sanctified it who was the writer obviously moses see now let's also keep reading right here we're going to read verse 15 and gave us them bread from heaven for their hunger and brought us forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst and promises them that they should go in to possess the land which thou has sworn to give them see this is all referring to the jewish context of moses's law mosaic law mosaic law this was not before moses now there are some people i'm not saying it's all seventh day adventists but there are some out there who believe observing the sabbath is part of your salvation so when they argue this you want to use this verse on them show them this oh does that then i guess adam and eve abraham isaac jacob and the 12 tribes they went to hell right or they lost their salvation because they don't believe in hell i guess they're not saved right because this verse shows that no one knew until moses by the hand of moses so this is a very powerful verse that you want to memorize and know nehemiah chapter 9 verses 14 through 15. it will come in handy all right let's also look at mark chapter 2 again mark chapter 2. now let's repeat this passage that seventh-day adventists use we're gonna look at mark chapter two and then we'll read verse 27 mark chapter 2. we'll read verse 27. notice right here said unto them the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath right then they're going to use verse 28 as well so let's add this together jesus is lord over the sabbath now i pointed that to you right so this seems to show right here that rejecting the sabbath seems to be rejecting jesus christ that's what they're going to point out right here it seems to be a real bad thing a blasphemous thing oh god forbid so you know we should so you know you can't do anything about it but here's the thing is that if we're going to concentrate on verse 28 right here verse 28 it says jesus is the lord over the sabbath right that's all it says all it's showing right here is jesus is lord over the sabbath why would he say something like that it's very simple because if you read the context here look at verses 23 through 27 and then we got a closer right here look at verses 23-27 notice right here that the pharisees argue that you're like breaking the sabbath day right here right jesus christ it is so simple he's saying right here that i'm the lord over the sabbath day so i can do whatever i want that doesn't mean that you have to all of you got to observe the sabbath day that's not what it's saying it just means what it says i'm lord over the sabbath isn't that simple to understand isn't that true by the way if you want to say that this passage exclusively exclusively has to be only sabbath then you got a problem here if you want to make it only exclusively restricted to sabbath then you're saying jesus is only lord over the sabbath if that's what you want to say then that means jesus is not the lord over sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday over your life no jesus is the lord of everybody's lives and days that's how it should be you can't just restrict it to sabbath for crying out loud look at the con they don't look at context they automatically and throw in an interpretation over there by the way here's something very easy if jesus is lord over the sabbath he can do whatever he wants with the sabbath correct now remember the context was these seventh-day adventist pharisees were accusing jesus you're breaking the sabbath right but jesus said i can do whatever i want with the sabbath if jesus told new testament christians today that the sabbath is no longer applied to the church he can do whatever he wants yes no pharisaical seventh aventis then has the right just like mark chapter two to tell you oh you're breaking the sabbath when seventh-day adventists use this passage on you you can actually turn the tables on them and show them no this passage is actually talking about you guys that you guys are the pharisees denying jesus as the lord over the sabbath that's how you can catch them that's how you can catch them okay now um in your homework assignment you're going to be uh listening to the video how to witness to muslims how to witness to muslims so that is within our how to witness playlist i will put the link at the end of this video let's close heavenly father i want to pray that today's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers as we continue our teaching on seventh-day adventism i pray that you'll soften the people's hearts in here and online to accept bible believing truth in jesus name we pray amen out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the lord jesus christ in this christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin god is a holy god and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with the burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then i guess i have to clean up all my sins i guess i have to go to church i guess i have to get baptized i have to i have to be a good person no my friend good works can never save you jesus is god who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor i do believe only on what jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the lord you might say well preacher i haven't prayed much before in my life i don't know really how to say it to god can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear god i know i'm a sinner as i repent i put my faith that jesus is god and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins i put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in jesus name i pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and satan's about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site www.bbcenglish.org and click on the resources link over there and it'll give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you [Music]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 110,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: kJoyWN6sL18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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