Top 10 Christian Scandals That SCARE YOU TO DEATH ➜ Hillsong, Paula White | Dr. Gene Kim

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title israel and we're going to go through basically the top 10 christian scandals and these are probably something that will shock you names that you uh heard about are extremely popular but you didn't know that they've done these horrendous acts some of them you've heard just a little bit but you didn't know how dirty it was or how deep the level is and i'm going to basically uh show the audience some shocking things that are the top 10 that they probably didn't know about some of these are a full record and others believe it or not happen within a one year span a couple of them in a one year span which is shocking to me so i it shows how much the devil is really working his system we're gonna turn to first timothy chapter five and that will be the passage for tonight's teachings all right now y'all take guesses on who are the top ten let's start out with number 10 number 10. so number 10 we will start out with carl lentz carl lentz for some people who don't know about carl lance he's the famous hillsong pastor remember hillsong is a chain so he's one of their pastors carl lentz he's very famous for his connections uh and conversion of justin bieber or supposedly the conversion of justin bieber i don't know about that but that's between him and god and then all the other big shot celebrities who attended his church services so he was probably the a-list in hillsong's pastor list but in this article title he is a victim of his own church carl lentz ranin karim and hillsong's unfurling scandal and this is in the vanity fair magazine november 17th 2020 this happened recently so this was november of 2020. the scandal is that he cheated on his wife which is why it's number 10 and you might say well that's bad enough well you don't know what worse is so just wait and see so carl lentz he cheated on his wife and he even admitted to the woman renin karim that he has a wife but desp in spite of that he's uh he still beg to have connections with her hook up with her and they even felt a point of uh falling in love with each other which is pretty bad and then finally uh whoever found out first i bet you it's the wife right wife wife always looks at everything well i found amen brother so uh white found out and then uh it became an ugly scandal and she even held a bigger disdain for christianity and i believe i could be wrong but from what from some rumors i've heard she has a muslim background so it gives uh she now has a greater distinct toward christianity and hillsong has a right to be criticized severely because it's not just carl and sin but the title of the article she said he is a victim of his own church because lens poured out a whole bunch of emotions during their time cheating time together and he was like frustrated with the church the organization the machinery and some slippery things that was going on behind the scenes probably so because of that she saw it she saw him as a victim more than a a messed up person a corrupt person she saw him more as a victim because the real uh abuser the real machine the real evil was the hillsong system but uh we'll find out a little bit more later on on that one okay the second one number nine number nine and big names all alright paulo white for some of you who didn't know this was years ago that's why you didn't know about that but here's another big name which is bigger than her because they did it together or you say benny hen so supposedly benny hinn and paula white so it's supposedly because it can only be confirmed from the news source from what they investigated but there's no 100 evidence for that one yet however uh you got to realize there were some things that were very fishy and i personally believe it did happen so at rome they were seen coming out of the hotel holding hands together so that's real plain suspicion number one number two benny hinn went through a divorce after that with his wife but then uh he confessed and repaired the marriage and then paula white herself what was going through a divorce and family issues so i i don't know you just be the judge of that yourself the title is from the orlando sentinel orlando sentinel title of their article book publisher says tele-evangelist benny hinn violated morality clause and this is february 17 2011 but actually the article goes on to say that uh benny hinn basically admitted that the incident happened so when they said about the incident i don't know too much if he like blatantly confessed i did it with her or but he basically confessed the uh that he was inappropriate that the inappropriate things were going on with him and her so it was pretty pretty bad so that was a huge issue that happened years ago all right this one is a no-brainer so these are common things that became very infamous throughout history now the other one the other person's name is some of you have may have heard this couple jim and tammy baker so now i don't know if you remember this was a guy that basically during the coronavirus incident was trying to sell the silver solution medicine and then the secular world uh crucified him and some secular groups tried to sue him for that one but basically the title of the article is from the history channel october 4th 1988 tele evangelist jim baker is indicted on federal charges now why is that it's because the federal charge we we can tell the sexual scandal was his former church secretary jessica hahn but it's not just that for some of you who don't know about jim baker he's so famous because i don't know if you heard of this organization he's the founder or the leader of praise the lord ministries now i don't know if you knew this but during the early 2000s praise the lord ministries the largest christian television network was trinity broadcasting network during the 90s and the early 2000s and then praise the lord network was constantly on that was probably the most famous uh show during uh tbn more so than joel osteen and benny hinn's own channels so he was like the leader of that one but he was caught with the scandal but why is it higher than carl lentz the reason why is because it's not just his sexual incident with jessica han federal charges of mail and wire and of conspiring to defraud the public so that was even worse now these are big names you gotta understand so far let me give you another big name this is recorded in the history books this person alright jimmy swagger jimmy swaggart now jamie swagger for some of you who don't know he was a famous charismatic pastor during the 80s as well during the 80s famous pastor him and jim baker just went hand to hand but what happened was that he went out with prostitutes and the title of the article is from ap news prostitutes says swaggart had sex with her but this is what made him worse than jim baker is this is that when the baker incident came out swagger criticized and rebuked and then the very same year or practically the next year within the same timeline swaggart instance came out so it's a famous scene in news where he cried and said i have sinned against you my lord but then there's a lot of comments there that says he's very good at putting on a show because charismatics are very good in being sensational so me i'm not going to judge him and probably he did confess but that's another thing that i don't overlook either perhaps it was a show i don't know but the point is what makes him worse is one the hypocrisy but second this is pretty disturbing is that i'm not going to read this word for word but basically the prostitute claimed that swaggart when he was doing a sexual intercourse with her he wanted her underage daughter like very very young to watch the scenery so that was just totally messed up that was just really wicked so there's that one here's the other one number six now this is just shocking these are huge names you gotta understand ted haggard ted haggard okay why is he famous because for some of you who don't know ted haggard he's the president of the national association of evangelicals so the dominant mega churches of today are evangelical churches i don't know if you knew that that's why i said my number one enemy for some of you who don't remember my number one enemy in uh rebuking is actually not the globalist but it's actually the evangelical churches or otherwise called neo evangelical churches why is that because they compromised and they have huge numbers so that's why they made a huge influence around our world and politics and even fellow christians because of their power but ted haggard he's the president of the national association of evangelicals okay what makes him worse than the previous three well it was uh two sexual scandals and you might go well it's not as bad as swagger right well the thing is is a title of the cnn article disgraced pastor haggard admits second relationship second time with what with man homosexuality so here's his pastor preacher and then the sodomite actually called him out i could be wrong but from some rumors that called him out in the middle while he was preaching then pointed out point blank that he and i had a relationship that was really really bad that was really really bad now number it gets worse okay it gets worse number five now you wouldn't believe this number five number five is jerry falwell jr that's right the one who's supposed to be in charge of liberty university now remember liberty university is very strong concerning about uh the conservative movement or in christian education system so a lot of the liberal universities the first thing in their mind concerned about christian university or the top would be liberty university but jerry falwell jr now you might go what makes him even worse now you know when this happened this actually happened uh within last year this happened within last year so it's pretty pretty bad so it's very very recent it's very very recent now look at this one already back to back already back to back so this should be scary to ministers or people involved in the ministry then we live in a digital age don't we we live at a time of where corruption is increasing all right but anyway jerry falwell jr this is this is really messed up all right this is by reuters title of their article business partner of falwells says affair with evangelical power couple spanned seven years wait what does that mean in the title okay so he's he started when he was 20 so it's a he with falwell but basically he had uh sexual relations with his wife falwell jr just liked to watch that is just this is just way out like i mean it just puts a cold chill in your spine you go one the world's going on so liberty university definitely took action about this because this was not a good testimony to them so thankfully there are christian organizations who do that actually and i think haggard he did confess in front of even the liberal news media his sin and then publicly confessed it so at least uh some christians have a conscience about that or some christians even do good measures at least to do that much but that was really messed up and this is recently you gotta understand okay all right here's not here's something that's worse than falwell okay it just gets darker as we as we get go deeper and deeper and this is only five years ago okay i don't know if some of you knew this guy's name but he's famous and i use some of his illustrations for my sermons his book he takes animal characters i remember that in the preachers library my dad actually has a huge volumes and these are animal characters and then he does a brilliant job where he takes every moral character like responsibility trust uh obedience and then applies these morals with each animal and what however the animal practices responsibility we christians can learn from that but he does probably even more things than that one but his name is bill gothard bill gothard so when i heard about that i was really disturbed i really didn't know about that that really disturbed me now why is he worse than falwell so title of the article from the chicago let me move that way people can see top three right all right title from the chicago mag the cult next door that's not a good testimony for a title june 20th 2016. all right what makes him worse what makes him worse is from the article it says gothard stepped down after an internal probe but since uh since then 1818 former staffers interns and volunteers have joined in a lawsuit accusing him of quote sexually physically emotionally spiritually and or psychologically abusing them in many cases the plaintiffs were under age at the time and had been recruited to work for the organization by gothard himself the suit also takes on iblp accusing it of initially covering up gothard's actions which the plaintiffs claim took place over the course of several decades several decades and it's been some people some christians joked about bill gothard having a harem because his staff and his staffers were all pretty girls and a lot of them consisted of underage women so there was a joke going around the christian community and that's but then little did they know it was really the case it's not a good testimony and so that's what makes them worse because it's 18 right here and it's been going on for decades now if you think that's bad enough it just gets worse so number three perhaps the most famous recently ravi zacharias how many of you have heard about that scandal look at this folks look at the year here do you see this this should be a a time where christians should be more on the alert 2020. all right ravi zacharias title of the cnn article famed evangelist ravi zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct his ministry says what way this guy okay this really disgusted me because zacharias is a famous apologist that everybody looked up to now remember i gave you a warning about him and a lot of people online got mad at me and that's okay it's because they haven't grown spiritually they haven't been in the ministry for a while or those who claim to be in the ministry they're just used to compromising and they're not in right doctrine but ravi zacharias i warned you about him that look i gave him credit to whom credits do i said i thank god for him he's done a lot of great work but i warned you that his issue that i don't like about him is that he's dishonest he's slippery he's conniving he tries to please both sides so that no side can condemn him and he's so good with that why because he's good with apologetics so he has a way with words that's why he got off of this force for all the all those years until the day he died why he was good with words and that makes me extremely angry that makes me i'm even more angry at him than now i should have exposed him even more but me i'm i'm giving credit to him his credits do i don't believe in like making myself look like a fool by uh posting tons of video on one individual so i have limitations i have grace but this guy i feel like i should have condemned him even more this guy is disgusting this guy makes me angry i mean he's he's getting what he deserves if he is if he is saved he's getting what he deserves at the judgment seat of christ and i don't want to be in his shoes this is from the article cnn the law firm said it employed a private investigations firm that included former federal law enforcement officers more than 50 people were interviewed including more than a dozen massage therapists according to the report a digital forensics firm examine four cell phones this guy is conniving sneaky way with words a digital forensics firm examined four cell phones and a laptop used by zacharias evidence was uncovered of text and email-based relationships with women who are not his wife along with more than more than 200 photos of women the report said and these were women that he manipulated abused and controlled basically raped let's just be honest it's rape several women accused zacharias of using ministry funds to give them financial support eliciting personal information about their lives and employing religious employing this is what makes me angry employing religious language during encounters according to the report you know why he has this existential garbage of speaking that he can get away with it that guy's a snake i hate that that makes me extremely angry how dare you use the gift god has given to you to abuse your sinful nature you know what makes me even more angry that's why i put him at number three you know what makes me even more man angry i don't know who i'm more angry ravi zacharias or the ministry leaders who get mad at me for posting this video and empathize with them title of the article from religion news service ministry leaders rush to empathize with ravi zacharias is beyond alarming you know why they're all saying that look it could have happened to me too so what in the are you stupid man are you stupid man i mean how dare you say it could happen to the best of us so we shouldn't be so judgmental and are you stupid why don't you shut up get off the ministry man could happen to you i don't want you as my pastor now look let's be honest and i'm going to actually uh shed a little grace here because we cannot think we're better than any of these people that's very dangerous to also think about i'm not saying i'm better than these guys your fleshly nature you have no idea you got to realize this this is common sense uh a person who was researching these men gave a very good question you got to think about that all these men all these people did not start out that i'm going to join the ministry so that i can sexually take advantage of people all these people started out with a good heart for the lord i want to help people i want to rescue people but see in the middle of their spiritual walk the devil gets them somewhere and then gets them to mess up now i would like to hear john macarthur who's been with meetings with ravi zacharias and sprole and those idiots who've been together with ravi zacharias call him a save christian see if he's saved or not in their lordship salvation heresy this is proof a saved christian can commit the worst kinds of sins now i uh john macarthur you have the guts i challenge you and sproul and these calvinist scholars and to start publicly saying that ravi zacharias he's a saved brother in christ and it can happen to any of us then you're the greatest hypocrite ever then you're saying that he saved with these sexual scandals that lost unsaved liberals who drink smoke dance fornicate and do sodomy wouldn't even do the same thing that zacharias would do yeah so christians should be careful amen see so i understand that but the way that these pastors talk like we should like we shouldn't uh cast judgment and it could happen to the best of us you better shut up man he got what he deserved people should be angry against this guy for what he did uh the art it's a shame here the article reads here which is a shame it is deeply troubling to see so many men especially in ministry leadership find a more immediate connection with the abuser rather than the abused that's a shameful testimony in this news source i'm not you think it can get worse than this all right now some of you wouldn't know this by now because this has been a long time in waiting but uh brian uh houston is that right his last name all right brian houston why is he number two this is the the famous guy who's in charge of phil song all right the guy who started the chain the guy who has all the power he started this corrupt machinery that gave birth to a victim like this one that's why he's number two why because because of him he gets another guy coming out from his ministry like that and not just him probably even more that's why this is a dan this hill song is a dangerous machine this this system should be exposed this system should be rebuked it's a worldly uh and i and people make fun of me that contemporary music does not give a sensual atmosphere wow you wonder why hillsong they always sing gay they always have to sing real gay because it feeds essential emotions all right then we'll we'll have to have brother jonathan join the hillsong concert jumping up and down i think he'll get them in shape after that i'm just kidding all right the new york post all right this is very disturbing because hillsong it's uh i'll tell you all the incidents this is scandal after scandal after scandal in hillsong that makes it bad that's why podesta's number two the new york post title of their article tithe money funded hillsong pastors luxury lifestyles former members not just one a number of hillsong pastors i don't know if you heard about carl lentz he sold his home for about nearly 2 million or something like that so you got to realize this in new jersey i think so i'm not talking about san jose california all right where you going to run down beat down house and you can sell it for like half a mil or one million dollars i'm talking about like new jersey man i think that's the location but he had a a 1.5 or 2 million dollar house and tithe money could have contributed to that because they have a thing what they call it uh what they mention about these cards uh but i'm not gonna get into that but you can research these articles and read them yourselves but they mention about this certain card that the pastors receive and then through these cards they're able to spend to their own benefit so to speak that's why this pastor here when he's using the church credit card and the treasury people know this and we all have eyewitnesses keeping an eye on each other when i use a church credit card i always report when there's a person here using the church credit card guess what you can't get away with it you're in the report system and all of us are going to know about it so you can't buy that big fancy rolex watch okay before the blowout all right you're not going to get away with that now at vanity fair magazine title of their article hillsong church faces new allegations of abusive behavior because ever since lentz got fired people started to take advantage and speak out they felt more brave to speak out now it says here carl lentz firing from the mega church has set off a flood of comments from previous members about their experiences december 23 2020 by dan adler this is by the new york post title of their article it's a cult x ex-hillsong members claim church demanded quote slave labor that's a that's a machine and guess what ifb churches are guilty of that too i get suspicious when there are pastors who have like a slavery system demand undying loyalty and then makes the slaves the laborers because that gives too much power and gives too much trust for the members to their pastor that's dangerous that happens with ifb churches actually it's pretty bad this one this was a couple years ago and what's really sad is this video from 60 minutes australia they ended with a hopeful tone that hopefully that this incident that you suffered that you'll seek justice but it's been years now maybe because brian houston and his organization's too powerful but title of the article of this youtube video from 60 minutes australia victim of hillsong church founder's father says childhood was destroyed by sexual abuse why that because the founders father molested the child and you know what brian houston did didn't report knew about it didn't report i don't uh his reasons were well because the victim did not want it to be reported that was his excuse but it doesn't change the fact that there's uh what the legal system talked about a conflict of interest and they mentioned that it doesn't change that fact there's a legal obligation and duty and by the way a lot of victims some of you don't know this a lot of victims they like to keep it to themselves i'm not saying that uh we can force people out of their abusive homes and etc but we do have a right we do have a right and a duty where if some if there's a crime that happens in the church man that's got to be taken care of immediately all right now the thing is this is that uh so you can't just get away by just saying oh he's not a pastor anymore then where's the justice how does he get punishment for that but it's not just that father incident there's so many other scandals that came out and guess what he's still getting away with it and guess what the liberal news media while they're exposing him for that one they're tying him to other christian churches like so this is the benefit of 501 c 3 churches and et cetera where they don't have to take pay taxes and et cetera that'll give more justification for the left-wingers to take more control of churches perhaps right why so we can protect the people from scandals and hunters like these guys these evil pastors see what satan's setting up something dangerous perhaps well but that's not the worst number one all right here comes the big drum roll thing here number one and you might be surprised all right some people might think well you're so mean and you're so cruel that uh you know that you point out these christian pastors who are better than you and who've done great things for the lord it's not your place to judge well you know you might be surprised when i might put as number one the independent fundamental baptist churches the independent fundamental baptist churches and guess what we are independent fundamental baptists but the distinction from us with the typical independent fundamental baptist churches is that we study more doctrine right we study more doctrine that's why we titled our channel real bible believers because everybody's calling themselves a bible believer in the independent fundamental baptist movement but they hardly know doctrine and not only that cults are calling themselves bible believers seventh-day event is charismatics that's why we titled our channel real bible believers that's the thing but the thing is is that uh with independent fundamental baptist churches and i'm not saying that we're the only one obviously if you look at our church directory there's thousands of bible believers who are like us and then scores of churches that we can recommend you to throughout the world but obviously we're a minority and god's people are always a minority if we're a majority like hillsong then i think that i'd be worried okay but just so as not to scare other people we're not like a weird little cult all right so here's the thing is that here's the title of the article and this is from christianity today their article and shame the independent fundamental baptist movement title of their article hundreds literally hundreds accuse independent baptist pastors of abuse hundreds more than all right now let me read you something here it says here from connected kit from connecticut to california the stories are tragically similar a music minister molested a 15 year old girl in north carolina and moved to another church in florida the star telegram wrote wait doesn't this sound like uh the catholic the catholic scandal where they move their priests from one location to another that's a shame for independent fundamental baptist churches to do that that's a shame another girl's parents stood in front of their connecticut congregation to acknowledge their daughter's sin after she was abused by her youth pastor beginning at 16. this year four women accused a pastor in california of covering up sexual misconduct and shielding the abusers over almost 25 years in all 168 leaders including some of the most prominent pastors among the groups thousands of u.s congregations faced abused accusations over incidents spanning from the 1970s to present day more than 130 of them have been found guilty of rape kidnapping sexual assault and a litany of other crimes with most victims being children and teens like bill gothard but they just add the numbers way more uh let's keep reading here according to a database compiled by the star telegram dozens of abusive pastors had multiple victims one raped 11 girls in his congregation and several had abused children as young as seven years old shelton smith editor of the sword of the lord big name ifb he said this the fact that such abuse occurs anywhere anytime is horrendous smith referenced abuse scandals among independent baptists and others in an article earlier this year urging leaders to immediately report allegations to authorities and remove the accused from positions of influence while cases undergo investigation now you wouldn't believe which names were included in this list so the jack hiles son jack kyle's son that's one and then the other jack hiles was the law the top 14 largest churches in america he's a champion of the independent fundamental baptist church movement his own scandal is an incident where there are rumors about his scandals and incidents for now i'm just going to say that that's between the people and the lord what they investigate concerning about heils but his son was moved around once he was caught moved to a different church and then to another church the other incident was concerning about jack kyle's protege who took over his church makes you wonder if there's a pattern or a machinery right because family members know what other family members do jack scott and that's been years ago that's been famous he's still in prison if i recall under age miner jack scope who took over jack kyle's ministry now that church cut a lot now they're not the big name anymore the big name currently is paul chapel with his west coast baptist college in lancaster baptist church but some of you don't know about his brother mark chapel had a sexual scandal in incident rumors say some of them included minors too that's between them and the lord but uh the mark chapel incident that's more of a a likely thing and then the third one is you probably don't know about this but even in our area north valley baptist church from jack trevor there was a person i think his name is cameron giovanelli i think that's his name but one pastor independent fundamental baptist pastor got so mad that north valley wasn't really taking action so then he spoke out and then finally uh the person was finally caught cameron giovannelli because he was a big faculty player in north valley baptist church nearby here so that's uh really bad that's pretty shameful so that's the bad thing now after i say all this all i can say is this is all have sinned and come short of the glory of god look i'm no better either i'm no better either what i want to give you from this lesson some people might think oh kim he's just giving something off juicy or something no one we should know about stuff like this that way we can be more careful and aware all right especially within the same year okay and then the north valley incident wasn't far away from here i think it was 2019 okay so 2019 or 18 wasn't far away this we're getting at dangerous times now okay so uh so the second point the reason why i'm doing this is i want to give something that will encourage people all right because this does happen things like this happens in christian churches yes even in bible believing churches and god forbid it's going to happen to our church one day all right so then when when the time comes which i pray it will never happen is that one we should be on guard okay we've got to be on guard so one thing we gotta understand is that this flesh is evil and that we have to realize that anyone is capable of this so we have to take precautionary measures the first one i want you to turn to is first thessalonians chapter 5 please please go to first thessalonians chapter five now um there's a video that uh you know i would actually recommend this video so the title of the video that i posted is forbidden how do christians teach sex and that was very important because it showed that look there's nothing wrong with sex but see that's the thing is that it becomes something very dark and dangerous because the catholic priest repressed themselves for so long and there are too many pressures and burdens in their work that's the thing that happened to these guys too much attention see so they felt that there was too much power and at the same time there was too much pressure and burden and then you can't help yourself and then what happens you can't help it when opportunity knocks you want to take it you want to bite the forbidden fruit all right let's look at the book of first thessalonians chapter five now i taught this in that video that look people say well what's wrong with the girls hanging out with guys teenagers at the middle of midnight and they're underage etc uh look man first thessalonians 5 22 abstain from all appearance of evil look at the book of ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter five verse three remember testimony is crucial that's what these pastors thought too so they thought that look uh it's okay it's a harmless little thing but then the appearance gave gives an impression where people are thinking what are they doing right rumors fly so it's a bad testimony so then because of that that's why the bible says ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 but fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not be once named among you as become a saint see let fornication not even be what named among you so don't let that be attributed let's assume paula white benny hinn nothing absolutely happened okay but guess what it was named it hit the news because of something inappropriate that's why christians you have to be careful of that so that's number one if you take these precautionary measures then what's going to happen is then you're further away from something like this happening okay another thing is this is what i encourage people to do when they get married and i taught this at the video before look at first corinthians chapter seven first corinthians chapter seven it is so important look you can't pretend you're holy you can't pretend that sexual things don't have a hold on you it does especially if you're a grown male okay with a lot of power and a lot of attention so it is so important at first corinthians chapter seven and this can happen to women too okay so that's why you women have to be careful too it's not just the men so i'll include everybody but it's important that uh when you look at verse nine but if they cannot attack contain in other words they cannot remain single pure let them what marry for it is better to marry than to what burn all right get married don't be a catholic priest all your life don't pretend you're holy and that you don't need affection from your wife and wife don't pretend that you don't need affection from your husband because verse five defrauding not one the other except it be with consent for a time that ye may give yourselves to fasting in prayer and come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinence that's so important you need to get together basically that verse is saying that sexually don't uh don't refrain from each other that's defrauding why because the body is not your own at verse four the body belongs to your lover the spouse so you need to get together so my advice is this is that if you see your spouse under a stressful situation or you're under stress yourself i mean look your husband and wife what is it that you both don't know about it's better that you disclose each other now you don't have to be stupid but you got to disclose each other rather than the lover catching you at something dark one day okay disclose each other you have to understand each other be gracious to each other don't be condemnatory to each other concerning this issue you have to be understanding you have to be open can't use the busyness excuse you can't use that uh oh no i i don't do stuff like that when you're doing stuff sexually you gotta be open and you gotta work out together all right one cannot abuse against the other that's another thing because the body's not your own at verse four so one spouse should not take dominance against the other spouse if that's what it does then guess what see you feel so repressed these people thought they were holy they repressed then they abused other people but then people who are like well you know i can't repress so i'm going to abuse my spouse they go there and that's dangerous you have to watch out for that so don't let satan tempt you for your incontinency that means a lack of pleasure for each other don't let satan tempt you for that one so you uh look you might think that this is not a big deal but even in marriage counselings i did that because uh the reason why i inserted this part of marriage counseling is look we got over 50 of divorces in america and i bet you a huge percentage of them is because they cheated on someone else all right there's a good chance that it cheats on somebody else and not only that within every divorce almost okay i'm gonna not say every but in a lot of divorces a spouse will accuse another spouse why did you look at that person that way talk to that person that way there's always that tension that rises all right so it's important that uh you have to watch your testimony so it doesn't give that it doesn't give that appearance wrong impression secondly everything that you have within you sexually should be satisfied with the person god has given to you now you know it's so bad that brian i think brian houston took this to a such a higher level that the secular liberal news media shamed him where his wife was talking about basically being a sexy doll for her husband and giving sexual details on how to perform it it was so disturbing and disgusting that the liberal news media they're like why you do that you know that's not a christian thing you see that you know these people think that they have to go that far and being descriptive but as you've learned but as i've taught you before let it not be once named among you that's sexual dark stuff you know what what she should have done she should have shut her mouth and kept it between her and the husband why the marriage bed look at uh i you know i'm not gonna turn there all right hebrews hebrews 13 as you already know the marriage bed is holy not the file but it's kept within only the bed not public news for everybody to hear my goodness i don't want to know man keep it to yourself who wants to know maybe one of these weirdos right like we've seen right i mean one of these weirdos my all right let's go to first timothy chapter five first timothy chapter five i better wrap this up quickly first timothy chapter five now i'm scared because so the thing is this is that uh things like this and i'm going to mention this part because people have to understand and this is apparent to even lost people sins like this is not something that oh it's not a big deal it is a big deal justice is going to be served you can't just overlook the justice and belittle the justice justice must be served the bible says at verse 20 first timothy 5 20 them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear i charge thee before god and the lord jesus christ and the elect angels see that you got to rebuke before everyone so that why they can fear guess what happened they didn't rebuke before all the liberal news media did so the liberal news media rebuked these people before all uh making us fear the lord making us fear these situations it's sad liberal news media has to teach us that not fellow christians not fellow christians look at verse 24 what happens some men's sins are what open beforehand going before to judgment and some men they follow after that's what happens likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand and they that are otherwise can not be hid how about that these things are these are incidents that cannot be hidden and that they are open and that must be rebuked now we believe in uh taking justice we believe that things have to be done so uh i i don't know too much about liberty university's handling or jack kyle's church how they handled with jack scott or with ravi zacharias's situation so they all have their deficiencies maybe they could have done better but at least one thing that i give them approval on is they realize that as a church go to matthew 18 matthew 18 that as a church they had to handle the matter themselves they have to handle the matter themselves that way why their testimony doesn't get ruined from the whole world now here's something important to understand is that i'm not being like a jerk trying to parade about uh if a bible believing pastor messes up in something i'm not the type that's going to parade around about that one you know why because i don't do that with i mean look isn't that a bad thing to do that with everyone sins in the church are you going to parade everybody in the church about everybody's sins here in the church so and so did this so and so did that come on man you don't treat it as that method every one of us have sinful issues right all of us have sinful issues and it's not our job to just parade it to everybody look look at matthew chapter 18 okay verse 15 this is not something you parade about matthew 18 15 moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou has gained thy brother but if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more than the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established see it's supposed to go at a pattern here okay it's supposed to go out a pattern that you deal with that person about his or her sinful issue and this is for any sinful issue you can think about and then once that's taken care of then you take it to if the person still won't listen to you then you take it to a number of witnesses why because paul said at the book of ephesians there are sins that is even a shame to even speak about so then it's got to be done at a pattern in a wise manner well the bible says you're supposed to rebuke the sin before all yeah because of verse 17 this is where it comes to and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican see that so then then you bring it before the whole church if the person still won't listen and then if the person still won't listen you gotta renounce him and rebuke it before all so that they may learn to fear that this guy that he's a heathen to us and he's a publican so that's one step number two is this is we're going by the government system see that so a christian should not be illegal so if there are illegal means that happens at least these some of these organizations at some level they did a right move by doing the investigation and doing it between themselves and then bringing up to the legal system and then by doing it in front of the legal system eventually what the whole world heard about that so but it's a shame that the liberal news media shames the christians through that when this could have been solved with zacharias and other people a long time ago why the organizations defended these people they didn't side with the victims who told the organization zacharias did this to me but the organization did not listen now they have to apologize now their testimony is ruined for life pretty much see that there is this look i'm not a jerk there's this one idiot who dubs himself as a new ifb and the leader and the founder and what he did was he just took every video and wanted to crucify every uh fellow independent fundamental baptist pastor like him and he just made a sensationalized and big news and he's the one that did it and you know what happened to him at the end he himself had to eat his own lunch and when one of his own pastors that came from his church was caught in a sexual scandal he had to publicize that himself but what was even worse was one of his own children and i'm not i don't want to give because i'd this is when children are involved involved and i don't want to do that but one one of his own children got involved in the sexual scandal too with a person who's really this is uh where people are seeing as minor age level son is at a higher age level and this one's like minor level and i mean like really like i'm not gonna give it so guess what he did he brushed it off so it's not a big deal when he made big emphasis about rebuke before all and i i don't like these independent fundamental baptist pastors moving from place to place but guess what there were investigators who pointed out that he was moving his son just like jack kyles was moving his son so see you got to be careful so i look i understand that this could happen to the best of us so i don't parade about this kind of stuff and make it a huge big deal like oh this should be sensationalized no i'm bringing up the stuff that's already on the news in the public that everyone should know so i'm abiding by first timothy 5 where we can learn fear but before i do this kind of stuff i take steps and matthew and the book of matthew gave you the right steps to handle it so one go by the book of matthew steps second thing make sure it's legal all right everything is done legally and you do report when it needs to be reported the last thing i want to say is this too is that a lot of times uh when sins happen and these uh public sins happen it's so important that um you can't jump the gun and then aside with when there are both sides of an argument going on because you got to realize this is that unless there's 100 proof of an incident or a scandal that occurs and the investigation is done and the lord blesses and honors it then that's when it takes action because there's tons of accusations going out by liberal news media so christians i understand that okay i understand christians that liberal news media they try to find every scandal and incident and we can't just judge a brother harshly just based on something that's not based on 100 evidence okay so i understand that too i make a big deal about that in church too and some of you know about that you can't just go by information unless there is evidence otherwise if the if the person really didn't commit uh the crime or the incident then what happens is then you shame then you hurt the person you hurt yourself and you hurt the people involved okay so that's the third rule i want to add the third rule i want to add is don't get involved if there's something that's not 100 evidence all right that's good advice if you do that you shame your testimony and you shame yourself from the whole world but that's what that new ifb pastor did see he want to get involved in everything over there and then it did turn out that he was true actually but you know what because he was so giddy to do that other people who got mad at him they were giddy to get on his case too he was caught all right then so i hope this lesson i did go by first timothy 5 i'm not hiding either look this thing has to be publicly said but i'm taking steps to do this i go by steps now that it's all publicized in front of the world i'm going by first timothy 5. i rebuke this thing before everybody so that you may learn to fear why it can happen to you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 90,379
Rating: 4.6957054 out of 5
Keywords: false preachers, christian history, christian history curriculum, church scandal, paula white, jim bakker, carl lentz, jimmy swaggart, ted haggard, jerry falwell jr, bill gothard, brian houston, brian houston hillsong, carl lentz oprah, church scandal news, carl lentz update, gene kim, hillsong scandals, jesus christ is god, ravi zacharias scandal, ravi zacharias scandal 2020, benny hinn, jimmy swaggart preaching, jimmy swaggart preaching, hillsong worship, bible study
Id: nm4p3NAe-eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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