ADAM'S POWER, Lucifer's Ancient World & Super 7 (Genesis 1:26-2:3) | Genesis Chapter 1

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so for onliners yes we are open to the public so please feel free to drop by our church however please be aware that restrictions in california are really tight so don't be surprised when you walk inside this church or again this area it's very tight and people have been trying to you know crucify us so because of that you uh just be aware of that when you come here this is verse by verse literally word for word bible study so as i explain each and every verse try to pay attention and try to understand each and every word yourself okay rather than just hearing me try to understand each and every word yourself and then see if my explanations and teachings can complement the verse that you're reading by doing that then you can independently grow yourself and understand the wording of the bible especially for people who see the bible as something hard to understand at the beginning but that's because you're a baby christian at that stage by the time you get a gist of what the bible reading is like you're going to be surprised how easy it is to understand the bible okay let's turn to genesis chapter one please and uh we left off at verse 26 verse 26 god's epitome of creation and that is man man so god created man in his own image the bible says okay so we're going to look at genesis chapter 1 and then uh verse 26 okay so the bible says here and god said so god is speaking let us make man in our image so god says let us make man in our image now that's important to see because what you're going to realize is that when god's speaking here he didn't say i'm going to make man he says let us why is that because this is absolute proof of the trinity at place so there is a trinity at work so it is important to understand that god when he is who he is he is a trinity now we're going to look at some passages here if we see let us make man in our image god is speaking and he refers to himself as us then that means god is a trinity but some people don't believe that they say no what it's speaking here is that when god says let us make man in our image that that is referring to angels so god says let us make man in our image the aim the angels but the problem with that reading then is that you're attributing the angels for creating man in the image god says let us make man so god is the one who creates and makes man it's not angels that's very clear proof of the trinity there and not only that if you look at verse 27 it says so god created man in what his own image so notice here that when god is talking about at verse 27 26 let us make man in our image the bible shows that it's referring to god's image god alone it's not referring to angels he's not including angels here so this is absolute proof of the trinity so for old testament jews who do not believe in a trinity here's your old testament verse the very first chapter very first chapter it will prove that god is a trinity so trinity meaning uh try and unity one god three persons thus there's a plural inside a singular term so this is absolute proof of the trinity that you might want to know trust me you want to know that because the trinity is a hot topic issue now recently if we look at the next part of verse 26 it says after our likeness so god wants to create man after his own image after his likeness similar to him like him keep reading and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea so then notice that god says let them have dominion so why does he say them here because he's going to mention at the next part of verse 27 male and female created he them see that so him is referring to the man them is referring to male and female so male and female basically it's referring to humanity that's the idea so god is speaking about humanity in general whenever you look at the word in your bible where it says and talks about man quite often it will be referring to a general sense as humans so a lot of times they can refer to as humans so you've got to understand that fact a lot of times the bible will use the term he and then when he uses the term he it's actually referring to humanity in general basically women can be included in that passage so the idea is to understand that's actually how it's done in old english all the english when they refer to humanity in general it was very common that they would use masculine terms you might say well that's very politically incorrect i don't like that yeah that's why we change our english language and that's the reason why people don't realize now i don't know if you know this but man is created after the image of god and the woman is created after the image of man that's the thing that some people don't understand go to first corinthians chapter 11. well actually yeah we'll go here right now okay i was going to do it later but let's look at first corinthians chapter 11. first corinthians chapter 11. a lot of people don't understand this where they look up passages in the bible and they don't understand why god would say that saved christians are in his image and that's actually used in the masculine term the reason why is because the reason why it's in the masculine term is that god is a male he's not a female see you've got to understand that fact to try to put female and male into a uh just uh god's own image in that sense is to make god some kind of uh yin and yang thing male and female thing which is what i don't agree with god has to be completely masculine that's his own image it's completely masculine nothing female in it so then uh if females are created then what are they created after they're created after the image of man now i'm going to show you careful wordings here first of all go to first corinthians chapter 11. now notice what the bible says at verse 11. verse 7 verse 7 excuse me for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the what image and glory of god right man is god's image and glory what about the woman but the woman is the what glory of the man see that god puts butt here he has to separate the woman why because god is not a female he makes that very clear let's go to genesis chapter two genesis chapter two now living in the bay area i know this is uh giving you a little bit of tension and some of you have the uneasy feeling right now but that's okay that's natural that's good for you you need to clear out those drugs called liberalism and feminism you need to clear that out okay and i know it's a shock at the beginning but then just get a little bit more used to the bible you'll become immune to it and you'll be happy that you became sober and that you just got free from drugs all right go to the book of genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2. it's common sense how was eve created god did not create eve and adam like at the same time like this from his own image when god created man after his own image he put his power his image into man uh we're gonna see that chapter two he breathed into them him but then the woman how did he create the woman he created the woman out of the man see so look at verse 22 and the rib which the lord god had taken from him made he a woman see that it's from man it's not from god if you uh we're going to look back at you can look at that yourself at chapter 2 verse 7 real quick but we're going to go there later on today but see god created man himself from his own power but then the woman was from the man himself that god created the woman that's why verse 23 adam said this is now bone on my bones and flesh and my flesh she shall be called what woman why because she was taken out a man so that's why it's woman now we're getting to a day and age where people don't like the word woman why because they realize that it's from the man how about that some people don't realize that so it's important to understand that a woman is created from the man now let's go back at chapter one now look at the wording here look at the wording here he says let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea now if you notice that here god says let us make man in our image some people might think that if the latter part of verse 26 it says let them have dominion right so it's referring to humanity in general so then if it's referring to humanity in general then when god says let us make man in our image at the first part of verse 26 it would make sense it would include male and female which is a fair point i can see that however the thing is is that if you look at how the king james bible is worded carefully he says let us make man in our image he puts man after the image of god but then he puts them as the ones who are ruling he never says it's created after his image if you look at verse 27 again god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him but look at the next part male and female created he them did you see that separation there see god made a very clear separation so then god says that uh verse 26 27 i have to go word for words so that you guys don't get lost i apologize but let me summarize and then i'll try to read every word for word so the point is here is that notice that at verse 27 he specifically worded that god created man in his own image and he said it again man after his own image he created him but then he separated that creation of after his image of man to male and female created he them why did he do that he could have just easily just put a man and woman created in the image of god but no he said i created man in my image and then he made it separate distinct male and female created he them so it's important to understand that after the image of god why do i believe that strongly one because god wants to make it very clear he is he has nothing to do with female that's what the eastern religions do with that yin and yang male and female thing god wants to make it very clear there number two it's because the definition of a female or woman female from male woman from man and that's defined in genesis 2 genesis 2 that's what adam pointed out and first corinthians 11 i don't know how you're going to overrule that one first corinthians 11 says man is created after the image of god but the woman contrast is after the man that's pretty clear okay let's go back to genesis 1 and let me read a word for word now the bible says and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness so we understand that part and let them have dominion so then what is humanity mankind in general have dominion over have rulership over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle so they have uh control over the animals that are in the sea in the air birds and then cattle as well and then over all the earth that's everything in the world everything in the earth that mankind is in charge of and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth that's everything that creepeth creeps on the earth so those are insects now if you look at verse 27 so god created man in his own image we understand that part in the image of god created he him so in other words god created man after his own image god's own image god created adam male and female created he them and then god created adam and eve together so notice it's important to note at verse 26 mankind what kind of uh dominion and rulership do they have it's toward notice this is over all the earth now think about it in god's six days of creation why didn't god just give mankind control over all of his creation now i don't know if you uh misheard me or misunderstood me you might say well no pastor mankind has control over all of god's creation it did not it actually says over there that what did they have control they have control okay i am going to erase this head all right he looks like an alien not a man okay so then if you actually look at that verse again read verse 26 it says over where all beware earth that's important mankind they didn't have control notice over for example day number two the firmament did you notice that and then also uh day number four where the sun moon and stars at mankind does not have that control or dominion look at genesis chapter 11 and isaiah 14. genesis chapter 11 and isaiah chapter 14. genesis chapter 11 and isaiah chapter 14. notice mankind does not have dominion or control that's why they strive to attain and control that's why mankind tries to say that they have a nasa that's why mankind will boast and brag that they said we landed on the moon or so they clay mankind they will say that we've got satellites up in there why mankind wants to reach up there but god he doesn't give troll if we look at genesis chapter 11 notice god does not approve of that god does not like that genesis chapter 11 and verse 3 and they said one to another go to let us make brick and burn them throughly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar and they say go to let us build a sicilian a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth obviously god did not approve of that who tries to do that isaiah 14 that's satanic that's a satanic spirit doesn't matter how much mankind thinks how great elon musk is in trying to build up stuff that would try to hit the moon or mars or et cetera et cetera i mean that's his that was supposedly his goals for 2021 so we have yet to see he's supposed to launch something at october so i don't know what's going to happen but if we look at isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 it says heart thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning heart thou cut down to the ground which this week in the nations for thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north all right let's return to our main text genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2. so we can see clear as day that god does not approve about mankind trying to populating throughout outer space but see satan wants mankind to achieve that why is that we're not going to turn over there but at revelation 12 satan and his minions tries to attack the gods angelic beings right there at the second heaven up there at the universe where space is located so we see here that at genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 and 27 god limits mankind's control down here not up there let's go to verse 28 and god bless them so god obviously blessed man and woman and god said unto them be fruitful so god wants man and woman to be fruitful and multiply he wants them to multiply so fruitful the idea is it's pretty it's like the other context of his other parts of creation when you go back at verse 9 through 13 it goes all the way over there there's a relationship there's a relationship that god sees why it's because it's a common designer the common designer when vegetation get reproduces that's the key reproduces at verse 11 it says the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind verse 12 tree yielding fruit seed was in itself so you see these terms here the terms are seed and fruit that's why you're going to notice throughout your bible where it talks about reproducing that these labels will be used so that's pretty normal that's why god says to mankind be fruitful and multiply if you look at verse 22 remember god told the animals of the sea and flying in the air be fruitful and multiply why it goes all the way back to vegetation so notice that there is a connection a relationship here starting with vegetation then with animals and man so then richard dawkins is stupid enough to say so there's no doubt you see a classification set up for some strange reason where vegetation life over here animal life over here and then human life up there so this proves that we're all related what he means by related is ancestor-wise where he's talking about the tree reproducing man if you give it like millions or billions of years how many years that they might add to that but when i talk about yes there is a relationship there is a kinship there is a connection the connection is god he created all of that uh remember a if you look at the handwork of created objects or pictures and etc if you see a commonality or relationship between them it doesn't mean one patent gave birth to another poof like that what it means is that there was a it's a sign of a common traits of a common designer that's just common sense in create created works that's just common sense a lot of people overlook that fact so uh we must understand that when richard dawkins said oh man scientists just discovered this you're too slow man give it about almost 6 000 years ago god wrote it down at genesis 1. genesis 1 all the way over there god god already saw the order that way he because why that those are his days of creation now if we want to debunk evolution again we return to verse 27 it says male and female created he them now that's really important the thing that can really stomp out evolution is where you get male and female male and female i mean you got to think about this if things just naturally evolve throughout time then why is it mainly i know there might be a few exceptional cases like the seahorse for example but why is it mainly where it can come down to male and female why does it come down to that point mainly throughout crea creation itself i mean you got to realize that this is something that you can tell that's there's a mind behind it that deliberately put it that way i mean what are the chances it comes out male and female throughout billy i mean you you got to be crazy millions of years just those two you got to think about that here's another thing reproduction is absolutely essential for survival so if reproduction is absolutely essential for survival then how can you do that with the evolving process if evolution takes long spans of time to become male and female and then you have to have the the male and female where just somehow with div uh different beings or different substances that somehow have the right connection and fit together in unity to reproduce something how do you do that see it makes more sense it makes more sense to say that it was intelligent design so this is another argument against evolution now you notice genesis 1 is filled with arguments against evolution because genesis went alone [Music] returning to our main text verse 28 god blessed adam and eve man and woman and said unto them god said to both adam and eve be fruitful and multiply so god told them to basically reproduce and notice he says here and replenish the earth and subdue it so god says that mankind in general have to subdue have to subdue notice that the context is throughout the earth again but he says the word replenish did you notice that now why do you want to know the word replenish why is that important not really a big deal it is a big deal because it once more points out the genesis gap so we're going to see two pointers here on why this points out the genesis gap the first part is notice it says replenish did you notice that and that's just common sense if you actually look up even modern dictionaries today even modern dictionaries will show you that replenish is mostly even mostly or prioritized as to fill again fill again so some of them won't tell you that now some people who wants to try to debunk the gap theory they'll say well if you look at old english dictionaries it's mostly used for fill that's how they'll argue back well the thing is this is that if god wants to say phil he could have said phil but he didn't if you look at verse 22 what did he say to the fowls of the air and the fish of the sea verse 22 and god blessed them saying be fruitful multiply and replenish the water did you say replenish or fill he said phil so notice if god means phil he'll say phil and if he says replenish he'll say replenish so he makes the distinction there he says replenish look at the word with noah later on at genesis 9 he says he tells him to replenish why because the former population was wiped out by the way here's another one okay look at the book of exodus chapter one all they have to do is look at the first chapters of the first two books of the bible look at exodus chapter one exodus chapter one now notice that god he'll know when to use phil and when he'll use replenish so replenish we see that this is basically a second time thing it's a second time thing and then for phil this is something that's done for the first time now notice that god will make that distinction we're going to look at the book of exodus chapter 1 and verse 7. and the children of israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied now if you go back to genesis 1 is it verse 28 it says proof be fruitful and multiply and the next word should be replenished right so god is using the same idea as exodus 1 7. be fruitful multiply so the next one should be replenish and wax exceeding mighty and the land was oops filled with them why this is the first time that the jews filled out the land of egypt that's just chapter one it's not the second time that they did otherwise god would have done replenished so see god knows what he's saying all right let's go back to genesis 1. genesis chapter 1. another example on oh by the way if you actually look up for replenish uh i just have to uh pull up other arguments a lot of people they've been trying to debunk me you know trying to paint me out a heretic for one of these teachings and etc but some of these people they just lack knowledge or study themselves the point is is that even just that word replenish i don't have time to expound and in my first video on genesis i didn't have time to expound i referred you all to uh please watch the video the gap theory that would probably be the best comp uh comprehensive list but that's not even my best and i did that video from memory two okay if you got me to research and dig up sources you might be in trouble okay so be careful before you shoot out your mouth these are the same people who are not pastors who don't lead and guide ministries and it makes you wonder if they are actually what are they are they just losers at home and they're in their pajamas and how long how old are their clothes now okay so watch out for these people now if we go back to genesis chapter one and when we look at verse 28 again where it says replenish you got to realize that if you look up the word replenish it can come from it actually comes from the latin and then the latin word where it talks about that word replenish the majority of the times you know it refers to it refers to phil again and even bible scholars know this that the king james bible that it get a lot of its translation from latin it went from hebrew then to greek then to latin and then to english that's how i went throughout history there the king james bible why it's such a the bible scholars hence they'll try to make the king james bible weak so it didn't really come from the original hebrew and greek no what makes it superior is that it's a commun it's a it's such a comprehension it takes all the manuscripts combined together so where the majority of greek manuscripts miss out something the old latin will make up for it and where the old latin misses out on something then the majority greek text will cover it so the king james bible takes all the manuscripts out there that's just a basic knowledge of manuscript evidence so but anyway i can't stay stuck at 28 we got to go on right so at the next part of verse 28 we see here that god tells them to replenish the earth and subdue it so they have control man and woman another pointer for the gap theory is this and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over look at this every living thing that moveth upon the earth now notice that mankind in general has control over everything that goes on the earth every living thing they have dominion over the fish of the sea fowl of the air and any living thing that moveth upon the earth now if it's literally every living thing that moveth upon the earth then you got to realize this no wonder there is this creature somewhere who is not happy this creature go to isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28. go to isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28 this creature is not happy why because this creature his domain has been taken over by a being that's weaker than him now notice that satan cannot have control did you notice that mankind has control over everything well then if that's the case then there's a issue satan he did have control over the earth and this is during his fall all right so this is even before mankind's fall so then where are you gonna put the space where are you gonna put the time situation of lucifer's fall the only logical place that you can put it is before the creation of man it's before the six days of creation if you insist that well lucifer he had control over the earth that that time i i acknowledged that well when he had control over the earth that was during his fall you got to realize it was before his fall and you got to realize in the six days of creation god says that everything he made was good so you can't put sin or something corruptable within that timeline within the six days of creation well if you can't put the fall of lucifer anytime within the six days of creation what about after that no stinking way because the serpent was there attempting mankind it was so then the only logical sense is what before that's why it makes sense genesis 1 verses 1 and verse 2 1 and 2 there's a gap there now look at isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 howard thou fallen from heaven and lucifer okay this is the time where lucifer fell the fall of lucifer when he fell what did he do before before verse 13 for thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven that means he's below heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god that means he's living below the stars of god he says exalt my throne see that so he has the throne but he wants to exalt it he wants to lift it above the stars so his throne right now is currently below the stars well actually in this text what i mean by right now currently in this text he's below the stars where do you think he's at then it's pretty apparent but if you want me just to keep reading i'll keep reading i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will ascend above the what heights of the clouds he's below the clouds that's proof lucifer was ruling on the earth now go to ezekiel 28 ezekiel 28. ezekiel chapter 28 and then we'll read verse 12 verse 12. now look uh i know that there are some sensitive onliners who are going to bring up some kind of kent hovind arguments and etc i've studied all the gap theory arguments basically they'll mention about uh exodus 20 in six days the lord god created everything etc and they'll bring up other arguments look instead of just spurting out whatever you're prone to believe in and then arguing why don't you study the scriptures first do the fair share i keep referring you to the gap theory video majority i bet you majority of the videos just did that without watching and studying the scriptures look why bother watching our video and our channel uh for studying the scriptures to find truth if you're not prone to do that all right look at ezekiel chapter 28 we're going to look at verse 12. son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of what tyrus so this is a being who has rulership and control he's called king of tyrus who is this person it's satan because look at verse 14 thou art the what anointed cherub that covers look at verse 15 that's apparently satan that was perfect in thy ways from the day that that was created till iniquity was found in thee see there's no doubt that's referring to lucifer that's satan but look where he was at during his fall this whole context is his fall right but look at verse 13 thou hast been in what eden the garden of god look at that so notice that he was on the earth undoubtedly he was on the earth undoubtedly during his fall he was in eden but then god just put man in there you don't think he's mad of course he's mad he is not a happy camper let's just say okay he is not a happy camper and then also we got to realize that ezekiel chapter 28 here and verse 13 he was on the earth this was during his fall and he had rulership he had control a lot of people don't look at the text okay let's go back to genesis let's go back to the book of genesis chapter 1 chapter 1. genesis chapter 1 and then we'll read verse 20 9 we'll read verse 29 so it's apparent that satan he had control over the earth that's one number two is that he had control over the earth before his fall number three there's no other time period that you can put it at the only time period that would make sense is before the six days of creation okay returning back to the main text verse 29 and god said behold i have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth so god says to mankind i've given you every herb that has seed and it's all throughout the surface of the earth the face of the earth you see that that's the idea and every tree in the witch is the fruit of a tree yielding seed so every single tree out there which is what i drew here in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed they all have fruits and it has seed in it to you it shall be for meat so it's their food that was mankind's food now notice that the word it says meat now notice that when the bible says meet here that it's not obviously referring to steak or it's referring to kaibi or it's referring to tajibugi or it's referring to a barbecue so the bible defines itself it says it's referring to fruit and vegetables here so the vegetation here so believe it or not mankind is originally a vegetarian all right so all the fruits you know what i'm going to do i'm going to make it more specific i'm going to write vegetables here okay and fruits so with vegetables and fruits that we were all vegetarians and then notice that animals too so before the environmentalists were weeping about mankind eating animals and then you know you see these horrible scenes of lions you know eating bambi or something like that you know and the women start crying and some of the men even start crying you know oh what a horrible world that we live in originally it was not intended to be that way all right all right the environmentalists see they just want to attain that world without god but it's impossible survival don't work that way you will not survive that way it has to be on god's terms at a pure paradise because of the sin of mankind we fell away from that so then the uh to be honest environmentalists we christians are true environmentalists because we strive and we look forward to the day when all of mankind there's no death out there and then both mankind and creatures and even the earth itself the plants and vegetation will all be very happy all right we're all very unhappy right now with liberalism and control and trying to do things their own ways why because the earth is imbalanced and we're not in function and everybody comes out weird and crazy now you know because we're trying to oh we got to do something to survive you can't do it out of your own feet your own efforts look at verse 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air so every beast that's on the earth every bird that flies up in the air into everything that creepeth upon the earth every insect wherein there is life god gives them life look at this i have given every green herb for me see they were all vegetarians and it was so and it came to pass god made it that way excuse me now if we go to isaiah chapter 11 we get a little example here let's go to isaiah chapter 11. so one day in the future the lord will create that kind of paradise we're going to turn to isaiah chapter 11 and then we'll read verse seven we'll read verse six and seven verse six and seven for context isaiah chapter 11 and then uh will read verses six through seven so notice that the bible reads that there's going to be a timeline called the millennium and that's going to be the future and it's going to imitate and be similar to like how he did with mankind originally at the garden of eden all right we're going to look at isaiah chapter 11 and then notice that verse 6 the bible reads the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them that's your paradise that's similar to adam and eve like imagine your little children riding on a leopard and you and you mothers don't have to worry about that you mothers don't have to freak out and get a heart attack whenever you go to the zoo look at that cute little bear isn't that cute oh that's cute and then when the child tries to touch it you go don't do that and you get scared you give the opposite effect instead you can say oh it's cute even when the child pets the bear man that's going to be something and then notice that verse 7 the cow and the bear shall feed their young ones shall lie down together and the lion shall eat straw like the ox imagine that see everyone's going to be a vegetarian all right go back to genesis chapter one genesis chapter one so this is going to be a pure paradise that we're going to have once more the lord's going to reinstate everything in a beautiful manner you notice that humanism liberals and even the republicans and all the world the catholic church and even apostate christian churches today this is the kind of kingdom they're trying to bring themselves so then you'll get apostate ecumenical pastors who will join the liberal crowd in like uh the climate change global warming uh raising up funds for that and then raising up funds for saving the animals and then uh raising up funds concerning more about diversity and inclusion and etc etc but see this is all mankind doing it out their own feats and their efforts and see god don't approve of that let's look at verse let's look at genesis chapter 1 and verse 31 and god saw every thing that he had made so everything god made and behold it was very good so behold means look and look it was very good that's the idea so everything god makes if you just actually behold around you if you just look around you you'd realize what a great god even in this fallen state that this world is in there's still so many beautiful places it's amazing i mean in sodom and gomorrah here even the san francisco bay area there's it's so many beautiful places to see believe it or not why that's that's the amazing handiwork of god this in spite of mankind's greatest sin sodom and gomorrah being a wicked city that it is it still had very beautiful planes that lot saw why this is god's creation that he can make and notice that god's creation that he made is still very beautiful even after noah's flood that's your god the last part of verse 31 and the evening and the morning were the sixth day so all of this came about in 24 hours in the sixth day now there's an important note here and i'm going to give you two wild theories okay so this is what you came for right or if you didn't come then now might be the right time to leave i guess you know this guy's crazy all right so i'm just only going to put this as theories okay and then i'm gonna bring up one of these theories later on in the future okay one he says the sixth day there the sixth day if this happened at the sixth day notice he said man and woman did you notice that so then in other words wow this is definitely intelligent design god just created the animals like that he can fish in less than an hour and then with uh adam less than an hour but then he didn't create woman until after the man right we already read that at verse 22 and 23 of chapter two right woman was created later after man but for some of you who don't know if you look at verse 19 at verse 19 and out of the groud ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them unto adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof adam named every biological species and all the classification systems before all the phd scientists which numbered the thousands came up with their heads together and you know how much time that they spent on just one living substance adam just went boom boom boom boom like that before woman was created and woman was created at the same day that adam was created you know what that means then that means then this is a theory but then this would show here that when that adam named all the animals within probably half a day then half a day or less than a day he just did that like a computer that's the intelligent design that god gave to mankind before how about that i mean it did say he created man and woman and then the next verse it says the evening and the morning were the sixth day so that's theory number one there so that shows the intellect of mankind now i'm going to give you theory number two and i'm not too sure i don't even believe i don't really believe this myself to be honest so this is just a theory but i find some interesting notions here that when you look at chapter 1 and verse 28 god says the last part that mankind is in control dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth god worded it at that manner it might be an indication that there might be other living entities there because if we go to genesis chapter 4 and then i'll expound that a little bit more genesis chapter four there is a uh there is a controversy concerning about if adam and eve reproduce their children and those children reproduce themselves and those children reproduce reproduce that way then there definitely was incest going on so that's a common argument that you'll hear from liberals well the thing is this is that it may be possible i'm not sure if this is true or not i'm not interested in debunking the liberal argument now i did that a long time ago in my other videos so i'm not going to expand on this one but uh what might be interesting is that it may there may not have been what they might see as ancestral relations there might have been other living entities or beings there there could have been other living beings or entities there that cain and then the descendants of adams mean intermingled with the reason why is because notice what cain said and during this time it's only can cain and abel this time if you look at genesis chapter 4 and then verse 14 what did cain say behold thou has driven me out out this day from the face of the earth and from thy face shall i be hid and i shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me who was living there who was living there all right go back to genesis chapter one so there might have been other beings who are those other beings it could be probably the fallen angels again came down again after satan tempted mankind i mean think about this is that when eve talked she talked she talked to satan she wasn't like surprised or in shock she wasn't like surprised or in shock she just took a normal conversation makes you wonder other peop other beings that might have been roaming or living but mankind was the king of the territory and perhaps those other beings did not like that and that's why they did something anyways let's go back to genesis chapter one that's a crazy theory all right i didn't really delve into that but we'll delve into it a little bit more genesis 4 maybe so we're going to look at the next chapter 2 and verse 1. thus so therefore all right in summary out of everything in chapter one the heavens and the earth were finished so god created all the heavens plural notice it's plural why because he created the first and second heaven so we saw that it's referring to then the space and then up there in the skies and then obviously the third heaven where god lives so then god created the heavens and everything it says the earth were finished so god finished the earth and all the host of them all the host within it so usually when you look up the word host it's referring to the stars actually it's referring to the stars or basically inhabitants of it inhabitants interestingly the word host it has a connection with stars as well as another entity angels and then you're going to find out in your bible that uh angels have some connection with the stars too which is very very interesting so looking at these factors here we see hosts angels and then stars that there's some kind of connection or relationship with these entities we could see here that i have no idea but perhaps at chapter 2 verse 1 it could be referring to one the totality of all is creation so in other words from the beginning of genesis 1. because the genesis 1 1 that's not the six days of creation we know that right genesis 1 1 in the beginning god what created the heaven and the earth and then at chapter 2 verse 1 god is summarizing all the way from the beginning of verse 1 and onward thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them so in other words you see here that it could be it could be possibility one where god's time about a totality of everything literally everything that he had created from in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth with lucifer the fallen beings and then the creation of that time as well as the six days of creation with uh adam or it could be that at chapter 2 verse 1 it's referring to basically the six days of creation because the host could be is a reference it could be a reference to the stars right could be a reference to the stars and then god mentioned at the third day god called the dry land earth and then the heavens we could see that he did that at the second day and then as well as at the fifth day where he had those creatures flying so then we see here that at chapter two verse one it could be where god created at chapter two verse one the six days of creation of everything or it could be a deeper picture if those if the host is referring to the angels then it will refer to chapter one verse one all the way to the end okay now when god created everything at verse two it says and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made so god why did he say seventh day i end my work everything he made he didn't have to okay so number one he didn't have to put a seventh day he could have just said sixth day start with the first day again so that shows there's something significant number two why didn't he create anything on the seventh day why did he rest verse three is even more plain there is absolutely no doubt god takes very special notice of the seventh day verse three and god bless the seventh day that's very plain see the seventh day there's some reason god puts a blessing on it and sanctified it he made it holy because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made so seven is important now if you doubt this then all you have to do is look throughout your bible on the number seven look what he says about sabbath or sabbas and you're going to see a huge number of connections and doctrines which i don't have time to turn to i mean that's where you can get your timing of the capture actually which is very very interesting about the seven ages now uh remember i told you before that because we're going by human calendars that because of human calendars today we can't pinpoint an exact date so i don't want people to misunderstand me on that one however the bible gives you clues and he mentions that there are times and seasons at first thessalonians chapter 5 where you can get an idea about the table of his rapture and his coming if there i mean there's so many references to sabbaths and sabbath and seventh day which is insanely crazy the millennium it is known as rested the whole earth is at rest just like the garden of eden so that's why which is very i'm not going to get over there but basically if you might recall my previous gen i drew a pyramid and for some weird reason i put seven at the top i don't know if you notice there was a special reason for that the special reason is because of god takes the number seven seriously and then he makes everything go around seven i mean leviticus is so played he goes at the seventh time at the seven sevens at the seven seven then we're going to have a jubilee at something it's so weird you know you just go uh or a special time or a special day he'll do it and you go why did god do that because he takes special notice of seven so if you look at verse two seventh day god ended his work which he had made he finished work that he made and he rested on the seventh day so he took a rest he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he has made from everything that he worked that he made so apparently the atheists were right that your god is not omnipotent and that he was very tired and exhausted after creating mankind i was like oh that was so much hard work and then he had to take a break on the seventh day no that's ridiculous i mean it's so ridiculous i mean the bible showed that genesis chapter 2 verse 7 all god had to do was breathe and then mankind was created amen so it's not and then the stars he knows them by name and then it's so crazy i mean the idea is this which people don't understand rest uh yeah i'll use purple here remember the king james bible is written in old english and then if you look up in old english and look up in etymology online even online they have that look at an etymology dictionary look up the word rest and then one of the first words or if not the first word to see is actually cease or n c sir n now look at the context the context of verse two will even apparently show you it has to do with ceasing or stopping that's what rest means look at verse two and on the seventh day god what ended his work that's very apparent which he had made and he rested on the seventh day now notice he says rested from all his work did you notice that wording rested from all this work see he stopped that the context the wording is that he stopped from his work from all his work that's the idea he stopped from all his work which he had made it's that simple it's that simple okay going to verse 3 verse 3. so basically the atheists don't know basic english we're going to stop here verse three i'll expound it a little bit more verse three i'll expand a little bit more and verse four i've got a very interesting teaching there notice that god says generations of heaven and earth but in this in the day single he had made what does that mean oh i'll tell you next time but then another one another one verse 8 garden eastward in eden what is eden it's not the garden actually it's something else what is it oh we'll cover that next time verse 10 through 11. four rivers come out from eden it'll show you the location where is it at ooh we'll find out next time all right let's close with the word of prayer okay heavenly father i want to thank you so much for the teaching of your words what an amazing book help us to continually grow in knowledge of the scriptures and see revelation after revelation and grow in knowledge day by day in you in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 44,429
Rating: 4.9102635 out of 5
Keywords: lucifer vs genesis, genesis bible, genesis bible study, adam bible, genesis bible study verse by verse, adam bible story, beginners bible adam and eve, genesis chapter 1, adam god theory, adam and eve bible story, adam and eve story, genesis bible story, lucifer genesis, serpent genesis, Bible believer, garden of eden, the bible, book of genesis, genesis 1, adam and eve, old testament, conspiracy theory, bible study genesis chapter 1, bible study for beginners
Id: obH8_6O4oHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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