Where Are the Giants, Nephilim & Mutants Hiding? | Dr. Gene Kim

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so I explained to you in a previous video that in Genesis six we believe that Giants that they are the offsprings of the sons of God now there are people who have a hard time believing that so they will try to deny this argument so what I'm going to do is that I'm going to talk about the remnant of the Giants which will be interesting but I'm also going to add a little bit more apologetics here a little bit more stuff which will be convincing first of all let's talk about what they believe in verse four so there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown so you know from this study that we argue that Giants in verse 4 you notice if you paid attention it shows that these giants are the offspring of the sons of God but how they argue against that is so look at that verse again it says there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that so that phrase is the key what they mean by also after that is the first part of the verse there were giants in the earth in those days so Giants were already there they weren't the offspring of sons of God they were already there and also after that then what happened when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men so here the sons of God intermingle with the daughters of men and they produce notice mighty men not Giants they produce they give birth to mighty men so that's how they get around that now in my previous video I explained to you the problem with that verse the problem with that verse is that so I'm not going to mention all the points just a simple part there were giants in the earth in those days notice semicolon and also after that so that phrase also after that is not referring to after there were giants in the earth in those days why because that part there were giants in the earth in those days ended with the semicolon so the also after that is referring to something else how do you know that because it ends with the comma it's continuing the idea notice and also after that after what what's continuing the thought when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown so the also after that phrase is simply saying also after when the sons of God intermingled with the daughters of men it produced those mighty men which were the Giants we argued so that's what the also after that was referring to we argue now the thing is how we know that for a fact is this one so here's the point here also after that is the crux here so we have to figure out this also after that is that phrase referring to after the sons of God intermingling the critics will say no but we argue yes we argue that it's after when the sons of God intermingle then what the next step is Giants but they want it the critics they argue this way they argue it's Giants its Giants first there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that then it leads to the sons of God intermingling that's how they want to argue because they don't want the Giants to be the offspring of this intermingling so which step is right is it this one Giants first also after that then this one let me do this that way will be easier is it Giants first then also after that then sons of God intermingling or do we believe it's also after that sons of God intermingling than Giants the context is actually look at verse one so in verse one they didn't read this part and two and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them what's first the Giants or sons of God intermingling sons of God intermingling verse two that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of which all they chose so here are the sons of God grabbing these daughters of men and notice how the Lord described them at verse 3 look at this and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days remember that yet his days so these days that the Lord was talking about that man is living when the sons of God were intermingling with them those days God says shall be in 120 years what about those days verse 4 there were giants in the earth in what those days so see that so there's your answer right there so it's definitely look context proved it so this is supported by context so not just every single part of verse 4 which we did in our last video but even context proof that context proved that verse 1 through 2 sons of God intermingling and because of that in those days the Giants came up all right it's not Giants first and sons of God intermingling it's sons of God intermingling then the Giants now here's something interesting as we look at the book of Genesis chapter 7 Genesis 7 now isn't it interesting that in Genesis 6 what did God say God said that the end has come of all flesh right now here's a question the question is this is that okay so god drowned out all humans and even the mutants but what about the creatures of the sea because Noah's Ark did not have an aquarium obviously he did not have every single class of fish here's another interesting thing first Corinthians 15 says there is all manner of flesh and remember God said he'll destroy all flesh does that include fish well first Corinthians 15 said in different kinds of flesh there's humans birds creeping things animals and vicious it actually said that now let's see how Genesis 7 describes about God destroying all flesh he doesn't mention fishes but he mentions the birds the creeping things and the animals and the humans look at this Genesis chapter 7 look at verse 21 and all flesh died that moved upon the earth now notice both a foul and of cattle and the beasts and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man no fish all in whose nostrils was the breath of life of all that was in the dry land died now that makes sense fish don't breathe in air they don't do that and every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the what ground see we're time but we're talking about the earth that's why when God said God will drown the earth in Genesis 1 the dry land was called what earth both man and cattle and the creeping things and the fowl of the heaven and they were destroyed from the earth fishes are not mentioned so here's the thing what are you getting at pastor what I'm getting at is this is that when the sons of God intermingled with all sorts of animals which I showed you at a different video I'm not going to explain it on this one but the sons of God they intermingled with all kinds of things humans and animals that's why they were able to produce these kind of offsprings giants or it can be mermaids and tar satyrs or God knows what God knows what kind of offering was produced maybe some weird aliens reptilians but here's the thing is that these people survived because how do we know they survived because look at the book of Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 2 Deuteronomy chapter 2 you know what the Bible says the Bible didn't say just Giants he didn't just say it that way it says remnant of the Giants do you know what remnant means remnant means leftovers that survived and that's really apparent when you look at the word remnant about Israel for the tribulation God says a remnant a remnant a remnant shall be saved remnant remnant why because in the tribulation at the end times a lot of them are slaughtered and there's gonna be some that survive so what did these things survive through see that look at Deuteronomy you notice what the word God says at chapter 2 and look at verse 20 that also was accounted a land of notice Giants Giants dwelt therein in old time and the ammonites called them Zam zuman's a people great and many and tall as the Anakin's but the Lord destroyed them before them and they succeed he seeded them and dwelt in their stead also look at chapter 2 and verse 10 the Eamon's dwelt there in time pass a people great many and tall as the Anakin's okay so we see right here that there's this group of giants called anakims right here so remember these guys these bad boys are going to come out pretty important for surviving actually these Anakin's now look at chapter 3 chapter 3 and notice this is not just some ordinary Giants like really tall people of today this is something more than that it's like little abnormal it's like supernatural we're going to look at Deuteronomy chapter 3 and look at verse 11 for only odd king of bation remained of the what remnant of Giants Giants has survived and you got to realize this Moses was long before Joshua and Moses was the one who conquered all so you got to realize these these Giants survived through something else before now let's keep reading behold his bedstead was a bedstead of ayran see this is a little abnormal is it not in rabbit of the children of ammon look how tall he is nine cubits was the length thereof and four cubits the breadth of it after the cubit of a man that's like more a little bit more than 13 feet see that's a little bit more than 13 feet and it's an iron why because if they make it at wood maybe he'd break it but notice the breadth of it four cubits as well see so he's really wide right there I think four cubits is six feet I'm not sure but that's like a pretty long thing for him okay so we know this at Genesis 7 21 through 22 that when it says all flesh the thing is is that it shows right here that the water the aquatic animal survived so then how did these giants survived at Deuteronomy two and three because it said remnant the reason why they survived the most logical thing the only answer you can think of is that they went underground it's through these aquatic creatures through these aquatic creatures there are the ones that survived through them so perhaps these aquatic creatures they intermingled again and then they survived it's also possible they could have went out to outer space because a lot of Dena when you're gonna find demonic activity it's in two places outer space and bottom of the sea that's what you're gonna find out in the Bible but you know it's more out of the bottom of the sea you'll mostly fine in the Bible not outer space it's mostly from the bottom of the sea that's why as one Bible believing teacher said dr. Upton he believes that a lot of the UFOs and aliens it's more from underground rather than from above so we see right here's something interesting about these remnant of the Giants but these anakims look at Joshua 11 now Joshua 11 this is really interesting about these survivors Joshua 11 now remember Joshua he had to he had the job of wiping out the Giants right Moses got rid of the first part of the remnant and then Joshua was the one next after that but then you got the story of David and Goliath you also got the story of Goliath brothers who have six fingers and six toes which is somewhat supernatural so what happened here I'll show you something here look at Joshua chapter 11 look at verse 21 the Bible tells you why Goliath survived the reason why Goliath and the other Giants survived is and at that time came Joshua and caught off the who anakims from the mountains remember those guys these bad boys the Giants anakims now look at this from Hebron from deburr and from a NAB and from all the mountains of Judah and from all the mountains of Israel Joshua destroyed them utterly with their cities there was none of the Anakin's left in the land of the children of Israel only and where gasa that's the Philistine City in Gath remember Goliath of Gath that's the Philistine City and in Ashdod that's Philistine there remained that's why they survived right there so we see right here how they were able to survive is because these Anakin's so if you want to find leftover of remnant the closest clue you're gonna get is in that location of Philistine the Philistines would be the location it's also possible perhaps the Antichrist can come out of that region because I do know that there are some type ologies of Philistines connected with the Antichrist somehow so which is interesting so it can be very possible you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
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Keywords: BBC International, end times, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, conspiracy, prophecy, revelation, Rob Skiba, apologetics, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Alex Jones, Steve Cioccolanti, celebrity, King James Bible, Mark Dice, tribulation, mark of the beast, vigilant christian, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, Paul Begley, Hillary Clinton, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, ufo, new world order, illuminati, Chuck Missler, Walter Veith, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: 2YoHfG4HrDs
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Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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